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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 224 KB, 1280x855, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7824821 No.7824821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone else here that could almost be a model but have one defining feature stopping them?

>> No.7824826

if you have the right proportions you could be a model, I'm 6'0" but my

>> No.7824823

my height

im only 5'11"

>> No.7824828


Hairline goes back too far, thighs too big.

>> No.7824832

you gotta post pics to back it up

>> No.7824835

Im really beautiful but don't know how to become model.

Many friends ask me to model their shitty final year fashion school stuff and I get told all the time I'm handsome and could be a model but like how to become face of burberry idk

>> No.7824836




>> No.7824834

my face

>> No.7824838


yeah im so close to being a male model

all i gotta do is

grow 5 inches
change my face
fix me body proportions
get skinnier
my balls sag alot
i got a fat cock so i need to get fat cock penis reduciton surgery
need a hair transplant
im disabled in a wheelchair and need to get robotic legs
i cannot speak properly so i need to speak
i got autism
got disability
im black disabled female lesbian transexual intergalatic pansexual so the catwalk needs to accommodate my lifestyle
im also pro animal rights so i cant wear any leather on the runway so they need to accmommodate to me

so close at the moment i can see the bright light over the horizon and im nearly there

>> No.7824867
File: 27 KB, 539x600, 1356056880500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a bit short at 5'6 but otherwise it's pretty good.

>> No.7824871

You've got more than your height to worry about

>> No.7824889


>> No.7824893

i'm 6'3. if i actually tried to go full ottermode and work out and lose my small belly i would be 9/10 model mode, but i'm just too lazy.

maybe in time.

>> No.7824899
File: 92 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-12-04 at 01.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heidi pls notice me.

>> No.7824916

would be good but the dented chest ruins it

>> No.7824919

Idk man, I feel so close yet so far

maybe my chin? I was my chin was sharper and more tapers

>> No.7824927

bad skin ;_;

>> No.7824926

iktf, also fat cheeks that don't go away ;__;

>> No.7824933

that's not a big deal unless it's fuckign trash. There is medicine and they use makeup on the models lol

>> No.7824938

tensnake, pls go

>> No.7824939
File: 86 KB, 631x480, skelel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7824946

been rated 9/10 irl, 8/10 here all the time.

Im handsome but too rugged for the model look.

Deep set eyes, roman nose, no cheekbones, high brow ridge, strong jaw, perfect olive skin and chin tho.

>> No.7824950

pics of face w/ eyes

>> No.7824947

>TFW you're closer to being a model than I am

>> No.7825132

>tfw I'm probably skinnier than you

anyways, for me it'd probably be than I'm to thin at 6'3" and I have a crooked nose

>> No.7825193

At least work out and get to be Cole's size.

>> No.7825231

>perfect high at 5'11 (5'11 to 6'2 is where it's at)
>perfect bone structure
>muscles for days
>nice hair

>>>>>flawed skin

it's over /fa/ ....

>> No.7825240

That's what muscles look like when you don't lift and get low bodyfat.

Like shit.

>> No.7825249

yeah, for me it's my proportions. I have a really big head, wide hips and narrow shoulders. can't get any worse than that

>> No.7825257


>> No.7825255

My ears stick out quite a bit which fucks up my self-confidence. Then again I see fashion models with protruding ears all the time, OP pic related in fact.

>> No.7825261

No dude you don't understand, I actually have pectus.

>> No.7825274

>convincing yourself that 5'11 is the ideal height

>> No.7825302

>not realizing models are just human hangers and must meet specific body detentions to become a model.

>> No.7825325

everyone always says i could be a model, am goodlooking etc

the thing is im only 5'7 so i dont think i could ever be a model plus i have no idea how to into modeling

>> No.7825334
File: 50 KB, 426x382, gactisdato_Nuss Pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bull Shit.
I can see all your ribs. That hole is from separated bottom pectorals and the depth is caused by slightly raised "inner" pectorals.

>> No.7825352
File: 77 KB, 352x561, Because-this-weak-jaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because of this weak jaw to start. Then after that, a high hairline and mediocre skin don't help. Girls like to tell me I could be a model, but the models I know haven't said anything about it before.

>> No.7825369
File: 244 KB, 231x483, sup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only 5'10 :^(

How are my proportions btw? Feel like I need to lose a few pounds

>> No.7825378

dude whatever i just think people under 6'0'' are generally less attractive

>> No.7825383
File: 88 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-11-26 at 22.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Pectus Carinatum you fucking dense loser, there are two types of Pectus. I wore a brace as a young child so it's much less severe than the pictures you see when you googled Pectus.

>> No.7825391

>Feel like I need to lose a few pounds
you need to put on a few nigga

>> No.7825393

well, i wouldnt mind to put on a few in muscle. is press-ups the best way to do that?

>> No.7825405
File: 212 KB, 1280x855, 1392957599663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7825401


i don't give good enough head

>> No.7825408

i actually fucking lold at this picture
idk just the shape of ur body and ur pose and idk
omg lol

>> No.7825409

minimal but noticeable facial moles
don't want to be a model or destroy future individuality so i'm keeping em. also have some mild acne but it's pretty much gone.

6'3, skinny and around ~8% BF with six pack n shit.

>> No.7825413

Then my first statement still stands.

>> No.7825414

looks like a roast chicken doesnt he

>> No.7825419

>minimal but noticeable facial moles
that what photoshop's for

>> No.7825423

me too
he looks like a butchered pig hanging by a hook

>> No.7825425

mole and blemishes can get photo-shopped if the photographer doesn't want them.
no big-y.

>> No.7825429

they really do that?
man that would kick my morality in the dick. deep down I believe in objective beauty a bit, but i'm still all for individuality.
fuck turning myself into a plastic mimic

>> No.7825432

Well shit I'm glad you did. Yeah, it looks pretty fucking goofy but I think I got my point across.
You said I don't have Pectus, and I do. That's it.
A raw one ye.
Nah man I'm too skinny to be a pig.

>> No.7825440

>they really do that?
photoshop is abused to oblivion in the business, I thought this was common knowledge

though OFC if they truly look quirky and personal they won't remove them

>> No.7825453



Yeah, no. Even if you were 6'2 you would be fucked.

>> No.7825466

they don't really. they're just minor ones on my upper side jaw on either side, plus one non coloured one on my cheek. i'd probably look better without them, but I wouldn't chose that because I know I won't be a fraction as vain when i'm in my fifties and that shit will be cool for character.

i can understand it from a professional pov though

>> No.7825470

hope nobody actually cares

>> No.7825477

Too muscular and not ugly enough

>> No.7825484

>Too muscular

too fat, you mean?

fitness models are still models

>> No.7825497

the idea that models need to be /fa/ dickhead approved skeletons is bullshit
lowish bf% is really the only requirement for low level stuff. too low is too provocative though. I think ottermode 10-12%BF is ideal for most smallish companies.

only patrish brands seem to realize that healthily skinny can be very attractive

>> No.7825494


is burberry even relevant anymore

>> No.7825498


>> No.7825519

I'm a 5'9 LMAO manlet and idk if my big nose is ugly or not.

>> No.7825540


>> No.7825557

Slightly fat cheeks
other than that I have
Strong jawline, attractive face, 6'2",140 pounds, ottermode

>> No.7825562

g8 posts

>> No.7825569
File: 237 KB, 900x600, Spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muscular = fat

full autism



eww, gross

that's like zero muscle mass if you're under 160lbs

I'm basically built like a 5' 10" version of this guy

>> No.7825573
File: 87 KB, 631x480, 1392951486232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you'd have a gr8 silhouette! haha! follow you dreams! at the end of the day the modelling agents have the last say :3

>> No.7825589

hope you dont mean traditionally attractive or anything. I mean maybe as a unique face you had potential I guess

>> No.7825592


are you even relevant anymore

>> No.7825600


relevant inasmuch as they use some of the ugliest models in the industry

>> No.7825604

How much do you think fat weighs? lol

>> No.7825609

nah you just need to get more cut, work out a bit

>> No.7825615
File: 100 KB, 640x480, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha I even do this to my own pictures.

>> No.7825621

I thought I was good-looking and might have potential, then I saw what the guys look like who are on an agency's books but clearly almost never get calls

I was like: "oh. oh."

and promptly forgot about it

>> No.7825646

haha! you even colored the nipples

>> No.7825653


a lot less than muscle

do you even anatomy?

>> No.7825688

Post another pic from the front?
From that, I see a lot of potential.

>> No.7825742

mild acne

>> No.7825981
File: 119 KB, 354x495, 1392964883480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, this still feels a bit too flattering to really portray my face, but it's what I have right now. I'll go take a more realistic picture once my hair dries I guess.

>> No.7826004

Hair. I'm clueless when it comes to my hair. Don't know what style I should get.

>> No.7826018

I can see you modelling, easily.
You've got great eyebrows, too, and that picture gives you the "tired eyes" look, which works well with your face.
Anyway, I'd give you at least an 8/10, that pic is a 9/10 though, I think it might be the lighting

>> No.7826037
File: 398 KB, 1166x1304, IMG_20140118_184750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW forever a fat nose so cannot model for monies ;-;

>> No.7826050

Your nose isn't even wide.. You are however balding ;)

>> No.7826059

Ive never lost a strand of hair

>> No.7826063

too skinny lol.

>> No.7826064

It looks like your hairline is receding.

>> No.7826070

>I posted it again

>> No.7826067

lol 6'2 is ideal.

my agency marked up like 3 guys from 6'1.5 to 6'2

"it looks better for over seas"

>> No.7826072

gain muscle.

you get less work with no definition

>> No.7826077

Unless the hair is sucking itself back in my head...

>> No.7826084

Seriously though, stop posting.

>> No.7826088
File: 210 KB, 640x427, male-models-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'1" - 6'3"
130 - 160 lbs
White or black skin
Brown, black, or blonde hair
Green, hazel, blue, or sometimes brown eyes
Clear skin
No social autism
Thick hair
Strong brow
Solid jaw line

>> No.7826089

Its a free world bitch

>> No.7826093

I want my world to be free of shitposting, scum.

>> No.7826094

>130 lbs

Is modeling for auschwitz times a thing cuz I looked like a junkie when I was 145 lbs at 6'1

>> No.7826101

I'm chemoposting

>> No.7826104
File: 125 KB, 960x960, Alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You weren't doing it right then.

>> No.7826119

Weren't doing skinny right? I'm 185 lbs @ 6'1.5 now and I definitely look much better than an Auschwitz survivor

>> No.7826125

cut to 170

**not to model

>> No.7826128

Why would I cut muscle? I'm at 9-10% body fat

>> No.7826135

that forced and constipated expression

being mad wont change your bald

>> No.7826139

Dat samefag
Even a downie can see I have a neutral expression

>> No.7826140

Dude you're thinking about it way too much lol. Alexander Ferrario/Guerrino Santulliana/Cole Mohr/etc. are all about 6'2" - 6'3" and weigh around 130 - 140

>> No.7826148
File: 708 KB, 260x146, 1386920917001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat death camp survivor weight

>> No.7826150

>boohoo I will try to hide my butthurt with being aggressive

>> No.7826152

Bruh I'm 6'4" 160 lbs and I'm skinnyfat as fuck.

>> No.7826176

I'd say the tired eyes thing might tie into lifelong insomnia, heh. But I really think my jaw is too weak for it, if it would just stick out just a bit more, I might have something, but eh. I'm almost 19 now, so there's not much chance of that changing.

Girls like to say I look like a model, which is cool and all, considering - "hey, girls sometimes find me attractive" - but my actual model friends and acquaintances have never said anything along those lines to me.

>> No.7826180
File: 205 KB, 600x711, More-reasonable-front-shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, meant to include this picture with that last post, respectful sage.

And obviously you can see I have no clue what I'm doing with my hair either.

>> No.7826200

I can not model because I am brown.
Also, my nose does not help me.

>> No.7826205

I wouldn't really think anything of your model friends not saying anything about you becoming a model, just get work on getting an even skin tone, make sure your hair is perfect, and get a good body, and bam diddly dam, you could start easily.
Also, I'd think of asking one of your model friends for tips too, or even if they think you have the potential

>> No.7826270

I'm 5'3. Its either that or my face

>> No.7826292

very good looking in my opinion

>> No.7826304

>128 lbs
so close, yet so far ;__;

>> No.7826312

shy af
cringe at everything
can't 'pose' for shit

>> No.7826317

you live in a shit hole

>> No.7826322

lmao im yr height and im 105 lbs & a male get yr shit together

>> No.7826339

i kno but idk how to lose weight??

>> No.7826345
File: 131 KB, 640x480, IMG_1691[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, you're very attractive dude, easy 9/10.

As for me, I have pretty crappy skin, chubby cheeks, and not the best hair, I'm trying to grow it out for more control

>> No.7826350

idk i eat liek shit and i weigh 50 kg but i still have a shitty body

>> No.7826352
File: 36 KB, 732x396, Cropped_2014217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'2, 55kg... but I feel like I have a nigger nose

>> No.7826359

lel what is that abomination on ur head

>> No.7826361

wtf how does all these bois weigh so little

>> No.7826363

its fine aryanbro


>> No.7826367


>gay haircut
>gay face
>graphic tee

complete phag

>> No.7826371

My eyes are green, not blue

>> No.7826376

Well hey, I appreciate it, it's definitely something I'd like to try. Any idea on how to even out the skin tone? I figure when summer comes that'll be a lot easier anyways, I've definitely been sunlight deficient with this bitter Winter.

A mess of hair that I have been indecisive about doing anything with for approximately 2-3 months too long. It's really fucking awful in the back.

>> No.7826377

Oh, didn't even realise I had the name on.
Oh well.
Yeah, the hat is gay, I'm using it so my hair doesn't puff up cos I just washed it and I have no conditioner, the graphic tee I'm wearing cos I'm tired, it's late and I'm not going out, and my good shit's in the wash.
And yeah, my posters are there, completely pleb music taste too.

>> No.7826718

Side view of nose?

>> No.7826720

Bangs, you need 'em. Not too hard to pull it off with your hair. You rank pretty high anon

>> No.7826722

Nigger, take care of your fucking skin man. Eat fruits, drink water, put some water in your face when you wake up and before you sleep.

>> No.7826727

Not bad, gain a bit of muscle. Maybe it's just the angle or something but it makes your hair looks eh.

>> No.7826764

my fucking height

>> No.7826790

5' 6" Midget.

>> No.7826809

>my height
>my weight (quitting cigarettes sucks)
>my fat face
>no strong jawline
>extremely oblong face shape
I look pretty good, but not model material unfortunately

>> No.7826847
File: 80 KB, 400x408, fotoio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can but I wouldn't because I have a culture and my ideal career is not wearing clothes and catwalk like a lil bitch

>> No.7826894

I have it all but the solid jaw line...

>> No.7826923

you're the most 5.5/10 person I have ever seen. There's no person on this planet who's more 5.5/10 than you are.

>> No.7826954

my height :(

>> No.7826962

worst thread i've seen on /fa/ all month

what a fucking circlejerk

>> No.7826982
File: 205 KB, 2048x1528, 1392990698444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i don't need to
>tfw francisco could be my brother

>> No.7826988

I drink plenty of water, I moisturize, should eat more fruit I'll give you that, but it's probably this faggot cream called Duac I got prescribed, shit burns like a mo fo.,

>> No.7827009

damn, you beautiful bitch

>> No.7827015


he looks really uninteresting and generic

>> No.7827021
File: 4 KB, 333x135, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has nice objectively nice features and is probably the best looking person ITT

>> No.7827025

>nice objectively nice features

didn't mean to post nice twice

>> No.7827027
File: 6 KB, 332x135, 1392991635563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.7827030

nicely done

>> No.7827031

>objectively nice features
yeah no

he's objectively generic and subjectively nice looking to you

>> No.7827036

a large scar on my right cheek i got in a katana duel defending m'lady's honor

>> No.7827419
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 1393001315438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of my EX's would always comment about me being able to model, always thought it was gay as fuck for dudes to model tho, plus I was always skinny as fuck. Only recently started to put on some weight. 6'1 155 pounds

>> No.7827444

2 fat 4 that

>> No.7827493


>> No.7827531

>Some of my EX's would always comment about me being able to model
Is that you in the pic?

>> No.7827556

At work - which is a shit job btw - I discovered the girl's nickname for me was "Model Anon." This is because there is another guy with the same name as me (obviously it's not "Anon").
I know I am not model tier, but it is not the first time girls have been legitimately psychotic simply based on the way I look. One time a girl, who wanted to be the first in her circle of friends to "get me" or whatever, told me all her friends say I look like some famous dude in history known for being really good looking, though I can't remember his name. One time, after a party, I had a three way with two very hot girls. One of them said "Is it just me or do you really want to jump Anon's bones right now?"
I let them discuss how much they wanted to fuck me amongst themselves for a couple of minutes while I sat there feeling like
>mfw cool

At first it was an inside joke at work between the girl employees, until one of them slipped and told me and now I am openly referred to as "Model Anon". It is somewhat embarrassing when they joke in front of the thug Mexican guys, but I typically just avoid speaking to them at all, for obvious reasons (no habla espenol).
Last night I met up with some of my coworkers at a restaurant and a guy who I'm cool with, but don't know very well, starts saying "if you were as good looking as this guy blah blah blah"
It's nice to feel attractive, but sometimes I question why people think of me in this way. When guys feel comfortable to freely say how good looking I am it makes me question my entire persona as a man.
I've also heard an old "friend" of mine - the weird type of histrionic guy desperate to let everyone know he is "alpha" (yes, he uses the word Alpha referring to himself), despite exhibiting very feminine traits constantly - screaming out "he isn't even that good looking!" when a girl told me I was hot.
>mfw he mad

I can't model, and typically don't look good in pictures, but if you saw me in person or on video it's different.

>> No.7827563


hahaha omg

>> No.7827584
File: 851 KB, 1769x1972, IMG_20140121_022747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nose is bad ;-;

>> No.7827590

I would suck your cock btw I'm a girl ;)

>> No.7827592

Don't talk to him, he is trying to derail the thread.
>inb4 virgin

>> No.7827597


>> No.7827598

o rly?

>> No.7827621

fix your posture, your chin isn't supposed to jut out like that unless your slouching on purpose for the pic

>> No.7827624
File: 355 KB, 1152x2048, C360_2013-07-07-13-18-34-593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, although thats probably the most unflattering picture I could of taken

let the flames commence

>> No.7827630

Confidence, possibly.

>> No.7827632

My posture is normal when standing thank you but I slouch sitting down on a flat surface.

>> No.7827655


>*caw caw*

>> No.7827660

are you the guy that posted a few months back wondering if his arms were too long?

>> No.7828080

everyone itt kill themselves pls lmao

>> No.7828133

>good hair
>great face
>strong jawline
>good ass
>muscular legs / shoulders / arms/ back

>got really fat from 10-15
>perma saggy lower stomach and man tits
>even after dropping down to 160lbs

Still look damn good in clothes, though. I've gotten a bit of small time photo sessions and nightclub shows.

>> No.7828253

bruh, you're attractive as fuck maybe not in a /fa/ way but shit mayne I'm jelly

>> No.7828262
File: 945 KB, 800x995, 20140221_141434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I could model but I dont.

6'1, 160lbs, and no that's far from fat even with the retarded standard of /fa/

>> No.7828259

This, but I'm 6'2

>> No.7828338


>> No.7828384

have you looked in the mirror are are you really this in denial? you have the most average face i can possibly imagine. not an impressive jawline either

everyone in this thread thinks they are model material but pretty much nobody that has posted so far is whatsoever

>> No.7828498
File: 2.32 MB, 3264x2448, 20140221_221830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i material?
Best picture out of 10
i have a very asymmetrical nose btw

>> No.7828502


>> No.7828507


pure cringe right here

>> No.7828583
File: 152 KB, 480x640, IMG_0081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I have derp eyes and nose is assymetrical, to be fair though, I had JUST woken up when this was taken! But yeah, derp eyes and nose

>> No.7828597
File: 2.53 MB, 192x333, 1388038375814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> my face

>> No.7828606

What video is that gif from?

>> No.7828623


>> No.7828660

>minor gyno

Sounds p bad, I know, but I'm an otherwise 9/10 face, good hair, /fa/ (obvious), and otter mode. My gf is fresh-faced,1/4 azn qt. We are a small, good-looking couple.

>> No.7828656

Oh god this is funnier than I thought

>> No.7828737


>> No.7828764
File: 797 KB, 960x1280, thatsme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a sharp jawline and decent hair, but a split chin, small nose and a very prominent brow bridge.

also I'm 5'10 so modeling would be impossible and I probably wouldn't be up for it morally, but since this has become more of a "judge your own looks" thread, whatever.

>> No.7828795

mirin hard
if i looked like that I would slay the pussy

>> No.7828801

Shut the hell up stupid ass white boy commenting autism in your gay little green text. i swear to god if you ever say that to me again i will fucking destroy you with my computer - i wont even have to physically move. "wow i'm so scared" you sarcastically think, but heres the deal you stupid bitch, i know something you don't. all those faggot troll posts about checking IP and backtracing - guess what - i actually know how to do it. my friend on a hacking irc gave me a firefox plugin and i check everyones ips all the time and youre next. after i find it i have ways to backtrace the ip all the way to your house and i even know the room you posted in. i hope you don't share a room with your grandma you goddamn faggot because i wouldnt want her going to the jail for the cybercrimes im going to frame you for.
you know what? i was gonna give you a second chance but fuck that. im currently working on the backtracing right now. it should be done in 2 hours. i dont know why im telling you this but i highly recommend putting tape over your webcam - otherwise you'd give me an up close and personal look at your torment. ever seen saw, saw 2, saw 3, saw 4, saw 5, saw 6 and/or saw 3d? that's like me - im watching your life be ruined on cam for my amusement.

you fucked with the wrong anon.

>> No.7828829

I don't even understand what this weird midget is angry over. Is it because the guy played on the street?

>> No.7828876

stop trying so hard. it's not funny when you try that hard.

>> No.7828877

Because the dudes a no talent mediocore piece of shit notalent and he's earned the right to say it.
he knew grateful dead in fucking 1966.

personally im glad he called out that trumpet player. he was a notalent disgrace.

>> No.7828883

>thinking i tried
all i did was just type and press submit. i didn't think at all. it was free form. i had to think about the captcha more you faggot.

>> No.7828888
File: 1.01 MB, 2448x3264, 358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm I would say I am good looking, and at 6'2 I have the height, but from what I have seen of models I am...

>too big, I am around 175 pounds
>not strong enough jawline
>cheek bones not high enough
>Nose too big/roman nose/not sure how to describe but I dislike it

and pardon the dirty mirror and yeah I tried to do a model look for the occasion, but look a bit angry/constipated instead hahaha

>> No.7828902

100+ words is definitely trying too hard for any type of comment, especially on an anonymous board full of adolescents

>> No.7828938

no you are trying to hard to convince me i tried to hard.
and NOW im trying hard to convince you i didnt try hard.

>be me 10/10 cool young thug
>be checking to see if my posts had any responses
>only one? i bet it's cool
>then i just started typing and that's what came out
>i didn't even proof read
>i just needed to let some stress out after work so stfu

>> No.7828982

hair game killer

>> No.7828991
File: 124 KB, 700x474, 1276273111222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I used less words in all my comments combined than any single one of all your shitty comments

>> No.7829016

that's because it's easy to talk shit.
brb looking for a heck to give.

>> No.7829035
File: 705 KB, 640x480, forgiveme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7829047

did you just get mad over a joke reply


>> No.7829057


Thanks m8. I'll tell you that a blow dryer is the key though

>> No.7829254

>lost weight
>got tummytuck
>these scars

A-at least I can brag about losing almost 200lb (Probably even more will be gone once my chest is done, too.)

>> No.7829545
File: 134 KB, 1024x1088, IMAG0179_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got shitty skin complexion.

>> No.7829629

u have a ugly mouth too

>> No.7829656

haven't heard that before whats wrong with it?

>> No.7829752

/mu/ in a nutshell

>> No.7829798

hy now or man bun

2000s called and want their hair back breh, surfs up

>> No.7829825

it's way too small

>> No.7829826 [DELETED] 
File: 471 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-photo15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hairline

>> No.7829846

the hairline is the least of your aesthetic problems

>> No.7829852

>hairline and others then bruh

>> No.7829857
File: 87 KB, 831x473, Facialprog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>before and after

>> No.7829867
File: 157 KB, 920x920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so Armenian it hurts. But you're like a 6/10.

>> No.7829865

Still serious BabyJew face, but improved by losing the double chin.
Good work.

>> No.7829881


>tfw spictalian

>> No.7829891 [DELETED] 
File: 631 KB, 1920x1080, 20131203_152536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I make it?
6'2" btw

>> No.7829893

>that jaw clench

>> No.7829900
File: 55 KB, 499x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you are in no way Italian, pic related is an Italian. You seriously look Armenian though.

>> No.7829905

>all italians look like that one person
kill yourself

>> No.7829914

>an Armenian is claiming he's Italian
Lmfao you and every other fuccboi wearing Armani polos and Gucci belts..

>> No.7829918

>Tfw bulbous nose tip

;__________; surgery can't even fix it

>> No.7829922


>> No.7829925

leo has a bulbous nose tip

>> No.7829929


I never said I was italian.


>Spanish, and italian descent.

>> No.7829941

Mine is 2bulbous5leo.

So round and undefined, my nose bridge is quite wide and straight as well so it pretty much just drops down off my browline. No nice lines or curves. Surgery for normal nose pls hurry ;_____;

>> No.7829942
File: 631 KB, 1920x1080, 20131203_152536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I make it guys?
> 6'2" btw

>> No.7829945
File: 1.63 MB, 2592x1936, dramaticlook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 and 5'8 with a baby face. fuckin dad was a late bloomer. probably wont grow untill junior year of college and ill only get 5'11 max. feels bad man but aside from those two things often dont have a clear complexion.

>> No.7829953

Shame about the nose and chin m8.

>> No.7829962

post nose

>> No.7829966

alex you aren't 6'2

>> No.7829971

ITT: delusion

you are on 4chan, its not just a couple of features that prevent you from being a model: its your entire ugly body

>> No.7830001

Hey I actually fulfill all of those requirem-
>No social autism

>> No.7830002

Quit your bitching. 90% of the male population would love to have your looks.

>> No.7830028

I model locally but I doubt I could ever go internationally because bad skin/big nose and wide hips.

>> No.7830057
File: 346 KB, 768x1024, CYMERA_20131022_013438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw only 6 feet
tfw 175 pounds but muscular
Tfw really edgy pose

>> No.7830055
File: 2 KB, 50x50, peuf_20140222_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On phone so super shit pic, will try find better

>> No.7830093
File: 2 KB, 65x72, nose2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better pic, fuckin tumor nose

>> No.7830103

are you wearing makeup?

and learn to pluck your eyebrows so it looks like you don't pluck your eyebrows

>> No.7830108

Nah my face is always like that. And yea i grew them out since the pic was taken.

>> No.7830117

yes iktf, they didnt accommodate my lifestyle either and im outraged. Im a black transwoman, i started taking hormones last week but i know im a woman and the evil white cishet modeling agencies wouldnt let me model womans clothing can you believe it?, I contacted eric holder, al sharpton, and the rest of the them, dont worry brother well get our revenge on the evil white cishets yet!

>> No.7830123

go away, not everyone needs to buy into dumb fads

>> No.7830139
File: 87 KB, 224x221, 1309430100763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when he starts playing

>> No.7830186

damn you look really good man

>> No.7830224
File: 41 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20140221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw parents refused to get you braces.

>> No.7830243

photoshop nowadays hot dang

>> No.7830237
File: 97 KB, 576x440, grimes-model2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to become a model is become famous in some fashion

Grimes is a fucking model

>> No.7830321
File: 115 KB, 248x233, grimes_has_bad_news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ha what do you mean

>> No.7830351

how would braces change your appearance? i dont even see your teeth in this pic

ps u look like josh peck

>> No.7830375
File: 15 KB, 311x185, Snapshot_20140221_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a teeth model.

But in actuality, I can't smile well, so if I ever want to be beautiful, I just can't be happy.

>> No.7830416

>tfw no one told me SHIT about potentially ruining facial aesthetics while growing up

No one told me to only sleep on my back
No one told me to minimize mouth breathing
No one told me about equally distributing chewing on both sides
No one told me to get braces

If I ever have any children I'm going to make sure they reach their maximum genetic looks

>> No.7830423

>No one told me to only sleep on my back
>No one told me to minimize mouth breathing
>No one told me about equally distributing chewing on both sides

wtf is this bro science

>> No.7830454


>No one told me to only sleep on my back
Sleeping on your side places weight on your face which can lead to facial asymmetry and worse skin in general

>No one told me to minimize mouth breathing
Facial asymmetry and in general worse appearance

>No one told me about equally distributing chewing on both sides
Facial asymmetry

Google it if you want sources

>> No.7830450

when do these things peak at? my brother is 15 is it too late for me to advise him to do these things or can he still get more attractive and ill live vicariously through him?

>> No.7830457

breathing through my nose has always been uncomfortable though

Even trying it now my nose feels bothered

>tfw fucked up teeth, uneven jaw and long face

>> No.7830464


I have no idea, all I know is that when I found out about it, it was too late

>> No.7830469

at least now you can sleep on your side, breathe through your mouth and chew on whatever side you please

>> No.7830478


I'm doing the opposite and hoping it won't get worse at least

>> No.7830477

when did you find out

does this stuff really have a big effect? youve kinda pissed me off im really upset at myself and my parents now

>> No.7830496


>> No.7830506
File: 23 KB, 400x288, patient04[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A year ago or so, I'm 21 now

I don't know how big the effects are, I'm guessing it's highly individual

Here's a pic of two sisters, one is a mouth breather and the other one isn't

>> No.7830511

literally everyone has facial asymmetry. youre a human being not a plastic action figure. nothing about you is going to be perfectly symmetrical.

>> No.7830526


I know, but don't you think it would be a good thing to do what you can in order to maximize it? It's not like those things I listed are things that take a lot of time and effort. And it's not all about appearance, there are plenty of health benefits associated with doing those things as well

>> No.7830536

Shit jawline and only 5'9

>> No.7830544

i definitely couldn't ever be a super model but i'm fairly certain i could walk for a smaller show.

>tfw no major flaws, good eyes, good structure, 6'2

i'm no rj though ;_;

>> No.7830552

>It's not like those things I listed are things that take a lot of time and effort

yes they do. every single night you would have to make sure you sleep on your back (which promotes mouth breathing by the way), make sure you breathe through your nose, and try to chew all foods evenly. that is the definition of a time consuming task.

>> No.7830556


actually, my shoulders are really wide. that would probably be a no go.

>> No.7830560


>he thinks you don't automatically breathe through your mouth when you pass out

top fuckin lel

>> No.7830564

Mouth breathing only affects you as a child, where your body grows the most. It really won't affect you much now that you are assumedly older.

Sleeping on your back may be enormously uncomfortable, particularly those with gastrointestinal issues where it is suggested to sleep on your left side. Not sure if it has any affect on facial symmetry though maybe it does if you continuously sleep on the same side and don't change it every now and then.

Haven't heard of the gum one yet. Though it sounds ridiculous, braces at a young age would fix any effects you MIGHT have from that myth.
A lot of your facial symmetry, while affected by your actions, are more significantly affected by your genetics. Bare in mind that natural traits inherited by parents may actually prohibit "precautions" like nose breathing. Still, it's a shame that many children can't obtain braces. They greatly affect facial symmetry and at such a young age, it's really important. It aligns the face and allows the jaw and chin to grow more evenly.

>> No.7830565


Maybe for a few weeks until it's all "automatic", it's not like you're going to have to focus on it for a longer period of time

>> No.7830599


Yes, I know that genetics is the thing that matters the most but I'm pretty sure that some of my actions during my teenage years affected my overall facial symmetry. I think I chewed most food on the left side of my mouth and I always slept on the right side. Now the right half is flatter and worse. The left side jawline is stronger and the cheekbone protrudes more

>> No.7830707
File: 17 KB, 299x273, sas frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm friends with a male model

>> No.7830713
File: 49 KB, 615x384, 4hMu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'2" and I've got the right bone structure, but I'm not sure if I should lose any more weight

>> No.7830721

>mfw they don't know bout tensnake

>> No.7830784
File: 368 KB, 480x640, dsfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i got the /fa/ aesthetics?

>> No.7830809

good bone structure innit

>> No.7830816

if that's you then you're already very skinny.
i'm 6'3, skeletal ~8% BF and having the dilemma of deciding what to do. I want to eat at or a tiny bit below maintenance thoughtlessly, so that's kind of my eventual goal. Currently eating way less than and it's showing pretty good.
I have a bit of muscle though. Kind of middle ground between /fa/ auschwitz, runner and "normal" healthy person that doesn't make any conscious efforts to go in any aesthetic direction.

>> No.7830856
File: 119 KB, 960x1280, khCN1Oi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt I could be a model either way, but my forehead sticks out too far and ruins my face more than it should.

>> No.7830857

Weird eyes but from what I understand about the modeling industry, which is very little, they pretty much only care about jaw. And you've got the jaw.

Though from what my brother says, he was a model, it's a fucking hellish jobs and the sweet parties and free clothes can only get you so far before you become burnt out from being treated like shit all day long.

>> No.7830861

this is bro science if i ever heard it

>> No.7830862

gril or boy?

>> No.7830869

top androgyny

sure m8

>> No.7830870

There have been studies on the mouth breathing stuff he mentioned earlier, and it seems to be true, it can cause a recessed jaw. The other stuff might be bullshit though.

>> No.7830876


I'd go full auschwitz and rock SLP

>> No.7830897

you look like you would be really hot

>> No.7830902

>anyone else here that could almost be a model but have one defining feature stopping them?

lack of good jaw bones

>> No.7830909

Haha! It's like a gummy bear!

>> No.7830915
File: 32 KB, 480x720, 1393049731882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mind the shit fit, that was the dressers fault

I've been modeling for about 2.5 years now, I'm about half a cm off 6ft and I dont have any trouble with any runway shows, whilst im usually the shortest guy there, you can't tell unless you are all lined up real close. height ISNT a massive factor, it does have some merit, but as long as you are 5'10" + its not an issue.

and even if you are short, you can do photographic work. I know heaps of models (male and female) who are restricted to only photographic work because of their height but they still make killer money.

>> No.7830916

Only thing that would stop me is my height and my lazy eyelid. At least I can get surgery one day

>> No.7830919

Send in some photos to your local agencies and go from there. the worst they can do is say no.

Its how I got into it.

>> No.7830933

lol, who were you walking for

>> No.7830961

That was just a mall show we did, I think it was Ed Hardy, some fucking awful brand, but hey, it was money.

im walking for harris scarf in a few days.

>> No.7831113
File: 591 KB, 2000x2414, Zooey-Deschanel-Wallpaper-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every face has a bigger and a smaller half. Look at Zooey's face where the right side is bigger....
Also your overall health affects growth but using one side more doesnt.

>> No.7831121
File: 132 KB, 462x631, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-could I m-model..?

>> No.7831147

Not with that stutter you faggot.

>> No.7831153

Do you think I could I be a male model YOU FUCKING FAGGOT???

>> No.7831191


post another photo to confirm.

>> No.7831194
File: 30 KB, 604x453, hair sucks wat do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a very lousy hairline.

>> No.7831219
File: 1.26 MB, 1636x4104, 1366537273940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cud i b a mudel 2

>> No.7831253

i'm 5'4" and have beyonce's measurements (with bigger boobs.) not exactly model material but i ain't complainin

>> No.7831256

you look short

>> No.7831261

Honestly I think you could. I really like your features and your interesting fits.

>> No.7831264

knoch is attractive enough to do what ever the fuck he wants

>> No.7831277

I'm 5'6 and have acne

My jaw is weaker on one side

>> No.7831286
File: 202 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am that feel

>> No.7831289


>> No.7831296
File: 201 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7831378

this is literaly a picture of me

>> No.7831437
File: 18 KB, 256x256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks disgusting as shit. Let's hope no girls see you naked

>> No.7831450

>You could model

>> No.7831644

Actually physically hurt to look at it

>> No.7831647

Only meant the body image. Sorry acne guy

>> No.7832017

thank you!

I usually wear it up somehow, but who does that at home?

>> No.7832032

i wear my hair in a bun at home, because it gets in the way and annoys me

>> No.7832348

you have a shitty haircut

>> No.7832550
File: 37 KB, 480x360, znvpjt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I model but unfortunately I can't make it big because:
> Only 5'9
> No boobs, hips too wide
> Skin is mediocre at best
> Nose is weird

The only thing I have going for me is my walk (apparently?) and the fact that I can look like I'm 12 or 30 depending on the makeup.

>> No.7832702

Will you be my wide-hipped gf?

>pls respond

>> No.7832843

holy shit those hips. pls post pic from behind

>> No.7832981

m8 it makes me bootiful

>> No.7833293
File: 731 KB, 1920x2560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got bad violin hips

>> No.7833920

Not to mention the excess weight...
Not saying you're fat, but for modeling you are.

>> No.7834118

You're too chubby for modeling, your hips aren't stopping you.

>> No.7834273

Me too. ;-;
Only 19 tho and dad stopped growing at 21.
We'll all make it, anon.