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8369001 No.8369001 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you faggots so obsessed with black? Its a great color but there's a whole spectrum out there, use it.

>> No.8369005


Elementary school hoy

>> No.8369097

90% of all colours look shitty on clothing.

>> No.8369109

Because it's the easier color to pull off imo.
navy heather grey or a darker shade of green also is..

>> No.8369111

Back to mfa with you faggot

>> No.8369114

Because it's easy and edgy and I hate colors?

Also yohji quote

>> No.8369115


Basically there's either greyscale or a combination of navy/grey/white/brown

Trouble with black is that its actually very difficult to match with anything that isn't also greyscale

>> No.8369188

I don't know Annie, why are you so obsessed with making catchy, creative, but intellectually non-stimulating music?

>> No.8369201

>Black is modest and arrogant at the same time. Black is lazy and easy - but mysterious. But above all black says this: "I don’t bother you - don’t bother me"

>> No.8369290

Can anyone answer some questions about textures? To my understanding you can wear the same color outfit with the same pieces like you saw in a picture but it would still look bad because the materials or textures are not the same. What would be the best material for a black sweater to wear over a thin OCBD in white?

>> No.8369323

Because I really like black. I'm also a gloomy piece of shit so it fits me.

>> No.8369338

i always preferred the annd quote to the yohji quote re: why black is the best color

>> No.8369342

wool probably

>> No.8369348

Because this board is full white people and blacks pull colored clothing better /thread

>> No.8369351

black power

>> No.8369362

This. We're all black panthers

>> No.8369534

To match my heart =[

>> No.8369622


>> No.8369692

Why would I need more than black?

>> No.8369728
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yugioh mamamoto 4 lyfe

>> No.8370934

I like techno

>> No.8370943

read up on Johji's opinion of the matter fuckfriend

>> No.8370948

Where does this come from? I've literally throw shit together and people still compliment me on my dress sense. I wish I was a whitu piggu so my effort is recognised

>> No.8372445

dark like my soul~

>> No.8372491

>every fucking person dressed by the internet has that yohji quote saved on their fb

>being "mysterious"


>> No.8372508


Fuck off, you guys are all fucking retarded

To answer the OP: like other anons have mentioned, it's easy and consistent. Personally I have a very small wardrobe and I like to keep it uniform / coherent, I do love colour but colour only initiates the need for more colour so I try to keep it simple.

No I don't attach any stupid 16 year old tumblr identity to the reason why I wear a certain colour of clothing. All you retards grasping for that Yohji quote are retards, and Yohji is my favourite designer

>> No.8372514
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>above all black says this: "I don’t bother you - don’t bother me

dress like everybody else if you dont want to be bothered?
you chumps spend thousands of dollars on dark designer clothing because you're afraid people would bother you otherwise?

>> No.8372529
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Shut up, you wouldn't understand!

>> No.8372533
File: 132 KB, 1000x1000, rickcrocodilesneaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if yohji is really your favourite designer you should be able to come up with a better explanation than "I have a small wardrobe".

To answer OP, the reason black is so popular is because of what it allows the designer to do with the clothing. Emphasis can be placed on silhouette/texture/fabrics without the clothing becoming too overpowering. Black is a subtle colour.

This is the reason why so many "avant-garde" designers produce so predominantly in black. Often with some white and subtle earth tones.

Imagine if thse shoes were white or brown or blue.

>> No.8372537


>> No.8372543


Nice strawman retard, I said it's easy and consistent and I like uniformity and coherence, and that I also do love colour

I'm just sick of these idiots grasping onto this quote as if it relates to them and makes them seem like they have a >mysterious identity

Yes, the colour black - in the way that Yohji and other designers use it - can deliver modesty, arrogance, laziness, and mystery. However, black in the way that 99% of these fuccbois wear it is not any of those things, and the only reason they grasp onto that quote is because they believe it offers them some kind of validation or sophisticated reason / identity in their choice of colour beyond the reality that they're just really uncreative and unoriginal as fuck

>> No.8372550


Lol this is great, guy has a good sense of humor


tldr people need to stop trying to attach a false image of sophistication into their choice of color when all they do is wear normal as fuck clothing in normal as fuck combinations that just happen to be in the colour black

>> No.8372555

jokes on u thats a joke fit he was referencing the meme where the gothninja guy is standing in the corner at the party

>> No.8372559

chill out. you're saying retard a lot.

I don't think anyone takes that yohji qute seriously (I hope). seems like him and rei both just fuck around with quotes/intervies etc anyway.

btw saying "and yohji is my favourite designer" also give the impressions that you think you are special or something

>> No.8372563

samefag in the picture making sure he doesnt become a goof ninja fail meme

>> No.8372567

>St. Vincent
>intellectually non-stimulating

What, do you want her to play Orwell in every track like Muse? Her songs cover a variety of themes with a very believable sense of mania on the more abstract themes and concepts.

>> No.8372570


That quote is very serious and is true - for the way he and other designers use it like I said

I mentioned that he is my favourite designer because I don't want to be taken as those equally as fucking retarded types of posters who think "GOTHNINJA IS THE ENEMY" and shitpost about Rick Owens and designer clothing being a ripoff

But that has nothing to do with this discussion and you have not effectively said anything in your post

>> No.8372579
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>> No.8372593

these stupid cunts arguing about who is the true yohji fun or something


now shut the fuck up, no one cares how you define black

there's a legit yohji quote out there that's something like 'it is hard as a man to understand womans clothing, that is why i like gay men because they understand womans clothing better' or something hilarious like that


>> No.8372600

go to bed tl

>> No.8372601

>That quote is very serious and is true

oh come on. The quote is pretencious to the point of being meaningless.

>> No.8372605


Stop your continuous partial quoting and reread what I said twice now


It's hard to take you seriously i can never tell when you are being serious or not

>> No.8372606

all the fucking yohji quotes dont even translate from japanese in english
it's probably got some sort of relation to buddhist mythology and wabi sabi ideology that's a staple to the japanese psyche of the mid 1900s but has no grip at all to a bunch of gaijin kids born in the 90s

>> No.8372607

100% serious youre sincerely arguing over 'who the bigger yohji fan is'
like the most frivilous shit you can ever discuss

>> No.8372619


Might be true for some of the more vague quotes I've read but I think this one can be taken at face value, he has talked about how he likes anonymity and doesn't like "offending" people's eyes with your outfit / drawing attention, in this sense "i don't bother you don't bother me" makes complete sense


No we're not, the only thing I've said is that it's fucking stupid how people try to use that quote as justification for their choice in colour, and only mentioned that I like Yohji because I didn't want to turn this into another MFA DADCORE FAGGOTS VS FANTASY COSTUME GOTHNINJAS

>> No.8372645

see dude because you have such a fragmented understanding all of the real shit flies right over you.
yeah, you can take those TWO quotes translated from japanese to english and say 'oh yeah, this must be yohji's manifesto, to be anonymous and reclusive; that totally makes sense in my little world'. Meanwhile he's making fucking floral coloured zoot suits, transformable bride costumes, ensombles which are effectively walking sphere, yeah so subtle. i can tell you right fucking now yohji has never been about imposing what the wearer should be, that is why there is such a huge fucking diversity in the consumer base. when you've read enough it literally translates into 'do whatever you fucking want, it ain't my shit'.

nah you're literally trying to convince the next person who the bigger yohji fan. the irony in all of it is you're not really saying anything but trying to convice one another how to communicate this kind of super political yohji quote that is probably the most nonpulsing thing he has ever produced.

not at home atm so i cant post any yohji pics for eg.

>> No.8372665


While I was typing the little part about anonymity the thought of the most recent collection passed my mind

He has mentioned that he breaks his own taboos and goes against his own work even so I don't think we are disagreeing as much as you might think we are on that part, at least not in this particular thread - I can remember how I came off as you described in previous threads which is true but you did point it out and I have reflected on it, maybe I should have said that the quote can be taken at face value for certain periods or collections in his career, but not the entirety of his work

>do whatever you fucking want, it ain't my shit

Yes and I agree with this, refer to above paragraph, I understand that the problem you have with my view is that I seem to have a "biased" mental image of the entirety of his work based on a few quotes and a few (menswear esp.) collections and I am aware of this since you last pointed it out, but I guess I just came off that way again because I've been so used to seeing it that way

As for Yohji fanboying idk where you are really coming from and I think you are just over analyzing my intent in mentioning it, I think my original few posts itt would have still stood / been the same had I not mentioned that I was a fan of his

>> No.8372679

yeah he has mentioned that he likes to break a single thing within every collection, just something to make everything seem fresh and new. doesnt stagnate.
i think that's because (he's mentioned) by the end of a collection he hates that collection, so perhaps as a means to continue finding life in his pursuit he breaks himself. but that's not really been relevant for a long time where there have been seasons back to back that have been pretty outlandish. idk it's a pretty hard quote to see. i try think about it when going through older yohji collections. like what the base is and where the new is - it's easier if you start with the first collection and move from there. it's easier in womans then mens, i don't think that method exists in the mens.

i think he said it specifically to each collection, like... ugh again i can't think of a specific example off hand right now since i'm off my main comp but because aw99(??) is seemingly always fresh in my mind to me the break there was the transformational element.

>Yes and I agree with this, refer to above paragraph,
you didnt display that at all

>I mentioned that he is my favourite designer because I don't want to be taken as those equally as fucking retarded types of posters who think "GOTHNINJA IS THE ENEMY" and shitpost about Rick Owens and designer clothing being a ripoff
the closest example, i'm sure there are more above
that is actually not worth discussing. to me it's transparent as some sort of claim to authenticity or something but maybe i'm misunderstanding it
i don't really care either way, it just looks dumb

>> No.8372701

Black isn't a color. Black is the absence of colors.

White is a color, as it is all colors.

>> No.8372706


Ok thanks for the explanation, haven't looked through womenswear collections as much but maybe I will better understand what you are saying when I do

Intent was more "adding weight to my opinion by not sounding like I was being negatively biased towards *black* being >autist gothninja" (which was pretty dumb in retrospect because I had already mentioned that I wear black myself) and less "omg plebs im more knowledgeable about yohji and the context in which this quote was said", if that's what it sounded like it's not what i meant
but you are right doesn't really matter

anyways appreciate the commentary as always gonna head out to eat now

>> No.8372707

To be honest, I'm not even disappointed by all the half-assed, edgy, teenage yohji dick-riding responses. It's what I've come to expect from /fa/.

But to be honest, I enjoy wearing black because I feel it hides my imperfections. It also eliminates the need to work with colour combinations, which I believe to be a pain in the ass and/or usually improperly executed.

The only place I avoid wearing black is at work. Wearing a black suit to work makes you look like an idiot, and that's a fact.

>> No.8372797

That pointed hood/hat is ballin.

>> No.8372799

This is how I see it from my limited persoective, and I don't expect it to apply to everyone.

I think that everyone imagines they are rejecting some major aspect of popular fashion. #menswear and #heritage guys feel they are rejecting mass market fast fashion, and honoring a past era. All black is a rejection of the way normal people mix colors. It says "chinos and a colorful shirt aren't for me". It's not necessarily very complex, I think.

Nobody wants to be a part of mainstream society, and we fixate on different facets of it when we decide which trends and traditions we reject.

>> No.8372997


Yeah... Except in clothing, where black is a color.

If your clothing had no color you wouldn't see it you fucking retard

>> No.8373014

Is that right? Go to a paint shop, buy some good ol red yellow and blue paint, mix them together and show me that white.

Learn some color theory m8, black is a color, white is a color, grey is a color.

>> No.8373038

Holy shit just because some wise japanese yoda guy said something doesn't mean it's a fundamental truth of aesthetics, it's just his opinion on the matter. Also Yoshi Yamalamadingdong still uses colour, especially in some of the crazier Y-3 shoes.

Heck, that quote doesn't even say that black is superior to all, it even says that it's lazy and easy. Put some fucking effort in sometimes, jeez, I mean it's easy to look like techno-interests-me-guy all the time but it's also boring as fuck.

>> No.8373244

what the fuck do you think "urban stealth" means? fucking idiot

>> No.8373659

It's true though that most colors that look beautiful look stupid if you wear them.

>> No.8373664

Technically black is the lack of color

>> No.8373678

Mix every color together and you get black

>> No.8373699

The thing I love best about these retards who think black/white/grey/whatever aren't colors is that they all think pink is a color.

>> No.8373702


you probably own a lot of really basic stuff and like to wax on and on about how your wardrobe is "consistent"

>implying the ultimate demonstration of effort isnt looking like you put no effort in at all

see, this is what happens when teenagers try to fashun

>> No.8373704

why do you like other colors?

>why'd you post this you abject failure

>> No.8373708

>Black T by Wang
>Acne Ace Cash
>Mono 1460s
>Black bomber

>ultimate demonstration of effort

>> No.8373724

>looking down on ppl who go basic

sure is highschool in here

>> No.8373736

There's nothing wrong with it, it's just pretty dull if half the WAYWT is filled with it

I think it's just so common here because it's one of the only aesthetics where it's hard to find anything bad about it meaning it receives the least hate here meaning people are more inclined to stick with the look because it's /fa/ approved.

>> No.8374884

no, high school is when you get admired for being a basic bitch

look I'm not going to tear someone apart for not being fashionable, but this is a fashion forum, and playing it safe isn't exciting for anybody.

>> No.8374938
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I've been wearing a lot more colors recently

greens (dark, dark olive, asparagus)

blues (oxford, denim, navy)

reds (auburn, burgundy)


browns (beige, ecru, umber)

may seem v specific but that's about all the color I wear besides black-grey-white

>> No.8374952

wearing a lot of black is like using OU: the team

>> No.8376115



>> No.8376808


yoojii taughhtt mee