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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 306 KB, 700x300, waywt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9066940 No.9066940 [Reply] [Original]

old one almost 300

>> No.9066950
File: 933 KB, 834x679, 11.11-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wool bomber arrived \: ^)

>> No.9066953
File: 79 KB, 478x640, lels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9066957

I dig ;o

>> No.9066970
File: 106 KB, 432x768, IMAG0503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9066990

What brand is it from? It looks really good!

>> No.9066998




Stick legs + shoes make you look comical. get slim pants or be more athletic


strange pose

>> No.9067021

shoes are bad

>> No.9067029
File: 104 KB, 950x1216, Q5CAF_NAVY-21-950x1216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YMC, brand is really slept on around here. their womenswear is great too

>> No.9067034
File: 294 KB, 432x576, fitfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jacket from topman

chinos from zara

boots are palladium.

feedback pls

>> No.9067038
File: 533 KB, 1664x2560, 1101411101_173759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9067041

ok, nothing special. dislike the boots.
Autists from /fa/ will criticize your fit because of the sources you mentionned (while dressing the exact same way with the only difference being the money spent)

>> No.9067077

It's not about the money spent. It's about the quality of the materials used and the overall quality of the garment. Not to mention the disgustingly derivative and sometimes downright copies of better designers. Zara and Asos are fine but they are not remotely fashionable.

>> No.9067093

dont think i like the burgundy bomber w gold zips, but maybe that's just a taste thing

for the look you're going for i think you've done alright but it's not my thing

>> No.9067105

How's the sizing on the jacket?
What's your height/weight and what size do you wear?

>> No.9067110

The pants sit really bad
Other than that it's basic as fuck really, nothing offensively bad but just safe as hell

>> No.9067170
File: 1018 KB, 2046x1748, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shit pic.

weekday/norse/young god records/ilu/Dior

>> No.9067171
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoes are lackluster but w.e

>> No.9067189
File: 737 KB, 600x615, kJKcvWy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aa, levi's, doc marten

>> No.9067242

that scarve screams homosexual

>> No.9067251
File: 356 KB, 722x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like everything but the scarf- I feel like a darker color would work much better.

>> No.9067259

wow you're black

>> No.9067267

how are you gonna put a palewave scarf in a earthtone fit?
looks good though aside from that. scarf is cool too but doesn't work

>> No.9067289

would look great if u didnt tie ur scarf like a retard

>> No.9067341

Don't listen to what other people are saying. Your jacket and pants scream low quality. The boots are fine; just cover up the white because it clashes with your fit.

You keep posting this fit. It's great, but we get it already.


Great fit. w2c that sweater?

>> No.9067349
File: 1.14 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20141111_112322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost. People told me it is bad, but didn't really tell me how to improve it.
Slimmer jeans I think would be nice but this is all I had that doesn't have holes in it ;-;

>> No.9067355
File: 249 KB, 1000x620, fitfibo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.9067380

nothing really fits right. The jeans are stacking badly and the bends look goofy. The sweater is too short and it really fucks up the proportion, in other words makes your torso look tiny and legs long af.
The jacket is too large and i'm not too fond of the plaid lining and other details. Just lurk around for a while, find what you like and pay attention how clothes should fit.

>> No.9067382

What pants?

>> No.9067385

What pants and sweater?
Looks fucking nice

>> No.9067388
File: 346 KB, 2168x2890, IMG_5629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you wake up 30 minutes before a test and these are your only clean pants

>> No.9067390

cool. nice proportions

>> No.9067398


>> No.9067401

Fair enough anon, thanks for the advice. I'll be grabbing some better fitting jawns here soon, so I'll go from there with your advice. Thanks for not being a dick, either.

>> No.9067414

beige is earth tone you skank

>> No.9067416


>> No.9067420
File: 1012 KB, 1936x2592, IMG_0051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9067423

u know what i mean. if u wanna get upset about it ok

>> No.9067428

i can't even tell if ur fit is good because of how bad the picture is

>> No.9067436

Thank you

Pants are allsaints mast jeans and the sweater is something I grabbed from the clearance rack at Gap last winter

>> No.9067437


Too nxt lvl

>> No.9067439

i bring u flowers and this is how u play me

>> No.9067442


>> No.9067449
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9067451
File: 978 KB, 1520x2688, today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9067454


>> No.9067461

Where did you get the pants from?

>> No.9067479
File: 1.56 MB, 1127x2645, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 faggot

>> No.9067483

Cool image collage

Can't wait to see a fit pic from you :^)

>> No.9067490

maybe it's just the angle but your legs look really short. don't like the shirt

>> No.9067505


>> No.9067519
File: 585 KB, 1034x1866, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no life

>> No.9067524

and no style too

>> No.9067526
File: 313 KB, 540x960, 2014-11-11 13.47.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usual stuff

>> No.9067531

i like your shirt and shoes but your overall fit is bad

>> No.9067535

LOL and I thought I had chicken legs.

>> No.9067538



>> No.9067539
File: 318 KB, 540x960, 2014-11-11 13.52.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole casual fit

>> No.9067540

Full Size Rendered faggot. It could just be the lighting but you're incredibly white, and your fit isn't doing you any favors.

>> No.9067542
File: 416 KB, 852x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed the tee after

>> No.9067547

those stan smiths are the worst looking trainers of all time

b-but they're raf

fucking fashion victim

>> No.9067560

i really like it m8
nice fit :)

nice laidback style
also neat hair

dig it
nice pieces overall

>> No.9067583

paying this much to look that meh.
I like this. I don't like chelsea-like boots but that's just a weird personal quirk.
Yo, you're style's mad confused homie. By itself, I like the coat, sweater, and boots (though they aren't my style). The jeans I just don't like.
If you're gonna wear the sweater, maybe wear it very basically, just black jeans, black shoes. Safe but can't go wrong. The coat is interesting and gives you some stuff to play around with, thought it'd probably pair well with more dadcore type shit imo (which is probably why I like it)
The boots and jeans are lumberjack as hell. Like nigga what were you thinking leaving the house with that shit. Back to the drawing board, dude.
>ever having copped those pants
>fucking kill yourself
Jacket is goofy, fucks your silhouette. Also the color of your shoes are a bit jarring. Not bad, but maybe choose a more neutral grey or black?
Dude what is going on with your pants and shoes?
Picture definition of fuccboi
Lmao where to even start on this shit

>> No.9067584

what colors should i wear
to make me less white looking?

>> No.9067597

Im pretty fit for my weight.working on my leg takes some time.

>> No.9067604

I was actually thinking about that lol. If I were you, I'd go with more neutral earth tones like tan, brown, olive, etc. Anything too light like your fit or too dark like all black is (usually) gonna look kinda silly, though maybe you could get away with some darker navy stuff. It's all how you wear it, but I would definitely advise you not wear stuff that's that light, because it does look a bit odd on someone with that light of skin. In all honesty, that fit would be kinda meh either way. Sorry I'm not of more help, but that's my two cents. Also what color is your hair? If you have darker features, you might have more wiggle room. If you're a ginger or blonde, you've gotta be more careful.

>> No.9067616

Who the fuck are you. Just wondering

>> No.9067621
File: 320 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_83301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not boots mate,

>> No.9067623

you should put more time into not looking like a complete dumbass with these shit fits you post.

>> No.9067643
File: 52 KB, 491x689, a queer and his bass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure which fit you're referring to?
I'm just some faggot on the internet, man. I probably shouldn't even have a trip to begin with, but I'm on here every day usually lurkin and posting more, so I figured why not. And I don't really post fits on account of my phone is terrible and so is the cam quality on my mac. That and most of my fits aren't anything that crazy, and somewhat dadcore at times.

>> No.9067651


>> No.9067657
File: 51 KB, 218x172, ginger fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9067658

lol you're saying those suede chelsea boots you're wearing are those shitty pumas?

>> No.9067666

Well on the bright side red hair is pretty cool and you've got a good haircut. On the down side, yea I'd definitely check out some more neutral colors for your fits.

>> No.9067682

Shit fit. I said casual im not even trying. I dont even planned my fit like others do most of the time. And btw if you say my fit suck im sure you hate jaden, chris brown, pharrel styling style. Ho and I need too workout to keep my body has it is im a model on a small agencies for 18 17. Anyway cut me some slack.

>> No.9067697

>cut me some slack
>if you're not trying, don't post your shitty fit
Only thing you're a model for is shitposting awareness.

>> No.9067702

>chris brown
>sense of style

sick memes brah

>> No.9067709
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9067715

It's a good thing you posted the back of this fit, that's the important part. Mainly because you look like the type of person that people pray walk away from them, so this is fitting.

>> No.9067719

I've been told that I look good in dark colors though, and I've often worn blues, and I've gotten good feedback for it. So should I merge the browns and greens and shit with some blues and blacks? Or should I ditch blues and blacks for more neutral colors?

>> No.9067726

Dopest one ITT

>> No.9067732

I don't know man, it's kinda hard to say without seeing the stuff you're actually wearing. Either way, if you like the darker stuff you have and you've gotten good feedback, might as well keep it. Since it's winter, an easy go to is a olive parka, darker pants and neutral undershirts. That wouldn't be a bad look. With your red hair, I could really dig some layering on a navy blue overcoat type deal. Post some more fits tho, lemme see what you're working with

>> No.9067737

lame fucking shirt.

>> No.9067750

need to see pants before final judge

>> No.9067751

youre moving like trunks fam

>> No.9067758
File: 1.42 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AA fag

>> No.9067763

If someone buys something that terrible for that much money, they deserve to be called on it. Just sayin.

>> No.9067767

holy shit lol

>> No.9067773

HAHAHHAHAAHAHAHH holy fuck dude, just when I thought this couldn't get worse. Sweet jesus. In the future, you might wanna blur your face because hot damn you're busted. Actually in the future, don't post at all. maybe find out w2c supplies for an exit bag.

>> No.9067776

it was $60

>> No.9067781

talk shit post fit. face ass

>> No.9067784

if ur a britfag i'll be sure 2 slump man if i catch u on road

>> No.9067786

lol that's 60 dollars too much fuccboi.

>> No.9067788

pls b troll

>> No.9067791

wow. didnt think it would be that bad but it is. hope this is a repost from another site. wow.
dont chat bad.

>> No.9067795
File: 1.54 MB, 2004x2616, Is it sunny yet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9067803

nowhere near warm enough to wear this

>> No.9067815
File: 278 KB, 698x1304, DSC_0322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really cold this morning


sweat looks great, those shorts are an awful length tho.. shorter or just wear pants!!

>> No.9067817
File: 82 KB, 640x426, Photo on 11-11-14 at 3.31 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today I am wearing Jewfro by GRIM, a Clinch Gear sweater, Nike ProCombat comp shorts, nike run shoes, and The People's Eyebrow. Going to the gym in an hour to do some BJJ and sparring with the homies.

>> No.9067818

w2c all

>> No.9067825
File: 269 KB, 696x1326, DSC_0326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




members only sweater (i think its my brothers) qlo oxford, n(n) hybrid pant, costco sock, suicoke sandal--

>> No.9067827

I feel like I shouldn't like this but I really do. And yeah, it's cold as fuck. How are you doing this?
You're always on point. Strong work.

>> No.9067830

I'm copping more bottoms soon nigger

>> No.9067832




might wanna reword that post sounds v sus

>> No.9067833

it's an older fit from end of september when it was still warm from a bit. found it on my phone never uploaded

>> No.9067834
File: 417 KB, 2315x2303, 4vho7Pa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9067849

ahh I feel you. Worth the upload. Honestly I don't see many people posting stuff similar to that. it's nice to see someone doin something a little different. props homie.
Dude those pants, no...

>> No.9067858

where u been bby

>> No.9067859


u srsly think 1 sec it is gud ?

>> No.9067862

did you get the suicoke from rakuten? i've been trying to find some place to buy them but have failed.
p.s. i love all of your fits

>> No.9067864

Dope sweater
Pants sit weird

>> No.9067867


I kind of like it. but you're gonna get hate 'cause your jeans aren't skinny enough.

>> No.9067868

dope as fuark

>> No.9067871


thanks! i got them from y!j, the rakuten ones are always p expensive or sold out.


around, busy w/ stuff



>> No.9067876

thanks a bunch, also i know you posted the pants but where exactly did you get them? not trying to.. cop your steez or anything..

>> No.9067879


haha it's all good, they were also on y!j.

>> No.9067884
File: 524 KB, 1152x2431, 20141111200425-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9067891

>around, busy w/ stuff
busy playing dota

>> No.9067895

I like it. Like the jeans a lot too. Nice hair

>> No.9067897


SSSHHHH i'm almost 4k

>> No.9067915
File: 1.31 MB, 967x2730, fuccboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attempt 2 with hair this time

>> No.9067921

This is substantially better homie! A little plain, but that's aight. Idk how much the styling of the jacket matches the rest of the fit tho, but that could just be me. Either way, on the right path. Do you have any boots? If not, now would be the time to invest in a pair you like and build around them, if you have the cash off hand.

>> No.9067926

I got some discounted boots but they turned out to be burgundy as fuck and clowny. I wanted to invest in some Red Wing rangers soon though, once I get the money

>> No.9067932

aahhh that sucks man. And yeah, that's not a bad call. I know they're meme as fuck, but I got some CDB's in beeswax and they work well with a lot of shit I wear. I could see them with that outfit as well if the pants were rolled maybe.

>> No.9067957

can you post a fit?

>> No.9067966
File: 65 KB, 640x426, Photo on 10-30-14 at 4.09 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have all that much to post, but this is pretty recent. Wearin those desert boots with it, also pants are corduroy

>> No.9067979 [DELETED] 
File: 2.76 MB, 2848x4272, IMG_4636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9067984

its not ok to battle spastics

>> No.9067986
File: 1.81 MB, 2471x3859, IMG_4636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9067987


fuckk that jacket is so good

>> No.9067994
File: 3.83 MB, 4272x2848, IMG_4646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about the delete, uploaded crooked photo


>> No.9067999
File: 4 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



never liked those shoes but its a good fit anyway

>my captcha

>> No.9068001

>I stomped the shit out of santa and now I have these candy canes on my shoes

>> No.9068009
File: 2.98 MB, 4912x5520, Yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy you need to shave those legs!

You guys look good/pretty.

>> No.9068010

W2c that jacket?

>> No.9068012

>not playing league of plebends
It's as if you don't want to make it.

>> No.9068017


>> No.9068020


league of bellends is a disaster of game design and marketing choices that i wouldn't touch with a 10ft pole

i dont play video games to meet plebs and 12 year olds, i play video games because i like getting better at them

>> No.9068035

how tall are you earth

>> No.9068037

Are you the same guy as theodore?

>> No.9068039


that sweater fits bad my man, sock game retarded

>> No.9068046


lol no theos completely different, i just look similar cause of my sweater and hair


i know sweater fits bad and sock games supposed 2 be retarded

>> No.9068048

I'm 5'11 and I weigh 60kg, the jacket is M. I like the size of the jacket, people have said to use the straps but I guess it comes down to personal preference.

>> No.9068062

Idk why but the shoes+jeans silhouette remind me trunks like so much.

>> No.9068066
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 1415652648230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, the classic i was only pretending to be retarded meme, i get it my man, stay epic

>> No.9068067

w2c sweater

>> No.9068069

i dont get this meme

>> No.9068070

Bronze v detected
Stay salty

>> No.9068074

worst shoes i have ever seen

>> No.9068079

Oops sorry then.
I really like both yours and his fits, even though I could never pull them off myself, they function as inspo a lot.

>> No.9068086
File: 219 KB, 1117x585, gheaXVt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i laffed

dont even know how rankings work in that game

>> No.9068130
File: 1.70 MB, 1972x1999, DSC_0086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normcore axe murder / my soup always good

>> No.9068150

shit picture quality but it looks alright
a lighter denim wash or back denim would look better imo

>> No.9068151

literally 90% similarity in your fits
i cant even tell the difference between the 20 you've posted recently
do you even have another pair of shoes?
to be fair, i'm really starting to get tired of how shit league of garbage is
so many bugs, so much cancer
been playing sparingly since season 2 (season 4 just ended), acceptable ranking for number of games played (top 7%, very few)
not sure if will return for season 5

>> No.9068152

cozy house......

>> No.9068192

anyone know which NBs those are?

>> No.9068193

yeah, not bad, except the shoes. They really need to go.

>> No.9068225

>socks not pulled up
>shag carpet
>messy desk
>messy bed
>2/6 donuts

>> No.9068245

mad confused homie here.
Thanks for the advice man. Honestly, I was just trying to dig up my warmest clothes into a half decent fit. Unfortunately I failed, so I'll try some better jeans when the pair I want comes back into stock. Cheers for the good advice anon.

>> No.9068251
File: 202 KB, 636x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9068258
File: 62 KB, 720x960, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this, it's nice, casual one, though I'm not sure about your jeasn texture. Oh, and nb sucks, but it's a personal preference.
Looks like prada creepers, good cop. Nice silhouette.
Looks too creased, but idk. Maybe ok.
Hi, soldier skinhead grandpa. Looking good.
Really, really like this shoe-pants combo.
100% discount at hm? Knew it.
Would be 10/10 without scarf.>>9067251
I'm going for this look, but can't find decent skinnies. Where to cop? Love the fit.
You look how you described it. Posing with roses makes it 10 times worse, I can't cope with it.

Posting a party fit from yesterday.

>> No.9068259

im >>9066950

your fits are v consistently on point, wish youd post more outside these threads. im jealous of the volume you manage to pull off with layers, can never quite do it myself


>> No.9068262

I'll get on that

>> No.9068267

shirt is bad

>> No.9068272
File: 14 KB, 370x415, sz_143854_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're 997s. colours go with all the colours i wear, love them

>> No.9068278


ya u r white
so white

>> No.9068283
File: 2.42 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a matchy cunt

>> No.9068332

what's this guys reddit username?

>> No.9068357

still had time to take a pic for an anonymous chinese anime board though right anon?

>> No.9068364

Looks cool roll ur sleeves down tho.

>> No.9068389


>> No.9068397

This is so bad wtf are you doing here

>> No.9068437

any cool techwear fits? im not into the preppy or goth stuff posted here so far
strawtengu looks nice though

>> No.9068512

Loose ass shirt makes him look like an Auschwitz prisoner.
Pants are a foot too long.
Wearing shoes several sizes too large just so he can brag about wearing larger shoes.

>> No.9068544
File: 289 KB, 1386x1024, outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess where I live

>> No.9068582
File: 2.62 MB, 2800x4200, nov11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9068596

You carry a S&W .357 magnum daily? Are you a fucking idiot?

>> No.9068599

pants are shit in this fit, get a new pair of white lows already or at least trade out those for your CPs more often.

>> No.9068604

Do you wear anything but Supreme?

>> No.9068611

Goes to show you that photo quality is one of the biggest factors in how people judge a fit in these threads.

>> No.9068626

but all the replies other than yours were saying bad things about his fit

>> No.9068630
File: 54 KB, 604x402, ranch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the .22 model 17, not the police .38/357
but yes I use it every day

>> No.9068631

this isn't a chart thread dumbass

>> No.9068636

>owning multiple white lowtops

>> No.9068639

what the fuck is that shit on your feet. rest of fit is great, but i hate the shoes.

>> No.9068642

I don't really have any cameras other than a phone sorry man

>> No.9068646

>string glued to your shoes
>designer fashion

>> No.9068648

lol @ this joker critiquing others

>> No.9068650

That is because they have built up expectations for Theo's fits. He has an identity on this board. If it was a crappy mirror selfie they would have torn it apart.

>> No.9068653
File: 1.96 MB, 1080x1920, 2014-11-11 16.07.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visited my favorite country singer.

>> No.9068670
File: 62 KB, 752x834, f ayyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9068674

go ryan goslingcore.
you only need the jacket, the autism is on point tho.

>> No.9068676

so many people try to do this sort of thing and end up looking goofy as fuck but somehow you got it on lock in this fit

>> No.9068679

thanks based anon

>> No.9068682

you need a better haircut asap

>> No.9068689

that's fair but you should still keep charts only in the chart thread

>> No.9068692

I agree, I'm not sure what to get though. It's supposed to be an undercut but my hair is too damn thin. Even with gel it will only look nice for ~2 hours tops before it goes back to a static storm of angel hair pasta.

>> No.9068703

>what is pomade.

>> No.9068737

Why would you carry a gun that fucking large and ponderous if you're going to be shooting .22?

>> No.9068738

>this faglord is judging other people

>> No.9068747
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12,742 km

>> No.9068752

w2c that everything

>> No.9068757


im not coco but its rick mainline / drkshdw / acne / lanvin from what i see :}

>> No.9068759

shoes are walmart arts and crafts section

>> No.9068761

you are the prettiest girl i have ever seen i love you strawtengu

>> No.9068766




thanks, a lot of the volume is the sweater just being large lol. i do post a little outside, sometimes too lazy to put trip on

>> No.9068768
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Should I wear this /fa/?
Neither /mu/ nor lesgen do not want me to wear it

>> No.9068774

shoots all .22 shorts lr and rat shot; also the barrel is nice and long for a bit of accuracy

>> No.9068776

You need to eat food. You look malnourished

>> No.9068781

Lol, the gun isn't large. Look at the barrel.

I'm fucking sick of yuropussies on the internet.

>> No.9068785

if you fuccboi once you can fuccboi twice

>> No.9068800

>that shirt
>thinks he knows what he's talking about

>> No.9068806


Your frame is not the best frame for following the skinny trend

>> No.9068856

w2c boots/creepers/shoes whatever they are?

>> No.9068865

are those the I love ugly smart pants?

>> No.9068879

cool shirt, fucked up with the clownshoes
Is this nigger serious? Like, really? Shit is loud in the worst way possible.
When prep goes horribly wrong
It's aight, you wear it well. Moving on..
Frodo/10 nice ring you fucking normcore faggot.
lmao dressed by reddit. Flannel is soft grunge as all hell

>> No.9068885

Prada Espadrilles

>> No.9068914

w2c that jacket. Looks nice as hell

>> No.9068924

Thrifted it man, it's unbranded as far as I can tell. Almost all of my shirts and jackets are thrifted. If you know some good ones in your area and lurk in the summer, you'll find some cool shit. Usually jackets are sold out in the winter on account of all the bums scooping them up.

>> No.9068931

I mostly thrift too, never seem to find any good jackets though. What would be the style of it? So maybe i could find some others like it

>> No.9068934

I'd call it a barn coat. Found a really similar one on eBay for 15 plus shipping. But yeah, creep eBay for a while and search barn coats, most of them seem to be xl tho unfortunately, but you might get lucky

>> No.9068940

Haha thanks man. xl is usually what I buy since I am more husky(fat) and just generally find large clothing more comfortable

>> No.9068943




>> No.9068948

then go ham my man lol. Good luck on your travels. Post some shit you find.

>> No.9068955

Already finding a bunch by searching barn coat. Exactly what I was looking for man.. Many thanks

>> No.9068958

No worries homie

>> No.9069064
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Pls no bully

>> No.9069070

are you a boy or girl?

>> No.9069076

This fit is shit

>> No.9069086

Idk lol

>> No.9069103

so bad it's good

>> No.9069113

Is that blistered lamb? How warm is it compared to a hoodie?

Want to get a leather with some nice texture but don't want to get something I can never wear.

>> No.9069124

did not expect only 2 replies!! please give me attention!!!

>> No.9069130

You're literally a nigger
And know nothing about fashion stop posting

>> No.9069215

jealous? you ugly balding cunt :^)
stance and asokone down, ur next you tryhard, no-life loser

>> No.9069252

w2c jacket?

>> No.9069254
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the skirt's high-waisted, the shirt is just black


>> No.9069257
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Yuppie. Scarf is a hand knit I bought from a friend.

>> No.9069258
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>> No.9069263

pick that tube up off the floor

>> No.9069269

you dress like a mom

>> No.9069271

i can make you blow me in like 10m

>> No.9069276

I'm ok with that. I work 9-5.

>> No.9069279

why are you here when you are short, ugly and balding? you are also poor and have no good clothes lol

>> No.9069283

id finger u and let u suck me off, but thats all

>> No.9069287

fucking awful

>> No.9069291


all good

>> No.9069296


trunks is handsomer than you, has more knowledge than you, is funnier than you and actually has a better hairline than you. and you actually spend 4 hours a day on /fa/ when you're this shit
top kek

>> No.9069300

can confirm

>> No.9069302

lol rekt

>> No.9069305
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nice fits guys we've been improving

>> No.9069307

Unfortunately 80% of the decent fits are fake posts stolen from reddit :(

>> No.9069443

Absolutely terrible. For starters, get rid of the skirt. You're not an anime character for fuck's sake.
You bought everything you're wearing at Urban Outfitters. lmao
Next time you go thrifting, at least try to find a t-shirt without a print lol. It fits like shit by the way.
hey do you go to UCLA?

>> No.9069502

I don't like the jacket, I hate the obnoxious SUPREME logo. Bottom looks nice though

>> No.9069515
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so obnoxious

ruins the whole jacket

>> No.9069521

yea man that 3" logo is so fkn obnoxious ruins the damn fit

>> No.9069523

>has a better hairline than you
my sides :D

>> No.9069524
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>> No.9069533

is that a picture of a hard cock on your tee?

>> No.9069549

looks pretty flacid to me

>> No.9069575

lookin good man vest/jacket is really neat

>> No.9069579


>> No.9069588
File: 171 KB, 540x960, 2014-11-11 23.15.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant really see sorry but you can see a bit.tipsy already lol.

>> No.9069601
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>> No.9069618

clean your mirror

>> No.9069632


not digging the boots.

everything else is fine though.

>> No.9069634

sock game not on point dawg

>> No.9069639


the shoes....why

>> No.9069643


those legs though. should get a slim fit

>> No.9069647

w2c ceiling gripping shoes

>> No.9069654


haircut needs work, but otherwise its okay. too much black for my tastes.

>> No.9069657


>ever, in any context

dear god no. please don't. if you want to go full retard get a death grips shirt.

>> No.9069670
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>> No.9069671

Is legs are fine for fa/. Need better shoes jaden smith/10
Nice cant really see but by judging its good so far

>> No.9069710

all black makes shoes stand out too much. leave them outside in the rain for a few days and it'll work or switch up the clothes

>> No.9069726

very basic but the shoes are maximalist enough to make it work.

Best itt

>> No.9069733

fuck off dave lol u look fat

>> No.9069746

im 135 lbs u dolt

far from fat

>> No.9069749

>admitted samefagging
ayy lmao, shit fit btw

>> No.9069761

ur a samefag bitch

>> No.9069764

>Best itt


>> No.9069771

i sware lol

>> No.9069836

RIck owens lambskin from vicious
candy canes
rick, drkshdw, acne ace cash, lanvin >>9069113
no its not blistered, just lambskin
I wouldn't say its particularly warm but the feel is great and a decent insulator. i'd say like wearing 2 hoodies ;)

>> No.9069857

The ring is from the first time I got drunk at age 14. Was in mexico with my best friend and we both got bamf carved into rings on our way back to the cruise ship.

Bought the watch on a road trip to Dallas to see Brand New play. Got it at an antique store with my other best friend.

I doubt you have any jewelry with sentimental value.

>> No.9069871

>i play video games because i like getting better at them

i dont get this mindset, its super rampant with online gamers. gotta grind shit out and get better, consantly trying to improve.

i mean i like challenging myself but for the most part it doesnt seem like the ppl who play this way have fun. thats why u get so many ragers in MOBAs

>> No.9069889


>grind shit

the grind in dota is pretty much nonexistent unless you're talking about people who play solely to raise their mmr.

the game is about 90% knowledge, experience, teamwork, and decision-making and every game you play should bring you closer to getting better at each of those things, not just mechanics and reaction time which should be practiced anyway.

getting better at drafting, decisionmaking, and strategy are without a doubt what allows you to win games from behind or pull off the best maneuvers which is ten times more rewarding than relying on individual player skill and making le big plays xd

>> No.9069903
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i've seen seagulls fly better than this

>> No.9069908
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I kind of believe him. Hes pretty good looking for a nigga.

>> No.9069910

It took me a second to realize you are female. The shirt is not doing you any favors. I can't tell what's going on with your skirt because of dirty mirror/glare, so no comment on that. The shoes you're wearing usually look better with pants; hard to suggest alternate footwear since this fit is so unfocused.

I don't love the skirt but it's hard to say if it's salvageable without seeing it in its entirety. The shoes do not go well with this outfit; if you're aiming for school girl, you should at least wear flats and stockings. A more structured coat would also work better.

You are a good friend for buying that scarf. The watch looks like something you got from a cereal box. From this camera angle, your boots are making your legs look very short. Overall it's an OK fit. Very typical high school/college student.

You look like you belong in a garage band. If that's the look you were aiming for, you have achieved it!

Can't tell what is going on. Is that a flannel shoved up your shirt?

I like the jacket, but I don't really like it with those pants since it's a lot of white for one outfit.

Like others noted, focus is definitely on shoes. Do you want people to only look at your feet? Maybe put something more interesting on top or switch out shoes for something a little more subtle.

>> No.9069914

kind of overdone but I still like it. The whole black bomber and new balances is just too common imo.
How everything fits is nice. I like that the jacket treads the line between shirting and jacket thickness.
Nothing too special but neat. I don't care for toggles so the coat isn't doing too much for me. New Balances are a bit over done.
Not bad. nothing special.
Those boots are really off putting. Get something more classic looking,
Not my style but fresh. I can dig it.
Can't really see how everything fits. Pretty cool though.
Cute as hell. As many people said, the scarf is kind of weird. Maybe you should wear it differently. Other then that, I like the contrasting colors on top from the monochrome on bottom.
You look good in chelseas. Other then that, it's kind of bland.
Seems awkward.It's either the boots with the jacket or the jacket with the boots. I feel like toggle coats look a bit too dainty for boots that rugged and vice-versa.
From what I can see, it looks like you have a preppy look going on. Could be cool, depends on how your face looks whether or not it could be cool.
Looks really inorganic and cobbled together. Red pants really cut into what you've got going on. And not even as a set piece, its just really loud and... obnoxious, I guess is the word I'm thinking of.
Seems like an incomplete idea. You have desert boots/chukkas with a parka and it looks funky. Some people do it quite well, but grey with earthy tones is just weird.
Basic. Solid.
Not bad, nothing special though.
FAGGOT. Just playin homie. Graphics cool on the tee but that's about it. Pretty generic.
Onto something. Shoes really clash with everything else going on.

>> No.9069920

#1 isn't female dude

>> No.9069927

Flannel under my waist

>> No.9069928

Lanvin Rat Poo shoes

nah, not feelin it. Fit is the equivalent of putting nails in porridge. If you got dope pants like that, don't pair them with sock/sandals & wool jumper. C'mon. & Don't ask me what you should pair them with because you know better.


>> No.9069932

either way it's a terrible fit

>> No.9069940

Continued from >>9069914:
That flannel print is really off putting. You look like you dress like a highschooler. And if those are the only shoes you have, then save up some money for other shoes. Those are the most obnoxious things I've ever seen and they probably won't work with most everything you have in your wardrobe. And if they do work with anything in your wardrobe, consider getting rid of those pieces.
>TL;DR print is pretty ugly tbh and the shoes need to go
Pretty solid. No complaints from me. Just enough details to make it stand out but not too much.
Grungey in a bad way. Your hair needs to go back to it's natural color. Pink highlights, I will always associate with scene kids. Head band looks really silly. Shirt could be cool but with the whole package, you look really high school. I guess whatever look you're going for looks really under developed.
I really like the whole fit until the shoes. I feel like you have a really relaxed vibe on top, almost Hunter S. Thompson but less wiley (which is good imo). The tennis shoes don't do much for me though with the whole look. Regardless, dope.
Mixed feelings. I like the look you're going for and while I like most of it, the sandals seem really weird and contradictory to what you're doing. Looks really comfy though.
Not much to work with here.
Comfy but looks generic. And the roll you've done looks kind of awkward. Then again, I've never liked rolling so take that with a grain of salt.
Pretty generic. Northface has cool pieces but they don't stand out. Shoes are weird too. I suppose I just don't like the intense amount of color coordination that's going on here. I get that you're shirt is black and has blue text, that doesn't mean your shoes have to, bud.

>> No.9069941

Have you never played a sport? Trying your best to win is what makes it fun.

That said I play all pick and pick my favorite heros because I have fun as them but you're damn sure I play to win and refuse to go negative even if I'm supporting.

>> No.9069972


>> No.9069973

Too much earth tone. Like way too much. Swap out the top for denim or bottom for denim and it'll look better in my opinion. Granted it would be a generic look, but it would be better then earth man.
Neat. Fairly standard woodsy look but still, not bad.
Crazy shoes. Not entirely sure if I like it or not, even so, cool fit man.
Those glasses look really out of place on you. Then again, I don't know your personality. I personally feel like glasses actually say a lot about a person but when they clash with your face, it's just weird. The outfit is kind of weird too.
That jacket is so awkward. Not in an engineered garments way. Just in an out of place way, especially with your body type.
Not an aesthetic I care for but you look good in it. Also, not that it's any of my business, even though they say smoking is /fa/, at what cost are you /fa/? Anyways...
Undeveloped sense of style. That shirt has a really bad color scheme. I actually think you could look better going for a more casual style then that weird collared shirt.
Really preppy. I feel like there's a negative connotation when you say it, but that looks very MFA. Not a huge fan.
Cool dude. You have dope style.
Nothing really interesting. Not bad, not good. Just indifferent.
Shirt makes you look like a high schooler.
Cute. I have mixed feelings when people do the whole skirt with graphics tee thing. Those feelings still stand.
Cute. I like the contrast of the preppy look with the parka.
Pretty generic imo.
I would lump this look with a lot of dudes who wear supreme. Doesn't do much for me.
If you're goin for that Kanye look, I suppose your close. Can't tell if it's awkward or not cuz I can't see any of your face.

>> No.9069977

That print on your shirt is kind of ugly. The jackets cool but I feel like the whole LOTS OF WHITE is really insisting on itself.
Neat. Nothing special. But neat nonetheless.

>> No.9069995

smash is the best game

>> No.9070000

I think thats him with the kanye look-------------->>>9069908. Hes the only nigga that post here and on /soc

>> No.9070006


and a perfect example of le big plays xd reaction time xd that i'm trying to avoid, dave, u lil shit

>> No.9070070


needs more supreme and reigning champ dave.

>> No.9070113
File: 1.21 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a hurry

>> No.9070127

Aren't your legs cold anon?


>> No.9070569



>> No.9070613

Bur I really like the shirt. Why is it so bad to wear it? Is 4chan just pretentious about Coldplay?

>> No.9071277

whyd u drop ya trip dave
i see you you sneaky little azn ninja manlet
nothing gets past the fit cataloguer

>> No.9071329

jesus christ, why are you so angry?

>> No.9072179


>> No.9072183

where did asokone go? I miss him...

>> No.9072397

Id on pants.