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/fa/ - Fashion

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8248858 No.8248858 [Reply] [Original]

We haven't had a funny thread in awhile.

>go to youtube/google
>google "*your school name* + fashion show"
>post results


>> No.8249055

actually pretty decent.


>> No.8249082

I'm fucking excited to see User's work in a month


>> No.8249085

Dat Aus US contrast

>> No.8249095



>> No.8249193

oh god i laughed when the guy started walking out

>> No.8249199


> that guys walk


>> No.8249272


>Sunshine Coast Fashion Incubator
>Lads and basic bitches everywhere

>> No.8249304


I was there....

>> No.8249307

>tfw uni full of scrubs
no chance you'd see a fashion show at my uni.

wish i could find pics of my high-school fashion show though. those fashion student were talented children.

>> No.8249310

i am the fashion show

how u doing though, any exams coming up?

>> No.8249320

too bad i never see you there ;(

nb man. had all my assessment last week. was a busy af week though. wb dude?

>> No.8249321
File: 1.21 MB, 338x314, 1391717616414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8249323

just got one exam on wednesday this week and then one on tuesday next week, probably going to fail because ive been to like 2 out of 10 psych lectures for this semester. RIP me

so keen for a break from uni though

>> No.8249332



>> No.8249334

Arizona state university is a cultural cesspool.

>> No.8249337

chase your dreams and swap to writing. i did creative writing this term and every assignment was enjoyable.

i'm doing winter-term so no break for me. probs just doing a script-writing unit though.

PS: you should keep the name

>> No.8249338

>implying i go to the kind of screbby uni that does fashion courses

>> No.8249340

you did creative writing? which unit?

>> No.8249341

I give it a 4/10


I did enjoy that JMSN track playing

>> No.8249345

ahh, i only did intro to creative writing. took it as a bludge and genuinely enjoyed it.

>> No.8249346

i was in that class as well dude what the hell haha
did you ever go to the lectures? i loved my tutes but hated the lectures. anthony eaton just used to talk about his own books and how great he was and it was pretty punishing in my opinion

>> No.8249348

Damn, the models are p good looking and some of the fits are p interesting
Mostly feels like they just saw random "high end fashion shows" and thought you just gotta be odd though.

>> No.8249353

You have no clue what Central Saint Martins is do you?

>> No.8249356

really? shiiittt... i went to like, 2 lectures. i chose top do an essay for that lecture summary assignment and chose week 4 poetry and got an 80. so wrapped.

lol, he only likes being called "tony". yeah, my tutor was a bit like him. i had nigel who also loved to talk about his own books. he was pretty cool but.

>> No.8249357

seconding that asok, as the great fruit once said - follow your dreamz

and keep your name, I miss you

>> No.8249368

i had nigel as well haha dude imagine if we were in the same class, would of been crazy
there was no one remotely effay in my class though so yeah

i got distinctions in both the lecture summary and 'the day the music died', hoping i get a good mark on the last essay as well even though it was pretty weird

i dont really think ill ever be a writer, i just love reading & studying and cant be bothered doing psychology anymore (its fucking boring)
but thanks xxoxo

>> No.8249374

*i love reading and studying literature

>> No.8249382

das cray. yeah, there was literally two other dudes in my tute. unless you're name is dylan or jack and you're overweight, then you were neither of them. no one remotely effay ever sighted at uni. shit's depressing.

my 'the day music died' sucked. i actually wrote about death grips since their music is barely music. dope story, poorly executed since i wrote the whole thing high.

if you're doing winter term, do script-writing mang.

>> No.8249390

>You have no clue what Central Saint Martins is do you?
google says they're an art and design school, why? am I missing something or having bad opinions? :^(

>> No.8249391

haha shit i wrote about new order and i think that's probably why i got a good mark because nigel was like 'WOW - one of my favourite songs! next time use proper referencing for songs though'

i was going to do winter term but now im like fuck that because ive had so much on that i just need a break from something. working two jobs, playing in 3 bands and going to uni is a fucking handful and a half

still need to do a canberra meet up soon, or at least a UC meetup

>> No.8249395

it has one of the leading fashion programs in the world.

>> No.8249397

anyway my computer is about to die peace doggs

>> No.8249405

oh man, we could have colabbed a story. bummer that we didn't know this sooner. glad i referenced the song i quoted in my last essay then.

shiiit, i hear that. that's why i did part-time this term. 2 jobs masterrace. what do you play? if you do gigs, i'll come some time.

yeah man, for sure. i don't think there are many UC posters though. canberra is definitely due for a meet up though. you're well recognised enough to organise one though dude. let's make that shit happen when uni is out of the way.

>> No.8249435


>> No.8249455
File: 40 KB, 480x617, 1367659982381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And those djs are EVERYWHERE ON CAMPUS

>> No.8249468

they dont have the years i walked in :(


>> No.8249477


>> No.8249481

god that's fucked. u can see how bad the construction is from the low res youtube video. a 12 year old chinese factory worker could put better shit together, and probably come up with more original designs than these too.. so pathetic. no wonder australian creative industries are in the gutter

>> No.8249491

lol ur such a failure asok. cant even pass through pleb arse psych shit and want to major in writing. are u trying to be unemployable? remember this post in 4 years when ur a check out dude in coles. u can say hi to samson's mum i guess...

>> No.8249494

disgusting amount of docs lmfao

>> No.8250566
File: 65 KB, 475x316, teenvogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, my highly religious school never did a fashion show, but the search did return this picture of people I went to school with. If only the rest of the school was as attractive as these four.

>> No.8250621

woah extensive fashion knowledge over here. great job anon!

>> No.8251317

>google school fashion show
>88 minutes long
>video 1/13
fuck that

>> No.8251323

yoooo you go to ASU? who are you i'm in phx

>> No.8251325

this is the closest i could find
>tfw small college in middle of nowhere


>> No.8251455


ugh, idk what people understand for fashion, i´d still go to that show thos, that booty is glorious

>> No.8251487

mine was ALL black girls in yoga pants and boots

not even posting it

>> No.8251497

>Empire of the Sun

is the only thing i enjoyed from thsi shitty ideo, shit looks cheap as fuck