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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 286 KB, 963x1024, 1490365645337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8039 No.8039 [Reply] [Original]

How true is this /fa/? Notice how he dresses like us too.

>> No.8040

Describes me pretty well desu, but I'm not a virgin, just a bit of an autiste

don't take memes too seriously bro

>> No.8041

>hair seems to overreact to wind
this got to me.

>> No.8042

speak for yourself

>> No.8043

A few years ago every single one of this bullshit are pretty much spot on. Now at 18 only the eye contact, too polite and earphone things got me.

These are symptoms of social anxiety, insecurity and lack of social exposure necessary at a young age. I'm sure some people will outgrow it but it's a pretty sad sight to see people aged 25+ struggle with more than a few of this.

>> No.8044

>hair reaction to wind
Fuck :(

>> No.8045
File: 408 KB, 500x345, 1486741806162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk like this
>but i'm not a virgin

really got me thinking op

>> No.8046
File: 420 KB, 250x170, 2real.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hair seems to overract to wind
>Head craned forward
>Looks below parallel
>uses headphones to escape potential converstaion
>Avoids eye contact
>Walks too fast
>Compulsively needs to pass anyone walking slightly slower
>Long strides
haha what kind of a faggot would do this
am I right

>> No.8047

tfw you realize how easy it is to get laid if you take literally minutes out of your time to actively pursue girls.

>> No.8048

>the part on eye contact
This is the most dead-on descriptor

>> No.8049
File: 150 KB, 780x718, qPUE1N7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got out as a kid because I lived in the middle of nowhere and my parents wouldn't let me do sports. I'm not a virgin but this shit was spot on.

>> No.8050

>walks too fast
>long strides

so everybody who doesn't live in a provincial shithole is a virgin, then?

>> No.8051

people who walk slow should be gassed desu. fucking hate it

>> No.8052

Virginity stoped being a concern in high school and certainly wasn't an insult in college. How old is this board really?

>> No.8053

p-pursue girls?
w-what do you think I am some kind of normie?

>> No.8054

>/brit/ memes being posted on /fa/
NOTHING is beyond our reach

>> No.8055


It was first posted on /r9k/.

>> No.8056

>my hair overreacts to wind

>> No.8057

Why the fuck would you make prolonged eye contact with strangers on the street?

>> No.8058

I'm not a virgin but this describes me accurately. I've slept with loads of girls and have a gf but I'm still too anxious to properly socialise. I slept with a girl who was way out of my league then afterwards asked me if I'm autistic,

>> No.8059
File: 81 KB, 288x396, 1393351721244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How true is this /fa/? Notice how he dresses like us too.

its bullshit, Im almost a wizard (=30 yo virgin) and I walk pretty chadish. never wear headphones when walking and often talk to strangers like helping tourist with location etc.

must be the power of Jesus...I used to be heavily socially anxious 5 years ago, now it seems like things are falling in place

>> No.8060

i do it all the time for no real reason, maybe to make sure they're not looking at me weird?

people usually look back at me like i'm crazy

>> No.8061

can't wait to lose my virginity so I can finally walk normally

>> No.8062
File: 150 KB, 500x476, Gt+tfw+hand+is+a+gun+_1bbe4ff4cd14a344f85e74d8bd3a3d10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I slept with a girl who was way out of my league then afterwards asked me if I'm autistic,

ouch fuck these normie hoes man

>> No.8063

used to be me 3 years ago, I got a bit better but still get manual walking and awkward arms / hands sometimes

>> No.8064

hello it's me

>> No.8065

but anon girls are scary

>> No.8066

T. Lifelong virgin

>> No.8067

most of this shit was me not too long ago

now, all that really pisses me off is when i'm walking with a group of my chad friends in a tight hallway and they pay no attention to people coming from behind who obviously need to pass us because they have things to do


>> No.8068

walk looking down sometimes and too fast, thats about it. oh yea, eye contact is awkward too

>> No.8069

walking with friends doesn't count, this applies to when you happen to be walking alone

>> No.8070

guess i'm mostly clear then, except for eye contact

>> No.8071

>walks too fast
I'm not too fast, all these fuckers are way too slow

>> No.8072


>Im almost a wizard (=30 yo virgin)
>I walk pretty chadish

What are you, a volcel, you fucking loser? No one who's an actual Chad calls themselves a Chad.

>> No.8073

Got me on the slow walkers and politeness thing but thats about it.

>> No.8074

>tfw fit all of this except for the forward craned head and back slouch

jesus christ.
also because my hair overreacts to wind i keep touching it and my hair gets gross fast fucking kill me

>> No.8075

I have talked to many girls and none of them even want to be friends with me nevermind have a relationship

>> No.8076

he's just saying he emulates their behavior in a failed attempt to blend in anon

>> No.8077

You're probably handsome. But admittedly my biggest problem is a lack of real effort, though the few efforts I have made didn't work out. I get easily discouraged and i'm an anxious fag as it is.

>> No.8078

The worst bit is im not even autistic. Oh well got anal.

>> No.8079

>hair seems to overreact to wind
>pretty sure head is straight
>look forward, maybe a bit below parallel
>avoid eye contact
>back is straight
>try to walk as far as possible from everyone
>hate people who walk slowly with passion
>hands in pockets
>walk as efficiently as possible, doesn't feel manual anymore
>compulsively needs to pass anyone walking slower than me because it takes a lot of effort to walk slowly
>walk unnecessarily fast
>long strides
>wear ankle boots and black/white clothing

How virgin am I? Is this redeemable?

>> No.8080

This is working so well on the people ITT because these are very common attitudes and gait properties that are just never really talked about

>> No.8081

Maybe she was putting in hours volunteering for a social work program

>> No.8082

Fuck, this is for this

>> No.8083

"the virgin walk" has been a /brit/ meme for months, some sperg on /r9k/ finally drew it up

>> No.8084

at least he's not a manlet

>> No.8085

Pretty average looking but i do play guitar and skateboard and you know how impressionable most bitches are. Just pick up some hobbies that are considered 'cool' like cooking, photography, music whatever and be painfully average or even awful at it but hobbies are the best gateway to social contact. Dress up a bit metrosexual and have just an adequate enough social skills to approach a girl who's basically asking for you to give it to her and there. bitches will pretty much bend over for you.

>> No.8086

it has been an /r9k/ meme for years you fucking autist

>> No.8087

And now try to imagine the straight opposite walk.

>> No.8088

"The Virgin Walk":
Gives a fuck about walk.

>> No.8089

To those insecure about this image:
1. Notice how many others on /fa/, a fairly normie board to an extent, are insecure about the exact same thing
2. Notice that you most likely haven't ever noticed anyone else doing this even though some others undoubtedly do
3. Notice that you didn't even realize this was an issue that could be identified until a British shitposter tried to connect it to virginity

>> No.8090

it's not a meme

>> No.8091

There are a lot lurkers from /r9k/ e.g. here though.

>> No.8092

I guarantee 85% of the board has forward head posture. it makes you look retarded from the side, but not very noticeable from the front. Too much screen time

>> No.8093

Where do you pick up girls?

>> No.8094
File: 53 KB, 600x600, 1442470154080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ideal male stride.

>> No.8095

I noticed it on multiple virgins in high school before I even started going to /r9k/ and before said shitposter started pushing it.
Some parts of the image are bullshit, but there's an actual manual walk that some insecure beta nerds do.

>> No.8096

iv had sex with 30+ women i and i walk exactly like this

>> No.8097

fuck i used to do this until 2 years ago then i simultaneously fixed all of them.

i used to be an insecure, sad virgin

now im an angry, ripped virgin and girls dont believe me when i say im a virgin lol

>> No.8098

Pursue them with my long strides?

>> No.8099

People who walk slow are annoying

>> No.8100
File: 24 KB, 657x527, laughing apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8101

what if I do all of this bar the social anxiety and virginity aspect and wear colourful clothes?

>> No.8102

How come this was easier when I stayed in the dorms last year but now I'm a hermit again

>> No.8103


>Everybody thinks their hair overreacts to wind
>Thats why everyone uses headphones
>Pretty much all humans avoid eye contact with strangers
>Overtaking slow walkers is completely normal as well

This image is just taking a lot of things that everybody does mixing it with a few autismo things to give it authenticity and then attributing it to being a loser in order to catch insecure people.

Nobody notices the way you walk.

>> No.8104

I'm pretty sure the image was made to bait out responses like this

>> No.8105

How do you fix manual walking? I've had this problem all my life

>> No.8106

just relax your faggot ass and realise that 99% of people pay the most attention to themselves and doesn't even realize you exist.

>> No.8107

This is me except for the posture issues. I keep my head high and back straight like a normal person.
But everything else is spooky accurate.

>> No.8108
File: 722 KB, 1365x1708, walk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, this got me....
I was insecure about how I walk too. Pic related I had a friend take of me..

>> No.8109

>LaVar Ball

fucking kill yourself you coon he's the biggest cunt in college basketball

>> No.8110

>he takes exactly 5.6 steps within a 30 second time span, each one ranging approximately 0.67 meters from the previous location
>he walks at a 88% vertical angle at a 2% horizontal tilt

kek when will virgins learn

>> No.8111


/fa/ is not a normie board lmfao. It's full of foreveralones incel cucks from r9ks, delusional faggots who think fashion will compensate for their ugly looks and shitty body and hypebeasts.

None of the 4chan boards are normie. Yes, even fit is not normie at all. very few people on fit are normies. a bunch of them are forever alone bodybuilders, shitposting DYELS, and ugly skinnyfat and fat people doing 5 x 5 beginner routines for 2 years.

>> No.8112

how do you walk properly without over doing it!?

>> No.8113

10% of fa is normie

30% of fit


>> No.8114

>/fa/ is not a normie board

fuck off normie. this board is LITERALLY the most normie board there is. this board is full of underagefags into streetwear struggling to ensure theyre the best dressed amongst their high school peers, redditors, tumblr users, and a generally large population who dont visit any boards beside /fa/.



>> No.8115

Fucking christ man. Not because of looks, but because of bad that is for your body. Walk naked in front of a mirror and just look at your torso. I used to have terrible anterior pelvic tilt and started working out my core and glutes and that helped a ton.

See a physical therapist before you need lower back surgery.

>> No.8116

>losing your virginity corrects your posture

>losing your virginity makes you unemployed

You guys are setting yourselves up for disappointment when you lose yours.

>> No.8117

This is autist or someone with social anxiety.
Virgin look reminds me of an obnoxious teen who makes lots of sex jokes, brags, wants to look cool and follows the latest trends but still manages to stay cringy.

>> No.8118

to add, I'm myself an autist with social anxiety, wear always sunglasses and headphones and around 10 years ago when went to university, I kind of walked that way but looked more an unapproachable rock star (stupid comparision but don't know what else to say) because of all black clothes, thick messy hair, platform boots and fast walking. I didn't look down and people game me the way.

>> No.8119

/fit/ is not autist because beginners post there, it is autist because it is full of gymcels who think they get a girlfriend, improve their social skills and have a perfect life just by lifting.

/fa/ is the most teenage board here, full of normie teen talk that you see on tumblr or anywhere. Reddit malefashionadvice is autist, you can compare those.

>> No.8120

>hair seems to overreact to wind
HOW do you not get this to happen?

>> No.8121

it me

>> No.8122
File: 12 KB, 200x189, 1488389364002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that pic hurts.

>> No.8123

fuck i walk like this and i'm virgin...
someone know how to quit out of strong social anxiety?

>don't know how to interact with grills
>i'm friendless forever alone shit
>if i go out i think the people laughing at me

pls help

>> No.8124

Most of our generation has this problem to a certain degree. Our spines just aren't meant to accommodate hours of staring at screens and cell phones all day.

I've actually been on mission to correct my posture lately. Assuming you're not too far gone, you can make pretty vast improvements in a matter of weeks if you work at it.

>> No.8125

Ironically, I think the most normie board on 4chan is /b/. All of the special interest boards are varying levels of weird.

>> No.8126

I'm a 24 and a half year old virgin. Is it too late to turn my life around?

>> No.8127

No it's not. I'm older than you and lifting has really made my life a lot better. Nobody believes I'm a virgin, i take good care of my body, lift, eat well, work hard. but at this point I'm not looking for a random lay I want wifey

>> No.8128

hahaha wtf

pls be bait

>> No.8129

Nice trips.

I am 25 and still struggle with this. The politeness and all. Whenever girls are in the subway I get too nervous thinking that they may think I am some kind of creep (which I am, but an inoffensive one) and will call a cop or something.

>> No.8130

>you can make pretty vast improvements in a matter of weeks if you work at it.

>> No.8131

i know someone in real life who looks EXACTLY like this.
i'm actually pretty sure it was made for him because of the likeness

>> No.8132
File: 3.51 MB, 248x206, 1439740271447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Compulsively needs to pass anyone walking slightly slower than him
Why would you change your own pace. That's beta af.

>> No.8133

I hate slow walkers because I'm fat and somehow theyre slower than me. Drives me insane

>> No.8134

nice quints

>> No.8135
File: 513 KB, 1100x669, 4632786423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would you try and adapt yourself to other people
I guess autism is an ALPHA MALE TRAIT according to you

>> No.8136
File: 252 KB, 460x800, 4920183275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compulsively needs to pass anyone walking slightly slower than him
Whoever made this clearly lives in a third-world state. I dare you to egotistically stroll about like some bon vivant Parisian dandy touring the Tuscan countryside in the middle of Manhattan on a weekday. Go ahead, try it.
I fucking dare you.

>> No.8137

we don't even need to know how you walk to know you're a virgin with a comment like that

>> No.8138
File: 79 KB, 716x768, uhyoudon'tgettobringbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who think they get a girlfriend, improve their social skills and have a perfect life just by lifting
If you take someone who has a messed up sleeping schedule, doesn't exercise, eats horribly and has low self-esteem, obviously their lives would improve if they adopt a healthier lifestyle. You only mention lifting, but with that comes better diets, sleeping cycles, and overall attractiveness. How does that self-improvement not improve their life significantly than before?

>> No.8139

If you think you typing like some nu-/fa/ millennial faggot is cutting edge, then you're probably compensating for something.

>> No.8140

>t. slow walker

>> No.8141

This video helped me.

Concously try to walk with your clavicles facing forward, or even slightly upward and keep your head directly above your shoulders.

It will feel award at first. The first couple of days doing this my back was sore, but now that I've adjusted, it feels weird to slouch.

>> No.8142

>people are so fucking retarded they need to learn tips how to walk

>> No.8143


>Overtaking slow walkers is completely normal as well

Yeah I don't get this one. It's not that someone gets an urge to pass someone walking slower than them, but you just naturally are going to pass something if your are moving quicker

>> No.8144
File: 93 KB, 960x640, 1439256307750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally only thing I don't do on this graph is wear sneakers.

>> No.8145

I do a few of these things and I'm a virgin, nobody knows though because I don't let it show

>> No.8146

something is wrong, anon. you have to fit that

>> No.8147

I'm pretty autistic, I just look at trees and birds and buildings.
The ground is too boring.
Trying to correct my posture.

>> No.8148

>Stebbin on the beach

>> No.8149

What the fuck is manual walk and how does it differ from normal walk

>> No.8150

Obviously it helps with your self esteem but it won't solve your other problems.

>> No.8151

How do I turn off my manual walk?

>> No.8152

Being totally aware of every movement of your body while walking. Constantly adjusting your walk so you can appear as normal as possible (however you just look like a robotic autist 98% of the time)

Chewing gum tends to lower my anxiety in general, not just while walking. I notice I'm better eye contact while chewing gum.

>> No.8153

why does this have to be embarassing ? we have virgin walk because we despise everyone.

>> No.8154

you realize there are ugly/fat girls out there waiting to get fucked?

>> No.8155

you forgot /soc/

>> No.8156
File: 39 KB, 374x347, 1490471172971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ is definitely a normie board. honestly this is one of the most normal boards since the point of this board actually applies to real life.

>> No.8157



>> No.8158


this describes me except i kind of shuffle instead of "striding", im not a virgin though.

>> No.8159

hating people is not insecure beta, it's something you should fear of me. if i can't be chad, i'll have to be scary. not awkward, not beta. scary, irritating.

>> No.8160

My hair definitely moved less in the wind after I lost my virginity, very true

>> No.8161

>The first couple of days doing this my back was sore, but now that I've adjusted, it feels weird to slouch.

Set up a standing battle station for yourself, yet?
I'm going to finish setting up mine tonight.

>> No.8162

well i have scoliosis and bad joints so fuck me, i am a genetical virgin

>> No.8163

That's me, except I'm not a virgin. (got lucky)

>> No.8164

Never knew most of these were considered awkward

>> No.8165


>> No.8166

my arms aren't short enough

>> No.8167

>falling for a meme pic based on fucking cold reading
It's so generic it's not even funny.

>> No.8168

>walking up stairs behind girl
>need to stop and slow down because i walk too fast and people will think i am trying to check her ass out

>> No.8169

I'm not a virgin but I do alot of this. It's just regular people behavior. Running shoes are comfortable

>> No.8170
File: 214 KB, 442x367, 1461635866897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop with this

>> No.8171

I wouldnt be a virgin if I didnt have a skin disorder on my penis

feels fucking bad man

>> No.8172

Virgin walk implies that a person has it only before losing virginity. This image shows a person who is introverted, shy, nerdy, maybe has anxiety, not someone who will change after losing their virginity. They don't even have to be a virgin.

"Virgin walk" associates for me with teens in movies like American Pie where they want to lose their virginity. Annoying, loud, trying to fuck anything, have no idea of sex and try it out with a pie first. Or very young teens who draw dicks on walls and try to hit on girls for the first time.

>> No.8173

I don't think it is normie because normies meet offline and they even think using online services is for losers and nerds. Unless it is an app for meeting straight away, like tinder, not talking online with people from other parst of the world.

>> No.8174

>hair seems to overreact to wind
About the only thing that fits me, although I'm starting to think it's a more common annoyance unless you have a buzz or use gel.

>> No.8175

it was almost good until
>pass anyone walking slightly slower than him
Well, have fucking fun having to walk slower because of someone else then!

>> No.8176

post it

>> No.8177

Where to find intelligent women? Convinced they are unicorns. Fuck, I wish I was gay.

>> No.8178

You're definitely a virgin if you're not concerned with sex but the 'plain clothes' idea is stupid, espeically since its stylish to dress plain now

>> No.8179

This is me but I'm not a virgin anymore, help.

>> No.8180
File: 19 KB, 512x384, postures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8181

why do you want an intelligent woman?

what does an intelligent woman offer you that an average woman does not?

they're both women - you're not gonna have deep philosophical conversations with em, and they're not gonna be mind-blowingly funny. that's what bros are for.

find yourself a pretty, average intelligence, white girl who wants children and save the white race.

women who are actually above-average intelligence are praised as if they're Einstein just because they're female. it inflates their ego and it doesn't begin to deflate until about age 28-29, until then their only loyalty is themselves.

>> No.8182

>- you're not gonna have deep philosophical conversations with em
why not?

>> No.8183

Somebody reverse this and superimpose it on the OP image.

>> No.8184

JUST WALK WITH YOUR HEAD UP like theres a string pulling it, relax your shoulders ((don't slouch but don't flare them out or back it looks fake)

>> No.8185
File: 585 KB, 588x766, 1457236140546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he takes two stairs at a time

>> No.8186

i bet you wish you looked like that anime girl

>> No.8187

They're women. Their thoughts are confined by "societal views" - everything they do is based on their perception of society. Women are followers not leaders.

>If I say I've slept with a lot of guys, will this guy like me?

Perception of how they will be viewed is more important than taking risks or being revolutionary. Women will lie to protect other's perceived perception of them.

Having these types of conversations with women just doesn't happen because there's too much perceived risk in displaying an unpopular opinion. Men are risk takers, much more likely to display an opinion that's unpopular.

>> No.8188

*tips fedora*

>> No.8189

You'll learn what I mean when you grow up. If you've talked about these types of things with one woman - you've talked about them with all women.

Women are risk adverse, that's just a fact. The greatest danger women face in society is voicing an unpopular opinion or taking an unpopular action.

This is why women lie about their kill count.
This is why fat women want fat women to be perceived as attractive.

>> No.8190
File: 68 KB, 640x426, johnmaus-111-640x425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had more than 25 girls and I do some of the things listed.
it's more like "insecure and not athletic person" walk.

>> No.8191

google 'penile lichen sclerosus'

no complete cure, left it too long without treatment throughout my teen years, only seen very minor healing over the last months, fml

every time I can potentially get laid I back out and tell them that Im not over my ex yet before we fuck because I dont want them to freak out at my fucking alien dick. Its not even an infectious skin disease or anything, purely cosmetic, its just so aesthetically weird that bad hygiene or STD is assumed

>> No.8192
File: 532 KB, 963x1024, h-haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8193


>> No.8194
File: 3.70 MB, 3744x2883, John Maus-075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great taste in music anon

>> No.8195

average at best desu

>> No.8196

This. A lot of internet virgins give up because they want to fuck stacy when they should be going for bertha.

>> No.8197
File: 483 KB, 207x154, 1436786573372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8198

giving up is preferable to bertha. think about it.

>> No.8199

>be me
>25 year old virgin
>walk pretty fast, literally pains me to walk slow, like i'm gonna turn my ankle
>get angry when people walk slowly or block the walkway
>walk on the right side of the street/stairs like driving and if people are walking on the left i keep walking until they move or run into them
>if i'm walking toward someone going the opposite way i more or less avoid eye contact until right in front of them, kinda like holding a door open for something

dat autism

>> No.8200


>> No.8201

found the vergin

>> No.8202

got rekt

>> No.8203

part of this meme yes

>> No.8204

What a life you must be living
I feel sorry for you

>> No.8205

only relate to the autowalk and long stride, I have long ass legs though so it just feels more natural

>> No.8206

>save the white race

>> No.8207

also maybe people should stop walking so fucking slow like useless pieces of shit. I got shit to do like go home and sit

>> No.8208

>Walks too fast
>Compulsively needs to pass anyone walking slightly slower
>Long strides

Nothing wrong with those if you're an impatient person who hates slow fucks who waste everyone's time. I also think clueless left lane hoggers should be publicly executed

>inb4 "what are you running from, anon?"

I don't know

>> No.8209


/b/ is full of regular people who don't browse this site everyday and don't even realize there are other boards
/sp/ has lots of normies among the autists
so does /o/ and /fit/ and any other boards catering to shit "normies" love
Perhaps the most surprisingly normie board is /co/. They really hate 4chan culture (casual racism and misogyny) for the most part

>> No.8210


Time is precious, I don't have a second to waste.

Simple as that.

>> No.8211


>implying Bertha's ego isn't inflated as fuck due to countless faggots littering her with compliments on social medias because they think she's "attainable"

It's actually harder to hit on bitter or delusional below average girls. Or at least that's what my super confident but extremely average looking friend who used to pull girls left and right before he settled down told me. Many girls use Tinder to boost their egos these days

>> No.8212

Yeah this I guess. I spend to much time at work when my day is done I just wanna go home

>> No.8213

damn right I do

>> No.8214

big steppy

>> No.8215
File: 93 KB, 640x640, IMG_0529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucked.

>> No.8216

Hey, that's just how I walk, but I lost my virgininity at fourteen. I've actually had a number of girlfriends, don't ask me how. So actually that's sometimes the "he's been laid thousands of times" walk. Some people just feel naturally comfy walking like that, that's all.

>> No.8217

>putting quotes in a greentext

fuck off normie newfag

>> No.8218


Imagine climbing over that fence. You swing one leg over and sit on a corkscrew, piercing both your nut sack as well as your actual bladder. Those homeowners should be given some kind of good neighbor award.

>> No.8219
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yes, but does the kill the man?

>> No.8220
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>>white girls

>> No.8221

>women only care about outer perception to other people
>on a board about how you look to other people

>> No.8222
File: 42 KB, 552x552, orange fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out this vag slayer. When's the next "men's rights" meeting, m8?

>> No.8223

get a circumcision you dunderclunce

>> No.8224

cant relate to stance or the walking speed nor "wearing earphones to avoid social situations" ( I wear them just to listen to music desu and no other reason)

that clothing is so spot on tho wtf....spooky

>> No.8225

In all honesty I don't give a flying fuck I do those things, I just thought it was funny how close the pic hit
I don't think I actually look below parallel now that I think about it and I certainly don't avoid eye contact, still I don't wanna be bothered when I walk outside

>> No.8226

>mens rights
You are so out of touch
MGTOW is the shit these days

>> No.8227


that's where you go wrong friend

>> No.8228
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Where does one pursue girls?

asking for a friend

>> No.8229
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here is the top

>> No.8230

I remember you from /b. You're the guy with the Foldyce spots on you dick right?

>> No.8231
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>> No.8232

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.8233

I can't believe someone took the time to observe how people walk and make this image.

>> No.8234

Fucking everything is me.

Even the virgin part, fuck.

What can I do about my head crane? I've noticed recently it's gotten worse.

>> No.8235

>feminist normies are sharing this on my Facebook feed
Great job dumbfucks. Shut this down

>> No.8236

this image is 100% made by someone who suffers the exact problems and is self-aware enough to make a self-depreciating joke out of it and take as many people as he can down with him.

>> No.8237


>> No.8238

fuck you friends

>> No.8239

>199 replies

>> No.8240

>implying half of this board isnt familiar with this image

>> No.8241


>> No.8242

kill yourself

>> No.8243


>> No.8244

Something about me is non-threatening and approachable (does that mean I'm really average looking?) because last year I got asked out twice (once during my senior and once over the summer). I said yes to the second one and ended getting dumped a month later on account of my autism. I was also asked to hangout by two girls I knew.

My issue is that I have no idea how to let them know I like them and how not to be autistic she I'm hanging out with them.

>> No.8245

One of them was very effay too :'(

>> No.8246

this is the one I was looking for tyty

>> No.8247

im the guy whos dick looks like a fucking peeled orange kek

Not even sure if it helps. The problem is the penis head not the foreskin. Im seeing the doctor again tomorrow though so maybe he'll recommend it idk, if so r.i.p sensitivity

>> No.8248

I walk fast because it's a habit I can't kick from the muhreens.

>> No.8249

you're very likely not as intelligent as you think anyway judging by your post. Just a really lame excuse that makes you look like a massive ass.

>> No.8250


>> No.8251

Every virgin virgin walks but not all virgins walkers are virgins anon.

>> No.8252

>applying first order logic to real life situations

>> No.8253
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Shit my sides

>> No.8254
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All you niggas need to drink more. Like honestly start your day with a couple shots and you'll notice you're socializing on the reg, pimpwalking everywhere, high diving strangers, and lost your virginity a couple times over. There's a reason offices used to always have mini bars...

>> No.8255
File: 61 KB, 1018x626, IMG_2064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come that is literally how I walk

>> No.8256
File: 58 KB, 890x960, 1475161935617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auto walk gets me hard.

Been in my head ever since my cunt ex pointed out that I "walk weird".

Being self aware of my autism is a blessing and a curse

>> No.8257


one thing left out I always notice: bouncy walking on the balls of their feet instead of heal-toe

>> No.8258

Faxe is God teir anon

>> No.8259

men's rights is pretty gay and cringe, but not as gay as saying everyone is an MRA because they gave a valid criticism towards women

>> No.8260

im actually laughing out loud

>> No.8261

I don't walk like this an I am a virgin, some have said I walk like I have to much confidence.

>> No.8262

I just want to let you know that this entire person in the picture is EXACTLY me

>> No.8263


>> No.8264

You're not smart or successful enough for that anon.

What a bizarre requirement to have in the first place.

>> No.8265


>> No.8266

If a girl asks you at, chances are you're 8/10. Most guys don't EVER get asked out because >>muh societal rules
You've been asked out twice so either one or both of the girls is the type of person to actively pursue/chase men or neither are the type and you're just THAT attractive. Most normies even don't get asked out by a girl, consider yourself blessed.

>> No.8267

This is literally me, but I'm not a virgin.

>> No.8268

At this point I'm too defeated and tired to get a gf. Even if she was giving me all the signs, I couldn't believe it to be true. And at the moment of truth I'd have to pretend to be used to seeing a girl instead of acting like the nintendo 64 kid losing my shit because its finally happening.

>> No.8269

>Perhaps the most surprisingly normie board is /co/. They really hate 4chan culture (casual racism and misogyny) for the most part

Except /co/ is basically /pol/.

>> No.8270

i walk fast (thats a good thing i will never change) but the rest doesnt apply.

>> No.8271

i have a """friend""" who is like this.

i said """friend""" because in reality he is too selfish for friends.

>> No.8272

Agree 100% with this guy.

>> No.8273

listen to this guy, if you arent muslim.

>> No.8274

I walk fast and have long strides but that's probably because I'm fucking 6'1. Also I crane my head so that I won't step on gum. If anything the most autistic thing I do is give a small grin to anyone that stares at me and say hello.

>> No.8275

that hi. is creepy. you wouldnt know it untill it happens to you.

>> No.8276

threads like these who prey on the insecurities of people always gets a shit ton of replies

truth is no one gives a shit how you walk, unless you look like a full on golem with shoulders in front of the chest and head 45 degrees forward

>> No.8277

this is all me, except for the wearing of headphones whilst walking.

i'd all this is based on me being anxious but I have no idea why because I don't mind stopping to talk to people.

I have this bad habit of licking my bottom lip, as im about to whistle, when I walk past people.

I also get really nervous of big groups of kids and shit like that, despite being 21 and dressing well.

Does anyone else do these things or understand where im coming from? feels bad being uncomfortable in my own skin especially when i'm a pretty extroverted and social person.

>> No.8278

>no one gives a shit how you walk
wrong. it's an automation in humans to judge everything and everyone at first glimpse, it takes just a couple of milliseconds. you walk like a loser? people around you will see you as a loser. how you walk is just as important as the way you dress. love it or hate it, the first impression always counts

>> No.8279
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>> No.8280


>> No.8281

Between 15 and 18 I was good looking as fuck and had chicks pursuing me even though I was a fucking shy autist and I fucked a couple, and then I remember when I had really bad acne for a couple years from 19-22 and actually started pursuing them and got rejected repeatedly and insulted, lol.

I got my skin back now but those few years were revealing.

Looks play a big role, kiddo.

>> No.8282
File: 83 KB, 1400x788, frank .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw blessed with good looks but too autistic to utilize them for gf

life is funny

>> No.8283

start meditating so you can understand grace and fluidity

>> No.8284
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>> No.8285

t. wo-man

>> No.8286
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>> No.8287

Honestly getting laid is stupid ez. Just depends what you're willing to fug

>> No.8288
File: 31 KB, 300x400, penn_jillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It lists a bunch of basic awkward everday shit that every single person alive has done or felt at some point in time. It is literally just a list of these things, compiled in an attempt to rile up insecurity in young people. If any of you actually fall for this Quentin low-grade bait please save our gene pool and chug bleach.

>> No.8289

So your shocking revelation is that there are in fact no normies on 4chan?

Are normies fake news?

>> No.8290


oh man, I actually feel bad for you.

This is what happens in a society that tries to stamp out masculinity: men end up hating women instead of trying to navigate in a culture where they have trouble finding a voice. I think once you start acting like a man and making regular contact with women you will change your ignorant view.

>> No.8291
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>> No.8292
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>group of people walking the entire length of the sidewalk as slow as possible
>when you try to go around one of them they shift along and get back in the way

>> No.8293

>has never heard a song in his entire life
>arms flailing in confident, unpredictable ways
>tiny beetle-like stride

>> No.8294
File: 3 KB, 97x127, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does not read stupid shit drawn by Quentin

>> No.8295


w2c ripped tank?

>> No.8296

Can someone please tell me what the 'Slayer walk' looks like?

>> No.8297

see >>8291

>> No.8298

get /fit/ and have social confidence
there is no way to do it consciously (you will only look more autistic)

>> No.8299

this is true

>> No.8300


>> No.8301

>Does not read stupid shit drawn by Quentin

>> No.8302
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>> No.8303

>tfw you realize how easy it is to fly if you take literally minutes out of your time to flap your wings

>> No.8304

>I wish I was gay
Hell no you don't

The only gay guys in my city are all twinkish types that I absolutely don't find attractive or 40+ years old. There's maybe 40 or 50 of them in my city, all apps included, and it's impossible to meet a gay guy "normally", because you can't just go to people and ask "hey, are you gay?".

You straightfags are so fucking lucky, you don't realize it.

>> No.8305

>headphones & long strides
I like my music and I have long legs. Am also a virgin.

>> No.8306

words of wisdom

>> No.8307

tfw biscum

>> No.8308

this must have been made by someone who experiences all these symptoms because I exhibit all of these symptoms (my arms aren't really a problem, nor is my eyeline).

That said, I am not a virgin, I think it's more a prototypical long life loser thing.

>> No.8309

i think this is more you noticing it then it just happening to these types of people - I never even noticed it till I read it here and it made sense. A confirmation bias if you would. Everyone's hair reacts to this shit.

>> No.8310

the trick is to keep talking to them but to act like YOU don't want to be friends with THEM

>> No.8311

how to start conversation with a girl?
I have no problem flirting and talking but the fuckin start kills me, i just dont know how to meet people from 0

>> No.8312

is this anchor arms

>> No.8313

>things everybody does
>things everybody does occasionally
>sprinkle a couple things which are actually unique to this type of person
woah that's so me lmao

>> No.8314
File: 28 KB, 364x366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, that's literally me!

>> No.8315

Am I not allowed to walk quickly?

>> No.8316

excuse the term, but 'literally me'

how do I progress from this? like what stuff should I swap in/out?

been working on fixing my posture, though.

>> No.8317


>> No.8318

>t. loner with no IRL friends who drank /pol/ koolaid

>> No.8319

underrated post d e s u

>> No.8320

it's all in your posture. start standing upright. don't slouch your back, puff your chest out (don't overdo that) and keep your head up, shoulders back. look way in front of you and not on the ground in front of you. keep one hand in your pocket, let the other one swing lightly while you walk. it's very important that all of this doesn't seem forced or else it will backfire and you'll look just as autistic as before. doing sports may also help with posture, as it gives you a better feeling for your body. lifting is good for that, especially squats and deadlifts as you're forced to have good form to not injure yourself or fall over

>> No.14896


>> No.14903


What do I do about the overreacting hair?

>> No.14915

>Nobody notices the way you walk.
I thought that until my ex spotted me because I walk weird and my other friends told me I walk like someone half a foot shorter than I actualy am and it fucks my stride/balance

>> No.14969

What do you call it when you walk like you are a little kid? The dumb manchild walk?
Asking for a friend.

>> No.15636

(also) literally me. Except not a virgin at all

>> No.15674

ok so I get why everything else describes a specific type of person who is socially anxious and lacks self confidence but what does the hair thing mean? doesn't everyone's hair move with the wind? isn't that sort of just uh physics?

>> No.15681

I disagree, keep neck up but the rest just relax, you shouldn't fake puff your chest or flare your shoulders out. It's obvious and arrogant, neck straight is just good spine posture.

>> No.15851

fuck slow walkers

>> No.15873

Do you have scoliosis

>> No.15889

>pursue girls

What are you, a fag?

>> No.15904

find a legitimate hobby that isn't overly autistic and you're meet girls through that

>> No.15906

>This describes me!!

Holy shit, how hard is it to walk with a good posture you dumbfucks

>> No.15922
File: 84 KB, 550x413, whatthefuckman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long strides
If anything, it's the manlets that hurriedly shuffle their tiny little stubby legs that are the virgins. Lmao at DYELs who don't even engage their glutes and hamstrings while walking.

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>> No.15935
File: 1.97 MB, 252x448, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15936

i'm fucking sorry for wanting to spend the rest of my life with a person i can have fun with, le white race memer

>> No.15940

t. man with weak ass

>> No.16187
