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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 390 KB, 929x516, 9e68e2f174cea331f471050f7e303e37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9062825 No.9062825 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ does wearing glasses as an accessory rather than to improve your eyesight make you a tool?

>> No.9062829
File: 185 KB, 1500x1000, oliver-peoples-eyewear-gregory-peck_11930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and idgaf since i get compliments on them all the time

>> No.9062876

Yes. It's like wearing braces for the look when you don't need them.

>> No.9062890

Tooth braces or...?

>> No.9062896

Wouldn't braces imply to any kind?

>> No.9062945

If you seriously do this, kill yourself. No really. Kill yourself.

The prime function of glasses are to enhance eyesight. By wearing fake glasses you are completely removing the only purpose the object once had.

Looking at the guy in your pic op, I just want to tell that guy in real life to just stop.

wear wrist bands, necklaces, watches, ear rings or whatever because these ornaments are designed to be just be ornaments, not tools.

kill yourself.

>> No.9062955

I guess, but spending 5000 dollars on tooth braces just to look good is insane. Wearing other kinds of braces for style isn't smart, but not as bad a tooth braces. UNLESS you're European and talking about suspenders?

>> No.9062966

>The prime function of clothing is to provide the body with shelter. By wearing fashionable clothing with superfluous sign-value you are completely removing the only purpose the object once had.

You're literally this retarded, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.9062970

And before you say it, yes fashionable clothing can serve the same purpose as conventional clothing. But no-one fucking wears them for that original purpose and it therefore may as well have dropped out of the equation entirely.

>> No.9062973

nah m8, I want you to know that if you wear fake glasses you are a tryhard

>> No.9062975

If you are buying actually frames so it's less obvious that they are fake, then you are still spending a lot of money. It's obvious you are wearing fake glasses because you can tell by looking at the lense and if there is any kind of distorting.

>> No.9062982

If glasses were really just a tool, they would be one and only one modèle of glasses with different lenses.

You're a complete fucking retard.

>> No.9062990

That's true, but as I understand tooth braces are obscenely painful and uncomfortable.

>> No.9062993

I was referring to glasses with actual lens that enhance sight. I don't give a shit about the design of the glasses. Its the fact that people wear glasses solely as an accessory

>> No.9063003

Also, if you're gonna get glasses just get fucking real ones! Why do you even need to get fake ones in the first place???

>> No.9063008

Nobody looks better in glasses. I would throw mine out instantly if my piece of shit eyes could tolerate contact lenses.

>> No.9063019

What about shoes then?
It's a necessary item, so we make them pretty. Convince ourselves it's more then a tool or necessary but a statement or expression

>> No.9063194

Clothing in general is just a tool to guard against the elements.

>> No.9065175

are you the guy who has all the chinks fawning over him all the time key

>> No.9065186

yes. the only people i knew who did this were freshman high school girls in 2009 to show how "nerdy" they were.

>> No.9065187
File: 2.96 MB, 350x349, 1412156496853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shot in the dark, but, do you have a source on the glasses in pic?

>> No.9065199

Why would you want to wear glasses? Do you want people thinking you have shit genetics?

>> No.9065214

tom ford i think idk what model

>> No.9065521

Same as wearing a scarf if it isn't below freezing. Fucking dumb.

>> No.9065540
File: 323 KB, 363x436, Bildschirmfoto 2014-11-11 um 07.50.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear contact lenses most of the time and sometimes my glasses when my eyes are tired (e.g. if I cried a lot the night before) and I'd say that even though I use them to see, I still chose them for the shape of the frame and I still make a choice to wear them sometimes based on what I wear. So I don't think people who "need" glasses are more justified in wearing them than people who don't. I went seven years only wearing contact lenses and it didn't really bother me

>> No.9065565


>> No.9065573

>e.q. if I cried a lot the night before

;_; pls no bb

>> No.9065574

ur a qt

>> No.9065578

I know this word gets thrown around a lot here but every single one of your posts absolutely reeks of autism.
Ps this is a sincere post

>> No.9065581

do u ever wish u were white

>> No.9065587

just wear sunglasses if you want something to distract from your face

glasses that don't have prescription lenses are autistic

get different frames, those frames are targeted towards 60 year old librarians

>> No.9065596

stir the curry, Verb; the action of inserting your fingers into the vagina of a woman of indian ethnicity and motioning your fingers as if you were stirring a pot of warm curry. Commonly attributed the spread of finger aids.

>> No.9065603

it doesnt
i don't get why people get so frustrated by this
i cant read anything beyond like 7 inches away from my face without glasses yet i do not give a shit if your lenses are fake; do w/e you want

>> No.9065626

you care too much. you shouldn't be getting this absolutely anally devastated by this

>> No.9065636


what's your ethnicity? You kind of look like me. I'm half Indian and white. Ur a qt3.14

>> No.9065733

pls bae

>> No.9068041
File: 176 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 10-29-14 at 2.55 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually own powered, colored contacts since i think i look prettier in them, and sometimes I'll wear non-powered glasses over them
I do this if I'm wearing more out-there makeup and want to tone down the impact a little
I think glasses make me look more feminine, so that's why I like them

>> No.9068049

>that conveniently placed laptop

>> No.9068051

if your glasses aren't a tool, you're a tool

>> No.9068054
File: 9 KB, 249x250, 1415637092094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9068064

>mfw thinking of u hurting

>> No.9068087


>> No.9068089

There's this one youtuber that makes videos about videogames and he doesn't wear lenses in his thick black framed glasses. Pisses me off to no end.

>> No.9068091

The lights would probably reflect on them dipshit

>> No.9068097

please stop spamming your pictures you're disgusting to look at

>> No.9068105

i like eliciting reactions on here

>> No.9068109

Many youtubers wear real glasses without reflecting light. Lrn2light, dipshit.

>> No.9068110
File: 1.91 MB, 300x228, 1412036444835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt3.14 mtf
>contacts right?

>> No.9068121

that gif confuses me
he looks very uncomfortable

>> No.9068619


Poor eyesight subconsciously = poor genetics.

Women WILL subconsciously find you less attractive with glasses on.

>> No.9068726

lmao I can almost guarantee you're fat or ugly

Personally OP I'm going through a bit of a phase where I can't stop copping eyewear. I actually need glasses so I use contacts/frames, but some of my frames don't even have prescription lenses yet. It's a bit pretentious honestly, but I can see how it can be appealing. They bring a new look to your face.

>> No.9068755

As someone who has shitty vision, it pisses me off that you guys wear them as an accessory. If only you guys knew what it was like to have to wear glasses/contacts to do anything

>> No.9068763
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>> No.9068786
File: 107 KB, 500x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that to my face irl mofo

>> No.9068794

you've been here how many years and you don't even know how to select glasses?

lmao all tripfags are losers

>> No.9068837


I'm not fat or short. I'm /fit/ but when I wear contacts girls are way more receptive when I talk to them.

Serious. Try contacts for a while and guage your luck.

>> No.9068838

You are literally a retarded person. That's like saying you should kill yourself if you wear glasses in a room that has a clock on the wall. If glasses were just meant to be tools why would they make 500 and 700 dollar frames? It's a fashion accessory that also serves a medical benefit for those who need them.

>> No.9068858

>If glasses were really just a tool, they would be one and only one modèle of glasses with different lenses.
Right, in the same way that there's only one type of axe, knife, screwdriver etc.

>> No.9068892

Except the lens is the only thing that really matters
Other than that, there are glasses for specific sports, and that's it

I'm not siding with their argument, but your counter-argument is shit

>> No.9068907

wat is going on here

>> No.9068918

holy shit dude if I was drunk I would totally make out with you because that wouldnt be gay

but no sex cuz thats gay

>> No.9068926
File: 442 KB, 1495x1121, 1377831552690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey curry lady,

do you have more of this? i want to jack like a motherfucker on crack right now

>> No.9068928
File: 38 KB, 453x320, 1410588865491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this?

>> No.9068956

My counter-argument is that people naturally design things in a different way than each other.

If you asked two people to make a pair of glasses, they'd make them differently. If you asked two people to make a knife (let's say for cutting meat), they'd make them look different too.

I'm not saying people don't design glasses to look nice or fashionable. Just that saying that tools are universal in appearance is wrong.

>> No.9068960
File: 26 KB, 933x525, open-uri20141029-21574-1liopx3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually have to wear prescription glasses

what are some fa glasses

>> No.9068962

it happens
Contrary to popular belief, I do not have autism
>those frames are targeted towards 60 year old librarians
that's what I like about them
I am like 1/16 Scottish but the rest is just Indian.
Six years. I didn't want a pair that flattered my face. I wanted a prominent pair that people would notice. If I don't wear them often, I want to draw attention to them when I do.

>> No.9068967
File: 286 KB, 390x270, Powerful Renato Laranja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9068969

yea cuz his benis is a-raisen

>> No.9068988

You told me you did have autism.

The guy you met from soc that you had sex with when you used to give out your phone number freely on 4chan said you were also kind of autistic.

The guy you randomly met for breakfast where you ordered nothing, and just bought him a random orange juice also thought you were on the spectrum

Unpop also mentioned you were pretty awkward

>> No.9068999
File: 91 KB, 933x525, sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of glasses do you guys like these or the light brown ones better?

>> No.9069001
File: 64 KB, 460x618, Kelly-Martin-Broderick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That style of glasses are the female equivalent of a fedora.

>> No.9069030

nice trips and do you care about the material? i like to prefer thin metallic frames over thick plasticy ones

i'd definitely pick >>9068960 over that

>> No.9069044


>> No.9069091
File: 287 KB, 794x184, Bildschirmfoto 2014-11-12 um 02.52.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was misdiagnosed with Aspergers when I was a child. They got the diagnosis of what was "wrong with me" right last year and I'm working on that now

I've never had sexual relations with anyone I met on 4chan

Yes. That's partly why I like them. But I probably wear glasses out in public once a month or less frequently

>> No.9069094

What style are these? They're very nice

>> No.9069095

u in germany?

>> No.9069106

Those look like something a ginger would wear

don't be a ginger

>> No.9069133

I know a black dude thats always really fly, he has glasses with that kind of color, circular shape. He looks like a rich rapper

>> No.9069143
File: 194 KB, 736x1087, 386171678a9aa46a0450d7ccc03269ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you autistic?

>> No.9069149
File: 82 KB, 933x525, brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have a metal frame. I decided on this model just not too sure which color.

>> No.9069505

ok so what do you have?

>> No.9070452 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 794x184, 1415757529006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was in her deleted file. too personal maybe? imo deleting it just draws attention

>> No.9070567


It's like wearing a wig when you have hair. Yes, you can do it for fashion purposes, but it is inauthentic, try hard and shows lack of confidence.

>> No.9070886

glasses just don't work for me. im so glad i finally got contacts. glasses are like strange torture devices.

i dont want to remember me wearing glasses. noo. i even got the classic rectangular hipster glasses.

>> No.9070966
File: 2 KB, 125x101, 1405607616598s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this photo has to be staged

>> No.9071432

ur actually a boy arent u

>> No.9071563

>>9068838 > >>9062993 >>9063003

>> No.9071649

W2C? pls..

>> No.9072339

i was taking a video for FB as a joke for friends w/ that in the background, so it was on purpose yea
I was also taking some selfies since i wanted to and there was no real reason to change it

i uh dunno what you're talking about
this thread is about glasses m8