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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 65 KB, 1056x1033, redd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8316413 No.8316413 [Reply] [Original]

reddit top of waywt for may has been posted, thoughts/discussion - not a hate thread

>> No.8316416


>> No.8316418

Link to it.

>> No.8316439

Do you know this an image board?

>> No.8316443

there are some good fits, there are some bad, just like here

>> No.8316458

Some are good some are bad.
That one that looks like full patty ervell is great imo.

>> No.8316478

godamn they really like chilljn up in there. saw like 5 fits I loved, rest were either try hard or dadcore.

>> No.8316487

Some tryhards, much dadcore, some nice fits

>> No.8316488


belong on reddit, which is where you should go back to

>> No.8316493
File: 588 KB, 1944x2916, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides

>> No.8316500


why do they like floral so much idgi

>> No.8316508


>> No.8316510


lmao, the Stan Smiths really twist the outfit, don't they?

>> No.8316513
File: 79 KB, 1056x1033, 1401912527912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8316520

i like daou's fits

>> No.8316527

they white

>> No.8316541

Thank you, bald-chan.

>> No.8316554
File: 1.29 MB, 1205x2265, 536cd37246ee3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chilljin looks great as always

>> No.8316566

he posted here aswell

>> No.8316568

top half is really nice, bottom half not so much

>> No.8316571

are those 1460?
they look horrible

>> No.8316573
File: 1.16 MB, 1078x2194, 5369669d345b3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c a jacket like this

>> No.8316577

would look really good if he was tall, skinny, attractive and had nice hair. instead he is short, fat, very ugly and with disgusting hair. oh well

>> No.8316582

This is so bad it's going I to my bad fits folder

>> No.8316583

yeah wtf did he do to them
normally they look pretty good

>> No.8316586


A two-button top coat/car coat/Chesterfield is a staple for many brands that have significant tailored offerings. Everyone from a Theory to a Burberry Prorsum to an All Saints has put one out at some time or another. Just keep your eyes peeled during the upcoming season.

>> No.8316588

probably asos or cos or primark or some sht. he rarely buys clothes from anywhere else

fuck off, chilljin u ugly, wonky faced, acne ridden cunt

>> No.8316593

pants are weird

>> No.8316600


>> No.8316613

So you're saying that is a bad fit that can only be worn by somebody were you wouldn't look at the clothes?

>> No.8316615
File: 1.29 MB, 947x712, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of them are good, some alright but christ

>> No.8316617
File: 196 KB, 1080x1920, e7XRCRd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant even tell wtf is up with that fit, do these faggots actually think this looks cool?

>> No.8316620

yeah, i guess. attractive people can get away with wearing anything. if you're ugly, like this guy, u can't really pull it off in the same way

>> No.8316622
File: 1.43 MB, 936x705, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he put these in the album himself, how can anyone think this looks good?

>> No.8316624
File: 594 KB, 2048x1536, NgFWzj8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides

>> No.8316626


>> No.8316628

Very true.
>tfw will never be /fa/ because I'm ugly

They upvote it for the lulz :^)

>> No.8316634
File: 442 KB, 3139x2092, dsYPFEr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the opposite of fashion

>> No.8316636

hi chilljin
Also, shit outfit.

>> No.8316638

gieb oil pls :^)

>> No.8316643

yeah but at least that guy tries to do something new, unlike the rest of that subreddit

>> No.8316645

cause he is gregor clegane

>> No.8316646

Wow, talk about skipping leg days. It's like he has a muscular upper body, but twink ass legs.

>> No.8316655

he's actually doing something unique at least unlike the same fits recycled on every single fashion forum

>> No.8316656

This was actually one of the few fits I really liked. Proportions and silhouette are obviously very strange here but work incredibly well with his body.

>> No.8316658

he also has a raging gyno that is actually highlighted by how "bulky" he is, absolutely disgusting

>> No.8316666

This doesn't even look that bad. So he's Sikh, so what? He has to wear that turban all the time so might as well try and look good with it on.

>> No.8316686
File: 2.04 MB, 2100x3150, niEx0oI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that one? are you high because that one is terrible

>> No.8316691

Doesn't make it good

>> No.8316697

Hey man, douh42069 here. I see you don't like my fit, so let me explain it. I've always liked how jumpsuits make you look like a retarded mechanic, and I think it's a great change from my more usual artisanal, cartoon-cowboy look. I see you must not truly appreciate avante-garde fashion, anyway - this particular onesie is a $30,000 piece from L.E. Edjemastaire, and is very popular on Stylezeitgeist.

>> No.8316700

I looks alright, albeit a little tacky. I really dislike when people wear only one designer it just seems forced 95% of the time. Plus the dude has a very punchable face and his hair is garbage.

>> No.8316704

I agree it sucks, but if he sized up on the sweater, I think it could look really good, main problem seems to be how it fits, not that the pieces don't go well together.

>> No.8316705

suck ur mum m8

>> No.8316712

how can u fail at pulling off a basic fit smh

>> No.8316716

why does anybody even wear ervell? Every time I see 'patty E' next to a fit, I know it's either going to be normcore shit or /malefashion-style borecore. It's like people buy it so they can look exactly the same as they would wearing M&S but have the satisfaction of a 'designer'.

>> No.8316721

this man knows

>> No.8316743

that's debatable
I think doing trying something new and failing is far better than doing the regular type of shit

>> No.8316748
File: 672 KB, 561x600, ervell ss 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like ervell cause his designs are usually pretty clean but still innovative enough 2 stand out
i like looking neat but still interesting , u feel me

>> No.8316770


>> No.8316790

It's not like this is super ground breaking so that point doesn't really apply here

>> No.8316791


>> No.8317261
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>> No.8317283
File: 353 KB, 1280x1707, 31 - 0x5X6iZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never reenact Stand By Me with your bros

>> No.8317308

Yeah, sadly this is one of the few fits I actually like in this month WAYWT. Everything else is a joke like this fit >>8316493

>> No.8317311

there's nothing deep or artistic about what clothes you choose to wear. unless you are designing the clothes yourself you are nothing but a consumer.

>> No.8317348


w2c jacket?

>> No.8317357


Pretty sure it's rick.

>> No.8317360

I love the drape of that T-shirt

>> No.8317382

ya I like it too

>> No.8317400


From Strutter, SS09. It was released as in Intarsia, High Neck Geo, and a short funnel-neck style known now as the Officer Bomber.

>> No.8317403 [DELETED] 
File: 515 KB, 2048x1536, 23 - Fga1FAh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8317404

usually their top of waywt are pretty decent but this one is pretty bad as they go

>> No.8317411 [DELETED] 
File: 566 KB, 2048x1536, 24 - kO7JzLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DYEL bro?

>> No.8317415

Apparently there's also a stooges version as well.

>> No.8317418 [DELETED] 
File: 575 KB, 2048x1536, 25 - nzPEDot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8317503
File: 559 KB, 400x1174, mfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these 2 are my favs and pretty dope

>> No.8317531

what were they planning on doing if a train came?

>> No.8317627
File: 1.46 MB, 2643x2643, NC1K1pd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's not too bad. Kinda like what I've been doing with khaki pants and my tropentarn shirt, with a tucked in green v-neck t-shirt. I'd post a pic but I've already showed and taken it all off.

That being said, I need to get myself a desert NV camo parka

>> No.8317633

what season is that rick leather from?

>> No.8317639

The thumbnail made it look like we was wearing a sheer mesh tank top.

>> No.8317658

because you're a tasteless turd

>> No.8317802

wouldnt mind seeing that folder

>> No.8317813


You could read the thread.


Good catch!

>> No.8317912

lol this is that debranded supreme parka that costs like $30 isn't it

nice fit though, it's kinda like chunky docs+long parka except with a nice color palette, actually really like the boots

>> No.8317931
File: 127 KB, 640x962, Le-21ème-Arrondissement-Rhamier-Auguste-Opening-Ceremony-SoHo-New-York-Street-Style-Fashion-Blog-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he does high quality basics with a twist. he gets an extra level of sophistication out of the most boring garments. peep the sample Docs. shit is cool. I prefer Ervell pieces with other clothes but full E done right is usually elegantly simple

>> No.8317937

it's just the /fa/ uniform with a rick coat
baggier pants would've made it legit cool
it's hella boring

>> No.8318138

yeah I agree. Dem niggas are dope.

>> No.8318165

idk man, i liked it
mfa waywt threads have actually been a mess of short shorts and pocket tees because they're geting the basics down XD

this album is refreshingly alright

>> No.8318180

he meant link us to the WAYWT idiot

>> No.8318184

are those silent damir?

>> No.8318188

w2c that shirt? what is it called?

>> No.8318193

he's also chubby as fuck

>> No.8318200

The exposed ankles ruin the fit.
I like this a lot, his sweater is just too short IMO
the bottom fit is dope

>> No.8318469

Where do i get this Sweatshirt?

>> No.8318575

Yeah if I recall, I remember seeing the stooge version for the jacket at around 700$ at rakuten.jp. Then I saw the jew brought it and was trying to sell that shit at around 1000$. Now he finally sold it. If any of you dumb fucks brought it for more than 700$ then I will point and laugh at you.

>> No.8318608

pieces are nice. proportions are wack

>> No.8318636

this is dope

>> No.8318641


>> No.8318680

sick fit

>> No.8319127


Also, both fits top and bottom are dope to be on topic.

>> No.8319193

This is better than 90% of the stuff in the WAYWT

>> No.8319201


this guy posts here too, always looks awkward and beta as shit in all his clothes

>> No.8319210


fuck off chilljin, your clothes are boring

stick to posting your ugly mug every day on tumblr

>> No.8319216

ervell pocket sweater

>> No.8319218

w2c sweater

>> No.8319274

Orthodox Priest-core is the new thing

>> No.8319288

IMO the only good ones, but I might be retarded:
>Pretty much all the monochrome fits but they shouldn't even count because they're monochrome
>That one cunt in the forest
>Asian dude with straw hat and birkenstocks, he might be on to something. I'd probably like it more without the birkenstocks though.
>Top half of the asian guy sitting on the bench
I honestly don't think the rest of them should be in anyone's "Top of the month", let alone a forum (?) concerned with male fashion. Some of them weren't BAD, they just weren't really that good.

Then there's a couple nxtlvl cunts who are really out of place on reddit

>> No.8319292

"Wooster does it, so why can't I?"

>> No.8319316

just move to the side how big do you think trains are

>> No.8319403
File: 331 KB, 1360x1640, XSdd0ym - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like the jacket on the left, w2c?

>> No.8319424

i can't get over how big and awkward it looks on that guy. makes it look like shit.

>> No.8319434

yeah, but i think it has some sick potential

>> No.8319436
File: 79 KB, 748x323, julius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

julius mainline SS12

>> No.8319438

ew grow some shoelaces

>> No.8319439
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>> No.8319441
File: 66 KB, 650x677, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck. And those shorts + high tops.
I just can't get over his expression either.

>> No.8319444

This is my favorite fit. That nigga looks cozy as fuck. Bet he's a cool dude irl too.

>> No.8319486

This guy has four photos, all of which are overwhelmingly shit so he clearly has some stake in the making of the best of

>> No.8319495

thanks a lot

>> No.8320450
File: 18 KB, 251x279, MFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all these nice clothes can't grow me facial hair or fix my receding hairline

>> No.8320463


>> No.8320851

this is actually damn good

>> No.8322366
File: 49 KB, 506x316, The_Wire_Levy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8322391


>> No.8322494

I lol'd

>> No.8322499

>yfw one of your grails are featured
Fuck...that outfit is solid and I wish I have that jacket right now.

>> No.8322587

I think the big guy with the toothpick legs just got upvoted because he was showing how you can be a "big guy" and still dress in something that isn't a mumu. His clothes are still terrible and he needs to do some lunges or some shit but that's my guess as to why he's on there so much.

I like the Asian dude with the straw hat and Birkenstocks. I like the dude on the bike. I like the Asian on the bench with the maroon socks.

There's nothing great here, really. A few cool/unique ideas that work well (see: asian in Birkenstocks) but mostly it's pretty normal guys who don't look like they're super into fashion but would probably be among the best dressed dudes at a house party. Which is good, I think. Not everyone needs to have some super defined OMG SO UNIQUE FIT trademark style, sometimes it's good to see people just looking... decent. That's probably what most people want anyway. A person who is totally clueless but wants to start looking better could look through these pics and get some pretty solid ideas about how to improve their wardrobe in safe ways, and that's pretty valuable.

Also, holy shit does reddit ever take their WAYWT threads seriously. Most of these pics weren't selfies. Do these guys go out with their friends specifically to model for WAYWT? It's actually pretty cool imo

>> No.8322607

I don't know if I'd agree with you about the "best dressed at a house party" thing. Some of these guys try to look decent and fail, which is worse than not trying at all. That is, you'd look better in black/dark blue skinny jeans and a plain t-shirt and vans than in a paisley suit, for an extreme example of failure in that waywt

>> No.8322649
File: 72 KB, 400x597, nLSrINd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I hear ya. I was talking more about the aforementioned guy on bike, guy on bench and this dude <--- There's nothing special here, but if you're used to wearing baggy cargo shorts and t-shirts with sassy nerd slogans, this would be a pretty good guidepost for how to dress 100000x better

>> No.8322684
File: 529 KB, 1129x1984, Frk2NGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ie if a guy is dressing pic related. If he saw a pic like this http://i.imgur.com/DlCW7BS.jpg and started trying to copy it... it may not be the best style role model, but it's a lot better than the common poorly dressed nerd attempts at being fashionable (fedoras, big grandpa zoot suits, dressing like an anime character, etc)

>> No.8322785




>> No.8322816

this nigga wearing gosha rubchinskiy i think hes beyond miming dadcore shit

>> No.8322839

what a waste of selvedge denim.

>> No.8322858

mandarin collar or grandad collar

>> No.8322861


the gosha piece is the only good thing about that fit though, beyond that he seemingly has no idea

>> No.8322874

Guy probably had some formal occasion to go to, don't hate.

>> No.8322877

Saw a guy dressed just like this in Hostem

>> No.8322880

looks ridiculous
>that turban color
>that turban at all
>that greasy facial hair
>makes me think hair under this turban is a fucking disgusting shit curry loving smelling swamp
>fucking indians
>fucking shitskin
>mardi gardi hindu gudjarati

>> No.8322886

>Black skinnies
>Plain white, drapey tee
>Plain black boots
>Gradient to "add some visual interest"

Good /fa/ uniform m8

>> No.8322892

>Plain white, drapey tee
well ok whatever

>Plain black boots
psssssssssssssssst into your mouth for that

that being said, his bomber is too small, doesnt look too good on him

>> No.8322900

Probably has to wear the turban because of his religion, I don't think Sikhs shave either.

/pol/ pls go

>> No.8322923
File: 94 KB, 500x677, tumblr_myo37jlE8D1qaahgro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impotent virgin shut-in rage is not effay

all racists are mad bc no-one likes them prove me wrong and they are all ugly 2

/pol/ack fuck off now tho yeh cheers pal

>> No.8322926

I'm not pol dude just fuck off, if I dont want to tolerate some shit or just dont like it doesnt mean I'm some neo-nazi cocksucker jerking off to hitler

also I dont give a fuck why he has to wear his godawful turban, it's awful and disgusting and greasy

I will never stop hating indians

fuck indians

I dont hate black people
I dont hate asians (south east asians, japs, koreans whatever, I dont hate them)
I dont hate whites, I dont hate brits or muricans
I dont mind slavs, they are already neck deep in shit
but fucking indians, just rustle my jimmies, literally the scum of the earth, if I could press one button and thus banish all indians forever from the planet Earth I would do it, and I wouldnt care that it would affect the world, making 7/11 go bankrupt and cheap intellectual force wont make a game engine for 1$.

nah dude, I am not racist
I dont think of myself as racist at least
and this bullshit
>impotent virgin shut-in rage is not effay

all racists are mad bc no-one likes them prove me wrong and they are all ugly 2

is just 90 iq tier and ad hominem and projections

and remember
no indians, towelheads or not

>> No.8322931

>Spouts /pol/ tier "LOOK HOW OFFENSIVE I AM" racism
>"I'm not racist guys"

>> No.8322934

indian pls go

>> No.8322940
File: 6 KB, 273x185, kekek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright gaynerd dont get cry about it pussyman

>> No.8322943

why are you on this board

have you ever seen a well adjusted person who just outright rejects groups of people 4 retarded arbitrary reasons lie

>omg dont like tubans

no there all insecure little shits it is not effay

>> No.8322944

rakesh pls

>> No.8322947

pls leave turbonerd

>> No.8322951

I dont reject them for turbans or curry, lol
you wont understand
and I dont feel like explaining
so yeah, just think of me as racist
when I'm just disgusted by indians

>> No.8322955

haha rakesh did I touch your nerve? it's ok rakesh, you're free to be disgusted by me too, jst like I'm disgusted by 99% of indians I see.

>> No.8322957

bend over and take my fat indian dick u dirty little woman-boy

>> No.8322964

hah no m8, I'm not into your indian rituals, you're free to sodomize your fellow brethren shitskins tho

>> No.8322969

u got no choice i fuck u in the butt with fat indian dick yes

>> No.8322972

Paki and Indies are the worst kind of people that cannot /fa/. TriggerDisk is the key example for this.

>> No.8322982

Despite what all the haters say, I think this is actually interesting and good.

>> No.8322990

Say, what happen to TriggerDisk? He suddenly disappeared again for the...how many fucking times again

>> No.8323001

>oh wow look at me I'm enjoying my life to the fullest with my best friends on one of our many hiking trips
>S-S-Stephen c-can you take a pic of me real quick? No wait I-I will pretend like I'm finishing my beer, oh wow this will be great!
>Make sure you have 90's sepia selected in the filter settings
>h-h-holy fuck just do it Stephen, it doesn't matter what the pic is for just fucking do it, this is why no one likes you!

>> No.8323004

they can, but put asian or white male into their clothes - voila, a better fit, unless it's some ethnical shit like turbans and other rags they wear on themselves

>> No.8323114

I lol'd. Fucking tryhard reddit hipsters. Honestly, I think people only like that fit because of the photography. The fit by itself is generic and bad.

>> No.8323167

Believe it or not, this is intentional

It's normcore to the point that others hail it

>> No.8323174

/fa/ is a place of love and acceptance, a place where we can all get along (unless you post in a waywt).

Pls go back to the board you came from

Presumably /pol/, possibly /b/, maybe even /sp/

>> No.8323177

>doesn't want to be considered racist because he only blindly and vehemently hates ONE race
/pol/, everybody

>> No.8323181

Can we address the husky guy in the short sleeves and low shoes

Wtf is he doing in those clothes, look at everyone else in parkas and jumpers. How did he make this decision. Must be so uncomfortable.

>> No.8323195
File: 1.41 MB, 500x281, 8483_ca25_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These niggas have never seen stand by me
>tfw /fa/ is populated by tweens

>> No.8323199

get off 4chan dad

>> No.8323232

>Implying the guys in the pic have seen SBM either

>> No.8323239

average demobaza consumer
i vomit evry time

>> No.8323250

LMAO redditors arnt "hipsters" u fuking geek

>> No.8323290

all 4 of the fits he posted are shit

>> No.8323294

wooster always looks tryhard why do people even like him

>> No.8323313 [DELETED] 

Inb4 bad
>implying I care

>> No.8323317 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8323326 [DELETED] 
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idc if bad fit or oversized just threw it on

>> No.8323383

That would not stand neither for ряса, neither for подрясник.
KTZ is good for orthodox priest core, and that one is just bad.
However agree, that he tries new things (yet fails).

>> No.8323535

The ones that aren't silly are basic bitch.

>> No.8323539

That's there top fits list.