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9076848 No.9076848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what kind of drugs does /fa/ do?

>> No.9076858


>> No.9076860


>> No.9076867

your fav drink

>> No.9076868


>> No.9076888

>implying that i don't freeze my own semen until it crystallizes and then smoke it

>> No.9076890
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Anonymous 11/13/14(Thu)21:29:25 No.9076848▶>>9076858 >>9076867
what kind of drugs does /fa/ do?
Anonymous 11/13/14(Thu)21:30:18 No.9076858▶>>9076868
>>9076848 (OP)
Anonymous 11/13/14(Thu)21:30:53 No.9076860▶
Anonymous 11/13/14(Thu)21:32:15 No.9076867▶
>>9076848 (OP)
your fav drink
Anonymous 11/13/14(Thu)21:32:21 No.9076868▶

>> No.9076897

used to do a shit ton of amphetamine, alcohol, and xanax

i've stopped now and basically only drink on the weekends and smoke cigarettes every once in a while

>> No.9076902


>> No.9076908

I've been addicted to opiates for almost a year now. heroin is my fav. but I recently started an antidepressant and that has made quitting them way easier (I think because the medicine is also used to get people off cigarettes) so I'm really just smoking weed right now

>> No.9076920

dude fuck thats heavy. i just smash the usual when i'm going out, 4-5 md caps and a few lines of whip

>> No.9076929

Cigarettes (every once in a while)

>> No.9076933

None you faggot. Not even alcohol.

>> No.9076936

once every 2 weeks or month or so
fun and relaxing

>> No.9076944

yeah dude, opiates are waaay too good. all the stuff you hear about them being super addictive are true. proceed with caution

>> No.9076957

nah i'm not progressing past where i'm at now bruh... i dont need that.

>> No.9076959

can we assume cigarettes and alcohol are just irrelevant to this cmon

>> No.9077044

Alcohol/Cigs daily
Weed very rarely

>> No.9077066

weed every day
acid sometimes
shrooms seasonally
mdma/scale very very rarely

>> No.9077146

Weed every now and then if I'm in a social setting
Me and my gf had a phase where we snorted pain pills and Adderall

I'm counting pot brownies as a separate category, since pot brownies rule

how are shrooms? I'm obtaining some soon. Did they have any permanent effects?

>> No.9077158

Alcohol daily
Cigs daily
MDMA just sometimes
Coke maybe once a month
Weed just to relax or hang out maybe once or twice a month

I used to do a lot of shrooms and acid as a teen, but I don't really see the point to them anymore, unless I'm travelling or something.

>> No.9077160


>> No.9077162

shrooms are my favorite drug that ive done by far. so fun. if its warm outside go out and hang in some grass and watch clouds, its seriously the best thing ever.

no permanent "effects", but if you happen to unlock your subconscious and do some reflecting, you could say so. shrooms changed my life for the better. the feeling of happiness and well-being after you come down lasts for very extended periods of time for me(6 months at least). and every time it gets better. if you have a good attitude and dont expect anything youll have a great time.

day trippa!

>> No.9077166

how do you deal with the Rit comedowns anon?

>> No.9077174

Benzos, adderall, painkillers, weed, cigs and coffee. I've tripped a couple times but I'm a really anxious person so I don't like to do it really unless I'm alone but that's kinda boring imo. Then again I never tried real LSD, just N-BOME

>> No.9077180

dont fuck yourself up with RCs dude, try real acid. one tab is usually pretty mellow. i have a homie that did 25i and even he said its bullshit compared to real wcid.

>> No.9077193

well i did 25i at least 6 times and I'm not any different. i bought 100 tabs for $25 and sold them for $10 each as acid and still feel bad about that.

>> No.9077201 [DELETED] 

I like vicodin for the high, don't do it often though

>> No.9077203

weed, acid, shrooms, percocet, vicodin, pregablin. considering new things too, like coke

>> No.9077207

I like vicodin for the high, don't do it often though

>> No.9077222

Bud, Scotch, Speed, and Cigarettes.

>> No.9077240

just ritalin/adderall for both study and recreational purposes. i should probably limit myself before i start relying on them

>> No.9077246

Mandy and weed

>> No.9077262

During the week, I limit myself to amphetamines twice per week, and a caffeine pill in the morning every day. Maybe one or two cigarettes at most. On the other hand, during the weekend, I usually do MXE, benzos and coke if it's offered. Most of the time I also drink, usually cheap-ass wine. And I usually chain smoke if I go out.

>> No.9077271

Weed once or twice a week. simple.

>> No.9077278

I drink a bottle of wine, the I want to snort again and I do it and after that I drink 1.5 botlles of wine.


>> No.9077284

Oh, also, a shitton of psychedelics whenever I have time. 2c-b + MXE is a god-tier combo

>> No.9077287

welcome in the world of drunk speeding on effay.

>> No.9077306

Why does /fa/ romanticize drugs and addiction?

>> No.9077307

Forgot acid and 2cb

>> No.9077315

/fa/ doesn't romanticize it.
It just happens to a lot of us.

I don't like feeling weird without alcohol and Ritalin but I do.


>> No.9077316

what are you trying to say

>> No.9077320

>i should probably limit myself before i start relying on them
it's already too late.
How many nights do you use it with alcohol?

>> No.9077326

>why does every media ever romanticize drugs and addiction


>> No.9077368

haha yeah that was just wishful thinking on my behalf.
very occassionally, makes me drink way too much
whats your experience?

>> No.9077405

Anything I can get my hands on.

Dissociatives and cocaine are by far the most /fa/ drugs

>> No.9077409

u ok m8?

>> No.9077411

>dont fuck yourself up with RCs dude, try real acid.

Oh let me just go down to the LSD store and pick some up, thanks for the recommendation!

Seriously, people only do RCs like 25i because they cant get a hold of real lsd

>> No.9077412

my experience is going out of control.
It started way back when I was at a boarding school and people just gave it to me for free.
when I was doing 200mg methylphenidate a day I was a mix between anxious as fuck and euphoric as fuck, this was just maintaining, not getting high.
I snorted that crap between every lesson.

NOW: I went from 240 a day to 60mg a day and I feel good when I snort a single 10mg pill.
If I snort more I go in paranoia modus when I cant drink.
I I drink i go wild and keep snorting and drinkin and fapping to weird shit till everyhings gone.

>> No.9077436




>> No.9077473
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where did the k go

>> No.9077488

this is me, I'm only adding info,

I plugged 80 mg in the morning ( at a boarding school where we had no locks.

I plugged with a prepared syringe while I was still in bed.

our school was beneath the class rooms.
I stole so much prep shit and sold it back.

>> No.9077509

I drink like once a week or every other week, sometimes smoke cigs if I'm really drunk and they're around. I take adderall as I actually have ADD and it helps a lot for my job, although I avoid taking them if I can. Was taking Prozac but the side effects sucked and it wasn't really working so I quit taking it. Going to a psych for analysis as I think my depression is mostly a coping mechanism for my social anxiety/general anxiety.

Done a low dose of mushrooms once, need to get more for an actual trip sometime, although I don't want to solo trip during the winter as I can't go lay outside or anything if it gets bad.

Also smoke weed when it's around.

Interested in trying MXE but not sure if it's something that's good solo, also converting cash to bitcoins seems like a pain.

>> No.9077511

i used to smoke cigs but i quit them
ive pretty much done all psys and a lot of opiates and stims and weed
but mostly just xans and alcohol with the occasional perc thrown in gotta keep it clean c;

>> No.9077544

whre buy shroom or acid or wee din vancvouer

>> No.9077555

just ask for abilifym take too much and get RLS 4 LYFE.


>> No.9077559

used to do 5mg a day until the psych cut me off and i was fucked and in withdrawal for 4 days.

found a Karachi trained psych that got me new ones, now i just stay cool about it and only take 1 mg a day and skip days sometimes if i dont really need it.
500ml whisky a day

(such is life with various sorts of anxiety and regret)

>> No.9077568


>> No.9077571

I just want to take DMT once in my life. Anyone got any experiences with it?

>> No.9077588


>> No.9077591

i plugged for the first time today
did u push the whole thing in your ass?
i dont think its worth it due to the unrelenting urge to shit

>> No.9077606

are dabs /fa/

because i go through 2 g a week

>> No.9077607

Drugs are for lowlifes and the poor. Stay clean /fa/

>> No.9077613

Yeah, keep those edges sharp.

>> No.9077620

You will take it at least once. Your brain naturally releases DMT in your brain once you die.

>> No.9077636

30-something mg concerta that I buy off a friend
recreational bupropion/welbutrin
T3's whenever

sounds like someone else is taking welbutrin

>> No.9077637

Its fantastic and terrifying, if I did it again I'd probably do it alone or with just a few people around. Make sure you're in a good place mentally and just go with the trip. It doesn't last long, about an hour or so but I definitely prefer it over LSD and shrooms

>> No.9077641

>iktf bro
all ive ever done is weed, but i want to into psychs so bad
i know one guy whos into them, but i think he likes to keep it as a thing he does with his gf
gonna try to ask my weed guys if they have any ins

>> No.9077649

When I smoke a lot of really good weed off a really good bong, I sometimes go into a deep, grim, and introspective mindset. I can't be anything but completely and brutally honest with myself and the situation.

Should I into hallucinogens/designer drugs or should I stay right the fuck away?

>> No.9077673

Nicotine, Addy, and caffeine, I love my stimulants, only done vics a couple of times and smoked weed plenty but at all anymore.

>> No.9077674

Sounds like you know the right answer already bud

>> No.9077683


seriously don't

my friend and i in high school had that same reaction to smoking weed, i ended up getting sober and he started fucking with shrooms, acid, molly and then getting all these crazy hallucinogins from the silk road. he seriously lost his mind, ended up taking his clothes off and sledping in a dumpster one night, thought he met jesus. texted him about two years ago and he sent me 50 texts about the govermement being after him and how somene is trying to murder him. saw him a year ago passed out in a mcdonalds looking fucking awful. sure some people react differently but from what you said i would say away. i started drinking/smoking weed again recently and only smoke a little bit at a time so that shit doesnt happen like it did when i was 16

>> No.9077685

Probably, just wanted to hear something else I guess.

>> No.9077686

I've done methamphetamine (ice), GHB (fanta), MDMA (ecstasy) and a few types of steroids. Only ones I recommend are GHB (gets your drunk really fast, so it's cheaper than alcohol) and steroids (in moderation, don't abuse them). The come down and hang over from meth and MDMA sucks. I can't imagine being a regular user of them.

>> No.9077697

I'm the same way off weed, love psychedelics though. Just don't do them more than once every couple months and you'll be good. Don't fuck with pharmaceuticals, ever. I have a couple friends who are hardcore addicted to benzos and codeine, their lives are suckin shit now.

>> No.9077717

Heroin is the only drug worth buying

>> No.9077749

Alcohol 2-4 times a month usually. Incredibly infrequent weed smoker, like on a few times a year basis. Used to be into nicotine but I quit when I realized a habit forming.

I have no intentions of trying acid or shrooms but I'm slightly interested in coke and MDMA. Is coke easy to try once and put down? Has anyone here mixed coke and ecstasy, and how did that go?

>> No.9077763

Yeah I get that. If your curiosity does get the better of you at some point what I'd suggest is you research the drug you want to take and if you do do it start small, only take like half or less of the normal dose.
It's not worth risking your mind and potentially ruining your future but you'll change over time and then may be more suitable to trying some psychedelics or something.

>> No.9077774

Feels fantastic, me and two friends tried it on a MDMA comedown, worked surprisingly well, none of us had any bad side effects and just felt awesome for the rest of the day.
That said its incredibly dangerous, serotonin syndrome and all that jazz fucking your brain chems up.
Basically don't mix class A's just do one for its full effect

>> No.9077777


>> No.9077807

No intentions of trying shrooms? They are magic.
I don't even-
Coke and MDMA are known for being mixed with other shit nowadays so chances are your product won't be that clean.
and you probably won't get hooked on coke the first time. I've only tried it twice.

>> No.9077810

there is no fucking way you will develop a habit by trying anything with just a single dose. experiment away dude

>> No.9077826

>try meth kiddo!

>> No.9077832

Anons, how is 2c-b? I've never done any drugs (unless you count weed and alcohol), but I can maybe get a hold of it and considering trying? Anything I should be aware of?

>> No.9077838

Yeah I'm worried about the whole serotonin deal and the tuesday blues or whatever cause I already suffer from a minor depressive disorder

>> No.9077849

Alexander Shulgin didn't like weed and he was tripping into his 80s

>> No.9077852

Mdma and other empathogens
Sometimes benzos

Benzos are the most /fa/ imo, the whole idontgiveafuckaboutanything vibe is pretty /fa/

>> No.9077861

Coke cancels out MDMA. Complete waste to mix them.

>> No.9077863

The reason I don't do weed that much is because
1. I'm poor
2. I don't like having any more than a mild high and I hate being high for more than like an hour.
I also have a history of panic attacks and I just don't want to chance anything. Just not worth it imo.

>> No.9077865

I used to do a bit here and there, weed mostly, but I cut back to like once/twice a month.

Ive done dmt like 3 times,coke twice and thats all the hard shit.
Cigs and alcohol are super rare, although ive been craving cigs a little more lately.

>> No.9077872

because you're taught very early in school that you're not supposed to do drugs

if you dont do drugs then you're a little nerd bitch boy

but if you do then you're cool as fuck B)

>> No.9077876

>I'm poor
I feel

>> No.9077879

I 2-c sold to me as lsd. I would say if this is your first time doing psychedelics, do not do them. You'll hallucinate extremely hard and as a first timer it probably won't be pleseant. I've also heard that you could potentially overdosed or have serious mental side effects. If you wanna do psychedelics go with lsd first. In my personal experience lsd/shrooms are best if you want to feel euphoric, introspective, and get that "find yourself feelings".

>> No.9077880


>> No.9077883

It's amazing. I only tried it once with MDMA and it put me into the strangest most introspective great mindset ever. Completely changed my thought process to the point where my thought were almost overwhelmingly good. I know all of this sounds like absolute shite. Gave a real sense of "community" feel or something. Try.

>> No.9077884

None, cherish your sanity,mental clarity.

When it has been chipped away at you'll never get it back. I would do anything to feel completely sober again.

>> No.9077894

Never stopped me. Just takes a small investment to get into pill trading.

>> No.9077896

>don't do drugs kids
Fuck off

>> No.9077897

That sounds soooooo nice I've been searching for them forever but none of my dealers have them :' -(

>> No.9077900

Have you considered seeing a doctor for it?
I've been taking prozac for about 3 months, recently finished my course and don't feel as bad as I did before so i think they've done their job. So long as you aren't on any antidepressants atm you should be ok taking MDMA if you want, its actually quite safe and enjoyable if you prepare for it properly

>> No.9077901

Slanging isnt my thing, im more of a consumer than a distributor

>> No.9077905

im being facetious but that's the real answer

>> No.9077908
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>> No.9077909

Tons and tons of blue magic AKA adderall
It's dumb because I act a lot better when i'm not on it, but i just hate being sober.
i drink a lot too. just straight, no chaser.

i just hate being sober, and i can't do drugs because of work. they mail in piss to a lab to verify it's exactly what i have prescribed.

i feel better when i'm sober, but i can't stay sober. like tonight, even though i can have a restful night and chill out, i'm going to take adderall and sit online all night.

>> No.9077913

Its always been cool to go against the grain

>> No.9077917

Dabs are super effay

>> No.9077922

Dabs make bud look like shit. So beautiful and golden

>> No.9077929

I do it to get what I personally like. Painkillers for Antidepressants, Antidepressants for ADHD meds. All of them have some value around here. I just take a bit out of each before trading/selling and add it to a personal collection. Trading gets me the more expensive antidepressants, and I usually use the money off those to pay for the lower-tiers. Helps that I can dip into my personal collection for some quick cash, too.

>> No.9077939

I had a friend who left to college, did LSD had seizures and died. It troubles me because I've only heard good things about it. Does anyone know what could have caused it since we're on the topic?

>> No.9077952

it probably wasnt LSD and a research chemical like 25i

>> No.9077975

I've considered it but I'm always scared of going in for a diagnosis because I'm scared that I'm just a pussy and nothing's actually wrong with my head.

>> No.9077986

I smoke weed every once and a while, have tried vicodin a few times and have done dxm a few times. All fun stuff.

>> No.9077992

coffee n weed for breakfast, weed n lunch and dinner n weed and weed then sleep. repeatedly.

>> No.9077996

Bud (Weed)
Durries (Cigs)
Molly(if i cant get pingers does the job)
Alcohol (Normally the cheap variety)

>> No.9077998

have, multiple times. don't buy into the anti-drug propaganda

>> No.9078039

If somebody isn't completely confident in their ability to control themselves though, it may be best for them to hold off.

Many people just have addictive tendencies and can very easily fall into it. Some don't. It's different for everyone and you could get somebody hurt trying to force your own personal experience as a rule of thumb. When you consider the fact that addicts can be notorious liars, a cynic would have good reason not to believe you.

Because as boring and authoritarian as it is, it really is just safer to stay away from some shit yo.

>> No.9078045


is... is this what newfaggery looks like?

>> No.9078052

Haha dude, I felt like that at first but its something you have to force yourself to do in order to get better. There's no harm in talking to a doctor, get their opinion and go from there.

>> No.9078059

Also don't mix shrooms and alchohol. Shrooms mask the effect of intoxication so it becomes incredibly easy to get alchohol poisoning.

>> No.9078067

Yeah, a doctor won't think less of you for overreacting in the case that you are. And if you aren't, you can get legitimate help before things really become a problem.

They see hundreds of people, and there will be nothing particularly special or shameful about a kid coming in to inquire about possible mental issues. They'll treat you proffesionally, and you'd do well to take yourself every bit as seriously as they will.

>> No.9078069


Why would you drink on shrooms anyways? The body high for shrooms feels like alcohol but better anyways.

>> No.9078070

Maybe he's on drugs

>> No.9078087

People have before and ended up dying from alcohol poisoning. Just a friendly pointer.

>> No.9078201

Lol your friend had schizophrenia ya dumb fuck, the drugs just brought it out

>> No.9078214


Had to

>> No.9078224

just mainline heroin. you're already in the redzone. throw that touchdown pass

>> No.9078226

caffeine, weed, tobacco, alcohol, dirt cheap alcohol, acid, amphetamine, adderall, cocaine, crack cocaine, mdma.

Right now: only tobacco and caffeine.

Alcohol makes you fat.

>> No.9078227

I wasn't asking for your favorite drink

>> No.9078251

Cannabis (in various forms)
RC psychedelics but i'm very cautious about these


>buying your drugs IRL and not off the darknet
Enjoy your extremely small selection, garbage quality, high prices, and lack of everything but weed, coke, meth, and $40 shroom eighths

>> No.9078255

As someone else said it could have been a nbome. You can't overdose on LSD.

>> No.9078257

ive been addicted to heroin for just over a year. it takes up all the money i used to spend on clothes but now i can eat all the sweets i want and never worry about gainin weight

>> No.9078263

Hey where can I? Since SR shutdown I been Missin out

>> No.9078275

Silk road was trash IMO, at least for an American looking for weed and any psych except LSD. It also had no escrow, no sort by price feature, and no search filters. plus the home page looked like it was written by a schizo lol

Evolution and Agora are better in every single way, Evo's advantage over Agora is cleaner layout, better filtering, and better cannabis offers, while Agora has better LSD offers

either one is good, just sign up for both. Do you have any experience with these kinds of sites?

>> No.9078278

Lean and weed is boring, I wanna kill myself just for that DMT trip

>> No.9078284


>> No.9078287

anybody here done meth?

>> No.9078312


It's pretty exclusively a poor people and violent crime associated drug here in Aus

Most young people I know stick to the big 3 classics: MDMA, LSD, Weed

>> No.9078313

nahhh, closest ive gotten is speed, dexamhpetamines, and benzedrine

>> No.9078318

Done ecstasy with meth in it, but apparently smoking it is a whole different ball game

>> No.9078337

heroin isnt even worth talking about

cocaine is where its at

>> No.9078387


yeah im across the ditch and its the same here. im sussing it out just to give it a try through.

>> No.9078427

Alcohol very rarely

Molly is such a beautiful thing

>> No.9078607

RIP :(

>> No.9078610

>tfw youll never roll for the first time again

>> No.9078915

w2c k now?? serious drought season

>> No.9078926

>tfw gf has never done drugs
>tfw I like drugs
>tfw I want to do mdma with her and cuddle

I don't know whether to try and convince her or just leave it. I don't wanna be a dick and put pressure on her to do something she doesn't wanna do, but at the same time I've never done MDMA with a girl and I think it would be a good experience.

>> No.9078947
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>> No.9078957

What does this even mean?

>> No.9078972

If that's true then why the fuck does no one in Brisbane sell LSD.

>> No.9078982
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>feel when never touched drugs

>> No.9078995 [DELETED] 

so far I tried

the only ones I took more than once were MDMA and shrooms
the rest were interesting but not overall enjoyable experiences
Today Im not taking any kind of substances anymore, took them more out of curiosity and just to have the experience to know what Im talking about in my job.

>> No.9079031


(non drug-tier)
cigs, alcohol, weed, salvia, lsa.

>> No.9079065


dang son

on topic,
mdma mostly
shrooms sometimes
got some 2-cb here but I dosn't doo much for me , it's like a lite shroom trip.
is it just me ?

>> No.9079072


listen to rozzays verse fuccboiiiiiiii

>> No.9079084

2c-b is mostly optics
fractals, caleidoscopes and geometric pattersn
with shrooms you get some psychedelic effects which are mostly absent in 2c-b

>> No.9079086

since when are you into shrooms?

>> No.9079088 [DELETED] 

Ive tried my fair share of substances in the past
Im a med major you remember?

>> No.9079089

2cb powder or pills?

>> No.9079091

doesn't sound like its part of the actual curriculum, sounds like you're ust doing coke to do coke

>> No.9079092

the pure chemical is white powder
but it's common to be pressed in pills

>> No.9079097

Mushrooms for a couple of times
LSD for the first time yesterday while watching Interstellar (v great trip and I thought I was an astronaut all the way home via motorbike)
Smoked weed once but didn't feel anything

That feel when vanilla

>> No.9079098 [DELETED] 

never touched coke though
coke is pure crap in terms of production, background and effect.
Coke you get in europe has been through 15 different hands before you get it and has been cut almost as often.
Also the production of coke involves big cartels exploiting farmers and killing a fuckload of people. Every line of coke you snort aporx. kills one innocent person.

>> No.9079106

what do you do then? regularly..

>> No.9079107

4-aco-dmt in low doses, its same as shrooms, with no bodyload and dizzines, also kind of legal

>> No.9079109

xanax and copious amounts of alcohol/marijuana/cigarettes.

Started the benzos when I was 15 and I don't think I can ever stop.

>> No.9079110

adderall, ritalin, mdma, weed, alcohol, coke, rarely shrooms, no particular order

>> No.9079136

I know, I was asking which he had used, I've found the powder to be way more potent than pills.

>> No.9079169

really just depends on the dose
pills or powders arent better or stronger than the other per se

>> No.9079548
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>> No.9079558
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Does acid have any permanent side affects?
I did it once and now sometimes I just imagine how things would be on acid and it feels like im zoning out

>> No.9079632

Some of my friends that have done acid multiple times say that certain colors are more vibrant to their eyes now and they notice color streaks in their vision now as well.