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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 91 KB, 512x768, asian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8441647 No.8441647 [Reply] [Original]

Do asians have some kind of special ability that allows them to look good in anything they wear? Even if the person is ugly and wearing a rag, i've noticed they can still pull it off somehow

>> No.8441649

It's because they are genetically unable to gain weight, whether through fat or muscle.

>> No.8441660
File: 60 KB, 342x517, fat asian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8441661

Fat ones can still pull it off too

>> No.8441690

Honestly it seems like they're so inherently unattractive just by being asian that the usual criticisms/judgments don't even get activated.

Cover up the face of the guy in your pic and you'll realize how awful that fit is. That guy would get laughed out of a WAYWT. He just gets a pass because he's asian and he really doesn't register, anyway.

>> No.8441698

ching-chong dong wong pls go

>> No.8441703

because darker skin tones open availability to more color theory options

>> No.8441709

>literally dadsomething wearing dadcore

isnt that the point

>> No.8441711

Asians always look better in photos because they are more conscious of their surroundings. They all look super tall but, in reality they are all five three manlets and that's in eurometers.

>> No.8441716

asians (mostly japs tho) have access to numerous brands that cater to certain styles (yohji, lad musician, the armoury, wtaps, buzz rickson) whereas yurop only wants to jack off to their cps and acne max while america relies on nikes and whatever mall shit that's affordable

>> No.8443312

The average jap height is actually fairly close to the average white man height now. They were only short before because they were a developing country, whereas they are now first world. They're still like two inches shorter on average, though, as their development occurred within the last 70 years.

>> No.8443318

Holy fuck. This is making a lot of sense.

>> No.8443320

I forgot to clarify that their height was being hindered by the lack of available nutrition.

>> No.8443322



>> No.8443325

Average height in animeland:
Average height in 'Murica:
>2 inches
nigga wut

>> No.8443330

it still counts the avg height of the past generation

>> No.8443339


>> No.8443340

>average height in murica

>> No.8443351

ok, where do you live?

>it's 5'10" in america

>> No.8443408

short and ugly so clothes seem great in comparison?

>> No.8443413

They're thin.

>> No.8443426

The average height in japan is 5'7 you stupid cunt, it's on the wikipedia article.

Holy shit, posting on 4chan is always the most obnoxious process because people don't feel the need to check their facts because they don't have a name attached to them.

>> No.8443452

ayy lamo

>ayy lamo
>5'7 is still manlet tier

>> No.8443468

I'm 6'0 and I'm Asian and I'd say not too bad looking.

>> No.8443472

what point are you trying to make

>> No.8443488

It seems to me that the cause may have something to do with the social norms of Japan's fashion scene.

People dress very strangely in Japan compared to America or Britbongland, so it's more common for Japanese folk to have outfits that would normally gather a lot of attention in America/Britbongland. Because of this normality, the wearers of the clothing aren't these socially anxious nerds like people on /fa/ are, always afraid that the group of girls they passed is staring at the back of their heads and laughing.

Looking natural/confident in the clothing that you wear is critical. The person in the OPs picture isn't dressed elaborately, he just looks like some mildly successful dad, but he looks natural. It looks like the clothes he's wearing are being worn by someone who is meant to be wearing them.

I like to think of it in terms of character design in films. People on /fa/ will get boners for films that have good character design, but they fail to realize that one aspect of good character design is to have outfits that suit the character. And then they post these shit outfits on waywt where you can sense the lack of confidence as they stand in front of a dirty ass mirror and have shit posture. Japland has certain social circumstances that allow them to dress themselves without much fear of scrutiny by their peers.

>> No.8443491

ayy lamo

>> No.8443502

5'10 is manlet tier too, shitwit.

>> No.8443508

I'm not short.
And I'm not 5'3.

>> No.8443544

how's getting women outside your race? I'm honestly curious.

>> No.8443556

Very difficult. Being an Asian male sucks. Hell, it's even hard to get Asian girls let alone white girls

>> No.8443558

You live in the US? Do you get really mad when you see white/black/hispanic guys get asian girls?

>> No.8443590

It's called confidence. Mix that with not caring about the thoughts of others then you are truly /fa/.

>> No.8443595

Yeah, US. I don't get mad. White guy-asian girl couples are incredibly common. It is a little discouraging though because I'm not even an autist or anything nor fat but still >no qt asian gf.

>> No.8443618
File: 74 KB, 719x960, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, you just gotta exude confidence brother. And I usually notice how much the asians love height so you have that going for you.

>> No.8443620
File: 247 KB, 1600x900, whatever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one minute, disregard that faggot, he's not me.

>> No.8443631

My first girlfriend was some mormon white girl, very boring dumped her after a month.
I've been with my current 1/4th black, 3/4th vietnamese gf for 8 months.
It really isn't hard, if a girl has Asian fever I'm everything she wants and more.
Asian girls really like me because I'm tall for an Asian.
I don't get mad, I don't really care.

>> No.8443635


Now to off myself.


>> No.8443637

Whoops, this is me.

>> No.8443638

Lol sorry I didn't realize he was replying to you specifically.

>> No.8443642

Well that's great man.

Don't take it serious.

You can continue talking, I just thought you were that guy.

>> No.8443650

It's fine I thought you were trying to be a faggot an imitating me.
How tall are you?
Being Asian you can pull off a lot of fits a lot easier than white people, and wearing anime shirts don't look weird.
I wore a totoro shirt to an asian party and girls were getting wet.

>> No.8443665
File: 37 KB, 400x498, 1396189485639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd say that is also true with blacks.

Indians will look like shit with anything.

>> No.8443685

it's a bodytype thing

most indian men have wider hips so it looks bad. I know this one that has a perfect physique. he can pull off rags if he wanted too.

I'm honestly jelly. Sometimes I want to cop some AoT shirts and I'm like fuck, I'll look like a creeper.

>> No.8443688

5'10", it's not great but it's not too bad.

I should've tried harder to get into Asian clubs at my school. Hard to find Asian qts otherwise.

>> No.8443703
File: 1.63 MB, 200x300, Asian Gifs-001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all confidence brother.

>> No.8443730
File: 1.13 MB, 209x180, 1rjp2985.wizardchan.1374359584465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have more cuties?

>> No.8443735
File: 2.84 MB, 1280x720, Asian WebM-001.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 81 gifs, 600ish photos and i think 10 webms. Not that large.

>> No.8443744
File: 1.31 MB, 320x180, 1386973214877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Would you?

>> No.8443749

She makin them blowjob and completion movements tho?
Muh dikkk

>> No.8443760

Instantly in love

>> No.8443819
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, Asian WebM-008.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem feelz

>> No.8443823

>offtopic webm shitpost spam

>> No.8443829

she's /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.8443842

Bullshit. That's just an excuse Americans use to justify their obesity problem.

>> No.8443848

shitpost somewhere else

>> No.8443855

Here's my theory:

When you look at an Asian man you are aware that you aren't familiar with their society, so you don't know what kind of stereotype to attach to their sense of style. Looking at a white guy, you can instantly divine whether you think he's a fuccboi because you can think of hundreds of similar-looking white boys. So you can right away detect that he reads GQ, or skateboards, or is a kissless virgin, etc.

So it just looks like everything Asians wear is unusual or out of context, which makes it cool. It just looks like they all don't give a fuck. Which isn't true, but we have no way to know which Asian guys give a shit about what

>> No.8443858

>We're not the same person. I swear.

>> No.8443872



I just got back from some travelling, and in the airports i'd see big groups of jap tourists. They all dressed really weird(guys and their GFs wore matching outfits, colorways of NBs i'd never seen before, weird longs scarfs and strangely shaped eyeglasses). it was hard to say whether or not they were actually fashionable because it was all just so different. Most of it wasn't very "fashion-conscious" once I really took a look at it, but it was definitely eyecatching.

>> No.8443895


>> No.8443903

I want weeaboos to leave.

>> No.8443976
File: 764 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typical Asian fuccboi

>> No.8443981

looks good
would cop everything
plus he's got a cutie with him

>> No.8443993

>5' 11"
>white girls line up to get fucked
Motherfuckers don't realize how important confidence is when getting poontangs.

>> No.8443995

Seriously, how do you lose face fat as an asian?

>> No.8444003

>dick sucking x10

>> No.8444008


>> No.8444009

best thread

>> No.8444031

Look who's talking

>> No.8444036

post fit

>> No.8444166
File: 548 KB, 1280x720, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8444190

you look like a bitch

>> No.8444212

oh shit this guy.

why do you shit post here and on /soc/ daily

>> No.8444233

Kek you can have the ugly white girls. I'd let you have the cute ones too but that isn't relevant since you probably don't get any

>> No.8444240

Lol worse than I expected

>> No.8444246
File: 259 KB, 1600x1200, 1404305504739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most East-Asian women are ugly and look like they have downs syndrome.
You're being spoonfed streamlined media of these "Asian princesses" from a country that has multiple population epidemics, reproduction problems etc.

The Japanese are also highly xenophobic, and it's considered shameful for a Japanese woman to have a relationship with a White man.
Sorry weebs, and enjoy the video.


>> No.8444251
File: 439 KB, 1024x683, 1404310344138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh Asian schoolgirls!

>> No.8444289

Youre saying this as if youre telling us some groundbreaking shit for the first time. We know fag, most white girls are ugly too. Idc if some jaoanese ppl are xenophobic. Thats like someone telling people in Japan that americans are extremely patriotic. Im American, I dont give a fuck that im from America

>> No.8444295

kek, what point are you making?

>> No.8444310

That nod, why? Like if she were falling asleep?

>> No.8444313

I think it was her just acknowledging the camera.

>> No.8444337

most of those grills look p qt tho

>> No.8444339

My gf does that same nod with the same smile when she's sleepy.

>> No.8444350
File: 3.44 MB, 1600x1200, 1404426869508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are attractive enough. And they're probably confident enough with themselves to disobey mommy and daddy and suck some foreign cock.

>> No.8444364

Interesting, my asian gf does the same nod right before she sucks my cock.

>it's the little things

>> No.8444466

Silence you nerds

>> No.8444476

it's a big white cock bro. want in on it too?

>> No.8444490

Naw I'm not gay. But you can go ahead if you like.

>> No.8444496

Skinny Asian boys are the most /fa/ group.

Most people on this board are Amerifats.

>> No.8444500

You are a one of a kind, stylish gem among thousands of rocks.

>> No.8444501

Do you know how great it is being a skinny white male in a country of fatasses? Each person I see outside is like a boost of confidence.

>> No.8444520

Knock on wood bro. You'll probably join them soon.

>> No.8444527

Not really. Does it suck to be a fatfuck in asia OP?

>> No.8444529


Probably not. You can probably swipe everything on sale if it's made in your size.

>> No.8444540

Wow... white kids sure don't have eyes for asian chicks....

>> No.8444541

hahahaha. you look so stupid! the man bun doesn't work for you at all!! kek, my seids!!!

>> No.8444543

The Asians I see at my college are more /fa/ than 99% of this board and they don't even try. It's because they are the most attractive race. I am attracted to about 6 or 7 of them.

>> No.8444546

I'm black.

a little to l8 for this b8 m8. i r8 it 8/8

>> No.8444552

I feel like the amount of "HA"s someone puts denotes just how obnoxious they are.

>> No.8444553

You literally reek of austism in that post. Try harder fuckwit

>> No.8444556

>post asian dick
then talk shit

>> No.8444559

How does it feel to be a living god?

>> No.8444573

No I'm not posting a pic of my dick on a fashion board just so you rainbow master can jerk off to it.

>> No.8444584

>dicklet confirmed

>> No.8444590
File: 90 KB, 233x156, ProblemSchoolgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yooo i cropped this outta that pic years ago.

>> No.8444611

>"post dick pic"
>"no that's gay and I'm not gay"

>> No.8444615

>immediately gay
you're an idiot

>> No.8444625 [DELETED] 

It's pretty gay coming from you

>> No.8444637

Pretty sure straight men don't go around asking for pictures of dick.

>> No.8444645
File: 13 KB, 221x225, b98c4a8fcaa400047b76acee68100bed1398146333_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8444661

You're just an attractive guy.

>> No.8444672
File: 500 KB, 720x698, Screen Shot 2014-07-03 at 19.17.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you...so much...anon.

>> No.8444678

You're dumb.

>> No.8444692
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x720, 1404425416107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.8444702

You're fabulous. You are so marvelous.

>> No.8444704

ew lmao

>> No.8444708


Yeah I've been thinking about this too

Something from Japan that we might see as really cool can be considered within their society's context as something fuccboi tier

>> No.8444715

>something from japan
all of it's fuccboi, it's a nation of betas

>> No.8444727


>> No.8444728
File: 80 KB, 325x703, dmitry klokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are almost all asians weaklets?

>> No.8444729

check these dubs faglord

>> No.8444731
File: 262 KB, 683x1024, 54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, there's some pretty fuccboi asians out there, copping clothes that they have no business to be wearing and literally looking like goblins and shit

if you're an attractive azn tho that dresses effay, u will be more effay than anyone else in the room 95% of the time

the next level fits I've seen IRL that were actually pulled off, like full-out CdG h+/RO shit, were either models or attractive azns

>> No.8444735

watch and learn


>> No.8444738


>> No.8444742

if youre attractive most shit will look good on you, has nothing to do with being asian

you just see more asians dressed wthis way bc its more "normal" in their culture

also bc dicklets

>> No.8444743

fuck that, why are almost all of them dicklets?

their women clearly prefer bigger cocks so why didn't they develop them evolutionarily?

>> No.8444750


>> No.8444758


dubs means i'm right

>> No.8444764

dubs means he's right

>> No.8444771


it's a part of their culture AND they're attractive

being attractive is a prerequisite to pulling off clothes, but actually having that vibe of being mysterious/next level and admiring them from what you see plainly rather than what you can prematurely surmise through judging them (b/c you don't know their culture)

that's what they have

>> No.8444773

dubs means he's right

>> No.8444783

>they're attractive
I don't really understand. Some of the women look alright but it's pretty much universally accepted that asian men aren't really attractive. I think the idea that they're foreign and wear shit that we can't label as nerd, asshole, jock, etc. makes a lot more sense.

>> No.8444791

shut up faggot

so by your logic if you lived in japan and saw an attractive white guy in x outfit he would look better than an attractive japanese guy in the same outfit?

newsflash: not everyone on 4chan is from america. it depends where you live based on your logic

>> No.8444801


>> No.8444853

lol. asians don't look good in anything. is this the conclusion we're reached in this thread?

>> No.8444880


>> No.8444884

check my muthafuckin dubs shitlords

>> No.8444885

It's because most asians have a proportionate bone structure, ya'll.

>> No.8444887

makes 0 sense

>> No.8444889

>proportionate bone structure
wut, every asian i've ever seen has a weird ass face. usually too big for their tiny bodies.

>> No.8444910

yeah b/c then they'd be exotic you dumbass

>> No.8444944

so it has nothing to do with being asian which is exactly my point you stupid fuck

which is exactly why this thread is retarded

>> No.8444956

it does though, because I'm 99% sure you live in a western society where asians are a minority

>> No.8444971
File: 147 KB, 1224x1632, CgoKWLA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these mad white posters who got picked on by a group of trustfund chinks at their CC

lmfao half of fa inspo come from japs or homosexual yuros. this thread is a great example how whiteys have to resort the lowest denominator

pic related, /fa/ white in a nutshell - the alternative is acne max with his dickovens bought using his govchecks

>> No.8444976

that guy's a jew, not white.

>> No.8444986

i cant tell wall plaster apart

>> No.8445023

What's funny is that you guys seem like you have no souls to us? It remind me of a pic, I found online. I'm linking it, it shows how asians think they're different from westerners. It's just so funny because from our point of view it's the opposite.


>> No.8445042

>say one remark
>"well here's an articles about HOW it really is because..."
its funny because i know youre the type that always tries in these threads

>> No.8445062

I think people should understand each other cross culturally. It's literally the only thing that I ever consider taking seriously. Okay fine, you've rused me, whatever the fuck it is that gets you off.

>tl;dr fuck trying to be nice your a yellow chink dicklet.

>> No.8445072

im pretty sure everyone here lives in the states or at least some 1st world european country

people like you who see black and white on cultures and assume people need to "understand" are complete dipshit eg giving me a wp blog with low res graphics

>> No.8445075

i live in japan ayy lmao

regardless, if you live in a big city in the US or canada like vancouver/new york/LA it isn't like asians are some super rare sightings. theyre' fucking everywhere dude. where do you live?

>> No.8445077

OK, >>>/pol/ is that way btw.

>> No.8445081

give it a rest gookboy

>> No.8445082

>all these jelly buttmad faglords
You niggers couldn't be more obvious of being jealous of that asian guy.
Stay classy /fa.

>> No.8445083

>suddenly im pol


>> No.8445086

WTF. You're literally that guy? Let's make more war and stay pure of blood. You're outdated bro.

>> No.8445092

I was simply trying to be helpful. You attacked what I said with an isolationist tone. That's >>>/pol/ if I've ever seen it.

>> No.8445093
File: 2.49 MB, 5133x3422, A_Google_Glass_wearer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you need google glass to make up for that comprehension

>> No.8445103

Digging yourself deeper.

>google and apple are trying to control me
>I'm not a mindless drone
>i'm different (TM)
kill yourself

>> No.8445108

uh being in this thread is pretty /pol/
ousted you isnt being isolated but moreso hinting that post was unrelated and useless

but hey everyone gets on their pedestal when they link outside of 4chan

>> No.8445110

miami bruh

>> No.8445118

>muh fallacies

>> No.8445126
File: 32 KB, 1280x720, u wot m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ousted you isnt being isolated but moreso hinting that post was unrelated and useless
nigga wut

people don't think the way you do and that's not a good thing, you're not some genius, you're missing key information

>> No.8445130

>people don't think the way you do and that's not a good thing,
>you're not some genius, you're missing key information
ironic coming from wall plaster

>> No.8445137

I'm not white.

>> No.8445151

you could double as one

like i said, lowest denominators

>> No.8445159


And this.

That's about it.

>> No.8445160
File: 141 KB, 625x695, 66068dd32f3349261089340aee4f89cb4e8cc9664526b920e2cbf28a929db289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superiority complex

How's the euphoria?

>> No.8445164

>point proven

>> No.8445167

he really isn't attractive and i doubt he has girls of any race "lining up to fuck" lmao

don't get to butthurt bc we dont think you're special m8 :)

>> No.8445168


>> No.8445176

shut up stupid gook
shut up dumb cracker

>> No.8445183

Explain why he isn't attractive since none of you went through the process to do so.

I've seen him couple of times in aesthetics thread and most of you, including me, rated him pretty highly. You're just railing on him for his arrogant remark. Don't be such a butthurt neckbeard.

>> No.8445195

They aren't land blimps burdened by rolls of corn fed blubber and sedentary life (as stated earlier). Americans are the fattest of all and nearly IMPOSSIBLE to dress. Put them in tents or ponchos or slipcovers make sure it is cheap and polyester. Fat fucks I can't design for you and fit you fat fuckers anymore. Now your fat American stars are complaining publicly that designers will not fit them I'm done with you. Fat fucktards.

>> No.8445203
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x720, 1404425416107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8445205

Those aren't even my posts you clown.

>> No.8445206

they are now

>> No.8445214

No they aren't?

>> No.8445216

>someone went through the effort and pieced this together
lmao how white people deal with frustration - glad you got the target right ;)

>> No.8445217

I've sent the pic to a couple of my buddies that lurk other boards and told them to use it whenever. I'm not even the guy that made it but this is funny.

>> No.8445220

This whole time I thought you had the balls to post a pic and talk shit, so that was somewhat respectable. Now you're just another troll. bye.

>> No.8445227

>people who live up to internet standards
truly the epitome of what came out of the cesspools

>> No.8445231

first day?

>> No.8445239

So this is what you resort to after you lose a internet fight with some dude lol. Go ahead bro, I don't give a fuck. Some of us has priorities outside 4chan

>> No.8445245

first hour on 4chan?

>> No.8445249
File: 496 KB, 232x174, tumblr_m141ifXgY41rqfhi2o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8445251

i've never seen that guys face before...what are you talking about?

he looks like a chink

>> No.8445256

/fa/, or how one thread regarding the physical characteristics of a specific race ends up shitposted

>> No.8445257

OP is a shitpost, what the fuck did you expect?

>> No.8445258

you're right

>> No.8445259

Your mom is a shitpost

>> No.8445262

>smug asian face
>fa goes wild

Truly the best thread I've been in

>> No.8445266

>fa goes wild
you realize its probably the same 5 or so people posting right?

>> No.8445268

Have you gotten 5 people bothered over shallow comments?

>> No.8445269


asian men are really good at keeping their women from cheating so their dicks got smaller

white and black women are notorious sluts so their dicks grew a bit

it's science bitch, look it up

>> No.8445273

I wonder if any of them are these boobs

>> No.8445275
File: 184 KB, 1024x683, asxas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8445277

Seems legit. I'll go with that. I mean, I've fucked a lot of married asian women. Maybe that just constantly cheat but decide to keep the fam together.

>> No.8445285

lmao sure ya do m8, sure ya do

m8 youre at least 4 of the 5 so just give it up

>> No.8445289

that's just all contemporary women man but sometimes I wonder how small muslim dicks are

>> No.8445291

>not my wife

>> No.8445295

you sure?

>> No.8445303

IIT: buttmad chinks

>> No.8445306

nigger im 20, why the fuck would i be married to some chink?

better question - how old are you and why are you still posting on 4chan? why do you fuck ugly old asians?

>> No.8445310

chinks are asians

they are animals

>> No.8445312

They're usually not that old. Small dicks get stale quick. They're sucking me off the week after the honeymoon. Maybe you're future wife will get this lucky.

>> No.8445315

ITT: Buttmad honkies

>> No.8445322
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>> No.8445324

lel, way to dodge the age question

nothing can convince me that you arent gross and fucking gross middle age slutty asians

>going that low

>> No.8445331

same age as you.

>> No.8445332
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>> No.8445338

>how's the first seconds on the thread?

>> No.8445342


>> No.8445346


>> No.8445348
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>> No.8445351


>> No.8445356


>> No.8445360

>ITT: butthurt white people jealous that they can't pull of fits like us Asians

>> No.8445362

>fucking married women on the reg

lmao call me crazy but i just dont buy it. no sir not one bit
whats the catch?

>> No.8445363

you're not me

>> No.8445364
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>> No.8445365

do a 360 and leave this thread gook cunt

>> No.8445368


>> No.8445369

good one m8, never seen someone on 4chan try to pull the reverse doubly doo switcherino before!

>> No.8445373

>does a 360
im back

>> No.8445374

>IIT: butthurt asian people jealous that they can't pull off fits like us WHITES

>> No.8445376


>> No.8445378
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>pull the reverse doubly doo switcherino before!
I think you dropped this.

>> No.8445382

Oh sorry I think that's mine

>> No.8445386
File: 500 KB, 797x720, 1376595415813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do a 360
>white people and their math

>> No.8445389

Why so much animosity guys? We're all people and there are some people in each race that can pull off fits well and some that don't.

>we're all trying to do the same thing

>> No.8445391
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>not being able to think creatively
that's an asian thing right?

>> No.8445396


>involving a pedophile in your thinking
>a black one
that's a white thing

>> No.8445397

Because /fa is filled with the most insecure dildolickers

>> No.8445402

>pixelated dancer that resembles pedo
>is pedo
again, you're lack of insight is laughable.

>> No.8445405
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>tfw you realize the population of /fa/ is just shy privileged white and asian people

>> No.8445407

Why would we want to wear shit white boy fits?

>> No.8445413

Wait. Who's winning, whites or asians?

>> No.8445415

>white denial

>> No.8445418
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>implying this was even a fight for Asians

>> No.8445428

beams, needles, visvim and every other jap company thats popular worldwide still use white people as models for their lookbooks though

>> No.8445432

So far one Asian guy at the top was ballsy enough to post fits ITT.
Whitey's you pussy as fuck yo

>> No.8445433
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>> No.8445441

the only post here that matters

>> No.8445442
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ur rite

>> No.8445455
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>superior white culture

>> No.8445475

Is this thread dead?
Asian guy here. Insult me

>> No.8445477

you have beautiful eyes

>> No.8445479 [DELETED] 
File: 368 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>239 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
>still not deleted
Meanwhile, I received a three-day ban for pretending to be anon's mother, father, grandfather, and dog.

>> No.8445482

Twas a joke

>> No.8445487


>> No.8445510
File: 37 KB, 620x320, grigori-perelman[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people an their math
>implying a nigger solved the poincare conjecture and not some white guy

checkm8 darkies B^)

>> No.8445538

clearly the asian guy

>> No.8445659

I wish I was that dumb bro

>> No.8445894

You're a fucking idiot.
Most of the mathematical contributions are thanks to dark skinned Muslims. We would be thousands of years back in time if they didn't preserve books and scrolls during the Dark Ages.

>> No.8446032


Wow, that girl is a carbon copy of my mom in college.

>> No.8446034

tell ur dad he made it

>> No.8446054

No, they can look shit too but it does seem to be easier for them to pull off fits. Black people too. Fuck them both.

>> No.8446055

>asian thread


>> No.8446057


They're no longer together now, but will do my anonymous friend.

>> No.8446094
File: 160 KB, 720x960, ke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 한국에서공부중

sorry for the face :^)

>> No.8446195

pics or gtfo

>> No.8446197

Small dicks.

>> No.8446301

In all fairness the blue does match his skin tone. And I don't think the fit is that bad, but the pallette is pretty shitty not gonna lie.

>> No.8446836

iu is love
iu is life

>> No.8447592

femanon here, you are really handsome

>> No.8448703

>being this fucking new

>> No.8448834


>> No.8448839

femanon here, you look plain and have weird eyelids

>> No.8448840


Femanon here
Go away chink

>> No.8448921

>still caring about height
who really cares at all, sperging out over it won't make you taller/shorter/attractive

>> No.8449019

midget asian detected

>> No.8449038

manlet LOL

>> No.8449043


>> No.8449076

ayy lamo

>> No.8449082

I think you have a point. It seems like in the cities/districts of Japan people have set up "third spaces" for the display of fashion trends that isn't seen in the U.S. especially since we kinda have the current trend of getting rid of "third spaces" if its not bringing in any cash and just replace them for shopping centers or fast junk food troughs.

Tokyo has shibuya, roppongi, ginza, harajuku districts with specific sections to display fashion trends, fads, and genres and people their kinda respect the boundary lines arbitrarily drawn up. You don't see the B-stylers head in to gyaru territory or the fashion school students getting mixed too much with the lolita crowd section.

>> No.8449102

You look like a handsome young fella

>> No.8449111

>ugly as fuck
>posts pic
why would you post a pic of yourself on the most judgmental board on 4chan?

>> No.8449231

>pretending to be girls
Stop being so obvious

>> No.8449235

samefagging to the max

>> No.8449267

So there are smart people here.

>> No.8449273

lol, ask for dick pics on fb we'll see who's gay or not

>> No.8449277

Fuck off britshit

>> No.8449280

ITT butthurt ugly white trash faggots feeling inferior to Asian aesthetics.
Prove me wrong fags. Post fits

>> No.8449292

b8 m8 b8ing h4rd

>> No.8449319

a nod is a way to greet your seniors/elders/older males.
It's a display of respect.

>> No.8449455
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, angrybutthurtfafags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you shitbags ready for another butthurt ragefest?
Insult me you queers.

>> No.8449488

You're actually pretty good looking.

>> No.8449500


>> No.8449502

i'd fuck you

>> No.8449504

that hair tho

>> No.8449510

wtf you look almost exactly like a. wang

>> No.8449540

number two doesn't look that bad honestly

>> No.8449564

Represent fellow superior looking Asian

>> No.8449675

glasses one you circled kawaii as fuck

>> No.8449693

ur dad is the man

>> No.8449705

as a white femanon here i would never go out with you, an asian guy.

>> No.8449717

lamest copypasta ever

>> No.8449720

Also implying I would even consider talking to you in the first place, sea cow

>> No.8449862
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>> No.8449919

can flips be /fa/?
probably not since http://dgmanila.com exists

>> No.8450173

Ur forehead is a trapezoid

>> No.8450179



if ur the ugly kind w/ shitty skin no
if ur like that guy then maybe

>> No.8450201


>> No.8450335


>> No.8450847

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.8450950

They all look like monkeys lol

>> No.8451488

>They all are monkeys lol

>> No.8451832


>> No.8451858

>dem butthurt whiteboys
How does it feel to be part of a society of teenage pregnancy and drug trafficking?

>> No.8452027

>3" dick