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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 88 KB, 500x600, Peter-Vack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8190750 No.8190750 [Reply] [Original]

Hair thread.

What do you think of this style, /fa/?

>> No.8190800

dude needs to lose weight

>> No.8190813

looks like a helmet

>> No.8190861

I figure it'd be a good counterweight for a 5head

>> No.8190954
File: 20 KB, 279x280, ss (2014-05-05 at 09.43.53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you fags feel about the bundercut

>> No.8190993

can look good
can also look revolting i.e. on the pic you posted

I think you have to have the undercut very well maintained (sharp back sides, not too thin) and a good head shape (not too round)

You also have to be physically fit kinda muscular for the undercut to work IMO.

for example crop top only works on skellys.

>> No.8191012

thanks for the perspective. i'm growing my hair out at the moment and looking for inspiration for what to do with it, i just pulled the pic from my newsfeed. i'm not sure i can commit to growing out the back and sides as well as the top unless i buzz it all and acquire a bun a few seasons from now, so i'm assessing my options. what about a manbun with a taper on the back and sides?

>> No.8191016
File: 360 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20140505_083300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8192386

Did you photoshop those lips?

>> No.8192409

No, he was just going to kiss the camera lens while being black.

>> No.8192415

Man, those lips are HUGE!

>> No.8192420
File: 51 KB, 440x550, ideal haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of getting this.

>> No.8192423

Fucking elves.

>> No.8192426


That guy looks honest to god terrifying. I would not fuck with that guy.

>> No.8192454
File: 29 KB, 399x600, Yannick Abrath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yannick Abrath is scarier.

>> No.8192469
File: 77 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20140503_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont fucking know what to do with it I just tie mine back most of the time in a bun or let it lay like this halp.

>> No.8192482
File: 39 KB, 400x300, 1308004251777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8192484


>> No.8192499


Just get it short or at least shorter and maybe bun it up. Would also get rid of the chinstrap.

>> No.8192509
File: 101 KB, 299x152, lazyface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not usually a chinstrap I just was lazy I'm TRYING to pull that will cartier look but in the meantime it just looks like a man without his level of length.

no my name starts with a j

>> No.8192526
File: 77 KB, 500x622, 7654322krkrk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same problem. i dont know what to do with it.
im about to buzzcut if off

>> No.8192531
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1274, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /fa/,

is there the slightest possibility, to look decent-ok with long hair and a receding hairline?
I got some pretty honest compliments (at least that's how they seemed to me) for my topkot IRL.
Ofc not on /fa/, but I still love you anon/trip! :~)

So is it like a /fa/ intern thing that receding hairline = need to buzz.
Ofc I'd prefer a stronger hairline, but I don't seem to be that blessed :(

>> No.8192533

grow a beard

>> No.8192537


>> No.8192539

some people look perfectly normal with a rounded or receded hairline.

some people look fucking retarded with buzz's too regardless of hairline.

>> No.8192544

Hopefully I still have hair on my head once I can grow something like a beard..
Do I pull it off?

>> No.8192557

I wouldn't say you "pull it off" i'd just say that it doesn't look so bad, since your ears are so far back which puts a lot of hair in front of them. shorter hair would probably suit it better not digging the topknot.

>> No.8192570


I feel that for your hair type, the topknot is a bit unnecessary.

>> No.8192572

You look fucking ridiculous. People can probably tell you are some aspergers-riddled young man who just styles himself according to what he hears on the internet.

>> No.8192587

Why the fuck do i never get replys on my posts?
You guys arent helpful at all.

>> No.8192589

you look deviant as hell, keep your hair like that.

>> No.8192594

try 2 b more interesting nxt time u post

>> No.8192597

please stop, you cant pull that off at all.

>> No.8192616

What do you mean?
Hmm, to bad..

>> No.8192627

he means the focal point will always be the receding hairline
so why topknot
You look bad, not because of the receding hairline but because it looks odd and out of place
>inb4 I"M UNIQUE
a lot of people can be unique and not look odd as fuck.
Anyhow i don't really care how you represent yourself because it's your life

>> No.8192634

How can I get a thicker hair? I have nice hair but my skull can be kinda seen

>> No.8192656


Why does he wear the mask?

>> No.8192659
File: 21 KB, 280x497, Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a new hairstyle. Getting so bored. Pic related its me. I might be a douche and just get a hitler youth. I have a thin beard undearneath also. Thoughts/advice?

>> No.8192676

Pls be b8.
Something very short and clean, with a full shave.

>> No.8192693

Your hair looks greasy and gross, do you wash it regularly and use conditioner?

You could honestly just comb it back from the front and cut the sides and see if it looks any better?

>> No.8192697


>> No.8192709

...And I would also suggest shaving the beard off, it looks awful in the picture you posted :/

>> No.8192803
File: 22 KB, 280x497, Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its very thin so it looks worse when i condition it.Just got in from a rain storm so i probably look like a mongoloid. Hes a somewhat better picture


>> No.8192825
File: 30 KB, 600x400, Slicked-Back-Hair1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's because of the rain but it just looks like a mess. Honestly just combing it tidy could be an improvement.

And I still think the beard should go.

>> No.8192832
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 1394752252519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8192844
File: 32 KB, 514x514, parka30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To buy or not to buy?

>> No.8192862

didn't realise I was on a fucking thread.

>> No.8193078

+you need a good hairline.

>> No.8193096

is poncho-core fa?

>> No.8193118

throw out your glasses, cut the hair and shave that fucking thing off of your face

>> No.8193123

About my pre-manbun. What to do in the meantime. Sides are getting out of control.

>> No.8193174

I thought you were a girl until I noticed the beard.

That's not a good thing.