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File: 206 KB, 2648x780, fukin gooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8696162 No.8696162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok so it's clear from the Sticky: there is garbage tier clothing sold online by gook brands such as 'The Lees'.

The amount of garbage tier clothing seems to keep increasing, Amazon is now replete with super low offers of gook fashion and finding good deals is harder.

>Can't tell difference in good/bad quality just from pic

>> No.8696199

I copped this cardigan last week. What's wrong with it?


>> No.8696277

You tell us mang, post pic or go die

>> No.8696281

If it's on a black mannequin do not cop.

>> No.8696293



>> No.8696351

is that the rule of thumb? seems random... and somehow right

>> No.8696402

It doesn't fit.
It looks plasticy and unnatural. Not in a futuristic way either.

>> No.8696406

>people who bought this item also bought -
>tfw you will never save those people.

>> No.8696409


It's not that hard OP. don't fucking shop for clothes on amazon u goof and only shop at stores that you KNOW are renown for quality.

Also instead of shopping at amazon shop at places like Mr Porter, Tres Bien, netAporter, etc. etc. or if you a poorfag ASOS

>> No.8696861


The fabric looks weak, maybe 8oz or less.
Fit is unnatural, nobody has that kind of petite body weight distribution but asians.
The stitches in the last photo (on the back) seem asymmetric. and cheap looking.
Buttons in the second picture are bad sewed You can see a couple of strands coming out of it. Just as well as the button hole.

Online shopping has high definition images of every angle of the cloth, just so you can find this little details.

>> No.8696917


OK so is there a top 10 brands that must NOT be touched online? Maybe we should incorporate this to the sticky

>> No.8697028
File: 273 KB, 438x580, 62696966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of ASOS, how's their quality?

I'm planning on buying a faux leather biker jacket from them to tide me over until I have enough for a high quality one. Pic related, planning on removing the hood with a seem breaker.

>> No.8697118


>> No.8697126


The fit is nice, I just had a friend who bought it. Unfortunately it does look like you're wearing clearly a plastic jacket.

>> No.8697135


A friend bought this exact same one.

-The Fit is nice

-It does really look like cheap plastic, it's not classy as thought.
-You can't take off the hoodie.

>> No.8697146

how about just general asos clothing though?
i know at it's price point it shouldnt/isnt the best
but how does it compare to other poorfag tier clothing

>> No.8697174

Dang. I was afraid of that.

Cheap plastic huh? I'd be okay with non-leather if it looked decent, but guess that's not happening. It's at a pretty nice price too. Oh well.

As for the hoodie, I was just going to unstitch it from the actual jacket. I don't think it'd be too hard.

Guess the search continues.

>> No.8697268

Asos is a pretty big gamble tbh

I've got some great asos gear that I treat like I thrifted it and got lucky. It's basically the same thing. Some of it is of a shockingly high quality and will last you a very long time. Some of it looks really good. Every now and then, something will combine both of those.

However, this is about 5% of the stuff on there. The other 95% is utter shit and you should stay very far away from it. It's important to be able to figure out the difference, otherwise you could end up being filled with regret.

Asos fucked up with getting rid of free delivery though, it was the one thing that really made them worthwhile. Who the fuck is spending like $100 on asos

>> No.8697299

any tips for a fuccboi on being able to tell the 5% from the 95%

>> No.8697336


I wouldn't buy anything but absolute basics from ASOS (well, actually, I wouldn't buy anything from ASOS but if I had to, it'd be basics and that's it).

>> No.8697367
File: 116 KB, 367x451, 4b0dd72f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, while we're talking about low tier clothing, how about H&M and Topman? I've heard a lot of good and bad, depending on what it is you're buying.

Was checking at this jacket from Topman, but it's not available in small. Damn. Looking for something like it, I like how clean and simple it is.

>> No.8697374
File: 164 KB, 382x418, 8c680adc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also looking at this jacket from H&M. The quilted shoulders are meh, but not a deal breaker. More worried about how plastic it'll look.

>> No.8697380

>quilted shoulders
they look better on leather jackets than regular ones

>> No.8697391

no, just don't be a fucking retard.

>> No.8697394

Take a good, hard look at them. Zoom in. Look for any irregularity. Does the photo look like it's been taken to hide something (e.g. how thick a jacket is)? If so, it probably is hiding something. Check the materials, if it sounds like shit material then don't buy it. Envision it on yourself; do you like it only because the model wearing it is more attractive than you and has been handpicked out of a selection of beautiful people to suit that exact item?

That sounds complicated but the entire process takes about ten seconds. In my experience:

1) Their leather footwear is excellent. I have no idea why, it defies all logic to me, but it just is. Very durable and in general very nice-looking when you find the right item

2) All their other footwear is below shit-tier and will start to degrade the first time you wear it.

3) As >>8697336 said, the only really safe thing is to buy basics. Basics are hard to fuck up and even if you do it's alg cos you hardly dropped any money on it.

That's all I can think of, hope that helps. Be very cautious on asos. It really is an enormous collection of dogshit that is sprinkled ever so slightly with great value clothing. You have to be lucky.

>> No.8697404

That's true. But I've got a few outfit ideas for the jacket and the quilted shoulders might get in the way of a clean silhouette.

I'd like to try on a few jackets to see how they look, but I live in the middle of nowhere. So I'll probably play it safe.

>> No.8697421
File: 5 KB, 233x250, 1356890300128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the tripfag said, there are so many substitutes, why would you shop at amazon m8. If you are a poorfag - Uniqlo, Asos or even H&M, but only for basics. I'm pretty much poor too, but I'd rather wait half of a year and cop something of a quality (since I have a strong basics wardrobe) than buy a 'fake' substitue from Zara.

>> No.8697462


Both of these will look terrible IRL. Perfecto-style jackets always do - especially if they're from a shit-tier brand like Topman or H&M.

>> No.8697510

I'm looking at them because they're Perfecto-style jackets. I'd be willing to go as high as $400-500 for a decent Perfecto like jacket. But at that money, I'd want to try it on in person.

Unfortunately, the next time I can head to a city with decent brand names isn't until October.

>> No.8697525

Do you work 24/7 or what?

>> No.8697536

I live in a tiny village in rural Japan. It's 5 hours either way to Tokyo or Osaka and costs like 50 dollars one way, not including gas. The two closest cities, Nagoya and Nagano, don't really offer much in fashion.

But hey, my job is super easy, my co-workers are chill, and I'm saving tons of money. It is what it is.

>> No.8698428



>The internetz world still needs saving from these shitty brands tho...

>> No.8698536

Leather jackets look retarded irl

>> No.8698658

rule of thumb for me is to try on clothing in store before buying online.

you get proper sizing fit, and you can actually figure out material quality from feeling it.

I stay away from brands that are too expensive for the quality/fit (aka majority of what avant garde fa endorses like rick/raf) because majority of that shit looks retarded IRL (drop crotch pants, clown shoes lel)

also stay away from cheap knockoff like yesstyle.

my opinions, so don't go all Salem witch hunt on me

>> No.8698752

Just buy Ralph and you'll be golden

>> No.8698794

w2c something like this with actual decent quality?

>> No.8699691

+1 ffs

>> No.8699881

Holy baby jesus christ the savior I just saw cardigans for 750$! My eyes are burning what are thwese cardigans made of? Unicorn pubes?! How on earth does one buy that?

Really, please, somebody, tell me, who buys that?!

>> No.8699903

I actually tried this one on. It's worse than you can imagine, the material literally felt like plastic. If you want a biker jacket, buy a used real one

>> No.8699929

There are people on the earth who can spend $750 on an article of clothing and barely feel a dent in their wallet. Usually at that price point, you're paying for brand recognition. Look for other options.

>> No.8700214
File: 909 KB, 1800x4200, 13369608593708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avoid ebay if you're new and don't what you're doing. buy from official online stores

pic related

>> No.8700306
File: 1.79 MB, 1791x5544, UPDATED SICK FITS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8700762

topman has nice shirts, but is otherwise forgettable. they sit well, and are comfy. w/e
H&M I am convinced has been getting worse over time. The designs are perfectly alright, and you might get all excited when you see a model wearing the rags, but they almost all fit poorly, especially the jackets like pic related.
honestly, I would not shop at H&M for anything other than very bsic tshirts and jeans/pants.

>> No.8701907
File: 30 KB, 290x370, jacket5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this guy but also looking at ASOS, anyone know how this jacket is?

>> No.8701965

Agree with this about H&M. No good stores for basics near where I live so I've always gone to H&M for tees and stuff, and the fit can be real dicey sometimes. I've copped some good knitwear and whatnot on occasion, but for the love of god stay away from their jeans.

>> No.8702076

There was a kid I knew in high school who wore basically everything in that picture. He always talked about moving to japan to teach english and how he believed there were only 2 people in the world smarter than he was. He didn't even graduate. I fucking hated that kid.

>> No.8702079


Perfecto denim jacket, k.

>> No.8702324

Sounds like a mass cunt, must have been awful

>> No.8702328

if it uses a mannequin, especially those blacks ones, it's probably shit

>> No.8702332


>he didn't even graduate

haha that's mint

>> No.8702635


>> No.8703480

is this sarcasm?

>> No.8703521

Ughh, fuck that guy. I think every high school has at least one of those.

I knew a guy like that that everyone hated (even the other outcast nerds) Pretty yesstyle-tier. Always wore clothes way too small for him. Wore a pinstripe fedora every day that he'd occasionally take off in a very specific manner to slowly run his fingers through his greasy blonde hair. Usually during a conversation about a subject that he didn't know jack shit about. So he was probably compensating by running his fingers through his hair while grimacing in hopes of looking broody and contemplative.

>> No.8703522


>The cardigan looks so stylish and dashing that babes will come in hoards

>> No.8703599
File: 119 KB, 400x620, h&m coat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when H&M was selling actually good shit for the price.

>> No.8704162

Are you new here?
I'm not trying to recycle epic maymays but it really shows

>> No.8704187


there's some hidden gems in h&m and zara time to time, but you pretty much need to constantly be aware, because they change their shit so daaaamn fast

if someone have a website that track hidden gems in shitty retail stores i would really appreciate it