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File: 41 KB, 640x640, 10464388_796624967026304_2311135700155483165_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8727846 No.8727846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i hate seeing all these girls who pretend to be "models" while they're actually miles away from what an actual model is supposed to be.

they aren't even into fashion that big, otherwise they would know how to dress, as opposed to wearing sub-par forever21-tier clothes.

all that beauty pageant and amateur fashion photographer shit needs to stop, it's not only degrading the image of real models and real photographers, but is an insult to the fashion industry as a whole

>pic related, some dumb bitch from facebook, as i reckon you may be familiar with

>> No.8727855

Take it easy bro.

>> No.8727872

i don't like dumb people with no tastes

>> No.8728209

>hey, what do do you do?
>I'm a MODEL!!!11!1!!
>cool, so you are called from the agencies and they pay you to take you some pics?
>uhm, w-well, no... a-actually I p-pay a photographer to take some pics o-of me to put on f-facebook...

kekkest of keks

>> No.8728305
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Haha. So true.

It bothers me too especially when my fb newsfeed is full of them.

Pic related.

>> No.8728308


Agency finds you jobs & castings
Client pays you
Agency takes cut of your pay (15-30% depending on the agency)

An agency may also ask you to pay a trusted photographer for good portfolio pictures.

They may also ask you to pay your own expenses (hair, travel, long-distance calls, etc.)

>> No.8728346

i learned this from playing kim kardashian: hollywood

not even ashamed

>> No.8728363
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>it's not only degrading the image of real models and real photographers, but is an insult to the fashion industry as a whole
>real models
>real photographers

>> No.8728368


>> No.8728400

Let them do what they want, amateurs are amateurs. People will find ways to be self important, just like you are now. People without a good eye for these things will enjoy amateur work all the same and that's just fine because that's been how it's worked since forever.

That's why we have concepts like "developing good taste"

You don't just know everything right off the bat you sperg. And this is actual spergish behavior.

>> No.8728402

oh well, sorry
but my point is still valid, there are no agencies behind them or clients that pay them, but these girls are the ones who pay to be photographed

>> No.8728414

Oh yeah, I agree, it's terrible lol.

Even when I was amateur/freelancing I still got paid for jobs!

>> No.8728455

are you a model?
male or female?
I'm asking because I'd like to have some info on how to try to become a male model(what kind of body is the best, what kind of face, if there are different requiementes if you wanna be a runway or a magazine model, etc)

>> No.8728463

You sound like you hate fap to tumblr style girls on facebook.

>> No.8728471


>degrading the image of real models and real photographers
>an insult to the fashion industry

So whenever you do something that's not high end (as everything you've ever done in your life) you're degrading/insulting those who are experts in the area?

That girl looks dumb and tasteless as fuck, yes, but you sound like an autist dumb faggot as well. Just ignore her.

>> No.8728485


>I'm asking because I'd like to have some info on how to try to become a male model(what kind of body is the best, what kind of face, if there are different requiementes if you wanna be a runway or a magazine model, etc)

Don't you know? Can't you figure it out?

>> No.8728509

well, if I look at D&G, the models are quite muscular
if I look SLP, the models are just skellingtons
some brands have beautiful 10/10 models, while others have uglier models but they have "unique" faces
so no, I can't figure, lel

>> No.8728531

Dead @ caring what other people choose to do with their free time

99% certain op is american

>> No.8728537


Height 6’0”-6’2” (1m83-1m88)
Jacket 40-42
Waist 32-34
Inseam 33-34

>> No.8728566

Yeah its crazy that an american would be on an american website for posting egyptian cartoons

You fuckin idiot

>> No.8728571
File: 526 KB, 720x1280, 904d0d70-3504-42b8-a0bc-6fe153ef3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posts about hectic shoots and "the model life" very regularly :^|

>> No.8728587
File: 54 KB, 566x480, 9b6af975-c772-4ae7-a984-4e30cdf30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one realizes that this is one of those real life dolls

>> No.8728589

every fucking college dropout I know or have ever connected with has had a phase where they bought a dslr and made a fucking facebook page where they shoot their friends and upload the pictures of their amazing photoshoots.

>> No.8728595


You just answered yourself.

>> No.8728625


how do ppl not know this lol

It's just like actors who have agents

>> No.8728641
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>> No.8728642
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there's no requirements except beauty. if you want to be signed for doing normal fashion modeling to an agency the standards in most markets are 6 foot (watch manlets 'correct' me and say 5'11) to 6'4 with 6'2 being the ideal height. Fit a size universal medium @ 6'2 to get more work. Just make an appointment with reputable agencies (u can google) and go in, or walk into open call if the agency has one. As far as body type just try to have low bodyfat at whatever weight. They'll tell you what they see based on your look and genetics.

>> No.8728654

Reposting from some bro a week ago:

Ok, someone who has had experience with modeing, parents who have worked in the fashion industry all their lives (my mom was a fashion model, actually) and has met and befriended literally hundreds of people in this industry during his life here.

You do not want to be a male model. You do not. Most make jack shit and they are generally disrespected during shoots. Like some anon in here said, for male models it's much more important to be smart about planning than anything. Fuck, how many real male model superstars have there been? Mark van der Loo? That's one. Shiet.

Worst of all, you're going to get raped/sexually harassed. A lot. Every single day. And it's not going to be by women, but by gangs of old creepy stylists and make up artists (thank you based Mark Carrasquillo for being straight and being a bro, thank you so much. you are such a breath of fresh air for us guys). Photographers are usually straight, but most don't respect the men much. Generally cool dudes though, regardless of age.

Some general questions answered:

>Can I be model?????????
Probably not. No matter what you look like, modeling agencies usually don't like models with an attitude like that, since people who really want to be models are generally extremely obnoxious and dickish about the whole thing. If you talk to female models, you'll notice that they were usually scouted and not very interested in the profession. If you're a perfect fit, an agency is not going to pass you up, ofcourse, but you probably aren't.

>what is the set model look?
There is none. Most models are actually quite unconventially handsome (moreso with female than male models). Look at someone like Kate Moss, she fits NONE of the general rules for models, and yet she's as big as she is.

part 1 of 2

>> No.8728658

>do I need to have rock hard six pack abs to be a model?
No. Being fat/chubby is a no go, but skinny guys can get around if they look good. They'll generally go for more broad shouldered guys, but not always. Body types differ. (ofcourse, this doesn't apply to something like fitness modeling, that's something else entirely)

>does height only matter for runway modeling?
Nope. It’s important for magazines too.

>will I get more chicks if I’m a model?
No. Girls can’t tell what you do for a living when they see you walk by, unless you’re one of those guys that walks around with a sign that advertises a restaurant. If you look good you’ll look good. Having charisma and a good personality will get you more chicks than anything.

>will I get to fuck a lot of female models on the job?
No. Sex between models happens quite rarely (gay experimentation actually seems to be more common than straight sex; don’t know what’s up with that), since they are both working and due to the long days and high amounts of needed rest, you need to actually sleep. It might be a simple and empty profession, but it’s hard work nonetheless.

>are models all stupid?
Definitely not. Especially the female ones tend to be quite smart (probably due to them needing intelligence to boost their career, and them not being girls who always wanted to a model). Male models are generally of about average intelligence (and usually quite boring). What’s interesting is that a lot of people on set (especially clients) expect the women to be retarded, so they often disclose vital info and juicy details right in front of them, thinking that they won’t be able to comprehend.

This seems to cover the basics, if there’s anything else you want to know, please ask! I’ll gladly answer if it helps you.

Also, this all applies to high fashion modeling. I don’t know how things go in fitness/glamour/porn etc.

part 2 of 2

>> No.8728695

Thread and post highly relevant:

>> No.8728704
File: 98 KB, 736x736, Yoba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a chubby jew bitch thats 5'2 has her uncle photograph her with some low-end DSLR he probably got from his wife on Christmas and now she thinks shes a model and she has a business email and everything on her instagram

>> No.8728735

>dat photoshop job on the armpits

>> No.8728812

I wouldn't doubt it

>> No.8729237

op here, it's not about being an amateur, i can tolerate amateurism to some extent, it's about not knowing your shit, and rubbing your delusional and non-existant knowledge in the face of people that actually knows what they're talking about

all of you ran into someone like that in your life, i'm not strictly talking about fashion, but as everyone need to wear clothes from day 1 to the day they die, everyone have his own opinion about it, even those who haven't got the slightest fashion sense. it's pretty much the same thing about music, you can't have a real conversation with someone who is binge listening to one direction all day every day, because they will always think they have the upper-hand and know more than you do - which in that particular case, would always be false.

these girls i'm talking about are annoying because they think they know so much about the industry, but in reality they don't know shit, they haven't got the slightest idea of what fashion really means, because they don't really care and they'll never do because they're just too. fucking. dumb.

i might sound angsty, and i am, but truth is, when people talks about something i know nothing about, i have the decency and the common sense to shut up and listen to them.

>> No.8729270

i've never thought of it that way, but it's actually true. that's why I don't get why cara is so worshipped, the only thing she has for herself are perfect genes, and bam, that's it, superstar.

>> No.8729615

Are you genuinally a retard?

U realise u just wrote out 4 large paragraphs on an anime forum explaining why it makes you mad that girls talk about modelling when they don't know as much as you

Smh at the weirdos on this site everytime I come here

>> No.8731818

i don't think i am "genuinally" a retard, if you care about something and want to make it your life, it´s normal wanting to protect its image, its legacy and your own vision of it.

and if you can't understand that type of thinking, that means you're not passionate about anything. so no need to "shake your head" virtually dude, i'd rather be considered a weirdo than having no opinion about the matter.

>> No.8731835

you know you fucked up when samson is the voice of reason

>> No.8731890

>mfw myself an mah fiance scouted by Garnier when walking to the theater

Hair modelling ain't fashion modelling and we never took them up on the offer, but it was a nice confidence boost

>> No.8731900
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>> No.8731906

I'm a paid art model; it pays my rent, my bills, my food but I don't call myself anything, I don't tell people "I'm a model" when they ask what I do for a living because in NYC so many wannabes are around.

Idk maybe if I get consistent print work in fashion modeling I'd be fine with calling myself one but like as of now I am whatevs about it.

>> No.8731914

You look like a 15 years old giving a shit about people acts. If they want to make a disaster because they dont know shit with their photos, its okey, better for the professional and great amateurs who have their shit toguether.

Ur the insult to the fashion industry having that childish mind, do ur fucking life and dont care about the dumb people, ur trying too hard.

>> No.8731949

as i was saying, i don't care about amateur as long as they don't rub it in my face thinking they're hot shit

>> No.8731959

I can't imagine those watermark photographers and models being terribly aware of this themselves. Playing model and photographer.

Still, why bother. Live and let live. P.L.U.R.

>> No.8731966

*not being aware

>> No.8732414

Wow that fucking ring man... fuck that...

>> No.8732428

meme rings

>> No.8732443

No one its telling you nothing, you are the only one searching a reason which to look down on someone. Your time is too precious to worry about pleb people.