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File: 51 KB, 540x960, xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7982883 No.7982883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what do you wear to attract girls that look like this?

>> No.7982892

your confidence on your sleeve

something you obviously so sorely lack

i could have this girl fawning at my feet easily

>source: i have done exactly that to "this kind" of grill

>> No.7982934

How to attract girls...?

I have no idea, Op. Be genuine and have something in common, I guess. If the girl doesn't like you for you, it's not gonna work out. No matter what she looks like. You've got better chances if she's attracted to you but really what it all comes down to is how compatible you are personality-wise.

>> No.7982970



Or if you want to be a fake and you're really fine with that, you could pretend to be LOL SO NERDY BUT NOT REALLY CAUSE NERDS ARE GROSS. Cause I'm willing to bet that's what that girl is like, judging from the pokemon shirt and piercings.

>> No.7982976

a zelda shirt fake glasses jeans and chucks good luck

>> No.7982978

sieg in 3..2..

>> No.7982991

Chemistry usually. Like >>7982934 said, how you behave (manners, politeness) reflect and how you mix with a girl/ mime thing you posted,

*Try cool abstract graphic tees (have a meaning behind them to you) and simple hoodie with jeans and sneakers should do the trick.*

>> No.7983006

whip out the dick

>> No.7983019

Unrelated but I crushed hard on this girl in like 3rd grade

she was really nice to me then she moved away and then she popped up on tinder

Feels man

>> No.7983026

a fedora

>> No.7983116

>>7982892 how do I into confidence

>> No.7983445

>fawning over ugly tumblr trendies with caterpillars for eyebrows
lol nah

>> No.7983451

WTF with all those tattoos? They look ridiculous and stupid. And 5/10 would not bang.jpg

>> No.7983542

>Wanting that kind of girls

>> No.7983581

m8, have some selfrespect, that racket is less than 3/10 i wouldnt even bang

if you want to attract that kind of shit, wear obnoxious pink polos with baggy jeans and hilarious mocs, absolutely disgusting

>> No.7983598

>wants to attract a turd wearing a pikachu tee
Grow your hair long
Dye it blue and green
get nose piercings
get zelda triforce arm tatoo
wear big rim fake glasses
wear skinny jeans
wear a graphic tee

>> No.7983609

a noose around your neck

>> No.7983795

search youtube for Kezia Noble

>> No.7984353
File: 108 KB, 1284x949, 1337746975465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those eyebrows
>Those piercings
>No tits
>Long face
>Literally slathered in makeup

Jesus fuck she is horrendous.

>> No.7984562

why would you want a girl like this in the first place?

>> No.7984568

why you would want to attract a girl like this in the first place?

>> No.7984606
File: 8 KB, 261x193, 1337896442944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7984612


>> No.7984616
File: 58 KB, 542x602, 1372139209031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw girls send out too many mixed signals

>> No.7984644

These grills are the easiest they usually don't have a normal friends group and nothing holds them back from getting with dudes

>> No.7984746

Sure, it could be confidence. Or, maybe it has something to do with the fact that your style is more or less the male equivalent of the boring, edgy tumblr punk bullshit in OP's picture.

OP, just get some lame tattoos and stretch your ears or some shit. Black band tee, black skinnies, and some docs or something and you're done. Then hit up some shitty local punk shows or a campus for an art school.

>> No.7985165

tell her you browse leddit (i bet you do)

>> No.7985291


>> No.7986353

>I could have this girl fawning at my feet easily

>> No.7986408

do things concentrated

read the art of loving by erich fromm

i'm serious

>> No.7986425

Just have tattoos and maybe a face piercing
She's not that good looking. I'm assuming she doesn't have much standards

>tee's with a meaning behind them
>girl is wearing a pokemon tee

>> No.7986447

fucking pleb

>> No.7988057

>facial Piercings

A set of values that correlate to being full of yourself with no direction in life, and the ability to exploit her daddy issues.

>> No.7989832

I hate to bring the meme to this board but stop being beta. Saying things like 'why can't I have this girl' is something a female would say about a guy that ignores them.

Never doing anything. If you do find a girl like this, approach her, flirt with her and find out what you don't need to do to attract a girl like this. The only person who can truly tell you that is her anyway.

>> No.7991100

Labcoat with a pocket proctector full of trans hormones