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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 347 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8107201 No.8107201[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

effay pls help me turn my gender neutralizing mullet into something I can actually leave the house with

my self esteem is at an all time low, help...

>> No.8107204

Urrrgh. Sorry about the sideways pic, I'm on my ipad.

>> No.8107211

You should tell us what gender you are first.

>> No.8107213


>> No.8107218

you're really cute

>> No.8107219

Do you know how to use makeup?

>> No.8107235
File: 183 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, kind of. I try to keep it minimal.
Although lately I've been avoiding it since I'm working on some acne meds >.>

Tbh I'm prob just going through an existential crisis bc I'm a hermit, but the shitty haircut doesn't help me feel better about myself.

Pic is how I usually do my makeup.

>> No.8107241

>dat unpreparedness

>> No.8107248

Get highlights. stop the emo shit, look at what attractive asian girl do and copy them.

You look like a man. Would not fuck. 2/10

>> No.8107249

I'm new here, you're gonna have to explain that...15%??? What's unprepared?

>> No.8107254

that guys head to body proportions are trippy af

>> No.8107257

He's referring to your phone's battery
also lurk more.

>> No.8107259


Could you suggest a cute short haircut?
(That's really what I'm looking for)

I don't think my heart can wait for my hair to grow out, and I can't afford extensions, regardless of how much I whine and cry about it.

>> No.8107262

r u srs
your ipad power levels
it should be at least 100% or over 9000

>> No.8107270
File: 15 KB, 306x306, sarahny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sarah there are tons of asian in cali. stop taking shitting posing pics. learn to be a girl. ditch the fucking white guy, get a asian guy who will make sure you look good, and don't get fat.

>> No.8107282

That is quite the hovering hand.

>> No.8107279

I've been on it all morning?

I'm not in Cali, I don't date Asians, and I'm not fat?
Also fuck you, I'm married.

Jesus fuck will someone please give me a haircut.

>> No.8107283

It was an unprepared pic.

>> No.8107286
File: 7 KB, 209x241, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This then.

FYI: Your husband probably cheats with asian massage parlor girls.

Take better care of yourself, and he may love you again.

>> No.8107288

Look through some runway hair photos on a site like wwd or style.com or hell, even Harper's. You'll find something you like. Take it to your stylist. ASk what he thinks.

>> No.8107291
File: 128 KB, 960x600, 1397653164406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is also not wearing his wedding ring.

Capthca: nalsedw Asiatic

>> No.8107298

Thanks for bringing up what's been on my mind for a while now. Not with massage parlor girls, but I've been so depressed and self conscious lately that I'm actually starting to question his loyalty. I mean fuck if I were him, I wouldn't be here. I hate myself, I really do.
The past few nights I've been thinking about rigging up the oil' helium tank.

Thanks fa. I came asking for a teeny bit of help and I leave with my entire morality crushed, and the only constant I had in life is crumbling under my feet. Hope y'all had fun.

>> No.8107304

He's an electrician, we don't have our wedding bands yet, and he can't even wear it anyways. Prob gonna get a tattoo in its place.

>> No.8107305
File: 552 KB, 620x984, 1397653405042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe clip your bangs up and wait until it grows out, then get a bob like the girl in this pic

if you can't wait until your hair grows out, grow up instead

>> No.8107311

>and he can't even wear it anyways
Why not?

>> No.8107307

flip a pinos are disgusting

>> No.8107313
File: 55 KB, 720x479, 1397653529795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well look you're nothing special. You know it we know it. He doens't look happy with you or inlove. Why bother spending more time lying to yourself. Either you rig it or change and see if you can win him back.

There are better if he has a decent income he could get many women.

>> No.8107321

That sounds like a lie. Many guys don't wear it so they don't get the "wedding ring" shadow. It a tan line that tells women, even when it's off they are married.

>> No.8107319

if somebody can't tell your gender looking at this pic then that somebody is clearly not into genders

ur cute

>> No.8107322

He's an electrician
If he wears a metal ring, he won't be grounded properly in case he ever gets hit. Serious damage, especially since he's working commercial

>> No.8107323

>if he has a decent income he could get many women
>this is what manlets actually believe

>> No.8107335

Fucking stop. Please. I really can't handle the stress of questioning him right now, he's all I have and I want to keep it that way.

>> No.8107341

not true, he breaks the circuit through his footwear

red wings are known for this


>> No.8107346
File: 46 KB, 500x667, tumblr_moli4zyYBE1swqmyro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then keep your mouth shut and let him cheat. Make yourself more attractive and he'll stick around. But he is cumming inside of other asian women. no doubt. I know his type.

Gold doesn't conduct electricity, he should wear gloves.

>> No.8107352

He works with his hands. If there's a ring on his hand, the current would go through it first before getting to his feet. It's just a fucking precaution so he doesn't die, okay?

>> No.8107356

As much as I'm kekking he's probably objectively wrong.
Step one: don't take things too critically.
Step 2: the acne is a good place to start. Eat better, cut out all grease, and get acne medicine. If you wanna get rid of a few problem spots quickly, use some rubbing alcohol to dry it out and then just lotion up the dry spots down the road.
Step 3. Shorten your bangs and let the rest grow out and boom feminine hair. It's feminine as it is really but you don't seem to be rocking it like you want so shorter bangs and letting the rest grow will be perfect.
Step 4: buy rick owens and RAF Simmons
Step 5: pls be in London

>> No.8107354

>gold doesnt conduct electricity

haha what the fuck are you on about

>> No.8107358

mistyped. gold does

>> No.8107359

Really? What kind of man is he?
Please, enlighten me, because I don't know shit about him even though HES MY FUCKING HUSBAND.
He wears gloves, and who said anything about gold rings?

>> No.8107362

The only thing it would really do anyway is give him a nasty burn if he was hit with lightning level current. So a nasty burn would probs be the least of your worries.

I did google, and it seems a lot of people get the rings caught in machinery, but of all the things to get caught...

>> No.8107361

whats the best non-alloy, natural element that conducts electricity?

but its a lie, he can wear a ring, OSHA just mandates he ear proper non-metallic saftey boots designed to break circuit just in case his corpse...er...body comes into contact with a live wire.

if something is strong enough to arc through red wing soles, designed to stop that shit, chances are his heart is cooked already anyways

probably tells hookers he's allergic to latex too lulz

TLDR your husband is a fucking liar/cheater

>> No.8107363

>gold doesn't conduct electricity
>trust me my dad works for gold
OP stop listening to this fag. You shouldn't let some nigger on the internet freak you out. That's a good place to start.

>> No.8107368
File: 32 KB, 220x220, 1358534607804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8107366
File: 152 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I really appreciate your post being on topic rather than chipping away at me.
I was thinking of something like this, do you think it would work?

>> No.8107367
File: 163 KB, 1296x728, 1397654312258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, as a guy who fucks Asian girls all the time. They are probably the easiest to pick up and fuck. Niggers might be alil easier but you might put yourself in danger. But Asian girls, if that guy is blonde will fuck him even if he is married or not. So a ring doesn't make a difference.

They fuck and let you cum inside them. Even this one was married, had a child with a white guy.

>> No.8107374

as long as he doesn't complete the circuit he will be fine

remember those tricks in high school physics classes where your professor grabbed a powered wire and stood on a rubber mat barefoot?

also if he's just a general electrician he's a puss puss anyways

same physics class remember the wire in one socket, hold hands with everyone in the class, then ire into other socket experiement/trick?

>> No.8107376

>the current would go through it first before getting to his feet
That's not how it works. Current will preferentially travel through paths of low resistance, and paths that have one high resistance component are high resistance period. Do you not wonder why the power cables in your house don't short themselves out when the electricity has to travel meters with only a few mm of insulating plastic separating the wires?

>> No.8107381

heroin before helium lassy

>> No.8107387

Regardless of what OSHA mandates, we don't have rings yet. So. He doesn't have a ring to not wear. Luckily he works union and they generally keep things not hot. Shit happens though, which is why I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Maybe I'm fucking naive but I just don't understand why people can't be decent to each other.

>> No.8107383

>coming to /fa/ when you have self esteem issues
Do you even effay?

>> No.8107384
File: 155 KB, 931x1400, asig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO! It's too sloppy. STOP BEING SLOPPY and thinking it's trendy! You have to stand out! This girl is your competition! What does she have that you dont? Nothing. She is cleaner looking. She is not pretty. She just looks like a female. Stop this fucking trendy, cheap fashion, Venessa Hudgeson shit.

Again: CLEAN LINES! Not messy!

>> No.8107385

Sure, though you are really just running into the makeup problem with that haircut and yours currently. Just get some makeup on after the acne and either haircut works. God speed.
SRS stop replying to poor b8

>> No.8107395

>we don't have rings yet
So he got you a plain band engagement ring?

>> No.8107393

Actually he's probably more right than I am listen to him.

>> No.8107394

apperantly if you're wearing a gold ring the physics of electricity changes?


pretend electricity is like water bitch, takes the path of least resistance (also siegs life motto lazy as fuck )

>> No.8107396

You're cute as fuck, I see no problem. Please be in Australia.

>> No.8107397

No, I didn't take physics.

If I could get heroin I would. Trust me.

Any clean short haircuts then?

>> No.8107402

I would fuck you

>> No.8107404

>I'm married

What the fuuucck, I'm 21 and you look younger than I am. (azn too)

>> No.8107405
File: 52 KB, 800x800, HDMI-Cable-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apperantly if you're wearing a gold ring the physics of electricity changes?
It's probs the same reason those gold plated TV cables are so much better, science can't explain that.

>> No.8107406
File: 19 KB, 460x276, Kim-Jong-un-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not get the same haircut as our glorious leader?

>> No.8107407

too busy being barefoot and pregnant in the phillipenes

white girl pussy may taste like sour milk, copper and NAIR

but at least it's not asian

>> No.8107413

You're on 4chan, don't expect others to make you feel better. Or go on /soc/ circle jerk.

>> No.8107419

I wasn't asking for compliments, I was asking for haircut suggestions

>> No.8107417
File: 38 KB, 877x496, Tokyo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This! On the left. The bob. not the shitty Korean blown out BOB, but the Japanese straightened one with product and clean lines.

>> No.8107423

Oh dear god.
Looks like my mom in the 80s.

>> No.8107421

>gold doesn't conduct electricity
Sure, that's why electric wires are now made of water, best conductive metal

>> No.8107427

your face shape is always important before you consider a haircut, take a better picture of yourself, and profile too

>> No.8107430

Is this your husband?

He looks basic as fuck. I bet you'd have really cute children though. Maybe even model tier children

>> No.8107436

Your mom's hot.

>> No.8107442
File: 61 KB, 500x750, asian short bob hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it worked well, cuz your mom was getting fucked.

>> No.8107446

jk get rid of acne and eventually find a hair style that works, might take you awhile but you'll be content one day with it. i dont get why you need a shit load of guidance, i literally know nothing about girl hair styles except the fact that buns look like shit but use some common sense.

>> No.8107449

Listen i have your contact info. I will message you and skype you for help. I am saving your marriage. I hope you appreciate it.

>> No.8107450

also why is killing yourself seem like such a great idea but growing your fucking hair out is such a big problem?

>> No.8107453
File: 329 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yup that's him.
Thanks, I'm hoping that I might get lucky and have a black haired/blue eyed boy, but we'll see c:

My mom's a fucking slut.

>> No.8107454

Just fucking marry her yourself.

>> No.8107458

are you japanese?

>> No.8107461

let's see the back

>> No.8107463

Existential crisis. Also because there are other factors besides my shitty hair. Having nicer hair would slow me down though. If you're actually gonna message me, please go through kik, I don't touch my skype anymore.

>> No.8107464

Racemixing is a terrible thing to do. People like you and your husband are destroying America.

>> No.8107467
File: 137 KB, 1122x895, blog_import_51a6e68e51a47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for brutal honesty. Your there's only reason why your husband is with you: he likes young girls.

You fulfill this, until he finds cumming in someone else. You must make sure you keep yourself looking young. You don't need to worry about acne if you learn how 2 makeup properly. Also, if you keep your hair looking young. As a pinay/viet girl you should already know this.

>> No.8107468

Hey OP, for what it's worth, I would gladly bust dozens of nuts in dem guts.
You look like the type that likes to get choked lightly. I can dig that.

>> No.8107469


>> No.8107471

if you're going for a younger look, cut your bangs and get your hair shorter, but if you're heading for an older look, trim the edges, and pin your bangs back, and tuck them behind your ear

>> No.8107472

No, viet/Filipino.

One second..

>> No.8107473

racemixrs are pig disgusting

>> No.8107475
File: 135 KB, 672x944, sawada-airi003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't shes not my type. I can get way hotter, but I can help her become hotter. And I think she loves her husband hence the last ditch effort.

>> No.8107476

i thought you were the chick who keep claiming white males are better than asians in everyway on /adv/

>> No.8107478

One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

To be frank, I don't think you're having an existential crisis, you're just down or depressed. You don't have to put any conscious effort into growing your hair, it just grows anyway, whereas an existential crisis often revolves around the drudgery of continued conscious effort over a prolonged period of time. Like Sisyphus pushing that rock.

>> No.8107482

Choked hard. But I digress.

It's a mess. I looked like Annyong from Arrested Development when I first got this haircut.

Cut my bangs in what way?

>> No.8107484

As an Asian girl, I would never date an Asian guy. I find them unattractive and dating an Asian guy is paramount to social suicide. They are just very undesirable and I can do much better than that. Sorry, Asian guys.

>> No.8107488

these chinks name each other after the sound the pa makes when you hit them in the face as infants

frying pan/cast iron wok

slam into asian babies face and you have the WONGGGGGGGGGGGGG famiry

hit so hard that all the L's turned into R's and vice versa

this is science people

also gold doesn't conduct electricity in asia

>> No.8107491


you're like brown op

>> No.8107499
File: 38 KB, 598x110, 1397656198764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen, sometimes you got to try and experiment stuff yourself. we can't help you all the way here, we're not your personal stylists. you can go and get your hair cut like in the pic that you posted, that's great, but then you already look really fucking young and sometimes you need a more mature haircut just so you can boss your husband around and show him that you're willing to do something more and not act around like a baby.

plus i'm sorry about your marriage but i honestly do not think it is working out and i'm glad that some anon over here is willing to help save you.

captcha pic related

>> No.8107495

>I'm sad!
>better post my face on the most critical board on 4chan!

>> No.8107497


>> No.8107500
File: 60 KB, 608x352, zizek-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I think she loves her husband hence the last ditch effort.
Love, for me, is an extremely violent act. Love is not “I love you all.” Love means I pick out something, and it’s, again,this structure of imbalance. Even if this something is just a small detail… a fragile individual person… I say “I love you more than anything else.” In this quite formal sense, love is evil.

>> No.8107501

I fucking hate Asians

i just wanted to share this with everybody

fucking vietnam pan faced gook shits

>> No.8107502
File: 158 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who? I mean I'm not denying that I feel that way to a minor extent, but I haven't posted on /adv/ in years.

Again, other factors playing into it besides my hair. But yeah, I am just really depressed right now, and I'm trying to get back on my feet.

Would something like this work? I don't think my hair is quite that length, but still.

>> No.8107503

whats yo kik

>> No.8107508

>feel that way to a minor extent
Jesus fuck
The asian race is fucked
With all the self hatred going on...jesus

>> No.8107512
File: 18 KB, 210x240, char_34938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey accept my friend request. I hate this messageing shit.

>> No.8107514

Lol, every one know white girls are the easiest. Are you in 2nd grade?

>> No.8107515

Asian males are natural betas. They won't survive as long as there are superior white and black males around. Whites are superior to blacks though.

>> No.8107519

The last time I tried experimenting, I left in tears...which is why I wanted a second (or 16th) opinion before I go in.
I appreciate your sympathy, but first off, you (and the internet) don't know much about my marriage. Second off, he's been nothing but stable, caring, and loving to me. I'm the one with the problems. The only reason I even have a fleeting thought about his loyalty is not because I've seen hints of it, but because I'm so terrified of myself.

>> No.8107520

It's like 1940s in here
Hail Hitler, am I right?

>> No.8107522

I'm not on skype, message me on kik if you really wanna talk. hiirana

>> No.8107535

>another Asian with low self esteem

>> No.8107538

Electritions can get their finger zapped off with à ring

>> No.8107547

>another ugly Asian with low self esteem

>> No.8107551

Why the FUCK would you marry so young?

>> No.8107557

>natural betas
Grow up.

>> No.8107561

Op most likely tout husband isn't cheating but you being paranoid crazy person is going to drive him away.

Also why the fuck are you marrying someone you don't know

>> No.8107564

too many okcupid requests from beta asians

>> No.8107566
File: 64 KB, 590x650, 1397657267501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just mad cause mixed race is more attractive than your fat pure bred ass

>> No.8107569

because he's white
Are you fuckin retarded? Can't follow along?

>> No.8107570

Aren't you Asian bro? Talk about self hate...

>> No.8107578

If you had kids they'd almost be the exact same mix as me.

almost, I'm sure the white races would be all kinds of different

>> No.8107580

Look at this fuckin newfag

>> No.8107587

Want to be my mistress?

>> No.8107601

Why u say that? I know sieg is racist and basically a meme but I am not that new at all

>> No.8107613

As she would even give the the opportunity, you're probably some fat ass - 4/10 posting from your mom's basement wiping tiny pepperoni cubes from pizza bagels from your disgusting flesh colored beard

OP, you're cute and obviously posting here for valuation. Keep taking that acne medication though..

>> No.8107725

I guess I am a disgusting mix of German, French, Swedish, Dutch, English...

>> No.8107815

Brown eyes are dominant, blue eyes are recessive genes, 99% chance you won't have blue eyed kids, sorry ;-;

chances are s/he'll still be gorgeous though, there's a half British/Chinese transfer student on my floor and he's sex incarnate

>> No.8108312
File: 215 KB, 386x362, 1396815885459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I know a lot of electricians without the ring finger

>> No.8108439

wtf is this thread
please leave lol

>> No.8108448

This thread is proof that Asians are inferior to the White Man.

>> No.8108485

if youre mexican, let me tell you that theres on hope for you, no matter how you dress you´ll look like every 16 yo ratchet here

if you´re a tranny azn freak, you´re already a special snowflake so it doesnt matter what you do

sorry but you have the most generic face i´ve ever seen

>> No.8108493

all asians look the same, duh

>> No.8108564

All white people look the same nooby

>> No.8108602

All black ppl look the same

>> No.8108616

follow back pls

>> No.8108619

that is a very racist comment
who are you and where can i find you
i am going to unlaod this TM G3SAS on your bichazz

>> No.8108629

are u here

do u have a bf?

do u like 2 go out with random strangers?

do u like walks?


>> No.8108667
File: 130 KB, 700x1050, 1397315262322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Changing your demeanor and personality to succumb to 4chan's racist standards to fit in.

It's okay. I don't mind.
The only thing that will work with you is your short hair, plus
Your nose is too big, keep your hair like this, if you put it back, you'll put too much emphasis on your forehead and nose, which is obviously your worst feature, your cheekbones are fine, if you lost some weight they probably would be more defined, don't do long hair, your shoulders are very broad also, it wouldn't like right or compliment anything because you're short.
Good luck!

>Pic related, it's what you can't look like.

>> No.8108698
File: 43 KB, 1080x720, 1397677331418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go full HY

>> No.8108795
File: 496 KB, 504x282, 1390050325874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8108828
File: 53 KB, 450x675, 1397679318831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grow out hair
straighten, thin out
easy chic

>> No.8108844
File: 94 KB, 520x525, 1397679538166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lazy minimal effort
thin, straighten, bangs
bob cut to accentuate and follow jaw line

do give effort and try to lose face fat please

learn to make up, even if its only foundation, cheekbones, cat/wing eye, brows

>> No.8108857


lmfao fuckin wrekt

>> No.8108871
File: 15 KB, 300x197, 1397679849690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.8109281

are you naked?

>> No.8109298

It depends on your own ethnicity as well. From my experiences (Ordered Easiest>Hardest to get w/):

White: Asian>White>Black>Mexican
Black: White>Asian>Black>Mexican
Asian: Asian>White>Mexican>Black
Mexican: Mexican>White>Asian>Black
idk/idc about other races.

>> No.8109308

Read the sticky to figure out your face shape. Once you've figured out your face shape, just google "short haircuts (your face shape) face."

Find something you like, enjoy.

>> No.8109356

OP: stop dating men. date girls. all problems solved

>> No.8109359

You look fine. Just wash your face more and eat better.

>> No.8109471
File: 156 KB, 1196x720, 1396280327493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 150 posts
holy fuck /fa/ is thirsty these days

gold medal kek

>white knighting
can you be any less effay
seriously go back to /soc/

>> No.8109561

The fuck are you talking about, Asian girls don't want anything to do with black people. Only some Koreans and those ghetto asian kids

>> No.8109572
File: 70 KB, 460x455, 1371750329889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clip bangs
embrace Asian

>> No.8111337

too bad these girls are a strong 3-4/10 would not give a shit about

>> No.8111405

>mfw her fiance convinced her he can't wear a wedding band

lolol I am so pulling that one too even though I am an engineer

"can't baby the electricities would fries meh!"

>> No.8111419


>> No.8111443


>> No.8111545

An asian chick dating a white guy?

Never saw that one coming

>> No.8111556

not even just dating - married!

imagine that, your very own asian bride!

>> No.8111587

Not sure if you are being real or not. If you are, I suggest you get the fuck off this board. You are not unattractive, just not self confident which is a problem this board most certainly can not fix. Most of the people here are probably 17-20 year old students sittting at their house trying to make other people feel bad so as to feel better about their own shitty lives of being ignored by their preferred gender and peers in general. You know your husband, they don't. Now fuck off before you kill yourself or something.

>> No.8111665

>gender neutralizing
why wouldnt you want this

>> No.8111698
File: 259 KB, 750x1126, 1397723023148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanted to suggest bob cut also

>> No.8111757

kiko is so perfect :3

>> No.8111760
File: 279 KB, 960x1280, 1393846167930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit i know right

>> No.8111762


>> No.8111774
File: 63 KB, 410x594, 1397724848365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never drop it like it's hot with kiko

>> No.8111777

The one of her lip synching 'love' is also qt

>> No.8111814

who is CJKut?

>> No.8112107
File: 31 KB, 332x480, Kiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8112135

those aren't different races you fool

>> No.8113530

what i'd give to party with her, she seems so much fun

>> No.8113879

greasy foods don't give you acne they just make you fat.

>> No.8113954

pls be in london

>> No.8113960

Don't worry, most white guys don't cheat. There's this thing called morals.

>> No.8114120

this man is right, the only asians that get with black guys are the slut tier ones though I've found (unless the guy is clean cut)