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8308501 No.8308501[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How Acheive skinny mode?

Was thinking about doing meth

>> No.8308508

5 lbs of fat a week

>> No.8308511

whats dnp?

>> No.8308513

Eat fruits and or vegetables for every meal / white rice

It really comes down to low calories, but you can load up on vegetables and be way under what you normally eat calorie wise and still feel full

Feeling full is necessary to avoid binging - you can't not eat

>> No.8308514

Try google

>> No.8308519

Doctors of nursing practice?

>> No.8308523


>> No.8308525

Lmao you gotta be trolling.

>> No.8308531

Stop posting fuccboi

Kill yourself

>> No.8308536

>living the life of someone who has Down syndrome and can't google for the most basic things
>telling OTHER people to kill themselves

Best post by certified retarded person of 2014

>> No.8308546

be like me, and be born that way

>> No.8308547


Try asking on /fit/ about it. I haven't bought any in years so I'm out of the loop

>> No.8308549

How does it feel to have autism?

>> No.8308561

>run more
>eat less

>> No.8308564

too hard

>> No.8308566

I'd rather be autistic and have above average intelligence allowing me to at least perform the most basic of tasks (like googling keywords relevant to my topic) than having actual traits of being a mouth breathing waste to society like yourself. It must be hard being the comeback king when you can't even google for insults because you're too much of a lame to think of anything yourself

get ethered nigga

>> No.8308575
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>> No.8308585


You forgot the period that goes at the end of every sentence darling.

Learn proper punctuation when attempting to converse with me dear.

>> No.8308612

smoking meth will hollow out your cheeks

but it will also turn you into a deadbeat retard

>> No.8308704

Pretty much this OP. I started to do so like 3 months ago but I just notices I have pretty big thighs compared to the rest of my body and won't be fit into any pants I would want

>> No.8308713

i just stopped eating lots, ate salad mostly... i still eat burgers and steak and all that good shit, i just eat grapes and cucumber during the day. used to be a chubby kid, now i am skinny as fuck

>> No.8308720


>> No.8308769

why can't people wrap this around their heads?

>> No.8308800

Because exercising takes effort, but shoveling cake into your mouth is easy.