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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 157 KB, 633x758, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8767423 No.8767423[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>work all day
>make plans
>think of nice fits i plan on making
>go home and change
>can't even make one passible fit
>clothes all over the floor
>start to feel anxious
>all this money spent and time wasted
>full blown anxiety kicks in
>cancel plans
>smoke a cigarette and cry

why fucking live /fa/

>> No.8767431
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I think that means it's time to take a break from /fa/, friend

>> No.8767445

I think you're right

>> No.8767448

>work all day
>ask girl if she wants to hang out later
>immediately start planning fits for all possible activities
>get hyped
>"sorry anon, I have plans with FRIENDS"
>tfw everytime

>> No.8767465
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>plan date with gf
>going to art museum
>she has family plans later so it's a daytime thing
>lay out solid dadcore outfit
>thinking about how fly the pics will be
>she cancels because her uncle wants his birthday shit to last all day and not be just a dinner
>haven't seen her since last friday
>mfw I put away the outfit

>> No.8767466

you need to realize that even though everyone on here acts like a fucking fashion nazi, in real life, not many people give a flying shit about what you decide to wear. People are very self-centered, and it's hard to imagine people not paying attention to us because we are the only thing we think about. GET OFF /FA/. Live your life and relax. At the end of the day, it's just clothing.


>> No.8767470

>wake up
>spend 40 dollars in product fixing hair (mouse, heat protection spray, electricity for blowdryer, redken clay, vilain products, etc)
>looks alright
>change my shirt after fixing it
>realize i forgot to hairspray it
>hair completely ruined from switching shirts
>already late for class
>run frantically to bathroom
>cover hair in cleanse shampoo
>wash in sink
>blowdry fast
>repeat entire process
>end up missing entire class
>only class that day
>no other plans

>> No.8767474

thank you

>> No.8767476

dude. thats just straight up pathetic.

>> No.8767478

fucking me

>> No.8767485
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>electricity for blowdryer

>> No.8767491
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Agree with this Anon.
You have any more pics like that?

>not a single friend IRL
>don't wear a lot of my clothes because I'm 'not ready'
>tfw skinny but don't know what to do with my fucked up body
>have to conserve all of my money because I'm a poor college student
>wondering if I'm still relevant within my community URL

>> No.8767499

>you think you're gonna be inside all day
>sudden emergency errands are needed
>must go out in public looking like a bum
>see just about every attractive qt3.14 out

>> No.8767502

>tfw I can't find a style that I identify with
>tfw no confidence to try anything

I own like 10 black t's and black pants and only shoes I own are Flyknits

>> No.8767509

Change the black tees to white ones and you're set for life.

>> No.8767513

Fucking every time, I learnt my from my mistake.

You just wear a shitty fit because you're going to a corner shop to get some milk and there's a fucking qt behind the counter.
Never again.

>> No.8767517

Pretty much this.

>> No.8767518

Is all black lame?

>> No.8767524

It makes you very unapproachable.

>> No.8767526

Or when you're unshowered and greasy and smell like shit and you go out just for a pack of smokes and see someone you know and want to fuck so bad. Fuck no.

>> No.8767527

I lift weights so even in my sloppy outfits I'm at least still attractive.

>> No.8767533

All black isn't exactly lame, it depends on the pieces you wear though.
If you're in a full Yohji fit and it all fits great it won't matter if it's all black, the same thing could be applied to a techwear fit (usually black).

Cop more interesting pieces, get some white and grey shirts too maybe.

>> No.8767538

not if you're a ninja. Otherwise, yes, extremely.

>> No.8767539

Ahhhh, I guess that's true.

>> No.8767541

Ffs every time man. Every damn time.

>> No.8767546

>first ever attempt in picking up a chick
>tfw got her number
>shes 28 im 20
>dont know what do now

where should i take her out /fa/?

>> No.8767550
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good for you!!!!!

>> No.8767551

I don't think this is true, it depends on your face and the vibe you give off.

I wear all-black and people keep on speaking to me in public, I have a buzzcut as well and these two black girls asked me questions about the place not long ago.
Probably doesn't help though.

>> No.8767554

The alzheimers clinic.

>> No.8767556

It's either 510 or 511's and American Apparel t's. I can't into techwear because I live in Louisiana and it's hot as fuck

>> No.8767559
File: 180 KB, 747x883, plsss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hang out with girl all the time
>think that i'm in that pussy
>find out that she thinks i'm gay

>> No.8767567

Welcome to /fa/.

>> No.8767568

This fucking sucks. Do normies not even know the planning that goes into good clothing combinations?

>> No.8767571

>tfw have only gone outside twice in the last 3 days, and only to do a 20 minute run
>every time i go for a run i get a bit self conscious because i'm wearing like really old shit clothing and i feel like i get judged for dressing so badly

>> No.8767573

To bingo.

>> No.8767581

r u me,
That's one of the reasons I stopped making plans with bitches

>> No.8767582
File: 53 KB, 500x666, tumblr_ls5mws7Hz01qco54xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the true satire of being /fa/.

/fa/ models typically have androgynous features and wear clothes that dont fit their gender standard. to strive to be /fa/ means you accept this and have the courage to face life with everything thinking you might be gay

>> No.8767583

This happens too much to me

>> No.8767589

better than dirtying up good fits and not having anything nice to wear.

>> No.8767590
File: 265 KB, 1200x1600, John_Cena_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it either really early or really late at night so people can't see shit.

I just wear a black t-shirt and some champion shorts, stopped running though because I have zero muscle.

>> No.8767597

you must be severely fucking swagless if this is true.

>> No.8767600

Play it to your advantage and see her naked and jokingly grope her boobs.

>> No.8767610

They'd have to be 100% sure you're gay though.

>> No.8767618

does this ever actually happen even with true gay guy-friends?

like i see it in movies and on reality shows but i have trouble believing that girls just sit around groping and getting dressed in front of eachother. like i don't let other guys fondle my dick just because i'm straight

>> No.8767619

I fucking know this feel. id rather wear a bunch of shitty unassuming clothes than one or two of my nice designer pieces with everything else cause I'm "waiting" to build a full wardrobe.

>> No.8767623

>tfw addicted to copping basics
>they're essential, r-right?

>> No.8767624

The groping thing is questionable but the toplessness is extremely believable

>> No.8767626

>like i don't let other guys fondle my dick just because i'm straight

Wait what? opps

>> No.8767629

artschoolfag here. Yes, it's true. my svhool is 90% gay and they almost all do that.

>> No.8767631


Pls go

>> No.8767640
File: 246 KB, 532x352, mcride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be autistic for a normie?

>> No.8767641

The correct scenario would be a lesbian grabbing your dick.
Sounds chill to me

>> No.8767642

it's sort of true depending on the girl. i have a "queer" friend (aka tumblr lesbian) that always wears really loose tank-top shirts with no bra and boy shorts when i'm hanging out with her.

it's funny because she constantly rants about guys who creep her out on her tumblr, but when shes around her friends she acts like a grungy slut

>> No.8767643

I knew a straight guy who ended up bathing with his hot housemate because she thought he was gay.

>> No.8767646

You're view of fashion assumes that everyone who dresses nice does it to be noticed by other people.

OP just didnt feel comfortable going out in a fit he didn't feel 100%. He doesnt feel anxious that people are going to dog his fit but that he isn't going to be looking his best.

>> No.8767648

we will never be done copping basics anon, there will always be an imaginary hole in our wardrobes that needs to be filled

>> No.8767649

How would he explain getting an erection

>> No.8767652

>getting an erection from a non sexual situation

top pleb. you probably have problems with premature ejaculation, right?

>> No.8767654

plz stay

gtfo normie

>> No.8767656
File: 228 KB, 800x1018, 1407303290588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's worse things than having no friend IRL. But if you do really have no IRL friends, you should work on that instead of working on your wardrobe. What's your life like?

>> No.8767658
File: 3 KB, 125x123, concrened meatball on a fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Uniqlo.

>> No.8767661


Those basics better be high quality

>> No.8767662

He was the kind of guy who has incredible willpower and was used to spending a lot of time with her. Probably wanked beforehand.

>> No.8767664

>not having perfect dick control

>> No.8767665

I think both these fits require the buzzcut
no normies allowed

>> No.8767670

No, that's not how I look at people who dress nicely. But he canceled his plans because of it, obviously he is worried about looking bad in front of them.

>you're view of fashion
>you are view of fashion

>> No.8767674

Quite the opposite actually. You must be a faggot if you don't get an erection from bathing with a hot girl.

>> No.8767675

I'm about to start a college course in health and social, everyone but me and this other guy are all female.
I suffered from severe anxiety last year and I'm quiet and reserved, I don't laugh at anything either because of the community I put myself in, meta humour post-ironic bullshit.
I'm kind of a 'king-pin' in that community so I have a lot of friends there, but even there I'm anonymous.

>> No.8767677
File: 48 KB, 500x518, 1409648063451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8767678

He cancelled his hangout plans. That is when it becomes a problem. He should be able to have fun no matter what he is wearing.

>> No.8767682


this 100%

but what the other guy said was also helpful

>> No.8767688

I only get an erection if my dick is being touched or I'm touching a girl. I don't get erections just by looking at a girl naked.

>> No.8767690

>the community I put myself in, meta humour post-ironic bullshit.
>I'm kind of a 'king-pin' in that community so I have a lot of friends there, but even there I'm anonymous.

well ok

>> No.8767692

What are you trying to say? I'm not talking about 4chan.

>> No.8767697

You must be a faggot

>> No.8767703

I'm not sure what meta humor post-ironic bullshit is, and I think it's weird that you label yourself "king pin" of that "community" even though it's anonymous. Is it a website? Do you sit in the back of a cafe wearing all black with other guys wearing all black and crack puns without making eye contact or something?

>> No.8767721
File: 49 KB, 540x720, 10547511_483624438447577_4607642926591372641_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just post-irony and then jokes about post-irony and it never ends, nothing is really 'funny' in that community and you have to go through a lot of layers of humour.

Most people use their real name on the site but in the community we don't, not all of us.

BH Ideas is a good example of what I mean, also the same site where the community is.
You might think "oh wow Facebook really" but it's not like that.

Honestly it's really fucking gay and it's made it impossible for me to find anything funny or amusing.

>> No.8767725

What the fuck is "the community" it sounds like some gay ass club

>> No.8767733

posted yesterday, this shit is really getting to me

>moving in with bf soon
>uni flat, can't move out or switch without being charged
>slowly realising he is basically a manchild with no concept of adult life
>no sense of style, dresses like a neckbeard fedora
>in feb we went out to a bar and smoked in the park on the way home
>he asks if we can sit on my coat
>ask why not his? his was leather
>dont want to get into a whiny pathetic fight so i agree
>coat is completely fucked up, mud all over it
>still hasnt dry cleaned it

>> No.8767735

Girls feel each other's tits all the time.
>do you think I need a boobjob?
>pon pon pon
>"the left ones a little bigger buy it'd not noticeable "

I see this in public all the time

>> No.8767738
File: 90 KB, 533x533, bigPhoto_6040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You nailed it Anon.

>> No.8767739

Sounds like some autist from 5 years ago talking about /b/. Hurr secret website I go to.

>> No.8767742

That's your fault for being with him, you ignorant buffoon.

>> No.8767751

>moving in together
>during uni


>> No.8767752


>> No.8767754

>slowly realising
you are a dork dude its not a comprehension
she didn't seek out a manchild

>> No.8767760
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You messed up.

>> No.8767766

why do you masturbate every day?

>> No.8767769

>wallet too big for skinnies
>go to party
>cops cruise in
>checking IDs
>lol no ID
>tell them to look me up in their computer (i've had cops do this when i get pulled over and it was fine)
>lol we're campus cops we dont got that shit
>fug :^)
>they "hold" me for 3 hours
>"real" cops come
>look me up in the computer
>all is well
>"real" cop is pissed at them for wasting his time

>> No.8767780

Haha, yes I really chegged up this time. Moving in was a money saving thing really as the cheapest flats are studio flats (per person) at my uni.

>> No.8767784

Hi whiteknight. How many doors did you hold open for "ladies"?

>> No.8767791

Seven and they all wanted the d for being such a chivalrous dapper gent

>> No.8767794

;_; I hold doors open for everyone
plz no bully

>> No.8767799
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>> No.8767811

England here, I do it too and so does everybody else.
It's just common courtesy.

>> No.8767813

Nobody cares where you're from

>> No.8767830


>> No.8767832


>> No.8767833

Good catch Anon, you got me.
Looks like you'll be sleeping lightly today.

>> No.8767837
File: 262 KB, 1366x768, Untitled111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never met a girl who's actually into fashion
It would be nice, maybe one day...........

>> No.8767851

Why do people always want the source for this gif? I have no fucking clue lol

>> No.8768004
File: 882 KB, 2448x3264, ceffc5a3-9452-4fc5-9def-c3699463a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw rarely wear my meme sweater
>tfw kind of want to sell it
>tfw you have bonded with it because of that shitty forced meme
What do /fa/?

>> No.8768012

sell sweater and buy pants that don't emphasize your clown-feet

>> No.8768020

I'll buy it off you.
What size?
How much?

>> No.8768027

>9GAG trending

>> No.8768028

wouldnt sell it, looks really cool and is easy to wear with basically everything

>> No.8768033

shut the fuck up. I want that sweater.
stop posting

>> No.8768042
File: 1.11 MB, 3264x2448, 43bb76fb-b488-46d5-8ccf-ba9124428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$110 shipped to US and Canada
Small(fits medium even large) depending on how you want it to fit.

>> No.8768044


>> No.8768051

What are your stats?

I'm wear a large or medium and don't want it too snug.

>> No.8768053

ill buy it bruh

>> No.8768060
File: 1016 KB, 3264x2448, 53456f86-23e0-4660-b0c9-3e1fa6cad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I really like it but my wardrobe doesn't work with it to well imo.

>> No.8768062

fuck you nigga.

>> No.8768088

5'8" 128
I'll put it up on grailed soon hopefully. Should be able to ship by tomorrow if you guys act fast.

>> No.8768106

last time I checked this wasn't the bst . . .

>> No.8768115

Last time I checked your a pleb ass bitch and have never had emotional connection to fabric. Stay on the previous level kid :))))

>> No.8768118 [DELETED] 

email me bro

>> No.8768123

Birthday being a nasty cunt as usual

>> No.8768124

The kid who samefags all his fits to look popular is calling other people a pleb? HA!

>> No.8768131

yo email me bro.


>> No.8768146


>> No.8768179

You make me want to change my name from Jonathon.

I hate you.

>> No.8768199

yo bday

>> No.8768288


>> No.8768334
File: 9 KB, 226x223, 083 - wG0NaXk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidentally bought a woman's jacket

fuck my life

>> No.8768337

Just wear it anyway. Sticking to your gender assigned clothing is for plebs.

>> No.8768361

post fit

>> No.8768375

Womens parkas are something that are perfect for shorter guys as long as your not to built. If the design androgynous the proportions are usually much more favorable to a shorter person and the measurements are usually just slightly smaller so you could size up.

>> No.8768387

>go on fa and realize weight is a problem
>not fat but not skinny
>lost like 30 pounds and i dont think i look different but others have complimented me
>probably developing body dysmorphia
>wear sweatshirts and jackets all the time because of it and its summer in florida

>> No.8768442

goddammit this is hilarious

>> No.8768466

carry a purse, if you{'re g5oing5 to dress like a fag5g5ot at least compromise.

>> No.8768468

my god

>> No.8768480

Better get my lingerie game on then.

>> No.8768645

>Go to a party at friend's house
>Everyone is drinking and drugs
>Only single guy there
>None of the women show interest, even though they're intoxicated af
>Finally start hitting it off with 9/10
>Friend's 14 y/o brother swoops in
>Somehow get cockblocked
>All of my what
>Swallow sadness, go home in the morning
>This is life

>> No.8768651

I was hungover all day so I didn't drink any coffee and now I have a really bad caffeine withdrawal headache but I don't want to drink any coffee because it's too late


>> No.8768656

god 14 year olds are such twats

>> No.8768685

Went for an overseas internship this summer.

Not sure if everywhere I went happened to have a higher gay population, or I was attracting them.

>> No.8768693

No I just know how to control my dick.

>> No.8768701

Yeah I would have told him to fuck off but I was way too high

>> No.8768705
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>5'8" 128

>> No.8768823
File: 44 KB, 450x327, 1407750354591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw convicted sex offender
>tfw no matter how good you dress people still hate you

Might as well dress in sweatpants and hoodies.

>> No.8768835

Well you kind of deserve it.

>> No.8768838

Not really /fa/ feels but anyway

>I'm a good looking guy
>dress alright
>never really talked to females much
>some insist on talking to me
>talk back, it becomes apparent they want to have sex with me
>I'm not really interested
>why can't I just fuck everything with 2legs and a heart beat like most males

>> No.8768844

Not really, I didn't rape anyone, she was just underage and parents weren't too happy.

>> No.8768857

What kind of underage are we talking about

>> No.8768861

11, i was 19

>> No.8768864

>tfw this is the worst board on 4chan but i keep coming here every day

>> No.8768869


>> No.8768876

What does that mean?

>> No.8768878


>> No.8768886

Dude, that's not cool. You should have known better.

>> No.8768897

I didn't want to hurt her feelings. I have trouble with making people feel sad. She came onto me, not the other way round.

>> No.8768905


>> No.8768908

What's a humbert?

>> No.8768920

You know what, it's alright. I don't judge, you know better than me how these things build up.

>> No.8768943


>> No.8768949

You don't read much, do you?

>> No.8768953

English isn't my first language

>> No.8768967

Fair enough.

Lolita reference, btw. Although admittedly Dolores was older, and so was Humbert.

>> No.8768978

Sounds an awful lot like this 7chan . org/elit/res/17319.html

>> No.8768991

After an in depth conversation with a friend of mine, he convinced me just to have sex with this girl, I don't really want too, but he assured that things will be different once I do.

>> No.8769012

Lol no, friend was a girl and I was not living with her. Plus girl was totally different.

>> No.8769078

>things will be different
the biggest lie
I have a lot of friends that are a lot more sexually experienced and me, and they are just as uninteresting, boring and ordinary as anyone
sex isn't a life-changing event. it's like finding a $10 bill. sure, it's a pleasurable experience for the time being, but after the initial excitement is gone and those $10 are spent, you're just as broke as you were before
my friends think I'm shy because I don't try to get laid when I'm out, but I find it hard to care about casual sex. I have never and will never understand that "let's get wasted and ceaselessly bother every fucking female in this bar in hopes of getting laid"-mindset
>tfw just want to find an intelligent girl with similar interests and taste in music

>> No.8769112

>tfw just want too find an intelligent girl with similar interests and taste in music

God damn, me too. That could be where my problem is stemming from. Any girl I know that remotely fits the bill ruins themselves with shitty tattoos and dressing abysmally

>> No.8769131

I'm never sure whether the apparently uncontrollable urge for other males to have sex with many women is just some kind of manly attitude or real. I honestly rarely explicitly think about having sex with a woman. I find most of other stuff a lot more appealing than sex. Like talking and other kinds of intimacy.

Maybe I'm gay, I don't care.

>> No.8769134

And then you realize something must be wrong with you too.

>> No.8769140

Lower your standards because I guarantee any girl you'd be seriously interested think you're an autistic weirdo school shooter

>> No.8769142

this is the only board i visit where people are not okay with something like this

>> No.8769145

Low test high estrogen, biologically/hormonally far closer to female than male it sounds

>> No.8769149

The thing is plenty of are attracted in me, I just can't really bring myself to be intimate with them, an all round average girl asked me to go around to her house last week and I politely declined. I don't know man, I don't know, hence the post in the feels thread

>> No.8769152

I mean /v/ would be upset because 3DPD, so maybe that's two

>> No.8769154

not a member of /fit but my advice is to work on your body and gain some lean muscle and burn fat.

The better your body looks in the flesh, the better clothes in general will look

thats why a lot of "hot" people get away with wearing anything they want

>> No.8769180


Nut up, pay the charge, and ditch him


>moving in in a romantic setting before post-college life

U dun goofd

>> No.8769188


This so hard

>Every grill 2 years younger than me wants to fuck me

>Finally find one that's smart, gorgeous, interesting, etc.

>We start dating

>Break up after a week

>Never even fuck her

>Not depressed, just don't feel like bothering with anyone else

>Tfw not gay

>> No.8769235

I've got a doozy here.

>not sure if I have really good or really shit taste

There's not even words to describe this feel anons

>> No.8769243

>TFW can't wear white tees by themselves because I'm paranoid itll stain quickly since I'm haphazard as fuck.

If only they made water repellent basic tees.

>> No.8769267

>asked to model for local mag
>check out previous issues
>most of the guys are like 7/10 tops
>99% of the content is #fashionista bullshit

w-what would rick do

>> No.8769343


Rick would make his own clothes, I'd advise that you just take the job and the paycheck

>> No.8769365

>tfw lost too much weight
>tfw can't stop losing weight
>tfw /fa/ gives you an eating disorder

>> No.8769370

what if every post on /fa/ is actually by 4 or 5 chubby goth ninjas and i'm being played

fuck you guys

>> No.8769376

>tfw get ostracized by basic bitches because you dress too well
>tfw you catch them staring at you
>tfw don't wanna become one of those Sorority tee wearing bitches
>tfw few female friends

>> No.8769406

>tfw at a party with friends
>tfw friend of a friend you always liked and thought was qt says he needs to talk to you
>tfw he says he feels like you are meant to be best friends and he has always thought you were soul mates but in a friend way
> best friends
>hugs me and tells me i'm special
>i am confused
>is he trying to bang or nah

he was pretty high I guess

>> No.8769421

You have to realize that you are overthinking it. I get anxiety too if I feel like I look like shit, but you just gotta get past it. Look at everything you have with a clear head later and pull some fits together. You're gonna be okay Just clear your head and get back on it when you can. Start basic.

>> No.8769430

Additionally, just because someone on /fa/ says something looks like shit, doesn't make it true. Half of these idiots will insult anyone out of mere boredom. The way I've seen some of these guys rip on Ryan Gosling and David Beckham is astounding based on a lot of the WAYWT threads. Don't think so much, Just throw some shit on and try and look nice. Overanalyzing is only gonna fuck yourself over

>> No.8769431
File: 6 KB, 400x400, grandmas lunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will never know

>> No.8769504

>tfw originally started dressing better for girls
>worked, got a few girlfriends
>always lasts less than 6 months
>forget failed relationships by fucking acquaintance s
>casual sex is leaves you feeling empty
>sex drive is zero outside a relationship

I just want to feel something more.

>> No.8769519
File: 50 KB, 634x367, 1408356119342_Image_galleryImage_DFTA6C_Man_smoking_an_ele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quite a thick, muscled man, myself. I enjoy gently stroking my 7 inch tubular meat-whip to vintage rick owens runway-shows. I also enjoy keeping my fan on the second setting while sensually sucking the tasteful smoke out of a thick (like me ;^) ) cigar and keeping the gaseous load in my mouth before exhaling and allowing it to become one with the invisible vortex swirling around my office-space, which I might add, is stocked full of a wide array of varying creature dildos that range from 3-16 whole inches. This, of course, is for visual purposes only, as the only person that I am hot for, is my self.

>> No.8769523



>not sinking into drug-fueled depression

0/10 not even effay

Seriously though, quit jerking off and start doing new shit

You'll find someone cool eventually even if it's not a gf or fwb

>> No.8769556

Fucking Christ I cannot stop laughing

>> No.8769575

I read that in Ronn Swanson's voice.

>> No.8769605


>> No.8769613

>tfw want to cop sick fits
>tfw cop basic
>don't even go outside really
w-why do I buy these again?

>> No.8769623

to play dress up in your room all day and show it to raging autists across the globe that jerk off to it. ORRRRR you just have a rockin bod and wear basics all the time and on the rare occasion your skimpy ass DOES manage to exit your parents' living facility, you have the option to wear nice things. fgt

>> No.8769647

>tfw no friends
>tfw can't even pinpoint what makes people not want to assosciate with me

it's like I'm living in some weird simulation where the NPCs are programmed to interact, but largely avoid you.

>> No.8769652

>it's like I'm living in some weird simulation where the NPCs are programmed to interact, but largely avoid you.
that's your issue, faggot

>> No.8769685

I'm home bros, give me a hug all of you.

>tfw some /fit/izens are watching this thread

>> No.8769698

I'll be your friend anon, haters gun' hate

>> No.8769877
File: 872 KB, 1514x1001, pleb_af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up later
>don't have time for nxtlvl fit
>checkout mirror
>hair still hy, don't brush teeth
>walk to uni in the rain, smoking
>grill at union compliments fit
>grill in class compliments fit
>loathe own pleb fit
>go home and spoon my Raf's

why do i even try. pic related

>> No.8769888

nope except for the jacket

>> No.8769892

>Save up all summer for effay clothes
>Quit shithole job, been there for 4 years
>Afraid to Cop clothes because of no income
>Applied for jobs but none have called back....

>> No.8769893
File: 719 KB, 1588x2268, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too poor to associate with upper class
>too rich to associate with lower/middle class

>> No.8769899

that feely feel

>> No.8769905

>it's like I'm living in some weird simulation where the NPCs are programmed to interact, but largely avoid you.

Would hang out and talk about Simulacra and Simulation with/10

>> No.8769907

What the shit kind of hipster smokes are those?

>> No.8769915

Problem solved

>> No.8769927
File: 36 KB, 338x450, 02a2237c-e9fc-4bff-a1a8-89f38b532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 21
>fuck it decide to stop shaving
>thick trimmed stubble
>get shorter hair
>suddenly qts mirin everywhere
>stranger asks if she can hug me
>runs off giggling says im cute

t-thank you rick for the life I have been given

>> No.8769933

This feel

>> No.8769938

>try to date grillz
>only date tall girls so tough luck already
>overanalyze each of their features and suddenly she drops from a 7.5/10 to a 4/10
>feel insecure about being seen with her after this and dont even want to bang her if she could give you horse children
At this point I think i'd turn down a supermodel

>> No.8769944


Just buy a damn old navy blue sweater and bleach the top, shit.

>> No.8769948

SHIT man i thought you were gonna say 16 or something what the fuck!!!!

>> No.8769952

everyone knows she's just chad's leftovers by then. this is 2014 man.

>> No.8769962


Similar but not really

>be at chink mall
>eating pho drinking boba
>see group of little asian girls staring at me
>they giggle and run away
>walk around some
>window shop and such
>realize they're following me
>gettin weirded out cuz don't wanna be mistaken for pedo
>sit down at cafe thing
>they're pressed up against the window looking
>they giggle and run away
>power walk to the exit.

Gooks scare me sometimes

>> No.8769988

Fuck iktf
> first time doing basic bitch white/black
> hungry with friends
>decide to get burger king cause its right across the street
> sit down enjoying the conversation and meal
>asswipe trips and drops his tray all over my
I havent gone with an all white shirt since, i had a huge ketchup stain all day

>> No.8769991

>looking at weather
>praying for good weather on day i have class with qt so I can wear spring fit
>its cold as balls
>no cool jackets
>don't wanna buy a jacket until its gets warmer in a couple weeks

feels bad

>> No.8769996

> drug-fueled depression
Not even once bro, my experience with being an oxy addict was interesting but hardly worth it

>> No.8770139

>almost two years ago
>gf gets a new circle of friends
>try to get along with them
>fail, they are all better than me, my gf is so easily impressed
>one of her new friends is some kind of therapist
>"It's obvious there's something wrong with him, but I don't treat friends."

Still burns like hot oil, those memories. Feel like some sort of subhuman ever since.

>> No.8770233



warmest winter in history tho bro. Been mad warm, even down here in melbourne there where a couple of weeks when it didnt drop under 21.

>> No.8770299


some next level insecurity and autism right there dude

>> No.8770334

you really are one insufferable piece of shit ain't ya

>> No.8770335

>be waiting for friend to try on dress at barneys
>put on dries overcoat
>be checking out self in mirror
>10 ft tall skinny black guy in leather and dreads in pony tail
>mirin this asap kanye fit
>awkwardly shows me a balmain leather
>asks if he can buy it
>idk can u??
>o sry do u not work here
>he creeps away like a spider crawling across floor
>be confused
>later walks by struttin
>did u get it/
>i got it
>ask raf simons rick owns usually what im dressed in?
>creeps away bumping all like cuz everyday i got pesos

tfw awkward asap rocky thinks i work at barneys

>> No.8770349
File: 2.67 MB, 3200x2400, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 ft tall
>asap rocky
My sides.

>> No.8770367

>implying on /fa/ reads baudrillard

nice simulation ur livin' in kid

>> No.8770393

>tfw late for work every day because i need to get my hair just right, or my cuffing, or my shoe/sock combination

>tfw built a better wardrobe over the last year but soon realized it was still pretty pleb, but starting grad school this fall so no money to up my /fa/ game
>tfw might take out excessive loans just so i can be effay while going to school

>> No.8770397

holy god america.

>> No.8770472

>Walking by myself
>sick/10 fit
>see cute Azn girl
>Gives me 'the eye'
>Look back awkwardly and walk on
>See her again later
>This time winks at me
>Still do nothing apart from smile at her
>Will never see her again

Do I have Autism?

>> No.8770477

>Casio calculator watch
>Gold iPhone
>Supreme white tee

is this a kek?

>> No.8770478

Yes, you do.

>> No.8770482

>smile at her

more than i could've done. you probably have autism but not as bad as it could be

>> No.8770523
File: 103 KB, 298x351, 1382572299466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking about how fly the pics will be

you've got to be fucking kidding me

>> No.8770530


why don't you just go on and talk to her

who gives a shit i don't get what you guys are afraid of

like it doesn't happen to me because i look like a god damn neo-nazi so people don't look at me but you qt androgynous fags should just go for it

>> No.8770535


isn't this guy like 12?

>> No.8770560
File: 33 KB, 581x581, 1409254577442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8771285

>electricity for blowdryer
Electricity is pretty expensive now days isn't it bro...

>> No.8771289

no, he's just a manlet

>> No.8771293

>Including the cost for electricity in his hair product expenses
>Being this much of a kike

>> No.8771338

>tfw i am seriously thinking of buying this just because it has draped over birthday's body

>> No.8771624

>>thinking about how fly the pics will be
/fa/-feels are fucking hilarious

>> No.8771871

>uneven legs
>obvious when pants are cuffed
>have to cuff once more on just one leg to make it look even

My autism can't handle it

>> No.8772067

my friends think I'm shy because I don't try to get laid when I'm out, but I find it hard to care about casual sex. I have never and will never understand that "let's get wasted and ceaselessly bother every fucking female in this bar in hopes of getting laid"-mindset
>tfw just want to find an intelligent girl with similar interests and taste in music
holy fuck this so much

>> No.8772095
File: 88 KB, 976x622, idiot frog floats away from helium tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have job interview at JPMC
>Have to get a train
>Put on my suit and shoes
>Stand there in front of a full length mirror
>"Oh god the jacket is too long, the trousers are too wide and the belt doesnt fit through the loops right, the shoulders are too wide and the colour scheme is shitty, these shoes look like fucking cowboy boots what im i doing, my face is greasy and my hair ratios are all wrong and i look like a fucking idiot, im unpresentable, what the fuck was i even thinking applying to JPMC, theyll laugh at me the moment i walk in, jobs like these are for men, youre not a man, youre not even human holy fuck youre so gross" etc etc
>stand there for so long i miss the train
>change back and just play videogames all day instead

>> No.8772118

what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.8772129


Yeah it happened to me once.

Then i realized it doesn't matter and i buzzed my head.

Best choice i ever made. I can pull off anything buzzed it doesn't matter.

>> No.8772153

just buy cheap white tees
spill wine or w/e and throw them away

>> No.8772155

When I buzzed my hair everyone said I looked like a skinhead nazi.

Such is life when you look really german and angry.

>> No.8772162


Yeah i had the same comments but thinking back how is this a bad thing ?

Like, remotely a bad thing ?

>> No.8772174

can most people pull off a buzzcut? i've been thinking about getting one but i always fag out. life would be 100000 easier.

>> No.8772183

I didn't really think it looked good either. Wore hats until it grew back.

>> No.8772192


Buzzcut is a state of mind. If you are afraid and unconfident it won't work.

>> No.8772222

No, my head is diamond shaped and leaving the top short makes me look like a mongoloid. My cheekbones are super wide.

>> No.8772375


>> No.8772580


>wanting to associate with the upper class

>> No.8772640


In my defence I had just had dinner with a different qt who was wearing all Rick so I didn't want to sway.

Still 90% Autism, though.

>> No.8772855
File: 696 KB, 684x1280, 2014-09-08 12.25.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I want to go full dadcore but it's too fucking hot here year round

>> No.8772976

I wear banana republic tees. Amazing for the money. They're like 15 bucks during the 40%off sales.

>> No.8773108

I don't have many out and about pics on facebook and it would have been a cool place to get some : ^(

>> No.8773144

*tips fedora*

>> No.8773156

>I will never be a girl
I would dress so cute and know exactly how to act

>> No.8773159

>very mild acne
>mainly PIH
>will never be good looking

>> No.8773163

w2c cheap white tees?

>> No.8773242

this, I hate myself for being a male

>> No.8773243

idrk if that's satire, perhaps irony

>> No.8773259

>youre not a man, youre not even human holy fuck youre so gross
right in my feels

>> No.8773276
File: 33 KB, 1102x967, 35Zxqjr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at party
>qt 3.14 eyeballin
>walks up to workwear dadcore fag
>leaves with him eventually
>ball fists and cry
>knock over cheap beer can hardly afford after buying 3rd hand geos off grailed
>someone throws ketchup
>everyone laughs, someone shouts "faggot"
>make noise similar to dying pig as tears stream down face

>> No.8773301

This was genuinely sad. Hope you find some confidence and can be happy.

>> No.8773310

>durr im birthday I have emotional connections to shit I get off grailed that was owned by like 4 people before me

>> No.8773317
File: 10 KB, 319x316, 1367641034572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with bro at the student union building
>some qt 3.14 is giving him the eye
>he goes over to talk to her and I hang back
>after a few minute I go over and pull him aside and really loudly talk about him volunteering in the hospital to help out the kids with cancer
>walk away and the grill totally bought it
>he's gonna lay the pipe soon

>> No.8773320

Hope he lets you smell his fish fingers afterwards as a thanks

>> No.8773323
File: 36 KB, 461x600, Why the long face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, man.

Just take a breather, get in the shower, shave your beard, put on your suit and go in there and fuck the bitches right up the ass.

>> No.8773330



>> No.8773333

that`s hilarious lol

>> No.8773336

Low testosterone, biologically you may as well have a pussy

>> No.8773346

This is a truism.

My friends mother who is from Thailand told me some stories about her when she was young and in school. When a guy would walk up to her and ask her out, she'd just giggle and run away with her friends.

I laughed my ass off at her stories, asians are like chartoon characters.

>> No.8773358

>lots of girls are trying to fuck him
>he's a girl because he doesnt fuck them
you realize this makes absolutely no sense right?

>> No.8773366

uniqlo premium cotton innerwear are the best i've found for the price

>> No.8773367

Mad jelly

>> No.8773368

>thinking parents money counts

>> No.8773374

Another weak human turd ruined by their severe autism, fa, and porn

>> No.8773385

Fuck /fa/ I really like this girl and I want to get to know her.

I'm not that bad of a looking person, girls talk to me and I've heard another call me hot recently even so I'm kinda confident on that

But she's super cute, and a lot of other guys noticed. I always see her talking to some guy, and he's flirting with her hard

How do I approach her? She's a total weeaboo and I already passed that phase, but with my knowledge I think I have some ground with her

Fuck /fa/ how do I talk to a girl

Also >tfw people are afraid of you because you wear so much black

>> No.8773392

More like my mom, but somewhere around there.

>> No.8773403

America, where you have to earn things and don't just get handed tuition/insurance/money for nothing unlike the worthless scum that is the rest of the world

>tfw America should nuke every country except America and Japan

>> No.8773405
File: 7 KB, 203x217, gothninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dress like this and say you learned how to be a ninja from Naruto

>> No.8773412
File: 36 KB, 325x475, goth ninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8773421

Are you me? But the girl keeps looking at me to get my attention and has asked me to sit next to her at our next class

>> No.8773423

Lmao this is what fa does to autistic children

>> No.8773425
File: 2.77 MB, 287x191, 1385053577665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw condom lube on phone screen

>> No.8773428

what is your first language/are you drunk/on opiates?

>> No.8773430

I have no classes with her, I always look at her for her attention but she always looks away, either to see where she's walking or to avoid my eye contact

I hope its not the latter

>> No.8773436

That fit is sick, but I doubt any one would want to talk to me if I wore that

>> No.8773442

LOW TEST, masturbating to porn too much

>> No.8773445

it's cause you use phrases like "all of my ____"

>> No.8773451


getting b8d this hard

>> No.8773457

Shut up birthday you aren't welcome here

>> No.8773474

Sex drive lacking because he has the hormones of a woman. Are you microcephalic too besides autistic? Or is it fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.8773479

>>hurr durr dont give people free shit blah blah welfare queens

>> No.8773482

so if i get easily an erection i have high test?

>> No.8773485


Lol lil babby

>> No.8773492

Or you're not desensitized by porn which makes you unlike 99% of gen-y, millennials, and post millennials

>> No.8773508

There are tons of women with high sex drives.

>> No.8773510

>wearing sick tank, tight pants, and high tops
>go to store, see qt starbucks cashier miring fit
>smile, she smiles back
>"shit, forgot the olives"
>come back
>in queue
>glance up, she's looking at me
>"Hey, back already?"
>Just nod

What should I have done /fa/?

>> No.8773518

say u forgot to get her phone # and some olives

>> No.8773522

>I forgot to get your number
Just like that

>> No.8773531


is this the next buzzword weve been waiting for to replace autism

>> No.8773539

Kek @ your fallacy

Obviously you have fetal alcohol syndrome and autism

>> No.8773561
File: 40 KB, 535x577, tfw+crying[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I thought

>> No.8773726
File: 973 KB, 200x148, 1378445314003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha trolld u

>> No.8773810

Ejaculating frequently does not lower your testosterone

>> No.8773827

Why the heck diddly did this give me a pointy trouser bulge

>> No.8773847

>tfw decide I've outgrown the streetwear/goof shit
>Acne, Whyred, Tiger of Sweden is what I'm usually dressed in now
>fit almost complete, the only thing that's missing is an outerwear piece
>have to wear hm coat that I bought when I was young, stupid and kinda broke (1 year ago) cause it's getting cold
>almost nobody mentions the quality bits of my fit but commends the fucking hm coat all the time

It's not like I dress for plebs around me but still

>> No.8773853

Forgot to mention
>have to wear hm coat until my next scholarship comes through

>> No.8773963

although this is completely retarded, it is pretty horrible when yr going somewhere and your hair looks bad

>> No.8774014

Nah its fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.8774260

lurk more
Buy magazines

>> No.8774560

>almost nobody mentions the quality bits of my fit but commends the fucking hm coat
made me laugh, so true. It never fails, the one shitty cheap piece I copped when I was in high school gets the most compliments by plebs.

>> No.8774567

>implying /fit/ hasnt been using this to describe tiny for like 4 years

>> No.8774581
File: 211 KB, 600x887, 1c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c this feelguy shirt

>> No.8774620

sounds like fyad

>> No.8774672
File: 37 KB, 509x619, 8973543423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at the mall with sister
>try on a vest that looks nice
>"uh anon it looks weird on you let me try it"
>"haha see? it looks way better on me you don't have the body type for it"
>go home without anything except for face wash and a moisturizer block
>three packages of clothes in the mail and all of them are too big

>> No.8774806

>cousin invites me to hang out with her and her friends
>grill and I play air hokey,cards, and talk
>"OMGEE, I've always wanted a gay bestie!!!"
>lasagna outta my ass
>walk away
>not the first time
>won't be the last

>> No.8774868


>> No.8775196
