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File: 948 KB, 1158x1030, RWIR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8366910 No.8366910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any inspo on Red Wing Iron Rangers?
I know you all own them since they're constantly recommended. I'm thinking of copping a pair, but I want to see some good fits that they work with first.

>> No.8366931
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This is probably my favorite IR pic.

>> No.8366960

do a google image search, they come up a lot.

I actually did buy my pair largely due to /fa/ still happy with them 3 years later.

>> No.8367132

I sport Katahdins

Pls dont hurt me /fa/

>> No.8367148

What color do you guys get yours in?

>> No.8367185


amber harness, it goes a little better with chinos

>> No.8367203
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>> No.8367213


I just bought a pair of worn out Kats and sent them back to LL Bean. Waiting on my new ones. Kats are the best used boot deal since they go for like $65 on eBay in good shape.

For some reason my foot felt like I was wearing high heels in them, though.

>> No.8367243

dude looks pissed

>> No.8367253
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>> No.8367263

>turtleneck over shirt with popped collar
What is this old man trying to achieve?

>> No.8367269

Kats just look so much lower quality the the Red Wings though, I don't know. I wouldn't be happy with it.

>> No.8367273

Also, I found a used pair on Grailed for $168 in my size, does that price include shipping, or will an extra $15 be tacked onto that?
Is that a good deal for what looks to be lightly used IR's?

>> No.8367275
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How so?

>> No.8367300

And he's not trying.
He has succeeded.

>> No.8367310

I think it's the toe cap stitching really, it just doesn't seem as sturdy as the IR one. I've seen comparison pictures and the leather quality seems leagues ahead with the Red Wing, but that might be a unique case.
Also I'm not a fan of the lug nut looking eyelets and circular lace hooks on the Kats.
Idk, it's the little things that push me away. Some people may prefer it that way I guess.

>> No.8367316


You're actually right about the toe stitching. It's a lot weaker than the IR's. Rest of the boot seems pretty decent, though.

>> No.8367416

A word about color OP:
The different leathers aren't just different colors, they feel different and behave differently too.

Oh and on amber? The most popular/ubiquitous color?
OP check leddit's MFA for fit pics of these, every single one of them has a pair. It's a condition of membership to their stupid club.

Problem with amber:
When you treat it with something, be it a conditioner, red wing boot oil and waterproofing - which is what RW recommend for that leather - or worst of all obernaufs or snoseal, for that absolutely unnecessary, autistic level of waterproofing only the clueless neckbear that never actually goes outside coats his IR's with (check leddit and SF), then the leather is going to darken considerably. Especially with snoseal and obernaufs. If you're retarded and cake it on like so many retards out there, then it'll be even worse.

It's no longer an interesting color, and you might as well have bought black.
You can't not treat them with at least conditioner or boot oil, otherwise they'll dry out and crack.

But most things, especially if you over do it like so many do, will turn a pair of amber IR's into this bland mud color, worse than these
>>8367275. I see way too many people using crap woodsman and loggers would use on their work boots on a pair of fashion boots that won't go anywhere more wild than a local mall and see little more than the occasional drizzle.

The copper rufftuff is lighter than the amber to start with, so they won't be as affected be darkening, that is if you don't overdo it like an autist.

The copper is softer and more forgiving on the feet during break in than amber, and has that delightful instant patina as soon as you walk in them that you won't get in mudbrown amber IR's for a long while.

Black is boring. If you want a black boot they're everywhere. Nothing about the black IR stands out.

The Hawthorne roughout one can get pretty gross, but that's just part of its charm. Shouldn't have break-in issues; softest one.

>> No.8367421

Indigo jeans, you mongoloid. Literally all you wear with them besides maybe chinos sometimes.

>> No.8367425

The Heavy Duty LP isn't much for waterproofing. It does a little work, but just a little. Also, in my experience the LP doesn't considerably darken the leather once it's dried.

>> No.8367431

>. Also, in my experience the LP doesn't considerably darken the leather once it's dried.
I must've seen only the most retarded people use it then. Shit's nearly black after they finish.

>> No.8367454

Well, the LP moistens the leather and therefore darkens it. If they snapped a photo while the leather was still wet, the boots would be darker, but they return to their normal color once they're dry. I mean, there might be a subtle change, but I've never been able to tell a difference and I've put LP on a number of different shoes and boots.

>> No.8367455

I don't get why these boots are so good? Are they waterproof and stuff? Are they comfortable cuz they sure as hell don't look comfortable.

>> No.8367457

Aesthetically some of the best looking boots, solid quality and construction, and a relatively low price point for what you get.

>> No.8367459

w2cop jacket

>> No.8367481

They look interesting and they're cheap. Hence the popularity.

>> No.8367495

they look good and theyre built like tanks

but they are so fucking uncomfortable, you need to put in some insoles or something. i used to own a pair of RWs with the same sole and it was absolute hell to wear for any extended period of time

>> No.8367498

He's has sprezztatourettes. Pay him no mind.

>> No.8367545

I've wanted copper, but it always sells out first and almost never goes on sale.
I live in a midwestern city and have only seen one pair in amber IRL, so I'm not too worried about being associated with leddit faggots.
What's a good routine for boot care then, boot oil every couple of months?

>> No.8368312

brush often, clean with a wet reg when they get muddy etc ( pretty much just keep them clean).
Oil every few months or when they start looking dry.

Dont oversaturate the leather like some boot-autist do(oil every wear, or twice a day or something), the leather will just get floppy and dark.

>> No.8368478

Sound advice.
Especially the brushing part. Get a good brush. Too many people forget about this. Only last week or so there was a pic of some very badly maintained IR's that suffered the consequences of poor maintenance: no cleaning, no brushing, no oil or conditioner. They were only a few months old I think and were already fucked because of cracks.
>Dont oversaturate the leather like some boot-autist do
This is also a good point. It's possible to over oil or condition something. Blocks dem dead pores and shit.

>> No.8369293
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Taking advantage of nice return policies = not cool.

And agreed, the first time wearing them felt super weird. They kind of feel like heels but you'll get used to them. They also kind of make a clacking noise which is kind of bad when I walk around quiet campus halls in the winter.

I'm thinking of copping some Red Wing chukkas next year though.
Check out this album: http://imgur.com/a/1nlWq#0 (disclaimer its from MFA, but it was useful when I was deciding on boots)

The IR's are a completely higher quality boot and the stitching looks 10x better (especially around the sole)

But, reasons I bought Katahdins:
>Be Canadian, scoop tried on/display/lightly used whatever they were Kats for $120 to Canada
>Cheap boots I can beat up and not worry about but still look similar to the Red Wing Heritage look
>Vibram sole has at least a bit of grip for dat Canadian winter, fuck your cork sole unless you live in the desert or something
>The leather gets this beautiful rugged uneven wear that looks really cool (see picture)
>Yeah thats about it, they also look like real work boots so you kind of have to be able to rock that look

>> No.8369343

>he IR's are a completely higher quality boot and the stitching looks 10x better (especially around the sole)
Kata's are okay, but if you can get the IR's cheaper than list then they're a good buy.
Still you get what you pay for either way.
Kata's don't have as good leather, nor internal materials (insole is not as good).

>> No.8369350

That being said stylistically I prefer the brass hexagonal eyelets and those speedhooks look more solid than the ones on the IR, which can could be more prone to catching on lighter weight pants.

>> No.8369863 [DELETED] 

>Taking advantage of nice return policies = not cool.

The boots legitimately failed (upper stitching tore out on both of them.) Only difference is I'm sending them back instead of the original owner.

>> No.8369888

This is some ugly dadcore shit.
You look like a construction worker.
The toe box is massive and they look like clown shoes.


>> No.8369889

>Taking advantage of nice return policies = not cool.

The boots legitimately failed (toe cap stitching tore out on both of them.) Only difference is I'm sending them back instead of the original owner. I'm not trying to return them for the regular wear they have.

As someone with a pair of heavily used Katahdins, I can say that the toe cap stitching is the only noticeable failure point. The rubber insole is rugged as hell, and the cardboard under that shows no signs of damage. Maybe it'd be an issue after 10+ years but even with the soles worn down the rest of the boot mostly held up.

They really could use more toe stitching. I'm surprised they don't have it since the rest of the boot is quadruple stitched.

>> No.8369896
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>> No.8369914

>wow. Look how old and see decrepite those boots are

These look like shit

>> No.8370248
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>> No.8370278
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>Flat bottomed boots

Dress shoes for rich boys who like to play dress up as an explorer. Totally indicative of the softening of masculinity of today's global culture. Wear them and every time you hear the soft slap on the marble floors you'll be walking on you can be reminded of how much of a pussy you actually are.

Boots for faggots

>> No.8370289

suggestions for decent boots in the uk at student budget?

>> No.8370364

So what do you wear in the winter?

>> No.8370413

>not being able to appreciate the history and craftsmanship behind the boots.

>> No.8370430

functional boots

>> No.8370450


my heart on my sleeve

>> No.8370519

No it's not possible to over condition, not if you use a quality product.

the pores will only be blocked if you use something with silicons, like Kiwi or something. With Saphir products or something of equal quality, there's literally no such thing as too much shoe cream/oil.

It's just that you need to clean the cream with a special leather lotion every now and then, but that's only because if you don't, the shoe cream stops penetrating the leather as thoroughly as it used to after a while.

>> No.8370522

I wore mine through a mild fall and winter (Houston) season and I haven't oiled them or anything. The leather is still pretty soft and hasn't cracked like everyone says happens, they just look worn-in and darker (folds, black spots, etc). Should I do something?

>> No.8370561

Can't hurt to oil them every now and then, at least once a month. Try applying a little bit of product : if it looks like the leather absorbs it quickly, then it needed it. If it stays on the surface, it didn't need it

Keep adding product until it stays on the surface, then wipe it off.

>> No.8370645


Thanks. Can you recommend any oil?

>look it up yourself

>> No.8370760
File: 350 KB, 1600x1066, IMG_6671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying that Red Wing Heritage boots, in fact have no heritage and were not built for the working man? Son, I...

>"The 8111 is as tough as the iron miners that wore them. "

>> No.8370782
File: 95 KB, 720x960, IR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copped for $230, 2 day free shipping

>> No.8370845

You are not a tough miner. You are not a working man. You are not exploring the western frontier. You are sitting in an air-conditioned room browsing 4chan, where you moved to from another air-conditioned room.

I don't care about what you wear, but don't pretend that your superhero costume gives you superpowers

>> No.8370897


You're projecting. Were you laughed at for being poor back in grade school?

>> No.8370947

Nice, where from?

I like the aesthetic. Fuck off.

>> No.8370968

fsfashionny, they only have size 11 and 10 now, luckily i'm an 11.

>> No.8370983

Fuck, I went in store to try them on and I was a 9 1/2.

>> No.8371000

Yep, I think it's a clearance run so they probably wont be re-stocking. Stay vigilant though, you can get them for 220-240 if you pay attention

>> No.8371011

I agree whole heartedly.

>> No.8371026
File: 2.78 MB, 3266x2177, IMG_9290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a poorfag that wears the same thing a lot. My IRs are possibly my favorite article of clothing.

>> No.8371054

They're really not that sturdy. I completely destroyed my pair after 2-3 years just from doing tons of walking. The sole wore down extremely thin and some of the seams broke and they just generally fell apart. I was one of the first people to get a pair, and I got them directly from a Red Wing store, so they definitely weren't counterfeit or anything. I dunno, maybe I just got a bad pair or something, but I've had Converse All Stars that lasted longer than those fuckers…..

>> No.8371070

You're supposed to replace the sole every couple of years, and take care of the leather, that's what lasts forever.

>> No.8371111

As far as I know, the heritage model of red wing iron rangers were released fairly recently and have no actual history of use in manual labor. Red Wing was just jumping on the workwear revival bandwagon.

>> No.8371114

I did take of the leather. I brushed them off when they got dirty or muddy, I kept them polished, when they got wet I let them slowly air dry away from direct heat, etc. Lots of city walking utterly destroyed them. They're the most expensive shoes I've ever purchased and they held up/performed the worst. I think I must have just gotten a shoddy/factory reject pair, because everyone else seems to love theirs.

>> No.8371139

did you condition them? dry leather dies fast

>> No.8371219
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>> No.8371247

Posted this in a cop or not with little success but should i cop amber harness ir 8111 for $385 AUD locally? its from the only reseller in my city (Adelaide Australia) and they sell the boots wholesale from the redwings australia site. is it still worth it at the price point ive been wanting these boots for a while and only recently found the reseller.
tldr how do Australians buy red wings without paying out the ass for them?

>> No.8371261

i wish i could help, but as an amerifag i really cant. 385 is a lot for red wings though

>> No.8371269


Why not try on a few pairs and then order them from American ebay or something?

>> No.8371285

Well stuff that we can't import ends up costing heaps over here ($70USD levis jacket costs $150AUD)and sometimes its unavoidable so we just get used to the price mark up. i'm just wondering if its way too much for these boots in particular.

>> No.8371503

zappos US.

>> No.8371539

it's only about 80-100 bucks over u.s. retail.

Take that info whichever way you want.

>> No.8371674
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Paid $320 here in Canada because fuck waiting.

>> No.8371725

Used Iron Rangers are $180 all day long on eBay. Why pay $300 for a new pair?

>> No.8372088

>being this autistic

Not possible to over condition? are you sure?
What happens when you saturate the leather completely with "good" shoe cream, and the leather gets really floppy? They will eventually dry back almost as they were, but my god man, it is very possible. and common here and at mfa

>> No.8372351

>Flat bottomed boots
what does that even mean?
you mean it has no tread?
then say so you faggot

>can't even use the proper terminology
inbred pleb detected

>> No.8372353

>No it's not possible to over condition, not if you use a quality product.
Everyone discount what this faggot has mentioned since they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.8372362

>can only wear boat shoes if on a boat
>can only wear tennis shoes if playing tennis
>can only wear sneakers when sneaking

you can only be a faggot if you're a faggot and you are so there

>> No.8372373

>Are you implying that Red Wing Heritage boots, in fact have no heritage and were not built for the working man? Son, I...

He's right and wrong.
The heritage line is a fashion line. Only an idiot would buy them for actual work, especially considering RW's actual work boots are cheaper and more suited to manual labor.

That being said whatever the base designs may have been a million years ago doesn't mean that the shoes you're wearing are up to the task or are suited for it.

Whatever boots those miners wore back then would have been made completely differently from the one's you're wearing now - different grade of leather, different construction entirely.

RW heritage line is most definitely NOT built for the working man, unless by "working man" you mean Man Whore that patrols the back alleys of mainstreet.

>> No.8372383

Are these copper?
What did you treat them with?

>> No.8372527
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Love my recent purchases <3

>> No.8372632

how are those nisolo boots working out for you?

>> No.8374045


Return guy here. New Katahdins showed up about four days later, plus some T-shirts I sent back 'cause they inexplicably stretched out after a few wearings.

I'm not sure if the Katahdin leather quality is that much worse than IR, but it comes in an oily scuffy matte finish. Attention to detail is worse and some of the seams are uneven and and leather edges are ratty looking. On the other hand, the sole is lovely and the machined bronze eyelets and speed hooks are god tier.

The profile of the boot is higher than the IRs. Less clown shoe looking but maybe not as comfy for people low feet.

I'll get some pics in case anyone wants to see what brand new Katas look like.

>> No.8374615

pics please

>> No.8375007
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As it turns out, I'm going to have to send these back too. The boots are the same size but the upper on one is much larger than the other, so you can't lace it tight enough. Quality.

>> No.8375013
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I've worn these about four hours total. The scuffy look on the outside is unavoidable--it's a soft oily finish instead of a polish like IRs. Even handing them with fingers leaves marks, sort of like suede does.

>> No.8375016
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I have another pair that've been worn enough to round the heel and they don't look any different than these. The leather holds up.

>> No.8375021
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>> No.8375025
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Soles have traction

>> No.8375090

alright, looks pretty neat overall

>> No.8375167

that's why i don't feel bad about dropping extra for IR's

>> No.8375220


From Amazon:

This review is from: Red Wing Heritage Men's 6-Inch Iron Ranger Boot (Apparel)
After trying on several pairs of the same model I found that Red Wing has quality control issues. I'm not expecting perfection but at $310 I expect to have the left shoe constructed to match the right shoe. One pair had one shoe with a narrower toe than the other. Another pair had the inner side panel stitched almost 1/2" lower than the opposite shoe. I finally had to settle on a pair. Good luck.

>> No.8375234

Keep in mind the vocal minority is usually negative. I got my IR's online for $230, both fit perfectly, no issues with QC and are exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.8375443

Quite great, though my only complaint is the anke portion for the shoe, it's in the shape of a bulb and only the right becomes a bit irritating after wearing them for hours. Though besides that, the shoe is perfect.

>> No.8375458
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Forgot the photo

>> No.8375498
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Same guy,

Well normally I don't post what I wear here, but I sent this to my girlfriend, now I'll send it to you /fa/ <3

(Yes...a vneck)

>> No.8376412

Y r it sunnies at ur dick?

>> No.8376475

Depending on how long boot was worn the insoles will be compressed to the person who wore them a foot shape.

>> No.8376499
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My almost year-old Ambers next to my new Blacks.

>> No.8376603

Are these the Hawthorne Muleskinner?

>> No.8376642

what are the shoes on the bottom shelf

>> No.8376655

Do they feel comfortable after a year?
Tried IRs and they felt like death

I like the look of the blacks and Im considering getting them for riding but only if they wont make my feet bleed after being broken in

>> No.8376679

leather boots take a few/many hours to work in

>> No.8376692

I own leather boots

Im asking about his IRs so thank you for your input

>> No.8376718

no, after a year IRs will feel awful, dont buy them. unlike every other leather boot they dont ever break in.

>> No.8376731


My Amber Rangers feel comfortable, and my Black Rangers are still pretty stiff.

On a side note, I also own a pair of 9075's, and they are uncomfortable as fuck. The insole is horrible.

>> No.8376743
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gr8 shitposting m8

>> No.8376871

Sell Red Wings at my work and I've thought about copping Iron Rangers for the 3+ years I've worked there. Can get them wholesale price so maybe I should go ahead and do it.

>> No.8376881

>not knowing about dickskin cancer
number one cause of death in white males

>> No.8376884

>Im considering getting them for riding
you'll scratch the shit out of the toes
unless you ahve one of those leather pads

>> No.8377330
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>never been to oil field
>never had to scrape mud off boots going in trailer
>never understand how much easier it is with flat bottom boots

keep talking shit maybe ill see you out here on the frontier sometime

>> No.8378251

What's the best place to buy these online? I want to buy one of those models that they only sell in america and i'm based in europe. I want exactly that copper coloured model model 8115

So is Amazon the best choice? They ship globally, and is that one which says copper on the colour model 8115? Can anyone confirm this?


>> No.8378281

why? they look like shit. also, that cut in the vamp.

>> No.8378308

truth nigga
there's a difference between "well-used" and "beat to shit/not taken care of"

>> No.8378323
File: 7 KB, 275x183, iron ranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo iron rangers look pretty stupid. I really liked them at one point and bought a pair (right sizing) and instantly sent them back because they just looked like clown shoes on me. Been wanting boots for at least 6 months now, but never know what to get, I wanted some W+H service boots, but it's so hard to get them in the uk

>> No.8378568

>and i'm based in europe
>So is Amazon the best choice? They ship globally
Considering RW don't allow sellers to ship outside of the country they're selling boots in, I very much doubt those IR's fall under Amazon's global program. At least, they never have before.

That's why I asked where you were in Europe, because it's RW policy that, for example, the US RW dealers can't ship out of the US, the AU RW dealers can't ship out of OZ, EU dealers can't ship out of the EU etc.

Have you been a smart little boy and checked their local/Eu stocklists?

Or are you just another dropkick deadshit hoping to be spoonfed?

Just look for the EU sellers you tard.

>> No.8378583

>Been wanting boots for at least 6 months now
>I wanted some W+H service boots, but it's so hard to get them in the uk

if you had ordered them 6 months ago you would have them by now, considering how fucking long it takes for dayton to make some shitty boots. done in 4 months with errors, so you'll inevitably have to send them back and wait another 2 for them to repair.

>> No.8378622

>o get them in the uk
>if you had ordered them 6 months ago you would have them by now, considering how fucking long it takes for dayton to make some shitty boots. done in 4 months with errors, so you'll inevitabl

well, i logged in to amazon, added the item to my cart and well, what is stopping amazon from shipping those copper coloured Red wing to sweden for me?

>> No.8378642


>> No.8378646

Who are you quoting?

I can add shit to my cart all the time, but if they're going to stop you it will tell you at the paying stage. What's stopping amazon is RW. Generally sellers that break agreements with manufacturers don't remain sellers for very long.

Try it if you want.

>> No.8379271

The reason why Iron Rangers look like clown shoes is because Auschwitz escapees wear them with skin tight skinny jeans. Get a slimmer boot that matches your body type and stop bitching.

>> No.8380678


>w-w-why do my large, heavy boots fit this way with my skintight polioleg jeeeeeeeeans? :((((((

stupid faggotry

that being said the beckmans in cherry red really are close to clown shoes because they don't have a toe cap like the IR's to disguise that bulb toe

>> No.8380682

>Fat guys

>> No.8381625
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>> No.8383879

Those aren't IRs, are they?

>> No.8383936

There are two other reasons.

The first is that Red Wing fans and Red Wing stockists aren't as conscious of silhouette when taking/uploading photos. A lot of shoes look a bit like "clown shoes" if you take a photo from a bad angle -- people who are conscious of this choose to post photos that make their shoes look good.

The second is that Red Wings ARE bigger than normal in the toe area. not by nearly as much as some people say they are, but it's still a real difference.

>> No.8383982

nail on the head. Red wings are notoriously bulby so I copped some Wolverine 1ks instead. Way better boot imo

>> No.8384291

>Way better boot imo

Except all the quality issues and the fact the leather sole makes it a fair weather street boot.

>> No.8384317

ugh are IR's still a thing? heritage is ded

>> No.8384844

yes they are

>> No.8384956

Looks good

>> No.8385254

being a street boot isn't necessarily a bad thing. and there are plenty of people who haven't experience quality control problems, so maybe he'll get lucky.

1k miles look good and a lot of people are happy with them. I don't love them but I can't criticize someone else for buying them.

That said, I think it's unfair to say "way better boot" in comparison to Red Wing

>> No.8385399

OP here, I think I've decided against buying them.
I feel like I'm too young to pull off the look and it'll appear like I'm playing dress up with my dads work boots.
Maybe in like 5-ish years I could pull them off.
Thanks for all the info though. If anyone wants to try and persuade me otherwise, go for it.

>> No.8385416


Heritage, by definition, cannot die.

>> No.8385863

I own both, Red Wings is far superior. Though the 1k is a bit sleeker. I'm actually wearing them out tonight.

>> No.8385874


Understandable. How old are you anyways?

>> No.8386039


>> No.8386045

Any similar style leather shoes but on $100 budget?

>> No.8386072


Nothing from a brand anyone really knows about. Either cheap junk or surplus boots which may also be cheap junk.

Katahdins go for $50-100 used. Not a bad deal and the warranty is perpetual.

>> No.8386082


Oh, Chippewa Apache boots can drop to around $120 on sale. That's a pretty good deal. It's like a Katahdin without the cap toe or warranty.

>> No.8386114
File: 756 KB, 3000x1125, 1353540927691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your clown shoes.

>> No.8386123


That's why a hungry skeleton wearing skinny pants shouldn't wear oversized vintage style boots.

>> No.8386166
File: 279 KB, 1024x575, red-wing-8128-brogue-ranger-velva-retan-392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IRs don't look like that. The brogue rangers on the other hand do.

>> No.8386466

I'm only 20.

>> No.8388104

Normally slim jeans with large boots look awful, but this works really well IMO.

>> No.8388173


here. I ordered a brush, boot oil, and leather protector from Red Wing off of Amazon a few days ago and it should be coming in today.

I heard that boot oil can mess up the color of amber IR's (8111) if you put too much. Any tips on how much to put on?

>> No.8388184
File: 1.86 MB, 3264x2448, 20140621_143927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rode my motorcycle with my year old IR's last week and sprang a pretty bad oil leak which completely saturated my left boot.

Is there any way to clean the oil out of the boot? Or am I fucked?

>> No.8388197
File: 1.82 MB, 3264x2448, 20140621_143903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


another pic

>> No.8388527


damn that's a lot of oil

>> No.8388553
File: 47 KB, 715x609, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> functional

so /fa/. Just like a real life mexican day laborer.

>> No.8388556


you should just oil up the other boot, it looks pretty sick in matte black

>> No.8388563

They're too far gone. Just keeping them the way they are and say "it adds character" :^)

>> No.8388577


that's so bizarre how it's nearly 100% coverage

>> No.8388607



seems like they're out of green ones though

>> No.8388694
File: 101 KB, 500x637, Hzwkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go ahead and say that the moc toe model is more /fa/

>> No.8388698
File: 303 KB, 377x611, UjPpR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disagree with me, i dare you

>> No.8388707


how do these fit? My feet are kinda wide, and i'm thinking about sizing down half a size and getting the wide version. I've heard they're narrow

>> No.8388720
File: 912 KB, 1944x2592, 5bkZg20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i /fa/ yet?

>> No.8389082
File: 1.66 MB, 2144x1346, 1403304148819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pants are too tapered, look like clown shoes
pic of a fit i liked in the last waywt, could dffs use a better shirt though. any1 know the jeans?

>> No.8389095

i dont mind the pants but the boots look ridiculous

>> No.8389107

oh the woes of having chicken legs

>> No.8389114

post legs

>> No.8389143

Red Wing moc toes are fucking disgusting, that pic is the only one I've ever seen that makes them look remotely good.

>> No.8389175

Im too shy. ill post a picture of my butthole instead

>> No.8389219


dude idk. I like the toe box a lot

>> No.8389239

it almost looks worse than indy's man

>> No.8389294
File: 727 KB, 2447x2447, UdUfrKt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indigo dyed

source: reddit /r/rawdenim

>> No.8390216

you could try stripping the finish as much as possible then dying them both black

>> No.8390249
File: 136 KB, 768x1024, 1t8xO5gh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying mining is not a legitimate 20th century job
eurofag plz go

Watch the damn video. You are both wrong.

Yes they are the Iron Ranger 8113

These would have been possible nice if he had not just dumped them in a vat of dye and called it a day. >see pic NSFL
Properly applied dye Red Wings is something I still want to see.

>> No.8390255

This exactly. I mean, it seems obvious, right?

>> No.8390260

They look like IR's fucked Sperry Top-Siders and then had an abortion.

>> No.8390267
File: 107 KB, 600x400, Side-Red-Wing-x-Tenue-de-Nimes-Natural-Indigo-Dyed-Boots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Wing X Tenue De Nimes

>> No.8390284

>sprang a pretty bad oil leak

lol stfu u just oiled one of them and regret it

>> No.8390291

damn. maybe it's just the color, but I can't get behind that.

>> No.8391150

if you leave the oil on ot will kill them faster

get some saddle soap on the asap
or goto a shoe repair shop and see what they recommend.

saddle soap and then condition the fuck out of them

>> No.8391647

try Rakuten Global, m8

>> No.8391660

Those TdN folks go hard on indigo everything with a strong lust for the vibram. It's appeal is kinda lost on those who don't wear left righthand tripple weave zimbabwe cotton natural indigo 40 oz denum.

>> No.8391912

This guy knows what's up.
You don't get an oil leak that accidentally completely coats every square inch of a boot.

>> No.8391917

so only for /r/rawdenim?

>> No.8391941


i agree

>> No.8392453


So I cleaned and oiled my boots yesterday. The color was very dark at first, but they lightened up after a few hours and a night out and now they leather has a nice rich color.

>> No.8392559

dat clown toe doe. wtf

>> No.8392568

where to cop "i left the oven on" facial expression
i always felt this way personally. i never got the appeal of these boots when they don't work with any of the other things /fa/ recommends, unless your job actually requires you to wear this kind of thing idk how you could work it into fits without looking like denim dan. i always browse these inspo threads to see but everything here is mfacore and appeals to 2010-era /fa/ "i have never seen a runway collection and i base my personal style on pictures of quirky old bearded men in navy suits who carry pocketwatches"

>> No.8392614

like what i'm saying with that last post basically is i feel like we have left every other vestige of workwear behind and moved on and no one would dare to post in a waywt with some bright indigo cuffed selvage raws and a flannel, and yet here we are still talking about how cool these boots are

>> No.8392668

The toe box only bothers me when looking at the show from floor level.

>> No.8392697

You will look like a baby giraffe trying to walk on ice with iron rangers nigga

>> No.8392718

theyre too long aren't they? did you even try them on in store first faggot

>> No.8392820

obviously not IR you inbred.

>> No.8392924

WAYWT threads are used only by one fraction of /fa/. I think a lot of people who post in threads like this just don't bother with some of those other threads. it would be a mistake to assume that they both come from the same community

it's true that /fa/ has "moved on": many posters have moved on to other websites, stopped posting about clothing on the internet, etc. And many new and younger people have come to /fa/ with new opinions about how to dress, so the dominant sense of style on the board has shifted, and it's true that the iron ranger doesn't work as well with the board's new aesthetic, sure. But that doesn't mean they're bad boots for those of us who still like that kind of thing.

Besides that, /fa/ has begun to decide that iron rangers are suitable only for a certain dadcore/workwear niche because of its association with mfa/etc. They're just brown boots, and you could, realistically, wear them in any number of ways. But perceptions of "what kind of people wear these" can severely limit the imagination. People no longer see iron rangers for what they are, and start to see only an idea they represent.

>> No.8392977
File: 94 KB, 670x448, f77b3fbf376d08cf64f35921fbdc1033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so all I'm trying to say is: Iron Rangers are just boots. somewhat tough boots with nice leather and a low price tag relative to anything comparable. You don't need to be a certain type of person to wear them. You don't need to wear them for some kind of "authenticity". If you're not an mfa dork, wearing them will not turn you into an mfa dork. Boots do not, on their own, determine how a fit looks.

>> No.8393222
File: 2.22 MB, 3264x2448, 20140622_153259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why would i lie on an anonymous image board?

the whole boot isnt covered, just most of it as seen in this picture. i ride an old bmw airhead and didnt torque the cylinder head nuts on the left side correctly, so the head let off just enough pressure on the gasket to separate from the cylinder body and leaked like all hell. this happened in the middle of a four hour ride so i had no choice but to get to my destination and periodically add more oil to the engine, effectively coating the medial aspect of the boot and most of my jeans below the knee.

thanks. ill just bring it in to red wing and ask them wat do.

>> No.8393748

care to summarize /fa/'s beef with MFA? I'm new here, but it just seems like they serve different purposes.

>> No.8393845
File: 2.45 MB, 1970x2955, IMG_9289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amber. I used Doc Martens Wonder Balsam.

>> No.8394704
File: 381 KB, 2560x1920, aTX6ibI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flaw with MFA is that the people are to nice and the clothing they post about is very basic. Look at this guy in the photo. He made a post asking about whether or not he should buzz his hair. The post garnered about 2k upvotes and ended up on /r/all. Out of every comment on the post there were none telling him to lose weight since it's against MFA's rules to tell a person to change their body. It's this kind of regard for the users feeling that makes the board so bad. This man could have a luscious head of hair as nice as Fabio's but, it wouldn't change the fact that he is a fat fuck.

>> No.8394734

That's not the reason MFA is a shit board, it's more the fact that you're an asshole.
The dude is asking for hair advice, not weight advice. Everyone on /fa/ just wants to sperg out and shit insults on people all day and shit

MFA is a bad board because people mimic absolute basics of style, refuse to branch out, and shoot down any outsider fashion. They take in all these fuckin infographics and basic advice and regurgitate it on every other poster. So if someone comes to MFA and asks what shoes to buy, they leave with Sperrys, Red Wings/Clarks, nike Killshots, and white vans with the laces switched to leather laces. Then they fill their closet with levis 511s, uniqlo shirts, timex watches, blah blah blah, and then they think they're fashion gods.
The MFA WAYWT post gets 300 posts in like 10 minutes because people want to show off their new uniqlo outfit and pretend their mundane outfits and lives are great.

So yeah its a shit board but not because "people are too nice". The good part about mfa is people actually attempt to give constructive criticism, which matters more than some shitposter on /fa/ going "shit fit" to everyone and wasting their own time being a dick

>> No.8394768


>not thinking losing weight improves all aspects of aesthetics

>> No.8394807

he wasn't asking for hair advice, ultimately he was asking how to look good.

The way for him to look good is to lose 100 lbs or more

>> No.8395118

what are the black shoes?

>> No.8395130

>TFW was gifted a pair
>never wore them because they're bulbous and look like clown shoes near the toes.

>> No.8395167

I probably am an asshole and constructive criticism isn't necessarily equal to nice criticism. It's like going to the mechanic to get your oil changed and then finding out your engine is about to blow then getting mad at the mechanic for giving you engine advice.

>> No.8395428

That's a bad analogy. A car's engine is required for its function. Some people want to avoid advice on not looking retarded while not making fashion into a hobby.

>> No.8395670

That's a more convincing angle than the last picture anon.

>> No.8395964

sorry but I think NH dude is spot on, and that's because your second paragraph also applies to /fa/

>> No.8395967

I would expect my mechanic to give me advice, you dont? Okay...

>> No.8395994

>I've seen some shit