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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 62 KB, 400x400, 1414349711789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9011008 No.9011008 [Reply] [Original]

>I will never be motivated to lose body fat
>I will always have a big nose
>I will always have brown eyes
>I will always be 5'10
>I will never be a male model

>> No.9011014

aw cheer up OP, what are some things you like about yourself?

>> No.9011016
File: 8 KB, 450x401, 1412117476938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought a bomber recently that I like

my cheekbones are ok

thats about it

>> No.9011022
File: 1.69 MB, 500x281, boiler-12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought a gym membership
>trying to bulk up but eating 2600 kcal a day is hard
>tfw you can't wait to cut
>tfw you hit your protein goals too quickly on in the day and in the evening you have to scramble for ~1000 calories
>a few minor injuries here and there while doing squats
>pt says i should stop doing squats and need to buy arch inserts for my shoes

>i'll always have a big nose but i'm getting used to it
>i kind of like the masculinity it affords me

>adding a cleanser and stridex pads to my morning and night routines are giving me clearer skin

>tfw you're 5'10
>tfw people think you're 6'0 because you wear slimming clothes

>tfw 20th birthday is in two months
>tfw virgin

>> No.9011040

>tfw bought a macbook air
>everything I do with it could be done on a $300 laptop

I feel like an idiot

a-atleast I'm /fa/

>> No.9011051

>I will never be motivated to lose body fat
never say never, anon
you want to lose weight to have a /fa/ body right? let that be your motivation.
>I will always have a big nose
>I will always have brown eyes
also brown eyes are nothing to be ashamed of, they're god tier imo
>I will always be 5'10
at least you're taller than the average
>I will never be a male model
yeah, that you will never be.

>> No.9011054

what bomber? post pics

>> No.9011056

stopped reading there
get out fatty

>> No.9011059

>blind consumerism

>> No.9011062

something i read in a psychology textbook that i think is helpful for motivation, be conscious of these things when you are trying to get things done

F = Fusion (stuff your mind tells you that gets in the way when you get caught up in it)
E = Excessive goals (your goal is too big, or you lack the skills, or you lack the resources)
A = Avoidance of discomfort (unwillingness to make room for the discomfort this challenge brings)
R = Remoteness from values (losing touch with - or forgetting - what is important or meaningful about this)

>> No.9011075

>everything I do with it could be done on a $300 laptop
that's not true
a $300 laptop has a disk tray to play cd's, games and dvd's

macbook air does not.
if you're gonna buy a macbook to be /fa/ go for the pro otherwise you just look like a poorfag pleb tryhard

>> No.9011076
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>> No.9011078
File: 1.88 MB, 226x200, 1409252357171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not fat that's why i'm trying to gain weight

stay small

>> No.9011088

you're getting a lot of hate here

I used to have a mac book (the chunky white one) provided by my highschool, I had to give it back when i graduated.

I miss that thing so fucking much, the thing i liked most about it was that it was easy, never had any problems with it.

Though the thing i miss most is the super smooth scrolling

Having said that i also have a desktop pc running windows so i had the best of both worlds

>> No.9011091

looks like they only got xs left


or do you want a pic of me wearing it?

>> No.9011095

just the bomber
only the bomber

>> No.9011111
File: 183 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 10-28-14 at 9.54 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fits pretty good

>> No.9011115

>I will always have a sunken chest
>white shoes always get dirty
>friends don't care about your nice clothes and get them dirty while messing around

>> No.9011119

quints confirm gap is best bomber

>> No.9011132

>Though the thing i miss most is the super smooth scrolling
there are addons for that

>> No.9011169

>implying a trackpad as nice as apples exists

>> No.9011173

have used apple track pads, can confirm they are shit

>> No.9011183
File: 90 KB, 539x807, 1414262802963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're full of shit and probably have aspergers

>> No.9011190

Can you explain the Fusion part more? Is it like distractions that stop you from getting the task done?

>> No.9011194

>is mad
>other person must have spergers

>> No.9011197

Looks good!

>> No.9011198
File: 43 KB, 537x589, 1413811354033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apple trackpads are shit

Ill take "things basement dwelling autists who use glowing razr gaming mouses would say" for 400

>> No.9011208

thanks, man

I've been looking for months, glad i finally found a nice one

>> No.9011211

true. the air is the iPod nano of MacBooks. pros all the way.

>> No.9011218

i like it

>> No.9011232

its navy irl btw

>> No.9011238
File: 114 KB, 1187x804, tumblr_n9a52jZijF1qzvtljo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a 7 foot, ripped, super pale, androgynous pretty boy with the ability to change your hair to what ever you want it to look like at your whim, who also has the worlds most contagious laughter.

why fucking live

>> No.9011253

Did you buy it in a store or online? I don't think I saw any of those last weekend at the mall. It looks like good quality for the price.

>> No.9011258
File: 2.73 MB, 240x135, 1408919717487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order a watch
>five minutes after I place the order I find a different watch that looks 10x better for the same price
>can't cancel the original order

>> No.9011265
File: 134 KB, 680x1000, 1373231043269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a jrpg character

>> No.9011270


I have a macbook and also use a gaming mouse with another computer (i love me a bit of cs:go, pls no hate)

can confirm that appletrackpads are better for general browsing and shit, fkn love em

>> No.9011280

in store, it is nice for the price,i got it 40% off for like $40

>> No.9011297
File: 3.86 MB, 240x135, ezgif.com-reverse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9011304

I believe I have a very ugly face (picture a big nose with an underbite) that is somewhat asymetrical. A girl rated me a 4/10 but I guess that's better than a 0, lol.

I'm also extremely lanky at 5'11 and 3/4". currently 129lbs.

My personality is shit because from 12-18 years old I rarely ever went outside or had many friends so I missed out on social development. I'm doing better now, in conversations I can perform well if I think about the conversation and topics beforehand, but if I get caught off guard I literally have nothing to say. Today I was driving and someone I know started yelling out to me in traffic and I didn't know what to say lol.

I turn 21 in a few weeks and I've never had a gf or had any intimate relations with anyone, but I try not to think about it cuz having a relationship shouldn't be an end goal.

I started lifting a few weeks ago (the main issue is eating enough) and I've tried to become more interesting (when I take light doses of vyvanse I feel more confident and talkative) and compared to like a year ago i've made quite a few new friends.

just like in minority report, you have a choice bros. you can change the future.

>> No.9011310

Yeah I copy pasted that sorry it's a bit confusing

The way i think of it is when you have negative thoughts e.g. i'll still be ugly if i lose weight or in general thoughts that will stop you from achieving what you set out to in the first place.

You consciously don't let them 'fuse' with your attitude because your attitude affects your behavior and they will stop you from achieving the task.

I'm no psych expert btw, just found it helpful/interesting.

I think it's a part of cognitive behavioral therapy.

I hope this helped
p.s. sorry for the long/intense response i am on my dexies :-)

>> No.9011329

>tfw 5'10 but look 5'8

>> No.9011342

Thanks, that makes sense. I find psychology very cool. Do you know any interesting books for someone who doesn't know much about it?

>> No.9011372
File: 48 KB, 426x341, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of copping a refurbished MacBook Pro for work

Should I? Is there a current computer out there that does what a MacBook Pro does (obvs not IOS tho) for cheaper?

I would use the left over money to build a gaming PC

>> No.9011376
File: 25 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way I'm going to be using excel, build simple websites, and use photoshop / illustrator for work

>> No.9011385


Would build a dope gaming pc tbh
Only the most expensive parts, no faggy shit

>> No.9011393

sorta related to what you were saying about social skills,

I had really good social skills, like I always got told how likable I was, i could improvise when public speaking shit and like after an intense psych assessment by some senior lecturer/psychologist he said I had the best social skills that he had ever seen based on my results (not sure if that's a bragging point haha)

Any way In my final year of highschool (aus) I got glandular fever really badly and missed a lot of school, i have a history of pretty bad depression and being stuck at home for so long feeling like shit i sorta got stuck in a downward spiral and ended up dropping out (hit rock bottom with a pretty pathetic suicide attempt, doing a bit better now though).

...aaaanyway after being couped up in my room for ages it was crazy how fast my confidence and social skills faded.

I think it's important just to get out there and be around people as much as possible, if you're trying to improve social skills i reckon just hang around somewhere you won't see anyone you know and talk to shopkeepers, cafe workers etc. or just people at a bar, use alcohol to help i guess but don't rely on it. I reckon the best way to get better is just to do it often, even if you fuck up and look like a sperglord, you just know what not to do, take it in stride.

ty for reading have a nice day

>> No.9011410

its good for photoshop/illustrator stuff

for your kind of work you can't go wrong with a mac, go for it

>> No.9011414

you have a nice day aswell

>> No.9011415

macs are perfect for that shit, not sure about other options tho

with the gaming pc invest in a ssd* for your OS and a big harddrive for other shit

* ~200gb is perfect, mine is about 120 and it requires constant maintenance like deleting temp files and shit, i'm not too good with computers tho maybe smart people could make it work better than i do.

>> No.9011460

>tfw 5'11 1/2
>will never be 6 feet

I can still be a male model r-right guys? I'm 125 lbs.

>> No.9011691

Word, I'm thinking a refurb MacBook Air or pro. I have an old Alienware desktop I intend to gut and replace with le ebin gaming parts and def a ssd. But I've heard the Thinkpad things are pretty good. I basically need a reliable laptop, and then work on an ebin PC gamer comp.

So it sounds like you think the MacBook is just the best way to go for simple work shit.

I'm also getting a brand new iPad Air (or mini, whichever is better) for ~$50 cus I just signed up for Verizon fios. I feel like a Mac would be good to go with the ipad for work related shit since they can use cloud (from what I've heard, I really don't know shit about computers). My le supreme computer savvy friend is gonna pick out and put the parts together for my gaming desktop so that ain't no thang.

Anyways thanks for helpin me out brotha!

>> No.9011732

>left eye missing from incident
>glass eye not an option because of damage
>forced to wear patch
>always receive comments like ,"Ehrmagerd! B-big Bossu! Take me to Outer Heaven!" from autists
>get comments like "Ahoy, matey. Yaaaaaargghhh!" from everyone else
Halloween is coming up and strangers will keep on asking if I'm in costume. It also doesn't help that I'm in shape, have a beard, and work part-time in GameStop. My fat sperglord of a manager is actually paying me extra to work on Halloween weekend in . . . you guessed it . . . milsurp with Diamond Dog patches.

I'd rather sit at home, read books, and drink beer with my dog.

>> No.9011750


>> No.9011751

when people ask or make fun just pull that eye patch away and show em yr fucked up crater eye

use it against em

>> No.9011763 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 720x722, IMG_20141029_124120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the /fa/ mod is a useless cunt

>> No.9011764
File: 34 KB, 600x556, 1412766500229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha tfw

>> No.9011772

>I will never be motivated to lose body fat
you can fix that
>I will always have a big nose
you can fix that too
>I will always have brown eyes
nothing wrong with brown eyes unless you're /pol/-tier autistic
>I will always be 5'10
nothing wrong with that either
>I will never be a male model
so what

>> No.9011783

That only brings more attention to myself. People will only invite their friends over for a look. Then they will ask for pictures, which will only end up on Facebook. I know how this will end up.

>> No.9011853
File: 35 KB, 490x246, 1413510214085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw $15 brick phone
>tfw no way to instagram, blog, record life as it slips through your hands

>> No.9011865

Keep a small journal with you then. Social media is fucking stupid.

>> No.9011886

>tfw intersex and look awk. as fuck in any fit.
>tfw masc. face
>tfw broad shoulders
>tfw too much hair
>tfw stopped giving a fuck about my appearance after i left the institution
>tfw never being effay
>tfw womens shirts dont fit right
>tfw cant afford body shaping/ reconstructive surgery
>tfw no way to reduce horizontal profile

>> No.9011915

You can wear lifts

>> No.9011919

>tfw would love to spend my 3000$ salary on effay cops
>tfw life goal stands in the way of any excessive cops
>tfw forced to wear my current wardrobe the next 2 years

>> No.9011981

so basically you're a girl who looks like a guy who looks like a girl?

>> No.9012000

everything on that is me, except i cant gain body fat/muscle, and i have curly jew hair.
(big nose, curly hair, not jewish)

>> No.9012003

Why cant /fa/ be this nice all the time??

>> No.9012007

>youll never understand fashion

>> No.9012008

ehhh no.
just fucking hrt makes you all sorts of fucked up but yeah also
>tfw tranny

>> No.9012009

>girl who looks like a guy who looks like a girl


>> No.9012016

Because being nice to everyone all the time isn't good for anyone

>> No.9012021


>> No.9012122

Don't use drugs if they're not prescripted to you
That shit can kill u even if ur doing the same amount of doses each time (learned in school lel pls don't do drugs)

Also,I know ur feel
Senior in high school and still trying to get friends and all
I have people I'm cool with but I'm not cool enough to go out with them and such
I really like this girl since soph yuur but ruined it cus I acted stupid around her since I Thot she wud like edgy teen kyd
Hopefully I'll make it through somehow

>> No.9012133


that frog made me happy

>> No.9012136

If u stood back to back to a six foot no one would really tell the difference
You're fine, old sport

>> No.9012355
File: 58 KB, 645x773, 1411083263568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you`re 6`4
>tfw you have decent cheek bones and jawline
>tfw you see your first gains after weeks of training
>tfw you`re not a virgin
>tfw you ruin everything by being an autistic fuck

>> No.9012370

Maybe not being nice to everyone, but being nice to folks who need it helps everyone.
Speak in positives not negatives, friendo

>> No.9012830

>Iktf brah
I just hope we can make it

>> No.9012873

Ur life doesn't seem bad lol
Depends on what you're ruining that ur not telling us

>> No.9013266

underage b&

>> No.9013272

those phones are /fa/. i posted mine in a thread and everybody loved it.

>> No.9013289

>tfw gf bought me a pricy fedora for my birthday

>> No.9013303

>tfw 131 lbs at 5'10
>tfw feel disgustingly fat
>tfw I hate dieting but I have to keep going

Hopefully I'll be a skeletor soon...

>> No.9013308

underage b&

>> No.9013331

You are already skeletor, you just have so little musclemass that you appear fat even while at 8% bodyfat.

Do weightlifting or calisthenics, guaranteed spookyness without all the skinnyfat.

>> No.9013350

>studying abroad in holland
>go to hairdresser, doesn't seem too dodgy from the outside
>go in, everybody has the north african version of HY
>oh shit
>talk to the chick, she doesn't speak English
>try to explain it with simple words, show some photos
>she nods but doesn't follow it
>hair's too short, fml

>> No.9013362

was dan godverdomme niet bij een kankerkapper gegaan jij retard.

>> No.9013369

>wanting a memephone
basic cell phones are great

>> No.9013375 [DELETED] 

yeah I'm fluent in Dutch m8

>> No.9013384

I don't speak Dutch but you seem like a cunt

>> No.9013418
File: 30 KB, 321x357, truestory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucked up, mate

>> No.9013435

stupid cunt why didnt you find another place

>> No.9013443

I do speak Dutch and he seems like a cunt

>> No.9013451

Seconded. I have a 20€ phone and I carry a small black journal with me at all times. Gives le poetic and artistic vibes. Also, I'm more comfortable with leafing through old drawings and shit rather than digging up some age-old (often cringy) Facebook updates.

>> No.9013471

>tfw no way to instagram, blog, record life as it slips through your hands

Most idiotic thing I read in a while

>> No.9013533

>been dating gf for almost a year
>has never worn makeup and always said she hates it (still qt tho)
>recently started seeing her once or twice a week wearing it to class/work
>when i say it looks nice or some shit she kinda acts weird about it
>never wears makeup around me

am i crazy for that to make me feel weird? i guess she's comfortable with me but it's just kinda strange that all the sudden shes wearing it on these specific days and never around me

>> No.9013544

It means she is fucking around behind you back.

>> No.9013577

you sure? i've seen her texts on her phone and shes not texting any guys. should i just ask her about it?

>> No.9013582

See >>9013544

>> No.9013590

but i just said there werent any texts from guys on her phone. what do i do about this without straying into psycho boyfriend territory?

>> No.9013608

first post fit in white wifebeater.
>Then beat your GF and post vid.
>start wifebeater tripcode.
>Ne effay legend.
>pls wear geos.

>> No.9013613

That's not necessarily the case so don't overthink it but it's definitely odd, girls normally wear make-up when they want to look good and impress. I don't see why she wouldn't wear any in front of you but she would do it when she meets other people

>> No.9013615

fuck, right? This felt kind of warm.

>> No.9013620

Your girl wants to be pretty for everyone other than you.

>s-she isn't cheating guys.


>> No.9013631

Look at MFA, even the shittiest if fits get compliments because they are posting with account.
being a nice but lying faggot gets more internet points than being honest.

I love effay because it's honest, the haters are often exaggerating but I think that's better than saying "so dope w2c errythang" at a folkman fit like they do on reddit everyday.

>> No.9013720

so should i just ask her about it?

>> No.9013732

>tfw social life is finally pretty good
>tfw my face is becoming more attractive for each passning month
>tfw copped a nice pair of jeans

>tfw Fa was the best thing to ever happen me, even tho i had a transitional phase with some very questionable cops

>> No.9013765

post it now

>> No.9013766
File: 127 KB, 356x333, that creepin feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i introduced my friend to sufu

>some girl texted asking me what i know about tyler the creator since i had a pic of him as an avatar and i replied "enough not to care"


it's weird how being away from this site can affect behaviour in the most minor of manners

>> No.9013772

If you're curious about the whole makeup thing, ask about it. Don't assume negative shit just because insecure /fa/ fuccbois are telling you so.

>> No.9013786

>i posted mine in a thread and everybody loved it
honestly while those are cool for their ruggedness and to be contrarian with,your sentence is just generally gay m8

>> No.9013790

>I will never be motivated to lose body fat
It's not that hard. Cut out lactose and walk places instead of driving. Don't take in liquid calories, water only.

>I will always have a big nose
Nose job.

>I will always have brown eyes
Contact lenses.

>I will always be 5'10
Tall enough, just work on your posture and wear lifts in your shoes.

>I will never be a male model
Sorry m8.

>> No.9013822

helloooo nevermind those feels chek my dubs

>> No.9013830
File: 32 KB, 616x376, these are the dubs i got when i check em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey wow ur cute ;^)

>> No.9013850 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 628x434, muhcrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best coat I have ever had is no longer made

I have this brown suede coat that has that perfect blend of Conservative and edgy we all look for.

Its the kind of thing that I will look back on in 20 years and think, "damn, I looked good in that ol' thing."

It compliments my favorite boots like they were designed to be together.

It contrasts my skin tone like it was designed to do it.

>when it finally wears out I'm going to have to buy some pleb-tier peacoat or parka

oh well, should last some years yet.

>> No.9013856

I'm sure all of you have lots of things that merit happiness. Make it a /fa/ happy feels

>> No.9013861
File: 70 KB, 204x281, 432rf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dubz crew

>> No.9013862
File: 55 KB, 628x434, muhcrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best coat I have ever had is no longer made

I have this brown suede coat that has that perfect blend of Conservative and edgy we all look for.

Its the kind of thing that I will look back on in 20 years and think, "damn, I looked like a million bucks in that," unlike all the trendy shit we laugh at ourselves for in the future.

It compliments my favorite boots like they were designed to be together.

It contrasts my skin tone like I was born to wear it.

>when it finally wears out I'm going to have to buy some pleb-tier peacoat or parka

oh well, should last some years yet.

>> No.9013883

Post a pic of you wearing it with your 2dope boots. We will decide if you look like a million

>> No.9013908 [DELETED] 

No way, Dude, I love this coat too much.

99% of looking attractive is feeling good. I feel like a million bucks in this, and if 4chan rips me apart on the off chance that it isn't really that great, I might as well throw it out, because it will have lost its charm.

I'd rather stay ignorant, and feeling good.

>> No.9013921

No way, Dude, I love this coat too much.

99% of looking attractive is feeling confident. I feel like a million bucks in this, and if 4chan rips me apart on the off chance that it isn't really that great, I might as well throw it out, because it will have lost its charm.

I'd rather stay ignorant, and feeling good.

I designed so much of my wardrobe around this fucking thing.

>> No.9013940

oh shit I deleted my post >>9013862
to edit it and ruined the dubs crew

sorry m8

>> No.9013966
File: 9 KB, 239x27, #sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atleast get repeaters

>> No.9013968

You're living the dream, anon :,-)

>> No.9013969

who is this semen demon

>> No.9013983

how so?

>> No.9014125

Just get a white eye patch so you can be kawaii.

>> No.9014179

wanna go on a date...........

>> No.9014242

What type of journal do you use? I think Word. notebooks are pretty cool.
Please forgive me for not complaining about my insecurities.

>> No.9014259

You're acknowledging that deep inside yourself, you suspect your coat makes you look like a fool. You're just too afraid to post it here because you don't want us to confirm your suspicions. Too bad for you mate. Ignorance is bliss, isn't it ;)

>> No.9014315

actually no I'm positive that no one actually thinks it looks bad.

I'm acknowledging that 4chan would rip apart a super model if they posted in WAYWT, because we must never forget that this is, after all, 4chan.

>> No.9014327

>tfw when waiting for gyakusou jacket to arrive so i can run in the cold

>> No.9014341

>hide my gains
>to lazy to drop from 19% to 15 body fat
>to lazy to clean my hair, mini afro getting messy
>to lazy to shave my sideburns

>> No.9014345

not if its cara

>> No.9015189

m8 shes either cheating on you or shes just about to

>> No.9015318


this guys bomber is actually a nice bomber, and unlike many other posters he conducted himself nicely

you get a lot of first time posters here who are just arrogant wankers i.e "is x /fa/" or "you all look gay" or "rate my style"

>> No.9015639

>I do not need to be motivated to lose fat, I just got an adderall script and the pounds been flying off
>I will always have an average nose
>I will always have blue eyes
>I will always be 5'11
>I will probably look good enough one day to be a male model, if not, who gives a fuckaroo

>> No.9015785

anon is there some kind of magical journal keeping software?
i want to put pictures next to text and have it update the date
fuck having a picture and no text next to it, fuck open office and fuck manually typing in dates or only having that shit once per page
the renaissance happened, why do journals still work like its 1210 and the mongols just invaded

i wont learn to write with my hands now
its 2014, the dark ages are over

>> No.9015810


>> No.9015813

>tfw I will never cop my trails
>tfw I will never be. Satisfied with a hair cut
>tfw don't have the face shape to just buzz it
>tfw will always be 5'8"
>tfw will always have 5" benis
>tfw will always have a sunken chest

If only I had the courage to end it

>> No.9015814

have you tried word or google docs

>> No.9015821

Yeah, it's called tumblr bro, you'll even make friends that share similar interests and possibly gf/bf

>> No.9015825

>tfw when have masculine facial features
>tfw can't be androgynous
what do i do /fa/

>> No.9015828

since when can notepad even do images
given i have not touched that shit in years but that you can display paintings in notepad is news to me
i actually tried neither of those because i currently don't own word and i never used google docs for anything
will google docs let me put text next to an image i uploaded?
this is important, i might be arsed to manually type in the date like a fucking caveman but you can't grand me the right to insert images and then fuck me in the ass by demanding free space around it, that shit is barbaric
i aint no fag

>> No.9015858

Fuck I might get one, that's so dope

>> No.9015880
File: 24 KB, 605x474, anons diary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me clarify what i mean by "putting text next to images"
pic related
how can it be, that in the year 2014 of our lord there is still no fucking text editing thingy on my personal computer that lets me put text next to my pictures?
what the fuck is this shit? im at a loss for words

>> No.9015888
File: 30 KB, 950x716, frog diary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this trash
red zone is where the google jews wont allow me to write

>> No.9015908

We all promise not to say anything about the jacket, right anons?

>> No.9015933
File: 1.09 MB, 1635x1200, me in cancun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get acne on scalp so can't buzzcut
>fat goes to torso so people think I'm skinny when I have moobs and a gut which make me self concious
>have permanent eye bags due to genetics
>crooked teeth
>shower but bulge makes wearing /fa/ jeans akward since it makes my bulge pop out even with compression shorts
>the feels go on and on

>> No.9016765

enjoy ruining your bdoy

>> No.9016791
File: 431 KB, 200x200, 1398013734366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2600 kcal

>> No.9016813

>attractive face
>girls ask if I model
>cystic acne

>> No.9016836

>99% of looking attractive is feeling confident. I feel like a million bucks in this
This is what all the trenchcoat fedora wearers with fingerless gloves think of themselves m8
Unless you have developed an eye (which obviously you haven't since you seem to have doubts) for this kinda thing, criticism will be helpful.

>> No.9016845
File: 50 KB, 645x773, 14120086749012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got important work to do
>all I've been doing is marathoning Hunter X Hunter

>> No.9016846

>tfw virgin
its fine really

>> No.9016850

>Be 5'4" 110lbs
>Body is practically made for trap mode
>But my face is too manly to ever pull it off
>Plus I have acne
>Can never gain the courage to wear cute clothing
>Shitpost in the femgen IRC instead

>> No.9016865 [DELETED] 

lets see some pics of your body/ass darlen, daddy wants a bite

>> No.9016880

I'm in the middle of a lecture

>> No.9016883 [DELETED] 

cmon bb i know a little slut like u has pics on his phone, give daddy a piece

>> No.9016891

That's l-lewd anon

>> No.9016904 [DELETED] 

fucken slag
give us a show

>> No.9016949
File: 1.26 MB, 1440x2560, IMAG0265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best you'll get, taken just for you.

>> No.9017122
File: 166 KB, 577x580, 1404434651542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw massive ass and legs
> 32 inch waist
> can't wear 99% of designer jeans
> the ones tht fit me rip at the crotch within a few months
> I'm blowing so much money on jeans

Why did I ever play rugby?

>> No.9017130

Why do all these gays love pigfuck and crave his attention

>> No.9017136

>getting more fa by the day
>noticed that I'm starting to lose my hair.

now I'm going to look like an overcompensating baldie :(

>> No.9017137

I'm in the same position. what jeans having you been copping? I find uniqlo chinos fit me well.

>> No.9017145

same here, but i didnt play rugby, i used to race downhill :,(
my legs are getting smaller now that i started running long distance a lot, you should try that

>> No.9017151

eyebags are effay
gay bitch
also w2c sweater

>> No.9017157


A different brand every time. Slim and skinny jeans seem to be the norm in shops, with straight ones just being a slim fit that doesn't taper. I usually have to size up on my waist by two inches to even have a hope of fitting into them, and even then the tress on the thighs eventually causes them to tear.

I need some jeans that are outright baggy on top with a slim waistline and taper to a neat cuff. Unfortunately I don't think anyone makes these within a reasonable price bracket.

>> No.9017161

>>tfw no way to instagram, blog, record life as it slips through your hands
c'mon, m80. you're better than that...

>> No.9017185

She's cheating your retarded ass

>> No.9017195 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 800x450, baller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i might go to a halloween party tomorrow

does anyone have tips on how to make the best ghost costume?

if i go it will be as the snapchat ghost

>> No.9017206

Kek, that's why skinny I master race

>> No.9017213

RO in white

>> No.9017228

sorry i posted in the wrong thread :^)

i thought about draping myself in rick t's but im not sure if i can get enough on such short notice since rick has to sew every single one with his frail old hands

>> No.9017229

>be me
>experiment with new autumn heritage fit
>raws, Red Wings, sweater, you know...
>wear it for the day
>finally decide for myself it looks like shit
>feel slightly uncomfortable
>qt grill I chat with in school once in a while
>sits down next to me in canteen
>don't spaghetti fuccboi
>looks at me
>"You know anon you have really nice eyes"

I think I'm gonna be alright, guys.

>> No.9017303

>6'1 and ottermode
>wide hips
>forever self-conscious as fuck about it

W-what does wearing a bomber feel like guys

>> No.9018846
File: 48 KB, 600x592, BzDTGGdCcAEfIC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls definitely notice my style and Ive gotten compliments, but Ive been told Im very unapproachable. Girls would talk to me more if I didnt look like a dick

>> No.9019628

>tfw went to the thrift store and the qt girl at the counter was dressed as an elf

i also bought hard yakka overalls for $15

>> No.9019708

>yeah, that you will never be.

wow they were right when they said /fa/ people are brutal

>> No.9019734


>> No.9019756

ryan gosling has wide hips

just get a bigger back and shoulders

>> No.9019982

>tfw yr boi copped cps today
>tfw no cps
>tfw no gf

>> No.9020101
File: 50 KB, 406x382, that feel effay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of those tingly below-surface pimples without a head
>Know you mustn't pick it/try to pop it
>Pick it anyway
>Horrific inflamed mess for about a week

>> No.9020133


>> No.9020135

>>I will never be motivated to lose body fat
>>I will always have a weak chin
>>I will always have a thin beard
>>I will always be 5'11
>>I will for the foreseeable future have imperfect posture
>>I will never get off my ass and go get my shit tailored

>> No.9020137

>I will always have brown eyes

there are currently laser surgeries being tested to remove melanin from brown eyes to make them blue, it should be available in a few years

>> No.9020139

Why does everyone want to be white except white people?

>> No.9020159
File: 24 KB, 220x300, 1379602406578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy perfect beanie from barneys an hour away
>get home
>realize security tag was still left on

fuck do i really have to go all the way back now?

>> No.9020166

well, some physical traits common to white people have been admired in non-white cultures even before they first encountered whites at all. black and asian cultures discriminating each other based on skin colour cause the lighter = the more beautiful, thus, the better.

but white people want to be proper "white" too, i think, at least i know i do. i wouldn't mind having even lighter eyes and skin tone than now.

>> No.9020168

why the fuck wouldn't you order that shit online so there wouldn't be a fucking hole in it

>> No.9020181

i like to try shit on before i buy it

>> No.9020194

>tfw 5'9" 108lbs
>tfw gaining weight
>tfw want to buy a bunch of clothes but I'm afraid to for fear of growing out of them when I hit my goal

>> No.9020217

try it on then leave and order it, bud

>> No.9020221

dude, being in shape sucks for clothes

they make clothes for people with a square build

I have a 44 chest and a 32 waist, nothing is made for that much of a v taper. When I do find shit that fits well I do look hella sexy tho

>> No.9020242

break it off or get a magnet

>> No.9020283

Tailoring m8

>> No.9021306

>I go around WAYWTS, fuccboi generals and cop or nots giving people shit advice and laugh at everyone dressing terribly and posting pictures to this board
I can't help myself

>> No.9021331

Started dressing nicely recently and now cuties keep on looking at me with expectant smiles as if I'm supposed to talk to them.

>> No.9021350

>plastic surgery
>there's a way to turn any eye color blue
>just get that operation where they break your legs and you grow like 2 inches
>nothing you can do here, just off yourself

>> No.9021405

is this song i wrote over a year ago effay?
(yes this is a joke i am dumb i know)

>> No.9021474

>visit family
>mom opens door
>stares me a few seconds
>"your nose looks different"
>"n-n-no it doesn't"
she knows

>> No.9022123
File: 69 KB, 645x773, Working class feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to town after school
>hang out and meet a few people and girls turns out there are many halloween and bike parties
>check a few out and grab 1 beer
>chat shit with nike fags and other pseudo-celeb ppls
>head home early tired af since i have a project to do tomorrow morning
>get text to reschedule
>too tired and sweaty to go back and hang out
>will play fifa all night and drink a bottel of Sky vodka

>> No.9022132

Next time, don't wait for you partners to reschedule take initiative and do it yourself.

>> No.9022153
File: 51 KB, 500x376, 1414133336256.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you went out. I'm sitting at home feeling bitter about not having anybody to go out with. I went out earlier to buy candy and tea because I knew I'd be alone tonight.

>> No.9022159

was meant for

>> No.9022163

>mfw all my friends want me to go out
>I hate halloween and refuse to

>> No.9022171

>i love halloween
>tfw no friends to go out with and dress up and have fun

>> No.9022173

tbh you feel bad also cause you let yourself (no initiative to go out solo etc) and know you're able to change the situation,grab a beer/gumption to go out somewhere right now u could have fun at and date yourself first.I actually know the situation you might be in since i forced myself out of an extremely similar situation,if not tonight go to a market/record store and try stuff alone and do it 2 times more with fun objectives to accomplish(for lack of a better word)
im drinking so my typing is shittier also i hope youre a guy that im talking to

>> No.9022180

iktf bro

>> No.9022184

it's a solo project , my subject/client is rescheduling for whatever reason and claims to have contacted me or rather tried contacting.
i feel apathetic towards this, i had my fun today tho.

>> No.9022188

I was thinking about going out but I know that if I did it would end up with me getting a coffee, wandering around town in the cold by myself, getting bored/depressed/cold, and going home. I'm awful at talking to random people, and even if I did I doubt I'm going to hit it off with a random group of people and end up hanging out with them. I mostly feel bad because I think that I should already have a group of friends to go out with and I don't. Halloween just brings up general lonely feels.

>> No.9022190

>be europe
>friends want me to halloween

>> No.9022200

also there's this girl from nike i seem to bump into whenever im out alone at a certain part of town and we chat (about random stuff and nike stuff)and share jokes always whenever we see each other,hell i dont even know her name (dont think she knows mine either)

>> No.9022213

she hot?
u should hit that
>hey nike girl i like ur nike shoes and you're hair d-d-d-do you want to grab a drink l8er

>> No.9022240

cute dubs
when i say im in (or was) that situation it's near exactly that, i remember a specific day in the year where i went out to meet friends and they dropped me for other plans so i grit my teeth and did whatever we planned and also what i enjoyed honestly and with happiness (little to no thought of my friends' actions) as i sat down to catch a break i talked to some kid about his skateboard and made a comment on the music playing at a rooftop adjacent to us,he was with his crew and they started gathering around us chiming in then they offered me some weed (i declined since weed is a shit social drug tbh) we went our ways seperately and later they bumped into me twice then we decided it's better if we hung out together (turns out they're bloggers/cool kids of town/musicians with irl connects but idc really) i ended up meeting and drinking w/ 6 other cool and popular people that day-night who commented on me having really good vibe around (cuz i told myself id be 100% with my happiness & fun) i notice its not a one-off situation,generally when idc about my fit or other little things these things happen

trust brother be good to yourself you deserve it and so do i another glass of vodka

>> No.9022243

what vodka though?

>> No.9022249

op says sky aka pleb shit for girls

>> No.9022250
File: 99 KB, 290x290, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


keep yourself away from those negative feelings (that hold you down for reasons that matter little in value)stop feeling and start doing things 1HUNNA

she's cute and has a thick body,def would sex0r her
but tbh im not in that zone yet homie

sky vodka no wybora nearby
>pic relate

>> No.9022269

Not that bad, but I prefer Absolut. I love vodka but I hate the fucking hangover.

>> No.9022284

>used to be like a 32 waist at 15
>now 18 and a 26
>called fat occasionally by friends
>called fat every single day by my brother
>still can't take my top off in front of people
>not even my family on a holiday
>6'1 and 135lbs
>still feel fat as fuck
>want some muscle but I don't know what exercise to do
>I will always feel fat no matter what

Nothing will help me and I don't know what to do /fa

>> No.9022286
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x853, a-closer-look-at-the-nike-free-hyperfeel-run-sp-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

addendum as i remember i was taking pics of the cooler sneaks around and as i took a pic of her futures she said we should take a kicks shot together i was wearing free run 3 5.0's

in all of my drinking life i have never experienced a hangover

>> No.9022294

blugh, i really need to be more outgoing. nothing like that would happen to me the way i am right now. thanks for the advice though.

>> No.9022296

nice fit man

>> No.9022301
File: 94 KB, 1260x452, We are the ideal human.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when your family throws shade at you it could be difficult to take it well but
you'll grow up
time to man up

>Nothing will help me and I don't know what to do /fa
try sticky on >>>/fit/

your youth is a beauty in itself, im no cool/popular/effay kid but i just cultivate my fun put myself out there and try to minimize the failings and maximize my skills/hobbies/general self

>> No.9022306

I love being white...

>> No.9022339

>walk places instead of driving
confirmed for yuropoor/cityfag. it takes 1 mile before i even get out of my neighborhood, at least 6 to the nearest grocery store. i aint got time for that

>> No.9022348

I'm sick of being such an autist, the only way I can meet people is through like Twitter or Instagram. Meeting them, spending all that money, time and effort just for what? To usually never speak to them again. Honestly, though, this place has helped me. Before this place, I was interested in fashion, but I feel I connect with you people, we're all narcissistic, superficial assholes and I love it. You've gave me new things to be happy about and a place to talk about actual fashion, and I actually feel so much more confident. Before this place I was totally content with meeting somebody online and just 'lasting', and I honestly wanted to kill myself, I was depressed and I still am, but this place has helped me, you've all helped me. And the shitposting this will probably receive is going to make me laugh, I love the culture on this board. Now I look forward to actually meeting a girl in person, talking just being fully happy with that one girl and lying beside her, meeting like humans, none of that other bullshit, if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't think like this.

T-thanks /fa.

>> No.9022397

>Lurk /fa/ for the past 2 years
>be full fuccboi mfa plebtier during most of that time
>too poor to afford new clothes during most of time
>recently cop well paying job
>recently cop some nice pieces for my wardrobe
>slowly building up my style
>be right now
>walk out with a dope new fit
>catch girls mirin' me on the streets
>feeling fly as fuck, I finally made it

I'm still too scared to post a fit though and I don't think I could consider myself /fa/ just yet but damn it feels really good dressing well

>> No.9022410


>> No.9022475

White people can't say they're glad they're white without being accused of racism

>> No.9023105
File: 94 KB, 800x1200, 1398701394676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never go trick or treating with the Trickster Rickster

>> No.9023323

tfw you don't go out that much and when you do you go all out fitwise but the night is shit.

>> No.9023764
File: 91 KB, 500x500, 1411506242881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sat at home alone because my friends 'don't feel like going out'
>all those cool Halloween-themed parties I missed
Halloween isn't even big here but boy am I still pissed
legitimately starting to dislike these people

be thankful you have actual, fun friends you can hang out with, /fa/

>> No.9023900

Literally cheating on you.
What you should do
is go no contact for a while

>> No.9023902

I don't know about you OP, but I like having a big nose.

It has a nice bump on it too.

>> No.9023927

You intake 2600 kcal on a bulk? Try 4000, pussy

>> No.9024352

damn r u me

>> No.9024390

>Always have girls tell me I'm attractive/cute/handsome
>tfw they only ever want to hook up and never date

>> No.9024391
File: 756 KB, 1840x2502, ozil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to rock club yesterday as pic
>friend gets too drunk so have to babysit him for a bit
>on my own wondering around this massive club not feeling any of it
>sit down and play around with my phone
>leave at 2

>> No.9024392
File: 60 KB, 280x426, 1342861683326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the tailor fucked up my clothes

>> No.9024414

>go out for Halloween
>feel cold, tired and miserable the whole time and was too drunk to even remember why
>refused entry into club because of said drunkness so everyone has to go home. Workmates now probably hate me
>eat two kebabs on the way home
>crash my car this morning but luckily no damage because the van I crashed in to back off had some back bumper thingy (so fucking lucky!!)
>eat another kebab
I wish I knew what was bothering me last night. I think maybe I just hadn't drunk in a while and so went a bit wild

>> No.9024417

im 6"3

>> No.9024436

>implying there are other important things than HXH

>tfw long hiatus

>> No.9024451

it's the sacrifice you have to make to be /fa/

>> No.9024465

you and me
we're the same anon

>> No.9024501

>tfw entered two contests to win several hundred dollars
>tfw know I'm not going to win them
>tfw I haven't been able to save up for that robert geller hat.
at least it will be on sale after december, r-right?

>> No.9024524

my life

>> No.9024530
File: 103 KB, 246x232, 1389306789041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I'm afraid of

>> No.9024532

>never cared about clothes before /fa/
>start to wear something nice
>being afraid that I look like shit all the time now

>> No.9024712

lanklets when will they learn

>> No.9024724

pic is very interesting, thank you tp

>> No.9024809

rough night, anon

>> No.9024852


I am all of those things besides for my nose, which I've been told is cute, and my age, which is 25.

>> No.9025129
File: 26 KB, 385x576, aff69af3-e75f-4b65-abee-ed24a0b5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say to a friend that im not artistic
>he says that dressing is my art
>he's not gay
>im not gay
pic related

captcha: gagulu feeling

>> No.9025139

I got the same thing last night

>> No.9025846
File: 133 KB, 1725x1220, tfwnochristmasgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw winter blues
>have exams coming
>no winter gf to tell me it will alright

>> No.9025855

>slipping back into anorexia, almost underweight again
>200 calories today
>no one will stop me
>no one notices
>approaching auschwitz mode
>everyone i loved is dead
>it doesn't hurt anymore
>just numb and blank
>just want to lie down by their graves and wait to die

>> No.9025939
File: 10 KB, 227x222, Sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw made the biggest culmination of fuck-ups at a party a couple of days ago
>fingered a chick that was disgustingly bad looking
>tfw I hate myself now for losing control and I've been mentally weird for several days now and I'm starting to loathe myself
>tfw I'm moving out of an abusive and controlling home life in 3 weeks but I feel like that past will always be with me
>tfw pissed off a feminist chick at my school and copped a bit of hate for it
>tfw despite being average looking I feel like my personality will always be shit
>tfw deleted facebook, insta,Tinder and all my social media things becausce I feel their toxic and I don't feel good
>tfw complain about my life on an internet board

>> No.9025946


try poetry or music man, express your feelings

>> No.9025989


>> No.9026031

>tfw 5'7"

>> No.9026042

Where's your bitch I want to fuck her

>> No.9026045
File: 92 KB, 778x651, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dress better than 90% of the grills at uni
>2nd year of school and still no bf like ever
>tfw you see 5/10 basic bitches with bfs and wonder why you're still alone
>tfw parents keep asking if you have a bf yet

>> No.9026051

>tfw parents keep asking this
>tfw they already know you're gay

>> No.9026067

>tfw pigeon toed
>tfw wide feet
>tfw bow legged
>tfw I think it screwed up the way my thighs are because they aren't fat but they look huge
>tfw can't find shoes I like

>> No.9026118
File: 797 KB, 500x279, smiley.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheaply made mass produced clothing virtually everywhere
>fully aware they're likely from greedy corporations who've out sourced production to sweatshops
>aware of stories about little payment and sexual abuse among many other horrifying working conditions
>humanity is founded upon exploitation
>tfw still occasionally buy from these stores

>> No.9026128
File: 91 KB, 800x450, therethere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I share similar feels.

>inherited wide feet
>used to work in a shoe store
>shoes I want are usually too narrow; ugly shoes fit me

>> No.9026139

Fucking this

Found two pairs of shoes that I really liked today but they both were too narrow

>> No.9026196

I care about you anon, don't do this to yourself

>> No.9026575
File: 308 KB, 940x627, 1268055589500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pants are way too long
>tfw can't afford to get them hemmed

All I can do is throw away the feels.

>> No.9026588

>poor as fuck and can't afford nice clothes
>Skinny af
>Nostrils aren't symmetrical

>> No.9026593

>implying being skinny af isn't fa

>> No.9026629

>gf cheated on me after 4 years (lied about it for 6months)
>she hates me now for some reason. wants nothin to do with me
>she immediately started dating a chad thundercock and seems happy now
>I gained relationship fat so now im a chubbyfag
>feel worthless, rejected, zero self esteem, horrible body image
>bad posture, shit jaw, shit chin, chubby cheeks, weird pear face, weird eyes, weird nose
>took pics of myself and im literally disgusted
>i feel like she confirmed all the things i hate about myself when betraying me, breaking my heart and rejecting me
>feel i'll never get a gf as attractive as her or feel a vagina again

>> No.9026661

these aren't /fa/ feels go back to /r9k/ fuccboi

>> No.9026677

This B^)

>mfw not poor
>no money to buy clothes
>dad makes a fuck ton but is an ass
>dad hates me
>mom loves me
>everyone in my house hates me except my mom
>I always feel like Im letting my dad down
>I just want to get a job and buy the clothes I want
>when I finally buy the stuff I want
>dad says "you paid how much for that?"
>instant tears
>not enough money to leave
>community college because I had shit grades
>"why don't you get a job"
>literally applied everywhere in my town
>no jobs
>dont worry dad atleast im not gay

>> No.9026689


>> No.9026692

I'll be your bf

>> No.9026696

dude you're a grill, life is literally on easymode just strike up a conversation with any attractive male and go from there

>> No.9026699

Omg noooo
I'm not even gay
They ask me if I am everyday ;-;
I want to just die

>> No.9026704

yes, when you have a vagina cocks just fall from the sky at your feet

>> No.9026706
File: 2.00 MB, 375x211, 1371188552797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all your friends are nerds with little to no social skills
>you're charismatic, good in social situations, get attention from girls, dress well, good sense of humor, ect
>get invited to hang out with more popular/normal crowd
>despise them and go back to nerd friends

>> No.9026724

use that bitch as motivation to become effay as fuck then laugh at her when you better yourself :^)

>> No.9026735
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>biggest 'fuckup' was fingering an ugly chick

yeah you have it so bad man.

>> No.9026736

Just go into cocoon mode.

Block her on all social media and resist the urge to know anything about her. Focus on yourself, pursuing your hobbies, getting in shape, and doing whatever makes you happy. After ~6 months to a year you'll be in shape, far more developed as a person, and ready to pursue or do whatever you want.

Meanwhile she'll continue to create caustic relationships, will most likely let herself go, and eventually you'll be the one acting smug towards her.

>> No.9026755

>dude you're a grill


>> No.9026757

tfw 16.2 bmi
it hurts to eat.

>> No.9026763

>keep trying to make decent fits out of horrible shit I already own
>end up looking like a hobo
>decide to cop new shit so I can have decent fits
>can't decide on what to cop with limited funds I have

I'll just put it off for another month

>> No.9027422

You either ugly or cold

>> No.9027431

Good advice. Thanks. I've been struggling a lot to not look at her social media. I'm still upset and sorta obsessed about what she sees in this new guy. I have gone full cocoon and deleted all my own accounts but I still cant resist lurking her. It's sad, I know. I'm caring less and less though as time goes on. I still miss our time hanging out and bein ourselves but then I also despise her for what she did. It's a complicated feeling. Everyone says I can never take her back...

>> No.9027434

>tfw 5'8
>tfw everything is good but my height
>tfw genetics stops me from being a model

>> No.9027437
File: 14 KB, 500x440, fef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw been eating better recently and starting to develop hollow cheeks

is there a better /fa/ feel?

>> No.9027544
File: 342 KB, 394x394, haha sudoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having acne-free, clear skin

>mfw I don't know that feel

>> No.9027549

Varg Vikernes' first daughter I think.

>> No.9027609

>6'1 and 135lbs
>still feel fat as fuck

Are you serious nigger? I'm 6'1 and 98kgs.
>tfw degenerate soda addict
> if i could just not buy soft drinks i'd lose 10+ kgs
> tfw weak willed
> tfw no gf

>> No.9027800

Holy shit anon you just described me perfectly. That being said IKTF

>> No.9027846

blue eyes
aparment in sthlm

still empty inside

>> No.9027874
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>> No.9027894

>change your hair at a whim

Uh oh effay says this hair is pleb tier now and _____ is the new hotness *poof*

Lmao tryhard

>> No.9028185

>tfw finding out the sport's jacket you copped from goodwill is from a women's clothing line
>but it fits perfectly and was in the men's section

>> No.9028312

>new at uni
>things going great, until herpes

>also too skinny and no moneyz

>> No.9028317

>things going great, until herpes

oh shit dude i'm sorry but i laughed

i'm sorry

>> No.9028344

I have worn dope fits with scarfs covering up my face though :'^(

>> No.9028870
File: 142 KB, 1000x756, tumblr_m7x4oniDwT1rsz6aso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you had the ability to change your hair style, length, colour at a whim and you can only think to follow the trends on /fa/ your dumb as shit m8

I'd be rocking a fucking new kpop lvl do like every 20 min

>> No.9028876

who cares. just remove the tags and shit and forget about it.

>> No.9028884

Well the size just said M, but the only stuff for the brand I can find is women's shit. It's Actra.

>> No.9028909

>I will always have acne scars
I learned how to live with it.

>> No.9028977
File: 57 KB, 625x468, feels_good_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>couple QT*π's know you dress well
>tfw rubbing their hands on your chest to feel your latest materials
>"it's called cashmere"

>> No.9029049

what should I eat to make my eyes more green than they already are?

>> No.9029154

>tfw you're double jointed in your legs, so you stand like a god damned bird.
>tfw your cow lick stops you from having the haircut you want

>> No.9029164

well you can always fix acne but if you ugly from start. you cant fix that

>> No.9029203
File: 377 KB, 1280x1003, tumblr_n014cs5PHS1qjy9yso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing shows you're the boss like a quality material.

>> No.9029260

reminded me of this

>> No.9029683

What sweater were you wearing? w2c pls

>> No.9029705

>dress better than 90% of the grills at uni

Post fit