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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 108 KB, 592x888, shiabeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9023010 No.9023010 [Reply] [Original]

So /fa/ are you participating in No Shave November. I most likely will until my patchy, oily hair starts to give me acne on my chin. How about you /fa/?

Pic semi related

>> No.9023053

yes i will
its gonna be the longest I've let it grow

>> No.9023139

I can't grow facial hair so there's no real point unless I want to be a 25 year old with a douchestache.

>> No.9023173

Job won't let me

>> No.9023182

>tfw hair grows out of moles much faster than the rest of my face so I look fucking ridiculous until it catches up
Also my hair grows in patches on my face so no I will not be participating. I wish I could though

>> No.9023585

shia going for the heath kirchart look and pulling it off well imo

>> No.9023613

>not realizing the overgrown beard is next level autist fedora tier

>> No.9023621

you can trim or pluck it

>> No.9023868

same :(

>> No.9023878

It's not no shave novemeber you idiot.

It's just let your moustache grow.
MOVEMBER as in moustache november.

god OP get a grip

And yes, I'm going to participate with a pencil moustache

>> No.9023976

Yes. What are the rules btw, can you for example trim your neckbeard or are you not allowed to touch it at all?
>submitting to totalitarian work rules

>> No.9023981

lmao true

Waiting for the all white outfit

>> No.9024032

there are no rules you fuckhead you go to the website and donate to help men with cancer

>> No.9024043

Learn to read dumb cunt

>> No.9024162

I gotta donate money? I just thought this was something people did for shits and giggles

>> No.9024230

I've been in no shave mode for 3 years this November.

>being a man
>not participating
>can't grow facial hair

Fucking pussies.

>> No.9024239

Everyone look at this jealous peach fuzz 16 year old. Look at him and laugh.

>> No.9024339

Haven't shaved since late-September, hasn't really grown much since. Though I plan on shaving my neckbeard cause that shit looks gross after a while

>> No.9024513

I'm in

>tfw you look exactly like yr father with a stache
>tfw you hated yr dad

>> No.9024534

no shave november is retarded as the people who participate in it

>> No.9025599

Being so ugly you gotta settle for growing a beard

>> No.9025914

>participating in some reddit shit made by neckbeards hiding their acne scars and facial fat/ lack of jawline


>> No.9027038


>cultivating false masculinity

You're just a faggot with a beard.

You aren't strong, you can't hunt, you can't fix your plumbing or car, you aren't coordinated or athletic enough to play sports, and you are incapable of defending yourself or you woman/loved ones. You're the equivalent of women that cake on shit tons of make up in order to appear prettier than what they actually are. All that beard and no substance(chin included) behind it.You my friend, are a farce.

Stay jewish.

>> No.9027045

is it bad to participate if i only have james franco tier growth?

>> No.9027085

its called movember

>> No.9027297
File: 26 KB, 600x450, b62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw thin ass moustache
>more neckbeard than Shia
>shitcunt chubby cheeks
>gf whinges when I shave
I'm doomed to have an ugly face for eternity, but yeah, I guess I'm doing it.

>> No.9027355

movember is a movement to raise awareness for prostate cancer
no-shave November is something else entirely. Seriously take a second to google that shit before you post shit

>> No.9027487


*tips fedora*

>> No.9027511

>no-shave month
>not no-shave lifetime

I don't have the best facial hair, nor can I pull off lumberjack look but I've stopped shaving in 2013 and I'm not gonna shave my face ever again.
I even stopped shaving my neck because my natural neckline is nice enough, I just trim my facial hair to a long stubble. I own razors solely for shaving my balls.

>> No.9027514

Do yoyu mean


>> No.9027516


>> No.9027538


>> No.9027849

>almost 2015
>not realizing skinny fit monochrome with gaudy sneakers (esp rick ones) is the new le classy fedora r9k autism tier

Look at this out of touch behind the times faggot

>> No.9027858

I can do all of those things? Stop projecting your weak beta socially crippled autistic virgin neet-hood on people, you genetically weak, estrogen filled tryhard unfashionable fuccboi

>> No.9027862


*tips virgincore friendless virgin memein2012baskets nobody likesaanymore which is why they're all over grailed*

>> No.9027867


Holy shit try harder hahaha you're in damage control mode so hard right now

>> No.9027869

Lmao samefag


Actually #rekt

>> No.9027877

Wow you sure are getting butthurt.

>this upset about words on the internet

Lmao what a beta virgin that lives with his parents

>> No.9027888


>Still trying to divert the attention away on how rekt you just got


>> No.9027926
File: 46 KB, 500x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So salty, soso salty. Oh man, you sure won an anonymous internet argument. I bet you're proud, seeing as it's the only fulfillment you get in your friendless, loveless, 12 hours a day spent on the internet life. :^)

>> No.9027929


Holy shit you seriously can't be any more mad hahahahahha this is ridiculous

>> No.9027936


>> No.9027958
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 47558490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you got me. Super mad. What's mom cooking for dinner?

>> No.9028150
File: 2.18 MB, 2560x1673, shit beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 weeks growth. 25yo

Should I just give up or what
Pls no bully

>> No.9028156

Damn. Disconnected in all the wrong spots. IKTFB

>> No.9029024

I can't grow facial hair


>> No.9029077
File: 54 KB, 441x558, nostache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw try to grow a moustache and it looks like a dirt stache
>beard grows in just fine