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/fa/ - Fashion

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8210314 No.8210314 [Reply] [Original]

Which trips would you likely hang out and sesh with

>> No.8210316

sickly sweet so I could sesh her pussy

>> No.8210327

tesselvte, dyeldavebased, strawtengu, asokone,

I wanna talk to trunks.
they all seem p chill.

>> No.8210328
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She'd be too busy asking if her lips are moist enough
insecure girls aren't that fun for a long time

>> No.8210331

I'd love to hang out with tripskank to get close to her mum XDD

>> No.8210336

>ur mom is better looking than you
that would suck like shit

>> No.8210338

banana/tomato no contest

>> No.8210339

tripsk's mum, definitely

>> No.8210343

remember when tripsk got busted shopping in her tum and expanding her titties


>> No.8210357

someone post the gif lol that was hilarious

>> No.8210358
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I come to this board and see fits like this and I'm seriously wondering if you guys think this actually looks ok to wear or not.

>> No.8210364

size 4 shoe

>> No.8210367

what do you think is okay to wear?

>> No.8210369

i bet she wouldnt shut up about her nose the entire time

>> No.8210370

i like the chain, shirt and hair but everything is awful.

>> No.8210372
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>> No.8210374
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abo thug/john
nocoldolouyyoung boy

>> No.8210375

who's sickly sweet? never heard of them

>> No.8210376

You like 3 out of the 4 worst things in that fit

Black jeans are the only acceptable item in that fit

But that dude is black so he gets more leeway in wearing loud shit, still a horrible fit

>> No.8210378

i thought i was pretty well dressed that day

>> No.8210379

she even shopped her friend's HAIR

just to impress a chinese cartoon board


>> No.8210381

>no one wanna hang out with berry
u guys are gay

>> No.8210383

i hate it when ppl show their ankles like that erghhh

>> No.8210385


everyone else on here is trashy/morally void

a lot of drug addicts, hookers, strippers (blah, jackal, play, prodigy) drunks (tripsknk),

as for the males
nobody really posts anymore
but casemods was cool, and a few other trips
lelders. trunks maybe but he comes off as weird like he's about to crack

>> No.8210388

>no asian or black trips on your list

>> No.8210389

gotta admit she knows how to go from "plain" to sexy

>> No.8210394

there has never been a black trip on this board

only other asia person to trip was a /cgl/ kid who went as /fa/ in a cosplay thing

but he's effemiate and mostly freinds with females

/fa/scist is not asian

>> No.8210395
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>this is sieg heil

>> No.8210400
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>sterotyping azn's to /cgl/ and anime
>sterotyping black people too poor to pay for a internet service
omg sieg...y?

>> No.8210402 [DELETED] 

>black trip on this board
I enjoy this post

>> No.8210405

sieg is half asian

>> No.8210412

Sieg is a Fuking weirdo, that's all I know

>> No.8210416

This is now a Sieg hate thread

>> No.8210417

he's one of the best male trips
Everyone else is fake and boring as fuck

>> No.8210421

he's all Mexican you mean

>> No.8210425

sieg acts like he knows about everything but in reality he knows nothing

>> No.8210432

hes got a jap passport from when he was a kid.
the guy doesnt post any fits or buys any clothes hes just a neckbeard that bursts into threads complaining about other trips then leaves after someone posts his picture or rips him long enough.

>> No.8210433

Idk a lot of the trips/ names seem like pretty chill/ interesting people. lovely, theodore, trunks, twerk, idk a few of them seem cool.

what makes you think that? he's pretty arrogant and happy to rag on other people yet never really contributes much positive to the board

>> No.8210435

mito was like half black

damn mito lemme get at dat badonkadonk

>> No.8210438

because he is actually funny and if you think he's arrogant you don't have a sense of humor

>> No.8210445

Real talk though , Sieg would batter like all of you fucking nerds.

>> No.8210446

Who was that tripfag who went to school with Taylor Swift? Or am I thinking of someone from a different board?

>> No.8210449

Nah I have a sense of humor just havent seen anything really humorous about his posts. I've seen him post on other boards like /p/ too where its painful to read his posts.

>> No.8210451

free asokone

>> No.8210453

sieg needs to put his trip back on and stop all this damage control

>> No.8210454

>post inappropriate replies
>actually know designers
>dont take the board srs
>genuinely funny
sieg number 1

>> No.8210459

all the same fag posts talking shit

>> No.8210460

then you are newfag
lurk more

>> No.8210468


what does sickly sweet look like

>> No.8210480


>> No.8210484


>> No.8210486


>> No.8210498

wait, never mind im thinking of some dude from /g/

>> No.8210501

stop samefagging sieg

>> No.8210506


>> No.8210514

Isn't that just any thread he posts in?

>> No.8210528

If you find sieg funny you are a neck beard, he's like 25 with the attitude of a 13 year old teen angst dungeons and dragons recluse.

>> No.8210530

There's one that's 20 something and one that's 30 something.

>> No.8210533

Ya because the high school tripfags who think yung lean is actually good are SO mature and funny

>> No.8210536

dont like what i dont like etc etc
that's much more of a neckbeard attitude than anything, my friend.

>> No.8210538

You can't ignore that beat on Kyoto.
Yung Gud is great.

>> No.8210543

>adding wood to the fire
thanks :^)

>> No.8210549

chris hasn't posted in at least 3 years

>> No.8210562

ill add sum wud 2 ur mums pussy ahahaha faggot

>> No.8210575
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>> No.8210581

she got the sickly part right

>> No.8210587

i honestly am starting to think shes a troll

>> No.8210596

trispk n lelders o & mike

>> No.8210600

also that guy with really good hair who hasn't posted in years

>> No.8210605

>does my nose job look good from this angle guys?
>talks shit
>his only fit >>8210395

>> No.8210613

he's not fit

>> No.8210620

>not realising sickly sweet is one of siegs many alter egos

>> No.8210623
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>> No.8210634


>> No.8210639


>> No.8210642


>> No.8210669

tomato, banana, droak, leisuresuitlamy... that's basically it

>> No.8210682
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>> No.8210689

If anyone has other Tripsk images, please post them. I lost all of mine in a server crash.
Will repay with much loving.

>> No.8210694

tomato and banana
asok, tesselate, abo, lamy, uuuuhhhh, standard, Doc, King Stance

>> No.8210703
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>> No.8210706 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8210709 [DELETED] 

fuck da police

>> No.8210721 [DELETED] 

Much love guys, much love.
Does she even post anymore?

>> No.8210728 [DELETED] 

she was 20 in that pic lol
i like how all these camwhores try to lie to google

>> No.8210729 [DELETED] 

Pretty rarely
Still /fa/'s official stalker-demographer though

>> No.8210734 [DELETED] 

she is clearly not enjoying that activity

>> No.8210738 [DELETED] 

naw bruh idc I just meant fuck da mods right?
Not that anyone's brave enough to ban you, you've been around longer then all them fuccbois

>> No.8210739

I would do things to mannequin-chan. Sex things.

Someone post one of her fits.

>> No.8210742 [DELETED] 

is that really tripsk?

>> No.8210744 [DELETED] 


>> No.8210746 [DELETED] 


>> No.8210747 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8210750

all of the australian trips. especially tesselate, uuuuhhhh and asokone

is aso even still here though?

>> No.8210757

dropped his trip
just call random anons out in random austhreads, you're bound to find him eventually

>> No.8210762

>sesh with
end it all

>> No.8210765


is there really any other choice.

>> No.8210768

He posted a fit after he'd dropped his trip that was pretty much better than anything he'd posted while tripping, but I haven't seen him post since then.

Lol, this. No one just leaves /fa/ for good, especially him - he publicly admitted he was a 'weird cunt'.

>> No.8210787

trunks, twerk and prodigy. i dont lurk enough but fuck asokone that cunts annoying.

>> No.8210792

go away lovely

>> No.8210796

What happened to shrugs and slater?

>> No.8210802
File: 542 KB, 2610x2448, IMAG0646-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd hang with me? aw awwwh

>tfw name is casey
>hince casey anthony = casey hansomny :~)

>> No.8210805 [DELETED] 

I get banned like every 2months ish

>> No.8210807

is kill

fuck off

>> No.8210814

> nobody leaves /fa/ for good

This is so true watch.

Fuck you tommorrow you stupid fucking slut

Shanon your cheap shit tats make you look like you live in a shitty art school trash can

>> No.8210815

Is kill?


>> No.8210820

yes ;_;
sorry anon

>> No.8210823


>> No.8210834


id rather hang with casey anthony than u
she obvi dun shop at baby gap

>> No.8210836

>tfw will never get maggot with asok and uuuuhhhh

>> No.8210838

thats my moms pls stop you're hurting me

>> No.8210839
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>> No.8210852


>> No.8210862

what the fuck is tripsk autistic

>> No.8210866

ok tha-thats-bye

>> No.8210877
File: 392 KB, 640x480, LOVE-U-HVNSXMNY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:~) baby

>> No.8210893

no shit newfag

>> No.8210903

Far as I know, she is actually on the spectrum.
Aspergers IIRC, which makes sense.
Marilyn Monroe might have been too, yeah I'm comparing them.....I want to fuck tripsk so bad ;_;

>> No.8210932

She keeps records of all the posters here down to where they live.
That's at least obsessive.

>> No.8210942

idk if she does that anymore (she hasn't updated her public map for years) but she still does her graphs the qt

>> No.8210944

Who the fuck is telling her where they live?
Get laid guys, seriously.
I'll even play pretend if it increases the quality of this goofninja circlejerk bazaar.

>> No.8210947

soufafrikan boet
kevin the skinhead
the ones i forgot

rest is a bunch of fucking fagl*rds

>> No.8210953


matt turned into too much of a meanie for me to want to hang with him

>> No.8210956

Which anons would you likely hang out and sesh with? Or which ones do you think would be the worst to hang out with?

>> No.8210960

Link to map and graphs?
Aside from the ones in the sticky.

>> No.8210962

lmao says the fuckin geek who trips on 4chan

>> No.8210964 [DELETED] 

Naw srs bruh she does, haven't you ever noticed before?
She plots the demographics of every /fa/ meetup thread she participates in >>8210744
and she used to note down where tripfriends mentioned they lived and keep them on a google map/doc, but idk if she still does

>> No.8210968

earth would be worst to hang out with
no mind of his own
just does whatever /fa/ tells him to

although you could probably con him into giving you some moeny or something pretty easily

>> No.8210970


>> No.8210974

I honestly wouldn't mind hanging with Tripsk, and I prefer cocks.
Slater is a douche, and casemods is a narcissist (more than the rest of us).
Sieg might be fun to play some /tg/ stuff with (i-if he's into that?)

>> No.8210979 [DELETED] 


>you will never be as motivated as an autistic canadian pocahontas

>> No.8210981

>not being able read

>> No.8210987

are you like 16? serious question

idk how someone could be that oblivious to casemod's / slaters schtick

>> No.8210988 [DELETED] 

I never looked into the meetup threads, too spergy for my tastes. Doubt I live near any of you assholes anyway (South VA).
Wouldn't mind seeing that doc though.

>> No.8210990

Old map, courtesy of based tripfriends wiki
a bunch of current and former trips are on there as anons due to its age
i don't have any more graphs on this comp

srs though, what a qt eh?

>> No.8210991


Slater was fucking hilarious, doe

>> No.8210995


shut up bitch

>> No.8210997

Woah. That mummy be hot.

>> No.8211006

Problems with the gf miffy?

>> No.8211010

>that one Israeli /fa/gott
/pol/ was rite

>> No.8211023

haha some1 is mad ahahaha


!!!!!!!! LOL

>> No.8211025

Oh shit, there's an anon 30 min. from me.

>> No.8211030

lol no, things are going really well :)

Just kinda surprising that Trip's mum is THAT MUCH better looking than she is... like you'd be an idiot not to choose the mum... and she's had a bowling ball come out of her axe wound.

>> No.8211054



>> No.8211058

fuckin mad fag lmao

>> No.8211060

Aw glad to hear it bruh
is she buying you loads of dat rick yet?

Eh, genetics'll fuck you like that
she's a sorority girl anyway
are you on that map of hers? I can't remember

>> No.8211069
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>> No.8211075


>tripsk asked me where I lived once
>told her what area
>i'm in toronto
>she was documenting me


>> No.8211091

damn i guess everyone knows who u are now that guy from toronto cover blown dude fuck man

>> No.8211093


got into more pacifics than that

>> No.8211095

So is she bro.
Go wreck that sweet curry-poutine puss

>> No.8211124

She farms it from meetup threads and form other methods.


>> No.8211126


I have fantasies of stumbling into her

>> No.8211130

Go to a meetup
organise a meetup
ask her for a job
gl anon

>> No.8211136

>ask her for a job
Is she an oil tycoon or something?

>> No.8211138


u think she;d wanna charm my snake?

>> No.8211144

moar liek; duz she wunna sew your H&M brand garments kekekeke
cuz shes brown :^)

>> No.8211150

well no, but as far as I know she does a lot of extra-curricular work for her uni, like publications and shit
she was managing one of their newspapers the last I heard

go4it anon

>> No.8211153

i'd butter her chicken

>> No.8211218
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record snapping ol mate skinhead
stance as long as we don't have to listen to his music :)

everyone else is a useless cunt

>> No.8211256 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 225x225, AverageSafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fear me n u hanging out would make us fight a lot,stomp and then you'd start touching me in sexual manner to try and make up,id always decline and then we'd be cool.

don't b a fag

>> No.8211272

we made it fam

>> No.8211288

i'd fuck both tripskank and sicklysweet and i just realised i have an indian fetish

>> No.8211300


and that troalpost guy who is actually poet

>> No.8211337

I like myself tbh

Shouts out to me

>> No.8211354

all aus boys
nig w/ e30
troalpost maybe

>> No.8211412
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>tfw your dick will never tingle from the curry heat, fucking tripskank or her mother in the arse.

>> No.8211430

I don't know which map you're referring to :)

The lady friend has taken me a on a few holidays which has been great, just local in Australia so I can still work... she's fucking so brilliantly awesome like that.

I'm slowly converting her over to Rick, she has a lillie leather a 2 dresses now :)

>> No.8211443
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Myself :)

>> No.8211448


blah blah blah nobody gives a fuck dude

>> No.8211449

Says sieg, lol

>> No.8211460
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Did somebody say slamaramajamadingdong?

I've gotta say that Tripsk has great legs.

>> No.8211471
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>> No.8211478
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Should I post more?

>> No.8211493

Tess, strawtengu, dave, lemons, yung, cheese(lunar guy id get fro-yo with).
Hopefully cosmic in LA meetup this summer.
Mango and Nebulae when I make it up to SF

>> No.8211495

where are back shots?

>> No.8211496

He was answering a question
>protip: someone does

>> No.8211501

It's alright mate, you're gonna find someone cares about you one day :)

>> No.8211508

tripsk actually seems like a cool person tho

>> No.8211510

I'd hang with /fa/scist faggot, poet, and timber because they seem both chill and super knowledgeable about fashion. I could learn so much from them.

>> No.8211513

i saw tripsk at a grimes concert but i didn't realize it was her because the person i saw was really short and wearing a tutu or something

>> No.8211529

I once met Bandit/Bandido in Portland, Oregon. He was actually well spoken, intelligent, and good looking. More importantly, he was wearing a leather jacket pretty well. He looked natural in it, and his outfit was striking.

I'm not sure what makes him repeat his copypasta ad nauseum, but he seemed like a cool dude.

>> No.8211537
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Poet would be the coolest. Fascist would be good company. Timber ...
Ohoho timber


>> No.8211538

m8 how many strawberries have u eaten in the past week

i want strawberries now

>> No.8211560


Poet is a depressed fuck, timbers straight boring bitch would prolly be all serious and shit, fuck that

>> No.8211561



dude no, sorry but she seems like she would be the type to get really smug on you and just fucking moooaaann that you ordered green tea instead of hibiscus infused chu toro omakase linen tea

>> No.8211569

And you'd be the smelly ass paki autist that would be too scared/retarded to have a meaningful conversation with either of them

>> No.8211570

so bitter so much butthurt

never leave /fa/ you're perfect for here

>> No.8211578
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This ^^

I have wondered before: what kind of guy has timber fucked? What kind of guy does se enjoy fucking. Every other part of her is uninteresting but I really want to know what kind of guy she would end up with

>> No.8211589

Awww that's so sad now I know why tripsk is so insecure :(

>> No.8211595

I was citing their wealth of fashion insight as a reason for hanging out. I probably wouldn't go drink with poet or try to joke around with timber, and I don't really know much about /fa/scist.

>> No.8211601

why are you posting pictures of not-natalie?

>> No.8211606


specially since emilia clarke is a shit actress

>> No.8211632
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Emilia is hotttt

>> No.8211642

quit shit-posting everywhere

>> No.8211643

Damn, 3 cart so probably close to 50?? they're so cheap its impossible not to only eat strawberries.

>> No.8211648


lmao dat b8


Prolly normal dudes, she aint cute enough for cool interesting dudes like me ;)))99

>> No.8211652
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I get banned for everything now!
Fuck this shit, I don't really even shit post

>> No.8211655


>> No.8211684

ITT: Newfags posting names of trips posting for less than a year.
>this board man...

>> No.8211700

that's because it's the trips themselves that post their own names, the ancient trips that rarely post anymore or at all are not here to market themselves.

>> No.8211702

Is her head shopped here?
It's larger than her fucking torso, jesus christ.

>> No.8211714

why does this ugly indian shit insists on having that fringe? it LITERALLY never looks good on anybody, the cutest girls are ruined by this haircut, the only way I could see it working if it was super SUPER neat, like runway shit, and in some runway high fashion image.

>> No.8211720

Her hair definitely looks better in >>8211471
Gotta have just the right face shape to pull off a fringe like that, yeah. Nose is a factor too.

>> No.8211730


worst taste in trips

funny tho coz they're all boring like you

>> No.8211762

post fit you live in LA?.

>> No.8211763

tengu, trunks, yawn, teku na shinobi, asokone, stance

>> No.8211831
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I only need knoch and mamma dod in my life
Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.8211851

They're just young flamboyant "fashion" kids
Who rarely even wear it. Mostly h&m and trying to be different
Nothing new

While the trips that can actually afford these names treat the clothes as just clothes not avenues for differentiating themselves from the other young teens who base their lives around a singular trait be it music sexual orientation or activity

Examples skater kid, homosexual rights activist kid, music genre kid

>> No.8211857

so happy that my name is here
is LA meetup a thing???

>> No.8211986

LA meetup @ Le Union
Not even down

>> No.8211992

+sportpoor,void,lekzi and hailey

>> No.8212001

I would drink craft beers and go to some weird pretentious performance art show with Poet, and then go wander New York mildly drunk

>> No.8212009

none of the female ones cos theyre all damaged goods

>> No.8212013

I guess I am pretty boring to hang around with though

>> No.8212023

nah you're hilarious

>> No.8212053

what does curl look like?

>> No.8212067
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>> No.8212072


>> No.8212116

apparently there's an anon living in st. james park london

i wouldn't take that map too seriously

>> No.8212129

troalpost pls go

>> No.8212151

Id love to hang with timber just so i could beg her to fart into my bong then id take a hit and pass it round to poet and trunks

>> No.8212182

>there is an australiananon literally 5 minutes away from my house

>> No.8212233

What about toiletman?

>> No.8212247

chloefiend obviously. Such a cool guy.

those that dont know that name are newfags

>> No.8212250
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Australian name friends, best name friends.

Does asok skate in Belconnen? I drove past some skaters the other day and thought of him.

>> No.8212291
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, 03-04-2014_moncler_wfennecwindrunner_navy_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to asokone?

But I would say Poet
Asokone (especially his music taste)
Eurofag (i wish i could search him in the archive)

>> No.8212354

Probably all of the Aus trips except for Aboriginal Thug. I believe he means good deep down but he acts like a massive cunt sometimes.

And Casey, I've always wanted to pick his brain over car audio.

>> No.8212387

timber fucks chads

source: i go to columbia and know some of her friends

>> No.8212447

>Aussie name-friends best name friends

did you enjoy your trip to Melbourne, Standard?

>> No.8212473

ill post a new fit soon, super busy right now, i live just north of LA.
me and cosmic snapchat about it sometimes, nothing official yet. add me on snapchat, CiaranL, and ill let you know.

>> No.8212478

is cosmic even still alive

>> No.8212488

as of last night he was, he deleted 4chan cause it was interfering with his studies i believe.

>> No.8212489

>deleted 4chan

>> No.8212503

don't blame him, he was nice though

>not exclusively using your smartphone for /fa/

>> No.8212513


>> No.8212515

he blocked it from his computer, so he is not coming back for a little while.
why would you use your smartphone, that seems inconvenient without thread-watcher and a slow speed.

>> No.8212530

gay thread

I wanna hang with Yawn he bullies me alot tho

>> No.8212537

who doesn't

>> No.8212548


The rest have never been /fa/

blah just to lick her feet

>> No.8212569

Mfw nobody would hang with me

Need to expand my #fame

>> No.8212574

who are you? I've been browsing /fa/ for five years and it's the first time I see you post.
No offence...

>> No.8212576

tinfoil (plz come back)
poet, user, asok, troal
trunks, sieg, mamma dod
uuuuhhhh, alex, turnleft
twerk it, cooltop, all other ausposters

>> No.8212584

There's the problem

Naah, I don't post that often
I'm also not THAT informed

>> No.8212891

the first Moncler jacket I haven't seen that doesn't look abominable

>> No.8213470

no you don't
source: actual cc student

>> No.8213702

boring answer, and not funny.
but honestly she's fucking gorgeous

>> No.8213726

that lelmons guy is a cunt

>> No.8213923


>> No.8213952
File: 128 KB, 640x480, 1336039687808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll never caress her blond hair

>> No.8214505
File: 275 KB, 1128x1963, 1366424311126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Melbourne was a nice place to visit. Copped a few shirts and sweaters from some of the botiques.

Were you the anon who told me to go to Moat?

They serve up some good bbq brisket.

>> No.8214508

yeah it's got no volume

>> No.8214522

idk but I talked to User for a littble bit at a starbucks in downtown la before he left to antwerp

super cool dude and I still wear the hoodie and pants he made for me

>> No.8214534

what do you get banned for, natty? is it for avataring?

>> No.8214538


>> No.8214540

when was the last time she even posted here? give up you fucking losers

>> No.8214550
File: 32 KB, 640x480, mitonew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not even as cute like mito

>> No.8214552 [DELETED] 


>> No.8214569

my nigga

>> No.8214572


>black girls

>> No.8214575

him ct mito spninja and the rest are old as fuck

>> No.8214583
File: 102 KB, 792x540, r u a gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8214585

she's brazillian iirc

>> No.8214589
File: 152 KB, 640x480, anonA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone else who hasn't posted here in ages. who cares? besides, estonia girl was way cuter. but even she isn't relevant anymore so fuck off

>> No.8214593


>having that pic saved

is u gay son

>> No.8214613
File: 224 KB, 1617x561, SWEDEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not swedish
just ask yor mum

>> No.8214631

this morning

looks like a local girl who got arrested for sucking dick in a walmart parking lot/ indecent exposure

>> No.8214640


>says chubster

someone post this autismos picture pls i would never save that abomo on my hd

>> No.8214644

you're delusional, seig.

>> No.8214647

I've got such a crush on Mama. He seems genuinly nice in a way few people are. Still want him to choke on my dick, but his personality is so pleasant.

Twerk and Sieg can go die, uuuhhh would be fun to play vidya with. The rest are insignificant.

>> No.8214759
File: 101 KB, 300x300, I dont care about you or your clothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny cause I would never hang out with any of you fucking no life losers.

You should get off the internet and learn to dress yourselves.

Fuck the world.

>> No.8214773

didnt you invite that lesbian over to your house to play mario kart

>> No.8214798


Suck it

>> No.8215621

We don't

>> No.8215633

uuuuhhhh dresses well and i've seen him around irl a few times (i'm mates with his brother who also dresses well but doesn't post here) but he acts like an asshole on this board and was kinda angsty when I used to play Halo 3 with him a few years back so i'm not sure I would wanna hang with him. As much as I respect his style he seems like a dick

>> No.8215638

hahah mfw when i actually stop in the middle of making out to find chapstick
it's more about how dry lips make me uncomfortable

>> No.8215645

fuck you trunks u piece of shit goof ninja wannabe nigger

>> No.8215650

Definitely Asokone, he's really nice and we have musical interests in common
If Strawtengu's about that life then him too for sure
Intimacy has a great style and seems to have musical interests in common too/great tats
Lamy of course
Prob Stance

Australia seems to have more of my fav trips

>> No.8215657

banana, villy, lovely

>> No.8215666

you post on reddit as yung_jesus

>> No.8216386

I 100% know who this is lol

>> No.8218104

did the sneaky b*tch really do this??!

>> No.8218111

the girl with grease stains on her shirt

>> No.8218136

the only pic thats been posted one million times but no ones fapped to

>> No.8218139


o i am laffen

>> No.8218332

i-i-i'll hang with y-you ;u;

>> No.8218688

what does this sicklysweet chick look like? i'm a newfag

>> No.8218942

S-she's s-so ... cute.

>> No.8219020

Casemods was the only tripfag I liked. So many faggots would get assblasted whenever he posted anything, whether is was /fa/ related or not. Shit was so cash.

>> No.8220054

hi guys I'm a new trip and I'm the best one there is.

>> No.8220103

based niggas. thank u

yeah i skate belconnen every now and then. i live real close to it but i hardly skate anymore, not enough time and it's really cold now
i wear the worst fits when i skate though coz i dont want to wreck my good clothes

i rarely have the internet anymore. only really when im at my parent's house or when im at uni but i dont like going on 4chan at uni lol

tripping on 4chan is weird, it kind of makes you crave attention more, so you start doing things like posting your face or something just so people give you a bit of attention. that's not healthy so i try not to trip anymore

my fav trips are all aus trips/namefriends and also yawn, trunks, facist faggot, q_ko, all people i talk to in plug_dj
sieg is kind of a piece of shit but i always read his posts

>> No.8220880
File: 588 KB, 551x968, 1351725640899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8220886
File: 641 KB, 1034x1200, 1399128650904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay bruh

>> No.8220887

You can see the blur on the wall between her legs. poor girl, she desperately tries to get /fa/s approval when even without photoshopping it would be fine. (i mean, its an attrocious fit, but still, the photoshopping to look thin is pointless)

>> No.8220891

who dat

>> No.8220899

she is pretty thin.
that pic is not even shopped nerd

>> No.8220904


>> No.8220909

nawww thanks <3
miss you tons, hope life's treating you well! :>

>> No.8220915

this thread is pure cancer

>> No.8220919
File: 19 KB, 271x336, jason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this asokone appreciation
hate to jump on the bandwagon, but me2. gotta support the locals.

>> No.8220920
File: 395 KB, 639x693, 1399901224359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im happy to give her benefit of the doubt. but it sure does look shooped (and after last time, lel).

I like her, she seems like an okay person. Just think tripping on 4chan isnt healthy for her. (much for the same reasons - only much greater extent for her - as asok pointed our before)

>> No.8220967

azn fuccgirl because she's like 7 phones tall.
Also Tripsk because she is in my country right now. Pls meet up with me

>> No.8220975

Which country?

>> No.8221001

germany i guess

>> No.8221023

Tripsk pls confirm youre in Germany

pls be in Dortmund

>> No.8221080

fuck yeah based asok, glad to have you back mate
good to know you're still breathin'

>> No.8221322

MODS getting BTFO
janitors: -2

she confirmed when she was in tc the other day

>> No.8221456

freiburg mostly

>> No.8222648

W2c DIY user gear
I want a T

>> No.8222880



>> No.8222884

whos that

>> No.8222920

SO i'm talking to ¥UNG and we both live in LA but on April 11th we were both in the San Francisco shopping around union square at the same shops at the same time and didn't even see each other!
crazy missed connection

>> No.8222982
File: 217 KB, 1280x853, 1339869474236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8223251

Stop being in Freiburg Tripsk, come to Hannover.

>> No.8224020

Lovely is kill

>> No.8224381

What the fuck does that scene faggot look like now?

>> No.8224723
File: 237 KB, 720x960, Unlimited Tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f Snails
>no matches found
>ctrl+f Snails
>no matches found
>ctrl+f Snails
>no matches found

>> No.8224725

anyone but Snails

>> No.8225085

much love asok