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File: 29 KB, 275x210, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8302126 No.8302126 [Reply] [Original]

who /spoiledrichkid/ here?

>tfw use my credit card all the time but never see the statement

>> No.8302140

>tfw #richkid
>tfw not spoiled

I get most of the things I ask for but nothing extravagant
kinda suck tbh m8

>> No.8302144
File: 29 KB, 350x249, 1395204133311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel that house looks like shit.
>tfw rich people don't know what looks horrible when buying houses

>> No.8302192
File: 378 KB, 1280x720, 1418450360_1808428649001_55c52114930ba41b65cccc464f3037ad-503b9131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw grew up on foodstamps
>mfw now raf and rick usually what i'm dressed in

>> No.8302263



>> No.8302294

this guy knows whats up

>> No.8302302

ugh why is american 'architecture' so fuckin pleb and gross. that house is the equivalent of a dinner out at the olive garden and driving back home in a ford king ranch

>> No.8302305

watch out everyone the posh god walked in

>> No.8302356

+1 confirm
fucking hell the hype - in American property shows the hype is real for a one million dollar house and you know that shit is gonna have stones jammed into the front, a big ol' fireplace and fucking vast ugly windows with vast ugly curtains.

that amount would just about get you a flat anywhere worth living

>> No.8302400

A flat for more than 700000 euros? I think you are exaggerating a bit

>> No.8302419

£59,6516 in pounds


>> No.8302425

they do exist lol

>> No.8302429 [DELETED] 

the frankenstein kitschy architecture is already offensive enough, but the worst thing is that the houses are built to be viewed from one angle only. these things are ugly as fuck from the sides and back. it's all built around selling some overpriced piece of shit to a dumb american that fell into some money. the only value it has it curb value

>> No.8302430

and if you want 2!! bedrooms

>> No.8302435

the frankenstein kitschy architecture is already offensive enough, but the worst thing is that the houses are built to be viewed from one angle only. these things are ugly as fuck from the sides and back. it's all built around selling some overpriced piece of shit to a dumb american that fell into some money. the only value it has it curb value

>> No.8302437

s'why you get those communities who get fussy when you don't mow your lawn - the properties are just designed to be lil suburban chocolate boxes

>> No.8302440


>> No.8302494

da fuck with that amount of money in my city you could buy like an house 400 square metres big

And it's not like I live in some third world country, I'm in Italy, albeit not in a very big city(190.000 people)

>> No.8302515

yeah if youre living in a village. who wants to live there ?

>> No.8302528

sorry bro can't hear you over the sound of Ferrari and Maserati

>> No.8302544

yeah :/ but the jobs are in London + pay £35,000 a year on average

>> No.8302559

Makes sense, considering how a lot of people go to London and can have a career as waiters, while here it is barely enough to live

>> No.8302639

man, that house is horrendous. Why is American architecture so gross? Personally my dream house would be a re-purposed gothic cathedral, love me some gothic architecture.

>> No.8302991

>sorry bro can't hear you over the sound of tony and vito drilling my kneecaps for this weeks take

>> No.8303015

rich kid reporting in, ask me anything

>> No.8303046

How much does your dad make

>> No.8303050

>European old money reporting in.

Ask me anything.

>> No.8303061

what does your dad do for a living?

>tfw dad is a president of a company with hundreds of millions in yearly sales but only pulls down $200,000 a year with 1/3 of that going to alimony for his ex wife

>> No.8303066

about 1.2 million a year and my mom makes over 400k

>> No.8303070

Grandad is wealthy
live in a ~ £700,000 house, neither my mum or her three siblings work, all supported by him essentially
i rightfully don't see any of this wealth

>> No.8303072

iktf kind of, the government takes literally 50% of my family's income

>> No.8303081

shit, forgot to tell you what my dad does..
he's the CEO of a gluten-free health food company, that shit really took off in the past year or so

>> No.8303087

>work at JD Sports
>get minimum wage
>even if suddenly promoted to the top manager in the uk i would still have to save for at least 100 years to buy a flat

thanks no-inheritance-poor-parents-living-on-my-own-and-renting-due-to-mental-problems-obama

>> No.8303092


>> No.8303096

>wants to buy a "flat"
>blames obama

>> No.8303098

how old is the money

>> No.8303099

sure m8, good for you.

>> No.8303107


>> No.8303118

And then they give a portion of it to me because I enjoy leaching off the government every chance I get.

>> No.8303120
File: 65 KB, 590x333, Buffett_laughing_WallStCollege.com_-590x333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being rich
>not investing money
>not giving everything ot charity

>> No.8303122

>implying the wealthy/those in government aren't leeching off of the labour of the working classes

>> No.8303128


I have the complete family history since 1200.
Started out in Scotland, they had castles made, abandoned those mostly when they went to Germany circa 1500, did the same, then went to the Netherlands in 1700, built plenty of houses there, then they had a period in which they enslaved local people in Indonesia to work on their tobacco farms they went back right before WOII and now the family is spread out over Western-Europe.

A few still live in the original dwellings built by the family. I don't.

>> No.8303138

thats pretty cool, some kind of royals or something?

>> No.8303139

>implying I am part of the working class

>> No.8303148
File: 704 KB, 1514x1004, Nutella_ak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure that's cool and all but riddle me this

how does pic related make you feel

>> No.8303155


Mostly just nobility.
And yes I have a title.

The elders in my family mostly scoff at modern day royals because our family is older and it's history far less tarnished. They seem themselves as superior beings due to superior heritage.

>Also surprisingly little incest, thank god.

>> No.8303182

28 years old...Never had a job. Raf and Rick usually what i'm dressed in.

>> No.8303186

that's a french style architecture bro.. and it's a mcmansion tract home. Doesn't qualify as "architecture".

U.S. architecture is like colonial, art deco, and modernism in general.

europoors are retarded.

>> No.8303194


>implying you're not a leech

>> No.8303196

My dad earns £120,000 a year and my schooling cost £11,000 a year till uni.

I dont feel very rich though if that can be called rich at all.

>> No.8303205

am I the only one here that earns £12000 a year and after paying rent food travelcard has almost no money? how the fuck do i succeed irl

>> No.8303216


Guy you're replying to.

If it makes you feel better my dad started off poor as shit till he married my mum and had me. Lived in a crappy 1 bedroom apt till i was around 2, till he decided he wanted to give his son and his wife a better life than he had, being the uneducated boy he was.

tl;dr - Find something you love enough to make sacrifices for.

>> No.8303217

>tfw have a younger sister
>tfw wont inherit EVERYTHING
>tfw granny is super kind, especially towards me, but still so kind to everybody else that will let them have a fair share of her inheritance
>mfw I just want a couple of flats to live a life of a rentier draped in designer clothing

>> No.8303218

I used to think people that made more than 60000 usd were super rich

>> No.8303232

>tfw you'll never grow up with a rich /fa/ clique and enjoy being spoiled together

>> No.8303234

Uh yes, I've already specified that.

>> No.8303247

>tfw aunt became a millionaire this year
>tfw still wants her share of my grandparents wealth
>tfw won't inherit EVERYTHING

>> No.8303253
File: 12 KB, 424x394, 1398659111262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw middle class

>> No.8303268

>you will never overthrow the upper classes
>you will never help build an equal society

feels bad man (but the plebs deserve poverty)

>> No.8303273
File: 30 KB, 547x461, 1399684114377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not a trust fund babby

>> No.8303301

like a peasant

>> No.8303308
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>> No.8303416

Your family sounds autistic.

>> No.8304353
File: 69 KB, 1080x1028, 1360093490729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was rich kid when younger
>parents split up
>dad's business not doing so good
>he uses the rest of his money on his new gf anyway
>now just middle class kid

I really need to get a job not being able to buy all these clothes sucks

>> No.8304361

Looks like the kind of house a retired asian woman would buy

>> No.8304395

gib money plz

>> No.8304431
File: 19 KB, 948x531, great-gatsby-57813_wide-51006294280e2d82ac1296f0976d9e14d9feb089-s6-c10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw family is new money


>mfw an old money person thought they were hot shit in ralph lauren near me

>> No.8304439

>poorfags overthrow upper classes
>install a mcdonalds in every home

>> No.8304530

>talks shit about a shitty cape cod looking 'mcmansion' (to quote the thread), then says he wants to live in a gothic cathedral

Holy fuck the architecture ignorance is strong in this thread. Stop saying the word "gothic".

>> No.8304589

I have a professional degree in Architecture. It's called Gothic.
I am not OP.

>> No.8304999




They are all a bit strange,


Nein, we are too greedy.

>> No.8305007

Hi. It appears that you have posted a non fashion thread on a board dedicated to fashion. On behalf of /fa/ I would like to inform that your kind is unwanted here. Please stop posting topics that do not fall into the category of fashion. With your help we can return /fa/ to what it was originally planned to be - A board in which fashion and not random questions can be discussed (outside of fuccboi generals).

Sage goes in a fields

>> No.8305010

>tfw grew up on food stamps
>tfw get job and buy desert boots and straight fit unbranded raw denim trying to be /fa/
>tfw finally move out and have no money but realize everything I own is terribly un-/fa/

Luckily I'm going to get an apartment with a cousin soon and get into a job that pays $15 an hour so I'll have like $800 in spare spending money AFTER I put $500 of it into savings.

>> No.8305017

>tfw sheltered
>tfw parents give me $20 every week
>bad at saving it, use it for food or paying for school parking permits and gas
>never had a job
>about to graduate college w/ a bio degree a year early
>degree won't get me anywhere because I don't have extracurrics, networking skills, friends, or social skills
>tfw just want stable, low skill job where you can live comfortably and vicariously through the internet solely by deriving all entertainment and socialization through image boards and pirated tv, movies, books, and videogames, while still having enough money to send to your parents to pay back for being a gigantic failed investment and rid you of your guilt of being a shitty son
>also some nice shoes and a pair of samurais or pure blue japans or momotaros to feel good

>> No.8305030

H-h-hold me

Why must I be such a disappointment to my parents?

>> No.8305044

Step 1:
Get off the computer.
>inb4 you don't and thus prove my point
>inb4 you find excuses to stay on
>inb4 you continue to wallow in your own shit

>> No.8305048

all my schoolwork and job applications are on my computer

but o-ok

>> No.8305159

back to >>>/b/

>> No.8305163

missed the entire thread bruh

>> No.8305641

>be me
>be normalfag
>life goes bad
>suicide fails
>move back in with rich parents to be monitored and live closer to doctors/therapist and not worry about stuff
>not spoiled but parents throw fat stacks in order to help me feel positivity
>pretty much just /fa/ shit, /k/ shit, and /fit/ shit
>"hey anon do you have any plans today"
>"why don't you go visit that suit supply store you talked about"
>"here's the card just keep it under 3 grand"
>th-thanks... y-you too

>> No.8305664

are you actually complaining fuck

People like you disgust me

>> No.8305671
File: 52 KB, 200x162, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw rich babby
>raised by nannies
>parents had single closet the size of my current room
>remember $2000 is normal shopping day money
>remember not understanding how much 2 and 3 zeros in dollars is
>travelled all the time
>remember my babby self pissing on the first class seat
>turn 7 when I barely became conscious of privilege and wealth
>watch parents lose it all
>mom struggles being single parent
>live on food stamps
>still poor at 20
>reality is too real

>> No.8305681

I know bro

thats why i tried to kill myself

>> No.8305693

>"here's the card just keep it under 3 grand"
Stopped reading there. Why the FUCK are you complaining if your parents can throw 3 grand on some random suits at any time, just to make you feel better? I hope your family loses all their wealth so you can have some real appreciation for life.
>attempting suicide as a rich kid
Just man up you faggot.

>> No.8305695

Why don`t you do that and testament your inheritance to me? I`ll send you the needed papers. Im sure I could make better use of it than you, you ungrateful prick.

>> No.8305698
File: 372 KB, 600x600, gerbil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i dont live in some third world country
>i live in italy

>> No.8305704

>stopped reading there
I wouldn't be surprised if you did because that's pretty much the end of the post

>> No.8305706

True, should have stopped after he mentioned suicide and moving back in with his rich as fuck parents, with therapists at hand and shit.

>> No.8305712 [DELETED] 
File: 665 KB, 1628x980, Elliot-Rodger-Pollina-Bubenheim-Brittany-Story1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting. Grew up in a big ugly house with two atrocious luxury SUV's. At least it gave me intense rageful narcissism to run on.

I am not Elliot Rodgers.

>> No.8305715
File: 665 KB, 1628x980, Elliot-Rodger-Pollina-Bubenheim-Brittany-Story1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting. Grew up in a big ugly house with two atrocious luxury SUV's. At least it gave me intense rageful narcissism to run on.

I am not Elliot Rodgers.

>> No.8305720
File: 50 KB, 1024x704, 140524-elliot-rodgers-jms-2136_e24d9688ccdb1cee76679060549383ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting. Grew up in a big ugly house with two atrocious luxury SUV's. At least it gave me intense rageful narcissism to run on...

I am not Elliot Rodgers.

>> No.8305762

thats fucking cool man

>> No.8305790

>middle class entire life
>parents dont give me money for purchases
dont expect them to give me money. I work a part time and save for my purchases. You rich kids are cancer but im jelly

>> No.8305802

>~ £700,000 really isn't shit for a house these days m8, a London flat can easily reach £2m outside of zone 1

>> No.8305806

Checking in. Just paid 38k for 2 First Class return tickets for me and gf to go from Melbourne to LA via Asia. I can thank dad's citibank select for that.

>> No.8305807


>Live in $1.1 million home in Australia
>Average kid

>> No.8305815

pls buy me some pants

>> No.8305823

Rich don't stay rich by buying people they don't know pants.

>> No.8305824

but im so cold

>> No.8305827

>the jobs are in London + pay £35,000 a year on average
take away 10k from that and you're in the ballpark

>> No.8307233

uh its not like debatable
take away 10k and you have the UK average, 26k
guess they don't teach comprehension at stoke poly ;)))))


>> No.8307251

exactly, £600,000's not enough for a one bedroom flat in Clapham
certi poorboys - see you down at embargos...NOT

>> No.8307254

still waayy above uk average, and the properties you speak of are the kind he owns and rents out..

>> No.8307268

I mean like..
who the fuck would want to live in London lol

>> No.8307275

>tfw poor
>tfw get max financial support going to uni
>tfw widowed mother to police father
>tfw the police offer me money extra

a-at least theres s-something p-positive

>> No.8307289

Fucking narc

>> No.8307308
File: 21 KB, 395x395, 1400498259699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everyone itt is apparently the son of a millionaire
>mfw daily threads about how expensive common projects are

>> No.8307315

What did he do Anon?

>> No.8307322
File: 1.47 MB, 263x321, aaawwwwwyeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be semi-poorfag living in eastern european country
>Dick Owen Geobastards cost my parents' monthly earnings
>I just browse 4chan and look at all the pretty stuff I'll never buy
>not atractive enough to pull them off anyway

>on the other hand I live in a beautiful old house in a stunning place my commie grandfather left us
>I have a gf who was supposed to be waaaay out of my league
>I'm studying to be an engineer and I'm good at it
life's good and I regret nothing

>> No.8307328

wtf is a narc
i bet you're american
at least we dont have crippling debts for education

>> No.8307335


just some nerds tbh

>> No.8307340

gotta remember bro ;0 we all in highschool
daddy won't give me money 4 sneakers ;_;

>> No.8307341

>lives in britain
>anywhere but london
so THIS is the type of person that brags about 'family wealth' on 4chan
a lower middle class betalord that probably lives in leeds or sheffield

>> No.8307345


I swear you narcs get dumber and dumber, holy shit

>> No.8307353

ur a certi nerd why the hype about a useless slang

>> No.8307359
File: 137 KB, 399x536, 1393101065648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lower-middle class
>live in a council house
>dad never involved in my life
>mother constantly buys things that make her feel rich
>pandora bracelets, uggs, etc
>spends £100's on cats and dogs and then sells them after a month
>2 brothers and 1 sister
>I get 0 income, at college and no job
>had to actually try and make money through YouTube

What do I do? I'm at college for 1 year (and a few months) and don't get payed, live in the middle of nowhere in England, IT course btw.

Am I fucked? I just wanna bust out...

>> No.8307360

Why are you even replying back. You got ethered into oblivion just accept your loss and move on

>> No.8307363

if i was in that situation i would kill myself
don't do it though bro i believe in you

>> No.8307364

go to uni, if you don't pay the fees off they pay em for you - then earn sub 20k until you die :[

>> No.8307368
File: 39 KB, 419x483, pleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh I wasn't the guy from previous
plz don't be so angry

>> No.8307369

im not that guy you replied to
and yes, he was in drug squad for a while, he got some commemorative mug thing for it

>> No.8307379

>not living in a white middle class, utopia in SE england
only heaven knows glory like this

>> No.8307384

oh iremember you, your crazy mother selling cats and dogs lol
be strong anon

>> No.8307388

Seems like the best option sometimes.

Fuck that life man I don't wanna live like that.
I've been applying for apprenticeships in social media management and shit but they all turned me down or just dropped it.

Will volunteer work help me get a job if I just did a lot of it?
I want to work in IT for fashion companies, managing their shit online etc but idk how if I can't get a job or apprenticeship...

>> No.8307393

where in england? go to uni far away make money

>> No.8307398
File: 15 KB, 200x247, EnglandEastMidlands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

East Midlands.

>> No.8307400
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>> No.8307407

i am also east midlands

>> No.8307410

This place is a fucking shithole huh?
No interesting places, everyone's a pleb.
Idk what to do man, what are you doing to escape?

>> No.8307411

unlucky m8

>> No.8307412

>European old money reporting in.


Ask me anything again.

>> No.8307417

don't kill yourself or do what I first said, get a damn IT apprenticeship if you can I be fucking awesome at it
don't do work for nothing plz
I assume you applied at an employment agency?

>> No.8307420

going to uni to do philosophy

im >>8307275

>> No.8307425
File: 9 KB, 277x182, whydoilivehere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf, i live in rutland, the most boring and empty place in england. the only notable thing here is a fucking reservoir and some fields

>> No.8307435

I'm trying man and yeah it's an agency, they do it nationally.
I was thinking of a security guard, working at a care home, they're easy and give money right? I could just use that to work my way onto something else.

Not bad, I'll look into University. Most of what I heard about it is that you have to live on ramen and stuff of that nature, didn't think they supported you much.

Sorry to hear it man that's worse than where I am, never even heard of that place.

>> No.8307438

My mum is a social worker earning under £30k and my house is worth over £900k, property prices in London are full fucking retard nowadays.

>> No.8307441

depends how poor you are and stuff
check it out
you can get many types of financial support, they even give you free money if you are below £15,000~ish a year household income
and while you have to pay it back, the payments are by no means harsh or anything - some people try and save to pay it off like its a burden, but our teacher suggests just leaving it (what they do take of your income over £21k a year is a small percentage)

>> No.8307442

just too far out. Nearer a decent city and you would have jackpot

>> No.8307446

nah the uni money is alright if your not a moron also get a little hussle goin for pocket money

>> No.8307448


What do you honestly think of poor patricians

I.E. grew up in poverty, worked hard and made it to Cambridge/Oxford and have now acquired taste beyond the pleb culture they escaped from

>> No.8307450

actually that town/village is probably too empty. You don't want some busy shithole but you want a few decent pub at least

>> No.8307457

Why are you on a fashion board if you live in the east midlands, this is honestly blowing my mind. It's like seeing a guy from milton keynes in a punk band - just doesn't make sense in my head.

>> No.8307465

Fashion interests me.
Idk what to do really, I just don't want to be working some shitty job until I die, being unhappy all the way through.

>> No.8307473


I think geography is your main problem

Just start saving, look at flats and jobs in London and move down south

Seriously though, you won't realise the utter utter shitness of the north until you've lived in London for any period of time

>> No.8307474

its interesting, and if im wasting my time on 4chan why do you care if i switch to /fa/ for a minute

>> No.8307479

Londonistan is a shit.

>> No.8307485

Appreciate the advice.
I still think training to be a security guard and such is a good idea, the job will always exist and you only need to be officially trained and such.
That and care work could be my backdrop whilst I invest into other stuff.

You give me hope Anon.

Why must you shitpost everywhere, in every single thread?

>> No.8307487


Better than anywhere north of Cambridge, friend

I'm mainly talking about possibilities and opportunities. If you have the skills and determination you can make it in London far easier than in Macclesfield or Hull

>> No.8307504

I advise against care work
my mum worked in multiple care companies in a short period of time; the hours are demanding, the work is physical, and the pay is relatively low for the job you have to do. the organisation of organisations is a shambles as well, my mum constantly had to reorganise rotas; she was hired to reorganise the routes for careworkers to make them geographically efficient etc, but she never even got to finish that before she quit because she was 24/7 (literally 24/7) reorganising for carers who called in sick or dropped out. she finally quit because after doing so much for the company some bitch had the nerve to undermine her accomplishments and not appreciate what she had done

>> No.8307514

its only a good place to live if you make good money. Otherwise it is pure hell

>> No.8307515

Do you think Nottingham university or Anglia Ruskin in cambridge would be a better university

I don't care which I go to but the qualifications for each respectively are A*BC/ABB, and BBC

>> No.8307517

Yeah, good call, my mother actually does the same thing at the moment and used to do on-call work and had to be out and in all the time.
Now she does fixed work at a care home but the pay is like £12k a year or smth.
Fuck that.

>> No.8307519

>be 21
>earn 25k/year in Manchester
>live like a king

about sums it up.

>> No.8307531


Ahahaha okay as a student in Cambridge I can comprehensively tell to you that Anglia Ruskin is complete shit. Nottingham is on the low end of acceptable but still far better than Ruskin

My friends and I have running joke that the only reason someone would go to AR is so they can tell people "yeah I went to uni in Cambridge" - something of a semantic distinction

With that said though if you're paying £9,000 a year then its worth working your bollocks off in sixth form and going somewhere mid-Russell Group at least

>> No.8307536

Nottingham. Got some friends there that are really enjoying it.

Never even heard of Anglia Ruskin. Judging by those entry grades and its position on The Guardian uni guide, it's complete shit.

>> No.8307561

Nottingham is russel group & in a fun city, anglia ruskin is shit and in a city full of spods.

>> No.8307582

Can confirm it's a fun city. Went there for a weekend a couple weeks ago and it was a pretty good night out.

>> No.8307583

> commie grandfather left us
for good reason

>> No.8307595

AR seemed alright when I went to the open day, and I don't mind ending up there (it was better than oxford brookes) but id prefer nottingham
my hope is to get A* in english overall so i dont need as high grades in the other subjects
nottingham was out of a choice of birmingham uni and nott uni

>> No.8307604

How bad is it that I got a D in maths?
I got mostly C's in other stuff.

>> No.8307616

Pretty bad m8. Do some fucking resits.

>> No.8307617

if ur not dumb then it's bad
if ur dumb then its bad still
ik i got low marks cuz i never worked it but i managed to make a few skrillaz
also fuckk off this is a 18+ site

>> No.8307625

Oxford brookes AND Cambridge lite? Being in the same city as a great uni doesn't make a uni good. Go to nottingham you herb.

>> No.8307628

Good old McMansion.

>> No.8307629

didnt say it did
i applied hours before the deadline without having visited any of the uni's prior
gimme a break

>> No.8307638

You don't deserve a break if you don't have the foresight to plan your future. Fuck, man.

>> No.8307647

dunt care
i have no plans
going to uni is mainly for something to do so i dont just become a neet or whatever it is
ill figure it out eventually
or maybe kill myself
but since uni is basically paid for that may as well be where i go

>> No.8307649

Lmao shut up fuccboi



bloody plebeian

>> No.8307658

How do I break out of poverty?

>> No.8307662

I fucking love old money man. But even more than succesfull old money I love those Saab driving chaps who rent their castles out for tours and shit just to pay for upkeep and they´ve got their tweed jackets all patched up and shit.
Love those guys, they've always got a cozy type of friendliness.

>> No.8307671

Gain some self-respect, you fucking turd burglar. You're never going to get anywhere with that attitude.

>> No.8307683

budget and save, invest whatever you can

have multiple streams of income

avoid debt like the plague

>> No.8307699

woe is me, what do you care
im doing philosophy
chances are i wouldnt get anywhere amazing anyway
im gay so i wont have children
im living for myself with nothing to live for
ive become increasingly apathetic and antisocial
and i just have no plans
the only things i can truly say i enjoy are music and singing, in which i have no real skills, and cannot sing since my voice broke, and theres even less point in pursuing that than philsophy
i only picked philosophy because nothing else was even vaguely interesting to me and i ran out of time to decide
basically, just because you love life or whatever doesn't mean everyone else does or has to

>> No.8307701

>800 spending
>500 savings

Try 1000 savings and 500 spending fuccboi

>Not wanting to retire rich

>> No.8307713
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I go to uni at Nottingham Trent, my sister went to Nottingham Uni, I've worked a year in Cambridge and visited both Cambridge uni and AR while there (even going to St John's May Ball).

As a general overview:
-Nottingham Uni is beautiful, especially the main campus. Nottingham city is a bit of a shit hole full of shitty people.

-Cambridge is an amazing city and I loved everything about living there. Really enjoyed shopping there, and the summers are just beautiful. But yeah, AR definitely not as good of a uni.

I'd argue that (at least for my degree (Computer Science) ) experience is what employers value most. I got the grades I needed to get an excellent placement at a research lab in Cambridge, and I'm gonna ride off of that rather than my uni's reputation.

Anywhere you go you'll meet great people who will make your time their worth it. But totally wish I'd chosen a city I'd enjoy living in more than Notts

Your experiences may differ

>> No.8307715

But regardless, I'm not a spoiled rich kid, I posted here because we're to show contrast or whatever, so I wont derail the thread

>> No.8307741

Sounds like you're legitimately depressed. Uni will either change that or make it worse. Don't just sit in your room all day. That's guaranteed to make it worse. Get out, make friends. Join societies, go on the socials. Get to know the people in your halls, and go on nights out with them. Freshers is a vital time.

I was in a similar position to you in the first year of uni. I didn't move out and it was honestly the worst year of my life. This year, after moving out, I can say has been the best.

Moving away and starting fresh honestly changes people, but you need to make that change. You have to take the initiative.

Good luck, man. And FUCK derailing the thread. Who gives a shit about a bunch of rich kids wanking each other off?

>> No.8307747

That was helpful, thanks
Nottingham would obviously be the better university, and i have no idea about the city life of either, but in the end i'm fine with either

>> No.8307765

There have been times in the past where I thought I was depressed, and times where I was worse than I am now, but the fact that it changes, and that I am not depressed all the time, means I wouldn't label it as that since I'm not sure. I thought it could be Dysthymia (?), but again the fact that I can be happy at times or whatever leads me to believe its not.
I'll probably have to get out since I wont have a computer anymore (bar a little netbook thing) and I just hope I can make any friends at all wherever I end up going
and both are at a distance where I will have to move into university accommodation so I'll have to move out and stuff
thanks i guess

>> No.8307772

Oh gawd dat der depression is killing me, please don't even float the possibility of uni making it worse or I will quite literally lose the will to carry on. I'm crying on the bus tier right now mane.

>> No.8307807

My dad built his own manufacturing company and then ran it for most of his life.

I honestly have no idea how wealthy my family is. All I know is that we live well below our means in an upper middle-class neighborhood and we have vacation properties in the US and Europe. All of my siblings including myself are well educated. My brother and his wife are both lawyers, my brother in law is a surgeon, and I'm close to graduating with a degree in engineering.

>> No.8307832

sounds like the best

>> No.8307835
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If you're not too bothered about the qualification and are primarily looking for the uni experience, I'd highly recommend visiting both cities, not even on open days, just to get a feel for the places.

Loads of my friends really love the cities they live in though visiting them I can never quite see it. Cambridge just felt really right for me.

Can definitely agree with this anon. I had a really shitty first year due to lack of involvement. Second year was better but I was living with someone I kind of hated. My final year has been amazing and for the sole reason that I joined a society - wish I'd done it sooner!

>both are at a distance where I will have to move into university accommodation so I'll have to move out and stuff

This will be the best thing you ever do. I'm a completely changed person in my 3-4years at uni. Gone from total no-confidence paranoid introvert to being very happy with myself and happy with everything I do. I've even been asked to do the vote of thanks for my uni's graduation ceremony, something I'd have been terrified to even consider a couple years ago.

Best of luck, anon. You'll definitely find friends and the uni will be there to offer personal support for the kind of feelings you're having now.

>> No.8307955


I think everyone is shit, but I'm a narcissistic sociopath. I general I couldn't care less, it's not the social class that makes you, it's the way you act that makes you. I have more respect for people who make it on their own anyway, as long as they don't get cocky. I can't help it I was born in a rich family, nor can those in poor, but you can strive to be the best of you. (That sounded like an 80's teen drama motivational speech)


I know plenty of families like that, unsurprisingly the upkeep of castles is horrendous and so are the bills for gas, in terms of their possessions and shitload of heirlooms they are wealthy but in money in hand they are poor. Raised in affluence, left with a massive pile of rocks you never dare to sell because of emotional attachment and because it has been in the family for centuries.

>> No.8307980


How did your family manage to keep it's wealth?

>> No.8307984

Is training to become a security guard a good idea?

>> No.8308630
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>family moved to US from SK when I was two
>live in upper middle class suburbs in NJ, near NYC
>dad owns his own business

I really don't know how rich we are. I've never felt poor but we're not that rich either. I don't know how much money my dad makes. Right now I attend an Ivy League university and I plan to go to medical school.

W-will I make, anonfriends?

>> No.8308662

Thats wrong, I own a few flats around clapham south and they were 400,000 for one bed flats, the key is to buy in the run up to christmas as people get desparate around that time. They make very decent rental incomes, esp from the richer kids over at the medical school in tooting/ the odd city worker.
There was a massive spike around 4 yr ago in prices

>> No.8308668

yeah but your dick will always be sub 6 inch

>> No.8308695

Maybe, but it's still larger than average.

>> No.8308731

nobody gives a shit if you're a narcissistic sociopath.

you're right about the class thing, though. Although also worth noting that the way you speak is massively important. Accent+diction together are probably the largest single marker of class divisions low and high. No matter how rich you are, if you speak like Borat or you talk with glottal stops...

>> No.8308744


>> No.8308756

>uni student
>work about 10 hours a week
>live in a falling apart house with 3 other students
>we all play punk music and jam in our garage
>thrift most of my clothes and make them cool but tailoring them or putting patches on them and stuff

i may have less than 1% of the money you have but god my life is better than yours

>> No.8308783
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>drive 3 new cars on the reg that I've never paid a cent for.
>School is paid for
>Food is paid for

>Have an solid job while still in college for successful business in a growing market.
>40% goes to savings and the rest to my frivolous spending on fits/shoes and great food.

>be 6'3" and White male

>not being a privileged white person

>> No.8308821

>lowest class poorfag
>have studied my ass off all my life for scholarships, currently in the best uni (private, very expensive) in my country with one
>tfw only poorfag between the motherfucking richest in the country
>tfw I feel poorer than ever and I'll never fit in

>> No.8308830
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>grow up lower middle class
>work all throughout college
>get an upper middle class job in NYC
>go out on dates with trust fund babbies
>they pay for the bills because i have the good dick
>tfw im essentially a kept man for several different women

>> No.8309020

what market?

>> No.8309029

>tfw £400-500 a month selling weed with almost no effort

is aight for being a student

>> No.8309043

>tfw dad made barely any money
>tfw mom only worked occasionally and was abusive
>tfw you want nothing to do with your degree
>tfw you love too many things to settle down and choose one to work on the rest of your life
>tfw your parents tell you that even if they were rich they would never give you any money
>tfw you have crippling debt because you don't want to work at starbucks for the rest of your life
>thanks parents

>> No.8309513
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>mfw both parents are doctors

I live in one of the wealthiest cities in the United States and have had an easy upbringing, but my parents didn't spoil me which was a great call on their part. I didn't like it at the time, but I appreciate them teaching me the value of money and not spoiling me rotten. They're extremely frugal about just about everything other than paying for my entire college tuition.

Being a trust-fund kiddie may be fun, but good luck once the money dries up.

>> No.8309543

>grew up in a lower middle class household
>'rents split up when I was 11 or 12 and I lived with my mom
>dad payed for medical stuff and gave us food but wasn't obligated to pay child support
>mom could only find shit jobs
>below poverty line for middleschool and most of highschool, mom often had to borrow money from me and was unable to pay it back, etc.

I was always spiteful towards rich kids cause they had more chances to fuck up and more opportunities to have fun and travel. But I've gotten over that. Not their fault that their parents worked harder than mine. If anything I'm more motivated to make something better for myself.

>> No.8309981
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>Parents poor hippies growing up
>Only child
>Wearing charity shop clothing most of childhood too young to care
>Dad quits factory job retrains as IT tech
>Mum sorts her shit out and gets paying work
>Parents give 0 fucks about me, they still smoke weed 24/7 and party all weekend
>Be like 8 none of my clothes fit me, no underwear, parents tell me to wash my own clothes if I want them clean, wear my school uniform all weekend no one stops me, if I want lunch I have to wake up and pack it myself, refuse to buy me new clothes, only own one pair of shoes have to wait til they have holes in and fall apart before mum will buy me new cheapest pair from asda
>About 3stone underweight, parents only feed me soy and quorn for dinner, can't remember a single meal I enjoyed my entire childhood
>Dad earns £1k a week spends it all on booze and weed, gets weird tequila habit and starts getting violent and angry
>Think I have normal life, only now realise other kids are cared for and pampered
>Parents kick me out on 18th birthday because no job not paying rent
>Jaded and bitter for many years over childhood, see several physchs who just dope me up on pills to make me forget
>Eventually move country and never speak to parents again, get well paying job dedicate life to sick cops

>> No.8310047

>thinking money brings happiness

>> No.8310060

pretty /fa/ bro

>> No.8310090

>thinking it doesn't

>> No.8310177
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I'm at Nottingham, it's a damn good Uni mate. Beautiful closed off parkland campus as well, so there's that. Most UK campuses are horrendous.

>> No.8310189

>born to a single black mother
>love her to pieces, because
>worked her ass off doing retail jobs when i was young just to pay for childcare instead of dossing off the government like she could have
>bought me not whatever i wanted, but birthday presents would always be a happy surprise after she said no to what i wanted
>can't remember really wanting for anything
>had fun times when the electricity went out when i was young and we lit candles and danced to a radio
>always happy christmases too
>i hit about 9 and my mother starts working as a legal secretary somehow, she continues this up until this present day. p cool for no college (english college, not even uni) education
>couldn't always afford absolute nicest cops by the time i became semi-cop aware, but that didnt matter
>end up schizo/bipolar because heavy weed smoke, interesting friends (as such discussions) and spirituality
>trying to figure out how to make enough money to get by for now and working my way to becoming a self-taught philosopher
>life kinda sux right now because i moved out (mother couldnt handle my episodes, fair play) and life isnt as magical as it used to be
>living off disability benefit
>broke as fuck and wouldn't change my upbringing for the world

i have this distinct feeling that if my mother made more money than she did, i would have had a shittier childhood

>> No.8310226

With those grades you are probably confusing Nottingham University and Nottingham Trent University

>> No.8310528


>self taught philosopher

Fucking kek, good luck being taken seriously by anyone

>> No.8310532


haha I know, have you ever been to York? thought I'd stepped into Soviet Russia for a minute

>> No.8310808

m8 try living in Loughborough. Stuck here because of uni and it's wank.

>> No.8310814

>electricity out
>still listening to the radio
this story is not true

>> No.8310865

iktf :-(

>> No.8310873

if you're telling the truth, i'd personally kick the shit out of your parents for doing that to you

>> No.8311202

>what are battery powered radios

>> No.8311234


before he had me and married my mum?

Worked as a laborer doing odd jobs and shit. Afterwards he became a landlord and owned tons of businesses ranging from restaurants, pharmacies, clothing stores and of course low, middle and high class flats/houses for rent/buying.

>> No.8311244

it would be stupid to have two choices at AAA, because if I don't get in I have nothing to fall back on
whats your problem

>> No.8311252

ITT: averagefags who think they qualify as new money.

I come from a high noble family in Sweden, raised on the upper east, moved back to Sweden in my teens. Get all of my suits from norton & sons, watches from breguet, blancpain and jlc. Never have to work a day in my life if I don't want to. Please don't pretend you're rich when your parents make 100k/year or you live in a million dollar house. You are just embarrassing yourself

>> No.8311270

Begå självmord ditt rika as.

>> No.8311286

d-do you guys think if i get into a good enough grad school for my masters and ESL certification and i teach english in china and spend all of my time tutoring rich kids and teaching uni courses and shit i can make enough guap to afford expensive clothes

i mean tutoring gigs can go between 50-200 dollars an hour if you find a rich enough motherfucker who wants his kid to study abroad, but i think the main benefit is if i live in china i can have dirt fucking cheap expenses and spend a quarter on rent/food/etc what i would in the states. honestly if my wages are shitty by american standards i can live like a pig there

>> No.8311289

>he still posts on /fa/

Nice try buddy.

Bumping for this.

>> No.8311298

That's just your point of view so...

>> No.8311301
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Not even trying

>> No.8311308

>living in china

have fun stepping in human excrement with your geobaskets while walking down the sidewalk while a toddler keeps getting run over by trucks on the street next to you. china is seriously one massive cesspool that lacks all the basic standards of humanity. they dont have public toilets anywhere so people usually just shit into trashcans on the sidewalk, but when there are no trashcans available they just take a shit right there on the ground. its truly disgusting

>> No.8311311

my family makes like 140k a year and my dad is just a carpenter and my mom is a low level clerk. i have no idea how we have so much money and moreover i don't know what in the world they're spending it on because i've never really seen much of it and my tuition is on student loans. we live in an okayish house in bumfuck nowhere eastern long island and they consider h&m expensive, if i ever told them i was buying clothes worth more than 300 dollars they'd probably shit themselves

maybe they're just really awful with money idgi we should be at least upper middle class but we don't live like it

>> No.8311316

You're gonna thank you parents one day for not making you a spoiled little shit who can't take care of himself.

>> No.8311325

>hundreds of millions

>> No.8311345

>tfw my family had giant mines in Indonesia
>volcano eruption at the Island of Java
>lava floods over the entire mine
>destroys everything they owned
>forced to live in the jungle

My grandmother also got out of that shit after WW2. Spent some time in a Japanese concentration camp

>> No.8311347

yep. it's a heavy industrial operation that supplies to companies like honda, toyota, ford, boeing, whirlpool, etc.

>> No.8311404

So, so pretentious.

>> No.8311456

you started from the bottom now ya here.

>> No.8311462

>mom owns an island and a resort, dad works at my grandpa's hospital
>$1000 per month allowance
>max out $2000 card every other month
>bst penny stocks
>tfw middle class artist gf but <3 to pieces
>stuck in summer school cuz didn't go to calc final

>momma grew up with no mother, kicked out of house since 6. live with relatives, studied abnormal psych and anesthesiology, worked as nurse but quit when she had me, invested in property, bought an island and built a 5 star resort
>dad youngest boy of family, followed father's footsteps.
>tfw i'm a lazy bum and jus wanna paint but everyone wants a doctor.

i feel like i'm better off than most people but i can't help but feeling like a failure especially compared to how hard my parents work just to pay for my education.

>> No.8311468

>high noble family
so you're inbred as fuck?

>> No.8311504

>from london
>upper middle class, parents are educated and make good money
>sent me to a private, top ~3 school in the uk, am heading to either cambridge or ucl in september as a result
>have the money to buy nice things like watches for my 18th, go on nice holidays every year
>do upper middle class activities like shooting and golf
>parents have connections that can help me up the career ladder
>however, am not spoiled and i need to make my own way in life - paying for university, etc

pretty much perfect

>> No.8311512
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>tfw working class and proud
>not being a middle class marxist

>> No.8311521


My parents just sold (one) house in the city for 7m AUD, and its just over 300m2

>> No.8311530

>being a deluded babby faggot
Yes, fantastic alternative.

>> No.8311532

>homeless for a while as a kid
>just received a $1400 pair of EG Galway boots

Times have changed, man. I don't just spend money constantly, but I have a solid inflow of nice pieces, and I definitely outbuy anyone I know IRL.

>> No.8311536

shit I have similar situation

>> No.8311548

>saving money from a paycheck
this is what poor people believe

>> No.8311586

>compensating for childhood poverty
oh dear

>> No.8311599
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>tfw rich parents
>tfw they never bought me shit
>tfw I have had jobs since 14
>tfw my inheritance will be spent pragmatically, not frivolously
>tfw can still enjoy life, unlike >>8311252

>> No.8311653

Nigga don't mind the haters, good on you man. I sometimes wish I was noble. At least I can still hang out with the fuckers.
That said, how inbred are you exactly?

>> No.8311691

My parents have a net worth of like 5 million but I've never, ever gotten everything I've wanted (my fault in part, I'm too afraid to ask them for things). I currently work an IT job that I landed through my school, and I'm going to a public university to study engineering next year, which I have to pay for.

I'm going to live a good life of my own making, hopefully.

>> No.8311716


What's your title?

>Not having more than one mine..
always spread your resources.

>> No.8311736
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>> No.8311761

upper middle class raised in a wealthy suburb of NYC
two generation legacy from both mom and dad at ivy league university where I currently attend
not spoiled but lived very comfortably growing up
mom will still pay for my clothing :)

>> No.8312047


>> No.8312183

I am a count

>> No.8312267

Have read just a bit of this thread, but
My rather small flat costs like a fucking villa and prices in Moscow are similar to London and Tokyo.

>> No.8313013

count dracula mwu ah ah

>> No.8313069

>Lower-middle class
>Live in a council house

Thats benefits class m8

>> No.8313094

De jure title?

>> No.8313099


what do you do?
how have you dealt with the trauma?

>> No.8313128


You're awesome

>> No.8314016


>> No.8314099

glasgow is the GOAT uk city I'm sorry you will understand one day

>> No.8314130

I live in Europe and immediately recognised this as amerifat McMansion, never seen a house like this in Europe. >>8303194

>> No.8314153


there are courses that need A*BC at Birmingham and Nottingham? what the fuck

>> No.8314520

>twf glasgow's getting worse by the month

have you been to subby recently? christ

>> No.8314551

This. Divorce really fucked finances in my family. Dad lives in England, mom in USA.

I just want to join the peace corp or whatever and live overseas where people won't expect things from me.

>> No.8314581
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>tfw growing up in a poor Australian family with a mother who worked 14 hour days every day for almost a decade just to send me to a private school for good education

>tfw we're still not well off but better, but seeing the #struggle and how people from the inner city act and live has conditioned me to hate most privileged and upper class people

>tfw almost every person from Sydney Boys High that I've met has been an extremely ignorant and spoiled cunt who think they're better than everyone

>tfw consider my family around middle class

>tfw talked to a guy whos dad owns beach side mansion getaways at Bondi and got dropped an exec position at an early age and had to refrain myself from punching him in the face when he told me he was "middle class"

man i'm too angry.

>> No.8314582


>> No.8314603

i share some striking similarities with that kid you're talking about
i can tell you from first-hand experience that no matter how much money my parents had, they would tell me to tell everyone who asked that i am "middle class". it stops us from acting like little entitled shits and probably has something to do with the fact that he has worked since he was 8

>> No.8314610

That's a good mindset, unfortunately the guy I'm talking about was an entitled shit in addition to claiming he was middle class. He just dropped it for free humble points and made me mad considering that by claiming he was middle class he was shitting a huge brown log on anyone who didn't own beachside mansions and large pools.

>> No.8314611

This fucking feel right here. Surrounded by uppity, spoiled snobs at uni are classist as fuck but claim middle class yeah sure m8.

>> No.8314628

ah, sounds like a massive cunt then. sorry you had to deal with him all through high school.

>> No.8314635

kek, it was at uni.

>> No.8315173


kill yourself Hampus

>> No.8315201
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>every member of your local Young Labor branch

>> No.8315700

You could see where they fucked up though right