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/fa/ - Fashion

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8842540 No.8842540 [Reply] [Original]

What is /fa/'s thoughts on tattoos?

>> No.8842543

>please look at me

this isnt a totally fair judgement but its probably accurate 75-90% of the time

>> No.8842551

it's your body to ruin

>> No.8842581

trendy; just look at the shitty tattoos of the people from the MAC counter at Macy's

>> No.8843108

Hard to pull off, they can accent an already good-looking, well-dressed person.
Don't if you think it makes you look better by default.

>> No.8843117
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>covering god tier white skin with ink

>> No.8843139


>hitler youth
pls look at me
>/fa/ clothes
pls look at me
>owning nice car
pls look at me
>room inspo
pls look at my room

how is tattoo different from any other superficial things?

>> No.8843144


I owning tattoo, only cus I feel cool with them and like making tattoo haters butthurt

>> No.8843150

I only like black tattoos but that just me

I think color-tattoos can look bad

>> No.8843156


>still mad at parents

>> No.8843161
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>Not making atttos for the gurls

I swear one time when I was 18 me and my best friend was walking around drunk and some drunk girls showed up and all he did was showing his new tattoo to the girl and they started making out 2 seconds later while I was standing in the back just watching and was continuted being a virgin for many year.

All girls don't like tattoos but you attract the ones who love guys with them.

Same thing with long haired. Like some girls just love guys with very long haired
Or nice beard.

If you have nothing of these 3 then you are pretty screwed unless you have very attractive face

>> No.8843164

you sound very confident

>> No.8843167


I wish my dad was cooler and had tattoos but hes just an old boring fart who never does anything or spend money on anything. His top hobbys long walks in the woods, boring books and making jam from picked berries

>> No.8843170

better than 4chan lurking faggot of a son he has

>> No.8843172


You sound very virgin

>> No.8843173


I almost done more in my 25 year of life than he done in his whole life
He even spend 7 years in prison long time ago for molesting my sisters

>> No.8843174

this tells a lot about your self-esteem

>> No.8843178


>> No.8843196
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>Being this much of a hypocrite

>> No.8843215

>daddys issue

>> No.8843254

He did not whine abot his dad being boring.

>> No.8843416


His problably still a disapointment to his father

>> No.8843508

They look dirty 90% of the time.

>> No.8843514


>> No.8843550

I think it looks better on men, fits fine with hair/scarring/callous/rougher male skin in general, for women I think it ruins the wholesome naked look of their bare skin. Almost like you can never -really- be naked anymore or something. Having said that if they are nicely designed and done and (especially) placed well, preferably complimenting or working with the natural shapes of the body, I can still appreciate them on both genders. It's just not for me.

>> No.8843673

I always thought I wanted tattoos but I couldn't settle on what to get. I love looking at the art and hearing why people chose what they did. It's like one of the few decent forms of folk are we have left.

Problem is, I started getting piercings recently and I got to thinking how shitty it would be if I could never, ever take them out. For the rest of my life. That's how I imagine having a tattoo being.

>> No.8843675

*folk art

>> No.8843679

It's not the idea of getting old with ink on me or not conforming that's bad, just... god, I don't want to be stuck with ONE image for decades. I'd get so bored.

>> No.8843938

I got my first tat yesterday and the guy told me I had to buy some cream and apply it every two hours and to stay away from the sun and to have film paper around it for like 20 days.
Is it really necessary to take all these precautions?

>> No.8844266


I like some tattoos

But Ricki Hall has the dumbest tattoos. The dumbest. He's a fucking retard who has marked his body to represent this. Look at his Mario and Simpsons tattoos. The guy would totally be an autistic virgin if it wasnt for his body.

>> No.8844710

It's 20 fucking days. Follow the aftercare unless you want your tattoo to look shitty for the rest of your life.

>> No.8844734

me too bruh. B&W / minimalist design all the way

>> No.8844741

I only like black tattoos with thick lines, everything else looks thrashy imo.

>> No.8844748

they make people think you are tough because you can take the pain, but you can't do it

>> No.8845079


But, he does have that body, so how is your point applicable?

>> No.8845247
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>> No.8845291

this is a fashion board. If you don't care about what other people think of the way you look then leave and take your cargo shorts with you

>> No.8846056

Making jam is fucking awesome man, my grandparent does and its the best shit ever

>> No.8846620

Wish my dad taught me to make jam

>> No.8846660
File: 53 KB, 3000x1800, Tattoo inspo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of getting this design on my upper arm, but with the wings extending around it to form a band. What do you guys think?

>> No.8846666


Nazi connotations/10

>> No.8846674


It's too bad the Nazis were so /fa/, they stole all the good shit.

>> No.8847193


Maybe they're just laughing at how idiotic you are.

>> No.8847211

I barely noticed that I took the bait.


>> No.8847918

It's an alternative to being interesting that I don't like most of the time.

If you're going to get tattooed, less is more. A design balanced out by clear skin has a much stronger visual impact than large tattoos like sleeves.

>> No.8848019

Tattoos are very difficult. If you get one for aesthetics, trends and fashion change and it will look dated and shit(Everyone with a full sleeve with japanese koi will regret them in 5 years).
Tattoos that are meaningful can work, but in life nothing is certain, so you might end up hating what your tattoo stands for.

>> No.8848028

This I'm over tattoos honestly they've been ruined for me by people with this exact mindset.

It's different because you can mix and match one while the other stays on your skin permanently.

In other words you shouldn't have even put tattoos in the same category as those things because tattoos are supposed to have more meaning than that. If you're just scrawling on your skin to do it and using them as a extension of your season fashion then what does that say about you as a person? You only have one skin don't tell the world "I'm a worthless fuck so I cover my self for protection" by using tattoos man.

>> No.8848032

>(Everyone with a full sleeve with japanese koi will regret them in 5 years)

I'm surprise they don't regret it now looks like shit might as well tattoo a snap back to your head... Just throwing out ideas.

>> No.8848035

while nazis are /fa/, nazi tattoos are confederate-flag-on-wall-tier.
i don't think hitler would have been too fond of tattoos to begin with.

>> No.8848042
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Don't tell neonazis that you might ruin their fantasy.

>yfw there are such thing as russian neo nazis with tattoos

>> No.8848075

Nazis are un/fa/, they have always dressed solely to impress others. Even to this day they rip off radical leftist fashion in order to impress and recruit kids

>> No.8848082
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and yfw they will smash your jaw in if you even so much as looked at them wrong

>> No.8848085

asking people on 4chan about tattoos like an autist is not /fa/

just getting tattoos off a crackhead in a squat is more /fa/

basically not giving a fuck is fa

or if its some edgy shit like nazis or muh edgy topics

>> No.8848086

Is it wrong to imagine that all Russians act like this?

>> No.8848091

I'm really fucking pretty and don't have a beard or manbun, are tattoos are really bad idea for me?Also on the /fit/ter side.

>> No.8848092

You've got tattoos don't you.

>> No.8848095

face tats are the only option for good looking people; or at least something peeking out of your collar

>> No.8848099

russia as a country has less tolerance of faggotry and people appear colder, because its still very conservative and white. Foreigners arent tolerated or let to run around and cause chaos like in america or europe.

Not all russians are nazis and slavs have good and bad people , but nazism is more tolerated there by police, in fact there are neo nazis in the police force and government.

When literal autists on this site start crying

>buh buh russians arent aryan like hitler wanted ! the cant be nazis !! omg lol !!

unless you're literally an imbecile you realise that modern nazism isnt associated with that anymore, its meaning has changed over time. hence neo nazis, as long as you are considered "white" you can be a "neo nazi".

>> No.8848103


I dont actually.

>> No.8848118

>Not all russians are nazis and slavs have good and bad people

I never implied this.

>but nazism is more tolerated there by police
>in fact there are neo nazis in the police force and government.

[citation needed]

>as long as you are considered "white" you can be a "neo nazi".

I've heard a lot of white people say russians aren't white not to mention I'm pretty sure just because they're called neo nazis doesn't mean they've changed the rules.

>> No.8848121
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Any thoughts on this one? Getting t next month

>> No.8848136


>> No.8848150

tattoos are an amazing form of expression. I would probably have a few if i didnt hate needles so much.
simply they are awesome

>> No.8848160

You want people to know you browse tumblr?

Also why get a tattoo that some one already has? Especially one that looks generic by default.

>> No.8848161

pretty generic. in terms of fashion, this is like getting 'topman' branded on your arm for life, compared to getting like 'barbara i gongini'.

think about what you want.

>> No.8848163

Copying other people's tattoos is lame.

>> No.8848170


>that hivemind

Tell that to all the strippers with the disney characters tattooed on them, you're bound to get a free lapdance.

>> No.8848251
File: 42 KB, 604x403, x_3e3b8705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The rules have changed over the years whether you like it or not. The only white people who say russians are not white are the hipster weaklings, who would not dare to say anything like that to a russian neo nazi face to face.

They want to be edgy and part of something so they adopt this politically correct "noble" "national socialist" facade. They havent got the actual balls to use violence or actually fight for their race , only shitpost on /pol/ and whine.

Yet still they feel jealous and scared when they see any strength or real hate, so in order to justify it to themselves and feel better they start prattling on like autists about "what german national socialists believed 70 years ago"

>> No.8848260


>I never implied this.

>Is it wrong to imagine that all Russians act like this?


>[citation needed]

fuck off , do your own research. or stay clueless lol.

>> No.8848274

If russian nazis now see themselves as white, they must reject race biology and cultural essentialism, that is, racism all together. Keep talking shit fuccboi it's obvious you're just a keyboard warrior with no relation to russian fascism.

>> No.8848287

/pol/ please stop, no one really cares about this stuff unless you are part of the hate groups. Now shut up and go back to your board

>> No.8848293

im getting a happy dancing skellington with red wine in his hand spilling out

not sure if on one pec or on my ribs or maybe just in the middle of my abdomen

then should i get the words momento mori or is that superfluous

>> No.8848301

Why the fuck do you take all of my jokes seriously?

>fuck off , do your own research. or stay clueless lol.
>gives me information as if he's interested
>when something is requested tells me to fuck off

Seriously stop talking to me you've got some issues kid.

>The only white people who say russians are not white are the hipster weaklings, who would not dare to say anything like that to a russian neo nazi face to face.

That's not true at all and you keep saying that like you means something which only makes me believe you're Russian your self.

>The rules have changed over the years whether you like it or not.
I guess we can say the same for black people now too hugh?

>They want to be edgy and part of something so they adopt this politically correct "noble" "national socialist" facade.
You've got no idea what you're talking about with this comment. I hear old white people say russians aren't white, even russians say they aren't white lel.

>They havent got the actual balls to use violence or actually fight for their race , only shitpost on /pol/ and whine.

>says some one else is edgy
>talks like a child with aspergers who just got done watching inglorious basterds

>> No.8848500

Nice quads, tat that

>> No.8848514

Ayy lmao

>> No.8848519


> hahaha jokes on you i was only pretending to be retarded !

literally autistic. filtered.

>> No.8848542


> they must reject race biology and cultural essentialism

keep that nerdy shit for you hipsters to argue about on 4chan. IRL no one cares.


not even racist myself, just not cluelessly sheltered like you.

>> No.8848555

>Seriously stop talking to me you've got some issues kid.

[citation needed]

>That's not true at all and you keep saying that like you means something which only makes me believe you're Russian your self.

[citation needed]

>I guess we can say the same for black people now too hugh?

[citation needed]

>You've got no idea what you're talking about with this comment. I hear old white people say russians aren't white, even russians say they aren't white lel.

[citation needed]

>> No.8848556

weird thing to say on a board like this, i'm sure you're aware

>> No.8848560
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>> No.8848718

Tattoo's are tacky and degenerate as hell(just like piercings).

>> No.8848944


My point is that there is no attraction in his persona. He's vacuous, but has an amazing body.

>> No.8848987
File: 215 KB, 480x360, IMG_6411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting no love deep web tattooed on my forearm and penis tomorrow
how to stay hard long enough for the guy to finish the tat?
>inb4 dont do it
appointment already settled

>> No.8848991


Maybe because you are engraving your skin pretty much for life with retarded shit you dumb cunt ?

How can you compare something permanent with something so trivial and temporary as clothes and clothes you colossal shitstain.

>> No.8848993

>forearm and penis
do only penis

>> No.8849001

can't show the public my tat if I only do penis
with forearm I can do fake wiener in public and people will recognize the reference

>> No.8849195

I've got a few. I plan on getting more, too.

Personally, the "Sailor Jerry" style tats don't really work on people unless they're actual fucking sailors, not coffee-sipping hipsters. At the same time though, I'm not gonna go off on someone about it- that's just autistic and stupid.

Also, I'm in agreement with a lot of the other anons here in that B&W tats are the best looking. Color is just kind of off putting and flashy. While I don't get tattoos with the idea of actively hiding them, I also make sure they're somewhat low-key. B&W is perfect for that.

>> No.8849246


your dad sounds fucking awesome and you sound like a little faggot.

>> No.8849445


thumbs up ,the pic made me giggle

>> No.8850517
File: 63 KB, 736x736, 9f1884ff206dc4f5e1575ec97151bc83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoo ideas, guys?

>> No.8850526

put it on your chest and then never wear a shirt again

>> No.8850559

ikr.. thought about doing something minimalist tbh

>> No.8850583

the h&m of tattoos

>> No.8850586

i like sleeves but have no ideas for even an individual tattoo let alone sleeves

and i don't wanna just copy someone elses tattoo that seems lame

oh well

>> No.8850606

I love jaeger!