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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 54 KB, 350x439, johnny1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7810603 No.7810603[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /fa/ have the best looking people on 4chan?

>> No.7810605

most likely because ugly people are made to feel inadequate on here so they go back to /mu/ or wherever else they came from

>> No.7810606

>Does /fa/ have the best looking people on 4chan?

Nope, that's /fit/. fa just has ugly guys who try to compensate their ugly faces by looking like clowns. Too bad no matter what clothes you buy, you'll always have an ugly face, the #1 pussy dehydrator.

>> No.7810609

honestly, i'd probably say yes. people that are ugly/fat don't stay around and there's probably no board so obsessed with staying skinny, taking care of themselves and dressing well

>> No.7810615

>honestly, i'd probably say yes. people that are ugly/fat don't stay around



>> No.7810624

or they are just afraid to post and just lurk

idk maybe tripfags dont get enough attention when they were anon (bcuz they werent hot enough) and thats why they made a trip?
in a 'rate mah face' thread last week lots of beautiful anons posted their face

>> No.7810620
File: 829 KB, 486x243, tumblr_mqo6u7kbuO1rvhwhbo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good looking people on here:


lots of mediocre teenagers around tho who think losing their babyfat will make their face look chiseled

>> No.7810622

>ugly guys who try to compensate their ugly faces by looking like clowns
change that to 'by having muscles' and you will be correct about /fit/
thats a select few
also remember that most tripfags are fucking weirdos and dont represent the minority

>> No.7810627


>> No.7810626

well, apart from dan, sieg, squids and tinfoil, no one one there is too ugly

>> No.7810648

>in a 'rate mah face' thread last week lots of beautiful anons posted their face
i dont believe you

>> No.7810659
File: 175 KB, 480x640, 1392720073435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive seen some pretty beautiful people in rate my face threads. pic related

but you've gotta remember this is 4chan so on any board there is a higher than usual amount of ugly people

>> No.7810661


>> No.7810665

that guy looks like shit do

>> No.7810664

fuck dude

i accidentally clicked the download button and now this pic is on my parent's desktop which i cant remove without a password titled 'most beautiful man to ever go on 4chan.jpg'

>> No.7810668

you're on drugs, nigga could be a model, post a face pic

>> No.7810672

post the thread u found this in

>> No.7810674

it was like a month ago

>> No.7810673

His proportions are not good. He looks really oblong without any interesting features, his nose looks glued on and he has fishlips also no symmetry

Why don't you post your face faglord

>> No.7810679

Almost every trip with a pic has shit-tier facial aesthetics, are overweight, or have skin problems.

So, no.

>> No.7810677

hahahha dude u have no idea what ur talking about ur just using buzzwords

leave this board or at least lurk for a few more months before posting

>> No.7810682

I don't think you know what buzzwords are...

I've been here for 4 years, there have been a lot better looking people here.

>> No.7810681

find it on the archive, turdeater

>> No.7810685

/mu/ has the most attractive people
/fit/ has the most fuckable
/fa/ has hot people if you're into fucbois.

>> No.7810691

Nice autism you got there.

>> No.7810686
File: 111 KB, 400x400, effay anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7810688

do you honestly think that trips are proper representations of an anonymous board?

>> No.7810692


they are all buzzwords

and we both know you havent been here for 4 years buddy

>> No.7810694

i can feel the ugliness through your posts
please stop... it might be contagious

>> No.7810696

Wouldn't it be /soc/

>> No.7810698

Is it a windows? Open cmd, type net user.
Next, type the name that has administrator privileges, even if it doesn't have a password, with an asterisk. like this~~
net user mumscomputer *
Now, press enter and type in a new password. The password will not look like its being typed. Just trust that it is.
Press enter, and retype the same new password.
If you don't know the username, just type net user and look for one that stands out.

Make sure to use a profile that isn't used very often, like the default administrator.
Just remove the password when you're done. They'll just think that it had no password to begin with.

>> No.7810699

ur joking rite

>> No.7810700

have you ever been to /soc/?

>> No.7810709


>> No.7810713

Only once - they said I could model and I didn't know there was à code so people know it's you and I was tearing éveryone additional assholes it was à good thread

>> No.7810716

lmfao that made me lel

>> No.7810717

I think what actually puts you off is that his features are so unnaturally beautiful (almost impossibly uncommon) that it looks weird compared to the thousands of faces you're used to seeing.

I could easily see him being recruited by a professional modeling agency.

>> No.7810718

heh heh

i dunno about /soc/... i cant imagine the type of people who would call that their home board

>> No.7810719

yeah... no.

>> No.7810722

post a pic

>> No.7810723

>hurr durr reset the password

People will usually (note: always) notice when their normally password-protected account is suddenly sans-password.

>> No.7810724

they have diaper threads what else could you want

>> No.7810725

/fa/ and /fit/, tho more people on /fa/ are born attractive

>> No.7810728

I was trying to justify your ridiculously bitter-sounding opinion with a reasonable explanation, but I guess you're just terribly jealous and proud of it.

>> No.7810729

1 diaper on /fa/ is enough for me

>> No.7810737
File: 34 KB, 320x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's à vidéo still

>> No.7810732

I dunno, /p/ usually turns out to be pretty handsome when they show their faces once in a while


their self-portrait threads are better, but they are rare

>> No.7810733

Learn to read please.

>> No.7810734

ive actually seen some good looking people in the rate threads over there but its most likely just pictures taken from someone elses fb

>> No.7810740


>> No.7810742

link is ded

>> No.7810743

yeah ive been there like twice and in the two rate threads ive seen there has been at least 1 good looking person but they just give everyone else extremely low ratings so idk if they are real people or not

>> No.7810744

>type the name that has administrator privileges
>type in a new password
>remove the password when you're done.
Learn to write, please.

Or lrn2computer. If you remove the password it won't default to the last used password; it's removed completely.

>> No.7810750

sorry, it works for me. I don't know what I did wrong, I followed the correct link format. you can check the catalogue over their for "viewfinder face"

>> No.7810759

eh only a couple of genuinely good looking, the rest are average or worse and only look better because of the expensive cameras

>> No.7810766
File: 681 KB, 609x602, bae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you forget..

>> No.7810768

w-when did he post?

>> No.7810770
File: 523 KB, 585x599, baept9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a few weeks back..
people went crazy there were like so many threads about him
they got him to tripfag but ever since he's not been on..

>> No.7810771

maybe a few weeks ago
he trips now but i dont think he posts often
trips as 'torley'

some autists found his facebook and his girlfriend and shit so i wouldnt blame him if he backed off

>> No.7810775


can you find it in the archive? much appreciated if so

>> No.7810776

no..some autists asked him about his gf and told them about her..
but yeah then they found his fb
this dude who looks like mamma

>> No.7810778

i dont know the link to the /fa/ archive but it started with him posting an old pic of himself talking about how someone on the street had asked if they could photograph him but looking back on it he was really embarrassed by his fit

>> No.7810784

ugh I don't have the links but I saved shit tons of pictures..

>> No.7810790


if he didnt have his nice hair he'd be fairly avg

>> No.7810791

pls dump

>> No.7810800
File: 546 KB, 570x598, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7810806

he is fairly average

but gays gonna be gays

>> No.7810814

he isn't the writer, I am.
I think he was referring to this line ~
>Make sure to use a profile that isn't used very often, like the default administrator.
Some accounts are admin without a password.

>> No.7810825

keep going

>> No.7810896

fuck off same faggot waaay better looking guys on this board

>> No.7811059

not really..
if I was him I probably won't be on here..
all fucking day long
and who

comic is pretty qt actually
but about the same as swede if not less

>> No.7811074

It's probably a toss-up between /fa/ and /fit/. Both have some pretty good looking guys (n-no homo) but they also each have some ugly fucks as well who frequently post.

>> No.7811080


go to bed josef.

>> No.7811114

does he have cancer? He looks several malnurished.

>> No.7811124

list a shit

>> No.7811148

he doesnt even post here anymore

>> No.7811174

landwhale detected

>> No.7811175

Probably /fit/ or /soc/, it's clear attractive people here are a minority because when they do surface they're worshipped and stalked by the community. Hell, even worse when a near average looking girl post a fit. I'd wager /fit/ and /soc/ actually dress better as well due in fact to the boards being more 'normal' and managing to look a little less try hard due to better physiques.

>> No.7811182

post more Knoch

>> No.7811195

i'm still here

>> No.7811199

I think /fa/ has the best facial aesthetics, but in terms of overall looks, I'd go with /fit/. Also, people on /fit/ are generally healthier then most of the anorexic skellingtons on this board.

>> No.7811203
File: 57 KB, 481x615, dulf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's ugly. I will break him.

>> No.7811204

Auschwitz survivor detected.

>> No.7811206

>people on /fit/ are generally healthier


no really


>> No.7811236
File: 59 KB, 444x500, 1392415969160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fan vad gött! en svenne !

>> No.7811248

Why is this funny? Most fitizens eat a high fat/protein, low carb diet which is the healthiest diet for any human. Nutrition is an extremely important part of proper exercise. Everyone one here is malnourished and only drinks coffee and smokes.

>> No.7811253


>> No.7811266

Corolla owner, or just mistake?

>> No.7811609

Nah bro, most people on /fit/ who are even remotely aesthetic abuse DNP, EC and Clen during summer cuts while blasting and cruising on Test and Tren. All of these substances take a big toll on the body over time.

>> No.7811651

If my 'most people', you mean all the retards in the Steron general threads, then sure. You don't see much, if any, drug abuse in the PWG or OlyG. And there's always vegan or nutrition threads popping up which talk about keto, paleo, organic, etc diets.

>> No.7811688


Don't worry, you can hardly become uglier than you already are.

>> No.7811698

>Does /fa/ have the best looking people on 4chan?
Probably not. I'd guess it's /soc/. At least we have knoch though.

>> No.7811705

He's not unnaturally beautiful. He's really good looking though, just in a conventional way. Both of you are deluded.

>> No.7811706

First off, you don't have knoch, knoch doesn't post here anymore.

Second, soc looks fucking terrible. There are literally no good looking people on there. Even the girls are fucking ugly

>> No.7811712
File: 54 KB, 450x720, david-gandy-376947373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you the ugly faggot who's picture was posted? That would explain your delusion about this guy's uglyness.

Pic related, a handsome man.

>> No.7811724



>> No.7811733

even if we did, most people are too insecure to post themselves so we'd never know. rightfully so given how asscritical many are.
lamy is pretty handsomee and i like that i think this because i have like the exact same bodily proportions
no homo

>> No.7811732

>First off, you don't have knoch, knoch doesn't post here anymore.
This is where knoch's legacy began. We have knoch as much as we have franz or any other dead trip. Just because they aren't active anymore doesn't mean they aren't considered part of the community.

>Second, soc looks fucking terrible.
This isn't about averages. Though soc would be at a disadvantage if it was because more people on soc are willing to post pictures of themselves compared to any other board.

>There are literally no good looking people on there.
Think carefully before you use the word "literally" next time.

>Even the girls are fucking ugly
Some of the camwhores on soc are among the camwhores on the internet. I'm not saying most of soc looks good. I'm saying they have a higher amount of good looking posters than any other board, and you've clearly never spent any amount of time on soc if you don't realize it. Shit, I haven't so much as visited the board for 2 years and I still remember the infamous SMA stars.

>> No.7811743

>Are you the ugly faggot who's picture was posted?
No. I actually assumed the dude I responded to was the person who got posted since he wants to insist that he's some ethereal beauty when he's really just a standardly good looking dude.

>Pic related, a handsome man.
That's a picture of a handsome man after having his hair professionally styled, his photo professionally taken, and then professionally edited. It's like you don't realize how much of a difference photography makes when you're just looking at images. That person being handsome and having a better photo at their disposal doesn't make another handsome person not handsome. Why are you so butthurt? Do you feel intimidated by his jaw or something?

>among the hottest camwhores*

>> No.7811990


You're really bitter about your ugly face, hm? So sad to have shitty genetics, hm?=

>> No.7812071

Look around you. You're literally the only dude in this thread who thinks that dude isn't good looking. Literally the only one who thinks he's ugly. But here you are saying I must be him because I am yet another person who disagrees with you. As if you aren't the one with a lonely opinion.

I don't know what you look like, and you probably won't reveal it after you've embarrassed yourself this much, but I can tell you have shitty genetics because you have shitty taste and shitty arguing skills.

>> No.7812108


>> No.7812111

matt helders became a lot more attractive. is trunks based prophet? the looks kinda similar?

>> No.7812119

>matt helders became a lot more attractive.
lol no he didn't

>is trunks based prophet?
yeah he changed his name because his reputation was terrible
then he ruined his reputation all over again

>> No.7812151

this is some pepyn-tier shit mang

>> No.7812152

oh woops i was thinking the first post with him was 2011 the second 2012 and the third where he looks the best imo 2013. I didnt realize that fat ugly pic was the first version of 2013

mah bad

>> No.7812168

I don't know what that means, and I don't know what you're trying to prove.

>> No.7812190

>yeah he changed his name because his reputation was terrible
nah all the /fa/ trips got dictionary attacked like half a year ago
User, TL, bp, stance, everyone changed trips around the same time

>> No.7813217

>forgetting momma
come on m8

>> No.7813235
File: 33 KB, 640x480, rumpel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, /fa/ also has the most intelectual people on the entire site.

>pic related qt metaphysical poetry major

>> No.7813258


>> No.7813314

lol shes just acting goofy is all, shes actually very smart and gifted. Ever heard of deadpan humour?

>> No.7813396


>> No.7813399


crimson chin

>> No.7813835

no she's fucking psycho

>> No.7813858

Have you watched her videos? She comes across as quirky and cute. If she was asian then you guys wouldnt make such a big deal out of her personality.

>> No.7813872
