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File: 9 KB, 450x451, ZARA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8738315 No.8738315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The items are basically designer rip offs. Is the low price worth the questionable quality?

>> No.8738321

The quality is really disastrous.
Even h&m is better.

>> No.8738327

Some things are worth when there is a discount. But not many though.

>> No.8738341

i found the quality to be decent for the items, when they are on sale atleast i dont think i would pay full price on most of their items. or if you are just starting out then its dece aswell.

>> No.8738343
File: 34 KB, 560x694, 6096304800_2_2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It used to be hit or miss, some of the stuff was great. I have a jacket from them that's 4 years old and has held up fine.

every once in a while, though, I make the mistake of ordering shit from there and i'm almost always disappointed. Their trousers fit really well but are held together with nylon for some reason and will fall apart if given the chance.

here's hoping they can't fuck up the sweatshirt I just ordered from them.

>> No.8738344

h&m is so plain and boring
zara goes for more riky stuff

>> No.8738349

sales are great. basics are good. /fa/ is retarded

>> No.8738355

don't try the gothninja/rick-core thing if you can't afford it
zara-goth will make you look autistic.

>copping shit-tier basics at zara
never heard of uniqlo ?

>> No.8738360

I used to shop Zara and HM. Now I ride Uniqlo D

>> No.8738368

im not really into purchasing stuff online, and where I live, the land of confusion, there are shitloads of zaras and 0 uniqlos

>> No.8738370

Uniqlo is the shit, but no uniqlo stores in sweden sadly.

>> No.8738379

did you just order the one you posted? if so i have that exact one and it is of a good quality imo.

>> No.8738389


Most pieces aren't worth a single euro to me. You could give them to me for free and I wouldn't wear them a single time.

Then some few are wearable and decent for their price. Fine for experimenting for cheap. Like a bomber of them I own.


I went to a nearby store a month ago or so specifically looking for this pair of balmain bikers rip off. Didn't find them in black but in blue. The quality looked so bad that I didn't even try them on.


Their 'inspiration' is pretty far from le tricky ricky. Way classier. Their lookbooks really make you want to buy stuff from them. But then you visit the store and you just can't.


If you find them good go and buy them. Nobody here is stoping you.

>> No.8738403

i misstyped risky. kek
but le tricky ricky works as fine for what i meant to say

>> No.8738419

I used to shop at zara before, but I stopped, since the quality is pretty bad.
They aim for high quality (both in design and also their wannabe hq fabrics) and fail miserabley, whereas H&M knows their place and bring out pretty good basics, for the price, which zara lacks.

>> No.8738425


>> No.8738445

YAY thank you anon

how's the fit, though?

>> No.8738452

ummmmm h&m is imitating zara now trying to come off as high fashion store with the "studio" collection

>> No.8738477

>Their trousers fit really well but are held together with nylon for some reason and will fall apart if given the chance.

even Julius denim is stitched with nylon...

Zara is revolting fast fashion. Basically a more accepted version of fabrixquare.

>> No.8738486


I insist, their stuff is not tricky ricky at all. Risky? Don't think so. They rip off designer pieces, yeah, but they make sure they take the most wearable and apt for the masses ones.

See >>8738343 for example. Is this risky? Grey 'normal' sweater, just dyed. Black 'normal' bit dropped black jeans, just with some detailing and zippers. Black 'normal' trainers. No drapey weird shit. No flamboyant stuff.

I would wear all of this everyday if the quality wasn't that fucking bad.

>> No.8738528

The weird thing is the DESIGNS are good but the quality is terrible. Like everything fits really well, too, and the designs that they choose to rip off are pretty good.

I distinctly remember a time when their clothes were not quite as low quality, too. Again, I have a bomber from there that has held up just as well as my APC bomber, and I still get compliments on it. I got it almost 5 years ago.

>> No.8738588


>fits really well

Well, it depends. When I went to check the balmain's I tried on a sweater and a tee and they fitted stupidly tight. Maybe they just size down idk.

But yes, as I said the lookbooks are great. But that's it.

>> No.8738610
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cop or not

>> No.8738614


>> No.8738689

>mfw just bought two pairs of gr8 fitting trousers from them for £40 total

no regrets muthafuckas

>> No.8738942

can you post a fit? I can't find any irl pictures online

>> No.8738945



>> No.8738956

tshirt quality is awful and what is up with the sizes? is europe full of manlets? their xl is tiny as fuck

i do admit i have zara sneakers and theyre soo comfy

>> No.8738989

I'm usually a small medium, but I have a Zara shirt and it's large and fits good,
Weird sizes

>> No.8739007

Zara's pattern drafting is excellent (hence all the "gr8 fitting!!!" comments) but the construction and materials are almost laughably bad. Like, worse than H&M. Paper thin or plastic-y fabrics, buttons that fall off in two seconds, seams that don't survive a wash. Imo you're better off investing in a nice thing. I'm a fashion student and I tend to buy Zara and cut their pieces apart to use as slopers since the pattern is usually really well engineered.

>> No.8739015

pics? I've never bought zara shoes because I've been warned that the quality is terrible

>> No.8739016

It really is a shame. I've bought designer stuff and none of it fits me as well as Zara does, but their shit falls apart almost immediately.

I honestly want to get trousers from them on sale and have a friend recreate them with good fabric.

>> No.8739017

>Zara's pattern drafting is excellent


>> No.8739060
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x1836, 20140901_220041[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight one sec, its a med and is a lil big on me but its comfy af. seems to be good qual, had it for around a month

>> No.8739064

ffs preview was vert but ya get the idea

>> No.8739085

what are your dimensions? I ordered a large because their mediums are usually insanely small but if that's a medium, idk

>> No.8739099

32chest 30 wait is thatnall ya need?

>> No.8739103

yeah, I'm a 32 waist so I'm guessing large will be fine.

I'm transitioning into looser fits anyways.

Now I just gotta wait for the fucker to get here.

>> No.8739115


h&m has had a higher price range collection for ages, it's called "trend"

everything i buy from zara generally lasts. i have pants from 2011 that still look the same...except shorter now cuz i cut them into shorts.

>> No.8739130

ha i know. they could have kept the star maybe with a different pattern. still fuck jews.

>> No.8739150

I think their success speaks for itself. Zara's general price range is 50% higher than stores like h&m, uniqlo and F21. They do 0 advertising and do not value customer service. Why do people keep going back when their stuff "instantly falls apart".

Only bought a couple things over the years and they were just okay, I can definitely see why people like going though.

>> No.8739331

i saw it on my reliable news source today and i started laffin like a maniac because i tought it was a /fa/ joke

god damn it, this world is more fucked up than ever

>> No.8739391

this is bs. also a fashion major and i can make the same things without even buying the zara version. are you fucking serious? if you look at the designer insp they're ripping off, there are so many techniques they are neglecting in favor off mass production.

zara's patterns offer absolutely no tailoring so that they fit as many people as possible. this is not genius patternmaking, it's basic. those blazers aren't loose fitting just because that's "in"

bought a neoprene dress on sale for 20 recently, tried it on at home because the room line was insane. fit was so bad i just used the fabric and made something else completely.

also if any of you fuccbois don't know this, zara is in fact MADE TO FALL APART so that you always have to buy more. they get new shit in 4x a week.

>> No.8739766

Computers are made to fall apart.
TVs are made to fall apart.
Everything is made to fall apart so you keep buying, that's nothing new.

>> No.8739772

>what is capitalism

>> No.8739789

>neglecting that some things still have drastically different lifespans

It's like saying "all humans die, who cares if I murder you right now"

>> No.8740574
File: 24 KB, 300x345, Old-Cell-Phone-Douglas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is just no demand for, so to say 'everlasting' products (did your tube TV break?, Did your first phone break?, ..). In this day and age progress is so a fast unpredictable, that it would only pay of for so few people to pay an extra 10-20% on the price we pay now, just to have longer lasting products, that's the reason companies don't use the best materials.
But the majority doesn't has the intention to 'build something that breaks within 2000 hours of use' or summin'.

>> No.8740602

This is what I've found so far about Zara - buy items that have less "sensitive" zones where they could break.

This means avoid shoes, suits, leather items at all costs. Basic t shirts, some sweaters and jeans are lasting me 5 years so far.

The suit got ripped in first month, because they had 1 mm stiches.

>> No.8740605


i wonder how they can fuck up the stitches so bad

like everything i bought at zara that had buttons broke in two weeks, the buttons were falling EVERYTIME, worse stitching / seams i ever saw

>> No.8742325

You mean my collection of movies will fall apart too? Fucking shit, all these Criterions.

>> No.8742369

had some chinos that fit and lasted pretty well
got a dress shirt there than is... still intact, barely worn it tbh tho

other stuff from there has been godawful tho

>> No.8742383
File: 992 KB, 500x281, 1385073443946.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8742465

best things from zara:

super slim tees (the quality is pretty similar to ACNE tees)

some jeans

some dress shirts, basically any shirt that isn't see-thru will hold pretty well

leather dress shoes, most of them are okay-tier

sweaters and some jackets

>> No.8742480
File: 8 KB, 183x276, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zara never really try to do something new
>pic related Robert Geller

>> No.8742485

>tfw no uniqlo in switzerland

but muh basics :'^(

>> No.8742491

i was listening to a bubblegum bass song, and the girl was saying fake gucci, fake louis, fake ZARA

fake ZARA

>> No.8742498

when i first saw this i literally thought of oldschool sheriffs and shit

man fuck jews

>> No.8742500

gucci gucci louis loius fendi fendi prada?

c'est un le pepe?

>> No.8742512

maybeline, maybelicious... top man top shop top woooomp!

>> No.8742523
File: 289 KB, 903x494, Bildschirmfoto 2014-09-02 um 22.06.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a girl in my sorority who used to buy fake Zara stuff from Chinese sellers on eBay all the time. "Yeah it goes for 50 in stores but I got mine for $10!"

>> No.8742530

the real question is do you need any more clothing or are you just in need of the feeling that comes after having bought something new? We gotta occupy ourselves differently, shopping doesn't make u fashionable!

>> No.8744042
File: 159 KB, 390x313, 1369191823860 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I actually shop at ZARA for children clothes for my niece and nephew

>> No.8744310

>faked fakes
It's almost like it's real all over again.

>> No.8744412

i wish i nigga would cop shitty clothes for my kids

i plan to wipe my kids ass with prada baby wipes you think i would let them be seen in zara

no way jose

>> No.8744519

She probably got more dick than you

>> No.8744571 [DELETED] 

tfw not near tripsk to help her fulfill and surpass her dick quota

>> No.8744574 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 1127x747, 1374526717237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8744821

Some bitches pride themselves on how they save money by buying shitty knock offs. They don't buy to collect, they buy for the trend, which really is sad, yet understandable.

Mentalities are different.

>> No.8744830

>buy to collect
wut. just take a picture.

>> No.8746904
File: 80 KB, 1024x1270, SUMMER DARK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like their dark collections

but yeah some stuff is shite

>> No.8746909
File: 61 KB, 1024x1269, Long Cape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
