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/fa/ - Fashion

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7988409 No.7988409[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /fa/, I'm living in Japan, and currently hanging out in Tokyo. Just trying to to get into /fa/ and shit, read the sticky and all that. Anything / places you guys recommend while in Tokyo? Gotta start somewhere.

>> No.7988420


>> No.7988431


>> No.7988440

takeshida dori

>> No.7988451


>> No.7988445

go to akiba and get those all over printed anime shirts for resell

>> No.7988478

Those are everywhere, and the prices seem pretty cheap, so I'll be sure to buy there.

>> No.7988491

who would be willing to buy / wear an all over printed anime shirt?

>> No.7988484

Depends how much money you've got and where abouts in Tokyo you are. Definitely hit up Nepenthes in Shinjuku, there's one in Osaka, Hakata, and NYC in the Western world too.

There's so many CDG stores there; but definitely check Dover Street Market in Ginza.

You've also got Supreme for streetwear, Rugged Factory for high quality denim and work/heritage wear, and Visvim flagship store all in Shibuya.

There's tonnes more, I would recommend hitting Superfuture up and looking at their guide to Tokyo, it lists so many stores to check out. If you're interested in budget stuff, then just check out a Uniqlo or something

>> No.7988488


>> No.7988495

Aoyama is a well known high fashion area. I don't know what style you are but look into A Bathing Ape, Comme des Garçon, Visvim, Undercover, etc for Japanese brands anyway.

>> No.7988506


Takeshita is fucking rubbish. Just filled with black dudes trying to get you to go into their shitty stores. If you cross the main road at the end and walk around the streets there, you'll find much better stores. That's where the Supreme store is

OP, this is Harajuku we're talking about btw

>> No.7988513

look at the tokyo sufu guide

>> No.7988515

good advice, I'll definitely look into that.

I haven't really developed a style, I guess I typically wore prep and what not, but as I said I'm trying to get /fa/ so I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.7988535

Just look around the net for inspiration man, you're lucky you live in such a cool city


This is a website that post street snaps from Tokyo, maybe you'll recognize a few people or places heh

Some of the best brands/designers are based out of Japan so it should be pretty easy for you

>> No.7988575

OP, as much as I hate to say this for I am a big lover of uniqlo, most of japanese consider it as pleb tier

>> No.7988602
File: 140 KB, 670x1000, Anderson Silva's girlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ankles are not /fa/

>> No.7988615

no shit, it's like the GAP for them

>> No.7988624

I mean, it's pretty cheap, and you see it all over, so I guess it could be seen that way. A lot of my friends shop there but they aren't huge on fashion.

>> No.7988686

OP i live in japan too and this guy has most of the places spot on. dover street market is MY absolute fav spot, they have everything and the actual store is beautiful itself.

only thing i would add to this is harajuku, they have a shit ton of good places and there's a margiela store there on the main street as well but stick to the side streets for that fuccboi style.

i'm gonna be going to osaka with my gf tomorrow for a week or two but if you ever wanna meet up let me know and we can go to all these places.

>> No.7988723
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When I went to Japan I could only find manlet clothing. It wasn't a surprise or anything, but are there any stores that cater to people over 6'?

>> No.7988737

That ankle is unsettling.
>that filename
Oh my.

>> No.7988744

I'm not the OP,

but I also live in TOKYO. Can we have a Tokyo meet up? I live in Shinagawa and I need some major guidance regarding FA.


僕のは ravemirror619

>> No.7988751

fucking japs.

>> No.7988765


I'm an American.

>> No.7988767


Pretty sure it's all over asia, too. I just did a working holiday in Japan, and everyone who I worked with who wasn't Japanese (Taiwan, China, Korea etc.) was using line

>> No.7988771

I figured, otherwise your English would be shit. What are you up to in Japan?

>> No.7988783

Leaving humanity behind.

In all seriousness, International Business studies and my girlfriend is Japanese.

>> No.7988789

I actually live between Osaka and Kyoto! I'm in Tokyo for the week so I thought I'd get some advice. I'll be sure to hit up dover street market then.

>> No.7988793

I might be paying my dude a visit in the summer at some point, he lives in Shinjuku, if anyone wants to meet up and hit up some karaoke bars around July time, I'd be down.

>> No.7988795

Have fun OP :)

>> No.7988797

tokyo meet up would be bomb i'm down for it! meet up, eat some food, hit up stores, then finish at a bar, maybe hit up ageHA or womb after lol.

>> No.7988826

I'm glad you didn't mention Roppongi lol

What I love about Tokyo, is that it's such a mixing pot of people with various stories.

Add me on ライン we can go from there.

>> No.7988973

+1 this dude, he knows what he's talking about
also Momotaro, Edwin, Sugarcane, Buzz Rickson, Heather Grey Wall, Atmos, and more are worth checking out
Not to mention Japanese retail stores with different stock than the US (Nike, for example)

>> No.7989285

The second hand shopping game is ridiculous there man. I got black and white raf velcros for 160. Pretty nice condition too. Depends if you're into second hand.

>> No.7989324

>tfw can't find velcros that cheap anywhere

God damn you are lucky. Fuck I will even buy yours If you still have them.

>> No.7989603
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I know man I was so happy.
And haha I don't think I'm up to selling them just yet.

>> No.7989636

Doper than dope

Would love a pair of velcros but they won't suit my aesthetic at all really. Maybe in the future when I build up my wardrobe a bit.

>> No.7989660

Muji for similar clean style you;d get from uniqlo

>> No.7989843
File: 37 KB, 578x349, 1394271308487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they sell raf velcros replicas online?
like with geos you see replicas of them everywhere for cheap but for raf velcros you cant find shit

>> No.7989870

Bumping because it'd be cool to see more meetups, including a Tokyo one.

>> No.7989888

Why would you want to wear fakes you poser?

>> No.7989943
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beeeecause i dont have $600 for 1 pair of shoes??
and idgaf if im wearing high quality reps its not like ppl stare at your shoes from 5 inches away from your foot anyway and if its cheap or somewhat affordable and look nice then why the fuck not, dont be a slave to the branding when they get the same 10yr old asian kid making both the "authentics" and replicas.
you shouldnt have to drop $500 or more for pieces of clothes to look "/fa/" nor should you look down on someone that cant, thats how you get an elitest big headed ego doodbro g-dawg mcquack

>> No.7989948

>10yr old asian kid making both the "authentics" and replicas.

they don't though.

>> No.7989964
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>> No.7989976

How can you sit there and even attempt to justify wearing fakes? If you don't have the money to spend on it don't act like you have the money by buying fakes.
That's like saying BMW's are too expensive so you go and put a bmw badge on your fucking toyota camry. It will be obvious to anyone who knows about cars that you don't drive an actual bmw. Same with fashion. Don't be or try to appear like something you're not.

>> No.7989992

Hhahaha fuccboi please. If he likes the aesthetic and can't afford the authentic shit then who cares if he buys the fakes for himself. Buy clothing for yourself not for others.

>> No.7989996

>he thinks BMW to Camry is a comparable analogy for real vs. fake sneakers

Dude he's right when he says they're made in the same factory. The difference is that the real ones are sanctioned and monitored by the company outsourcing them.

>> No.7989994

you should add:

>putting a bmw badge on your fucking toyota camry and expecting it to magically be the same quality as a real bmw

A lot of people only care about getting found out by people who know the real thing while forgetting that all these fakes are in general also really low quality.

>> No.7990009

>hahahahaha if he wants to eat shit, who cares
>eat shit for yourself not for others

buying fakes is wasted money. Save and get the real thing. Feel good about quality and getting the REAL thing

>> No.7990007

>find shoes
>wow I love them
>worth a month rent
>find cheap but quality replica
>don't buy it because you're a fucking effay babby

>> No.7990015

the aesthetic isn't the same though... fakes, especially designer sneakers ALWAYS look bad because they are not made on the original lasts. The shape will ALWAYS be wrong

>> No.7990055


>> No.7990082


I forget I'm on a website with children who know nothing about quality.

How are you even able to feel good about yourself wearing fakes

>Buy fake geos
>Walking around town
>Thinking "Damn I'm stuntin' on these brokebois in their nikes....PFFFT is that guy wearing real air maxes? Haven't these fools heard of buying wholesale goods from china....."
>tfw surrounded by plebs
>Guy wearing real geos notices your fakes
>"Which season are those geos from? Didn't know Rick made em with faux leather...Are those even real?"
>"... No .... I'm poor and want to look like I have money"

I bet you faggots would buy your fiance a fake engagment ring or better yet buy knock off socks because hanes 2.99 3 pack socks make you choose between warm feet or a meal.

>> No.7990145


>> No.7990183

Daaaaaaaaamn. /fa just got told!

>> No.7990260
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>jesus sooo much implying..

do you think i want to get these items because it will make me look wealthy or important??
no thats fucking absurd i just like the aesthetic and while sometimes true some replicas are
complete garbage and don't really look very nice, there are some that look relatively nice without the exorbitant price tag
so you can enjoy the aesthetic of what you want without having to constantly wish you had them
but cant because of what ever responsibilities/circumstances you have or are in,
and i think that if your honest with ppl and yourself that ask if they are real or not and tell them the truth than that should be your prerogative
if you like the look of something and want to wear it and are honest about it then it really shouldn't be a problem
the only problems come when like you guys have mentioned,is when someone tries to say their fake/replicas are 100% real
and act all high and mighty about it

and if i saw someone in the street wearing reps of something and i could easily tell they were replicas
i would never put them on the spot about it and try to embarrass them and be a dick about it unless they were being all elitest about what what they're wearing which i dont usually see ppl do
cause thats a fucking douchebag and no one likes a douchebag fuccboi
and if ppl want to wear reps or fakes let em its not like theyre hurting you or someshit
all in all grow up and let other ppl try to enjoy what they think looks cool
for godsakes its in the fucking sticky for crying out loud!
p.s i love you fuccboi heres a hug

>> No.7990266


I totally saw this on my trip to Japan a few years ago. Thought it was weird, I was just walking down a busy street and saw a bunch of black dudes trying to get people to come into the store. Seemed real out of place.

>> No.7990282

Why dont you just buy clothing in your price range then...? Or better yet. SAVE money so you can buy them.

>> No.7990323
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well like i was saying you shouldn't be restricted in what you want to wear just because someone wants to sell a pair of fucking sneakers for $500-$1000 and up even though it costs not even a quarter of that to make and personally id baby the hell out of something that costs that much and would hardly wear them, when you have something thats cheap or more affordable you dont mind actually wearing them cause if they get wrecked after a while you can just get another pair for cheap, and thats not also to say i would never buy an authentic shoe, actually all of my shoes right meow are authentics. its just there are "some" shoes or clothes that are waaaaay to expensive and in fashion you shouldnt be making some sort of elitest club buy hiking the price of a product soo high only a very small handful actually buy thats not what fashion is about
fashion is supposed to be about expressing who you are and what aesthetics you like and interest you
there are ppl in villages in the middle east,africa, peru, etc that look "/fa/" and their whole fit prob cost hardly anything, or better yet they made it by hand

>> No.7990349

>>7989603 here,
I don't think so man. I haven't seen or heard of fake Rafs, or even knockoff Rafs. Might have to just hold out for a sweet deal or find a good enough substitute.

>> No.7990360

Aoyama and the surrounding area is where the flagship high fashion stores are.

I believe the second-hand market for high-fashion stuff is pretty good, but I'm not actually sure where to go for that.

>> No.7990452
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well i guess im gonna have to take a pair of white hightops and just sew some velcro straps on to it
so watch out for me on DIY one of these days :p
might use a white sk8-hi or converse or something

>> No.7990487

haha, if you're serious, I'd definitely be interested in seeing them.

>> No.7990659

Buahahahaha, calm down. Nobody cares about a fucking village in Peru. You are probably some white suburban teen, so shut that dick holster you call a mouth.
Fashion is about elitism! You fucking wanker.
Take your save-the-world attitude somewhere else.

>> No.7990732
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totally cereal, im getting more and more interested in making my own clothes and would be nice to have something my own :P

>> No.7990750
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>being this fucking angsty...

thanx nazifuccboi ;)
now excuse me I gotta go make some clothes

>> No.7990782

holy fuck u fucking fuck op ur literally in the worlds biggest shopping HEAVEN where u literally have EVERY SINGLE BRAND available to u

just go to isetan mens and walk around looking at a bunch of brands then google em and find similar ones

>> No.7990805


Hey man, I'll be staying at a friend's in July for 3 weeks (2nd week of July - End of July) @ Shinjuku / Shibuya. I'll definintely contact you closer to the trip to ask if you're going for sure, meeting up seems fun

Same goes for all the other Tokyo anons. I'll be there for 3 weeks and am pretty much on my own 90% of the time because my friend will still have university classes

>> No.7990921

I'm more of a Mohawk hair type...
I'm not saying you should drop 50k on your wardrobe, but, come on mate. Fashion is and always will be what it is. No need to try and make it look better.
I really do agree with the saving up and then buying the real deal. Even. if it's second hand...

>> No.7990982


sause? I'm at work and I don't know how to reverse image search on my phone :(

>> No.7990988


much mad
such angry

>> No.7991040

Haha I will. I mean, who needs to club / eat when I could be buying awesome fits, right?

>> No.7991269

A.P.C. x Nike

>> No.7991310

What are anons doing in Japan, and how many of you speak fluent Japanese?

>> No.7991404

I speak enough to get around in day to day life, can't hold an extended conversation very well though. I also cant write worth shit.

>> No.7991410

I go to the only american university in Japan. Speak and write well.

>> No.7991421


not the store's fault you're a freak

>> No.7991510
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>not wearing all over print tees

>> No.7991790

When I went one of them shouted "hey white boy" and then laughed when I looked at him.
I admit, he caught me off guard and I lost my spaghetti. After living for two weeks in the land without niggers I was surprised to see one.

>> No.7992172


>> No.7992900

What's cost of living and jobs there like, and the quality of omanko at tuj?