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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 262 KB, 436x766, DSC_0491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8585220 No.8585220 [Reply] [Original]

Since deciding to start caring a more about my clothing, and getting feedback from you effay lot, it's been going... slowly.

I've purchased quite a bit of new stuff, but now I'm worried I'm on the wrong track here. I thought I'd post an image of my usual non-girl clothes to remind myself of what I'm working with here, as I reassess what the hell I am doing. Fuck yeah, Palladiums.

Maybe it's just me, but it feels like every time I try to dress more feminine, I end up feeling like I'm dressing like my mom. To further hammer this home, my attempt at a feminine tanktop did not seem particularly successful in yesterday's WAYWT. I have plans to return a couple of items this afternoon that I'm worried are too momcore.

The point of this thread:

Could I get some inspiration, in the form of thoughts, or, pics for women's fashion that:
- doesn't have an asian model, those people could wear trash bags and still look good.
- would work well for an overweight female as I continue losing weight
- will help me decide on what proper basics I need
- will help me decide on if I want to pursue colorful clothing or darker shades

>> No.8585224

didn't you learn to shut the fuck up last week? fatass

>> No.8585240
File: 143 KB, 423x907, DSC_0490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tanktop in question.

I would love some feedback!

When I posted this, I was recommended to do away with this tank top. Not to mention, someone else wondered if it was a troll post.

>> No.8585243

It looks momcore imo because of your body frame (I know you're losing weight atm but still) and because your General choice in "girly" clothes are quite bad, like the last fit you posted in that waywt (no offence)

>> No.8585247

yo what the fuck are you doing?

you need to stop

the reason why you dont feel feminine is because you dont have a feminine body

gurl go back to gym and stop wasting yo money clothes you gonna throw out in 6 months

>> No.8585259

you're wearing men's clothes, don't do that

>> No.8585261

kek looks like a midwestern mom going to da coast for holiday

can you people park your shitty non-luxury american made cars away from PCH please? fucking eyesore

desirable pulfixp


>> No.8585262

Do away with it. It isn't flattering
They honestly have really cute things for beginner fashion. Not the best quality but a slightly good start!

go through >>8583415

lurk more.

>> No.8585263


>> No.8585268
File: 49 KB, 217x427, DSC_0486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did like these new jeans and shirt that I got, at all places, Costco. Jeans are currently getting hemmed as we speak.

A little embarrassing to shop there, but it's affordable, and I need to keep it that way while I lose weight. Expensive cops will come when I'm at a much lower weight.

>> No.8585272

Holy shit. Did you steal that from your dead grandma?
Buy some fits off Asos. Entry level, cheap and /fa/ enough for you.

>> No.8585289

lol wtf just buy some black skinny jeans and pretty tops on asos
it isn't that hard to dress like a normal female

>> No.8585301
File: 58 KB, 320x384, 041814-kate-middleton-320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looked more attractive when she was heavier

big girls think that when they lose a small amount of body fat they automatically get fucking kate middleton hourglass-core

but in reality these bitches have linebacker shoulders, big ass calves and are generally fucking masculine as shit.

likt this bitch here is more man than half of the guys in this thread wearing rick

i bet her voice is deeper than yours too

she should go back up to chubbers

inb4 sieg you're an asshole YOU CAN TOTALLY DO IT GURL

yeah, she cant run her way into a different genetic structure

>> No.8585313
File: 402 KB, 1280x1136, 1401911514472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck this looks REALLY REALLY bad. Do you even lurk? Everything about this outfit is disgusting don't you try these things on at the store, it looks like you seriously are completely lost and have no idea what you're doing. We can't work with this, you need to develop some taste and LURK MORE to figure out what looks good and what doesn't.

>> No.8585327

I hope youre not implying that, that little girl in your picture has anything resembling tasteful style

>> No.8585338

were you the one with the sneaker bleaching thread?

>> No.8585343

fuckfuckfuck sieg is so on point it's actually not even funny. OP will never have the proportions to be Middleton-tier, but weight loss can go a long way in reducing calf/leg size, and at the very least big hips means a better chance at an okay hip/waist ratio.

I love tall girls, but there's a big difference between tall and big. College volleyball players are big. Karlie Kloss is tall.

>> No.8585362


Good on you for losing weight and improving yourself

The only tip I have would be to lose more weight. The diversity and range of clothing that will look good on you will increase exponentially when you are more slim.

Don't listen to people telling you to "lurk", /fa/ should not really be taken seriously or a reliable authority on mainstream fashion.

Just start with the basics, go flip through some fashion magazines at the bookstore or library or something. Looking for "inspo" pics (ew fucking cringe) is a terrible approach for beginners as they end up looking really bad because they attempt to emulate without foundational knowledge, which can be picked up from magazines and publications.

>> No.8585368

don't wear empire waist, have it at your natural waist. peplum tops would suit you

>> No.8585380
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, CAZJ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real life? What the FUCK are you doing? What the FUCK are you wearing?

>> No.8585386
File: 503 KB, 1920x2560, 53d95fbe5546al.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All depends on the body type I assume.

I really don't know what to suggest other than that.

>> No.8585392

>shops for clothes at costco
>wonders why its mom-core on her mom-core body

best case scenario if she continues to lose weight is that she comes out looking like spoony

and she never dressed well

>> No.8585395

I said nice things to you a few days ago, but

/fa/ is notyour personal blog

>> No.8585400

Op's problem is that she naturally is devoid of any sense of fashion. Why did you pick out those shoes with those clothes?
You need srs help. This is really frustrating me.

>> No.8585401

At least she hot, so who give a flying fuck about her fucking style?

>> No.8585402


>> No.8585405

I mean, you could lose weight, but what you really need is to fucking exercise.

You look abysmal as you are. You need some firmness about you, and that is what muscle is for.

>> No.8585406
File: 28 KB, 290x370, image1xl (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there's a whole section for you. pls stop embarassing yourself here




>> No.8585412

Thank you.

I agree on the lurking. It's hard to lurk when /fa/ is very male-centric. Getting female fashion discussion requires being a little more direct than lurking.

I actually like being on /fa/, I'd be too worried that other fashion sites would be one big circlejerk of tumblr-esque women promoting beauty at all sizes and not being constructive at all.

>> No.8585415

Why do you pick those ugly pants?
Even with your weight you could have found tons of different skirts, girly pants, whatever - why did you pick out this utter atrocious attire of a clueless mom?

>> No.8585416

So important to be thin. This is a good example of how being thin lets you get away with shit that would otherwise look like trash.

Thin girl wearing baggy jeans? "Boyfriend jeans"

Chubby girl wearing baggy jeans? She can't find any that actually fit.

>> No.8585418

double pattern (shoes + top) = fuck no
shorts are unflattering

ty for your politeness

>> No.8585420

>/fa/ is very male-centric
see >>8585402

>> No.8585428

Your weight is not an issue! Lurk and see how chubby girls with the least sense can look decent.
Your problem is that you are devoid of style sense. You are utterly clueless. get some non-lesbian girlfriends girl

>> No.8585437

>one big circlejerk of tumblr-esque women promoting beauty at all sizes and not being constructive at all.

thats what women want.
and that is what you're asking of us to do for you.

/fa/ will tell you how it is. just take your fatass to FFA on reddit and continue bleaching boots and wearing men's shorts with Hawaiian shirts

then complain about...i don't kate moss or someshit

maybe you can get hitched to a man child who wears the same size cargo shorts you do, who wandered off from r/gaming who wanted to fap at 26?

/perfect lower-middle class love story

>> No.8585439 [DELETED] 

Don't listen to sieg. Your weight is not an issue - your total absence of sense of fashion is the problem.
Lurk more, post less. You are making people mad here.

>> No.8585444


but those fucking shoes are ugly as shit

>> No.8585445

I always read your posts in Sam Hyde's voice for some reason

>> No.8585451

RIP Sam Hoidel, MDE never dies but it did this time.

I heard they're coming back on vimeo (kek) or something.

>> No.8585452

I swear my 60yo mother dresses infinitely better than OP

>> No.8585463

kek, positive attitudes only, STOP TELLING THE TRUTH EVERYONE

all that matters is facebook, put real ino on facebook so law enforceme..i mean so your friends can also type positive messages at you!

>> No.8585465


Np, and I'm with >>8585420 on this one, go to r/ffa for more realistic advice

>> No.8585466

he stopped making videos? thought I saw some preview for a short film they were gonna do a while back

>> No.8585470

Channel got taken down.
Damn fucking shame, their new stuff was high quality, seriously good stuff but it all went to Hell.

>> No.8585477


Shut the fuck up retard that's why she's asking for help

>Implying /fa/ is actually helpful

/fa/ sucks shit, should only be browsed for fun

>> No.8585484 [DELETED] 

Women can be chubby and still be sexy, besides, looking thin and photogenic on photo doesn't mean that's how you look irl.
Sure if you're a woman who cares more about what other WOMEN think rather than looking hot for males, then yes, loose weight.
But i see no weight issue with OP. Again, it's just that she is clueless.
If she dressed smarter she could be sexy as guck

>> No.8585487 [DELETED] 


>> No.8585492
File: 20 KB, 156x394, mfw mom will always be more fa than me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


post mum!

>> No.8585494

when did you start name flagging? did you come from /fit/?

>> No.8585497 [DELETED] 

Women can be chubby and still be sexy, besides, looking thin and photogenic on photo doesn't mean that's how you look irl.
Sure if you're a woman who cares more about what other WOMEN think rather than looking hot for males, then yes, loose weight.
But i see no weight issue with OP. Again, it's just that she is clueless.
If she dressed smarter she could be sexy as guck

>> No.8585515

shhh. we get it, guck fuck. everyone knows.


>> No.8585536
File: 102 KB, 375x375, 1391980250246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sieg talking about weight problems.

I've seen it all.

>> No.8585541
File: 77 KB, 768x1024, Tf1wL3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seig, you're a very angry person, but you speak the truth.

If there's one thing I'm determined to do, it's to not dress like a college-girl hipster. This came straight from an all-time popular femalefashionadvice post. /fa/ might not have all the answers, but it's angry and anonymous, and there's no better breeding ground for honest opinions.

>> No.8585575

why don't you just dress like her and shut the fuck up if you don't like how people give advice here?

im sure you can find all that shit at forever 21 for $5 each

>> No.8585592
File: 28 KB, 659x659, sieg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even read her post you fat fuck?

>> No.8585602

wait until you lose more weight because you have a masculine figure and the clothes you're wearing don't help that

pretty decent

>> No.8585608

I'll be honest this fit is real neat
the contrast between the nice shoes and shitty material of the shirt and pants are too much though
Also lose more weight
Also not your personal blog

>> No.8585611

>that pic of the human turd snuggling jabba the slutt
i just threw up in my mouth a little

>> No.8585614


Seriously, what the hell? I refuse to believe somebody could be so oblivious.

Girl, ask a hot friend of yours to take care of you. She can help you.
In the meantime stop buying clothes and return everything.

>> No.8585616

>if you don't like how people give advice here?
But they agreed with you

>> No.8585634

Always remember what sieg looks like when he is talking shit.

>> No.8585652


i-is that him?
jesus christ hahahahahahhahahahahahahahah fuuuuck

>> No.8585671

> call someone a fatass
>be sieg

>> No.8585674

how about you post a more recent picture? He lost a lot of weight and got his shit together.
His pretty high up the attractiveness scale now.

>> No.8585677


>> No.8585680

I don't have a more recent pic. I'm sure he's just as disgusting though.

>> No.8585681

oh geez

anyways, how /fa/ is my mum >>8585492

>> No.8585690

remove the fat and what's attractive about his face?

>> No.8585707

OP here, I like your mom, your mom seems cool.

>> No.8585711
File: 746 KB, 2142x2856, shitfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And anyone is more fa than you lmfao

>> No.8585716

lol 40 year old former fattie posting on a board full of insecure geeky 10th graders

>> No.8585719

OK seig.

>> No.8585722

Wait, the momcore chick is the same person who made the sicc Paladiums? Plot fucking twist.

>> No.8585734

w2c jacket?

>> No.8585754

hi OP, my mom's pretty cool. I hope I can be as fashionable as her one day

don't forget!

when you go shopping, try to go on slow days and get the courage to ask a sales person for tips! if you get on their good side, they might give good insight!

Don't be afraid to ask. Maybe try finding someone who's style you admire at work... and see if they would like to go shopping with you one day.

Go to a proper bra shop and get fitted

I'm going to suggest you start browsing basic beginner fashion sites...
like refinery29?
just to get a feel of what aesthetics you might like

>> No.8585757

>being a screaming douche to someone who knows they need help and is asking for assistance
Die in a fire, please and thank you.

>> No.8585763

>whiteknighting on a chinese cartoon board

>> No.8585764
File: 34 KB, 957x558, bait fuug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8585765
File: 43 KB, 257x385, sieg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still pretty uggly

>> No.8585768

>not micronesian claymation

>> No.8585779
File: 68 KB, 392x711, sieg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$350 rag &bone sweater still looks like shit on him
anyone have the pic of him in MMM?

>> No.8585781

didn't even wash the window. goddamn

>> No.8585784
File: 779 KB, 625x960, 1713317_9(!)123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an overweight female as I continue losing weight
It's good that you recognize this, and I hope you get good results in your weight loss regime.
Prioritize this above all else.

>Fuck yeah, Palladiums.
Fuck no.
I'm not personally a fan of Palladiums, but I can say that they do not work with that outfit.

>help me decide on if I want to pursue colorful clothing or darker shades
I think darker shades are generally more flattering, personally, so I would suggest to focus on those first.
Incorporating whites and greys obviously.

Also those pants and shorts don't look good either.
Get some skirts, not mini.
They look more feminine, and help hide your weight much better than pants/shorts will.

And ofc, simplicity first.
Avoid patterns or complex designs until you have your basics covered, if you can't dress in all solids yet - just limit yourself to 1 piece of patterned clothing per outfit.

Not the best pic, but I'm not going to sit here for more than 2mins to find a better inspo/example.

>> No.8585789

It's the flash that makes the shoes clash with shirt, it looks good irl :D

>> No.8585794

u wot?

>> No.8585796


you GOT to stop wearing those capris lady, seriously.

thats SO momcore. We've already told you this a million times too

>> No.8585799

Nope. Keep your trip off pls.

>> No.8585822

Ignore that other guy and turn your trip back on. My filters won't work if you keep it off.

>> No.8585839
File: 836 KB, 1166x946, spike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also what's the point in buying clothes while your silhette is still changing?

You say you're losing weight, so wear your shitty ass clothes until you reach the weight you want to maintain.


>Quality > Quantity

I don't give a shit if you "don't believe in designer brands". Instead of buying 10 $10 shirts, just buy ONE $100 shirt that makes you feel GREAT.

Seriously. Good clothes from good brands not only make you look good but make you FEEL good. But you have to give in and buy it.

If it's not for you then you'll find out fashion isnt for you. But most people do get a little tingle when wearing good brands and I'm sure you will too.

Just lose the weight and keep lurking.

Also in the mean time buy a nice purse or clutch from coach, burberry/mulberry, jil sander etc etc. and feel fabulous even if you dress like shit at least you have a nice bag.

>> No.8585852

Costco's clothing is actually very high quality for its price point.

>> No.8585867

before you start buying new clothes, ask yourself how you want to dress. how do you want to present yourself? thought about that yet? if yes, well great! next step is to tell us what it is so we could get a better grasp of what you're trying to achieve, since currently how you dress is a clusterfuck -- no flow, no continuity. items either clash, or plain don't look good.

it's easy enough to find inspiration, we're not your henchmen or anything like that. please take the time to look up things by yourself to find a style that you like, then come back here if you want to and ask for feedback after you've bought a few things and tried them out.

>> No.8585911

>being a 12-year-old who parrots phrases he sees the grown-ups use

>> No.8585929


Doesn't matter. I'd feel like shit buying clothes from costco.

Yea yeah it's superficial as fuck, but it's the truth.

When you wear a coveted brand, you actually FEEL good as well. No joke. I'm sure most /fa/ users can agree.

>> No.8585933

lol you're so fucking insufferable

i was just in that other thread with the dior boxes

>> No.8585980

just go cocoon mode until you are a fucking hot bb
meanwhile lurk and lurk and find style and dont cop shit youll regret in 2 nights
when u are hot call me 2

>> No.8585994

Being well dressed makes you well dressed. Taste and style have nothing to do with expense and cost and everything to do with knowing yourself and understanding what works on your body and what you like.

>> No.8586003

You're in no position to judge others as a fat neckbeard.

>> No.8586008


I'm confused. are you OP or just some anon?

I feel bad if you don't get that feeling. It's not like what I'm saying is new.

also why don't you add to the conversation instead of displaying a superiority complex?

>> No.8586436

>Protip: you're going to have to lose a LOT more weight before you can wear those Palladiums without looking like a massive dyke. I would know.

Everyone's said all there is to say about your fit, so I'll just ask you this: at your fantasy weight, what kind of fit do you want to wear? Can you post some super-ideal pics of women you want to look like?

It's hard to help you unless we know that. While you may not be able to buy the kinds of clothes you'll ideally wear in a few months, you can start to look at shoes, accessories, and beginning picking up similar color schemes and styles.

However, we can't help you if you don't know what you want. I personally like masculine clothing, but I'm smaller than you.

>> No.8586467

that is the stupid shit someone from /fit/ would say
>cut off all contact with your friends for no reason then talk to them several months later after you start dressing differently

you're dumb lol

>> No.8586479

You cant even see her face...what the fuck? Anyone can have a nice body.

>> No.8586513

I was a fatass like you just 5 months ago. I am 18 y/o 5'5 165
Today I am 125 lbs, and am maybe about half way to becoming skinny. The key things are:

Eat correctly. Cut out all soda and candy(allow yourself a cheat day 2 times a month or so). Because you're a fatass, you can allow yourself junk food every once in a while, but don't base your diet on it. You dont want to eat more calories than you cant burn off, so dont eat a shitton and run a lot and you will see fat shed.

Work out at least 3 times a week.

Whatever you do, DON'T do these things:
don't eat any junk food, just fucking don't do it
after 2 weeks because you aren't seeing instant results
eat less workout more

finally when u aren't a fatass anymore, start finding your own personal style. to sum it up
1.) eat less
2.) work out
3.) stop being a fat ass
4.) start shopping for BASIcs ie: little black dresses.

>> No.8586528

I love how the first advice always given is not basing your diet on junk food as if it wasn't common sense

amerifats are amazing creatures

>> No.8586675

That's because the mental gymnastics fatasses do to justify their shitty diets is incredible. Also fast food is addictive and it's simply to easy to slip up if you allow yourself to eat it on a cut. Technically, as long as it's within your calorie allowance, you could eat it, but it's pretty damn difficult to stay within that allowance.

>> No.8586678

I don't think that her weight is even a huge problem if she can focus on finding some flattering dresses and skirts to compliment her shape. Skirts that flare out like A-lines could look lovely. The clothes in her fits make her look sort of fat because they're not suitable for her frame. But really, to wear slim boyfriend clothing like that you do have to be fairy thin.

>> No.8586683


>> No.8586696

she doesn't look "overweight" tbh, but being thinner will make things a lot easier

>> No.8586816

Loose weight fatty.

>> No.8586819

*tips fedoodoo*

>> No.8587287
File: 5 KB, 145x121, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8587359

clothes should look like they grew on you.

>> No.8587391

Not OP, but I do wish there was a fuccboi general for ladies, sometimes.
Because the women in my family dress like old women or like they just popped out of kim kardashian's ass.
And alt. fashion just makes me look immature.
And even though I'm pretty much in the same boat as OP as far as losing weight goes, I'd still like to learn the basics and get a good basis of where to start, y'know?

>> No.8587618

there are decent forums for women's fashion, but i certainly don't know them. find some inspo pics, be patient, lurk

>> No.8588318

>buy a nice purse or clutch from coach

holy shit youre a faggot

>> No.8588346

lurk more, develop a sense of how you want to dress, etcetera. most female fashion forums and blogs's subjects tend to go to one extreme or another -- from fast fashion to runway shows. i agree, a general guide for girls would be pretty great. there is some social misunderstanding that all girls know how to dress themselves, and really we're all just clueless people.

once you've found how you want to dress, the rest is pretty easy imo. although i'm not the best example to be referencing off on this, you get the idea. develop and modify things as you go along, and collect everything.

>> No.8588379

Does anyone have tips for girls who typically dress in a more masculine/tomboyish style? Should I just be looking at the fashion advice for men? I'm really not the type to wear skirts/dresses but I still want to look decent (but not exactly feminine)

>> No.8588388


Just curious, how do you want to dress? I see your fits from time to time and they look something in between Japanese girl's fashion & momcore

Don't mean that negatively, just wondering where you're trying to take things

>> No.8588395

are you sieg's girlfriend?

>> No.8588398 [DELETED] 

Why does this lardlord get her own thread, fuccboi general is that way.


>> No.8588399

good luck OP

>> No.8589558

look at those ugly feet, disgusting

>> No.8589587

where else can a pleb lurk to gain more fashion xp

anyone sub to any decent RSS feeds on mobile for example?

>> No.8589600

hmm i kinda like those feet idk
maybe its cuz she is hot as fuck and i would think they were ugly on an ugly girl.
id suck/10

>> No.8589624


real talk here

>> No.8589628
File: 111 KB, 640x400, ss14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I know just the thing for you

>> No.8589654


If you don't find her clothes cute/sexy and dope as fuck with tasteful color than Im sorry you have homosexual disease

>> No.8589658

ok this actually made me LOL, despite the fucked up nature of the joke

>> No.8589659

how many places do you know where dudes can discuss fashion and be no homo?

>> No.8589673
File: 498 KB, 500x267, tumblr_ln6hvqCLN01qaex5co1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8589711

never forget

>> No.8589980


>> No.8590016

shut the fuck up

>> No.8590084

>tfw OP isn't a man

>> No.8590298

Die in a ditch, fat-lover.

>> No.8591111

>tfw hungry skeleton bordering heroin user with broad shoulders and 185 cm
pls send help

>> No.8591697


>> No.8591840

people on FFA dress much better than you, and dress to their body type. cherry-picking a photo of a girl you think dresses poorly to invalidate the entire forum only makes you look even worse.

fa isn't going to give you fashion advice or a springboard you can jump off from; it's a place for people who already have an interest in fashion to cultivate their style. you seem to genuinely lack style. stop thinking you're too edgy and/or special to post on other forums (seriously - you sound like one of those obnoxious girls who say things like "i don't get along with other girls"). start with the basics, and check our forums tailored towards beginners instead of dismissing them.

>> No.8592053

You're not there yet. Second fit is infinitely better than first fit. Keep going. Don't listen to the bullshit hate. You've already come a long way.

>> No.8592525

what do you mean "fucked up"? are you implying the post was meant to insult someone?

>> No.8592561
File: 45 KB, 113x187, tumblr_inline_mmezg6bK5j1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8592591

palladiums a shit

>> No.8592686

>girls who say things like "I don't get along with other girls."
Holy fucking fuck, I fucking fuck know...fuck.

>> No.8592696

You look great!

>> No.8592713

can I direct you to the fuccboi general,

>> No.8593446

i think its good that op sees her problem and wants to change
i'll support your threads

>> No.8594661

OP's fit is bad but fuck the girl in your pic's fit is really fucking awful too i hope you weren't suggesting it as inspo

>> No.8595480

fuck off her styles bretty gud

>> No.8595537
File: 1.31 MB, 2036x2840, 1391962283262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


at least sieg knows how to turn his trip off when he compliments himself. take notes stance.

>> No.8595545

id on shirt?

>> No.8595557

Aren't there general "improve my fit /fa/" thread?
If not, why?

>> No.8595671

good idea!!!

but thats euro, no? they look similar

>> No.8595779


if so, why would stance try to hide the fact that he's complimenting him?

>> No.8595809

has euro ever worn a fit even remotely close to that, never mind the fact that stance posted hundreds of fits in that exact same pose/room

>> No.8595811

I'll second this, as I prefer boyish / androgynous clothes.

>> No.8596552


I thought it was a troll post. You should literally not even be getting feedback on this outfit. You should just be getting rid of all that shit and start again. As far as I'm concerned, none of those individuals pieces could be used in any good outfit.

This is not intended to discourage you, this is just seriously what I think. Maybe you should spend some time on lookbook, come back with a couple of looks that you think you would like to wear, and bring them back to us. Lookbook is kinda basic, but it will be a good starting point for you.

>> No.8596583 [DELETED] 

my skype is in the email field. If you want some advice and this isn't a troll post I can help.

>> No.8596610
File: 56 KB, 417x625, 1384156_10151948972690818_155269036_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatgirl core

>> No.8596617
File: 57 KB, 556x417, 64425_10151509432146646_1568724063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8596625
File: 140 KB, 960x960, 248152_10151406390441646_1266990483_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can do the pinup girl look

>> No.8596632

too many carbs in this thread

>> No.8596634
File: 87 KB, 960x720, 71400_10151509431446646_394005747_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loose/crop top type shirts and high waisted shorts are in style and easy to find in most mall stores
(forever21, charlotte ruse - if you're poor)

>> No.8596660

R e a d d a s t i c k y

>> No.8596673

People like that are cunts.

The kind of person who says that is the kind of person who is too lazy and self centered to even bother putting forth any effort socially. Just a fucking excuse.

>> No.8596699

thinking the same thing, ugly feet ugly shoes

fucking ew

>> No.8596730


The post he's replying to mentions taste.

>> No.8596745


His head didn't lose weight tho

>> No.8596751


Actually digging those jeans, w2c?

>> No.8596874


Harsh advice but not bad. But fuck lookbook. Those fits are advanced in that they are ambitious but basic in that they are garbage. Just looking at this website now and it's 90% trash, 10% mediocre.


But yes, do check out a few websites for inspiration. I recommend styleforum or superfuture. And lurk here for female inspo and start fem inspo threads as you see fit. And read the sticky. One thing the sticky said that always resonated with me is to be constantly aware. Always be checking out other fits and analyzing them down to the smallest minutiae. And then apply those thoughts to yourself. Self-scrutiny is nothing to fear. Everything that you don't scrutinize will be scrutinized by someone else. Of course a lot of criticisms on /fa/ or anywhere in the world are not constructive and pretty asinine, but you should be able to find a nugget of truth in them and just try to let the rest roll off your back. But also, fashion should be about you. Make sure that you are constantly keeping yourself in mind and one day you will put on a fit that just looks so good and you will feel proud and all of your identity-related personality disorder symptoms will sort of turn positive and it'll be this glowing narcissistic euphoria. You will be the queen that you hail to.

>> No.8597068


Yeah that threw me for a loop

>> No.8597078

Bluh I feel your embarrassment OP
>Tfw I am working on being trans.
>tfw obviously sub optimal body for women's fashion
>tfw know nothing about fashion and am complete idiot

Not trying to insult you by comparing our situations, but I am glad your thread has people referring to forums that might have better info. I was just lurking here on a whim, definitely feel I don't belong here.

>> No.8597107

Yeah I'll cop lookbook being shit just don't actually know where people look for inspo cause I never really do in that sense.