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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 117 KB, 960x960, 10660364_10152640710110351_1750974148151455933_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8732641 No.8732641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I did it. I finally worked up the courage and went for it.

>> No.8732651

Looks good

>> No.8732654

Looks good wizard

>> No.8732659

the reason why you haven't done this before is...?

>> No.8732660


tell your stylist congrats on the pregnancy

>> No.8732667

was cool before, is cool after

>> No.8732672

I don't know. I had long hair for 15 years and I was scared to cut it.
She's a good friend of mine. The whole place fucking went apeshit when they seen the end result.

>> No.8732674

now you will lost all you're powers chubby wizard of happiness 8^(

>> No.8732676

Long metal hair/beard combo only works if you're good looking--face and body.
it's a slight upgrade I suppose.

>> No.8732678

what a qt

>> No.8732695

I was tired of it being long... and I got a job that required me to cut it.

>> No.8732703

Well done wizard

>> No.8732706

now lose weight

>> No.8732725

now you look like any stupid fucking hipster out there

not saying long hair was better, but shit, this is boring as sin to watch

>> No.8732733

Looks good OP!

>> No.8732736

It was really better with long hair.
Now you're a hipster looking fat.

>> No.8732746

Maybe he's happy with that. So what

>> No.8732761


Good going bruv.
Proud of ya.

>> No.8732767

DONT LISTEn to these stupid circle jerks, they cant let anyone else be happy!

looks good, massive improvement anyway

>> No.8732768

good looks, OP, v handsome

>> No.8732774

Pony fag to hipster fag, still nice job.

>> No.8732777

Thank you, they need to troll harder. I'm very happy with it.

>> No.8732779

>Star Wars

Why'd you even go off as far as showing off telling people your love for virginity?

>> No.8732784

>tfw you realize /fa/ is now /mfa/

>> No.8732789

You got screwed over m8. Long hair is much better.

>> No.8732791

w2c genuine smile of happiness?

>> No.8732802

imo you should trim your beard also.

but congrats your new hair is a million times better, who cares if its common.

>> No.8732803

That's pretty terrible m8
It's generic as fuck, your long-ass hippie hair at least had character

>> No.8732814

Looks good!

>> No.8732816

Great choice OP!
I'd suggest trimming your beard a bit closer, and try to shape it for a more defined jaw-line.

>> No.8732819

I can assure you most people don't give a fuck. I think he can live perfectly with your disdain.

>> No.8732820


You retards realize that with the amount of hair he had the potential for haircuts was close to unlimited right ?

Sure that's still an improvement over the neckbeard, metal listener long hair, but shit, this is such a bland and overplayed result.

Like it's the perfect let-me-grab-my-macbook-air-and-let's-meet-at-starbucks-to-work-on-my-new-onepage-template type of haircut.

Hell, even a standard buzz could have been playable. Chubby Max Payne or some shit.

>> No.8732821

well done for the effort to better yourself but you dropped the ball getting the most played out cut

>> No.8732824

Looks like nobody here wants red pinkies :^)

honestly speaking, OP needs to shave and lose weight. You have a really neet look about you, op. /fa/ is either le ebic trollin you or filled with summer.

>> No.8732837

lose weight OP. That should be your priority

>> No.8732900

Looks way better OP :D

>> No.8732919

>fatass nerd trying to better himself according to tips he has gotten from /fa/

>half thread is shitting on him
>half actually commending him on good job and to keep it up

Half of you are fags, it's up to your autism to figure out which one you are.

>> No.8732928

Now lose some weight and cut that beard off.

>> No.8732930

Did you also color it, or way is it much darker after?

>> No.8732941

didn't color it at all. I think it was darker because of the product in it.
Don't sweat it anon... I don't feed trolls.

>> No.8732947

>the whole place
there would've been like 4 people there at most guy

>> No.8732952

youre so reddit its unbearable

fuck off back to mfa

>> No.8732955
File: 142 KB, 1080x720, Haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as we are on the topic of haircuts, what kind of haircut should I get?

>> No.8732965

short sides and back leave top

>> No.8732976

>taking the time to highlight all these posts

You sad, sad little man

>> No.8732992

Why didn't you manbun

>> No.8732996


>click click click click click done
>total time : 15 seconds

Just stop it already OP.

>> No.8733025


>> No.8733040

looks good op

>> No.8733055

you look so much better now

>> No.8733057


looks like you about to get receding hairline, better get used to buzz cut before you go bald

>> No.8733071

She works at Regis in the mall. there were like 20 people there.

>> No.8733074

you have wide face, keep that in mind when cutting your hair

>> No.8733076

Next trim your beard and get fit.

>> No.8733082

you look better

>> No.8733097

we look quite similar friend, but ive got green eyes

>> No.8733101

lookin sharp op!

>> No.8733109

Yeah I know, but it's been in the same place for three years now. When it goes it goes, but for now I am going to stick with something other than a buzz cut.

>> No.8733111

Shave, you try really hard to look like some tumblr faggot but fail pretty hard at that since you are -at heart- still an unkempt metal-listening-indie-game-developing-star wars-loving-in-his-parents-basement-living manchild

>> No.8733114
File: 558 KB, 947x480, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one guys currently got the long one

>> No.8733127

Keep it long

>> No.8733138
File: 739 KB, 734x1118, haircuttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I considered that, what are your thoughts on something like this?

>> No.8733141

hnnng jesus fucking christ it would be fine as is i want you inside my boipussy

>> No.8733150

also what do you guys think of earrings? been thinking of getting a small loop

>> No.8733315

Would match your face. Drives 16-20 year old girls widl. Go for it.

>> No.8733316

did you donate your hair?

>> No.8733318

op don't listen to them - your new hair makes you an infinitely more suitable candidate for a sperm donation to a lady in your age group. neckbeards 1 - evolution 0

>> No.8733326

sick rick fawn onesie in before pic - w2c

>> No.8733358

you're going from bro mode to gay hipster mode. go for it. get a sailor tattoo while you're at it

>> No.8733373

Not yet. I have it in a bag ready to be donated but I haven't decided where to send it.

>> No.8733463

You can't have a fat face and long hair, dumbass.

>> No.8733541

why bro the hair or the loop ?

>> No.8733553

What a completely boring and generic haircut. You look like an even bigger faggot afterwards.

>> No.8733563

trim your beard sides.

>> No.8733585

now you just need to work on style and weight.

>> No.8733660

Looks good OP. Congrats on getting it cut.

>> No.8734013

I also have long hair ( ~ 10 years), and always wear in black, still scared to change both. :(, dunno what will happend if i cut it.

>> No.8734156

Okay sperglord you've proved your autistic buttmad point, now shut up and stop making statements that don't have a good point.

>> No.8734167


OP, getting a dated haircut that doesn't even fit your face didn't make you more attractive.

>> No.8734168

i like ur old cut better

>> No.8734180

Shut the fuck up

>> No.8734192

I know your feels
btw when go to sleep tonight it'll feel hella better

>> No.8734199
File: 37 KB, 407x600, stfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it looks better. So then it's not a step down is it?

>> No.8734203


oh, honey

>> No.8734223

Any fashion ideas for thin brown hair. Any pictures would do; I'm still brainstorming.

>> No.8734237


u sure showed him xD

>> No.8734244

Should have cut it shoulder-length. Rick knows best.

>> No.8734277

Couldn't job wouldnt let me.

>> No.8734279

Lower right picture looks like zach Galifianakis

>> No.8734293

I swear to god, every fat guy with a beard who puts a little effort into the way he looks has this exact haircut

>> No.8734327

Pretty clean my dude, only questionable thing would be if they actually made a hairline by shaving, but it doesn't appear that way. Congrats on not looking like a turbo virgin anymore/

>> No.8734331

Looks better but I would have gone shoulder length I think

>> No.8734340

Good for you, you look about ten times better

>> No.8734345



>> No.8734356

And here you are making fun of an anonymous stranger on a Guamanian cooking bulletin. Who's pathetic?

>> No.8734362

She did shave the hairline actually. It's hard to notice though.

>> No.8734383

Confirmed for having a memecut.

>> No.8734477

I think it looked better before just cos the chubby hipster look is played out but it's a good as cut

>> No.8734478

>all of these positive comments
what happened /fa/?

>> No.8734540

when will short back and sides die out, i'm sick of seeing it on 95% of guys.

>> No.8734571

ditch the graphic tee

>> No.8734583
File: 139 KB, 424x470, 1409196539170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw remembering the good old days when this cut wasn't so overplayed
>tfw when even those faggots who said "epic" in high school are sporting this

>> No.8734601

We have the same haircut

>> No.8735870


>> No.8735875

dude look like a teddy bear

>> No.8735876
File: 272 KB, 960x1280, 20140831_005335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i become a meme master

>> No.8735887

Besides buzz what else is there that isnt a bastardised version of the memecut