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7750757 No.7750757[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

getting braces in a few days

what color is da most fa

how to be fah with braces

>> No.7750765

It is completely impossible to be fa with braces, but hey, winter break is coming up!

>> No.7750788

That is so fucking stupid man. As someone who had braces at 18-19, no one gave me negative feedback, not to mention I lost my virginity.

You'll probably be self conscious for the first month OP as people notice them for the first time, and they are still uncomfortable, but in the end it is worth it.

Just get grey or whatever is the least noticeable color unless you are a girl in 7th grade.

As for being /fa/, just do what you normally do, and don't be afraid to smile, I kept my mouth closed for the first while I had them, and people said it looked weird when I tried to hide them.

For anyone worried about whether or not to get braces it is either look like a cave tooth for your entire life, or be self conscious for a while, even though no one gives a shit.

>> No.7750789

If you're a girl prepare to be hit on by a lot of creepy ass guys
If you're a guy prepare to not get laid (not that you were getting laid anyway)

>> No.7750794

dude, just plz plz PLEASE WEAR YOUR FUCKING RETAINER AFTERWARDS , EXACTLY LIKE THE DENTIST TELLS YOU TO. I was too cool for retainer and now i have bad tmj and a crooked jaw/face

>> No.7750797

I actually can't understand why you think it is harder to get laid with braces. I literally can't think of any type of girl that would give a shit.

>> No.7750807

no one gives a fuck, i balled p hard with braces. Only thing that was bad was getting them tightened, kinda hurt.

>> No.7750817

are you serious dude?

braces look like shit (but are worth it eventually).

Thye just look disgusting.

Haven't worn mine for a month ill go clean it right now i promise fuck i'm scared

>> No.7750825

>Haven't worn mine for a month ill go clean it right now

It might hurt when you wear it again.

>> No.7750834

op here im a qt guy
cann they make me more qt

>> No.7750842


lol no

the only way braces could improve your looks is in the eyes of creepy fetish freaks, and none of them are qt

in all honesty, braces will do nothing but hinder your attractiveness, but they will be worth it in the long run

you're a braver man than I

>> No.7750853

lots of guys have some weird ass fetish about grils with braces. Apparently these guys like to jizz on a girls braces...

>> No.7750848

im getting my braces out in 3 days

>> No.7750854

tiny qt bambi azn grills r thirsty for me wont this make me qter im 20 :d

>> No.7750857
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>tfw go through 3 years of braces and then stop wearing my retainers after a month and now I am almost back to where I was

I feel you bro - wear your retainers OP.

>> No.7750858

4got rest of post

get grey bands

>> No.7750872

i got braces in 9th grade but i kept skipping appointments so i still have them

im 20 now

a wire came loose last week and its been scraping my cheeks since then but my dentist is 300 miles away and i cant reach it with my wirecutters

>> No.7750884

whats the point of trying to downplay em

i want gold braces niggq

>> No.7750895


i was embarassed to get braces when i was a freshman in hs. i first got the clear bands, but they show food and such really bad. then i just got grey. they are the least noticeable.

colored bands only look good on pre-teen girls and swagfags

>> No.7750903

one of the handsomest dudes I know still has braces, hes 20.
Girls still will crowd around him and talk to him, I can only imagine the kind of puzzy he will get when he gets them off.

>> No.7750902


>> No.7750934

>one of the handsomnest dudes I know
nigga u gay

>> No.7750932

gold bands look like cock

knows his shit

>> No.7750963

Are you sure you have to get bands on them? I had mine for 4 years of high school and never once had to get the faggy colored kind.

>> No.7750965
File: 195 KB, 450x234, teeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm becoming braces in several weeks.

Is it weird to feel excited?

I thought I'd have to live with these ugly teeth. However, they can be fixed! I have felt since a really long time aesthetically ruined because of my bad teeth.

See that tooth in the red? It came in turned 90 degrees.

Canines small? They're baby teeth. My adult teeth are hiding up above.

I was thinking of getting either yellow and blue or red yellow and black. What do you guys think?

Sorry for lame Englisch

>> No.7750976

I had impacted canines as well, they're the reason I had them for 4 years.
Get ready for a long wait my friend.

>> No.7750978

>I have felt since a really long time aesthetically ruined because of my bad teeth.

Can't ruin what you don't have

>> No.7750993

>implying Bjorn doesn't have it

top haha

Bjorn, just post a face pic so I can watch this guy shrivel up and scurry away in embarrassment.

>> No.7751011

>not appreciate the male and female form
>not seeing beauty in all things

nigga u 14

>> No.7751043
File: 914 KB, 370x282, crabbypatty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You learn something new erryday!

>> No.7751053
File: 836 KB, 1013x673, Foto von mir 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did the doctor do for you?

For me he said he will cut up into my gum and then attach an schain. Do you get an large gap? How long did it take your adult teeth to drop in?


>> No.7751071

haha REKT

>> No.7751100

>that German god

I think RECHT is a little more fitting.

>> No.7751289


niqqa u fukd UP!!!

>> No.7751307

I have an appointment next month. White seems nice but they can make your teeth appear more yellow like yellow itself can. I think I want something pale but they will stain more easily.
http://www.wardlawortho.com/Band_Color_Chooser.asp is kind of shitty but it might help a little.

>> No.7751312

this post made me smile.
his positive attitude kinda just made my night

>> No.7751332


Bjorn seems like a cool guy. He always gives off the bitchinest vibes.

One time I saw a post of his on Bodybuilding.com (dunno what he was doing there) asking if an HY would suit his face. Some yolked up guy who had a buzzcut said "lol 6'2" and 100 something pounds? With that haircut? People will think you're a lesbian. BTW that's a chick haircut" and Bjorn #recht him

I forget what his exact words were, but they were something like "Really? I don't know. I've seen a lot of lesbians who have their heads shaved. I guess we both have chick haircuts then, friend :)" and then mockingly ended his post with "-chick haircut crew"

I wish I could get to know him tbh.

>> No.7751632

>tfw need to pull 4 teeth out for braces