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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 132 KB, 1280x1015, tumblr_myxzncmMta1sipdffo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8552497 No.8552497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey grils of fa
where do you hang out?
i am tired of basic bitches
i just want to date a qt fa girl

>> No.8552498


>> No.8552502

i hang out at my apartment, i leave out maybe once a week to get groceries...

hao2not b afraid of people ;;

>> No.8552507

>girls on /fa/
there's no such thing

>> No.8552510
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/b/ -->
<- /soc/

>> No.8552516

every girl is a basic bitch
go back to neet-land knighto blanco

>> No.8552533

I dunno how I feel about fashion girls I mean I like them but they've generally seem more image driven and have liked the image of me rather than the 'real me' if that makes sense? I've dated a designer and seen a few models and general fashion girls idk

>> No.8552553

I don't care man
I will be anything they want me to be
I am so lonely

>> No.8552555

shut the fuck up already

>> No.8552557

>physically mad over someone's comment on the internet

>> No.8552558

move to a city

>> No.8552561

>implyin im not chill as fuck rn
heh m8

>> No.8552574

pls, your autism is scaring the nice girls away

>> No.8552584

At home, tweaking my computer or playing video games. Or at cafes/bars near the uni. The free museum here is a good hang-out place too.

If it matters, Siouxsie is my /fa/ inspiration.

Buy me Helmut Lang and I'll blow you. Likely fuck you too.

>> No.8552593

>Likely fuck you too.
a-are you qt?

>> No.8552601
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I look like I'm 16-18 but I'm actually 25. I'm a dual major. I'm foreign. Someone said I looked like Naoto Shirogane from Persona. I'm 5'1" and 105lbs.

And I'm not a basic bitch.

>> No.8552605

where are you from?
>pls be van

>> No.8552607


>buy me things and I might fuck you

nope you're a pretty standard basic bitch

>> No.8552614

South America. I have a pretty nice ass but I'm somewhat flat-chested, if that's a dealbreaker.

Whatever. College is expensive and I need clothes. I like sex. Guys do too. Seems win/win to me.

>> No.8552619


>5 футов 1 дюйм =
1.5494 метра

oh no thanks
I dont want shit genes for my kids

>> No.8552622


>apathetic gold digger

dayum bby u fine

>> No.8552624

Where are you right now?

>> No.8552627

piss off losers

>> No.8552629

Kansas City. It's...alright. I just hate how you need to have a car to do ANYTHING in the midwest. I miss living in a big city.

But the Nelson Atkins is nice.

>> No.8552631

dual major?
what are you majoring in?

>> No.8552640

English and Spanish. Rhetoric and Linguistics, if you want to be pretentious.

Considering CompSci, though.

>> No.8552643

>hey grils of fa
>where do you hang out?
>i am tired of basic bitches
>i just want to date a qt fa girl

should have went to art school

>> No.8552644



>> No.8552646

had to reiterate your point again? smh what did i ever do to you, you lil faggot i'm going to bust you in the cranium and have you sleep forever you bitch
pls your thirst is scaring my clan away

>> No.8552647
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>not a basic bitch
>hangs out at bars/cafes near her uni
>fucks for expensive clothes

>> No.8552648
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>> No.8552649

you realise you're a whore right?

>> No.8552655

I am majoring in compsci
It is alright
It is kind of tough at my school, but whatever

speaking more than one language is hot

>> No.8552660

Yeah. And I don't care. I've always been horny. I masturbate every other day. I use condoms. Pills too, because I hate kids.

What school's that? I'm at UMKC right now. It's alright. I kinda want to the west coast, though. Or California. Midwest is boring.

>> No.8552664
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>> No.8552668

yes you would probably enjoy california. I've only flown over the midwest, so I have no idea

I go to stanford, so compsci is pretty big here. The bay area is great. I don't like palo alto too much (the city stanford borders), but there are cool places nearby

>> No.8552676

I've been to Cali before, San Diego area. Beating myself up for not being able to go to SDCC this year.

My sister just got into Stanford, she's pretty happy. I was a lazy shit during high school and didn't aim higher.

Midwest is...fine if you want to raise kids. But I don't. And it's so fucking conservative here. It's dull.

>> No.8552682

thats pretty fucking sad
you should treat yourself better than that you dumbfuck
you'll regret it later

>> No.8552684

>fucks responsibly
>you should treat yourself better


>> No.8552697

sd is neat. I have a few friends who live in the area. I like LA, SD, and socal in general, but I personally think the bay is better.

oh and good for your sister. I hope she likes it. I don't, but most of the people I see seem to love it

>> No.8552700

she wont let you fuck your omanko, internet white knight with <600$ total wardrobe cost

>> No.8552704

yeah? is that what you think?
lets see what she thinks, fucking dick head!!!!

>> No.8552708

Let me say again, art school had more /fa/ art type people that I could fucking stand eventually I just wanted to hang out with non atsy types and watch action movies and drink normal beer.

>> No.8552709

Lol, I'm in KCMO too. Love this city. It's my home town.

I'm not rich, no way I could afford you that shit. But I could show you a fun time.

I'm pretty handsome too. Only 18 though.

>> No.8552713

Kansas City is effay as fuck.

>> No.8552714

yeah i'd fuck stance ngl
also shoutout to my man alec, i'd fuck him and have him creampie me too

>> No.8552717

KCMO is the first city we moved to when we came from South America. It's by no means a terrible city, I just can't stand the political climate AROUND the city, if that makes any sense.

I'd be a lot happier if I could live in, say, Westport, or near the Nelson. But I can't at the moment. And my car just broke down and I've begun to realize what a pain in the ass not having a car is in the Midwest.

18 is cool.

>> No.8552732

>literally selling your body for materialistic things
>pretending not to care about it
very responsible

>> No.8552734

Yeah, our taxi system is non-existent.

Nelson is one of my favorite places to relax. Just walk around by myself, look at the art, soak in some sun on the lawn at a park bench.

Love Westport too. It has some nice culture going on.

Yeah, the politics of our city are very conservative and anti progressive. Most of the people aren't, but everyone with power us. Sucks.

>> No.8552749
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That's what I miss about South America, you didn't need a car, you could just walk around the city. It was very relaxing for me, I discovered a lot of cool shit just by walking. You can't do that here.

I go to Westport a lot because >piercings and tattoos. Broadway Cafe is nice too. Kelly's has nice, cheap pizza. I tend to avoid the plaza, fucking overpriced tourist trap.

This guy is my favorite thing at the Nelson. I go visit him every time. It's become a tradition.

That's what steams me the most, the denizens of Kansas City are, as a whole, a pretty light-hearted, open-minded bunch. But we're still stuck with god-fearing rednecks from Kansas at city hall. Pisses me off.

>> No.8552758

Ever been to Waldo's or Minsky's? We have some great pizza joints.

Plaza is nice to look at, and has some great restaurants, but apart from that I'd never shop there unless I needed to cop some basics quick because I somehow ruined a shirt or something.

That statue has been there for so damn long. I remember looking up at him as a kid with my mom. So many memories.

I'll miss this place when I move up to Des Moines in a month for college.

>> No.8552761

top kek

>> No.8552763

at home because I'm a social anxious autist
In cases I feel like going out, I will visit small cafes and pubs. Quiet places where you can sit and chat with friends are miles better than loud, dirty clubs.

>> No.8552765

I haven't. I pass Minsky's on my way to the farmers market all the time, though. I'll stop by next time,

Yeah, the plaza is good window shopping/time waster. But I dislike 3/4ths of the people who frequent the place.

He's my favorite. He's /fa/ as fuck. Look how he layers.

My next big move is Europe. I probably will miss Kansas City's simplicity once I'm there.

(Simple like a Dieter Rams installation, not simple as in basic or boring)

>> No.8552768

Hey, you sound like a down to earth pretty cool girl. What would a guy have to do to get your attention/stand out to you? He could be a total stranger, aquantance, etc.

>> No.8552779

In my case, be intelligent. And I don't mean 'booksmart' or 'high educated' either, because I know tons of people with Masters who are fucking morons.

I mean be passionate about *something*. Whether that's computers or video games or whatever, be passionate about something. There's nothing more attractive to me than people who are deeply in love with a subject, people with passion willing to toll for that something. It's contagious. It's enthralling.

>> No.8552782

Nigga just needs some RAF Velcros and he'd put every cunt on /fa/ to shame. Including me. ;_;

Tell me about it. I can *feel* the pretentiousness of the average plaza goer. Funny thing is, they attempt to dress classy, but I've rarely seen one that is. Usually it's older guys--not middle aged but not young, about 30s-40s--in jeans that are kind of baggy, square toe derby's, and an untucked OCBD that doesn't fit and is too long. Makes me cringe.

Minsky's is delicious. Both the one at the river market and the one near UMKC. On Main St.

Where in the EU?

>> No.8552808

Are you okay with a guy that has a foot/tickling fetish?

>> No.8552809

Your average plaza goer makes me cringe because they're just unauthentic. They wear whatever's on trend/brand and think that's good enough. No, you basic fuck, you need to dress to your body. if I see yet another white girl with long, parted-in-the-middle hair without fringe or Kate Moss bangs, it'll be too soon.

Location-wise it'd be more prudent for me to hit the one near UMKC. Sure hope they got student discounts, though.

Somewhere in Scandinavia, probably. The weather's tailored for my fashion style. So are the politics. I wouldn't be adverse to England or Italy, though. I already speak English, and Italian's easy mode due to my Latin base.

>> No.8552810

Certainly isn't the weirdest thing I've ever heard of/written. I have a latex thing, hope you're cool with that.

>> No.8552821

Let's not forget how fucking obnoxious they are. The drunk ones act like fucking teenagers, "LOL BRO IM SO WASTED XDDDD." Plaza on Fri/Sat night is Hell.

Last time I went their prices weren't *that* bad. Not sure about the student discount. It would be good for business, considering how damn close it is to campus.

Cool. Not sure where I'd want to live in Europe. Maybe Germany.

>> No.8552825

id tie you up spread eagle to a bed and torture you for hours, while you beg for mercy

sawing feathers between your toes, sucking on them and licking in between, nibbling your heel

sound fun? <3

>> No.8552827
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>Not basic

>nonchalant about sex (so modern)
>lots of short sentences too seem mature and knowing, you have to sustain my interest silly boys tee hee




>> No.8552832

Ends up St. Louis is Missouri capital of basic bitches. Seriously, 3/4ths of the basic as fuck girls at UMKC are from St. Louis. It makes me laugh. It's like I'm trapped in a Kreayshawn music video and I can't get out.

This sounds like a blast, actually.

English major. Also, Hemingway app.

>> No.8552849

Never actually been there. The more I hear about it, the more thankful I am that I haven't. Fuck that place. If I want to see an arch, I'll go to McDonald's for a dollar McDouble.

>> No.8552857

you sound really awesome :3
wanna meet up for some fun? im totally cool with the latex thing, could you describe it?
what are your feet like? long/short toes? hmm?
im a pretty good looking dude so im sure youd enjoy me <3

>> No.8552858

I went there. It's a hilarious cringeworthy story, actually. I met someone online and she paid for my ticket to fly there. I thought she was legit.

I get to her house and she reveals herself to be a radfem, wants to fuck me (sent me a message through my /fa/ inspiration tumblr propositioning me) then talks for HOURS about bestiality and shit. I was stuck with this girl for a WEEK.

At least she took me to the St. Louis zoo. That was cool. And the Sanrio store there had more Kuromi shit than KCMO.

>> No.8552862

Oh god, that sounds like some funny shit right there.

What, so she just talked about stuff? Didn't actually try to do anything?

Oh and I WONDER why she wanted to go to the fucking zoo. Oh my god, my sides.

>> No.8552864

who DOESNT speak more than one language though? Pretty low standards

>> No.8552877

I don't have a car at the moment nor cash so meetings would be a bit strained. I'd be cool with meeting at the Nelson, if I can get these somehow.

Most Americans.

In retrospect it was absolutely hilarious. She looked exactly how you expect a radfem to look like. She was also really into anime (especially Kill la Kill, that was just airing back them) and she showed me all these figurines of scantily clad girls with huge boobs she collected. $100+ figurines, by the way. She was upper class but only because she coasted on mommy and daddy's dime. She was going to GED classes while I was there.

I tried not to think too hard about that while I was at the zoo. The cat house and butterfly house was cool as fuck.

>> No.8552895

>Most Americans.
What? I thought you'd learn Spanish at school?
I live in Germany and can speak 4 languages fluently (fluently because I also have a genuine interest in them) and you HAVE to learn French and English from day 1 at the school I went to.

Also let me ask you something, you said you like it when men are passionate about something, I am passionate about my major thats the reason I chose it. But wouldnt that be a very bland answer when being asked what I'm passionate about?

>> No.8552898


damn didn't realize there were other KCMO people on effay that's pretty cool.

>> No.8552900

>with figurines that have giant tits

What a fucking hypocrite.

GED classes? How old was she?

>Kill la Kill
kill it with fire pls

>> No.8552906

Yeah, you can, but most Americans don't bother to keep up with a foreign language to fluency. The US is oddly proud of being monolingual too, to the point that people are always trying to change English from the de facto to the official language.

Also, I'm from South America. Spanish is my first language. Didn't learn it here.

This is what I thought too. For someone who supposedly loves her sisters and stands with them in solidarity, those animu figurines sure are sexualized.

It's a pretty chill city, all things considered.

>> No.8552910

Sorry, I missed your question on my last reply.

No, not really, it wouldn't be a bland answer. I mean, I tend to stay away from Business majors because here in the US they're pretentious, money-grubbing assholes and I really don't buy into the cult of money. I make it and I spend it, as far as I'm concerned. I get more joy of out simpler things, like feeding a squirrel at the park.

(There are no squirrels where I come from. Squirrels are novelty to me.)

It's always easy to spot who's going in for a major because of money versus passion. I'll hang out with CompSci people just as much as Art majors.

>> No.8552911

oh honey, i have a car and plenty of cash, but i aint rich

id still be able to pay for whatever we wanted to do, be that get some dinner at Bo Lings or get a hotel room for a couple nights :3

>> No.8552923

i'm limited when it comes to going out since lol no car/bike, but i go to these places when i have a chance :3

b/c muhh nature
get cozy w/ a qt 'n coffee
>music scenes (local venues, festivals, etc)
fun with groups and decent way to meet people
>clothes stores/thrift stores

>> No.8552924

Yeah I'm actually from Lawrence but I spend a lot of time in KC too and my parents lived there awhile when I was a kid so I grew up getting dragged around the plaza by my mom. Hate having to drive through all of west/SW KC though...

>> No.8552926

Probably just someone who didn't grow up from her teenage angst years because of mommy and daddy's coddling, so she's still stuck in the mindset of a 17 year old girl.

This is why people should get licenses before they become parents.

>> No.8552932

thank you for answering I wouldnt have bothered to remind you of it.

I'm majoring in Industrial Design where you can ONLY make money if you are actually good at what you're doing and the application is pretty hard, which guarantees that only people who are actually interested in this get in. ohwell thanks I guess

>> No.8552940

Likewise. Then again, I hate driving, period.

I actually love Industrial Design! Are you into Dieter Rams? I really, really like simple designs.

That pretty much described her to a t. She was a very drama-filled person. I've cut off contact with her.

Shit, I haven't had Bo Lings in years. Can't guarantee we can do the hotel thing for more than a single night, but dinner then a show sounds great.

>> No.8552956

>willingly meeting up with someone from 4chan

If you know any burly, muscular men, ask them to shadow you. Please, for your safety. I'd hate to pic up the KC star tomorrow morning and read, "Latin American College Student Raped, Tortured, and Murdered" or something like that.

Be safe, fellow KCMO Nelson Atkins Buddha grill. <3

>> No.8552959
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Don't worry, that was the plan. But thank you for caring. I really, really mean it.

>> No.8552964


im not a murdering sociopath :/

just a guy that likes having fun. i havent had Bo Lings in a minute either, hah

out of curiosity, how tall are you? im a manlet at like 5'9'' :/

where would you like me to pick you up?

>> No.8552967

Gotta' watch out for your KC peeps. Especially since I'm only here for another month. ;_;

>> No.8552969


And like I said, transportation is a bit of an issue at the moment. I'd prefer to meet up at the Nelson, if that's alright.

I'd have to be next week, though.

>> No.8552972

okay cool :3
i really like short girls


>> No.8552978
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>I actually love Industrial Design! Are you into Dieter Rams? I really, really like simple designs.
Funny that you bring him up, my dad used to play chess with him every other day because they know each other from school. He really is awesome as a person too and he truly "lives" his views, you can see that in his home, his entire house is very linear and everything is 90°, all the walls are béton brut except this ONE fucking room which is kind of a hideout for his wife and the walls are painted in an obnoxious girly yellow and all the furniture is from the victorian era, when I asked him about it (i was like 15 when I met him back then) he jokingly said that he HAD to promise her ONE room which wasnt all minimal and "designish". He also gifted me pic related when my dad told him I was going to study ID.

>> No.8552982

Next Friday, at 4 or so? Just to prove to you I'm not standing you up or anything, my Skype's aka.tosh

Damn, that watch is perfect. I would geek out so hard if I got to be INSIDE his house/got a watch from him. Treasure that shit, it's a story worth telling your kids.

>> No.8552985


>> No.8552986

is that an ES reference? :o do you like vidya????

>> No.8552987

If you are the kind of person who would try to pick up chicks on the fashion page of a website inspired by mongolian cartoons then you are probably a serial killer and are going to kill this woman.

Post pics when you're done

>> No.8552992

Ayup. I play a lot of RPGs. Elder Scrolls is my favorite. I started out with Oblivion, hence all the Septim dynasty/Imperial references in a lot of my emails/accounts. Before you hang me, though, the facegen is awful. But the quest writing is better than Skyrim's (LOL GO TO THIS CAVE, FIGHT SOME DRAUGR AND GET BACK THIS ITEM vs. Whodunit?)

>> No.8552994
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>> No.8552999

omg you are my dream girl
>likes my fetishes
>into vidya
>into fashion
>chill and talks like me

i may propose to you eventually if we really hit it off...

>> No.8553001

The pilots of the SR-71 had better style than everyone on /fa/

>> No.8553002

Still kinda on topic, where can I meet decent new people. I don't care how they dress. I've got plenty of friends but they are all scumbags more or less.

>> No.8553008

oh my god I can't breathe from laughing so hard

I love this website

>> No.8553010

Confirmed for serial killer

>it puts the lotion on its skin

>> No.8553012
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>> No.8553017

Nah /b/ is better for Lulz

>> No.8553018
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>> No.8553019

if you're the guy that posted what I replied with a reaction gif to, I'm still fucking laughing holy shit

>mongolian cartoons
>going to kill this woman
>post pics

my sides were NOT ready, sir

>> No.8553027

>implying it isn't one hella thirsty anon

>> No.8553033

>telling me to go to reddit
>for laughing my ass off at an underrated post

fuck you

>> No.8553040

ok m'sir *tips snoo*

>> No.8553046

you have autism

>> No.8553062

хуй соси ок?)))

>> No.8553066


>> No.8553143

bumping for this QT latina to post her feet <3

>> No.8553296

all the boys in my program are obnoxious and pseudo-preppy and think they'll end up on wall street

so i hang out with the art majors that are pretentious in a completely different way

for real though i am probably (1) in my apartment (2) at the library or (3) at art parties where the boys are taken and the girls are SJW tumblr types

where to meet cute boys

>> No.8553666

get lost cis scum :^)

>> No.8553754
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alecs da man :)

>> No.8553759

does u're bunda is round?

>> No.8553778
File: 563 KB, 960x836, 1510064_82311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try going a hipster thrift store. There's ALWAYS a twee qt attending (if you're into that type of girl).

>> No.8553814

I usually hang out with the med students at uni. The girls are all upper-middle class so they have a pricey wardrobe, thus somewhat /fa/.

I would go to my local hipster bar/music club but no one would come with me and I'm too socially awkward to hit on any twee qt.

>> No.8553823

That fucking indie Apple store chic look hasn't been in style since 2007.

>> No.8553839

In America, maybe. I see plenty of these girls in my city.

idgaf though it looks qt as fuck.

>> No.8553865

i dont get how youre supposed to hit on someone while theyre working. i can never tell if theyre being really friendly on flirting. and i always feel like i'm going to be the one creepy guy they tell their friends about in two minutes

in conversation, i always seem to go too far, and come on strong, or not go far enough and end up with nothing

>> No.8553889

hey bro, dont worry
just pretend im a girl nd u can practice on me

>> No.8553895

at home you fag

>> No.8553926

literally love how rude you are

>> No.8553963

I want to creampie q_ko too

>> No.8554403

take a number, we all do ;)

>> No.8554766

Miami. I want to date you. Like sushi?

>> No.8554803


The worst thing is that someone will be willing to buy clothes for this southamerican womanlet to fuck her. God, she might even be peruvian...

>> No.8554810

More for me

Don't worry, you can have your 80s sci-fi movie androgynous bowlcut gothmod tumblrcore witchhouse in 2014 girls

>> No.8554812


Not to mention that if she gets compared with chinese cartoons she probably is a freak that hangs with freaks.

>> No.8554870
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>Buy me Helmut Lang and I'll blow you. Likely fuck you too.

>> No.8555029
File: 949 KB, 245x300, tumblr_n9cvh2WpvF1tn6b73o2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dating upper class girls

>> No.8555045

art shows plz.
always on the lookout for /fa/ qts at gallery openings, but no one is there :(
I should go back to Soho

>> No.8555055

>being a trendwhore


>> No.8555084


>> No.8555093

Ding ding ding.

>> No.8555125

F-fellow Chileans? In muh Kansas City? We are having an /fa/ meatup.

>> No.8555135

i keep meaning to go to art crawls and shows
i'm moving in with an art major this yr (sophomore) so hopefully i'll get a chance to see more

i wish i understood more of the art though. my future housemate says the one thing art school's taught her so far is how to distinguish bad art from intentionally bad art. i still can't tell :'(

>> No.8555144

Sadly right now I'm not in a very /fa/ state because my sister stole most of my clothes and ruined them.

But you'll see me at UMKC this coming fall semester.

Also, I'm from Santiago, if that matters.

>> No.8555694

>Buy me Helmut Lang and I'll blow you. Likely fuck you too.
because you can't afford it
top kek fucking peasant

>> No.8555718


>> No.8555747

Ey gurl
How u livin

>> No.8555832

new levels of autism has been discovered

>> No.8555859

>And I'm not a basic bitch.
talk shit post fit

>> No.8555864


well, even if we ever meet i wouldn understand shit you would say, not a single word unless its in english and thats unfa

>> No.8555874

true that

the most interesting girls i know don't drool over designer fashion, but have a well-defined personal aesthetics. it helps that most of them are well-educated, too. anytime i go to fashion or music-related events (with well-dressed people off) it seems like most people can't do anything but namedrop designers and artists, bleh

>> No.8555880


>> No.8555897

This is why upper class girls are the WORST girls to date from a /fa/ perspective. Their pampered livestyles means they've never had to work hard to look good, they just coat themselves in Gucci, Fendi or Prada and call it a day.

>> No.8555926

this is one of the coolest anecdotes i've read on 4chan, maybe even the internet

i'm fascinated by the homes of designers, possibly even more than their own work at times. very cool.

>> No.8555929

You mean that upper class genuinely stylish girls won't date ninja goth normcore tryhard /fa/ggots? Color me shocked.

>> No.8555932

I'm in art school. I'm upper class. You have NO IDEA how many bitches here seem to think that coating themselves in designer = taste.

>> No.8555939

all of the upper class girls i know are basic bitches lmao

>> No.8555947


>> No.8555958

>You have NO IDEA how many bitches here seem to think that coating themselves in designer = taste.

But that's the truth. Expensive things that upper class people wear are by definition fashionable. That's what "high fashion" IS. It's the attire that rich people wear to conspicuously consume and show off their wealth and status to others. People on /fa/ don't have any concept of actual fashion. Of course, things like Gucci and Prada are no longer as fashionable with the ultra rich, they've been relegated to mass market upper class status. Bespoke wear and exclusive designer gear that you see celebrities wear is what high fashion is.

>> No.8556004


unfortunately rich people "high fashion" is not, by definition, good

>> No.8556010
File: 108 KB, 344x313, tears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the ninja goth/palecore/norm core/soft ghetto shit /fa/ likes is? Sure thing LOL.

>mfw /fa/ doesn't realize they are being trolled routinely and they are the true fuccbois

>> No.8556045

i'm not defending /fa/ any more than i am high fashion faggots

if you needed to be rich to be fashionable, fashion designers would never exist.

>> No.8556053
File: 9 KB, 350x350, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking thread holy shit.

>> No.8556130

Are you implying you're cute?

>> No.8556230

It's still soulless and speaks to a lack of passion. I'd much rather date a cafe cutie with a thrifted dress than a high maintenance trust fund whore. These kind of girls tend to be more genuine and worldly than your standard rich bitch in art school

>> No.8556240

how u doin