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8491013 No.8491013 [Reply] [Original]

21 y.o. male here
My face is oily, all fucked up, and very acne prone. I have never used skin care products in my life, my washroom closet contains soap bars, a deodorant and a bottle of shampoo.
I shave with soap because all the shaving creams I've had made my skin an absolute mess (as does after shave).

Any products you recommend?

>> No.8491037

wash your face and use a nice mosturizer twice a day.

>> No.8491054

no shit
OP is asking for products you fucking idiot

>> No.8491061

Just use bar soap.

>> No.8491082

Products have a different affect on everyone who uses them dipshit.

My suggestion for OP is to find a mild cleanser that doesn't have any harsh chemicals, an oil-free moisturizer, clay mask and toner/astringent.

>> No.8491090

>actually putting all this shit on your face

>> No.8491098
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>OP is already using bar soap
>bad results
>jus use bar saop m8 ;)

can you guys even read ? Also the reason bar soap is usually a bad idea is that its pH isnt the same as your skin's, so OP use soap and a moisturizer that have a neutral pH.

As for products, I'd avoid things from huge brands like l'Oreal, Gilette etc, and I'd go for things that are sold in pharmacies. Yes they're more expensive but you can last 6 months with a good facial soap, and the same is true for the moisturizing cream.

Personally, I use Bioderma products, which I like. I'm not sure how readily available they are in your area though :

Cleanser : http://www.bioderma.com/en/nc/the-products/what-s-new/product/action/11.html

Twice a day, in the morning after the shower, apply 1 dose all over the face, not in your eyes of course, scrub lightly with your fingers, then rinse thoroughly with cold water (it has to be cold when you rinse, it should be warmer when you first apply water to your face)

-moisturizer : http://www.bioderma.com/en/nc/the-products/what-s-new/product/action/235.html this is what I use, although I think the new formula is paraben free...

Once you've washed with the gel, pat your face dry with a clean towel (ideally one you'll use only for your face) and then apply a small ammount of cream all over the face.

That's what I do and I get decent results, this won't treat your acne but it will help prevent it, as good hygiene is the foundation for good skin.

My only concern with the products are the ingredients, they're not necessarily excellent, but they're efficient.

>> No.8491104

Oh and OP -- Drink a lot of water. Multivitamins. Wash your face twice a day. Don't touch your face, wash your bed sheets etc etc etc

>> No.8491112


You do realize that only one half of this stuff stays on your face throughout the day?

Cleans your face, aka getting rid of the nasty shit on it(You probably have tons of dirt and oily shit on your face seeing as you are so against skin products)
Keeps your face from getting dry as fuck after cleaning it.
>clay mask
Not something you do everyday, but it cleans your pores and shrinks them so that nasty shit doesn't get in them as much.
Makes your skin look fresher and nicer.

So have fun with your nasty as fuck, dirt clogged pores and desert-like skin, pleb.

>> No.8491140

seriously try out OCM, helped me so much. and the only thing you need is oil, it's natural and works wonders on oily skin too, believe me. also try out CeraVe products. they're really cheap but are non-comedogenic, light and made my acne go away. you could also start using BHA's and AHA's. Paula's choice is a great site for more info.

>> No.8491143


Imho cosmetics are a big lie. If there was any magical shit you put on your face that would fix your skin for life or at least for a long while they wouldn't be selling their stuff to women over their entire lifespam. Most of them bring just a temporal improvement.

I just searched for some info on creams effectivity. Consumer organizations say there's no real difference between 100€ and 10€ products. Sometimes the cheap ones are even better. Most of the companies budget is invested on marketing and not on actual research.

They recommend some moisturizing if anything, and that's all. I believe a good skin will come as a result of a good lifestyle and good genes. Just eat well, drink water and do some exercise.

>> No.8491155

I find that my skin is better the less I do for it

I wash my face with cetaphil cleansing whatever, I tried their moisturiser among others but it just isn't for me - all moisturisers seem to give me spots and look bad

so for me, just washing is enough, and my face is moist enough, but everyone is different

>> No.8491163

If you only use bar of soap your skin must be dry af. Soap is the worst thing to clean your face with, you should moisturise. And your skin might be really dry, but your skin produces more oils bc of the dryness, you get more acne and it looks oily.

>> No.8491164

>They recommend some moisturizing if anything, and that's all. I believe a good skin will come as a result of a good lifestyle and good genes. Just eat well, drink water and do some exercise.

Sure, of course. But that's only really true if your skin isnt constantly being exposed to stuff that damages it : pollution, smoke, other chemicals in general. Hell even just hard water would cause anyone's skin to be drier than normal.

Your facial skin is CONSTANTLY exposed to all kinds of stuff, more so than any other part of your body, which is why you need to give it a little help so it can stay healthy.

And no cosmetics aren't "a big lie", some work, some don't really work, some are cheap and they work, but they might be made with shitty ingredients which in the long run are bad for you. Find something that works for you and stick to it : if not doing anything works for you that's great, it really is. But for most people today, that's just not going to happen.

>> No.8491175

Cold pressed castor oil

>> No.8491185

anyone here ever used African Black soap?

>> No.8491212

i've been using BHA 2% liquid by PC for about 3-4 days and seeing some significant reductions in terms of pimples and redness

>> No.8491362

OP here
that wasn't me

I wish my skin was dry
even after I wake up it's oily as fuck
If I just wash it with water it's even worse

>> No.8491390


I didn't think it was you OP.

And no, you do not wish your skin was dry. If your skin was dry, it would start overproducing the natural oils and make your face look even more gross.

>> No.8491429

This along with sunscreen. It can be used in place of a moisturizer during the day, plus will prevent your skin from looking spotty and aging.

>> No.8493586

i find that Cetaphil brand moisturizer with SPF 15 works great for me. I use a very small amount daily on my entire face & it has worked wonders for me. A few people have even complimented me on my face, it's ridiculous.

>> No.8493684

really good at least for me

>> No.8493805

I've used this and it works really well. Do the enzyme peel once a week only though

Also, drink water!

>> No.8494767

rub bannanna peels on your face, the side that bannana touches, i swear to god, this cleared up my face in like 3 days and made my acne scars go away. Take a bannana peel, rub it on all of your face until it turns black, wait 30 min then throw it away, do this twice a day every day and if you don't have clinical acne your face will be softer and healthier then ever. I swear to god it saved my life. It like makes your scars return to normal color and they just blend in, and your acne starts to go from red to the color of your face and then they just eventually leave.

>> No.8494771


My skin is perfect.

>> No.8494774
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>> No.8494775

>eat healthier, less greasy food
>no alcohol or sugary drinks
>drink lots of water
>don't touch your face often
>groom your facial hair
>use all natural soaps, many face washes are just acid that takes off the top protective layer of your skin
>get some sunlight
>wash pillowcases frequently

Do all of these and see results within a week, if not consult a professional.

>> No.8494777

is coca cola zero/diet bad for skin too? apart from aspartame bullshit, cause that shit is in appleseeds too, and nobody dies from eating whole apples.

>> No.8494780


of course it is anon

>> No.8494792
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>eating whole apples.

who the fuck does this

>> No.8494832

Nobody dies from smoking 1 cigarette

>> No.8494872

Haemorrhoid cream. Seriously.
I personally use hirudoid cream on my face to smooth out scars and wrinkles. Sounds like a troll, I was skeptical at first, but I got good results.

It works by improving blood flow to the skin, and stimulating angiogenisis ( new blood vessels growing ). Better blood flow = more oxygen and nutrients to the skin. I swear by it, just don't get it in your eyes.

>> No.8494876

elder ppl anon

>> No.8494881

Exactly this. >>8491013 this is all you really need to see

>> No.8494901

Shave with an electric razor m8

>> No.8494923

kek if this is a troll

>> No.8494949

Accutane, moisturizer if you want, lots of water, regular sleep

>> No.8496159

I've used these, love the smell of the soap, it's a bit on the harsh side though so don't over use it. But these are the kind of products you should go for.

>> No.8496256
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Your skin's condition is a reflection of what you eat. Stay away from foods that acutely alter levels of hormones like pasturized milk and cheap beef. Acne and excessive oil production are the result of your sabecious glands producing to much sebum, which is influenced by levels of DHT and testosterone. Ever wondered why pro athletes and bodybuilders (who do hormone replacement therapy) develop acute acne?

You can thank me later, anon. It took me some years to figure that out, and I cured my own awful skin.

>> No.8496267


>> No.8496329
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My face became so much more clearer after i started wet shaving. The safety razors used to irritate my skin a lot and I was prone to breakouts.

6 months after is started stated wet shaving my skin is considerably better now. It can be expensive to start out with, but its cheaper in the long run.

>pic related. My shaving shit, need to get a better brush though

>> No.8496337

whoa im not a pro athlete (yet :^)) but I don't have fucked up backne what is the cause for this shit in athletes?

>> No.8496349

>not temporary
How high are you?

>> No.8496357


>> No.8496360


>> No.8496369


>> No.8496488

Avoid comedogenic products. This website is rather helpful:

genetics fucked me in the ass hardcore and I still haven't been able to find the perfect combination of washes/moisturizers that will get rid of it. You just might also be one of those people