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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 18 KB, 246x200, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8630212 No.8630212 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no money

While my career as a writer is /fa/ as fuck, it currently doesn't make me enough cash to support my expensive tastes. Wat do, /fa/? How do you all afford what you buy?

>> No.8630236

i work a job that actually pays well and i live in an area with a low cost of living

rent is $225 a month, utilities are split between me and two other people so its usually pretty inexpensive

>> No.8630239

Anorexia is the best way to lower your cost of living so that you have more $$$ for clothes.

>> No.8630267



well me personally i just buy cheap shitty clothes and do self repair

>> No.8630278
File: 180 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell my dad that my rent/tuition are higher than they really are..
>inb4 you're going to hell
Gotta spend some money to make some money ;)

>> No.8630280


>$225 rent
fuck, i need to move

>> No.8630291


where, yo? is this in a relevant area

>> No.8630292

>rent is $225 a month
fucking jealous. I'm currently in the cheapest place I can find in Melbournes inner north and its $486

>> No.8630309

make/deal drugs for the extra cash

>> No.8630318

Believe it or not, I do get paid for my writing. Just not as much as I'd like.

I even work in men's fashion journalism.

>> No.8630331

>tfw 27k in bank account but never buy anything

>> No.8630335

Not him, but I live in Pueblo Colorado and you can rent a small little house with that.
Catch is it is such a shit fucking place to live.

>> No.8630352

Better than spending it on stupid memeclothes

>> No.8630397

Find a sell-out writing job doing advertising and blog shit.

Ever seen Girls? The main character finds some cushy job writing blogs and articles that are just thinly veiled advertisements and gets payed heaps of cash for it.
Maybe you can find something like that.

>> No.8630532

Yeah, that's definitely an option. I just need someone to hire me. I troll Craigslist looking for work, but it doesn't always pan out.

>> No.8630557

shit nigga, I pay 880 a month.

>> No.8630562

Are you me? Except I have 31k

>> No.8630661

Holy shit, where do you guys pay that? I'll move there tomorrow, swear to god... I (my father) pay 2500USD a month and I live in shit tier Mexico City.

>> No.8630876

rural iowa

>> No.8630909

Kek, its a shithole you can get that rent on northside denver (still a shithole but closer to the city)

>> No.8630924

Not the same person but I've never seen rent that low anywhere remotely near Denver what are you talking about

>> No.8630943

In the commerce city area, but even just outaide the city to the north rent is pretty cheap like ~400-600

>> No.8630946


>> No.8630973


What the fuck? I pay $2675/mo for a loft in SF. You must have a mansion in NM

>> No.8630981

Not at all. I live in a 200m2 appartment. It's not even that fancy.

>> No.8631904


I share a 50m2 flat with two other people.

>> No.8631926

thats still like double the rent you dumbfuck

im assuming this guy splits rent with the 2 other people who are paying utilities, so more like $675 still not bad

>> No.8632132

fuck, writers ALWAYS have other jobs. Journalists, actors, writers, musicians, models - they always have regular jobs.

Just find a job, there are more than people think.

>> No.8632149
File: 482 KB, 1310x2048, 10549227_10152439957367562_2667293616993340136_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you're an expat and the company pays YOU to live in a house

my dream

>> No.8632751


>> No.8632760

how exactly are you making money sitting on your ass all day spending your dad's money?

>> No.8632785

Save up money
Only buy good quality clothing that will last you, don't get cheap shit because it's cheap, you can't afford them in the long run

>> No.8633351

basically dont eat a lot

>> No.8633386

>How do you all afford what you buy?
I currently have no other regular expenses than food

>> No.8634133

Yeah, and she quits because she sees it's completely trashed the souls of all of her coworkers.

There is so much good writers-writing-about-money, but personally I can never get this one out of my head:


>Freelancing is that remarkable stretch from February to December 2009, where I wrote entire features… using only my phone, a first-generation iPhone jailbroken for T-mobile, bought for $100 from a friend at Mac Week. That was because my computer had broken and I couldn't afford a replacement.

That image more than anything stuck with me, and sure enough, I wound up there eventually with a 4S I bought for $150 with money from a medical trial and never hooked up to a cellular network.

Later, I left the iPhone in a cab I had to take (only as far as the subway) to make it on time to a brotberuf that laid me off suddenly two weeks later. Still hadn't fixed the computer, so I had to quickly hustle up the money for parts to fix it.

I have so much to say about all this, but I have to run now. I need to buy a replacement microphone for that computer for a call later.

Almost always. Some people, mostly people whose work is amenable to market pace, make a living doing their thing. I think I might be able to get there, but I need to up my work tempo on critical pieces and/or hustle up a good listicile or recap gig or something.

>> No.8634142
File: 116 KB, 394x394, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is being a NEET musician /fa/?

>> No.8634143

Got a student job in a cool restaurant, 11 euro/hour (Belgianfag here) so pretty good.

Got that job during weekends when im studying and living with me parents so got a good amount to spend per month

>> No.8634212

what kind of music

>> No.8634433
File: 67 KB, 350x338, 1316149575831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in NYC
>Rent for my shit apartment is $2500 plus utilities
>Most of my income goes to rent
>Living in the most effay city is suffering

>> No.8634441

Plunderphonics with black metal influenced electronic drone

>> No.8634513

When you make no money, you dont buy expensive things anon. You are forever destined to buy wal-mart clothes, or be homeless. Then again, homeless people ARE pretty /fa/

>> No.8635721

NYC is not /fa/ its dirty and overpopulates

>> No.8635784

OP here, bullshit they are. I live in NYC too- fortunately I have a roommate so my rent is half of what it could be. Homeless people are NOT /fa/. They wear terrible baggy clothes, they can't take care of their own hygiene, some are diabetic so their legs and skin are being ruined, and they are poor, miserable folk.

I was once on the R Train, in a car where a homeless man was sleeping. He got up, walked to an empty bench, pulled down his pants, and pissed all over it. Everyone screamed in terror, except me, who fortunately was far away from the stream. Nothing got on me, but the memory remains.

I have a lot of love for homeless people, who are in a very bad situation often through no fault of their own. But they're not /fa/.

>> No.8635845

I moved to Oakland cuz I couldn't keep up with San Francisco rent ;_;

>> No.8635867

That's extremely /fa/

>> No.8635872

be careful not to get mugged boo

>> No.8636004

extremely un/fa/

>> No.8636069

my life basically. future bass producer here tho

>> No.8636121
File: 18 KB, 175x300, the-devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this
I have a very legitime job on top too....

I'm a firefighter in the greater los angeles area. I sell coke and mdma and some other stuff sometimes if I get it. I also have some friends that grey area legal things to get my clothes nearly half off. That's how I was able to afford my geos and balmain jeans.

I'm saving up a good lump sum and I'm going to try to make a living in entertainment. I'm living in the world capital and it's always been my dream. I think I'm pretty interesting too. Also I have a degree. Ask me anything I can't sleep

> I'm 100% serious

>> No.8636134

Mexico City is in Mexico not new Mexico

Lol I'm sorry but that was really dumb

>> No.8636142

How old are you? How much do you have saved?

>> No.8636146

I work for the government. It's pays enough to support my tastes.

>> No.8636149

I'm 24. I've got 8.5k put away right now and a paid off 2009 ford ranger. The only real thing that scares me is my student loans aren't even close to paid yet.

>> No.8636161


You're a firefighter? What did you get your degree in?

I thought of firefighters being an old boys club...do you fit in well? I can imagine a firefighter also rocking geos lol

>> No.8636173

Do you at least do something cool, like perpetuate a mindless, mostly-pointless bureaucracy? Or do you work in a shit field like intelligence?

>> No.8636186

I work in passports and citizenship so it's kind of cool. Would like to work my way into something a bit more interesting though.

>> No.8636193

My degree is in political sciene. I know I know it's a shit degree. But I appreciate everything I've learned from it. I experimented with psychedelics in college and had a lot of casual sex, including a moment where I was dating two girls who were roommates at once (still talk sometimes)

Anyways, right after college I realized I wanted to do something in entertainment (when I first went to college I wanted to be a military officer, I crineed at memories of myself from this time).

My dad has been a firefighter at a dept right outside my hometown in for many years, holds rank, good rep, etc. He said that the city (different dept.) Was hiring. I applied cause fuck it, and the fit was perfect. Got the job mostly cause I'm really good at talking and cause my dad. College didn't hurt either.

Anyways, I just grinder hard for a year and a half there, got my paramedic asap like right after I got hired they let me in the program. The whole time I just applied to every station that was hiring in greater LA. Eventually got hired.

I stopped smoking weed after college, but still did coke on weekends and molly for occasions, plus the occasional psyche trip. Kinda hooked people up but didn't start really selling till I got out here.

>> No.8636219

As to fitting in, yeah I fit in well. Firefighters tend to be more conservative, I actually am marxist/anarchist if anything, but I accept the system for what it is.

They just think I'm liberal but I'm a real guys guy. I love sports and hip hop, and I drink so it's cool. Kinda lonely for me as I have to hide my real self at work and I don't actually have to many friends outside work now.
I have an Adderall prescription and I write a lot on my days off. I also am involved with border angels and go help out once a month in San diego.
It's not all bad, but I miss being around a lot of pretty girls all the time like in college. Now I'm around them but have no means of meeting them lol

>> No.8637402

wot wer u like in hischool

>> No.8637415

also can i be your disciple

>> No.8637464

>los angeles
>world capital
lol, ok

>> No.8637476

OP do my assignment and I will pay you

>> No.8637744

soulection pls go

>> No.8638208

no :-)

>> No.8638302

World capital of the entertainment industry

>> No.8638313

Was I in high school for what?

Haha and nah I'm not a good teacher, I just like to talk a lot. I'm also self taught and just repeated a lot of what I saw in real life and on the internet

>> No.8638322

alisson pls

>> No.8638641

I'm not sure if this is /fa/ or not

>> No.8638842

i work at mcdonald's and spend all my money on clothes

no joke, i can show proof

>> No.8639249

I go to school full time (just graduated with an HBA, going into a 1 year graduate certificate program) and work part time at a library.

>$18 per hour
>peace and quiet
>work on a floor with no public access
>Nice boss
>Nice coworkers

I wish they would just hire me full time.

>> No.8639278

>NEET musician
You could have just said musician, the NEET part is redundant

>> No.8639326

public library? what does it take to get a job there?

>> No.8639334

I'm a photographer.

>> No.8639408


It's a library at my university. The way that it works is that the university budgets money as "student assistance", but rather than just giving it away they use a large amount of it as pay for student employees.

In order to qualify to work in my university's library system as a student employee you must:

A) Be a student at the university

B) Have enough courses to be considered a full time student.

Beyond this, it depends which section you are working in. You may need to be familiar with mapping technology, or know another language (I am bilingual), or have knowledge related to a specific field (Music, Law, Earth Sciences, etc...).

The interview process is also a bit weird, I had to do a test wherein I analyzed an invoice and marked out what the currencies were, the parties involved, and other little things.

As for a public library, I would not hold your breath. They usually pay minimum wage and fill as many job positions as possible with volunteers to keep costs down. The only way to get a really decent job at one is to get a Master's degree in Information Science or Library Science and apply as a librarian.