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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 104 KB, 630x524, 1397519627280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8100260 No.8100260 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ i am in high school (where the hot are the popular) and see a lot of people being payed no attention. i can tell some of these people are going to grow up to be extremely beautiful and most likely high fashion runway models. they are just unusual to the regular human. there is one girl who i swear to god will grow up to be a high fashion model. she looks very much like a giraffe and its v beautiful.

discuss this topic? do you know any young people who you think will grow up to be really hot?
post pictures too if you can find them, or past and now pictures of current high fashion models

>> No.8100271

How young? Are you under 18? If you are you've still got time to grow into a beautiful person

>> No.8100294
File: 91 KB, 540x960, 1397520024325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uni student here, brother just went to prom. my FB is now blowing up from pictures of his friends..

ill post some here i guess (none of my actual brother)

these are 17-18-19 year old highschool seniors

>> No.8100299
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>> No.8100306

wait no what are you doing

>> No.8100305
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>> No.8100309
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>> No.8100311



Top fucking lel

>> No.8100314
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>> No.8100318
File: 117 KB, 540x960, 1397520346268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

displaying the typical highschoolers fashion choices

>> No.8100319

now that's white trash

>> No.8100326

>wait no what are you doing

i laffed

>> No.8100323
File: 73 KB, 716x960, 1397520438850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this hair style tho

>> No.8100331
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>> No.8100340
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>tfw no qt loli prom date

>> No.8100345
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>> No.8100348
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not sure whats happening here

>> No.8100350
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>> No.8100360

left couple is the best-looking. the girls all have shit posture though

>> No.8100363
File: 209 KB, 720x960, 1397520952345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the prom king from his school

>> No.8100368

what the fuck

>> No.8100373
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>> No.8100376
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>> No.8100380
File: 79 KB, 643x900, 1397521226738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk. im getting really confused going through their facebooks right now, but what i figured out is everyone in this state is inbred as fuck.

that kid apparently lives on a farm, foosball team, and drives a f350. he's practically the king of the rednecks

also he got this girl pregnant (i think? she has a kid but not sure if its his) and she looks adorable which is sad ;..;

>> No.8100381

How old are you OP?

>> No.8100383
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>> No.8100387
File: 241 KB, 2048x1536, 1397521312313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone give me an estimation on this kids age please

the girl is 17 now

>> No.8100388

your state (which one?) is so fucking sad

>> No.8100391

Which one of these pictures has OP in them?

>> No.8100394

looks like a 1 1/2 year old. jesus christ

>> No.8100405
File: 37 KB, 480x640, 1397521589241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently live in Missouri, but i grew up in michigan so i didnt have this whole "whos the most inbred" contest going on

also every girl i've clicked on has a kid

this is the future of america

>> No.8100414

Do you even comfy?

seriously tho, what the fuck is going on in Missouri?

>> No.8100416
File: 201 KB, 2048x1365, 1397521698205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8100424
File: 62 KB, 960x640, 1397521785323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incestual teenage pregnancy, apparently

>> No.8100430
File: 203 KB, 2048x1365, 1397521846567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaving the house like this

>> No.8100427

Her face is freaking circle, man. FREAKING CIRCLE.

>> No.8100435

I feel for you, aren't there any qt's in your state?

>> No.8100437

jesus fucking christ

>> No.8100440

How long did you live in Michigan for? MI has it's share of redneck. How old are you?

>> No.8100441

don't you mean to reply the OP?

>> No.8100445


what the fuck are these niggers wearing

how do you fuck up a prom suit as a guy? just get a fitted suit, and a black skinny tie, what's with all this vests and shit

>> No.8100446

there's this one loser freshman at my school who is honestly very good looking. godtier facial features and skelly body. i wish him well

>> No.8100450

are you a freshman?

>> No.8100454

how old are you?

>> No.8100451


is that his date?

she's not even wearing a dress

>> No.8100453


>> No.8100455


how did he win when


couple on the left exists

>> No.8100459


>> No.8100465

and youre still a junior in highschool???

>> No.8100464
File: 25 KB, 356x486, 1397522304921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fucking ears

>> No.8100472

i'm a senior in high school. most seniors are 18

>> No.8100477
File: 134 KB, 716x716, 1397522449102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you bang a fat chick, you better wear a condom

>> No.8100475

My bad, thought you were younger

>> No.8100483
File: 62 KB, 645x936, 1397522509778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8100479

While we're on the suit subject, should I always buy my jackets unstructured?

>> No.8100490
File: 104 KB, 852x852, 1397522642047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your prom date will never eat you

>> No.8100491


sad because guy seems to look alright, while the girl is a disaster

>> No.8100499
File: 421 KB, 2048x1371, 1397522747203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rare double disaster

>> No.8100502

Is the photo album titled "Worse than Slav Genes"?

Holy shit, these people belong under a bridge.

>> No.8100526

Fuckin hell, I live in Kentucky and everyone in my school is gorgeous compared to these people. There is like a small group of outcasts (furries, bronies, trenchcoat wearers, etc.) and those are like the only people on par with this.

>> No.8100530
File: 2.93 MB, 509x368, 1393374805007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must live in a big city or something. Seriously, the real world is full of ugly, weird-ass people.

>> No.8100528

that face of pure regret

>> No.8100529
File: 369 KB, 2048x1366, asdfghjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently this guy is anorexic

>> No.8100544

Is he with her? She's mad decent, I feel bad if she has to settle with that.

>> No.8100548

Just based on the picture alone I'd guess he was gay.

>> No.8100551
File: 104 KB, 640x427, CCI31032011_00001-Cópia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be college first year
>casually have incorporated aspects of /fa/ (and miscellaneous fashion places) into wardrobe for a while, gothninja withstanding
>since last semester believed RA on floor below me was gorgeous
>talked to her four or five times, never overtly flirted
>spent 45 minutes once talking about her honors thesis
>send her a friend request
>doesn't accept
>5 days later find out she has blocked me
>be in friend's room, tell him
>he tries making me feel better by calling her a freak
>"Anna's a fucking freak man, she's a fucking freak"
>He says this a few more times
>I agree with him by repeating dryly, "Anna's a fucking freak"
>a second after I say that she walks past
I have to pass her to leave my dorm building at least two nights per week
If you're ugly don't even try to be effay

>> No.8100570

this thread taught me a lot.

specially how thankful i should be that my parents are ugly as shit

>> No.8100571
File: 47 KB, 640x960, xzccv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep they dated for something like 4 years.
The guy is an absolute freak who sent me threatening messages on facebook because I was hanging out with her even though they weren't together.
and yes I tapped it

>> No.8100572


is this a thing

I went to school in Miami and haven't ever left, so I don't really know what it's like in smaller places

Are there just more attractive people in cities?

>> No.8100577

>plenty of those girls at school
>nobody thinks their that attractive
>low self-esteem means easy bang
>tfw picking up model-tier chicks
having good taste is great mang

>> No.8100589

If she didn't smile she'd be qt

>> No.8100598

doesnt have much to do with you being ugly

The real reason your RA blocked you, she doesnt want you to see her shitfaced
its proabbly in the rules, position of authority, must keep professional relationship (thankfully at my school they dont care)

Also, maybe she felt that you were flirting with her and didn't want to (/can't, as RA) hook up with you so she sent you a very clear message

fashion doesnt make up for lack of personality man. i'm ugly to and i still pull decent pussy. Don't dress like a tool, and if you're not attractive/jacked be funny and charismatic. you're never going to get the hottest girl in the room, but she's probably boring as a doorknob anyways

>> No.8100607

nice work. ya he sounds like a weirdo

ya, i'd say the say thing to OP. If no one likes them, swoop on that shit

>> No.8100614

It is in a lot of "middle america" I feel. Big cities do seem to have a higher concentration of attractive people, might just be down to the simple fact that there are more people around.

Plus people in cities tend to spend more time/effort on their appearance. Product of their environment type thing.

>> No.8100620

this thread, what the fuck

>tfw these fat fucks are more fit than we are, speaking in terms of evolution

>> No.8100625

>tfw these inbred fat teenagers probably have more sexual experience than kanye

feels strange man

>> No.8100626
File: 2.00 MB, 177x238, i'm out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8100635

I'm friends with all three of the other RAs, though, so that excuse isn't valid, and what do you even mean about personality? I have interests, a lot of interests. I play an instrument, I love my major and pursue it passionately, I love going to concerts (classical) and shows, I like skateboarding, there's a lot of things I like to do. Forgive me for being pompous right now, but there's a lot more defining me than the average student here. It seriously just comes down to being ugly and (also possibly having anxiety and being bipolar, but which caused which?). I dress decently, I do things, I have hobbies, I'm skinny and bordering fit, I'm tall, I have male friends, I have MONEY that I WISH I could spend on a cute girl, not with vodka but with an amazing cinematic night. I crave intimacy but no one wants it with me. When I have conversations with girls I know and don't know, I can tell they aren't interested. I made a tinder, I had matches, and they've all stopped talking to me. It's unbearable and it doesn't seem to matter what I do.

>> No.8100648

doesn't the fact that you've had matches support the notion that it isn't your looks holding you back. If you're being right-swiped purely based on your photos then it your pretentious, self righteous, boring personality must be the deterrent.

>> No.8100650

jesus christ you people held prom at school???

i thought every school went to some nice hotel or interesting place for prom

mine was in the field museum in downtown chicago

>> No.8100654

I don't know... Implying it is, how do I not be pretentious, self righteous, and boring?

>> No.8100660

Dude you seem boring and desperate AF. Stop caring about a gf, you don't really want that.

If you buy me a raf ombre sweater, I'll give you all the intimacy you can handle ;^}

>> No.8100684

Well of course I seem desperate, I am confiding in this anonymous image board my desperation. It's been almost two semesters and I've yet to find a girl that's interested in me for more than an hour. I'm desperate in the sense that I really do want to be with someone, not necessarily in a relationship, but to see a movie with or go out with or lay in bed and talk with. I had sex in the beginning of this semester, a girl invited me up to watch a movie and we begun to hook up and she kicked me out when she was done and before I even finished. My professors like me...

If I post a tinder message would you be able to tell me why I'm coming off negatively?

>> No.8100696

I can give it a try. I kinda stopped caring about grills altogether; they just get in the way of what you want.

>> No.8100705
File: 41 KB, 609x609, giangelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me faggots

>> No.8100710

both of you are 5's

>> No.8100727
File: 111 KB, 945x686, ffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are all like this (usually without the minor spelling mistake, though)

>> No.8100739

hey wow, now youre bashing vodka + cinema TOO FAR!

having interests and stuff is fine, but rarely will you meet a girl whose willing to have a relationship based solely off of mutual interests (at leats at this stage in your life). Theres a fundamental difference between girls and guys you don't seem to understand, guys want relationships (read:sex) girls generally don't. Mens brains are weird for sex, womens are weird for to look for a suitable mate. I.E. you have to go out of your way to impress girls and show them that you're worth falling in love over (thats not to say you should be a fedora tipping le gentleman)

well atleast you made her cum before you did?!?!

Ya it's hard to find people in this world that are a match for you (especially when you are hardened from posting on a message board for half your life) but there probably is someone that would want a relationship with you, its just hard to find them on such a big planet.

lol dance minor

maybe the comp sci comment. girls are generally not into sciences (physcs/math major). almost every time my major comes up, they ask some dumb question then lose interest (obviously there are expections)

>> No.8100740
File: 94 KB, 960x960, 5 + 5 = 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically we are a 10

>> No.8100742

lol this convo made me cringe

>> No.8100750

i think it's pretty well known that anyone who legitimately enjoys programming and learning new languages isn't "normal".

i'm a comp sci major and i dont even like coding..except MIPS assembly. thats fun.

>> No.8100753

>2 follow up messages after she doesn't respond

And that's how you seem desperate

>> No.8100754

There's no need to over explain yourself. Just keep your texts short and sweet because it makes you seem less desperate and like you don't give a fuck if the girl is interested in you at all. If you act like the girl's opinions matter, then they think they can walk all over you.

Girls don't enjoy being treated like actual human beings so there's no need for you to talk to them like one.

>> No.8100768
File: 25 KB, 591x713, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to use more ambiguous phrases and hashtags

bitches love hashtags

>> No.8100777

look man, being ugly isn't the worst thing in the world, you have be more beyond a pair of eyes and jawline. It forces you to develop a sense of humour, a personality, a taste in art, a sense of style and most important, you learn that most people are shallow assholes!!! My two roommates pull 100% more pussy than I do and they are boring as fuck, not very funny and dress like shit.

its hard in highschool and college, i'll grant you that. People are still looking for the hottest person they can fuck with the least amount of effort. But as you get older, people realize relationships based on shallow visual attraction are boring and don't last long. The ugly, but well rounded people have their day, and it's about the same time people get married.....

>> No.8100779


my girlfriend had practically no friends in high school, kept to herself and was subject to harassment from a lot of people. she wore a lot of sack-like shapeless clothing and was approached by modeling agency scouts. she was reluctant at first, because the life of a model was not something she considered glamorous, interesting or felt any respect towards. eventually she accepted the offer because money was tight and did modeling for a few years. that experience made her get the fuck out of modeling and work on a degree in the sciences.

tl;dr: yes there are plenty of awkward lonely kids who are teased and abused and mature into stunning, unusual beauty. no, a life of being a human clotheshanger isn't the pinnacle of what they can aspire to be.

>> No.8100786

what science is she studying?

>> No.8100792

biochemical engineering/bioinformatics

>> No.8100799

that's pretty cool, lots of jobs in those fields

captcha: hipsysMA science

>> No.8100814

tfw try to date that girl in hs, turns out to be a Jehovah's witness. She couldn't date me either, even those she wanted to, wasted an entire fucking year. I think i might have drunkenly told her off one time too, fuck who cares.

>> No.8100833


its weird to see the way people outside of that life fetishize modeling.. there are some models whose personalities make them function well in that industry, but there are a lot of seriously unhappy people who only choose that option because it initially looks like good money for short periods of work. then they end up living somewhere far away for months in a flat shared with several other girls while 'they are being developed' to suit whatever agency's format.. then its a kind of slavery where you're forced to keep working to repay what you owe the agency for giving you that awesome chance to grace tumblrs and saggy rich cunts aspirations of glamour while you give absolutely not a single fuck.

nigga fuck that.

>> No.8100873

lol you should watch "after porn ends", and VICE's adult film documentries..

basically alot of the "mid tier"/newly casted porn stars get housed in tiny apartments with a bunch of other girls, and everything they do is tracked and multiplied by a billion dollars and added to a long ass bill (which they agreed to without knowing) which comes right from what they expect to get paid for their shoots. and they cant do anything about it because they signed hefty contracts. so they basically get exploited for free and keep getting offered higher and higher money (which in the end just gets taken anyway) for worse and worse shoots (anal, DP, abuse, etc).

they're stuck for years at a time and then come out with nothing but 200 sex tapes with their names on them that they make no money off.

>> No.8100876

Shit, never heard about that kind of stuff, sounds like slavery to me. It's too bad so many see modeling as such a perfect profession. I guess it comes from two things, 1) laziness and 2) beauty being so important. 1) being a model (on the surface) seems like an easy job. 2) Beuaty seems to be one of the most important characteristics in society

>> No.8100886

10 kilo's; fatty

>> No.8100888


yeah, you'd maybe expect that with something like porn or mid-tier stuff. but try major agencies that supply talent to all the paris fw shows

>> No.8100909

wow, this is by far the most interesting thread ive seen on /fa/ in ages


>> No.8100928


>> No.8100985

No sex till marriage

>> No.8101032

That's not it. Like most religious societies, there are devout and passive followers. This girl got a boyfriend (JW) 2 years later, and i'm sure they fucked. Jehovas Witnesses are are very family oriented and are mostly friends with only other JW. It took a lot of work to see her outside of school and when I did she always seemed to be in a rush. BUT when we'd talk on the phone or text she'd tell me she loved me. Had me pretty fucked up for a couple months. So it wasn't that she didn't want to date me, it's that she couldn't have given her families religious views.

On another note, I know a girl who is a devout jew and won't have sex until marriage, which is quite hilarious in 2014 liberal canadian college. She gives really good head apparently.

>> No.8101040
File: 652 KB, 1050x1050, f3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This OC doesn't even doesn't even begin to cover it.

>> No.8101073

What the fuck just happened?

>> No.8101149

>tfw you're slowly loosing your sexual motivation
ya it's nice to be in a relationship but most people suck and fapping is much easier.

>> No.8101157

>tfw falling into asexuality

>> No.8101255

I get more excited at whiskey than I do at girls in Spring dresses. A-am I winning?

>> No.8101290

LOL it only says "High School"

>> No.8101321

No one would block anyone on facebook because they're ugly. The RA obviously thought you had bad intentions/knew that you wanted to fuck and thought it was inappropriate that you would try that

>> No.8101375

> find qt3.14 heroin chic teir girl
> pale, skinny, hardly any friends, no guys are interested
> find out she was raped as a child

Every time.

>> No.8101399
File: 2 KB, 209x215, mfwnoface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I know that model, or at least my exgf did when they modeled together

>> No.8101397


this is often true, but lots of us have been raped as children. doesn't really mean the rest of your life is forfeit or filled with eternal dysfunction.

>> No.8101454

go youtube swoozie06
he'll teach you a little bit of stuff

>> No.8101585

These people are 18 years old? They all look like preteens.

What the fuck america what are you doing

>> No.8101694

Laugh it off

>> No.8101758

>what's your major? :3

Don't ever say that shit man, that's the creepiest fucking emoticon.

>because coding is actually gives me pleasure

Aside from the mistake, she does not give a shit what your pleasures are, and she finds it weird that you're trying to express the things you like to do as "your pleasures". Just be more terse.

>> No.8102591

mirin' that baby's eyes, got those dark rings around the blue

>> No.8102606

>NoChin McGee

>> No.8103896



>> No.8104042
File: 99 KB, 500x400, aspargus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


literally aspargus

>> No.8104059
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>can you teach me how to dance

dude WTF cringed hard

>> No.8104068
File: 691 KB, 609x616, 1397588438751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduated HS in 2012
I'm on the left. I think I looked decent for an 18 year old, but I was skinny fat.

>> No.8104074

baldchan pls

>> No.8104084

You can't stop him.
It could be you next.

>> No.8104152

They just go to Kohls with their moms and get a chaps suit.

>> No.8104263

>because coding is actually gives me pleasure

jesus fucking christ

>> No.8104335

Read this with an open mind and disregard any negative comment you hear about it until you read it for an hour.
Report back.

I read that four years ago and my life improved almost instantly. I was never a desperate virgin or anything, but I found a lot of wisdom and inspiration after reading that to be more interesting to girls and understand the process better. Two or three months after reading I met a GF and stayed with her for 2 years.

>> No.8104394

I've lived in a small Slav village for my entire life and I've never seen people as ugly as in this thread.

>> No.8104469

dude in the grey looks swag as fuck

>> No.8104480

i don't get
>If you act like the girl's opinions matter, then they think they can walk all over you.

If i'm nice and listen to what they say and pretend I care, will they then say "hey what a faggot lets ruin his life". I guess what i'm asking is why would they take someone being nice as an opportunity to treat the person like shit???

wtf women

>> No.8104494

>creature feature
if band tee 10\10 fit

>> No.8104511

dude, what's wrong with slav genes?

>> No.8104534
File: 936 KB, 1115x521, checkm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not looking good on your prom
come on /fa/

>> No.8104543

Holster ur weapon cowboy.

>> No.8104555
File: 565 KB, 2048x1536, diorhommefw11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post ur prom pic filip

>> No.8104686


you weren't skinny fat

>> No.8104700

didn't look like it with a shirt on, but I lost 20 pounds in my first semester of university.

I was really skinny but I've put on mass since. feels good

>> No.8104708

it's funny how you often hear that women age like milk and men like wine, but when you see regular people they age just about the same way

>> No.8104713

they do though
women dont age well
men age well
they're like 60
men age well til 40 ish

you must be hella dense OR a woman (aka dense)

>> No.8104754

Um, I'm sorry, have you ever been to the U.P.? I grew up there, and the most common question when dating is, "Are you related to (insert your last name?"

>> No.8104758
File: 341 KB, 1600x1200, qGaYZVU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah I'm jsut a bluepill sheep

>> No.8104776

>can you teach me how to dance sometime?
>Guess not.


>> No.8104829

Maaan, this was four years ago.

>> No.8104836
File: 44 KB, 600x448, Prom 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic like an asshole.

>> No.8105538

bumping this question

>> No.8105561

shes fat

>> No.8105579

>interested in girl
>we exchange glances from across the room, she laughs at my jokes, even some I thought I only said loud enough for the people on my half of the room to hear
>but I never talk to her
>never see her talking to any guys
>really only see her talking to a couple girls
>she's a cheerleader
>she posts picture of herself in her prom dress
>with her dog
>only saw one picture of her at prom
>with her friends

I wish I could stop being so beta and talk to her.

>> No.8105595

>where the hot are the popular

Same in life.

>> No.8105612

tfw funny, charismatic, amicable and can small talk with almost anyone

tfw can't close

tfw havent gotten laid yet at college

tfw friendzones everywhere

>> No.8105637

lmao his hair

>> No.8105661

Hey, the girl is pretty cute. She rocks the style pretty well.

If you're that guy, though, you look like a fucking twat.
>that fucking monocle

If I were there, I'd bitchslap that stupid thing off of your face.

But then, that girl>>8100740 is pretty qt.

>> No.8105826

that kid looks 12 doe. . .

>> No.8106343
File: 853 KB, 1280x853, IMG_0374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah whad wrong with slav genes

my prom generally had good looking people, OP you must be from the bufu

>> No.8106527
File: 22 KB, 343x317, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8106538
File: 15 KB, 83x87, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8106544

>tfw no french lesbian gf who looks like justin beiber

>> No.8106872

>tfw can't use meme arrows

>> No.8106996

oh god i want a heroin chic qt. i know a girl whos already hot but fuck if she was a heroin addict i would cum buckets

>> No.8107018

There's this girl I sometimes see because of my work. She's 5'10/178cm and has absolutely beautiful facial features, perfect nose, eyes, lips etc. She genuinely looks like a fucking runway model but hangs out with the corniest, most awkward nerd crowd there is.

I can tell she was probably an outsider and goofly looking kid in high school, but it's amazing just how much of a contrast her looks are to who she really is.

>> No.8107019


I know that feel bro

I wish there were normal people that looked like that, sticking your dick in crazy is a dangerous game

>> No.8107437

Why is he so short...

>> No.8107452

Because he's a dirty hajib.

>> No.8107572

Aren't most female models Eastern European?