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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 111 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8198097 No.8198097[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pic related isn't me but it's my typical apparel. What's /fa/'s thoughts?

>> No.8198106

You're full-blown faggot tier, congratulations, you'll fit right in.

>> No.8198107

Oh and i have curly dark hair i pull back in a bun

>> No.8198110

not bad for an old lame white guy, dressing like that as a 20 something is when it becomes a problem

>> No.8198123

Those shorts are AWFUL

>> No.8198126

Its somewhat boring. I'm not saying you should go full goofninja,but that is the easiest and laziest templates for looking good.

>pastel buttoned shirt
>chino shorts
>boat shoes
>arrange colors how you wish so long as they are spring colors

>> No.8198132

You look fine in real life, but you're not /fa/, if that's what you were asking about.

>> No.8198140

its a good style tbh, depends what you're going for. a bit longer shorts and different shoes would be beneficial, ie boat shoes instead of loafers.

its a good way to look nice and blend in.

>> No.8198150

Shorts that come up above the knee are uncomfortable for me. I think the ladies like the man thighs anyway. Right..?

>> No.8198154
File: 49 KB, 607x399, these glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>replace the glasses with costa del mars and that's my typical summer fashion

>> No.8198163

Those glasses look even more frat in my opinion, and not just frat... douchebag frat....

>> No.8198178
File: 19 KB, 440x330, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't always wear sunglasses but when i do, i wear rays

>> No.8198180

how should a 20 something dress?

>> No.8198183


>> No.8198196
File: 147 KB, 1200x1600, random google image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
Yeah I know they give off the superdouche vibe but I can live with it, especially considering half the people in my area wear them. I spend a lot of my time on the water during the summer so I need practical sunglasses for fishing and boating; typical /fa/ approved glasses arn't as good.

>> No.8198211

dad you're not in college anymore. in fact you have a son who is about to graduate from uni. i don't even dress like that faggot. no wonder mom wants a divorce.

>> No.8198214


it's "I only use my home pc for my email and ordering things on amazon if I can't find them in the stores. I don't care so much about fashion and dressing up but I think its worth a little bit of effort to set myself apart from the standard t-shirt and jeans combo. I dress like this because it looks fairly decent and I'm comfortable. Plus, with the money I save from not buying all the designer brands at the mall, I can make my hard-earned $51k salary stretch farther" tier

>> No.8198230


51k is pretty legit if you're a bachelor imo

>> No.8198240

I didn't say it wasn't

>> No.8198313

pretty decent but not /fa/... i would wear that in a resort or beach. Also i would wear something slimmer.

>> No.8198532
File: 56 KB, 574x431, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically all I wear in the summer, albeit slimmer, more modern and with less gay shoes of course

There's nothing wrong with this look tbh, very classic collegiate style

>> No.8198544

At least there are no boat shoes

>> No.8198558

it's funny how fratbois dress like full-blown plebs yet try to give off this illusion of wealth
>walking around campus in raf velcros
>about to pass by this group of fratty kids sitting in a hallway
>one says "nice velcro shoes bro" as im about to pass them
>they all smirk and giggle
>"thanks, they're worth more than your entire wardrobe!"
>they just awkwardly laugh
felt pretty good because i managed to make good eye contact with that faggot and maintain spaghetti

>> No.8198582

Full on Dadcore bro. I love it.

>> No.8198583

Lol u got owned kid, get over it

u prolly had the low top black ones or some other shitty one that makes you look autistic

>> No.8198888

No, it is not "classic collegiate style".

I taught at a college for five years. The only guys who consistently wore this look were douchebags.


Long-sleeves go with long pants.
If you're going to wear a long-sleeve shirt, don't wear shorts.
If you wear shorts, wear mocs that aren't fucking tasselled, or a minimalistic leather shoe of some kind - fisherman's sandals, possibly okay.

But if you're going to go shorts...jesus. Short shirts. Please.

>> No.8198893

>this story is potentially real
>i'm still browsing this fucking board

>> No.8198919
File: 2.73 MB, 240x135, 1397367969113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>spend a shitload of money on clothign
>still look retarded

>> No.8198936


There's a difference between classic prep style and the pale imitation of prep - fratboy aka douchebag style. This falls into the latter category.

>> No.8198940


>"thanks, they're worth more than your entire wardrobe!"

I can't even....Christ, dude, you need some lessons in social interaction.

>> No.8198957


>nice velcro shoes bro
>kick the faggot in the gabber with the said velcro shoes



>> No.8199596
File: 466 KB, 600x781, princeton1961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're telling a college kid to wear pants and a long sleeve shirt in the summer? pls
umm, what you personally find as 'prep' shouldn't just be procured from infographics on a japanese cartoon forum


>> No.8199599
File: 6 KB, 225x225, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8199618

did you read his post at all? all he said was shorts go with a short-sleeved shirt, and pants go with a long-sleeved shirt.

>> No.8199640

...ok but that's also retarded
previous poster probably taught at a second tier state school where they'd all look like douchebags anyway regardless of them following some arbitrary rule

>> No.8199656

You guys really fell for this? Really?

>> No.8199663

In today's episode of Things That Didn't Happen...

>> No.8200046

>one says "nice velcro shoes bro" as im about to pass them
>continue walking as mascara start running on my cheeks

>> No.8201609


mirin, added to motivation folder

all these autistic faggots can talk as much shit as they want while cosplaying as fucking ninjas, it doesn't change the fact that op's pic is of a fashionable young normal man who's fucked more women than 99.999% of the virgin dipshits on this board

mirin op thanks for the pic

>> No.8201657

damn really good