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File: 349 KB, 769x1000, 1403978484240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8601944 No.8601944[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a Heroin Chic thread?

>> No.8601953


how is that heroin chic

also define heroin chic

simbolic sage

>> No.8601974


>> No.8601980

I wish I was a heroin addict...

>> No.8602007
File: 127 KB, 400x383, 1405557894802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heroin is not hip

Heroin is not cool

It destroys lives

People want to be apart of this "chic" clearly haven't seen someone they loved torn apart by this drug.

>> No.8602012

oh its because he looks sweaty, has bags under his eyes, and the home he is in looks like it is from the 70's

>> No.8602016

junkies are such cunts

>> No.8602023

I'd slit someone's throat for that shirt.

>> No.8602044

>Converse with local junkie at the quays.
He's nodding out standing up, patting his pockets and probing through several layers of clothing.
He looks at me in a semi conscious state and explains he's lost his phone, I help him find it, it's been in his pocket the whole time. He proceeds to ramble at length, mostly about the antipsycotic meds he's on, princess diana and how he plans to kick his habit.

Fucking hell I felt sorry for him. His eyes I never forgot though, they looked cold, it was like I was talking to a corpse.
Sound chap in all.

>> No.8602278

Actually, anon, that dude really does look like a junkie. There's no fucking way he's not narcotized outta his mind in that photo. Poor guy.

>> No.8602284

im pretty sure thats on the set of a movie.

>> No.8602304

I thought that at first because it's too perfect looking. But if it is, he or the make-up fuckin' nailed the eyes and expression. I wonder if actors ever take dope for real when they're playing the role of a junkie?

>> No.8602307

its from der kinder auf bonham zoo isnt it?

>> No.8602321

you were talking to a corpse in a way

>> No.8602323
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tfw no heroin chic gf

>> No.8602329

Idk about heroin but id imagine actors get hammered or stoned for roles

>> No.8602355

no its not. that movie was shot in black and white im pretty sure and none of the kids were that old

>> No.8602362

I always figured directors probably plied their actors for realism's sake, and everybody just kept it hush-hush.

>> No.8602366

i wouldnt be surprised what with all the underground child sex slavery and what not

>> No.8602367

this post right here

reminds me of that one fag who went out and bought coke because some other fags on here told him to

>> No.8602374

I know how junkies act and look; those guys in trainspotting were right on the mark. That shit was so real it would easily trigger gigantic dope cravings in people with that history.

>> No.8602387
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this is the one I remember. its a remake I guess?

>> No.8602392

coke is cool every now and then bruh

>> No.8602393

I don't get the connection. You mean like stringing out teenage runaways and kidnapped kids and turning them out into zombie sex slaves? There's some evil, evil shit in this fucking world, that's for sure.

>> No.8602397

what's the film called?

>> No.8602403

christiane f der kinder auf bonhof zoo I think? its in german

>> No.8602405

I'm sure actors do it to inform their acting, but you can't be fucked up on set. Unless you're A-list, nobody's going to put up with that shit.

>> No.8602412

my bad thats the one. i could have sworn it was black and white probably just gives off that vibe.

come on man its in the file name...

>> No.8602420

thanks, anon. it's captured my interest.


>> No.8602428

I'm a recovering heroin addict and to say it's not the best feeling is wrong...but its the addiction that kills you

>> No.8602432


yeah, pretty much.

get them hooked on something they can only get from you so on top of the shame of being a sex slave they're also an addict, they don't know how to ask for help without feeling like they're nothing.

>> No.8602440


do you think doing heroin is a early death sentence like they say?

There are old junkies out there like ginger baker, right?

>> No.8602450

Yeah, but the get the high and feel good stage quickly becomes the get well or feel like death warmed over stage. Maintenance isn't quite the same thing as getting high as hell your first few times. You can't really ever capture that initial feeling but you go on chasing after it, and then you've got a habit and you're fucked for life.

>> No.8602473

Messing around with drugs can give us all sorts of demonic, evil fucking psychological insights. Turning someone out like that seems worse than murder. Maybe I'm just blinded by a emotional response.

>> No.8602508

as long as you dont iv you're fine. once you iv its all ogre.

>> No.8602536

there's nothing inherently that horrible about heroin as opposed to other opiates (vicodin, oxy, even codeine syrup), aside from the fact that most people tend to IV it

ive been doing h occasionally for over a year. i just buy a few stamps once a month when i have nothing important to do, snort them and have a nice few days a little bit strung out. i've only ever gotten IV opiates in the hospital so i cant really say for sure, but if i were mainlining dope then i'd probably be an addict by now tbh.

also helps that i don't actually have a dealer, i just get it online (s/o to bitcoin)

>> No.8602545


the amazing thing about opiates is that it doesn't deteriorate your body like meth does.

seriously. even doctors will say this is true.

>> No.8602550

sure, but youre still high as fuck, you just have to do it to get well

a junkie has the best motivation

>> No.8602552

dude. a habit is a habit. you sound like me 3 years ago

>> No.8602555
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>> No.8602556

>get h online

what on earth?

>> No.8602562

i wish i was as sheltered as this board

>> No.8602570
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just cuz u took it up the ass once dont mean u a bad bitch

>> No.8602580
File: 10 KB, 428x215, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like you forgot something

yup, it is a habit. but not one that's ever caused me any problems or interfered with my life.

the guy i buy from jacked his prices to $25 / .1g, so unless there happens to be another vendor with cheap small amounts (fuck buying a gram) im done anyways

>> No.8602588


>> No.8602589


w2c this fit

honestly w2c heroin chic?

especially the not monochrome stuff, what makes the look? I already have awful eye bags even when I sleep really well

>> No.8602596

watchu talkin bout?

>> No.8602603

just look @ some of the fits from the first winter SLP or hedi @ dior

>> No.8602615

check yourself before you wreck yourself

>> No.8602617

ah fuck me nevermind, i thought you were pulling some weird samefag bullshit by acting like you didnt know you could buy drugs on the internet

when really youre talking about me not having an h hook irl

>> No.8602637

yea...in general...not that im one to talk about "safety"....but i just dont see how ordering anything illegal online is a good idea....im surprised u didnt get robbed (you prolly did tho)
only exception of course is ketamine from india bc its legal there

always so thrown off by /fa/ not knowin where/how to cop drugs i mean i live in bumfuck Richmond VA and drugs are rampant allover youd have to live under a rock to not know w2c

>> No.8602664

anyway drugs are not cool and esp opiates def ARE NOT FA...they kill people and destrou lives....if u must get hi smoke weed....PLEASE fuccbois stay away go to school and deal with your mental problems in healthier ways....real talk <3<3 peace

>> No.8602666
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>> No.8602678

have you never heard of silk road (and all its derivatives)? you'd be surprised about the volumes that go through USPS, with very very little getting intercepted. vendors are pro with their packaging and stealth, everything is double/triple vacuum sealed + mylar barrier bags.

honestly it's a better experience buying online than anywhere else. it's like amazon, extensive reviews on every vendor page. reputation is a big deal, vendors don't short people or send out heavily cut / bunk drugs because word spreads and there goes their business. the only way you can get fucked is if youre buying from new vendors with no history. all funds are in escrow, so if the vendor never sends your package, you get your money back

it's not like i don't know where to get drugs, everything but heroin and mdma i cop from "regular" dealers

>> No.8602749

yes ive heard of silk road (and its derivatives)
but i also know how it works. i know people get busted all de time (various dealers on there)...and i know you pay WAAAAY TOO MUCH for shitty drugs....plus no way in hell id have shit delivered to me like that...no way jose.....not to mention having to wait...i want drugs when i want them not days later.....i have serious drug problem tho so i cant imagine dealing with all that...

however i def get what youre saying it is the age of the interent i suppose and if you dont have decent connects you probly get garbage all day absolutely no quality control and a nigger would prolly just rob a fuccboi str8 up...HELL I'd probly rob a fuccboi str8 up (not cuz i need the $ but bc theyr so gullible n weak

>hey (insert fuccboi name here) give me your money i'll be right back i promise

TLDR drugs are not cool if you know whats good for you youll stay away

>> No.8602778

had a homeless dude who lived in my town i grew up in, he would sit out the front of the community centre and converse with people that walked past, while sitting on this matt he a always had. was a super nice dude but was totally fucked over by heroin. eventually he died of some form of cancer. felt bad man.

>> No.8602785

I drive 45 minutes to spend $200 every week and I'm still a pleb who wears the same basketball shorts all summer long

how long til heroin make me effay

>> No.8602803


you could just buy in higher quantities and stash it when it gets delivered.

Having drugs delivered to your house does sound sketch, but I'm seriously considering it because there's no reliable dealers in my city and they all get sketched out when you ask for anything harder than weed.

>> No.8602813

when you get clean bc everyone loves a good success story....or when die from an overdose
being strung out is just a matter of time so dont worry youll get there....unless u end up in jail bc those jumpsuits are not fa and neither are the shoes

>> No.8602815

id slit someone's throat for some heroin

>> No.8602829

Feel ya man, there's tons of dealers here (Berlin), but fuck buying LSD from those scummy bastards.

>> No.8602840

if youre thinking about it, peep reddit /r/darknetmarkets to get yourself started in terms of do's/dont's and to check out which vendors are the favorites

i've ordered at least 30 packages over the last few years and never had a single issue except for one guy who didnt send out like $40 worth of shit (and i got my money back because of escrow)

>> No.8602841

>loving people
how un/fa/ of you

>> No.8602843

thanks bra ima try to dress like trainspotting

>> No.8602850
File: 72 KB, 720x960, w3FzB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Dane DeHaan you fucking retard

>> No.8602855

is that the dude from the new spiderman movie ?

>> No.8602857
File: 549 KB, 521x409, heroin eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

__A Y__
__H E L L__

>> No.8602859

LSD is probably the single best drug to get in the mail, no smell, no considerable size, no x-ray detection, etc

plus IRL a lot of the time you'll get just shit like 25i-nbome or DOI/DOC

>> No.8602863

well no shit shirlock...rule #1....in america you NEVER buy heroin and LSD from the same person. A - heroin is sold by niggers in ghetto areas or in the city. B - lsd sold by hippies mainly on tour/festivals/ everywhere....unless theyr posers so be careful bc there are allota thug and hippie wannabes ....you can always catch up with a hippie friend whose back from tour ask em to bring you some good shit.....each drug comes with diff rules of the game.....like MDMA - circles mainly around raves/techno festivals/clubs/etc......if your lucky youll get in with a group of friends who have access to all things at all amounts in good quality (like me :)) and itll wreck your life and ability to enjoy normal things forever

>> No.8602864

pupils not pinhole enough

>> No.8602868


>> No.8602875

lol fuck i feel that last bit way too much

>> No.8603030

Where can I find Hedi Slimane's Dior menswear shows?

>> No.8603051

lol. welcome to 2009


>> No.8604243

better than stoner chic

>> No.8604252

25i is my shit

>> No.8604255
File: 231 KB, 1136x1137, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Varvatos makes the sickest fucking shoes but they're all like ~1000K

>> No.8604320

i love how heroin addicts are always like 'oh heroin really isnt even that big of a deal'

one guy actually had the nerve to say 'heroin isnt even addicting' and now hes been in rehab like twice

>> No.8604327

jv makes some decent stuff. but those pictured are rly ugly

>> No.8604422

Isn't that the question of the day?

>> No.8604426


those people are called idiots.

I met plenty of retarded addicts, but a few smart ones as well.

>> No.8604488

one million for a shoe????

>> No.8604516

1000 Kelvin

>> No.8604517

From what ive read about opiates (mainly the works of William Burroughs) he often stresses that it can take 6-12 months of taking at least "one shot a day" before you develop any habit. Even then it is a mild one and he seems to kick them easier than you would imagine, often being fine after a couple weeks.

>> No.8604563
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>> No.8604601

God I hate these guys

>> No.8604609

is that the bad guy from the amazing spiderman 2?

>> No.8604638

Yes his names Dane Dehaan he played Harry

>> No.8604654


holy fuck

please don't EVER post that bull shit ever again.

I love the work of william, but what you just said is TOTAL bullshit.

>> No.8604663

I've seriously thought about trying heroin but I'm afraid the shit around here is cut with fentanyl. I don't want to OD.

What do?

>> No.8604696


You live on the East Coast?

It's really rare to get it cut with fet but that's why you always do a test shot when you buy a new batch.

For a test shot I'd do maybe .02g if you think it's cut with fet but a normal test shot would be .05g

>> No.8604706

How exactly are your opinions on the subject more informed than a lifelong Junkie?

>> No.8604707

/fa/ - latent drug addicts

>> No.8604722


Nigger im high as shit

>> No.8604725

You're not a lifelong junkie, the author is.

I think you messed up what he was trying to convey because dude you will be HEAVILY addicted doing a shot a day in just over a week.

Maybe heroin is stronger these days, I don't know, but what said was just way out there.

This is coming from a recovering heroin addict btw

>> No.8604746

Never said I was, I was clearly taking about Burroughs.
>That reading comprehension
But I didnt mess up what he said that is exactly what he said.

Also I never said heroin specifically I said opiates in general

>recovering addict

No such thing once a junkie always a junkie.

>> No.8604796

>No such thing once a junkie always a junkie.

lel you're telling me? Seriously? wow, as if I'm just saying I'm a RECOVERING addict is somehow trivializing my condition. Come on, you're better than this.

>> No.8604867

>Come on, you're better than this.

I'm really not :^)

>> No.8605117

creepy af

lmao sounds like the exact sort of person im referring to. 6-12 months of injecting heroin every day, nahh that's not a habit.

>> No.8605130

how exactly do you dare to take the advice of someone you refer to as a 'lifelong junkie'? strong role model, strong source of wisdom

come on, you're better than this.

>> No.8605143

>Implying I ever said heroin anywhere in that post

>implying Burroughs isn't a genius, one of the greatest writers of the 20th century and effay as fuck

>> No.8605172

lmao sounds like the exact sort of person im referring to. 6-12 months of using opiates of any kind every day, nahh that's not a habit.

you're right. you're not better than this. you're the scum of the earth and you deserve to die miserably for it. but only after living a short, miserable life where the only pleasure you get is from a needle or a bottle. do whatever you want, bro

>> No.8605176

and i bet you're VERY used to hearing stuff like that arent you? poor guy :(

>> No.8605181
File: 59 KB, 1120x558, ReadingComprehensionClipArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying ive ever abused any opiates

Your reading comprehension is top notch m8

>> No.8605194
File: 262 KB, 1024x768, 1407147075504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i ever said you did
it sounds to me like the only thing you did today was learn what the term 'reading comprehension' meant and then promptly forget it

"mummy i think im going to skip lessons today and troll effay"

"fok off u little twat im watching me programmes"

>> No.8605217
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>> No.8605367
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>> No.8605377

yaffe as fuck

>> No.8605486

why are all you cunts talking about drugs. heroin chic is a fashion aesthetic u dumb fucks.

>> No.8605553
File: 316 KB, 2048x1536, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think german rapper Karate Andi has perfected the Junkie fit / Heroin chic... mostly because, well, he's doing a lot of drugs.

>> No.8605560
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>> No.8605564
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>> No.8605576
File: 202 KB, 500x278, laineen kasperi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this finnish rapper called Laineen Kasperi

>> No.8605578

Can black people do this?

if so how to?

>> No.8605580
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>> No.8605846

Stop appropriating white people's tendency to be drug addicts - emulating how they dress like it were a game

>> No.8605856

nigga why do you have to ask permission for white people in order to do something

"p-p-pls mastah let me wear hawaiian shirts and take drugs"

>> No.8606174

basic heroin fit:
>grey, black or a dirty kind of cream-colour shirt
>army jacket
>dark navy or black, skinny jeans, used look or washed out if possible
>worn out sneakers
>messy hair
>bags under eyes
>low body fat for veiny arms and overall slim look

as you see the other fits in this thread you'll notice that this is pleb-level, basic heroin look. get more inspo at a train station or among socially disadvantaged citizens near you.

>> No.8606218
File: 65 KB, 960x720, 550289_10201132406212700_940265691_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this heroin chic?

>> No.8606241


>> No.8606257

that guy in the back tho

>> No.8606368

guck seine wohnungsbesichtigung bei 16bars, inspo pur

>> No.8606555

>was a heroin addict from age 16-19
>quit but still embrace the aesthetic

It was the lifestyle that i was drawn to

>> No.8606780

brudi ich zieh mir diesen typ 24/7 für inspo rein!
>keine lampen an den decken, nur tragbare lichter

>> No.8607034

>das gefühl wenn die Dekor shirts limitiert waren und jetzt schon alle ausverkauft sind ;_;

>> No.8607248

yes, it actually is

>> No.8607339

Shit y'all should see my mugshots, dogfood(heroin) is nothing to fuck with.
Drinking, coke, the occasional pill is alright spaced out and in moderation.
Habits aren't cool and problems are worse.

>> No.8607411

No Kate Most, no care

>> No.8608517

I keked