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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 37 KB, 524x315, commonstation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8449283 No.8449283 [Reply] [Original]

>cool, you got the new playstation anon. how much was it again? Wow, $400 is a pretty good deal.

>cool shoes anon, how much did they cost you. Wth dude, who the fuck spends $400 on shoes?

Why does this happen? Why do people think it's acceptable to spend more money on one thing than another?

>> No.8449291 [DELETED] 

who cares you fucking loser

>> No.8449296

Obviously commoners are going to think it's odd so much was spent on footwear

>> No.8449299

Because a playstation is $400. Shoes range from like $5 to $3000. Paying several times what a norm person would spend on shoes is considered weird. You wouldn't spend $1600 on a playstation that looked a little different would you?

>inb4 shit analogy

>> No.8449318

I find older people have a bad sense of how much shoes should cost because they adjust so slowly to inflation

they'll talk about how they spent the equivalent of $200 on a pair of sneakers back in 1976 but they can't see why you'd spend over $100 now

>> No.8449322

its a pretty shit analogy

>> No.8449334

do normal people think spending 100000+ dollars on a car is stupid?

>> No.8449368

Because not everything has the same worth.

When it comes to shoes, unless they're imported and super-fancy, no one wants shoes above $100

>> No.8449373


To a none car guy, yes. Most people would just want a car that drives and has heat and air. Most purple just want does that cover their feet. They don't care about the features.

>> No.8449379

Common projects are shit though, there's nothing special about them. If you're gonna spend $400 on shoes might as well buy something that doesn't look pleb

>> No.8449431

Doubt it. Most people just can't afford it though.

>> No.8449434

Just lie and say you got them for cheaper, this is simple stuff.

>> No.8449490

That's silly and reeks of insecurity.

Just own it. Clothes are important to you and you're willing to invest in something if you really like it and it's high quality.

Alternate version: Just own it. You're incredibly insecure and have no sense of identity, so when 4chan tells you what shoes you should own in order to look good, you get antsy and feel like your wardrobe isn't good enough until you spend big money on a pair of shoes.

>> No.8449496

>cop barely worn cp's off of a guy from styleforum for 250
>dad notices new shoes and right off the bat asks me how much they were
why the fuck does everyone do this? first thing they do when they see me with a new thing they ask how much it was

>> No.8449498
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I'm going to assume that those sneakers aren't very common

in your projects

>> No.8449508


Just insult them for being poor pieces of shit who can't afford good shoes

That'll show them

>> No.8449515

I'm not shit at lying so it won't seem insecure. I know for a fact I'll get shit from my friends for buying 400 dollar shoes so I'd prefer to avoid it. I don't get how this makes me "incredibly insecure and not have a sense of identity". I don't even own cps so your psychoanalysis isn't correct .

>> No.8449517

"Friends" wouldn't give you shit for that

>> No.8449523

the fuck? you need to relax. you should be able to talk shit with your friends you pussy

>> No.8449524

>buy $80 white tee
>lol what a waste of money! just get a $5 one!

>buy $150 raybans
>theyre much better than generic glasses!

>> No.8449525
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>> No.8449528
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Lel alright

>> No.8449530

nobody can tell the difference between an 80 dollar tee and a 5 dollar one

>> No.8449535

This is a pretty good comparison. It brings up the point that part of it is just people having meh taste.
I think it is just how people perceive clothing. As long as it kinda fits, it is passable. The "Clothes are meant to keep you warm and decent" mentality, rather than being an investment.

>> No.8449545

Said the guy who's never seen an $80 t-shirt up close.
Ray-bans have UV protection. Some generic glasses don't. Not that it completely justifies the price, but there is a difference. Also the build quality of course.

>> No.8449546

its the same with generic wayfarers or clubmasters

>> No.8449547

they are made with glass instead of plastic too

>> No.8449550
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>nobody can tell the difference between an 80 dollar tee and a 5 dollar one
This is what plebs think

>> No.8449560

what a shit picture of the one on the right, and its also a completely different style of shirt

>> No.8449561

Because you are most likely spending well beyond your income. You probably look like shit too.

>> No.8449585
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talk shit post fit

>> No.8449597

serious answer: a lot of people, mostly men, got the fucked up idea that one's worth as a person is how much money they have. the person who finds the best bargains is somehow a more alpha of a male in the same vein. sad

>> No.8449600

no lol the dude is probably living at home with his parents and his dad doesnt want him wasting $250 on shoes

>> No.8449603

umm even a $4 piece of shit from a mall stand would have a UV400 rating
there'sa reason prada, gucci et al's largest profit making product lines are perfume and sunglasses

>> No.8449614

w2c shirt

>> No.8449622

i spent 400$ on cp's.. they have lasted me over 2 years. ofc. you can see they have been worn, but they have lasted the same amounts of time that 4 pairs of nike shoes would. so i think its profit tbh.

>> No.8449624

yeah in Australia all sunglasses HAVE to have a minimum UV rating

>> No.8449626

It's an Acne Limit.

>> No.8449634

this is the thread where the nerds get weeded out

>> No.8449635

i suddenly want shoes with an embroidered playstation 1 logo on them

>> No.8449640

looks good, if only i had your pecs

>> No.8449668

People who aren't into the hobby will always be judgmental.

As someone who plays fighting games I paid $150 for an arcade stick and some people can't believe this.

The worst part about this is that the people who judge you never stop to think how silly they would look to someone who doesn't play video games.

If you're not pirating them, then you could spend $60 on a video game that might not even last you that long.

Of course if you buy something like a role-playing game or multiplayer game then you could possibly spend hundreds of hours on it and get your "moneys worth."

Video games won't always be there, though and clothes will.

Older people with hobbies don't have time for video games unless those hobbies are obviously video games, but then you'll find it harder to relate to people your age unless you work in the video game industry.

Even if you don't have friends who are into fashion, if you're dressed well then it impresses people and showcases something about you.

>> No.8449704
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AF1s ;)

>> No.8449734


a pair of nikes only lasts you 6 months?

>> No.8449771

buying cp's at full retail price is pretty fucking dumb though to be fair, unless you're $$$.

>> No.8449784

just when i thought i'd forgotten about those

i swear if i ever happen upon a buttfuckton of cash i'm copping those and i'll wear them so hard

>> No.8449792
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not OP but no not rlly

i don't prescribe to the idea of owning someone else's footwear

>> No.8449793

>mfw there are 17 year olds out there spending 2,000 dollars of summer job savings on gaming rigs so they can play tf2 on one screen and browse my little pony forums on the other
>mfw that's ok but it's "ridiculous" if i spend more than 200 dollars on any article of clothing ever- even outerwear or shoes

i have to lie constantly to my family about how much my clothes are worth because they would disown me if they knew. meanwhile if i was spending the same amount of money on anime figurines and dragon dildos no one would give a shit, but because fashion is associated with spoiled rich people, vanity, and excess, i am apparently a financial wreck for involving myself with it

>> No.8449799

I think buying them preowned is worse. They form to their foot, and it's not new man? Come on.

>> No.8449803

double standards m8

most ppl think both are ridiculous

>> No.8449861

if cobblers and tailors who weren't eastern European immigrants who've never touched actual nice clothing or shoes before still existed in the US I'd be willing to shell out more money for threads

>> No.8449966

yeah. you can get a new above average car in luxury/safety for a lot less than that.

>> No.8450411

You obviously don't have any real friends or they are all boring.

>> No.8450440


I've worn a pair of converse for well over 2 years before and they didnt cost $400

>> No.8450499
File: 8 KB, 192x279, 1369154584354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my brother send me a pic of geos with the price underneath
>"dont you own these?"

>> No.8450505

I always boost the price so people think I'm rich.

>> No.8450506

makes sense tho

>> No.8450529

Real laugh

>> No.8450549

When you dress well, there are always going to be people who want to cut you down. They can't really say you dress bad, so they try to imply that you're just looking good because you spend a lot of money on it.

But if that's something you're worried about then you might want to consider just buying mall-tier cheap clothing. There's no point in buying expensive clothes if you're insecure about them anyway, if only just for the price.

>> No.8450574

wow you're what's wrong with society

>> No.8450593

please show us a 5$ shirt witht the same style

>> No.8450618

hours of enjoyment, socializing.

A plain shoe everyone else will think is a pair of plain adidas or cheap trainers

thats why.

>> No.8450628

Video games are fun to play. Shoes are just things you put on your feet hoping that others notice how fashionable you are. Its pathetic tbh, and those are ugly as fuck. That's why most people don't understand. You look like you're trying too hard.
Its gross.

>> No.8450817

The one on the right might look good too if it weren't puffed out like a fat dudebro is wearing it.

I'm a really skinny guy and $5 white shirts look good on me.

>> No.8451267

>hoping that others notice how fashionable you are.

lmao ok

>> No.8451289

>there'sa reason prada, gucci et al's largest profit making product lines are perfume and sunglasses
because they are good glasses despite fuccbois unjustly bashing the brand over their unreasonable assumptions???

If you think a pair of Raybans are just as good as $10 vans sunglasses you are a delusional fuccboi

>> No.8451316

you are just the SHITTEST

>> No.8451321

hmmm hours of entertainment or something you wear on your foot to get attention...

>> No.8451350

its a cultural thing.

america from the start has generally been anti-intellectual, anti-high culture, etc. no one liked being looked down on, it started from the fucking colonial days. its started to spread into other countries for the past like 90 years.

its so ingrained in our culture that the only thing its acceptable to spend a lot on is something that's fetishized: cars, gaming, etc

dont even get me started on the cognitive dissonance required to pull this off. upper middle class people buy enormous houses (that look like shit because they are modeled after shitty lower middle class houses, just supersized) and wear overpriced shit design tennis shoes made by poor children in india or china or half a dozen other countries. people will kill for brand loyalty to something like pepsi or coke, but wont think anything of where their actual food is coming from or what major clothes company's business practices are like.

all of america is new money. its been 200+ years and we are still new money and its hilariously embarrassing

>> No.8451559

w2c everything

>> No.8451587 [DELETED] 

Oh jeez look at this faggot. A historian and an economist ALL IN ONE! Shut the fuck up bitch stop acting like you know all this shit. You are not intellectual, you are a tryhard pussy.

>> No.8451588

nah there are obvious differences

>> No.8451596

>Why do people think it's acceptable to spend more money on one thing than another?
Would pay the same amount for open heart surgery as a toothbrush? Fuggin commie.
Anyways the PS4 is stupid, as well as video games in general.

Watch animu instead!

>> No.8451606

>comparing an electronic entertainment system with shoes
how retarded are you?
if i had this amount of money for shoes i would get custom made instead.
Brands are stupid. Fit, quality and look are the only important factors and nothing beats custom made stuff.

>> No.8451622

Dior Homme
Wing + Horns

>> No.8451626

I'd suck ur dick, don't like the hair though

>> No.8451633

You're a pleb either way. 50-150 for sneakers, 200-350 for boots. Build a computer yourself unless you're a mongoloid.

>> No.8451641
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>> No.8451652

You mean a scoop neck?


>> No.8451698

sooooo how much did you spend to look like a basic average guy? you could buy that all at the mall for like $200

>> No.8451718
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>> No.8451734

post your fit that is better?

>> No.8451736

very nice comparison bro, upboat
I have been regularly wearing my Nike AM1s for 4 years in decent condition

>> No.8451843

Not really, since most of /fa/ faggots think higher price=better quality/design, when that isn't really tha case.

You can get 100euro shoes that last longer/look nicer than some designer 500euro shoes.

>> No.8451845

Most people on /fa/ aren't rich either, so that doesn't work.

>> No.8452111

It's called a sale. I got a brand new pair for $200.

>> No.8452159

I'd actually pay more for a white playstation. The white ps3 is godly. But I do get you're point.

The thing it comes down to is ignorance really or they couldn't care less about better quality materials n stuff.

Sometimes paying more for something isn't always better however. You just gotta trust in who you're buying from and your own judgement.

it shouldn't be about whether other people can see a difference. It's whether the difference is apparent to the individual and they benefit from the difference.

>> No.8452663

I wore nikes for 2 years to the gym 5 days a week. I still wear them if I'm going to cardio row. I also wore them while unloading freight 1 day a week. And skated in them. The only thing that's happened is the foam soles are worn down to the actual rubber sole. And they're dirty as fuck.

>> No.8452669

It's a perfect analogy lol.

>> No.8452672



>> No.8452676

Yes, the majority of people would think spending anywhere close to that on a car is stupid.

Do you just not have any social connections at all, or what?

>> No.8452678
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well CPs have a poor value and cost $400 due to hype and spokesmanship. they are really $200 shoes you have to pay double for.

the ps4 actually costs more than $400 to make, and it would cost way more than $400 to buy a PC to play similar games on similar settings.

so "normal" people would see what is called "value" in the PS4, and "poor value" in the CP's because they are merely inflated in cost due to name and hype, not quality.

as far as shoes go, $400 "value" shoes do exist, but CPs are not in that league

>plain leather sneaker, above average quality

you know it's dumb, you just fell for the hype.

>> No.8452690

only dummies pay retail for CeePees anyways, they're always on sale at some place or another

>> No.8452701

What ever happened to thrift shop fashion?
Oh that's right, nothing, someone just convinced you all that wearing all black $100+ pieces is "fashion" haha.

>> No.8452714

You know how much it costs Pizza Hut or Dominoes to make a pizza. Like 75cents. NIGGA U FELL FOR THE HYPE.

the fact is "worth" is subjective and if you like them and can afford them then anyone telling you 'lul u coulda jus bought something cheaper xD" is a poorfag.

>> No.8452716

>ending your post with 'haha'


>> No.8452720
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>the ps4 actually costs more than $400 to make

>> No.8452722


sure pizza is obviously a higher profit margin business due to being in the food service industry. most pizzas generally cost in the same range, with higher quality pizza costing a bit more. the alternatives to pizza are close in price.

PS4: alternatives are close in price; xbox- $500, PC $600+

CP's actually have any alternatives that are half the cost and similar quality, and then lower quality shoes for $100. CP's don't hold a candle to shoes that are a "value" at $400.

the point of value is the comparison to the alternative. so you can justify your purchase of CP's all you want but in the end you know that you fell for the hype.

>> No.8452736

i dont own them. your argument just doesn't make any sense at all and only sounds like you're trying to justify your closet full of nikes and vans. if someone has the money and they like the shoe. there's no hype there. they are good looking shoes. the fact that there may be similar quality shoes for half the price is completely irrelevant.

>> No.8452937

Hype raises prices. It's simple economics. CP can charge $400 for a shoe that another company can only charge $200 for, because they have a brand name that is sought after.

>> No.8452957
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>preaching about inherent value
>on a fashion forum
fucking poorfags and their defense mechanisms i swear

>> No.8452963
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it's true homey. they make profits through other means.

>> No.8452996

I think if you made one it would cost more than 400 but cos they are made in bulk in the millions it starts to make a definite profit

>> No.8453031
File: 443 KB, 542x695, rah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, you're wrong. they make money with games and online subscriptions.


>> No.8453066

huh, fair enough. Not sure how accurate the source is but it's not too far-fetched.

I guess I'm right eventually
>Perhaps more importantly, the fact that the PS4 is built using standard x86 architecture—essentially the same basic components powering home computers—the cost of manufacturing the PS4 is much less than the PS3, and should go down over the years.

whats with the pic

>> No.8453085

Its all about knowledge though. The average person knows more about computers than actual fashion. Even if they don't even know how to use a computer they'll still think, "wow that's a lot of money, I bet it does so many things" when someone tells them they spent $2000 on a computer. They've seen computers do amazing things in movies and television whereas fashion is more often made fun of rather than shown positively in popular media. It gets especially bad if the person thinks of places like h&m and forever 21 as high fashion.

>> No.8453102 [DELETED] 

its about quality too. I honestly hate gildan with a passion after those recent commercials about one of their shirts being someone's favorite. Gildan is the type of thing you find in a dirty gas station in the middle of nowhere. There is a threshold where paying more won't increase quality (I'll let you decide on your own) and I'm also not saying a $5 tshirt will never look good, but if you spend more money on the thing you're more likely to get better quality and that'll make it easier to look better.

>> No.8453158
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it's my gf. I also wanted to respond to this comment...

>well CPs have a poor value and cost $400 due to hype and spokesmanship. they are really $200 shoes you have to pay double for.

first of all, what the hell is spokesmanship?

more importantly, there are no similar shoes that retail for $200. the $400 price isn't that ridiculous. three things make CPs appealing/unique. they are 1) made in Italy, 2) have stitched Margom soles, and 3) have quality leather uppers. you can't have a leather shoe like this made in Italy retail for $200. it doesn't happen. now I'm not saying this because I believe CPs and everything made in Italy is of the absolute finest quality; it's just plain expensive to manufacture there. If you don't believe me, check out this list of Italian shoe manufacturers: http://www.italianmoda.com/linksindex.cfm?categoriaid=96&searchtype=1

as you can see, there's a wholesale price range for each factory. then a shoe company makes profit by selling to retailers. then retailers mark up the price for consumers so they can make a profit as well. compare the prices on ItalianModa to AliBaba and you'll start to understand why stuff from Italy is priced the way it is. again, it's just really expensive to get stuff made there.

so yeah, it's just not possible for CPs to retail at $200. there's certainly some designer/coolness factor markup, but it's not near what you're suggesting. look at Svennson... they make essentially the same shoes but don't really have any hype around their brand, and their shoes retail for $350. it's brands like Lanvin that sell similar shoes at retail for $700 or whatever that are using their name to make a killing.

>> No.8453189

quality post

>> No.8453196

This entire thread is implying things have to be economical. Luxury items exist for a reason, and it's not just in fashion. Going out for dinner is a luxury item, getting a new t.v is a luxury item, etc.. its just these are more culturally accepted ways of spending your money in society, as 'clothes are just clothes, anon'

>> No.8453232

Cps are worth nowhere near $400

The only people who pay that are idiots who need the internet to tell them what to wear and bought some used ass common projects for $390 or some shit off styleforum

Even though the Asian college kid fleecing him paid like $120 bnib clerance

>> No.8453262
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>> No.8453265

>Cps are worth nowhere near $400
you should really wrap your head around the word 'worth' before you talk shit

>> No.8453298

>Most purple just want does that cover their feet.

I know exactly what you were trying to say but that took my brain to an absolute stand-still for a few seconds

>> No.8453405

Nigga I've had a pair of Asos shoes that I bought for $50 for 2 years and they show absolutely no signs of stopping. The sole is slightly worn but they look brand new.

This is a pair of shoes from ASOS. Asos, the brand that probably gets the most flak for having shit-tier quality products. Not to mention I've worn them once a week for 10 hours and then 6 days a week for up to 12 hours at a time during the holidays (they're my work shoes).

I have no doubt that CPs are better shoes but nah fuck that, longevity can't prove everything

>> No.8453431

This guy got it 100% right and explained everything within two posts yet this thread is still going.

Also you could debate a console is worth more than a pair of shoes. It sure as hell does more.

>> No.8453524

>buys 3 150$ pairs of N&F jeans.
>Anon those are really expensive why would you do that?

God forbid someone spends 50$ on jeans right?

>> No.8453526


>> No.8453574

a fair few people on this board have given positive feedback in regards to asos shoes (not the sneakers, they're shit). i have some derbies from asos and yeah they're actually decent for the price

>> No.8453605

what are you, a Britbong? that was terrible

>> No.8453622

somehow have the illusion that electronics are worth it because it all complicated tech stuff
they dont grasp its a cheap piece of shit to produce while a quality garment or shoe takes actual work

>> No.8453631

> $400 "value" shoes do exist
come on, here in europe we still have some crafters who can make shoes to measure for you in a traditional way
you can say 400 dollar value shoes from factories don't exist. but not that such shoes in general don#t exist
if you arent willing to drop a few hundred for a handcrafted product you#re a fuccboi

>> No.8453635

>real friends are supposed to give you shit for buying expensive shoes
sure, kid

>> No.8453647

It's called the razor-and-blades business model. Sony takes a loss on every playstation it sells but makes a killing on games and licensing fees for 3rd-party developers

>> No.8453684


It does not mean that an individual console actually cost 400 dollars to assemble but that

cost of putting it out on the market > number of consoles sold times 400

Most of the money goes into developement and marketing, while assembling an individual console is cheap as fuck.
It's like with books, you dont pay the paper and ink but the work it takes to write, revise and publish it.

>> No.8453993


thats what I said; they do exist. are you retarded?

>> No.8454029


Made in italy: who gives a shit?
Margom Soles: there's ~$100 shoes with them
quality leather uppers: what $200 shoe wouldn't?

your analysis of why they can't retail for $200 isn't worth picking apart, you're clueless.

that being said, buy what makes you happy. if you need to get ripped off... go for it.

people talk up over priced shoes to justify their purchase all the time.

>> No.8454080
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>be poorfag on the train wearing $380 shoes and poorfag clothes.
>look around
>carriage is full of productive men, probably quite wealthy, wearing suits.
>and dirty shoes that look >50 dollars.

>> No.8454085

>things make CPs appealing/unique.
>made in Italy

i'm not knocking your cop: but isn't there like a whole italian province filled with spaghettiniggers making cheap ass shoes?

>> No.8454093
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>> No.8454161


yeah, "made in italy" does not translate to "quality" anymore

>> No.8454175

I would smash your gfs ass

>> No.8454193

I think everyone is mad that I own a pair. It just seems like as soon as I copped a pair everyone on this board went nuts talking shit. That or a bunch of ugly nerd newfags from another board that really shouldn't even be here just got here and they don't understand that really in the fashion world those shoes are on the lower end.

>> No.8454241

Last year its all abous cps, geos, margiellas. Now everybody hates it. How many times are we gonna argue the real reason cps are expensive because everything is pale in comparison. We compared it to adrians, slps and various white sneakers and CPs reigns supreme. Hype or no hype cps are unique for a white sneakers. You just have pleb eyes for aesthetics if you see it as an ordinary shoe like ordinary people. If you can't take the heat from ordinary people for wearing $400 shoes then just be like them and stop your fashiom hobby.

>> No.8454258

you can't buy a cheaper playstation that does the same job

>> No.8454262

>shoes for 400$
>custom made


>> No.8454269

Pretty sure all other playstations play games. Only thing your missing out on is graphical capabilities which is sort of like the shoe quality argument.

>> No.8454299

dumbest fucking analogy
people pay for what they think it's worth, most people don't give a shit about fashion so why spend 400 bucks on a shoe when a 100 one does the job?

>but muh quality
better quality justifies big prices only to certain point, beyond that it's only the brand-loyal dumbfucks trying to justify their waste of money talking about advantages no one but him notices

>> No.8454302

> you can't have a leather shoe like this made in Italy retail for $200. it doesn't happen.

I find this claim a bit questionable.

The UK, which has overall a higher cost of living than Italy, has a slew of lower tier shoemanufacturers that manage to keep rolling quite well with their lines of ~200€-range UK-made shoes.

Yeah, they're a completely different style than your usual CP, and many of them have cheaper lines manufactured elsewhere, but none the less they put out ~200€ shoes, made in western europe, on quality (for the price) materials.

>> No.8454319

Where do you buy custom shoes for 400$ that aren't made in a factory?

Or are you just counting the MTO programs of different shoemakers? Either way, sign me up plz?

400$ is like 300+€. Even something like Carmina or Meermin MTOs is more expensive than that, and Meermin makes their shit in China. Best value for money Vass starts at around ~550€, and with that you can't modify the shoe style, only materials and fit.

Hook me up plz

>> No.8454326

Everybody is mad. Stay mad you plebs. Stick to pleb tier clothing plebeians.

>> No.8454335

ur the maddest fggt here, fggt

>> No.8454338

The only problem with CP's is that they use to be about half the price before they became popular, they jacked it up for no reason at all.
The quality is still the same.

Oh but now they removed the gold lettering which is cool too.

>> No.8454363

>400 dollars
>leather converse

>coulda spent 400 on YSL Johnny boots instead

>> No.8454364
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You walk cock, i walk cp.

>> No.8454388
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So what can you tip on someone's shoes to ruin them forever but be stealthy enough that they don't notice right away?

>> No.8454397

if they really look like converse to you, and if boots are an alternative to low-top sneakers to you then you clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>le buying new shoes XD
>not buying used YSL boots instead XDDD
i'll pass

>> No.8454402

>implying you can't get new YSL Johnnys for $400

>decided to literally spend $400 on the most boring converse copies out there
>a-a-a-a-a-a-aaa-t l-l--l-least I got a gold serial no.

>> No.8454408

>converse copy
>integrating that anyone can even see the gold letters
no but you're wrong and stupid

>I bought these sick YSL boots 70% off final sale on ssense
>raf jumper coming in the mail soon
>deepsalefam we in this
>can't return these ugly boots so i'll just pretend to like them
>ima just wear my sisters pants suck my cheeks in and smoke while I pretend i'm a model for YSL
>"lmao nice faggot boots anon did your dad buy you those?"
>"lmao those shoes come with a heel on them, are you gay anon?"
>"haha everybody check it out! anon looks like a fat hedi slimane with downs syndrome!"
#lel #kek

>> No.8454410
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>why do different items have different values?
This is probably the stupidest thread I've seen on any board, ever.

>> No.8454411

emperor's new clothes, dude.
if a pleb can't tell the difference then you best believe 90% of people think like that.
something worth considering, even if you don't care for their opinions.

>> No.8454415

I don't care what plebs think

but this guy is saying "don't buy low top sneakers, you can get boots for the same price instead" is fucking retarded. Even my most fashion illiterate friends can see the difference between a pair of common projects and stan smiths. Of course they see the differences in person and don't just assume shit based off of .jpg images they see. Fuccbois on /fa/ like to tell you that nobody will be able to tell the difference between shitty shoes/clothes and nice shoes/clothes, but they are wrong as fuck

even some fucking ramones sneakers will turn heads and get you compliments, and literally nobody but fuccbois from /fa/ will ask you if they are converse because they are so very clearly different in person

>> No.8454416

i understand that you have a case of butthurt when it comes to the fact that you paid $400 for leather converse sneakers with black piping but it's just true m8

>> No.8454429

damn you got me good bro epically trolled

I paid $400 for leather converse ouch XD and 3 years later they're still in great condition. How are your converse? what? you burned through 4 pairs and they all got destroyed in under 3 months? sorry to hear that

>> No.8454430


Possibly not, but if someone bitches about your shoes being too expensive it's easier to tell them you're rich than to tell them you spend most of your money on new kicks

>> No.8454438


>common projects

get ya mind right pleb.
have you even held a pair of common projects?
Sounds like you are just a poorfag who is speculating.

>> No.8454441


Heh... that's a good point m8

>> No.8454444

Never said I bought any converse sneakers, lel. And yeah, you did get epicly troled. Not by me though, but by the /fa/ hype machine.

>> No.8454463


I got trolled into spending money on a pair of shoes that ended up lasting me several years. I should have listened to all the fuccbois on /fa/ who told me to buy Roshes and Adidas

>> No.8454504

I rather spend my money on real life items then buy a video game that is going to do nothing for me as a person but waste my time.

For some reason the nerds can't understand this so they make a thread bitching about it.

Let me explain it like this you idiots are wasting hours of your life in a virtual world that in reality accomplishes nothing for you.

I buy a expensive pair of minimalistic high quality shoes that look good on me but most likely your overweight nerdy goofy ass won't look good in so you get buttmad and make a thread bitching about it. Go play your anime card game or something stick to LoL mine craft runescape permavirgin shit don't come here and act like someone who buys a expensive pair of shoes wrong because it's just a pair of shoes. It's more then that IMO it's something that I make look good but you probably never will because your too busy jerking off to children's anime and playing league of legends like a autistic man child.

Next thing these broke losers are gonna bitch when I work on my bad ass car. Why did you buy those seats anon are you just a try hard idiot? Why don't you buy video games instead.

That's pretty much what is going on in this thread.

>> No.8454505

>I buy a expensive pair of minimalistic high quality shoes that look good on me but most likely your overweight nerdy goofy ass won't look good in

uhm who the fuck looks goofy in cps?

>> No.8454517


>> No.8454522

Most Saint Laurent footwear is too feminine looking

>> No.8454546

My adidas trainers have lasted more than 2 years.

>> No.8454562

never took so much money to look so poor

>> No.8454950

different aesthetics

also YSL a shit

>> No.8454959

>Most purple just want does that cover their feet.
>Most purple just want does that cover their feet.
>Most purple just want does that cover their feet.
>Most purple just want does that cover their feet.

my brain is melt

>> No.8454965

>different aesthetics

brokeboi and actual style

>> No.8454979

>real style
>"oh boy what did hedi make for me this season?! I wonder if the jcp womens section has similar..."

>> No.8454988

stay mad, wallflower
the big boys are bringing out their moves

>> No.8455087

hellooooo honey

>> No.8455136
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Inflation, rise of upkeep costs, and the recession you moron

If CPs competitors (Svensson, National Standard, and Buttero to name a few) that are nowhere near as hyped but still have around the same price range ($350-450) as CP for most of their sneakers, how has CP been inflated "for no reason at all"?

ITT: poorfags who have no idea what they're talking about

I blame OP's /v/-tier analogy

>> No.8455142

tbh common project leather feels the same as my adidas samba leather, which feels worse than my af1 leather.

>> No.8455152

cool story bro

>> No.8455230

>fat people

>> No.8455330


> converse copy

They are Stan Smith copies you newfag

>> No.8455353

Are you fucking stupid or what? Different things are worth different amounts what a retarded question, kill yourself.

>> No.8455462

as a foreigner I have trouble understanding you

>> No.8455481
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>> No.8455584

A playstation can last 5 years, play thousands of games, movies and tv shows, providing hours of entertainment

Shoes are worn for a few months until they either fall apart of are out of fashion

>> No.8455588

Shoes encourage you to go outside ;)

>> No.8455593

You can go outside wearing any shoes, or without shoes

>> No.8455795

>Shoes are worn for a few months until they either fall apart of are out of fashion

after 5 years I have a pair of nike that just need a bit of glue on the tip, the shoes obviously look worn, but they're definitely still wereable
same with a pair of lacoste sneakers I have since 3+ years
learn how to take care of your shoes

>> No.8455813

$150 is the most i'd pay for any single garment

i want some variety and quality

>> No.8455842

Not the same guy but

>made in italy who gives a shit ?

Right ? Who gives a shit about manufacturing your products in a country that has a tradition of making good shoes, I mean are you serious ? There's a few places in europe where you can have high quality sneakers made, because people there know how to make them and work with the materials. And that's why high fashion brands have their shoes made there.

The price is also based on a brand image factor : selling your items for 400 puts you in another league price wise. But that doesn't mean the quality of the product is terrible and they're just selling at this price to rip you off. All you're saying is that you don't feel like paying that sum for these shoes, you haven't proved anything.

So let me get this straight : you can make lower quality shoes, in other parts of the world than italy, for less than common projects made in italy ? that's truly amazing.

Again, when you get in touch with a shoe maker in italy or portugal, it means you want a certain type of product, and the workshop is going to ask for a certain price of that skill in shoe making too.

>> No.8455862

so basically your whole post was

>i waste money on overpriced shit to look rich

>> No.8455901

Nowhere in my post did I say that, I mean good job on completly disregarding the part where I talked about the importance of where the items are made and by whom (protip : that part was pretty much the whole post)

And if you've noticed, what bothers people a lot of the time is that the shoes precisely DONT make you look rich, otherwise why would people say (or pretend) that it's so easy to confuse cps with converse sneakers ? I don't own common project shoes, I don't really want to, but it's not because I'm insecure about the clothes I buy or because I think I'm entitled to a "factory price" on everything, as if that was how things worked. See >>8452957, although I'm not into that poorfag vs rich guys thing, it's just retarded when we're talking about 400 dollars

>> No.8455906
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fuccbois have never seen good shoes before

so are impressed by cheap suede liner, leather insole (even seen on low end bostintonian brand shoes) and cup soles (muh sole stich b teh soul of the shoe homie, that shit be rare yo dawg)

styleforum SW&D is the biggest fucking joke on the planet

>> No.8455908

>>muhh Reibunzz
There might be a difference, but the price is not proportional to that difference. It's true that even the shittiest sunglasses have UV protection, I've read an article where they tested glasses from Chinese shops using optometrist's machines and they all passed. UV protective polycarbonate is cheap.

This applies to basically all high end brands. There is a difference quality, yes, but there's also a markup of brand prestige. raybans have become an aspirational brand bought by plebs who want to show off while convincing themselves and everyone else that their sunnies are engineered by NASA.

>> No.8455938

It seems like you just picked one factor that counts towards making a good pair of sunglasses (UV protection), as if that characteristic by itself somehow made the chinese knockoff the same as the original.

There's a good chance you're wasting more money buying the chinese knockoff than you are buying the real thing. At least, I have trouble imagining you keeping the fake ones for as long as you would the real ones.You're right about the brand prestige thing, but it's not like this prestige is built over nothing, that doesn't happen. And if the objective value of the object is exceeded by it's price in such a way that it's too expensive, don't buy them. Doesn't make the knockoff better or equivalent.

>> No.8455939
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kek that's brilliant

this is what they deserve for being nosy jews, let them be jelly

>> No.8455941

You will never understand why you're so dumb, and that's pretty worrying.

>> No.8455955

If I wear 11 in nike flyknit, what size in Achilles low?

>> No.8455957



>> No.8455976


Swastikas in UV ink

>> No.8455985


>> No.8455992

>neo black

fucking neck beard market cornered


>> No.8455993

although make sure the faggot goes to bars and clubs else he'll never be in contact with blacklight

>> No.8455996

Idk man. Don't you size up one with all Nike althetics? I own size 11 in Nike Frees, but am a size 10 & this bought a 42 in CPs.

>> No.8456664
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>> No.8456708

They don't form to your fucking foot. Their mid-soles are made out of rubber, not cork.

>> No.8456715

>hours of enjoyment, socializing

>> No.8456736

"Made in Italy" is a claim with no regulation making it true. Stuff that is made in Italy is usually made in China or elsewhere. Now, as I recall, CPs are made in the Buttero factory, which actually is in Italy, but while the CPs cost $400 or more, the Buttero shoes are only $270.

>> No.8457024

You can't have something Made in Italy, but actually Made in China. What I assume you're trying to say is that said Made in Italy item was manufactured in Italy with part & laborers from China, which has actually become a problem.

>> No.8457047

that was fucking wack and you know you samefagged hard

>> No.8457048

their sneakers are 360 euro. thats a lot more than cps.

>> No.8457064

>You can't have something Made in Italy, but actually Made in China.
It was my understanding that while the constituent materials are sourced from Italy, the final products were made in China, but since there is no regulatory body determining what can and cannot bear a "Made in Italy" label, all of these things did. Luxottica sunglasses get "Made in Italy" printed on them, but the actual assembly happens in China.

>> No.8457069

>their sneakers are 360 euro
Where? The website has them listed at 200 to 225 euros.

>> No.8457071


>> No.8457105

No, that's not how it works. Luxottica takes all the parts produced from China & then assembles them in Italy. I could buy a pair of sunglasses that had 50% of it's parts from China & 50% of it's parts from Mexico. But if it was assembled in Italy, that is what the Made In will say.