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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 330 KB, 640x750, julbilant-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8843666 No.8843666 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw wearing your freshest fit and run into dat qt

good feels thread

>> No.8843707

>tfw spend money on uni equipment and miss out on last stock for a coat you've been searching for for 3 months

>> No.8843712

Heaps good feel mane

>> No.8843732

>tfw no baby
>tfw no honey
>tfw no ragtime gal

>> No.8843744

Post what you were wearing. We're dat qt now.

>> No.8844123

>TFW find amazing shoes at DSW for like $40.
>TFW the cop you wanted to get for a while is on sale when you gather your money for it.
>TFW fall came and you can finally layer shit
>TFW start wearing contacts and its a whole new world

>> No.8844138

>tfw my qt doesn't care about clothes

>> No.8844221

>considered suicide many times
>only coppin new expensive shit makes me any bit happy
>just bought a brand new car
>blew mad cash on undercoverism and rick last week
>got minuscule surges of good feels after picking up car and ordering clothes
>back to depressed now

Is this sad fa? Am I just living a pointless, materialistic life? I have no qts in my life, and at this point while I do dress for myself, it's passed the point of mattering to me. I wonder if a qt3.14 go is appreciate of my fits would help? I am worried about any happiness coming from a relationship tho, cus if it fails I'll probably be worse than I am now.

I've considered opening a consignment shop and then quitting my job. But who knows.

>> No.8844233


before you kill yourself can you write me into your will?

>> No.8844239

get a hobby and make progressing at getting better at said hobby

>> No.8844256

Yeah this is pathetic. Stop worrying about copping nxtlvl avant garde designer clothes and cop a life, dude. Use that money towards a hobby where you make things as opposed to collecting or consuming them

>> No.8844280
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>Yung lean playing in my city

>> No.8844288

he's fucking shit kill yourself fucking homo cunt

>> No.8844313

>Tfw new qt in your orchestra keeps checking you out
>Tfw you know he has a gf already so it's awk af
I never wanted this to happen.

>> No.8844315
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>tfw finally copped a qt3.14159gf after 20 years

We all gonna make it bros

>> No.8844341

>tfw hot ginger girl keeps checking you out at college
>tfw she compliments your fits

>> No.8844348
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>tfw too scared to talk to the qt in my music class

>> No.8844365

>too scared to speak to qts in university
>no idea where I could even meet a qt now I've graduated

at least being lonely is effay

>> No.8844367

>Tfw the guy you had crush on said that you are too fugly to like him
>Lose weight dress fa
>Tfw when never have the chance to meet&make him regret again

>> No.8844369

Is he dead?

>> No.8844371

>tfw don't know anyone, so I can't get to know anyone.
It's some kind of a vicious circle.

>> No.8844373

Really hope so but meh,we graduated

>> No.8844374

> tfw qt compliments my fits everyday
>"anon, I love the way you dress, you've gotta let me shop with you some time"

C-can I luck her, /fa/

>> No.8844380
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>Walking around town with gf in a dope fit
>Gf gets visibly annoyed when she notices all the girls checking me out, puts her arm around me and pulls me in tightly while glaring at everyone

>> No.8844381

>Out at the bar on Saturday night
>Walk to the counter to get round for the table, this is like the third time I've walked up there
>On my way back to my table, this guy calls to me as I walk past and gestures me to the table he's at
>"Hey man, we just wanted to say, we've seen you walk past here like four times and every time you do, we talk about how great you look"
>There are like three guys and three qt's at the table
D-do you think they were making fun of me /fa/?

and then
>In the library that I'm in like three days a week to study
>There's this qt who works there, been working there for nearly three months probs
>Always kind of smile at her, definitely letch
>Yesterday when she walks by she says "Hello!"
>Later I glance up and she waves at me

S-should I introduce myself and ask for her number today /fa/? I think these were god feels...

>> No.8844383


iktf :(

>> No.8844406

you should go
i saw him 3 times this year and it´s been a lot of fun each time
dont expect anything but fun tho, people do that somehow and end up pissed

>> No.8844407

>tfw have a qt fashion design student gf who's just as autistic about clothes as you are
>tfw she makes me stuff if i have trouble findind a perfect jacket/pants/shirt etc

life's good

>> No.8844408

>tfw got a qt3.14 gf and I'm not even /fa/ or good looking
>getting /fit/ starting to see results
>no good cops recently tho

>> No.8844417
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>tfw seeing people uglier and worse dressed than you are but with qt gf's

it's all about confidence
fuck this gay earth

>> No.8844422

I don't think they were making fun of you if you were wearing an impressive fit or generally looked tight and clean that night. Also introduce yourself and make conversation with the qt librarian, definitely remember her name. If the first convo goes well, ask for her number. Be wary though, some workplaces don't allow employees to share that kind of info while on the clock. It's their policy. Consider writing your number down with your name and handing it to her instead. Less awkward, one swift motion. The hard part is waiting around to see if she'd call.

>> No.8844440

this is me. I'm that ugly guy with a qt gf, I hope your rick owens will cuddle you at night

>> No.8844449

i wouldn't take that so seriously, OP. i've seen girlfriends do the same thing with their ugly as fuck bfs as if anyone gives a fuck. it's just a natural thing for all girls to do with their bfs

>> No.8844453

post gf

>> No.8844457
File: 34 KB, 500x374, 1327101639063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw turned out my old lady neighbour does tailoring
>tfw i gave her my 511s
>tfw now they match me exacly the way i wanted them to
>tfw paid an equivalent of 3$ for it and got a piece of cheesecake she baked

Top feel

>> No.8844465

>TFW start wearing contacts and its a whole new world
Yeah until they get dry while you're wearing them and you feel like someone is poking your eyes with a cigarette

>> No.8844472

lol I wouldn't post her face on here. But I'm probably a 4 and she's at least a 7

>> No.8844473

>turned out my old lady neighbor
Turning out cougars is very fun, very fashionable

>> No.8844474

Use that money to cop a set of Taylormades and become a pro so you can get even more money

>> No.8844478


idk, i think it's because she's Swedish and I told her I like my girls skinny before we started dating (she's got a very average/normal European figure). We're in Korea and she thinks being around petite Korean qts will trigger my ancestral instincts+love for thinner girls.

>> No.8844482
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>> No.8844501
File: 78 KB, 419x900, feel_perrier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>enter the auditorium
>drop bag on the table where you plan to sit
>see 2 qts comming to sit next to where i planned to
>let them seat
>garb bag
>move to somewhere else
>go sit alone at the back
>tfw nerdy insecure creep

>> No.8844528
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>not flashing your geos in front of their faces
>not getting your love juice sucked out by their thirsty mouth few minutes later
negro, bitte

>> No.8844547

Thanks anon. I always think I look decent, but that night I didn't think I looked remarkable, just really basic.

And yah that second part seems sounds. Thanks, fingers crossed.

>> No.8844552

It's still p/fantastic man. It even takes a really long time to wear off, especially if you go a few days without them. Then it's like "woah, oh yeah, this is what everyone sees"

>> No.8844554

she probably thinks you're gay

>> No.8844555
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>tfw farting right after you shaved your anus.

>> No.8844556
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Where my favorite Brogues
>Why are you wearing cowboy shoes?

>> No.8844568


>> No.8844579

I should get contacts again
My glasses suit me relatively well but I'm so nearsighted the lenses make my eyes look too small

>> No.8844580

so why were you wearing cowboy shoes though ?

>> No.8844593
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>> No.8844603

kek the filename

>> No.8844605

>more like running in my full tech fit to get away before people notice i've turned fucking white

>> No.8844615

You didn't even get her number pussy

>> No.8844620

lol enjoy ur breakup when she dumps u for bein 4

>> No.8844621

Learn to play a music instrument, it really makes your thoughts drift away from sad things.

>> No.8844628

this is one of the best feels

only gets better when
>wow anon i like your (insert clothing item)

>> No.8844630

lol she used to be fat so now that she's hot she's still humble. somehow thinks im fine as hell.

>enjoy your no gf :^)

>> No.8844676

You lucky fucker

>> No.8844687
File: 5 KB, 170x113, DeAndre_contemplate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing freshest fit and run into dat qt
>windy as fuck that day so hair looks like shit
Shit feel man

>> No.8844691

I was just like you but then I just started talking to people and picking chicks up just like that. Like, fuck it, it;s bad already, what can go wrong. Gotta go with the flow.

>> No.8845087


>> No.8845341

>She used to be fat

I bet she's still a fatass
Enjoy fucking your landwhale

>> No.8845931

>tfw you get more satisfaction with qts looking at your fit than actually talking to them

>> No.8845939

i just took a shit so big i have postpartum depression


>> No.8845941


One of the best feels, trips comfirm it

>> No.8845948

>tfw you see under dressed guys with the hottest girls
>tfw youre $500 outfit doesnt help


>> No.8845966

Or dating them

>> No.8845973

Can't buy a personality and confidence, bro. Thats shit you have to work on yourself.

Thats not even gold-digger money

>> No.8845978
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>cop hundreds of dollars of clothes
>cop cp's
>no friends,no gf, no social life
>no idea why I even come here

>> No.8845982

>tfw every girl in your class is ugly or too old.

Seriously one bitch looks like the pokemon jynx wearing an ellesse top.

>> No.8845984

Be Ricki Hall. Problem solved.

>> No.8845987

>qt in calculus class keeps looking over her shoulder to glance at you
It happens at least twice a class. Hold me, /fa/

>> No.8845991


that how it is

>> No.8845996

/fa/ in a nutshell

Or at least 99.99999999999999% of fa

>> No.8845999

>qt in your bio class wear Supreme, which is better than 97% of the guys on campus
>tfw he says hi to you and keeps looking over at you during class

>> No.8846016
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>tfw in freshest fit
>catch people with mirin eyes
>get a compliment on the train
>feel good all day
>dinner planned with qtgf

Captcha: roauag confidence

>> No.8846032
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>Live at home for 3 years of uni
>no qts in my class

>> No.8846050

>tfw it's all confidence
>tfw absolutely none in social situations

>> No.8846053

I'm living in student housing next year, fuck trying to find women in classes.

Now I have to get a new fucking hobby to meet women. Seriously wish I was gay, fags get it so easy.

>> No.8846078
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>go out with friends
>friends sister bumps into us, she also has a hot redhead friend
>go for drinks
>they eventually leave
>friend gets a text from his sister saying the redhead thought I was hot, gave me her number and we didnt even talk
>go out with her twice, shes 26 out of my league, has a job, flat. I bum around at uni
>we go out twice, both times goes really well, get drunk, go back to hers
>too drunk to get it up
>she eventually stops replying to my texts

>> No.8846079

When internet board memes actually become real life

>> No.8846118
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>professor ends class 40 minutes early and you get home avoiding traffic entirely

>> No.8846132


I too get sexually satisfid when kum home early back from collliig
Grill here btw

>> No.8846147


sorry anon

>> No.8846151
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>Saint Laurent everything
>qt grill says, "You look like Harry Styles!"
>"W-who's that..?"
>"He's a guy in the band One Direction..? Every girl loves them. You know the song, "That's what makes you beautiful?!"
>"Um no."
>walk away
>just shit on a 7.5/10's feels
When I'm talking to people I feel no need to connect, but then I get home and sit at my desk alone for hours and ask why I have no friends... This is getting reatrded.

>> No.8846176

iktf bro

>> No.8846182

you sound genuinely autistic. might want to get that checked out.

>> No.8846187

I done that to my last girlfriend and I wondered why it lasted a month.

She was a crazy bitch too though.

>> No.8846189

Please state where autism is in anyway involved in that.

>> No.8846193
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>tfw it was cold enough to layer today

>> No.8846197

Aspergers induced by being raised by the internet. Common millennial problem

>> No.8846202

Aspergers is in the autistic spectrum, you listed the most common symptoms

>> No.8846210

what do

>> No.8846212

>tfw three outwear pieces in the name of fashion

>> No.8846214

One of Ye's worst outfits, does he even try anymore? He's always wearing the same pieces

>> No.8846221

Which is?

>> No.8846222

>SLP fanbois are autistic and like cock
Who knew?

>> No.8846233

>tfw a qt runs her fingers along your jawline and tells you how nice it is, while she stares into your eyes
The best feel

>> No.8846235

You know how nofap is a thing? I honestly believe nonet would be better.

The internet has alot of obvious merits. Worldwide instant communication, a plethora of the world's knowledge and history;

But it also has just as much porn, shallow social networks, and just plain toxic communities like 4chan.

Consider giving this a try: unless you're in school and need to study, or use Google to find a phone number or something, get off the internet for a week. No browsing on your phone, no sitting in front of a computer or laptop for hours mindlessly staring. No porn.

Put on your best fit, and wear it with confidence. Not smugness, or a feeling of superiority, just try to feel like you look good as opposed to better than plebs. Talk to strangers. Talk to the person in front of you in line at Starbucks. Talk to someone near you in a public commute. Talk to a random girl at a target or something. Listen to what they say, and absorb it. They have a life full of feelings they've felt, things they've seen, experiences. Just like you. These aren't anonymous people arguing, these aren't usernames and avatars posting fits and selfies, they're people trying to make it, just like you.

The lack of your safety blanket that is the internet, and the forcing of social interaction will be jarring at first, but bet after a week or two, you'll love it and be a changed man.

>> No.8846238

Lack of empathy

>> No.8846242

the show I went to was full of fucks who didn't know how to behave at a concert. Prolly because it was a lot of 16 year old former scene kids who are riding the rap bandwagon.

>> No.8846244

>tfw rare qt aggressively wanted my shy ass to date her because I was "mysterious"*
>Tfw p. confident now, have a sense of humor that blossomed at some point, qt's flock

*(read: losing my mind and it was starting to leak into my social life)

It only takes one girl liking you for you to get less retarded and realize your self worth anon.

However that doesn't stop me from feelin that every day in every way I wish I was deader and deader

>> No.8846261

You're me a few weeks ago. If you act on this now, you can be having a lot more fun within the next month.

>often recognized for my clothes
>approached 2-3 times at each party by strangers who recognize me and want to compliment my fits
>always say thanks and am happy to meet these people
>within a month of school I'm a recognizable and decently well known friendly guy with a reputation for always dressing nice

As for getting the number, this is also surprisingly easy as fuck. I used to think it was impossible, but I've gotten like 15 numbers in 3-4 weeks on campus. If I were you, I would

>say hi
>"I'm [name], I always see you around"
>get introduced
>make small talk
>make jokes and be a bit cocky
>tell her "we should hang out"
>99% of girls will say "yeah!"
>whether they actually hang out or not is a different story
>"you should give me your number"
>offer your phone
>get her number
>text her within a day or two
>"hey this is anon from the library! what are you up to? we should get coffee soon!"

If she gets cagey and says she doesn't want to "date," just laugh it off and say, "Who said date? I just wanted to hang out. But if you don't like making friends, I guess that's cool..."

Works every time.

>> No.8846280

Every scene kid I knew does goofninj or just basic bitch monochrome now

Wish I was trolling :(

>> No.8846289


Also get another hobby besides fashion. Make something, learn an art

>> No.8846296

Does this work for girls too? Or will guys think it's to forward?

>> No.8846308

Be polite
Don't be afraid to make jokes
Fake it til you make it feggit

>> No.8846309
File: 146 KB, 900x700, no love yoba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wearing my freshest fit and run into that qt
>"anon why are you wearing a black sheer dress?"
>I-its BBS, you've probably never heard of him
>suddenly my phone falls from my drop crotch rick sweatpants
>she catches it
>looks at my screen
>NLDW is playing
>mfw she's looking at a big pink dick and the song is titled "Little Boy"

>> No.8846333


Never do anything and expect the bois to do all the job if you would like to have abusive bfs all the time.
Go hunting for the men u like, stop waiting for prince charming to save you from the most unreacheable tower ever.

Hunter grill here btw

>> No.8846335

It sounds great, it really does, but that is advice for somebody that isn't getting buttblasted with school work/ real work/ having to take care of my irresponsible parents.

I have precious spare time. I spend it here/ drinking with friends.

I don't even know what I'm replying to or why I'm replying at this point


>> No.8846341

Ty sista
Friends always think it's weird that I take initiative to go up to guys

>> No.8846356

yes yes

>> No.8846359

how fuckin old are you? did you take propecia?

>> No.8846371

If you have time to scroll through fa and Instagram and tumblr you have time to talk to people or learn a skill/hobby

I take care of my 61yr old mother with multiple serious health issues who lives an hour away, work full time, and still manage to have a fulfilling social life, as well as hobbies making horror sculptures, making music, and doing standup comedy. I even sleep 7 hours a night and find the occasional few minutes for the internet. All while being effay as fuck. It's possible, anon. You can make it, I promise

>> No.8846376

she added me on facebook and asked me out. not joking

>> No.8846378


>> No.8846399

cried reading this because too real

>> No.8846403

>tfw I tried doing that to a qt guy
>tfw failed miserably and now it's super awk whenever I see him

>> No.8846406

>hair is almost out of awkward length stage and will soon be long

>> No.8846411

post face

>> No.8846418

do girls actually care what guys think?
this seems so weird to me because like who cares if he's hot most dudes are dumb as hell anyway

>> No.8846419


Keep tryin bae
That boi will b urs and his D will be inside of u in no time

>> No.8846420


>> No.8846598

>tfw wearing your freshest fit and women still avoid eye contact

>> No.8846603

>dating a 7

kill urself

>> No.8846637

>you got me so mad bro wow so so mad :^)

>> No.8846654
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I bet some arab guy that I could take him in basketball, and somehow ended up betting $50 on it.

He's 6'2 215 lbs, but plays regularly. I'm 6'4 190lbs, but haven't played since I was in middle school. If I lose don't eat for a week.

>> No.8846657

>you're the first guy i actually trust my daughter with

>> No.8846771

He's going to fucking wreck you.

>> No.8846798

It still is a very natural thing for girls to do when there are other girls around. Girls love having a guy other girls want, but it also makes them jealous and crazy.

I don't really know what it would be like to be out with a girl and have no other girls looking back, but i'm sure it would make her mad too...

>> No.8846812

v underrated post

>> No.8846848

I've been there too, and when she broke up with me after two years I sat down with him, faking a concern for her best interest. I said I think she needs help with alcohol abuse and her life is quickly derailing fast. I talked about how she wasted all his money and always lied "and i'm only saying this because it's getting to the point where i'm not sure she'll be safe"
He was a devoted Christian, and had no ideas about what college life was actually like, so he was very concerned.

It felt so good when he cut her off financially and she had to move back home. Tbh, she got what she deserved.
But she has the personality to always bounce back and succeed and now she's living in NY and I assume she's doing OK.

>> No.8846919

>now it's super awk
lol u basic white girl as fuck

>> No.8847035

>tfw a girl complements my most basic of fits
>tfw sperg and tell her how long I took planing it

>> No.8847067

Pls be in Seattle

>> No.8847103
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>zone out on bus
>staring out a far window
>realize I'm staring at qt
>she's visibly uncomfortable
>start laughing cuz it was like 20 minutes
>she gets angry
>flips me off
>tfw can't stop laughing

>> No.8847110

yay congrats man :D gives me hope, still waiting for that a v g asian cutie

>> No.8847140

Do you work? Any qt's there?

>> No.8847155

>tfw grill with her bf does a double take on me
>tfw her bf notices and holds her closer to him

I don't even need sex, the mires are enough

>> No.8847161

>see people posting about wearing jackets/first day of autumn etc.
>it's still hot as fuck in Florida

>> No.8847165

idk why i laffed too

>> No.8847174

>tfw trainerendors are coming today
>tfw can finally make some sick techwear fits

>> No.8847209

>tfw I think I dress well
>tfw I seem super unapproachable because of resting bitch face
>tfw a few days ago a qt on the bus actually got my attention to say she dug my fit

I think there's hope /fa/

>> No.8847218

that is kawaii and fashionable.

damn how do i live my life like this

>> No.8847224


>> No.8847228



just word

>> No.8847236
File: 94 KB, 288x798, 1409541705948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw date today was lackluster
>tfw didn't do enough cardio today
>tfw drinking vodka and zero cal redbull
>tfw class at 8:25 tomorrow
>tfw no one is on skype
>tfw only 80 bucks in bank account
>tfw you blew 140 at strip club on saturday
>tfw never get to see gf and when you do you are both exhausted since the semester started
>tfw slightly broken out from smoking weed and drinking too much arizona tea
>tfw contacts dry out
>tfw contacts rotate incorrectly
>tfw glasses get smudged
>tfw oxford isn't slim enough
>tfw too hot for layers
>tfw no money for shoes
>tfw shoes don't help anymore

>> No.8847245

lol, I saw those advertized at pac sun in the mall today

>> No.8847316
File: 919 KB, 1280x800, ageofadz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a thread for good feels
So get some rest, go back out there tomorrow and bring back soime good feels 2 share :)

>> No.8847382


Goddamnit, i have the OG endors from like a year back.

fucking love them for my techwear fits, hope the hype won't come in my country.

only saw 1 dude ever with them.

>> No.8847390

>tfw loser that has no money management & wastes it on useless shit & still a fucking loser at the end of the day

>> No.8847402
File: 8 KB, 275x183, gel lytes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cop the tan and black gel lytes
>tfw they go with all your pants
>tfw just in time for halloween

>> No.8847516
File: 2.46 MB, 391x220, 1409998266738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8847545

cop a good gf, improves life in 100% of the cases

esp. now that you've built tolerance to happiness from materialistic thigns

>> No.8847549

dont focus your life around her now, and think about possible ways you will lose her everyday, you know, like samurais think about various scenarios of their death, so they are not afraid of death.

congrats though
if she's your first
it's a lifetime experience

>> No.8847561

wanna know what's worse?
>come to classroom
>leave bag and go to toilet
>arrive back
>a qt sits to the left of my seat, talking to her friend on the left
>I sit to my place
>she turns, sees me, changes seats and sits to the left of her friend

terrible feel, I felt like a greasy naruto neckbeard. She probably thought I just sat there.

>> No.8847562

good cop, been thinking about those

>> No.8847579

what do you wear friend?
post a usual party/everyday outfit?

also where are you from?

>> No.8847628

I'm in the same boat.

I want to get off it.

>> No.8847644


>> No.8847645

>tfw wearing your freshing fit and run into dat qt
>tfw you wonder if she thinks you overdid it

>> No.8847668

pls god no

>> No.8847864

>tfw Nike sweats come in and fit too tight
>tfw sick of J-list banners
>tfw housemate stole my avocado
>tfw hungry

fucking Nike, always have to size up on everything

>> No.8848058

>tfw guy with hair past my shoulders
>wind makes my hair look amazing
>play with my hair in class
>qts always complimenting it
>use it as a prop when flirting with girls
>use it as an excuse to talk to girls with nice hair
>"i'm not used to having long hair, how do you deal with the humidity you always look nice blah blah blah"
>get a phone number every time

>> No.8848059

>tfw wear outfits 10x this expensive
>still doesn't help
>start being more social
>now playing on easy mode thanks to clothes

Clothes alone don't give you confidence or game.

>> No.8848065

I disagree about the quality of said post

>> No.8848087

Mostly menswear stuff. Trousers and collared shirts, all linen in the summer, wool/flannel trousers and cotton shirts in the winter.

It's mostly very simple, but always on point for fit and color. Always leather soled shoes in suede, cordovan, or calf waxed to a nice shine.

Frankly summer is fucking boring like we all know, because I can't layer. During winter I have dress boots, peccary gloves (also just bought python backed gloves), and heavy shawl cardigans. Nice coats, oak umbrella, scarves, all the trimmings.

Shoes are usually custom, most soft pieces are from shit like Brooks or PRL, and most accessories are either from "fancy" brands like Prorsum or Thom Browne, or small European specialty brands like Mazzoleni.

I'm definitely proud of this kind of shit, but I do my best to be humble about it IRL, and thankful when people appreciate it, even when they think a $7000+ fit is "probably something crazy like $500." I'm Canadian, so people aren't too surprised when I'm friendly and willing to give advice to those who want it.

I'll wear this shit everywhere but the gym, and I've quickly been accepted as someone who overdresses but isn't an asshole about it. It's just what makes me feel comfortable.

>> No.8848093

he isn't good enough for you

>> No.8848100

Oh snap. I'm an international student in Vancouver, and been thinking about moving to menswear for a while now.

What would you recommend for wool trousers? What shoes? I've been thinking about some Allen Edmonds brogues in tan.

>> No.8848106

>hundreds of dollars of clothes

>> No.8848125
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x1536, 2014-09-24 08.27.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually living in the US now (raised in Virginia, lived here basically my whole life).

I'm also pretty /fit/, and Brooks Brothers is the only brand I've found with a cut of trouser that can fit my quads and look decent, so I always go with them. The wool is actually quite nice, especially if you opt for the ~$220 specialty pairs rather than the ~$170 pairs that they always stock. I prefer heavier weight and texture, so I don't like the "3 season" wool pairs that are kinda light.

Also if you find a fit you like at BB, you can have a custom pair made for you in your choice of fabric. Last year I just bought off the rack, but this year I'm going for the custom pairs since I know my fit and measurements.

Beyond BB I can't give any advice on trousers. Some people may recommend shit like Incotex, but I can't in good conscience recommend a $600+ pair of trousers when I love my pairs to death at a third of the price.

As for shoes, AE is definitely a great place to start. Daltons were my first "nice" shoes, and three years later they look better than ever thanks to conditioning and waxing. I like to mix up the textures, colors, and styles, so I never get bored (it helps to not be limited to an office setting that demands black shoes). Pic related is all of my non-boot pairs (chukkas don't really count), except for my velvet slippers.


>> No.8848143

Suede is surprisingly tough, and is easy to care for if you just buy a suede brush. Shell Cordovan is held in high regard online, but honestly I'm not a huge fan (although those red oxfords are shell). Calf is obviously the most common choice, and for a good reason. It's fairly tough, ages well, and looks great with proper care.

IF YOU GET CALF, you MUST wax the toebox. A few layers of wax transforms any pair of shoes from looking decent-but-possibly-mall-bought to "holy shit where did he buy those fucking beautiful shoes." hangerproject.com has a decent selection of Saphir waxes. Get something darker than whatever shoes you buy so that waxing them will give them a patina or "antiqued" look. Black wax on brown shoes is actually fairly common. Also buy Saphir renovateur to condition the shoes whenever you see fit. Store the shoes with shoe trees when not wearing them, or at the very least for a day or two after having worn them (in case you don't want to buy loads and loads of trees). Calf can be worn in the rain, but should be given lots of time to dry afterwards; I prefer to just wear Swims overshoes, and surprisingly lots of people like them even though they look goofy.

I have to get dressed for a class that starts in 25 minutes, but I'm totally down to answer any more questions and point you in whatever direction you're looking for. Email me at my 4chan email: awkwardturtle349@gmail.com if you have more questions or want to chat or whatever.


>> No.8848152

Oh wow, that was really helpful and unexpected, thanks! What are the monkstraps to the right?

>> No.8848411

damn dude...

>> No.8848552


>tfw big ass pretty girl in my class who is into fashion
>too scared

>> No.8848583
File: 145 KB, 550x436, 1390224015318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8848601

>Am I just living a pointless, materialistic life?
yes, and you should end it. either by hero or changing lifestyle dumbass. start something creative, drawing, painting, making music, any craftmanship, anything you can see some progress and you'll remember you can change to the better. just lead your negative energys in a creating direction. it's just about starting something even it's fucking hard in the beginning, i know by myself. qts won't come if you're desparte and have no love for yourself

>inb4 hurr durr i have no talents for anything

everbody starts as amateur and that's good. talent is a madeup mindconstruct.

>protip listen to radiohead and dive into a melancholic ocean of feels

>> No.8848628

>tfw u have to watch a pair of raffy velcros in ur size go on eBay for £125 cause you don't have any money right now

fuggin student loan where are you ;_;

>> No.8848632

>tickets for $3.60

>> No.8848643

Stop being a fuckboy and motivate yourself. Find some bros, find a gf, go for a bike ride, play vidya, listen to a new genre of music, visit an art gallery museum, and most importantly STOP JUDGING YOURSELF.

>> No.8848648

Treat her right mate :3 congrats but don't lose track about the most important person in your life [spoiler] that's you bb [spoiler]

>> No.8848651

Get off 4chan and fuck the freckles off her

>> No.8848668


>> No.8848678

Hey, you're pretty much rock bottom plus you have money. Try anything man, nothing can basically get it any worse.

>> No.8848682

>find a gf
You aren't the first person to attribute happiness to finding a GF, but I don't think that is good advice.
Of course having a fun, hot GF is great, but a GF is NOT the solution to unhappiness because when she is gone it will make you feel worse than you did before.

Relationships end, and if you build a relationship from the idea of "I need this to work, forever" you will end up compromising yourself and giving her too much power. I'm not saying that the guy needs to control the girl, I am saying that the guy needs to have control of HIMSELF.

A GF, and a relationship in general, should be a minor part of an already somewhat fulfilling life that BUILDS into something more serious over time - but there should always be something else keeping you happy, or a goal you're working towards.

>Until you get comfortable with being alone, you'll never know if you're choosing someone out of love or loneliness.

>> No.8848683

>tfw copped a qt cgf

>> No.8848711


>> No.8848715

No Cuban

>> No.8848732


>> No.8848753


You guys talk like fags and your shits all retarded

>> No.8848765

YOU talk like a fag and have retarded shit, bro.
Dubs confirm it, and if I don't get dubs that confirms it even more. If I get trips, well, that means I am wrong and you are ETRA faggy and your shit is even more retarded than expected.
If quads you spend the rest of your life with /r9k/ and MLP people.

>> No.8848789

if you are considering killing yourself just go have fun. if you really want to die then you cant fear really anything. so go have fun.

>> No.8848824

You should be thanking him for giving you the slap in the face you needed in order to get your shit together. Typical basic butch personality you have there.

>> No.8848836


ask her if she is missing anything from her machinery. you should save some money and buy her something. that way you will have a tailor for life. my mother is a good tailor but i really haven't asked for anything yet.

>> No.8849121

My baby don't care for clothes

>> No.8849196

oh the banter...

>> No.8849206

You will soon learn the error of your ways.

>> No.8850261

now you can't even

>> No.8850284

I just got a new job and haven't been paid yet. I'm expecting like 400 bucks.

>> No.8850702

I agree. I also think happiness isn't a worthwhile ideal to work towards because it tends to come up more naturally if you keep other values you believe in in sight.

There are more good posts with good advice ITT, but I'm gonna go to bed and check out the Uniqlo J+ coat tomorrow morning.

>> No.8850818
File: 102 KB, 400x388, tmp_13377007944661488907525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> wearing questionable fit, weird long tank with fitted jeans and some indisputibley cool nikes
> walk to get lunch, have to wait at stop light
> hear yelling kind of in my direction
> absent mindly glancing around
> car makes left in front of me
> passenger is qt girl
> yelling "you are fucking gorgeous"
And then
> walk past bus stop
>3 high school girls with some lame bros
> as i walk past they just stop talking and stare
> one of them just shouts"you're really hot"

>> No.8850848

Man I wish even my dreams were this good

Fuck man

>> No.8850887
File: 792 KB, 500x268, patlabor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gratz dude, we're all going to make it !
Be right with her but stay true to yourself and don't make a fool of yourself by being over attentive.

>tfw re-talking to this wonderful girl that is so beautiful and at the same time really interesting after like 7 months of nothing

Let's do it. Wish me luck /fa/ :$

>> No.8850889

I find it hard to believe.
Nobody who browses 4chan receives this attention.

>> No.8850916

I was really ugly and unaware of my body and had terrible self esteem when i found 4chan. You don't have to believe the sorry, i know it sounds crazy.

>> No.8850931

>cop hundreds of dollars of clothes
So you bought a T shirt? I don't understand.

>> No.8850935

>ask me how rich I am guys look I have money lol

>> No.8850939

Post pic

of fit at least

>> No.8850949

I'll be home in ~ an hour I'll do it 4 u big guy

>> No.8850959

I'm about to go to sleep ;(

>> No.8850982

>I've been there too, and when she broke up with me after two years I sat down with him, faking a concern for her best interest. I said I think she needs help with alcohol abuse and her life is quickly derailing fast. I talked about how she wasted all his money and always lied "and i'm only saying this because it's getting to the point where i'm not sure she'll be safe"
>He was a devoted Christian, and had no ideas about what college life was actually like, so he was very concerned.
>It felt so good when he cut her off financially and she had to move back home. Tbh, she got what she deserved.
>But she has the personality to always bounce back and succeed and now she's living in NY and I assume she's doing OK.
They think you gay son.

>> No.8850988

Damn m8 it's a slow board and we have an archive you'll see it. Bathrooms here only show top half, u no that isn't a fit

>> No.8851095

>tfw SA at Barneys tries to get me to try on rick after fondling a few of the pieces

>> No.8851189

concerts, go to some indie movie (people are always really nice), book club, find a hobby and join the local club. their is def a running club in your area which is a great way to meet people.

>> No.8851276

post fit

>> No.8851371


>shit that never happened

>> No.8851380

>tfw gf getting fat
>tfw all i notice is her double chin anymore

what do i do wtf

>> No.8851446
File: 207 KB, 274x705, waywt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright big guy here
there are no stand up mirrors so had to hunch over on top of a bathtub to get the whole fit
been doing phone so it took a long time
i also had a backpack on
also in these kicks i'm like 6'4" so that helps probs

>> No.8851472

>>tfw spend all winter building wardrobe
>>tfw spend all summer surfing
>>tfw fits are on point
>>tfw abs are fuckin ripped
>>tfw use basic social skills to avoid becoming chinese cartoon message board loser
>>tfw cop qt fa gf no problem

doesn't have to be difficult guys

>> No.8851511

dub dub trips don't lie

>> No.8851835

10/10 techwear fit

>> No.8852256

If you're not being sarcastic then thx, i don't even know what tech technically is

>> No.8852304

Pretty much

Spend more time outside talking to strangers than you do online talking to anyone

Like 97% real world socializing 3%online socializing on any given day

More than 15 minutes daily online is virgin neckbeard status

>> No.8853601
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p a l e w a v e

>> No.8853603

it's like milk with too little nesquik in it!

>> No.8853696


>> No.8853892

cream biscuit-core

>> No.8853977

kek'd @ calling your gf a 7 u basically called her ugly as fuck

>> No.8854113

>walking 'round town in a dope af fit
>walk past a guy wearing a spotless fit
>turn my head checking that motherfucker out
>he turnus His head doing the same thing
>our eyes meet and we both smile
It's the best thing getting checked out/complimented by someone who has no obligations to you

>> No.8854134

>think to myself its too difficult to obtain qtgf
>say to myself stop thinking about it
>its all I think about

>> No.8854217

>7 is ugly
Are you IGN or something? Ugly is 4 and below, 5 is average and above-average is 6 to 9. 10s are not real, they are made with kind light, make-up and hours of photoshop for your fapping purposes.

>> No.8854223

>not asking your mum to modify every piece of clothing to make it fit perfectly
M8, you're missing out. She will do a perfect job, because you're her son and she can ask for every detail, you can also monitor her work and point out everything you want.
>tfw no momma tailor

>> No.8854235

>meet gf
>fall in love soon after
>date for 4-5 months, forget worries, internet, concerns about being fa, etc.
>last week came across an old friend dressed amazingly
>start to feel like i've forgotten a big part of myself
>talk to gf about rick
>she's skeptical but understands
>see her browsing main line collection on her ipad
>baby, can i cop geos?
>sure, you need a little rick


>> No.8854316


>> No.8854320

what did you even talk about regarding rick?
>rick is love, rick is life

>> No.8854325
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>cop geos
>gf sees the price tag
>next morning she's gone

>> No.8854362
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Might as well post how they look now. They were way too long and baggy knees down.

>> No.8854383

They look like they fit really well, gg

>> No.8854410

I like your sneaks more, what are they
>tfw no love for reebok on fa

>> No.8854429

I liked this story, ty anon

>> No.8854448
File: 239 KB, 489x491, sssspooooooooool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either way you win :)

>> No.8854451

>housemate stole my avocado

>> No.8854564

Here's what you should have done:
>Said "Excuse me, is there something wrong?"
In a totally plain and inoffensive way.
Despite it being a very little action it was quite rude of her. You're allowed to wonder wtf.

>> No.8854668
File: 2.30 MB, 3264x2448, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're my old Reebok Realflex. Comfy as hell, but it's a pain in the butt to get dirt and rocks out of cracks in the sole.

>> No.8854763

Start jogging with her. You'll both get /fit/, and as we now, being /effit/ is the best combo.

>> No.8854991
File: 126 KB, 288x499, 1343985884622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wearing a monochrome fit in a rural area
>stares and giggles everywhere

Is it possible to be effay around rednecks?

>> No.8855319

Solid state amps are so not effay

>> No.8855564

>history exam
>power through the shit because turbonerd
>leave class an hour early
>have extra time to clean up my shithole house before qt comes over

>> No.8855578
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>tfw classes alternate on weekdays so i can wear the same fit two days in a row as long as i dont run into anyone from the previous day

feels good

>> No.8855592

monochrome is nothing special. why are they even staring?

>> No.8855613

kek i do that all the time

>> No.8855646

Go outside and count how many guys wear b/w fits. Everyone is wearing colorful, normalfag stuff. Being b/w outside of big towns is propably even more weirdly looking.

>> No.8855667

dude literally nobody does that.

i live in rural as fuck texas and as long as you arent alittle bitch nobody fucks with you

>> No.8855685

>live in a small suburb of a decent sized city
>drive 2 hours away to biggest city just to go buy dick ovens
>get stopped immediately by 2 model scouts
>they take my pictures
>hand me business card and tell me to call tm
>well known and reputable agency

>> No.8855692

>wear fresh fit
>everyone staring at me
>feel overdressed as fuck
welp, back to bombers I guess

>> No.8855695


>> No.8855699
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I'm >>8854991 and i live in eastern europe, not murka. Almost everyone here dresses in slavcore or tacky menswear.

>> No.8855702
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>Geos as your first Rick piece

>> No.8855788
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>Girl asks for my number
>Tell her no

Feels fucking great

>> No.8855877

>tfw talk to qt in your class about fashun
>he owns APC, Barbour, etc and seems pretty into it
>tfw got his number
We're gonna make it

>> No.8855882

Who's this guy? I've seen more pictures of him lately, not just the fedora one. Is he another annoying redditor who's taking profits of becoming an ebin maymay?

>> No.8857084


pretty much this



i got them for $780!



>> No.8858123
File: 341 KB, 1919x475, 1408172061840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing freshest fit
>go outside
>see some dude who's taller and better looking than me wearing basic clothes but looking 100x better
>look like a fucking tryhard next to him

>> No.8858449

pretty much this
lol, I'm straight (at least as of now), but I think I'm spending more time checking other guys' fits and appearance and faces than girls' ones. Ridiculous.

>> No.8858463
File: 51 KB, 427x316, 1409948504038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'2" and good looking but not lean enough
>tfw not tall enough for basketball

>> No.8859056

have qt come over in the morning, put on a button up, crew plain and some shorts. shes just around to borrow some pants for a costume for school event.
>later messages me about my day
>"you looked really good today"
>"oh you mean in the morning?"
>"yeah you looked really nice and dressed well"

>tfw didnt even have to put effort in to my clothes for a qt to notice me.

>> No.8859148

other day i was wearing some cabled wool sweater and black jeans whom i forgot to pinroll and a qt told me i looked nice

she looked p good herself in acid jeans and a crop top but i just said thanks cause i have autism

>> No.8859184

are your jeans male or female?

>> No.8859191

>cop a life

>> No.8859202

there's no trick for getting numbers- just don't be an autist and ask

>> No.8859208
File: 68 KB, 479x370, 1407939670190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask someone out
>on Facebook

>> No.8859216


>> No.8859218
File: 103 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw this qt at the bus complimented my beanie and then asked me for my number

>> No.8859224

How to get a girl's number

1. Offer YOUR number
2. Any decent girl will take it - if you are flat out denied reassess the girls you talk to
3. If she really wants to talk to you she will text you


>> No.8859252

>he has never had a girl ask him out on facebook

>> No.8859276

Find an expensive hobby like parachuting. Man, I wish I had the money for parachuting.

>> No.8859383

'Offer YOUR number'
Yeah like women want a guy who isn't assertive and makes themselves an option not a priority.

>> No.8859435
File: 124 KB, 339x323, 1390242538759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you look like you're in 5 seconds of summer!

>> No.8859439

he's the fedora bloke in that photo, people did some research and found out he did a music video - that's from the video

>> No.8859441

>all these virgins that think getting a gf will suddenly make them happy
maybe for a month and then you'll probably get dumped and be even worse than before
Don't even think of getting a relationshit until you can sort yourself out. Once you've been sorted, things will naturally fall into place and just happen

>> No.8859449

"Nice jacket, where'd you get it?"

>> No.8859457

disagree with this strat, works well on paper but its much easier to just ask a girl for her number, hand her ur phone and text her later. girls are way more likely to respond to a text than send you one first for whatever retarded reason

>> No.8859460

>have gf
>started college course in fashion
>fuckin around on industrial sewing machines fuck this is hard brah
>literally the only man in a class of 20 chicks
>3 rather nice qts
>two sit by me and other across the room
>4 qts if you count the teacher GODDAMN
>one qt that sits by me is kinda that nerdy look with highwaist trousers
>muh dik
>gonna talk to her next time
>have gf tho

>> No.8859478


>> No.8860709

What beanie

>> No.8860894
File: 3 KB, 250x62, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you know you're not gonna have to wait the whole weekend

>> No.8860956

Terrible advice.
Get HER number.
Better yet, do what I do:

1)Ask her for her phone
2)Text yourself from her number so you have each others numbers
3)Send text tomorrow or the next day


>> No.8860970

>tfw wearing my freshest fit, qts don't even notice me because I'm not an asshole
>why do I even bother

>> No.8861013

It's voila you degenerate.

>> No.8861023

*tips fedora*

Why don't girls like me I'm such a nice guy

>> No.8861209

lol someone watch sodapoppin here

>> No.8861247

>tfw girls give you long lingering looks forcing you to either smile at them or look away quickly
>tfw smoking outside and hear three girls at the table beside me whispering terribly and daring each other to go ask me for a cigarette

Mild feels?

>tfw mad shy at first so bitches mistake my brevity for being a dismissive asshole and girls either love it or hate it about me
>tfw normal girls are always put off once they realize how big of a nerd I am, and 'nerdy' girls are generally TOO nerdy for me

>> No.8861288

Man I've known this feel so hard since I got a gf.

>> No.8861921

Shut up Michael.

>> No.8861924
File: 27 KB, 456x628, 1404628719441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my fits only attract overweight SJW tumblr chicks

>> No.8861937
File: 2 KB, 92x92, 10264939_10203945988278732_651540077_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel ya

>> No.8861939

thats pretty fucking hilarious

>> No.8862258

honestly for me starting hiking really helped me

>> No.8862265

>tfw finally got some japanese denim
>tfw its not N&F but still good
>tfw bought some prada shades
>tfw going into super /fa/ mode this year.

>> No.8862272

>While losing weight

>> No.8862282

Are these just regular 511's in black?

>> No.8862315

superdry, saks doesn't carry N&F, luckily if I have the time i might go to a store that carries them later.

>> No.8862470
File: 43 KB, 530x353, dailydawdle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw im starting to catch more qt's at uni looking at me and smiling at me
>tfw everyone compliments muh fits
>tfw i stunt on everyone

>> No.8863077
File: 645 KB, 320x320, nazi_boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order a new knit jumper online
>it comes
>fall comes
>wear new jumper, plus a red and white flannel tied round my waist. Black skinny jeans + white sk8 his + some bitchin chunky socks (gray ish white with red specks on them)
>literally over 10 compliments within 20 minutes in the morning before first rings in
>walking to class
>"dude I fucking love that sweater"
>most compliments I've ever had on a fit in a single day
>out and about, go to Marshall's to fuck around
>two guys from my school come up. I've seen em around but don't know them
>"I always see you around, to tell you the truth I've admired your style for like...ever. My name's Christian, nice to meet you"
>feel like a living god

Today was a great day

>> No.8863147

Good feel inbound
>tfw figure out how girls tick

>just got my toofs laser whitened and my braces off
>toofs are paper white
>I just crack that little half smile and the qts fucking die

>looking at girl and pretending to listen while she talks
>turn my head a little to the side, lift eyebrow
>rake fingers through hair
>qts die again

>> No.8863510

what's getting your teeth lasered like? is it expensive?

i've been thinking about it but not sure

>> No.8863552

You are a fuccboi tho.
Maybe plebs think you look good, but your fit is actually shitty meme-core

>> No.8863867

Well? What's the knit?