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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 7 KB, 645x773, Thatface20110725-22047-wlaopv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7820788 No.7820788 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ feels thread?

>I just copped a pair of other shoes for $375 after giving up on finding a pair of my favourite shoes.
>did the currency conversion wrong, ended up being $450, kind of annoying but not a huge deal
>they arrive, and suddenly customs tears me a new asshole
>have to pay $180 more to have the shoes be released from customs
>the shoes I was looking for pop up for $400 today

Why aren't I more patient.

>> No.7820890
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>be depressed
>buys dope clothes to help with depression
>realize that fits dont make me happy anymore

>> No.7820891

is this real dude

>> No.7820894

why r u depressed, ur prob the sexiest asian ive seen , no homo

>> No.7820895


>Only happy for a brief second while you buy the item, and then feel guilty immediately after
>Sometimes feel guilty while you buy it but you can't stop yourself because you just want to feel happy and buying things used to make you happy

>> No.7820901

>be eyeing a piece of clothing for awhile
>save up to buy it
>finally get enough
>suddenly depression
>What? You think that piece will make you happy you stupid piece of shit?
>Just give up.
>Nothing will ever matter
>don't cop
>sold out by the time you feel better

>> No.7820904

>want to show gf your new fit
>afraid she'll call you a faggot like she usually does


>> No.7820906

oh ho
I like her

>> No.7820909

>You end up copping it later and when you get it you just hold it and try to make yourself smile before hanging it in the closet and looking at it occasionally, wishing that you could just be happy and wear it like you imagined when you bought it
>Buy another piece

>> No.7820910

>try on cool fits at expensive boutiques
>gf wants to go to uniqlo
>gf wants you to wear sweaters and ties
>gf complains gap is too expensive

>lie about prices of pieces you buy by half, she still freaks out

>> No.7820921

been depressed since i was 14. thanks tho ;)
i know these feels all too well

>> No.7820934
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Yeah, she's like that too. Wouldn't think of buying a winter coat for over $150.

>> No.7820966

>be fat alone and depressed from age 11 to 17
>at 17 decide to lose weight
>18 discover good facial structure
>lost virginity at 19
>gf says "anon I can't believe you were a virgin, you should've been getting laid left and right in highschool"
>20 now
>depressed still, but at least people think I'm happy and normal because I'm good looking
>implying i'll ever tell anyone I was a depressed shut in

You can't just bring that shit up, you can't just say "Oh hey, I lost out on my formative years because I was depressed, made fun of, ostracized, and withdrew into myself.". "Oh, by the way, I feel woefully inadequate for having missed out on everything, and still feel like a child in many ways because my experiential development was stunted at a young age."

>> No.7820973


damn man

i know your feels

>> No.7820981

>depressed because you weren't accepted
Worst kind of depression
Not even /fa/ at all
Also move on with your life
You be old and balding within few years
Live it up and party hard

>> No.7820985

The worst part is not being able to change mentally. No matter how much you've changed, it's your head that's fucked.

>> No.7820997

dude, shut the fuck up. if it's behind you it's behind you. stop whining about it on a website filled with legit neets and 20yo+virgins

>> No.7821005

the brain is plastic until old age

change is never impossible with willpower


>> No.7821002

>implying that's why i was depressed

Just added to it, I was depressed for other reasons.

>> No.7821003

I know that feel.

>> No.7821007

> change mentally
You can realize that at the end
Life goes on no matter what moment of your life you regret and wish to change
Why ponder about times that happened and things that can't be undone rather that use the time to experience life
I will understand some wounds don't close easily if you were emotional hurt by a lover and family members or been sexually attacked by someone
but not getting accepted in a circle of friends is nothing to be depressed about

>> No.7821012

>Buy a Gloverall duffle coat online
>Ex-GF bitches at me for spending so much on a coat when I'm broke (I actually have over 25k, just told her I'm broke to test her)
>Relationship wasn't going well at that time, we argue back and forth about he coat, and amongst other issues
>We break up
>The fucking coat arrives
>Hate the damn coat
>4 months later
>Still don't like the damn coat
>Only wear the coat when I'm intoxicated on campus

>> No.7821020

She's better off without me, /fa/. She doesn't need me anymore. I brought her to a comfort stage in her life, she used to be sad and self-loathing. You battled along side with her...you won. Finally.

You spent so much time together, spoke so fluently, free and beautifully. She has her life on track. Going to school, sharing experiences with new people. Experimenting with her personality. She's so happy. She doesn't need you anymore. She has someone who can do better than you. Someone who IS better than you. You're a fading memory, a nostalgic era of happiness that has already come and gone. It's good, right? She's with someone else now. Someone who can take care of her. Show her a happy life, happy times. You would only drag her back down and hold her back from fulfilling her dreams and aspirations.

It's better this way /fa/. What more could you possibly offer her?

>> No.7821021

Sound like you just finished watching blue is the warmest colour
I cried like a bitch at the end
fuckin adele…
just fuck ;_;

>> No.7821027

why does it seem like bitches are so cheap. my gf is like this too

>> No.7821034
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>help a girl through a hard time in her life
>no one will ever help you

>> No.7821038

"He's so awesome, Anon. He's great! He models, skiis, is bilingual and has been around the world!"

"Wow, that's awesome haha, good for you! I'm happy you found someone!"

"Yeah! So what's new with you?"

"Haha...not much, really. Just doing the same old thing! I should really get out more! But I'm so lazy, yah know?"

"Yeah, you've always been that way, Anon. Ahaha. One sec, just got a message from HIM."

"Oh, alright...haha. If you want to talk later, that's cool. :)"

"Yeah, that'd be great, Bye! Love you!"

"Alright, love you too :)"

...he sounds really great.

>> No.7821041

I don't know. We once sent over 20 messages each back and forth about her wanting a $3 bus ticket from me. This was after we broke up and I wanted her to come over to pick up her stuff.

I surrendered after the 6th text, but she was enjoying the argument too much.

>> No.7821042

because he got ambitions
That is what a woman wants to see from you

>> No.7821046

>Anon. He's great! He models, skiis, is bilingual and has been around the world!"

yeah, and you post on here and probably don't do much else

>> No.7821051

>"Wow your jeans are nice! How much were they?"
>Like $200?
>"Wtf why would you spend so much on jeans when there's $20 ones literally in every store, they aren't even that nice"
>"Wow anon is so stupid it's just jeans"

>> No.7821055

>saying the actual price

>> No.7821061

what are some l'effay ways to not say the price or brand of my clothes to seem enigmatic and cool, and not like an ass (see: it's called fashion, look it up)

>> No.7821064

Just say it's designer and I don't remember how much it was. I mean if they're persistent to know you mighty as well tell them haha

>> No.7821067

"i don't remember, i got them long ago"
"i got them online"

>> No.7821070

"got it from goodwills, 5 bucks"
"its a donation, my family is on well fair"
"ebay, won the auction at 5 dollars"
"Secondhand from my brother" than start praying and crying and say how you miss him so much

>> No.7821076

por que no los dos?

>> No.7821083

Its so annoying that every time everyone always asks for the price before even looking at the item or asking about who made it. I learned to just say the price I paid but with confidence.

>> No.7821080

great ideas, thanks yall

>> No.7821089

stop being a rich dick
no one like rich dicks

>> No.7821090

Yeah, man. It's so ridiculous. Seems like cost now a days triumphs over all detail. It sucks.

>> No.7821099

holy shit, is this real life?

>have drinking problem
>in full effect for the last 6 months
>been about 8 months since buying a nice article of clothing
>recently go on a copping spree
>haven't been drunk for almost 2 weeks without thinking about it too much
>money wasn't an issue; i work at a bar/have a readily available stash of cheap wine

it all makes sense now. how long do i have? :^(

>> No.7821103

All of my friends who know me well enough to care about know that I got the smallest closet of the bunch I just try and get special things at a slow pace to fill it. I'm not rich

>> No.7821116
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>will one day die
>all of the clothes that you bought and the people that you met won't matter for shit because you won't exist anymore and your life would have meant nothing
>you aren't comforted by the shared burden of death because humanity is insignificant as a whole anyway

>> No.7821118
File: 65 KB, 500x576, 1357549509727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this change perspective after the first few sentences? totally lost immersion.

>> No.7821119

>have qt taking pictures of me in the city 2 days ago
>was advised yesterday that i should see a counselor at school

>> No.7821120

What does lemons look like? I wanna know now.

>> No.7821121

What you in high school?

>> No.7821122
File: 374 KB, 144x119, aaaaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that said, this is disgustingly relevant to me and i'm probably going to feel pretty lousy tomorrow morning.

>tfw you dream about her when you let a thought in
>tfw you know you'll probably never speak to her in person again

>> No.7821125

why privilege the long view over the short view though

imo each moment lives forever even if it is bound in time. my perspective is from nietzsche:

>What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: "This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence -- even this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and even this moment and I myself. The eternal hourglass of existence is turned upside down again and again, and you with it, speck of dust!" Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: "You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine"? If this thought gained possession of you, it would change you as you are, or perhaps crush you.

>> No.7821127



>> No.7821131

Then college is telling you to see a counsellor? Did you fail courses? Wtf?

>> No.7821132

>things will never be okay with you two again, because she wants nothing to do with you anymore, because she's grown, and realized what a loser you are, how much of a coward you were and that what you had with her. was nothing compared to what she has now, but I don't feel that way, I was her first love, and I loved her a lot, because she showed me so much love,we're getting older, she's gonna be graduating soon, the door for reconciliation has sealed, and you will never be okay again, because you're kind of trapped in the past, since you and her spoke you've gone nowhere but downhill, and the thought of her makes you sad, because you will never be a part of her life again, she probably even cringes at the thought of you, I know she does.

>> No.7821139

people move on
what a surprise

>> No.7821142


>be depressed
>buy something new and fun
>feel good for a little bit
>feeling fades
>back to feeling like fuck
>put thing away in my closet for awhile

some time later...

>feeling better
>remember I bought x forever ago
>wear it again
>in this moment I am euphoric

>> No.7821144
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>> No.7821146

Well, the concept of infinity is also pretty shit, and both ends of the spectrum are equally terrifying.
I don't know, I've just been feeling like I haven't been grounded in any sort of reality for the past year. Like, I have to objectively look at almost everything and recognise it for it's arbitrary nature or how abstract the entire notion of society is. It's been making me severely depressed because I just grasp the feeling of actually living, instead I have been feeling like I am pretending to live and thus have no real feeling of meaning in my life.
That probably sounded like nonsense, it's weird to explain.

>> No.7821153

I try to contact her. I just want to hear her optimism. Her sweet stories that are so jumbled and silly...she dives into unnecessary detail only to lose track of where she was and start all over again. I miss it. I miss every second of it. But I hate it, hate it more every time she blurts out another story. Another child-like wandering of her memory. I hate it. She continues, I listen, always listening. But never really paying attention.

I regret the decisions I made I regret telling her all the things I did. The piss poor excuses I made to avoid emotional attachment when all I wanted to do with the bottom of my heart was fall for her.

My chance with her is gone. It's about time I realize it and move on. Yet here I am, so drawn and taken by the need to spend time and talk to her. It holds onto me as if I'm addicted. if only she was too.

>> No.7821154

wiki article
but it helps i guess
noting new, people feel useless somethings and life seem meaningless


>> No.7821156

>. Like, I have to objectively look at almost everything and recognise it for it's arbitrary nature or how abstract the entire notion of society is

you don't HAVE to look at the world this way, though

enjoy the ride man

>> No.7821157


>> No.7821159

how do you?

my social life ended with her as I was in deep depression in high school, even dropped out
now I'm working a shitty job, with outcasts, like the freak I am, had horrible cystic acne too, now I'm all scarred up and embarrassed to be out in public
worst of all, my ego is still fully intact, which makes things worse, I can't accept what I became but right now I can't fix it, I can't change myself without losing my ego, letting go of my former self, but I still love my former self, in some ways because it's all I've ever been, I can't even be an enthusiastic conversationalist because of how miserable my life is, and I find misery in other peoples lives I meet, I see the inane, perfunctory ways and I can't function socially, I just see it all as sad, but I know people are happy, because they're not selfish like I am, maybe I'm narcissistic and like to think I can be great one day, with a great life, and be attractive to others but it all feels like a dream now, like it's some dragon i'll never catch

>> No.7821161

u watching true detective m8
love that hbo shit
in rust we trust am I right :^)

>> No.7821164

>tfw you were pulling an all nighter studying for finals and realized you're out of coffee and all the shops are closed so you end up burning through the remnants of your coke stash and end up not only acing the final but getting a girls number

feels pretty fucking good

>> No.7821171

>I can't change myself without losing my ego, letting go of my former self, but I still love my former self, in some ways because it's all I've ever been

yet your hate yourself now and the person you are
Let go and move on

>> No.7821174

I guess the best way to avoid confronting real life is to live in fiction instead.
I'm pretty cool with that.

>> No.7821178
File: 266 KB, 1024x576, rust-cohle-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

>> No.7821180

>cool shoes anon, where'd you get them
>i bought them online
>oh ok cool


>> No.7821181


>> No.7821188


i need to watch this show

>> No.7821191
File: 149 KB, 628x353, 1373767166667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw you poor, poor baby

ITT: people who don't have any real problems

>> No.7821193

it's really good honestly the things rust says it's just magical

>> No.7821197


shut the fuck up

enjoy your life and help people

>> No.7821200
File: 141 KB, 1252x1252, 3zcuoj9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward then, brother, that person is a piece of shit. And I'd like to get as many of them out in the open as possible. You gotta get together and tell yourself stories that violate every law of the universe just to get through the goddamn day? What's that say about your reality?

>> No.7821204
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Transference of fear and self-loathing to an authoritarian vessel. It's catharsis. He absorbs their dread with his narrative. Because of this, he's effective at proportion to the amount of certainty he can project. Certain linguistic anthropologists think that religion is a language virus that rewrites pathways in the brain. Dulls critical thinking.

>> No.7821212

>dad dies
>go on a copping spree to cope with the feels
it's not even working bros ;_;

>> No.7821215

maybe buy a car or go to the strip club
That might work

>> No.7821217

>ITT: people who don't have any real problems
That's this whole goddamn board.

>> No.7821220
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pretty much

>> No.7821223

>non-animated gif

What's the point?

>> No.7821258
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>tfw want common projects so badly
>debating if I should wait for them to go on sale or not
>there's so many things in my life I should worry about like getting friends or a social life

>> No.7821264

friends and social life isnt effay tho :^)

>> No.7821261

CPs can help you get those friends

>> No.7821270

Those fucking CPs this morning going for 49 Euro, but none in a 44 or 45. SS14 CP prices are ludicrous atm and I cant justify paying 500+ AU for the black lows but I do want them in my wardrobe all the same. Otherwise my life is really great at the moment in just about every way.

>> No.7821273

no /fa/ feels, no >tfw but still

I feel like the only people that really hate me are the people that have gotten to know me first, and I already have crippling social anxiety and am extremely cautious about who I want to be "actual" friends with to the point where I just avoid people I know and in the end, I have no one to really talk about my problems with because of my ultimately superficial connections with most people I know.

While I currently live amongst two siblings who both hate my guts and being solely responsible for my parents divorce and being pushed towards a future I'm more confused and unsure about over anything.

Again, no real problems like most people on this board, but I guess I needed to get this off my chest even though in reality it's just whinging really.

>> No.7821277

>crippling social anxiety

>> No.7821278

where are they 49 euros?

>> No.7821279

You sound like a sociopath.

>> No.7821282

It's not really crippling, I guess I exaggerated, but just generally in social situations without alcohol (I gave it up) or other drugs, I feel uncomfortable

>> No.7821284



>> No.7821287

how the fuck are you going to support yourself and have a job where you interact socially
You going to be a shut it blaming your siblings for the rest of your life

>> No.7821289

How pathetic can you be? Just tell the truth retards and never feel bad about it.

At least there is someone who is comfortable with the value of his clothes.
You're doing it right dude.

>> No.7821288

fugg m8, the white 1s are superior to blacks though :l

>> No.7821290

My brother and my sister don't speak to me, but I don't blame them.

>> No.7821291


I know that feel, ausbro. Saw them too but I'm a 45 so I didn't inquire further and let my heart believe they don't ship to Aus.

>> No.7821293

It's like talking about how large your dick is while showing them your bank book
No matter how nicely you put it being humble is the best way of going about it
>"ya my shoes was 1000 dollars, but whatever right?"

>> No.7821294


>> No.7821303

They don't but I have a friend in Italy who I go to Uni with. He could have brought home CPs for all of us if they stocked 45s. I guess they're not a top priority atm. Really wanna cop the SS14 BBall High Tops, but they're just way too expensive right now and hardly anyone is stocking them.

>> No.7821391

>The one night you need to talk to asokone
>He's not on

>> No.7821393

are you his girlfriend or something

>> No.7821398

I need advice specific to him.

>> No.7821416
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i sure as fuck hope those shoes generate money, you disgusting first worlder scum.

>> No.7821443

I don't even know why I got into fashion in the first place. I used to not give a shit and had just as many friends, just as many opportunities. Now I'm not even happy when I dress well, and fashion has made me self loathing and extremely self conscious.

The thing that scares me is that I can't think like I used to anymore. I used to actually be able to evaluate if a price was too high, but now I see a coat that costs a grand and I don't bat an eye.
Same thing for actually wearing clothes. I don't actually see anything wrong or visually shocking with wearing leather tee shirts or shoes like Raf Velcros whereas I know I'd have considered it as over the top a year ago.

Someone tell me what I have to do to become normal again, I'm tired of fashion.
I still want to buy high quality clothes with nice cuts that'll last a long time but I don't want to get deeper into the whole /fa/ thing.

>> No.7821448


>> No.7821453
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>> No.7821454
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i would much rather spend that money hiring your mother and female siblings for a night out then to spend them on some shoes that probably cost 20$ to make in china or Vietnam using slave labor..

>> No.7821460

pretend not to care. I know you're hurt

>> No.7821462

no shoes that expensive are made in sweatshops

>> No.7821467
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You're projecting anon.

>> No.7821474

you're projecting right now.

+ using macro images even worse

what are you gonna do use, implying?


>> No.7821492
File: 3 KB, 203x209, 1345384358551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you gonna do use, implying?

Cry harder pussy bitch nigga

>> No.7821500

Lol alright faggot.

>> No.7821551
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heheh, i will make sure to give L'Chiam shekelstine at the marketing department a raise.

>> No.7821555

take your memes somewhere else.

>> No.7821562
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Truth hurts goy?

>> No.7821564
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>be homeless

at least i befriended a guy working at mcdonalds i am at right now

>> No.7821568

u sure are trolling

>> No.7821574

>tfw my boss dogs me and doesnt give me any work
>have to pay pills this week
>no money for anything
>stealing pasta from aldi to get by

such is life, folks

>> No.7821576

>feel bad if someone compliments my clothes because i then feel like im wearing it for validation

Honestly sometimes i wish i was a pleb who would be fine wearing target jeans drinking beer and watching sports.

>> No.7821578
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>he thinks am trolling and not saying it how it is

How far is 'Chaim marketing cock rammed up your ass?

>> No.7821584

*bills not pills

>> No.7821632
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i am soon to be homeless too,
if you want you can move to sweden and live with me, you would have to pay 700$ rent though :-)

>> No.7821634

dang bruh

good luck. i'm in a similar situation. moving back in with my based dad to save money. been living by myself in the city for 6 years since i was 18, but dem bills mane, dem bills. i could prolly pay them, but not with my shopping and drinking habits

>> No.7821921

>found deadstock of shoes for sale from two summers ago
>win auction
>shoes in transit to warehouse
>package got damaged in transit
dfw seller did not have another pair in my size to replace.

>> No.7821980
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>want to be /fa/
>too scared to buy clothes because I'm poor and I can't afford to make a bad cop
>end up endlessly researching a piece
>always decide not to buy it

>> No.7822063

missing out on what are meant to be some of the best years of your life by spending it alone & feeling like shit, looking forward and just thinking about how life just gets worse for the majority of people after this point. I wish I could go back and do it all again just so I could have some fond memories to look back on for later in life.

>> No.7822335

>get kicked out of uni last semester because I tried to do too much at once
>living at home with parents again
>have literally no money, need to look for a job
>none of the places I apply even interview me
>might have to settle for a mcjob soon if I can't find anything above minimum
>miss the friends and social life I had for my one semester at uni

I feel like I'm moving backwards, taking steps back instead of forward. I was finally happy, had a good group of friends, was making decent money, and living independently. Now I'm back at home, going to my shitty community college, completely broke, and have absolutely no friends around to talk to Because they all graduated and moved on. I feel helpless, and I feel like I'll never be successful. It's my fault for biting off more than I could chew and not taking more steps to prevent it, but it still feels really shit.

Can anyone here feel with me?

>> No.7822341

look for a good return policy.

>> No.7822386
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>meet qt grad student
>likes my fit
>agrees to collaborate with me
>rly into me, touches me, wants 2 get together
>tfw has bf
>tfw lives with bf
>tfw too beta to do anything

>> No.7822385

>become good friends with a qt
>talk to her for months
>gear up for deployment to the assghanistan
>tell qt you really like her been crushing on her
>she says she likes you too
>heart soars like eagle
>go on deployment
>ppl die
>kinda get fucked in the head
>get blown up. lonesurvivor.jpg
>entire deployment think and write to qt
>come home to americas
>family picks me up
>no qt
>is ok she probably working
>ask friend where qt is
>she left for euro trip with good friend
>mfw it's my nonarmy bro
>oh anon after he moved in they hit it off
>they are eating
>in europe
>cut contact with everyone in butthurtness
>buy dope fits with blood money
>doesn't fill void

I just Wana redeploy now and kill more haj

>> No.7822402

>get kicked out of uni because i did shit last semester
>move to another state, find a cheap apartment and shitty job
>going to local community college
>don't know anybody here and none of my friends talk to me anymore

I mean I know it was my fault and I fucked up but god I'm so lonely please help.

>> No.7822405

we are one and the same

>> No.7822440
File: 27 KB, 530x542, 1392530065465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol, yeah dude. She really wanted to "fuck" you.

>> No.7822455


I went through (basically) the same shit. My entire highschool years was a blur and I missed out on a lot. I spent my first two years at Uni just trying to learn how to be a competant adult and have a healthy social life.

But all in all, I feel like there was something good about me missing out on my highschool years. I feel like I'm a lot more mature and reserved than my highschool friends are. Most of them are miserable, slowly getting trapped in minimum wage jobs, dropping out of school, drinking/partying too much, and looking back at their highschool years as the prime of there lives.

There's something sad about that and I feel lucky that I'm not tethered to some nostalgic desire to return to the past. I'm excited for my future. I'm only 21 and I still have a lot of opportunity ahead of me. Most of my friends are already giving up.

>> No.7822552

Man I hate this. I ordered a couple of watches and customs charged me 100dlls. to release them. I'm so jelly of americunts that can use Amazon and other online shops freely, without worrying about having to pay 50% extra. I hate this third world shithole I live in.

>> No.7822558

I have befriended a homeless guy who hangs out at the McDonald's I work at

>> No.7822584

>want to go see hector couto tonight
>no one wants to go
>tfw going to be bored all night and imagining how good it will be

>> No.7823214

>"Yeah, that'd be great, Bye! Love you!"

>"Alright, love you too :)"
The fuck is wrong with you

>> No.7823265

what's your K/D bro?

>> No.7823687

i actualy say this whenever someone ask where'd i got them, when they ask more questions i say the website's name.

>> No.7823788
File: 27 KB, 283x350, shocked-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newfag, trying to become even remotely effay
>Buy a ton of basic clothes, mostly online
>Suddenly hit with a wave of self-doubt and I become terrified what I've purchased won't look good on me, won't fit or will just generally suck

>> No.7824022

It's all relative. Doesn't mean we feel any less shittier.

>> No.7824043

this pains me

>> No.7824055
File: 137 KB, 565x402, 130089413310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to buy new shoes that just came out
>inquire about the sizing from one of the only websites that has them in stock
>"sure, we'll get right back to you!"
>week goes by
>no response even after sending them more emails
>finally have to take my chances and guess my size
>they show up
>half size to small
>have to send them back for an exchange
>they won't save a pair in my size while it's mailed to them
>they sell out in my size in the meantime
>don't get the shoes and get a refund instead
why do so many high fashion online stores suck with customer service and doing their job? it's like they actually don't care about repeat business

>> No.7824061

>tfw will never own a lil ugly man send em to tha essence tee in black

For some reason I really want that fucking shirt

>> No.7824212

very funny
especially last line.

>> No.7824250

fuck I just got triggered hard, i want some coke bad. You know that feeling you get when you are amature drug user and you just want to talk about coke because u get that itch. LOOOL W/E MUST RESIST.

>> No.7824316

I know this.

>goofy as fuck in high school, don't even care
>never gf or anything like that
>start college
>find /fa/ and /fit/
>self-criticism at all-time-high in order to facilitate improvement
>self-criticism reaches critical mass
>so obsessed with the smallest details of my appearance that self-esteem goes to shit
>any existing chances of social function destroyed

>junior year
>every day I look better, but am worse at socializing
>pissed at not learning how to socialize during high school
>avoid talking to people because I know my personality can't live up to any expectations by my appearance
>realize that dwelling on the past is ruining my present and that in a few years I'll be pissed for not taking care of this in college
>tfw one more year of school left


>> No.7824391

damn thats a bad feel what shoe ?
and how badly damaged

>> No.7825991

>Oh, by the way, I feel woefully inadequate for having missed out on everything, and still feel like a child in many ways because my experiential development was stunted at a young age.

consider yourself lucky that you didnt go full pedo

>> No.7826020
File: 47 KB, 491x374, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this actually works

>> No.7826028

>paying 200 jeans for shit looking jeans
it really is pleb and try hard as fuck if youre not a model

>> No.7826053
File: 132 KB, 988x783, 1377224447901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at friends house
>threw on my new fit
>all start drinking
>go to bathroom
>vomit every-fucking-where
>pass out in vomit
>wake up drunk 20 minutes later
>(according to friends) start babbling about how life is meaningless and I'm depressed.
>burn a hole in my puke covered momos with a cig

Fuck drinking

>> No.7826068

post the momos :^)

>> No.7826075

now ur momos have an entire story burned into them


>> No.7826076
File: 56 KB, 548x417, 1392966494896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw eating mcdonalds

>> No.7826097
File: 23 KB, 322x322, 1384483101743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw tumblr gf w/ radical political and social views

>> No.7826102

>it's like they actually don't care about repeat business

fuccbois are going to buy their shit at extreme markups no matter what, you don't matter to them at all

>> No.7826115

aaaaah this is me i can't take this

>> No.7826120

Have fun with that one.

OR you could have some self respect and distance yourself as far as possible from her, while still maintaining sex in order to prove - even if only to yourself - that everything she believes in is just for appearances and has not truth.

That's what I do to all lesbians and feminists I fuck like the whores they are deep down inside.

>> No.7826124

ain't no shame in eating McJungles yo

those fucking cinnamon melts. If you can fit it into your calorie budget, the go right ahead dog

>> No.7826129

>not exclusively getting your fast food from Wendy's


>> No.7826134
File: 142 KB, 960x640, 1375602959622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 pic related

Anybody with half a brain knows i'm right

"you know i'm right. half these hos dyke" -Pepperboy

>> No.7826132
File: 64 KB, 200x200, tumblr_mdsl033PpU1r32llyo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw tumblr gf w/ radical political and social views

>> No.7826149

maybe your problem is that you associate with slags and not qt intellectual grills

>> No.7826145
File: 35 KB, 137x234, 1325869182105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf admits she doesn't know anything about plotics, nor does she care
>still has to give me her shitty opinions
>when I explain why she's wrong she gets defensive and says she doesn't really know anything about it anyway

>> No.7826157
File: 845 KB, 300x192, 6205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>felt in love with a jap jacket
>searched for a year
>found it on y!
>paid 650USD + Customs
>tried on after cutting my fat
>Sold on ebay for 270USD

>> No.7826154

We do not have slags in America.

>> No.7826158

>just realized how anxiety i am
>2 scared 2 go to doctor

>> No.7826160

>If you can fit it into your calorie budget
This is why I cop. I never eat enough calories, so McDons is a quick way to catch up, but I don't fully understand the concept.

>> No.7826166
File: 1.52 MB, 500x222, 1385402130300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>have anxiety problems
>get worse after highschool
>start having huge panic attacks almost daily
>go to doctor
>"you need to relax more, try breathing more, drink more water"

Fuckin gooks don't know shit

>> No.7826168

exact same situation as you man, i have one year left, i know how much i am going to regret not learning to socialize better, yet i still don't do shit

>> No.7826172

Does anyone else here feel happy for being the awkward kid at one point?

Having been in that shitty place, and having gotten over it, now enables us to be trend setters leaders. Every single great figure in history wasn't some basic bitch who fit in, and the general attitude here that "oh I'm awkward I need to learn so bend my socialization to others" is kinda stupid imo.

Best case scenario is to be your own person who works well in social situations but doesn't be fake to do it.

>> No.7826177
File: 70 KB, 1184x1126, Feelsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, I don't know what to say. I went through the same exact thing and now I'm all screwed up
Thanks for sharing, I know that feel, but I also know that we're all gonna make it one day.
Never give up bro

>> No.7826174

do you still have it, and is there anything that you have done to ease it?

i don't even fucking know why i am anxious anymore but the feeling is never not there

>> No.7826181
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel you're fucked for life
I don't even care anymore… I just think about rust and I'm at peace
in rust we trust

>> No.7826187

what is this rust, i would like to be at peace

>> No.7826194

Have you ever tried just chilling out and talking to people?
i realize it may seem like a stupid thing to say, but really, just walk into a store, or wherever, slowly and take a good look around. Make eye contact with everyone, and find at least ONE person to approach and talk to - even if it's just "Hi"

Try doing this four times, and then three times to people you are sexually attracted to. It doesn't matter if you get numbers or just get told to fuck off - do it enough and you won't have anxiety at all.

The hardest part is breaking out of your shell.
I'm serious. Legitimately challenge yourself to complete that task in a week from reading this post.

Real talk. You can't understand what it's like at the bottom until you've been there.

>> No.7826190

>doesn't watch true detectives
I will skull fuck you

>> No.7826192


I still have anxiety problems. I smoke weed occasionally but that backfires sometimes.

I got a shitty job at a bar so that kinda helped, dealing with people all the time i mean.

>> No.7826195

You sound like my filpo friend

>> No.7826201



>> No.7826202

have you ever done any crazy drugs? i have only smoked weed, and it made me more anxious

i am thinking about fucking myself up with tons of drugs and seeing if it improves me

>> No.7826207

its best to overcome anxiety without drugs, because if you do it under the influence you are only getting a short term solution to your problem

if you can do it entirely on your own you are a stronger person and are in control of yourself entirely, by doing it the way you suggest you are making yourself reliant upon outside stimuli for your own happiness and well being which is dumb

>> No.7826208


Acid, and shrooms. Didn't really help but it wasn't bad for me either.

I did coke and felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

>> No.7826209

Are you retarded?
You know why you have anxiety?
Because you can't accept the limited person you really are
Accept it and improve it
Acceptance won't be easy because just understand how retarded or ugly you are is just the first step
The the next step is to love it or embrace it or make peace
Then you improve yourself

>> No.7826215

appreciate it, i am going to see how i can try to fix this, but must sleep now

>> No.7826220

>doing shrooms, acid, coke
have fun doing herion junkie

>> No.7826224

Not all the time. I haven't done any of those in like a year.

Ain't nothing wrong with a lil experimentation.

>> No.7826247

Fuck this thread.
>came here to relax and enjoy some fits
>fa feels thread
>why not
>several posts hit to close to home
>leave and try to enjoy inspo thread
>no joy in fits
>why have you done this

>> No.7826257

>tfw Miyuki Zoku web store never ficking restocks like srs wtf!
>have to be constantly taunted by the sold out listing of my wanted cops.

>> No.7826260
File: 37 KB, 535x577, 1345740416587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad visited me
>treats me like shit
>all the memories come flooding back
>when he leaves I'll go back to being an aspie faggot

I'll never be normal

>> No.7826261

tell him to fuck off?

>> No.7826266

I know this feel.

Dad left my family for 10 years came back and it's been hell since. He's just a stranger in my home, honestly.

>> No.7826308

I can't. It's my dad. My parents shat(physically, emotinally etc) on me too much as a kid and teenager and I couldn't go elsewhere because I had no money and now I have Stockholm Syndrome I guess. And everytime I try to say something he ends up reminding me of how he worked hard and stuff, started from the bottom blah blah blah so my bro and I could have a good life here. He's going away on Sunday so I'll just have to hold on till then and I won't see him for another year

>> No.7826406

>bought first N&F jawns
>didn't read sizing info
>bought 30
>waist is not a 31
>should have bought 28 or 29

>> No.7826411

I going through the same thing b, but i'm still in the no money stage. D:

>> No.7826688
File: 57 KB, 500x382, Sad feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hold out b it's going to be ok. But if you can get a job now I recommend you do, even if it's casual or else they'll forever own you

>> No.7826700

Damn son, I feel your feels
If I ever make it out to the Goldfields I'll have a couple drinks with you, mate.

>> No.7829204
File: 29 KB, 550x453, 7c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just brokeup with gf of 2 years a few hours ago

hold me fa i didnt ever wanna feel these feels

>> No.7829559

I feel that, lemons
D-don't do it buddy
>tfw breaking up with gf of three years got me into /fa/ in the first place
>Now I can never leave, I'm not sure if it was a good decision after all

>> No.7829572

don't worry u can prove to her u've moved on
be the best u can b

>tfw episodes of depression are becoming more frequent
>everyone i've talked to who are depressed say it starts out like this
i want to get off the wild ride mr bones

>> No.7829588


it's aight man

>> No.7829596

>7.5/10 face


>didnt have problem making friend when younger
>harder and harder to get real friends as I grow older
>tfw I always think people dont like me, makes me afraid to approach people
>I always try to be neutral, and inoffensive to people
>end up not having people know who I really am
>end up cant get close friends.

I have very healthy, supporting, loving family.
but in 5-10 years something must have happened to me that changed me to be incredibly self-conscious and introvert af.

>> No.7829605

>school's going alright, have good friends+qt to go shopping with tomorrow
>tfw still feel in satisfied with life
>all I want is to have cool fashion friends and walk around NY

>> No.7829607

dont worry OP

the feeling is worse when you decide to wait and then someone snatches it away from you. and you say to yourself i'd drop twice as much to get it in regret. but you know you'll never see it again

>> No.7829615

Might just be puberty gyno. Most people get that.

>> No.7829627

>implying im a teenager

im 25 bro.. ;_;
and no it's not fat.

>keep telling to myself it will go away when you reach 9% bf

>> No.7829630
File: 168 KB, 930x620, 1393032692920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acne is clearing up
>skin is looking better
>exercising abs each day
>waiting for clothes to arrive
>drinking water and eating right

It's all around good feels for me, and I'm finding some cool bands too.

>> No.7829636
File: 2.39 MB, 414x450, yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw qt at work that looks like cara


>> No.7829658

i feel like i've lost all capacity to be satisfied

>> No.7829659
File: 202 KB, 634x750, 1327455369232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7822335 here

>no friends
>want to go out
>a little bit of social anxiety anyway so fuck it

anyone here chicago suburbs? sick of spending all my weekends by myself, fuck it just makes things worse

finna hafta get outta this slump

>> No.7829667

>talking to seller about customs
>he tells me he'd mark the package as 'gift' so customs can't do shit
>he also tells me the thing I wanted was sold minutes before

>> No.7829689

I feel you Cosmic. The way I see it, you gotta set some goals for yourself and get yourself out of the mindset.
>tfw preoccupy myself with finding internships/meeting people so I don't think too much about my life

>> No.7829703

Post pics, u must hav stalked her fb by now

>> No.7829698

talk shit post fit

>> No.7829709
File: 542 B, 99x20, 1379290424458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw spend money on clothes impulsively and now I am even more poor than before

>> No.7829727


problematically, when i do set goals and do get out, my expectations for them are always schewed and never really met

>> No.7829729

>tfw take the bus to school everyday
>picked up everyday by the same bus driver
>the bus driver is always happy as fuck, makes jokes, talks to the passengers
>tfw I talk to him every once in a while and it makes me unusually happy for no goddamn reason

Don't look down on people, my friends. They might be a hundred times more happy than you.

>> No.7829739

why would you?

>> No.7829742

it's probably he has a loli dungeon back at home

>> No.7829748

Shieeet nigga happy bus drivers are the best!

Used to have a great one for our shitty country bus, got to know everyone who took the bus. Problem was he was only nice to people on the bus. He got road rage and made 2 OAPs cry. He was then fired.

RIP toots.

>> No.7829749

then set quantifiable ones

>> No.7829755
File: 290 KB, 500x497, 17a[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw completely autistic and unsure about what sizes to wear because I'm skinny and tall
>tfw sometimes it feels like I don't even know what I want to wear and I feel hopeless
>tfw I spend hours and hours looking at photos and ebay for inspo like I have an idea in mind but nothing is exactly what I want
>tfw not sure whether to get lows or mids/highs when it comes to a shoe I like
>tfw everything is getting so expensive and I can rarely buy shit
>tfw I want to follow different fashions and can't make my mind up ever but at the same time I hate all of them for being so tryhard

Every day I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about appearance and fashion and clothes, but it's all I care about

Someone please help me, even if it's only one of my issues

>> No.7829756

Always set low expectations. Being a pessimist has made me happier in life ironically.

>> No.7829761


i got rid of my fb recently but rest assured i have

use your imagination :-)

>> No.7829775

Pics plz ;____;

>> No.7829774

this nigga knows whats up

>> No.7829777

Get a hobby, dickwad.

>> No.7829795

I have several of them, one of which (music production and DJing) is going so well I might be able to make a living off it soon.

>> No.7829819

Then do that and forget about clothes and being a skeleton etc. I do it by reminding myself I'm poor and if I want a future I can't cop sick pieces.

>> No.7829862

Then stop crying. Smh

>> No.7829890

>just got home from a small party full of people i don't know
>qt but slightly wide hips (huge turnoff for me but rest was good) alt / punk looking hoe keeps looking at me and blushing when i look back
>she's probably digging my swell as fuck fit and the fact that i keep on having shots out of my flask and chain smoking cigarettes gives me an air of being based as fuck
>never get round to talking with her because im shit at that
>she leaves early with her 2 other friends she came with for some reason
>comes up to me to say bye, only contact all night
>tfw ill probably never see her again in my life but she was p good and im too beta to even add her on facebook

i really am trying to type this and explain it all the best i cna but basically you get the point, i fucked up once again, i was never meant to have a gf because i'm almost there but my social skills are terrible and i'm not perfect enough for girls to actually come up to me and do all the work themselves, it doesn't help that im not popular or anything either

>> No.7829898

>stand around for hours talking to no one in a sicc fit while drinkan and smokan
>tfw no gf
Yeah, you're living the dream hombre.

>> No.7829908

I read that in Danny McBrides voice.

>> No.7829910

wow, you are pathetic

like, r9k-tier

it almost feels like you're writing a parody of the /fa/ ideal

>> No.7829915
File: 7 KB, 132x127, scooby doo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh..the feelings..

>> No.7829919

The money isn't the worst part at all. In fact, the only reason I have money is because I'm so indecisive and autistic about buying clothes that I don't buy anything in the end.

Being able to live doing what I love would be a dream come true, but it all depends on how much work I put into it, my mood, and I also have to decide between studying something real and assuring a job that pays well when I'm older or not studying / working a real job and giving music a shot. And also a healthy amount of luck and being in the right place at the right time.

>> No.7829932

if it wasn't obvious i exaggerated it all just for a laff, but the story is true

how are you even surprised that my social skills are shit, were on 4chan, on 4chans fashion board

>> No.7829948


>> No.7829952

At work - which is a shit job btw - I discovered the girl's nickname for me was "Model Anon." This is because there is another guy with the same name as me (obviously it's not "Anon").
I know I am not model tier, but it is not the first time girls have been legitimately psychotic simply based on the way I look. One time a girl, who wanted to be the first in her circle of friends to "get me" or whatever, told me all her friends say I look like some famous dude in history known for being really good looking, though I can't remember his name. One time, after a party, I had a three way with two very hot girls. One of them said "Is it just me or do you really want to jump Anon's bones right now?"
I let them discuss how much they wanted to fuck me amongst themselves for a couple of minutes while I sat there feeling like
>mfw cool

At first it was an inside joke at work between the girl employees, until one of them slipped and told me and now I am openly referred to as "Model Anon". It is somewhat embarrassing when they joke in front of the thug Mexican guys, but I typically just avoid speaking to them at all, for obvious reasons (no habla espenol).
Last night I met up with some of my coworkers at a restaurant and a guy who I'm cool with, but don't know very well, starts saying "if you were as good looking as this guy blah blah blah"
It's nice to feel attractive, but sometimes I question why people think of me in this way. When guys feel comfortable to freely say how good looking I am it makes me question my entire persona as a man.
I've also heard an old "friend" of mine - the weird type of histrionic guy desperate to let everyone know he is "alpha" (yes, he uses the word Alpha referring to himself), despite exhibiting very feminine traits constantly - screaming out "he isn't even that good looking!" when a girl told me I was hot.
>mfw he mad

I can't model, and typically don't look good in pictures, but if you saw me in person or on video it's different.

>> No.7829955
File: 53 KB, 784x811, 1382249743573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's almost 4 am and instead of sleeping I'm reading some fat neckbeard's fantasy

>> No.7829961


>> No.7829975

It's almost 6:40 PM and it's all true.
It may not make sense, or seem realistic, but it's all true. I wanted to get it out of my head.

The thing is, based on the way people commonly perceive me, these things shouldn't happen to me. Although I have a good understand on people and interaction, even understanding psychology, micro expressions and be pro with body language. I feel very introverted, and it doesn't bother me at all. What bothers me is that it bothers other people and that makes it hard to show my more positive traits. I'm always able to connect to people right away, but never to anything on the surface.

>> No.7829983

1. It's 3:44 AM in north yurop.
2. I've read that shit before, slightly altered, so either you're the same fat neckbeard posting the same shitty story or it's spaghetti pasta bolognese.
3. If you're really the person you refer to in your stories, post a pic and get it over with.

>> No.7829982
File: 26 KB, 400x511, plsno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7829990

I wrote it this morning, copied it exactly from the other thread and posted it here. Two of those stories i've green texted before.

Do you not understand that the point isn't what I look like? People IRL tell me I look good, but it almost feels like it's because there is nothing else to say about me. It seems disrespectful, tbh.

I don't give a fuck if you doubt the story - it's 4chan, you'd be dumb to not question something.
I am curious if I posted a pic what people would say, but I also don't need to hear it. I'm sure i'd get "too big head' or "crooked eyelash" idgaf.
I CAN'T be a model, though at one point when I was much younger I was offered.

>> No.7829997

Shit, so true

>> No.7830008

Your "feels" stem from the way people react to your appearance, hence your fucking appearance is important. Post pic or don't and stop posting, it's an easy choice.

>> No.7830025

>hence your fucking appearance is important
and always will be but why would posting my pic here help?

seriously, give me one good reason why posting my pic would help me? i don't need compliments, and i don't care if i get called ugly or anything.

the only thing it would do is MAYBE add legitimacy to my story, but that isn't actually helping me IRL, and realistically, 90% of the comments received will be negative simply because of the "hype" given to it.

You should probably get to bed, friend. You probably have something to do tomorrow and a well rested mind will make it easier.

>> No.7830035


>> No.7830047
File: 1.83 MB, 417x242, 1392773797491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want to be funny again/have fun

>> No.7830064
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>Looking for vintage shoes
>Only sizes are youth, women, or nothing above 9

Why sell youth vintage or even have it? What woman would ever want vintage shoes? What kind of fucking monstrosity of a male is size 9 or below?

>> No.7830086

Hello, Mario.

>> No.7830098
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Seriously. WTF happened?
This is not on some feels, because I don't feel bad about it, I just am curious what happened that made me go from outgoing, playful and able to just fucking speak from the top of my head to quiet and seemingly boring. I'm not unconfident, I'm just reserved.
If I drink like three beers I am able to return to the person I was younger.

I work with a girl I knew in high school, she always really liked me because (on top of being good looking and tall) I was funny. Last night when I was out drinking with her and other coworkers I started making good jokes off the top of my head, after like three drinks.
"Model Anon is funny when he's drunk! I never see him like this" - male coworker
"He's always like this!" - friend from high school

I knew she wanted to believe it, but that's simply a memory of how I used to be.

>> No.7830109

>What kind of fucking monstrosity of a male is size 9 or below?

stay mad, bigfoot B)

>> No.7830111

>Depressive since highschool, got bullied and shit
>Low self steem, got a little better after i got into uni and into fashion
>Probably have multiple esclerosis, since my father has and i do have some of the symptons
>Dating a girl that supposedly was in love with me since highschool but never actually said that, since she also treated me shitty as fuck
>Discovers she's bulimic, try to help all the time, she tells me to stop trying to make her eat and stuff, and basically starts to treat me coldly when i do
>Later tweets of her was how she was going to get ill again, but "no one cares"
>Only hear about my best friend's birthday party in the day it happened, by a guy i don't even talk
>Not even the small group of friends i had made last year call me out
>Can't find a job
>Probably going to get kicked out of uni since i don't have the money to pay some of the materials and i'm getting pretty fucked by that

Don't even know if it's that bad, i just went on writing, i have no one to talk right now, so yeah

>> No.7830113

I see vintage shoes in size 11 all the time. I don't know where you're looking.

>> No.7830140

#big foot big cock gang
sorry ur excluded lmao ;)

>> No.7830142

Hey there big guy!

>> No.7830182

Lol ok clown feet.

Average size feet big dick master race

>> No.7830193

i sympathize

and not in that condescending, rich white person way, the legitimate way

fuck man

>> No.7830619
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ima try m8. ty
depression lasts a lifetime. get ready :(

its been going downhill for a month. we tried to make it work but it just wont.

>tfw youll never get to marry the girl of your dreams in a perfectly tailored suit

>> No.7830636

>tfw sick and got that runny nose that i gotta constantly wipe.
fucking hate being sick

>> No.7830632
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I think I'll know that feel soon bro.

>> No.7830654

If you want some advice, I can help you out.
I've been there man, it sucks, really, really bad.

>> No.7830714

exact situation i have been in many many times, you will get over it. at least you don't also sometimes get fucked enough to talk to them and weird them the fuck out, i think i am actually mentally ill after my recent performances while drunk.

>> No.7830737

itll be okay anon. we'll make it through this
thanks man ill take all the advice i can get to feel better

>> No.7830883

First of all, I understand that all of this is much easier sad than done. I know how hard, and even how painful it can be. It will probably get worse before it gets better, but in time you will feel better, and possibly even smarter.

I have no idea what your situation is, so i'm just gonna type what I wish someone told me when I was going through it.

It's hard, but best to remove her from your life completely. No good will come from "staying friends" or even meeting up randomly for sex. What you feel now will be made 10x worse if you get back together with her.
You don't have to, and won't be able to ever make her understand your reasoning. I'm not sure the reasons you had for breaking up with her, but don't worry about making it "right" in her mind. No amount of "rationalization" will fix anything, so resist trying. Likewise, don't consider anything she has to say about wanting to see you or getting back together. Don't focus on the "what ifs" - there are no "what ifs". You made the decision, now stand by it. You will be stronger in the end, and I promise you wont regret it.

Delete her from FB, and any other online stuff. If you need to, start "hiding" certain friend's posts who may be posting about her.
Just cut her out of your life. This is in YOUR best interest, and if it hurts her, well, that sucks. Breakups suck. As mean as it is to say, she isn't your problem any more. She has her ways of dealing, and that may involve trying to contact you, posting pictures of her with other guys, etc.
Ignore it as hard as you can.

Even if you realy want to, and swear you'll be fine, you can't be friends with her. You have too many emotions. It won't help you get better.

If you can, hang out with friends and do as many activities as possible. Rediscover some of the stuff that maybe you weren't able to do with her.
But keep the crying and emotional BS to yourself or online.

>> No.7830901

>much easier sad than done
you funny bastard you

>> No.7830931

I've heard people say it helps to go out and fuck someone else. I don't think it can hurt, but it didn't help me. I missed being able to fuck, and then hang out with my best friend right after...

You may feel tempted to try to "replace" those feelings of your ex with another girl, which is why it's important to not pursue a relationship for a while. Just pursue sex. Learn that you don't need a GF in your life.

That last part of advice may seem weird, but that was what saved me. The emotions I felt were because I had invested too much of myself into someone else. When I started hooking up with girls after my ex, I learned how to distance myself and keep my feels in check.

You don't have to be as crazy and as cold as some would say I am about relationships, but it is a good time to start thinking about why it hurts so damn bad.

My personal feeling is that if I get hurt by a girl, it is my fault every time.
It will always be sad to lose a girl, it will also suck not having someone to fuck, but it shouldn't turn your life upside down.
As bad as things were between me and my ex, even after all the dumb thing she and I did, I realized that it was MY fault for putting myself in a situation where I could get hurt.

People want to say "but love is a risk, you sometimes just get hurt"
It doesn't have to be that way.

>> No.7831043

tfw people compliment me on my style all the time, but none of it makes me feel good at all. I don't even know why I bother.

>> No.7831062

>tfw dysthymia

>> No.7831074


because you appreciate nice things and good design

the compliments are just a bonus

i find it laughable when people on here tally up their daily compliments, it's pathetic

>> No.7831079
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>tfw i get no compliments just "your shoes are really white"

>> No.7831080
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>tfw went over calorie limit again today
>tfw no fucking self control

>> No.7831119

some deep shit man. thank you it feels good to get advice from someone whos felt these feels. i deleted all the texts, pictures and her number and from social media. i plan to never talk to her again.

i feel free now, i dont have burden of a SO anymore. i can do literally whatever i want now.

>> No.7831130

>i can do literally whatever i want now.
Exactly. It feels really good.

>> No.7831156

>tfw you had everything needed for a good life
>tfw to late and shit life

>> No.7831235

real fucking good haha

>> No.7831637
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My jaw is very asymmetric. I don't plan on changing it but it's not nice to look at

>> No.7831758

do you want to collab i make dope sounds

>> No.7831766

wat, no- no it isn-t

>> No.7831772

>insecurities general

>> No.7832494

calm down, it's fine.

>> No.7833121 [DELETED] 

a-are you me? I don't remember posting that

I got a pair of brand new cp's, if you're interested 8)