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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 122 KB, 500x667, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9085133 No.9085133 [Reply] [Original]


Why is it the trend of the future?

Post inspo, pieces, discuss, I don't give a fuck, just make sure everything is warm and cozy

>> No.9085200

Bumping with an inflammatory comment

Uh, wool sucks and is actually very gay

>> No.9085206

w2c entire outfit

>> No.9085285

literally googled comfy core for a thread pic, so good luck finding out

>> No.9085306

comfort has been my main focus for the past 2 years. i dont give a fcuk. i just tell people comfort is the new trend and i like it. why try to get ready all good and shit fcuk that

>> No.9085307
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>> No.9085315
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>> No.9085329
File: 297 KB, 980x1473, 1415993393491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy as heck dudes about to bust out hot cocoa and a book

>> No.9085340

Shipping to Japan only. Fuck. So much comfy.

>> No.9086136

holy hell. I want to sleep in that

>> No.9086164

how am i supposed to give them my money then?

>> No.9086179

theres always the same pics in these threads. need new fits or is comfycore dead? im too comfy to give a fuck

>> No.9086187
File: 336 KB, 1274x1788, cfcb795a-89e6-40c0-938a-2de9148e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be closely monitoring this thread in case any degenerates show up. Just a daily reminder we need to stop all "comfy-core" threads by 2015, or at the very least to stop the degeneracy and cancer causing sludge that currently resides in comfy core threads. It is fine for you to be comfy but we don't need to know that your ill-fitting pants t-shirt and socks are comfy af. OK? Awesome haha thanks guys :D

>> No.9086188

>what is a proxy

>> No.9086192

>calls others degenerates

>> No.9086200

go back to your poorly put together techwear fits pls

>> No.9086202

Are you saying you don't like the aesthetic or are you saying that people come in and try to pass off their shitty clothing as comfy core

>> No.9086204
File: 197 KB, 698x960, 1e70ad26-28ec-4fcb-b25c-31a05ec3daa1.com%2FKfkN-3KMVTHaqklzLP7vEKyAgBWHWG4r9vGarv3bA2Cq%3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaaah to bad all my fits are millions of times better than yours. It's OK many people have made that mistake before you but I'm just here to let you know you are wrong and I'm right but you know don't worry about it just make sure to never say that again or we might have a problem.

>> No.9086221

you're trying too hard to be trunks bb

>> No.9086222
File: 980 KB, 247x336, bbcd7a6f-52c7-42a0-ad3f-0d8ad39ea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question. I answer that in my original response to the look, but I will answer it again just to clear up everything. I am fine with anyone and everyone being as comfy core as they like but what I don't like is the little rascals who post here saying to are comfy af and idgaf because I'm comfy LOL. Wearing jeans and a t-shirt with no shoes isn't very comfy I am wearing it right now and would much rather be in something else. I am also tired like the other anon pointed out that all the threads and almost all inspo threads at this point are just the same pictures posted over and over again. I hope this helped.

>> No.9086227

He isn't capable of being properly salty because he isn't smart enough to be clever. It's sad.

>> No.9086228

How sad are you that you try to be superior on an anonymous image board on which you choose to stand out in

>> No.9086229

they both dress like shit but at least trunks is funny, birthday is just embarrassing

>> No.9086230

Exactly, I enjoy Trunks posts because he is actually clever.

>> No.9086235

>live in Hawaii
>will never achieve comfort

>> No.9086244

Hey trunks I noticed you took your trip off again and just want to inform you forgot to put it back on haha. Oh and could you please not neg rep my fits on superfuture anymore they mean a lot to me and every time you neg me it's like a tumor forming in my brain. Speaking of cancerous growths I know you have a few right now. So first off how's that chemo going? Stay healthy doesn't look like it but stay out there make sure to zip up that jacket you love so much haha. Second on the cancerous growth list is your fiance. Although I find her quite atrocious and repugnant she seems to make you happy but I'm just here to let you know it's all a lie she just wants your tree house. She couldn't care less about you so long as she gets that mighty force. Ahah have a nice day dude Lol.

>> No.9086246
File: 23 KB, 470x500, 1327412945128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9086249
File: 433 KB, 791x606, smug oil painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely not mad in this post(:

>> No.9086252

Alright cool, I agree. People that try to defend their garbage should leave.

OiOi pissed me off to no end being that way, coming for advice and refusing to accept it when he was constantly berated for his cosplay

>> No.9086253

you're 100% right
in >>9086244 he went straight to the "haha cancer" insult
only thing more played out than that is his fits
l m a o

>> No.9086259

Unlike you, Trunks doesn't have to pretend to be someone else that likes him. We all know you're complimenting to your own fits and posts based on your diction. I don't like the kids fits or taste, but it sure is funny when he shits on people.

If you had said he looks like a cancer riddled autist with bitch hips and broken ears who lives in middle earth and only wears used clothing and shoes maybe you'd get somewhere. Maybe tell him to jump in mt doom and take his magic decks and orc looking gook gf with him.

>> No.9086260

You seemed to have missed the point of my post. You were supposed to put your trip back on because little impressionable anons will think people actually like you and that it's not you just samefagging. Don't worry though I'll give you another chance just make sure not to do it again haha.

>> No.9086265

how do you go from a post like this to >>9086204 >>9086244 >>9086260
you're actually a pretty smart kid, your fits are consistently good but you post way too much dumb shit and that's why no one takes you seriously man

>> No.9086267
File: 98 KB, 900x900, smug sour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smug pepe poster here, I'm not trunks. the other guy might be. you're outwardly mad that a guy said your outfits aren't cool over the internet though.

>ending an aggro sentence with haha

are your armpits sweating?

>> No.9086271

other guy here, I'm not trunks
at least I don't think so

>> No.9086280

How many pairs of jeans do you own

>> No.9086282

Well here's the problem what you just described isn't humor in the slightest it is unfunny shit that middle schoolers might find funny. If that was supposed to be some ironic attempt at humor to make you seem stupid than hahaha nice one lol otherwise that was not funny >:-(. It's OK it's not that easy to become as funny as me and the boys haha. Trunks I was fine with you playing pretend and acting as if people liked and they would defend you but now I am slightly flustered. Your friends are waiting for you to come back from the computer to finish the gin rummy game. I think it's so nice that even you made the best of your situation in the hospital and acted as a mentor for all those people. So beautiful. Just make sure not to say bad words to me anymore because you know anything you say will be wrong or uniformed.

>> No.9086292
File: 169 KB, 904x596, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slightly flustered

I wouldn't have guessed :^)

>> No.9086295

he offered actual criticism and you just shitpost
come on dude

>> No.9086296 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 3816x3464, 1415514867493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes losing it gents
its ogre
u broke him

>> No.9086297

Why would I care what people on the Internet think of me? It's the fucking Internet. If someone can't see the difference between my shit posting and my actual posting aka the people in this thread then they are not worth my time so I will continue to shit on them and fuck around. You could make the argument that I'm making myself out as someone I'm not and giving the wrong impression or pissing people off I don't want too. We the same goes for those people if they think what I say when I write responses like ITT then I probably don't want to talk to them in the first place.

>> No.9086307

You look extra stupid calling everyone who calls you out on your shit trunks. Like he's the only person who would dislike your annoying ass.

>> No.9086308

See this is the birthday I like, you're a good dude
I can understand not caring what people on the internet care about you but what I don't understand is why you even choose to shitpost. Instead of getting actual replies to your fits you just get insults now and it's just because you shitpost so much, do you rather that than getting actual replies/criticism?
Not trying to ether you or anything, I like you, I just don't get it

>> No.9086309
File: 68 KB, 585x451, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until this point I've never seen an instance of damage control I thought worthy of acknowledging.

This is textbook damage control.

>> No.9086319

the kid is like 13, everyone did embarrassing shit on the internet at that age

>> No.9086320
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, 1414422058805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pigfuck i want to be more like you but I am a hopeless NEET who gave up on societies moral decay long ago. How do I reintroduce myself as a productive member of society so as to defeat der jude?

>> No.9086327

stop watching anime lol

>> No.9086330

That explains allot actually...

>> No.9086347
File: 167 KB, 300x683, insouciant romantic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9086348

This website is only capable of giving the most basic advice and criticism possible. Back when I first started posting firs I didn't get helpful comments I got the same shit I do now just in smaller amounts. I would get maybe one comment that would be on topic and even then it would be oh your cuff is crooked. Wow thanks that is really going to make or break my fit. It took me months to even grasp the basics of looking good, we're not even talking about being fashionable or giving any grasp if fashion. I shit post because I can here. I don't want to on sufu because I know I could get the same reaction as I do here. SZ I would get banned automatically. If you were asking more why do I feel the need to and not why do I do it here. I guess it's just because the Internet is such an easy place to create a persona which of course is what I have done. So in a sense it's just to become something I'm not for a short while, be a piece of shit online to people I'll never meet so I'm not as much of one in real life. If I were to act all saintly from this point on it wouldn't change anything atleast not in a period of time that would matter. I would still be Birthday the annoying little kid. When people say I look like shit or my fit sucks, at this point it hardly even registers anymore I have become so conditioned to it it's almost more strange and upsetting when I don't see them.

>> No.9086357

really diggin the gentle fit on the trousers

>> No.9086361

Fuck off

>> No.9086364

>normal everyday fit but changes jeans to sweats
just stop

>> No.9086372
File: 137 KB, 250x444, srFo4zl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hi i hope u like the textures

>> No.9086373 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 320x234, 1aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a paradox, society is rotten and corroded by the kike but also to be neet, unhappy, unfulfilled and removed is also to be a victim of the kike.

as individuals we have little hope of defeating the kike, best we can do is live as kike free life as is possible

obviously u need independence, if that mean a job(for awhile) then that what ull have to do.

avoid buying from corporation and multinational where possible
support local business
arm urself
consume non kike tainted art
educate urself
find and cultivate a passion


>> No.9086376

but why dadrock

>> No.9086383

Ah shit I guess that's fair man. People who keep saying you're just a dumb kid really need to see your posts like these. I respect the fact that it doesn't bother you when people talk shit about you, I don't know if I'd be able to handle the amount you get on here. Blowing off steam on an anonymous image board makes sense, I still feel like you come off a little too try hard sometimes but all that matters is that you're doing you. Hope you know that despite all the people that talk shit about your fits there are also a lot that like them, you're doing great (especially for your age). You're right that even if you stopped shitposting nothing would change and that's a shame because you're a good guy when you're being genuine, I wish more people saw that

>> No.9086398

Thanks :) and even though both these comments will most likely be written off as me trying to back pedal/samefag but reading comments like this after so many negative ones is honestly really nice. I think my main thing is people usually don't even give me a chance and immediately jump to there assumed image of me even though I might actually be trying to say something reasonable and used, but that doesn't give me the excuse to go and shit post and freak out. We'll see what happens as for me but either way thanks again.

>> No.9086403

Seems you may have learned something.

Try to imagine what you want to be seen as. Act like that person would act. Don't throw a fit and shit post when people don't give you a chance.

>> No.9086410

I find this post offensive
Apologize for your hurtful racial comments

>> No.9086413

If you actually do stop or even just just lighten up on all the shitposting there will always be people who are going to try to make you upset, it is 4chan afterall. I would rather see you ignore those people and only reply to the people who offer actual criticism or just give a compliment, if you don't give something to attack eventually they will stop. I don't think it's too late for you here, if you act the way you are now I think maybe people will begin to take it easier on you. I've always respected you for having such a good fashion sense at a young age, but after talking to you like this I respect you as a person too

>> No.9086424

who knew birthday could actually be cool lol
stop shit posting and just be yourself like you are now

>> No.9086433 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 380x639, 2aiewkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like gnr for many reasons, its a multifaceted, political, sociological, historical love.

the hypnotic, enigmatic, electrifying talent that is axl rose.

1:1 any frontman in rock falls short vs rose in his prime, plenty examples of him performing duets with jagger, springsteen, petty, eltjohn et al and completely blowing them off the stage.

the swagger, the style, the misogyny, the unapologetic masculinity

to me, there are few bands more interesting

they represent, to me at least, the metaphorical struggle of good vs evil, white vs kike, humanity vs globalism.

they were the real deal, not a cunning, cynical, corporate fabrication like nirvana or the 'alternative' shit that came with it.

thats what the kike does, they twist things.

they marketed alt-rock and 'grunge' as 'real', 'genuine', 'down to earth' rebelling against the mainstream 'corporate rock' when in reality they were the total antithesis of rebellion.

pussified, feminist faggots, politically correct, safe and inoffensive - say goodbye to badass whiteboys who arent afraid to fight, fuck and be real - say hello to your new white man goy. hes sensitive and caring, like you should be, being a real man is hurtful and oppressive, listen to kurt, be a cuck.

to me, that rivalry perfectly encapsulates societies engineered, totally contrived, readjustment at the behest of the powers that be.

4-5 piece bands comprised of larger than life white men who could inspire millions dominated music landscape from the 50s till the early 90s.

we cant have that said mr goldberg, enough is enough, being white, strong, and masculine is wrong.

"look, disillusioned post-ragan america, its nirvana and 'alternative' they're super real! listen to them besmirch the oppressive tenants of masculinity! they're 'authentic!"

gnr also created really fantastic music and anyone who denies that is a tasteless pleb.

>> No.9086440

you're quite a guy, pigfuck

>> No.9086446

Describing songs in vivid detail is a trait of a sociopath.
Ellis did it, take a look at batemen.

>> No.9086448 [DELETED] 

and not a single sentence was spent describing a song in my post.
u shoudlve read it

>> No.9086458
File: 310 KB, 1024x1024, KbpEt0j (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> comfycore thread
> birthday shitposting with his fresh new persona after /fa/ hurt his feelings
> pigfuck complaining about jews

how about posting some inspo?

>> No.9086462
File: 97 KB, 400x910, YxkSspB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9086463

come on man, birthday is actually being a normal dude for once
did you even read the posts

>> No.9086467

They created catchy classic rock that appealed to the painful average person who wanted to appear edgy. Yeah some of their music is OK to listen to but Axel was a piece of shit and almost everything they did was done better by someone else. They are holy remembered and talked about so muxh because of Axel's tantrums, that's not to say there music didn't give them a lot of attention or that it wasn't good in the first place. Just that most of their continued fame comes from Axel and their image not the music.

>> No.9086470
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>> No.9086476
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>> No.9086478
File: 53 KB, 640x483, 595f7accc80cd22b0d1b177dffee292f (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


w2c blankets

>> No.9086481 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 591x530, 1414902598554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could write a book on the music industry between 85-95
thats why i feel comfortable offering my opinion on things, im generally educated and well informed on whatever i choose to comment on.

you're clearly a simpleton mongoloid who hasnt even read a wikipedia page on anything you just typed out.

id appreciate it if u didnt respond to any of my posts ever again

>> No.9086483
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>> No.9086490
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>> No.9086493
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>> No.9086514
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>> No.9086523
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>> No.9086541


>> No.9086546


>> No.9086568

how would i start to dress comfy core (things to buy?)

>> No.9086690
File: 464 KB, 605x748, tumblr_ndgfzyOw7l1rsyaepo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone id the shoes and shirt on this

>> No.9086965

tapered sweats

joggers that arent doodoo from pacsun


buttonups that arent plaid flannel but arent rigid material either

soft sneakers like NBs

>> No.9087071

fuck this comfy meme, why do people have to identify their tastes with just one word

are you the same fucks that makes "comfy movies" threads on /tv/, where you post the same movies every fucking time like LiT, big lebowski, wes anderson and totoro, just like how you guys jerk over literally the same pictures from jap fashion mags every single "comfycore" thread

>> No.9087118

It's funny how some of the clothes names are just random Finnish words.

>> No.9087124

Everybody loves the Finns

>> No.9087174
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>> No.9087189
File: 177 KB, 497x750, mrak1AU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9087195

is there some jewy way i can order shit from this website and have them deliver it to my home in europe

>> No.9087201
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>> No.9087205
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>> No.9087209
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>> No.9087224
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Seriously, it would be nice if you used your trips to tell us about your passions, to share knowledge and experience, but we don't need to witness everything that's going on in your lives...

>> No.9087306
File: 222 KB, 667x1000, zx5kl5R.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9087329

you think thats an oil painting

>> No.9087340

>smug oil painting.jpg
>oil painting
nig u retarded

>> No.9087344


whitman core

>> No.9087353


>> No.9087355

This seems like a good place to ask

I want a very warm black wool coat or black parka, since winter came out of nowhere this week where I live. Any recommendations?

>> No.9087381

Regardless if this "pigfuck" persona is a sham or not, you're actually mentally ill. You'd go to a psychiatrist and the first words out of his/her mouth would be "You've got a Mental Disorder".

>> No.9087396 [DELETED] 

that not what ur fucken mum said mate hahahaha

>> No.9087412

use a shopping service

>> No.9087413


>> No.9087430
File: 685 KB, 853x798, tumblr_nen8zmv3JU1rsyaepo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9087624


I'm so cold

>> No.9087638

w2c comfy ethnic gf?

>> No.9087644

Ethnic? You mean "not white"?
Try Japan, they're all comfy as fuck there.

>> No.9087671
File: 247 KB, 1000x1500, SHTLND-GRNITE-(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copped this a while ago, best purchase I've made in a while. A big woolly jumper is essential winter comfycore

Size up 4 extra comfy

>> No.9087688

nice, can we see a fit pic? had bad experience with MKI sizing, have a hoodie from them that's too big

>> No.9087692

MKI's quality is awful it will start pulling and falling apart pretty soon I would guess.

>> No.9087702
File: 59 KB, 568x823, turtleneck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are turtlenecks /fa/? Seriously starting to like the look of them but wondering if they make most people look like dorks.

>> No.9087737

Sorry, it's at my other house right now. I'm usually an M - bought an L and it's comfy, a bit bulky but I like that kind of look

I hope not. I'm no expert at wool but it feels good quality

>> No.9087761

You'd recommend? Those MKI knits don't look too bad.

>> No.9087766

Tempted to try one of those heavyweight sweats.

>> No.9087779

MKI is pretty well known for being poorly made Chinese stuff. It may look nice but I'm sure it's pretty cheap wool and the construction probably isn't very good either. I guess it's fine for the price but you cod do much better for even slightly more money.

>> No.9087888

kill yourself

>> No.9087912

If you didn't care what people thought of you, you wouldn't create and identity on an anonymous Egyptian hieroglyphic board.

>> No.9087913

You dont sound very confident in your own opinion

>> No.9087918

Lmfao what pop psychology are you using to derive that from his post

>> No.9087935

>im sure
>i guess
D-d-doesnt sound v-v-very assuring

>> No.9087962

Well first of all I rarely use absolutes. I just don't like them because I can rarely be 100% sure I'm right about something I have said. Second I don't have some deep knowledge into MKI construction and material sourcing so I'm not going to pretend I do. Sure I could've pretended I knew but there was no point. I do however know that the MKI pieces I have had and the many other reviews and comments I have read about MKI would say something very similar to my original and secondary comments. I remember when MKI first got super popular around here it was with the Black Anorak windbreaker and people were going crazy for them, so when they started being delivered everyone was so hyped but almost immediately people realized they were flimsy ass jackets that weren't worth the money they paid for them. Does that clear everything up?

>> No.9087999
File: 125 KB, 750x1002, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a comfy messiah lol

Knitwear fashion by Lars Andersson. I would kill to own any of his pieces.

>> No.9088016
File: 99 KB, 750x1002, m9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9088020
File: 108 KB, 750x1002, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9088021


>> No.9088027

that's real nice
other than the snapback
but I love that coat on that shirt, i'ma try that out

>> No.9088029

these colors in knits look so nice

>> No.9088041

Is that the Internets busiest music nerd?

>> No.9088048

Yes yes it is

>> No.9088055
File: 499 KB, 500x281, notearsplz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, just seeing that coat makes me sad that it's sold out.

>> No.9088057

I think there are a couple on grailed right now

>> No.9088063
File: 735 KB, 1521x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threw on some warm shit to go take leaves

Am I comfy core or retarded? /fa/ decides.

>> No.9088065

looks itchy af

>> No.9088066

for a million japanese dollars? :(

>> No.9088077

Around $400 I think.

>> No.9088085

Anyone know what pants these are?

>> No.9088088

if i had 400$ and no winter jacket i would cop that

>> No.9088092

Fuck off. This is why I agree with Birthdays stupid pasta because it's accurate for people like you, like dead on actually.

>> No.9088102

eh, there's nothing really that wrong with what he's wearing, think it looks alright tbh

>> No.9088103

retarded, that orange square in the center is pulling away from everything man.

>> No.9088118

Sure if you want to look like someone who has no idea what they are doing. But shouldn't "comfy-core" have some resemblance of fashion considering where we are? People calling their horrible fits "comfy-core" are just lazy and can't dress, there is no reason to post the outfit. If you can put together a good looking fit and you are crazy comfy then by all means call it as such otherwise nag just don't post you'll make a fool of yourself.

>> No.9088127

Calm down baby. I was layering up and decided it could be passable in the comfy core aesthetic, so I posted. You also misinterpreted what birthday said. It's about people trying to pass as comfy core after they've been called out for their shitty and awful fitting garments.

Good point. I should stop adding contrast to my dark layered fits

>> No.9088131

I think you are bored and looking for something to be angry at on the Internet

>> No.9088156

So I called you out on your shitty fit and awful fitting garments but you are still trying to defend it's comfiness? Am I missing something or are you just deep in denial?

>> No.9088159

Literally show me where I defended the comfiness over the quality of the look. It didn't happen

>> No.9088190
File: 34 KB, 400x495, df97d7b2c8071a61d5c5a77aebf5e2ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop derailing this thread with your bullshit, you cunts.

>> No.9088194

this thread has been fucked from the start
start a new one or shut up

>> No.9088211
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>> No.9088216

OP here, this became a tripfag circle jerk almost immediately

Might as well let it be what it is

>> No.9088223
File: 118 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nf34vlT6Wk1tk1xnpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walking sleeping bag

>> No.9088227
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>> No.9088237
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>> No.9088248


Heres a jacket for women but I think it could be passed off for a guys, unbuttoned maybe. Posting because I have no intention of buying, but damn it looks nice

>> No.9088263

real wool isn't the shitty acrylic blend on your zara sweaters lmao

>> No.9088270

thats a good point, but have YOU considered

Wool is vvery actually gay, and as such wool is bad and sucks.

Think about it

>> No.9088274

There's nothing "gay" about ultrafine merino.

>> No.9088297

Actually, iit IS gay.. Wool is gay tbh

>> No.9088298

can confirm, MKI not worth money

>> No.9088307

I really hate that everything on /fa/ now has to be something-core. Not every single thing has to have some force meme name.

>> No.9088308

you are 13
you have no opinions
you don't know what logic is
shut the fuck up and lurk until you're not retarded/underage b&

>> No.9088337

I love when one of the "recent images" lead me to a /fa/ thread. It's just pure comedy gold, every damn time.



>> No.9088390

Why is your time so devoid of value that you investigate the recent pictures?

>> No.9088400

suck it

>> No.9088418

I don't browse /fa/ very often, so excuse me if I have no clue what I am saying. Anyway, I came across this jacket:


Which is great, but is way too expensive for me. So I found these:

Which color scheme is the best in your opinion, /fa/? I was debating between:
Style: 544119-480 or
Style: 544119-100

>> No.9088752

this is watercolor.

>> No.9089648

futile bump

bottom good, tuck in undershirt, coat fits a shit

>> No.9089695

Any brands/designers I should look at?

>> No.9089725

defining your price range will be a good indicator of what you will be able to work with

personally i feel that "comfycore" is misidentified and misinterpreted -- although comfort is the main principle of the style, an awareness of what one looks like should be considered as well.

>> No.9089732
File: 218 KB, 600x900, 140324-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so you don't want people to defend their choices in clothing?

if we think broader, we'll see that what's labelled as "garbage" is just your perception of someone else's choices. You have compared what you see them wearing to what you would wear, or what you've seen others wearing - and deemed in unworthy. /fa/ is so black and white; the memes that come from here are more ironic than anything I've ever known.

your hearts are in the right places most of the time, but your minds are off the leash

>> No.9089738



>> No.9089747

you'll be better off sticking with stuff from muji, kapital, and tigre brocante

ur not ready for the big leagues yet
start small young one

>> No.9089753

>I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

>> No.9089781

Arent you poor little bitch financed by your parents and playing in the same league buying used clothing though?

>> No.9090311

Stallman confirmed for effay and blessed by the comfy-god.

>> No.9090318

everything you said is right but its a little different when a person comes and asks for our opinions on how to change and then has a reason why every piece of advice we give him is irrelevant or wrong.

>> No.9090363

Well of course they will have to apply their own opinions to how people dress, fashion is a subjective thing. It's a form of art so everyone will have different opinions on it, that doesn't mean you can't critique it because it's not an objective opinion though. I will compare what I would wear to what they are wearing because how else am I supposed to do it? What it really comes down to how is informed my opinion is. If I am horribly misinformed than yeah you could say that but I think my assessments of comfy-core are pretty accurate atleast /fa/s physical attempts at it. There is no point in babying people like this or even new friends for that matter. You can see right now how that had worked out. If no one gives criticism or just says nice things than people will never understand what they have done wrong it's the same here.

>> No.9090394

that dress shirt is retardedly long. you could hem the back up and it works fine

>> No.9090405

That would ruin the entire fit though. I love how the shirt fits and the length of it. The shirt works perfectly with the rest of the fit which is really slouchy and relaxed.

>> No.9091651

seconding this. can anyone ID the shirt?

>> No.9091663

w2c shoez

>> No.9091681

soundclip sucks and his shit is ugly

>> No.9091687

woah anyone know w2c pants or similar?
or could even tell me the style or material?

>> No.9091699

Why is a camel duffle coat so iconic? It makes me not want to get one in anything but camel.

>> No.9091716

>tired of same fits being posted over and over again
>trashtalks new people posting what they feel fits the description

shut the fuck up. this is why you're so lonely irl.

>> No.9091718

W2C pantso

>> No.9091733

Yo do you mean that pacsun joggers are doodoo or that they aren't?

>> No.9091775

Imagine hanging out with this guy

>Lol it's the fucking second coming of Christ! What's up, Mark?
>Oh... That's seriously what you wanna wear?
>Anon, who's that creep with the scarves? Is that... a safety pin??
>He's my girlfriend's brother. I uh... promised I'd let him hang out with us

>> No.9091806

>comfycore is about being comfortable
But that's not true at all based on the comfycore aesthetic. If anything it would be more accurate to label it cozycore while most people would probably call loungewear comfycore. Most of the inspo pics for comfy core are most accurately described as "He looks so warm and cozy" and not "Wow that looks so comfy". But comfy does typically refer to one being in a state of warmth and relaxation.

I don't care to debate about the terminology.

The point is that the staple of comfycore is wool. Personally I would hardly call wool comfortable. Warm and cozy, sure.

Being a lazy piece of shit is not comfycore. Throwing on some joggers and a fucking hoodie is not comfycore just because you find a lazy outfit comfortable. If you're going to wear joggers in place of wool pants they better be some fleece looking shit or something so it matches the aesthetic and not some polyester ass sportwear looking joggers.

>> No.9092192
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valid responses, thanks.

>> No.9093357


It looks it but the material's really soft. I've worn only short-sleeved t-shirts under it and it hasn't been itchy at all

>> No.9094156
File: 155 KB, 1200x1200, STS10276_1_1200x735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check these out. You can wear them like slippers, the heels fold down. Sperry also has a line of bucks that do this.

>> No.9094162
File: 38 KB, 450x185, wolve562450_242588_jb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These also do the job. Back folds down into slipper. Slippercore.

>> No.9094224


advice unclear bought shit clothes

>> No.9094242

>samefagging this hard

Listen here you fish mouthed faggot, no one invited you into this thread so you could start shitposting about "degenerates."

Why don't you go back to the WAYWT thread so people can make fun of you for your garbage fits instead of coming here to get made fun of for your retarded opinions?

Tripfags are so fucking autistic. You know you ruin this website for the halfway decent lurkers who have to put up with your fucking face, and yet no one tells you off? So, lurker here. Fuck off

>> No.9094289


why are you being such a faggot dude calm down why are you on a /fa/shion board if you're this up tight

>> No.9094382


>> No.9094542


where is this

>> No.9094562

Please don't buy these they look like the kind of shoes my dad or the really nerdy kids at my school would wear. The just look like shit regardless if they are comfy or not. I guess if you got them as a house shoe that would be alright.

>> No.9094619


nigga this hsit next lvl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9094709


>> No.9094730

i need like an intro to comfycore

like a list of brands that have comfy stuff

>> No.9094745

Bump for an answer to this. I'll rock em nice.

>> No.9094810

Sperry Harborside Slip-On. I'm the one who posted these. Orvis has them.

They are kind of formal in the cut. You might want Bean camp mocs/penny loafers instead, or the patagonia ones which I have. It's fucking grandpa core, I'm hard as shit.

>> No.9095179
File: 161 KB, 1200x1200, STS10388_1_1200x735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'other convertible Sperry

>> No.9095200
File: 19 KB, 450x229, 41pxUjYNRQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole Wave Driver series looks pretty comfy core.

>> No.9095208


>> No.9095214

is uniqlo heat-tech very warm? was thinking of copping their hat/gloves for them northern winters

>> No.9095342

uniqlo is shit
etsy is where you cop mad hat/gloves

>> No.9095365

holy shit these are ugly

>> No.9095391
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>> No.9096923

this is too far

>> No.9096983

i would love you dress in baggy all black clothes all day everyday damnnnn

>> No.9097917

Winter, toes are outside, retard

>> No.9097947

second w2c that coat

>> No.9098254

That fit was posted months ago idiot