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/fa/ - Fashion

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7912858 No.7912858[DELETED]Β  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so hard to find porn of cute girls wearing Nike sneakers? πŸ˜₯

>> No.7912862

my fetish

>> No.7912871

Wtf emotes work on chins now?

>> No.7912879

They work everywhere, iFriend 😝

protip for Mac users: ctrl+cmd+space brings up a menu for them

>> No.7912883

idk but i'd like more cara in nike bras pls

>> No.7912896

product placement porn is hard to find.

>> No.7912919

there's so much porn of girls wearing other specific items though, like high heels, stockings, long socks, schoolgirl outfits


>> No.7912930

Goddamn, videos where the pornstars wear head to toe nike techfleece/gyakusou/flyknits etc would be so dope, they'd have to be pretty qt/model tier though including the guy.

>> No.7912934

Does anyone know hot sluts in Aus who would be happy to appear in something like this? There must be money in it

>> No.7913014

I guess you could do one of those cheap context/intro scenes as a high calibre nike-esque ad with aesthetic people running/playing sport, then they fuck. I find that if it's cheesy/pornstars are not hot it'll kill off the #rare-ness of the clothing

>> No.7913029

why is it so hard to find porn of couples I can't stand watching women get their vaginas and anuses absolutely wrecked by /fit/ tier dudes

why can't it be all gentle and cute and stuff
I want to see girls having actual real orgasms

>> No.7913038

choose POV or amateur as genre n even then u will prob still hav 2 dig n it will prob still b gross n ull prob still feel gross once done lol

>> No.7913035


w3c emotes

am i being le troled

>> No.7913041

That should be pretty easy to find under the female friendly category on most porn sites.

>> No.7913053

yeah amateur is so hit and miss though

>> No.7913061

w2c porn of girls in balaclavas

>> No.7913071


thank me post fap 8)

>> No.7913074

watching porn just makes me sad

accidentally clicked on the #couple porn tag on tumblr the other day

closest to crying I've been since I started highschool

>> No.7913127

yeah tried that

I think I just need a girlfriend


>> No.7913129

What do you use to browse 4chan? As in, Windows, Android, OSX, iOS, Linux? πŸ˜…

I'll let you know how to do it on your system πŸ˜€πŸ’―

>> No.7913138


I can't see emoticons just squares

>> No.7913142
File: 224 KB, 1152x1536, 1394364929837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm being trolled aren't I

>> No.7913143

Are you running Mavericks? If so then I have no idea what your problem could be, maybe browser? It works in Firefox and Safari for me.

If you're not on Mavericks just upgrade, it's free πŸ˜›

>> No.7913144

She is so amazing

>> No.7913147

yeah I haven't bothered to upgrade yet

alright I should do it thanks

>> No.7913156

dunno but it's easy as fuck to find porn of cute guys wearing nike sneakers

>> No.7913152

i'm using win7 + ff and even i can see them (most)
just black and white tho

>> No.7913157
File: 61 KB, 900x600, 1393034379329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a bunch of other cool features, check out the site. Multi-monitor support alone is easily worth it for me, and performance and battery life have had a major boost (I get ~15 hours at uni on my MacBook Air now) 😊

>> No.7913205

I browse Windows, wat do

>> No.7913209

install unicode font that supports emoticons..

>> No.7913219

have you tried like "female friendly" porn?

>> No.7913224

w2c Cara Delevingne?

>> No.7913229

such an australian picture

>> No.7913236

it's from bowler bar in brisbane

if anyone could id the people involved i would love it

>> No.7913249

lmao i knew i recognised those tables somewhere.

went there once, overcrowded and mediocre. My mate got laid though.

>> No.7913252

it's alright if you're into pills, everyone there takes them and you can usually get away with smoking a joint out the back. also good for finding sluts, no one goes there without the intention of having sex. i've been drunk and done disgusting things in those bathrooms lmao

still pretty shit though, I haven't been out to the valley in ages. you wouldn't happen to know anywhere that's actually decent?

>> No.7913262

The fat kid is hilarious

>Damn, my buddy is totally hooking up with a broad tonight. I'm jelly
>She's not wearing pants?
>Time to get in on the action. I'm just gonna sit next to them for starters.
>Ok, Jerry, you can do this. You've done this before when Stacy was drunk in the club and wanted to piss of Dave
>Hmm, which hand am I gonna use.
>Right hand it is.
>Slowly now, sloooooooooowly
>I'M IN. At least my hand is. I hope I'm doing this correct
>Hm, she's not paying any attention to me...
>This is getting awkwaaaard
>Ah, I'm just gonna get my phone out and pretend to write a text. That's gonna keep me busy for a while. Nice save, Jerry!

>> No.7913271

idk, got kinda sick of clubbing rather just drink and smoke.
Usually just head to Alfred & Constance, black bear lodge or rics.

>> No.7913280

Yeah chill, I agree. Pills are alright but it's not really worth losing sleep and feeling shit the next day, ever since I got a real job I haven't touched them.

Alfred and Constance is cool, so is Black Bear. Ric's used to be alright but the patronage just pisses me off so much these days and the bouncers are strict as shit. Plus most of my mates usually end up heading to Alhambra, and I can't stand the place at all.

>> No.7913292

oh yeah, forgot to mention super whatnot, bowery, kerbside and the mexican bar next to it. What's alhambra like? always see annoying handouts for it.

never tried pills though, man i used to think places like the family and cloudland was the bomb

>> No.7913315

That chick already has some Peggy Hill size feet going on there

>> No.7913312
File: 44 KB, 712x528, 1391464684396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never tried any of those places except Kerbside (it was decent) so thanks for the recommendations. Alhambra fucking sucks unless you're a druggo or under 20 man, look at the "Lambda" (their Thursday clubnight) Facebook page and you'll know what I mean. Disgustingly crowded, the crowd makes you feel like you're at a school dance, girls aren't hot on average, everyone's in tight, lame cliques and there's this weird peer pressure about taking pingers several times a week. Fuck Alhambra lmao. Decent if you're mad keen to get your dick sucked, but otherwise avoid it. Plus there's a queue to get to the smokers area that usually takes ~10 minutes to get through, fuck that.

Hahah I'm sort of surprised someone who doesn't take MD would enjoy those places man. I guess if you're trashed enough on booze it'd be fun anyway.

>> No.7913385

as someone with a foot fetish this disgusts me

can we talk about brisbane shops/clubs/bars/cafes now that this thread has been derailed? pls?

I pretty much only drink coffee at Brother Espresso and some place called Garage (I think) in South Bank, mostly because they're decent and locational convenience. I barely drink out any more because I don't know of anywhere good. I barely buy clothes in person. 😰

>> No.7913409

ones above , bonsai botanica, passioncino, gyoza,felix, mad cafe , miel burgers, idk i just mainly explore or use urbanspoon.

>> No.7913411

relevant to my interests

any good bars that aren't in the valley?

>> No.7913421

dam so many brisfags how come i never run into any of u cunce

>> No.7913427

check out west end and paddington bro, heaps of stuff there.

one day :)

>> No.7913435

/fa/ meetup in Brisbane when?

>> No.7913446

create some way to visually distinguish yourself and i'll come say hi

already happened, it sucked

>> No.7913450

ah damn. Any pics?

>> No.7913455
File: 368 KB, 1920x1280, brismeet2014summer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya missed it brah, send me your email for next time . email in field

fuck this guy, he wouldnt know.
btw it was awesome

>> No.7913462

alhambra lets underage kids in, crowd's not great unless you're into that

>> No.7913469

>tfw I'm not even /fa/
>tfw people would make fun of my basic fits
>tfw I wouldn't fit in

>> No.7913475

any specific recommendations? i've found a couple of places i like in the milton/paddington area, just curious where u dudes go

is the guy with the shaved head the model on the fallow website?

>> No.7913472
File: 7 KB, 224x225, yryrty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never come home to a sweaty, slightly smelly Cara wearing nike spandex after her evening jog

>> No.7913473

nah mane dw, my basic bitch friends turned up 5 mins later.

big plans 4 next meet in winter :)

>> No.7913478

looking like a bunch of jack asses

>> No.7913487

>not one lunarcore
brissy i am disappoint

>> No.7913493

were there any fatties or clearly un/fa/?
(any /fit/ards?)

>> No.7913495
File: 189 KB, 545x394, 1385291357672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srry brah i genuinely just meant it sucked as in the turnup was small, it looked hella fun and i'd love to join next time when i'm free, as long as you're not gonna judge a skinny fuccboi who wears flyknits, ksubis, rick, supreme lmao

but seriously yeah sorry, it looked fun and you all had dope fits imo

yeah FUCK that lmao, half the appeal of an 18+ venue is that you know that when you take a girl home she's legal and moral to fuck

>> No.7913499

that chick looks groddy as fuck

>> No.7913505

>all the males are 6'1+ ubermensch

Why is aussie so based?

>> No.7913507

i tried to combine goof and lunar/military ;_;


all good man, have you seen any of the other meetups by any chance?
had alot of interested people but many were nervous/had work etc

>> No.7913517

I reckon we should do another meetup before winter.

>> No.7913530
File: 986 KB, 500x281, 1387960769334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you mean in pics or in person? i've seen a ton of pics from other cities and they all look hella awkward, and this one looked chill but it was so small. i think we should meet somewhere like ric's or w/e else (ric's sucks but idk where else would be a good meeting point) and just drink and head wherever after that

i dunno if i'd be that keen to do a meetup sober, it'd be sorta fun and i don't have social anxiety or anything but i don't know if i'd enjoy it all that much, conversing with strangers who i just share an interest with (and i'm relatively un-knowledgable when it comes to fashion). maybe if i brought my friend who's also /fa/ i'd be more likely to attend

>> No.7913545

i'd also be keen too meetup and im pretty fa (wear norse, w.i.p, acne etc) but yeah idk

>> No.7913546

>fapping it to 3DPD women


>> No.7913547


yeah like the LA meetup and that other one which had real bad fits and were smaller. We met at Fat louies , but yeah the main goal was to drink , talk and eat.

>> No.7913550

what was it it like? was it awkward?

>> No.7913551

fuck yeah, if u promise not to judge i'll be there next time. can we please avoid fat louie's tho?

>> No.7913561

i'll come if there's no gronks and if everyone promises not to beat me up

>> No.7913565

how many chinks and how many air jordans were present

I need to know

>> No.7913563

Did you steal something from there or s/t

Fuckin' A stanceyyyyy!

>> No.7913569

>how many chinks
chinese-aussies dont' use 4chan
they're too busy studying medicine, commerce or some shit

>> No.7913570

nah it smells like shit, the bar staff are awful and the clientele are redditors, tradies and lads

>> No.7913575

I'm talking about LA and these fags

>> No.7913579
File: 50 KB, 400x400, Feels1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7913582

European guys are fucking tons of girls that look like that, Timo Hardy is living in heaven while we rot, fucking unfair.

>> No.7913584

i'm a chiense aussie

>> No.7913590

u rai

>> No.7913592

Did you fuck the girl

>> No.7913594

do u live in adelaide?

>> No.7913597

no, sydney.

>> No.7913602

what do you study

>> No.7913609

inb4 commerce

>> No.7913629

lol yep
at a shit uni tho so not exactly the greatest asian stereotype

>> No.7913639

still, gl anon
we're all gonna make it /fa/m

>> No.7913658

what uni

>> No.7913662


god i hate brisbane

>> No.7913666


>> No.7913680

what even is that
sorta feeling a sydney meetup but I'm literally the lightest weight in the world

>> No.7913681

anyone here go to QUT

>> No.7913686


>> No.7913689


>> No.7913690

gp or kelvin?

>> No.7913702


>> No.7913705

yep, KG

what do you guys regularly wear? shoes/hats/pants etc. i wanna spot someone lol, even tho that sounds autistic

>> No.7913706

they have a nice gemmological institute/faculty (i think)

>> No.7913709

what do you either of you study?

why does a porn thread attract so many australians

shit clothes 2poor4fa
fuck why is it so hard to get a job

>> No.7913710


>> No.7913716

i don't care if you're poor man, i don't even care if you dress like shit lol. it would just be cool to see someone who has similar taste, fashion students at qut dress like shit imo

and i happen to have made the thread and then brought up australia, sorry πŸ˜ͺ

i do an arts related subject btw, don't wanna get too much more specific

>> No.7913717

Who else is on this time of night

fuckin' tell me about it mate

>> No.7913718

lmao how funny is level 5 s block

>> No.7913724

I don't think I've seen any of you πŸ˜–

>> No.7913729

I do interactive and visual design + IT

>> No.7913731

i do engineering and math and I wear an asos denim jacket

>> No.7913735

I'm at KG doing fine arts lol and usually wearing something similar to the average /fa/ uniform, so I doubt we've seen each other sorry

>> No.7913739

i'm from seattle and i'm on regularly around this time and 5 or 6 hours prior

so fuck u m8

>> No.7913740
File: 39 KB, 446x362, 1379138354775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's a long weekend in canberra - canberra day LOL - and so asokone is probs in sydney getting fucked by big, burly maori's so I can't stare at him through his window as he drifts off into his usual, uneasy slumber

>> No.7913742

>be studying in gp library
>qt first year couples everywhere
>feels intensify anxiety
>go lie under a tree in the botanic gardens
>more couples start showing up everywhere

fuck first years man god dammit

>> No.7913745

>so fuck u m8
not ur m8, kant

>> No.7913749

so nobody of any note then, fuck yourself mate

>canberra day
is that a thing
>tfw you live too far away to stalk asok by going to gigs of all the bands he mentions

>> No.7913750

do any of you brisbane fags go to trainspotters

>> No.7913751
File: 46 KB, 493x533, 1381792485272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>go lie under a tree in the botanic gardens
god i know that feel

>fuck first years man god dammit
i feel old and out of my element

at least i'm better dressed than those carefree, frolicksome firsties


>> No.7913752

I fucking hate this time of year.
First year introductory sem parties though

>> No.7913756

I'm far to disgusting to ever wear a toga

>> No.7913759

>>canberra day
>is that a thing
first heard about yesterday
and I had shit to do today

ironic: canberra day is to celebrate the city's founding (or some shit) but the vast majority of its denizens will be elsewhere because of the long weekend.


>> No.7913760

im glad i'll never meet u upside down losers

>> No.7913761

there is no right way up m8

stop forcing damaging directional stereotypes on ppl #sorrynotsorry

>> No.7913762

one thing i've noticed about it though:
fedora's everywhere

not on young <25 sperglards

I mean on 30-40++ suits
it's actually refreshing to see them being worn appropriately by the appropriate age bracket for once

>> No.7913767

>ever wanting to meet some seattle faggot
>some 1 in a million seattle loser

>> No.7913771

are you that guy that posted on stalkerspace about fedoras the other day

talking about fedora memes and euphoric is like more cringeworthy than actually wearing fedoras

>> No.7913776

I have no idea what that is, so no.

>> No.7913777

I share your feels
all we get down here are foam/general parties tho

shit's fucked mate, I'm just glad for the long w/e

>> No.7913780

at least you're in the states, just imagine coming out of mainland Europe, it's like being Tom Hanks in Cast Away

>> No.7913785

yeah my bad I thought you were replying to someone else

should have a qut meetup I don't drink so I'm not really interested in going out

>> No.7913790

at KG? I'd be down. Maybe at Room 60?

>> No.7913801

I don't go to KG but I'm keen to check out the pool over there sometime, so yeah maybe.

is room 60 some kind of cafe or is it actually just the 60th room?

>> No.7913837
File: 3 KB, 124x127, 1337214409812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is room 60 some kind of cafe or is it actually just the 60th room?
this faggot doesn't know about room 60

do you even room?

>> No.7913848

i don't go to kg

anyway I'm going to bed goodnight losers

>> No.7913863

>anyway I'm going to bed
pssssshf baby

>i don't go to kg
>implying I do but I still know room 60

>> No.7915212

i saw some porn with a chick wearing black sk8 his

was pretty hot

>> No.7915236

Test :D

>> No.7915262


>> No.7916361


>> No.7916483
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>> No.7916532

cool fucking julius cargo tessy

>> No.7917263
File: 253 KB, 1181x716, 1394420103553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7917281

link pls

>> No.7917337 [DELETED]Β 

What is that pic from?