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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 157 KB, 1044x1280, jeremy_meeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8384343 No.8384343[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuk this chit. Facial aesthetics is all you ever need in life.

If you're ever arrested for raping and killing and you're good looking people will still sympathize with you and sloots will still to smash. If you're good looking and commit genocide on a group of people you'll still have sloots wanting to smash. THINK ABOUT HOW FUKED UP THAT IS.

Honestly I'm contemplating if it's even worth living life if you're less than 7/10 in the West.

Yet here are us average and ugly brahs slaving our lives away studying and lifting and the best we can hope for is a 3/10 whale. And the killer is that with the betas and the white knights even the whale will feel entitled to a 9/10 male model.

At least girls elsewhere in the world [South America, Eastern Europe] don't put this much emphasies on looks, nowhere near. You'll regularly see fat guys in Russia with hot girls. You're more likely to discover aliens than seeing that scenario on a street in the USA.

Fuk this life.

>> No.8384349

newsflash, it's not just the west. that's how the world is and always has been idiot. if you don't look good just stare at the ground through life and hope for the best.

>> No.8384353


>> No.8384354

that's not the case here dumbfuck

>> No.8384408
File: 265 KB, 505x507, Screen Shot 2014-06-20 at 22.46.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is pretty fucking hot though.

>> No.8384416

what's your account name on misc?

>> No.8384419

he looks good due to eyes

>> No.8384439

>beautiful facial aesthetics
>ruined with face and neck tattoos, not to mention being a filthy criminal
Fucking waste

>> No.8384456

Is he mulatto or just really tan? I can't quite tell. The nigger lips certainly don't make it any clearer.

>> No.8384458
File: 168 KB, 315x320, CASUALsexintheshower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delusional keyboard warriors


>> No.8384463

this was exactly copy/pasted word for word from /fit/
kek, the probably where it originated considering the way he types

>> No.8384466

jesus fucking christ anon

>> No.8384469

Go whine to your other NEET virgins who are scared of women

>> No.8384474

he could actually model for so many big brands

>> No.8384476

too bad he's only 5'4

>> No.8384483

oh, now i see why he didnt. how the fuck do u get raped by someone whos 5'4 lmao, like even a pre teen girl could fight that off.

>> No.8384498
File: 439 KB, 480x474, Bqlqp29CcAAzY-Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8384502


Mods please do your job

>> No.8384505

you can still see his good features in that bad pic, try again.

>> No.8384507

lmao he isnt 5'4 he is 6'2

>> No.8384514

lol who ever made that pic is so salty

>> No.8384517

You must not be from Cali because he looks like your typical wigger you'd see on the streets.

And like many have suggested go whine to your NEET friends >>>/r9k/

>> No.8384523
File: 156 KB, 970x1320, article-shoot-31-0524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like Elliot.

>> No.8384529

wut? ive never posted there before, just pointing out he has good facial features. Im not even OP. wether he's a wigger or not is kinda irrelevant to his bone structure, isnt it?

>> No.8384531


True. One must also factor in that the guy is destroying his looks with shitty tattoos and stupid fake gold teeth, but still manages to look good. Will not age well tho.

>> No.8384533
File: 26 KB, 495x329, jm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah hes just pulling a goofy face

this nigga looks good

captacha: house robblery

>> No.8384535

im not good looking tho. also im not a virgin lelmao.

>> No.8384549

No it's 100% Misc lingo/meemz m8, /fit/ use some of them. But its cheeky miscer

>> No.8384565

damn this nigga was handsome af. even more if he had a better haircut
>that dope widow's peak

>> No.8384582

>And the killer is that with the betas and the white knights even the whale will feel entitled to a 9/10 male model.

>At least girls elsewhere in the world [South America, Eastern Europe] don't put this much emphasies on looks, nowhere near. You'll regularly see fat guys in Russia with hot girls.

So you're saying an ugly guy is still entitled to a hot girl but not the other way around?

>> No.8384591


>> No.8384597
File: 12 KB, 304x358, meth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you realize that all of the shit surrounding this guy is a joke or what?
A joke.
I have to repeat it to make sure you understand... that it... is a joke. I don't get why all of the news is taking this so seriously. Everything that happens on the web is blown up to some massive degree. Some girls found him attractive, big deal. They probably wouldn't actually marry him. It's a goddamn picture and he's a felon. Even if they did, >>8384349 said it best. Go whine somewhere else, Elliot.

He is black.

Here's another hot felon, just for you, anon. Possession of methamphetamine/intent to sell.

>> No.8384598


>> No.8384617

>tfw not a handsome criminal

>> No.8384626
File: 65 KB, 397x460, jacob-miller-new-mug-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faces of meth is so real though

>> No.8384627

this guy is handsome but NOWHERE near as the other one.

>> No.8384643

Whoever did that must be one jealous bitch. Everyone takes a bad picture but you can still tell he has great features

>> No.8384654

Learn to spell you underage virgin faggot.

>> No.8384779

Good goy. Race mixing is the future; never forget!

>> No.8384875

>He is black.

No, he is not. He's predominantly white, 1/4 black max. In order to inherit blue (or green) eyes, at least both parents have to carry one recessive blue eye gene. Their offspring has 1 in 4 chance of inheriting two recessive genes and having blue eyes. I assume one of his parents is half black and carries 1 recessive blue gene and 1 dominant brown gene. The other parent is probably white and carries 2 recessive blue genes.

If this is his mother, she looks full caucasian to me.

>> No.8384885

it is not the future

>> No.8384892

his fit is so shit lmao, I didn't think rich californians would be that un/fa

>> No.8384901


He was not rich. His family is not well-off. He liked to hang around rich people to appear rich.

>> No.8384902

>can't troll fit
>might as well go to fa and hope I don't get banned

Beside trolling op, what else do you do with your pathetic life


>> No.8384912
File: 53 KB, 600x763, 0b526137fa6be4db270b287761b9ec97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is

>> No.8384916

He's from NC, he's Lumbee. Not black or any other shit. He's Lumbee, look it up.

>> No.8384922

His mom is Lumbee as well.

>> No.8384925

Grill here

He's so fucking sexy, I wouldn't be able to say no to him

>> No.8384978 [DELETED] 


Lumbees are nothing but a mix of black and whites, with some tribe members having tiny fraction of Indian blood.

That guy from OP's post is mostly white.

>> No.8384988


Lumbees are nothing but a mix of black and whites, with some tribe members having a tiny fraction of Indian blood.

That guy from OP's post is mostly white.

>> No.8385069

He's already 30 you know that right. He only got better looking once he cut his hair. He's 30 here, he's clearly gonna age well.

>> No.8385072

but what if he has aids doe

>> No.8385110
File: 47 KB, 620x465, meeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone needs to chill obviously he's going to get attention with those looks, but that's because he's one in thousands who happens to both look like that and is a criminal. That's why he's getting attention, due to the uniqueness of the situation. There was some chick not long ago who got the same attention for having a sexy mugshot.
So you fags who are getting salty just because some chicks are complimenting him left and right need to remember that if this was a female with amazing aesthetics, she'd get the same compliments.
Who gives a fuck what girls are saying, are they realistically going to be anywhere near him ever? He has a wife and a kid; people have complimented his looks and moved on. So shut the fuck up.

>> No.8385111

> You'll regularly see fat guys in Russia with hot girls
>implying you, western pig, actually visited my country

>> No.8385119

>There was some chick not long ago who got the same attention for having a sexy mugshot.

Yeah, but a bunch of guys didn't try to raise ~900,000$ to bail her out

>> No.8385124

>implying your average American wouldn't be a king in Land of the Manlets

>> No.8385128

I wouldn't care, I'd rather share a alpha than own a beta like you.

>> No.8385134

Only a couple hundred have been raised so far, and it's getting both support but also negative comments. Not everyone is into it.

>> No.8385140

>implying I have friends which are shorter than 180 cm

>> No.8385142

>tfw when you have the exact same scar near the left eye.

>> No.8385146

>implying you could own me

>> No.8385159

Confirmed defensive insecure manlet beta

>> No.8385166

maybe--but I am not a slave to pussy

>> No.8385169

...are scars /fa/?

>> No.8385189


>> No.8385208
File: 454 KB, 980x1216, Ff8-squall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8385241


>implying Russian women like the alcoholic and meatheaded males that surround them.

>> No.8385271

jesus christ. he looks like my fuckin' brother. shit's weird, yo.

>> No.8385302

still 10/10

>> No.8385308

>high school biology

>> No.8385346
File: 576 KB, 800x1200, 28_1mads_mikkelsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if youre handsome

>> No.8385355

>there are actually women out there who think the guy in OP is more attractive than mads
this planet makes me very sad

>> No.8385358

its all a matter of taste, but yes i do agree

>> No.8385359

how do jews stand to profit from racemixing again

>> No.8385367

it's not a real thing so it's not worth justifying.

>> No.8385395

Look into research on breeding and domestication.

>> No.8385401

Go away, back to pol you snide little shit.

>> No.8385412

>there are people that find any of them attractive

>> No.8385420

>Hasn't seen The Hodge Twins
They are more black than they are white and they have green eyes

>> No.8385485

ok. what's the matter with that?

>> No.8385584

>tfw looka lot like this guy
>white and better eye brows
Suck it

>> No.8385590

um maybe actually learn biology other than high school state-standardized mendelian bullshit

>> No.8385636

So you're dismissing actual, factual biology because what's been explained ITT is at hs level? Go ahead and demonstrate with this mysterious superior biology you're implying how it's possible for pure black people to produce blue-eyed children unless they are born with waardenburg syndrome. fucktard.

>> No.8385659


Yea, they are the resulting offspring of two mixed carriers of recessive blue eye gene. That's why they have light eyes.

>> No.8385669

>pure black people

I think that's enough 4chan for now, Adolf Jerome

>> No.8385677

post your face.

>> No.8385681
File: 207 KB, 1725x805, blackness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is it so hard for you aspies to understand?

>> No.8385688

race is a social construct

>> No.8385689

The girl is african. The Hodgetwins are black

>> No.8385691

i hope so because i have a 5cm-wide cut across my neck due to a thyroidectomy

>> No.8385715

>The girl is african >>8385681
>not black

Goddamnit... but then again I'm on /fa/, so I'm not surprised at all.

>> No.8385721

Yeah, your understanding of biology is on par with that of a typical american 15 year old. Only very few traits are not polygenic and there are way more alleles for some genes than two. On top of that, believe if or not, there are green eyes in people who are completely African. I have yet to see blue eyes in someone 100% African who is non-albino, but it's certainly possible. But on another note, you don't know how black or white he is. He's clearly both, but it's not like there's one gene that makes him black or white, and, on top of that, sexual reproduction results in a random assortment of chromosomes, so you can't trace it.
You don't seem to like the idea of him being both black and handsome. U mad, bro?

>> No.8385726

>If you're good looking and commit genocide
Damn straight.
Hitler still has fangirls to this day.

>> No.8385728

This assumption that when everyone race mixes, we'll all be good-looking, is pretty stupid.
It already happened centuries ago in latin america. I'm not saying Mexicans are ugly, but would you really generalize them as being good-looking? No. Most people are fat.

>> No.8385733

>This assumption that when everyone race mixes, we'll all be good-looking, is pretty stupid.
No... It's clever propaganda.

>> No.8385739

You two can't just leave it at biology, can you?

100% African people do not have light eyes.The ones who do are very, very likely the result of racial mixing during the European colonization of Africa or have waardenburg syndrome.

>> No.8385768

>100% African people do not have light eyes.The ones who do are very, very likely the result of racial mixing during the European colonization of Africa or have waardenburg syndrome.

Sub-saharan Africa has 1 billion people and tremendous genetic diversity.
Eye color is upwards of 15 genes.

>> No.8385777

Thanks to invasions and European colonization. You're not reading.


>The actual number of genes that contribute to eye color is currently unknown, but there are a few likely candidates. A study in Rotterdam (2009) found that it was possible to predict eye color with more than 90% accuracy for brown and blue using just six SNPs. There is evidence that as many as 16 different genes could be responsible for eye color in humans; however, _*_*_*_the main two genes associated with eye color variation are OCA2 and HERC2, and both are localized in Chromosome 15._*_*_*_

>> No.8385778
File: 70 KB, 458x641, plumpynut1_2112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8385792

Yup, it's possible due to Waardenburg syndrome.

>> No.8385797

>Thanks to invasions and European colonization.
No...the genetic diversity in Africa has little to do with European colonization. What other continent can you find entire populations of people who are 6 feet tall and other populations that are under 5 feet tall and have nutrition not be a cause?

>> No.8385801

Not when it comes to eye color. You're sidetracking this argument.

>> No.8385811

anyone got pics of his wife?

>> No.8385821

it's proven. the future is mixed race and mixed race are superior.

Ya'll better be fucking dem black womenz

>> No.8385824

i bet your jaw is pathetic

>> No.8385832

Lighter eyes came from a genetic abnormality. Why can't black people have the genetic abnormality without implying that white people raped their ancestors beforehand?

Stop being an autist fuck. I know it's 4chan and people like to hate on black people but if we're going to talk about genetics then it's definitely possible.

>> No.8385838

I hear you anon. The amount of praise, support and "you go girl" the average woman gets these days makes even 3/10's feel superior to 7/10 males if they wear make up and decent clothes.

>> No.8385840

>tfw half of victoria secret angels are mixed race

accept the fact that mixed race people are superior and i'm not even mixed race

>> No.8385843

Shut up and go the fuck away you aspie virgin.

>> No.8385862

I can't lie, she looks pretty attractive.

>> No.8385877

>Why can't black people have the genetic abnormality without implying that white people raped their ancestors beforehand?

Theoretically, yes, practically, no; only if there's race mixing or a medical condition involved. It's not a can/cannot have issue, nor is it based on racism, it's just biology. No hate towards black/mixed people from me.

>> No.8386069
File: 191 KB, 893x909, afar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

africa is a big place you know. also it isnt a country its a continent and people are different (omg crazy right)

>> No.8386127

Everything's a joke until someone takes it seriously.

>> No.8386132

Not all of us are upset about it. Some of us are trying to once and for all prove that looks really do matter. I know I'm not as good looking, and I'll eventually get to fixing it. I just wish, once we get this thing, cosmetic surgery becomes free, or at the very least, affordable.

I however, don't think us less-fortunate should kill ourselves though. I wouldn't end my life just so some asshole gets even more benefit. This lithe part is just the jealousy talking.

>> No.8386145

In 50 yrs cosmetic surgery will be dirt cheap and akin to getting your teeth fixed. natural beauty will be applauded still but cosmetic surgery will be so commonplace and hardly recognizable.

>tfw when born in the awkward stage of the future

now i sound like a retard but it's true ya'll

>> No.8386147


>> No.8386153

50 years is too long. I want it now. No tumblr pastel goth qt would want 70-something year old man

>> No.8386160

>I dont think less attractive people should have to kill themselves

christ you literally have autism don't you

some of you people have the most warped perspectives on life and the sad thing is that you're going to reply to this post with abuse

>> No.8386168

He has the same color eyes as my grandfather; my grandfather is the children of mulattos who are the grandchildren of mulattos for a few centuries.

They are not rare and you can even be more black than white and still have them but I acknowledge that nearly all blue eyed African Americans have euro ancestry because WE ALL DO everyone of us in the new world does.

Still Africans are not monolithic and so their is not one uniform look.

>> No.8386169

Nope. Just some people genuinely believe this, so I posted it in advance.

>> No.8386207

Like every other good looking person on the planet. What a buttblasted dufus

>> No.8386471

post mugshot pls

>> No.8386548

>There was some chick not long ago who got the same attention for having a sexy mugshot.

>> No.8386624

Supreme gentleman?

>> No.8386654

he looks much better, plus this guy's hairline still exists. Go be multicult somewhere else.

>> No.8386670 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 222x286, MPP-Hm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crazy right

I think you're the crazy one because nobody said Africa was a country there. Also, the guy from that pic is mixed and has caucasoid features - Afar people trace their ancestry back to black Africans and ancient Egyptians.

>> No.8386674
File: 422 KB, 800x1423, afar-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crazy right

I think you're the crazy one because nobody said Africa was a country there. Also, the guy from that pic is mixed and has caucasoid features - Afar people trace their ancestry back to black Africans and ancient Egyptians.

>> No.8386704

Good post. Finally someone with insight acknowledges that blue-eyed Afro Americans are mixed.

>> No.8386717


Uh so who is this guy?

>> No.8387034

they identify as black which is ok but they are mixed with euro DNA, as are their parents.

>> No.8387107

whats his name ?

>> No.8387188

first gen hybrids often turn out pretty good but it tends to turn to shit after that

>> No.8387219

No. No no.
Some people will always be shit and some people will always be gorgeous, regardless of what flippin' race they are.

>> No.8387254

it's basic genetics/selective breeding

>In 1960, 99 percent of all corn planted in the United States, 95 percent of sugar beet, 80 percent of spinach, 80 percent of sunflower, 62 percent of broccoli and 60 percent of onions were F1 hybrids. Beans and peas are not commercially hybridized because they are automatic pollinators, and hand-pollination is prohibitively expensive.

>Higher performance—As most alleles code for different versions of a protein or enzyme, having two different versions of this allele amounts to having two different versions of the enzyme. This increases the likelihood of an optimal version of the enzyme being present and reduces the likelihood of a genetic defect.

>> No.8387260

forgot the link


>> No.8387315

We're not talking about trisomies, here. Some recessive traits will undoubtedly be seen as more attractive. Beauty is not NP complete.

>> No.8387342

keyword "some"
keywords "often" and "tends to"

so it seems that we (at least sort of) agree. and i'm not talking about trisomies either. i'm talking about genetics defects in general. the way a living creature is "constructed" and "maintained" depends on its genetics (and environmental factors) and so if you're born with a lot of shitty alleles you're more likely to become ugly. of course recessive traits can be highly attractive, but they can also be disgusting - just look at britain.

>> No.8387360


>National Geographic

Is this from the new series on chimps?

>> No.8387380

I come from two very different genetic lines (though still both considered "white", today), but both were fairly inbred. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.8387386
File: 38 KB, 343x330, as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop lie aim 100% black from Africa