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/fa/ - Fashion

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7622570 No.7622570[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some /fa/ video games?

>> No.7622578
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>> No.7622583

Deus Ex (HR)

>> No.7622587

Good choice.

MGS3 comes to mind.

Still mad I sold my MGS collection for no reason, but now I can justify buying the Legacy collection.

>> No.7622592

video games aren't /fa/

this is coming from someone who makes indie games and wants to do it for a living

go back to /v/

>> No.7622602

>this is coming from someone who makes indie games and wants to do it for a living
Good luck.

IMO video games are not /fa/ but also not un/fa/. Playing games doesn't automatically make you a /v/ neckbeard. I think it all depends on the moderation/importance you give to them. To me they are a way to spend an hour or so relaxing.

>> No.7622611


>> No.7622618
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Bioshock 1

>> No.7622619

as of late i've really found games to be very juvenile ways of storytelling

i appreciate them for what they are and i'm looking forward to Dark Souls II and TW3, but i rarely play games for the sake of playing games, as I used to

>> No.7622629
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>A man chooses, a fuccboi obeys

>> No.7622640

play stanley parable

it made post-modernism so much easier to understand

>> No.7622648


>> No.7622671
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>> No.7622681

Being good at dwarf fortress without being a giant neckbeard is pretty /fa/ i guess.
Also heroes of might and magic

>> No.7622693

i play jak and ratchet & clank and give 0 shits

>> No.7622694

>as of late i've really found games to be very juvenile ways of storytelling

Why though? I'm not really on either side of the issue, but I'm just curious.

>> No.7622710

railroading, terrible dialogue, cliche-ridden

not that all stories are bad, it's just taht most times they're an afterthought to the developers, who prioritize gameplay

it's a natural consequence that stems from the nature of the medium really, but still disappointing nonetheless

>> No.7622712

agree completely, down to the games I'm looking forward to

but recently I've been playing Chivalry

>> No.7622732

That makes a lot of sense. Thanks.

>> No.7622754

>my first video game
that's like saying h&m is /fa/

>> No.7622764

Stanley parable

>> No.7622765
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Planescape: Torment
The Longest Journey
Deus Ex
Jagged Alliance 2
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
System Shock 2

>> No.7622766

Playing over 2 hours of video games a week is un/fa/.
Playing less is fine or even a bit /fa/

>> No.7622779
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the only video games that are /fa/ are the ones with guns and cars (not carts) that you play with real friends in real life

>> No.7622787


>> No.7622797

so basically every 10 years old is effay?

>> No.7622801

I think as immersion in games increases over time with the likes of Oculus Rift, gameplay will become less contrived. It will no longer make sense to make big-budget CGI animations like Avatar and the two mediums will converge. At this point they'll become experiences rather than games and meaningful stories will be able to be told.

But even then, games will not be considered fashionable. Augmented reality will be fashionable.

>> No.7622805

cod: waw was more /fa/ and a better game. the maps had beautiful aesthetics. man i spent way too much time playing that game. it was pretty uch the only video game i played for like three/four years after it came out.

>> No.7622806

Playing none at all IS /fa/

>> No.7622812

haha u must be shit at games

best games
persona 4
hotline miami (nice pick OP)
battlefield 4
OG bio shock
fallout 3

>> No.7622816

>fallout 3
hahaha go fuck yourself

>> No.7622819

Indigo prophecy.

>> No.7622823
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>most PC games are only available through Steam, a botnet that imposes DRM

thank god for GoG

>> No.7622824

Ya it is. Video games are a waste of time for losers, the lowest form of entertaiment. The lowest common denominator.

>> No.7622831
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what about animus?
what about posting on 4chan???

>> No.7622840

fallout 3 is an excellent game if you play through

metal gear solid 2,3 are excellent as well

>> No.7622858

>Posting on 4chan

>> No.7622869

>fallout 3 is an excellent game if you play through
no, it really isn't.

>> No.7622883

I think the most /fa/ game I've played is Heavy Rain

>> No.7623036

Whatever dude keep playin madden and NCAA football

Good as well
Alan wake is sweet too

>> No.7623076

>Whatever dude keep playin madden and NCAA football
nah, I'll be playing games that aren't garbage. Fallout 3 is shit on every level, a monument to bethesda's incompetence.

writing was garbage
gameplay was shallow
quests were boring, repetitive and wholly unimaginative
shit game all around, radio was the only redeeming factor

>> No.7623115

meaningful stories are already -capable of being told-
what the oculus rift is going to do is further the problems with storytelling that already exist. Games today conflate story and writing with CGI and graphics. They don't acknowledge the medium itself and instead draw on basic filmography to do the work for them, or instead they go the RPG route, where they draw on shitty pop-fiction and fantasy novels and add a whole lot of nothing and call it something. And once you have the oculus rift, it'll only serve to add an additional layer of confusion. There's VR, that itself is the story! What more is there to be done?
When we can't even acknowledge the -gameplay- as a function of -storytelling-, then what the fuck makes you think VR is going be understood. The only chance VR has to actually do anything in the current game structure is if it brings in interest from other industries and you actually bring in people who are legitimately intelligent and knowledgeable rather than the moronic hacks we have in place now

>> No.7623140

persona 4 is garbage, what is wrong with you
the only thing it does well is fix a few of the problems that have been deeply ingrained within JRPG game design, but it doesn't even do that particularly well. Doesn't actually solve the problems, it just puts bandages over everything.
And even then it brings in its own problems as well
like the rest of the fucking game

and then what the fuck is the rest of that list, HM is the only possibly legitimate game but even that is overhyped and not particularly amazing

>> No.7623189

n64 games
super nintendo games
super smash bros
league of legends
GTA V (them illuminati symbols doe)
street fighter

Third strike probably the most /fa/ game ever created

>> No.7623197

Castlevania Symphony of the Night.

>> No.7623231



the least /fa/ thing ever

>> No.7623233
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>implying adam drake isn't the most effay character

>> No.7623255
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Dark Souls

>> No.7623281


having autistic internet arguments about video games isn't /fa/

>> No.7623399

Oculus Rift is only the starting point towards further immersive experiences. When I say gameplay is contrived, I'm talking about the way all games rely on repetitive action, because anything else is boring or implausible. Eg killing lots of people over and over again. The consequence of this is that even games which are relatively good at storytelling, like GTA V or The Last of Us, are only equivalent to really dumb action movies, because they are completely hampered by the fact that the games revolves around mindless violence.

Games like Heavy Rain attempt to address this, but because of the lack of immersion, they are BORING AS FUCK. The types of gameplay available to us are products of the control methods available. Driving and shooting are the only effective focuses for realistic games because those are the only things contemporary controllers are good at simulating.

Future developments in VR will allow games to focus on more than just repetitive tasks like pulling a trigger, while still maintaining the player's interest through immersion, so that an actual believable story can be told, not one that's based on a superhuman psychopath.

>> No.7623415

>shadow of the colossus
my fav primal console experience

>cs 1.6
my fav lan experience, only good in cafes/lans tho. had some mad fun w this.

>kentucky route zero
my fav indie experience, dat design and story

games span all the way from the cinematic to the athletic and find themselves on wild tangents* along the way. i think it's kinda hard to rate all games against each other. especially in terms of /fa/ as a value, i think we can only judge the player of the game, not the game. there's a /fa/ way to play a pick-up mariokart game at your plebbro's house, but on its own mariokart seems pretty un /fa/. riding the dicks of video game "historians" and rejecting all but the most artsy of ten year old games you haven't played is pretty un /fa/, but genuinely loving old titles from your past is kind of an /fa/ hobby. and above all, having a proper balance of vidya with the rest of your life is most /fa/ when it comes to gaming.

*wildtangent branded games are the worst bloatware pieces of shit, tho 10 year old me loved me some betty bad

>> No.7623423
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>> No.7623469

papers please
grim fandango
the 7th guest
hotline miami
shadow of the colossus
silkroad online
rollercoaster tycoon
morrowind maybe
2fort is the only /fa/ Team Fortress 2 map

>> No.7623481

also thief most /fa/

>> No.7623483

>battlefield 4

what the fuck nigga

>> No.7623496


Dark Project>Metal Age>Deadly Shadows>Thi4f imo

a lot of people like the Metal Age more tho

>> No.7623518

>just googled thief 4
>"Thief 4 team experimented with Assassin's Creed-style third-person elements"

>> No.7623525


it isn't out yet and i've already relegated it to last place lel

i honestly like Deadly Shadows a lot despite its bad rap. it was my first Thief tho so perhaps i'm biased

>> No.7623543

I was going to into deving on dark mod but I got sidetracked. Maybe I'll get back to it some day. Have you played it?
Also day-z was /fa/ for a little bit back in the beginning

>> No.7623554


i think i had it on my computer at one point, but i never started it up. i would think it has some pretty strong support and shittons of maps.

now i have a hankering to replay all of the Thief series shiiiiiittt

>> No.7623566

do it

I'm watching 7 days to die footage and it looks like a pretty awesome concept

>> No.7623597


shit. gotta replay the witcher and Thief.

though i waste too much time on /fa/ anyway - might as well do something more engaging

>> No.7623606

never played witcher though it looked interesting

>> No.7623614


TW1 is a bit hard to like for some, but it has a weird charm and I really enjoyed it

TW2 is traditionally good and pretty universally liked. Good game

>> No.7623626

is it open world or something like dragon age?

>> No.7623633

El Shaddai

>> No.7623643


the games are both divided into Chapters/Acts, which limit you to large areas - so yeah, somewhat. but it plays somewhat linearly, which iirc Dragon Age was somewhat the same?

>> No.7623641

>papers please
Glory to Arstotzka

>> No.7623649

I guess
lsd dream emulator

>> No.7623681

came in here just to say thief but you guys beat me to it

i'd probably say something like human revolution, mirror's edge and the alice games too; games with very obvious art-styles

>> No.7623702

definitely mirror's edge that game is og

>> No.7623724
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>> No.7624359

Just need to buy a new n64 controller and ill be playing my favorite n64 game of all time, Conkers Bad Fur Day, it was shame they didnt bring that multiplayer to live and reloaded

>> No.7624370

No one is asking whether or not games are fun, the question was which games are effay. And there answer is none

>> No.7625900


this. playing video games definitely isn't fashionable.

Playing Chess and Cards in real life is acceptable, but those require friends :^)

>> No.7625945

i'm mostly into pleb yobas, shooters, rpg

>impulse buy 250 games
>1 friend
kill me pl0x

>> No.7625960
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is SF4 /fa/

>> No.7625965

holy shit what are you doing? you know theres a thing called piratebay where you get free games?

>> No.7625967

Get SSF4 Arcade instead its the same price on steam

>> No.7625971

ye ive been playing that for years now mate

>> No.7625972

I know i beat most of those games but then later went and bought them on steam dont ask why

>> No.7625993

and you still arent even S-ranked what a POS

>> No.7625998

I got 3 characters +10k BP that counts as master

>> No.7626006

video games are not generally /fa/

there are some games that are relatively cool, but i still wouldn't call them /fa/
for example:
jet set radio
mirrors edge

>> No.7626019

>jet set radio
my niga
what about jsr future?

wtf is sf3:3s

never played mirrors edge but looks pretty effay,
downloaded killer 7 last week for gamecube emu but havent gotten around to playing it yet

>> No.7626041

Pokemon Snap

>> No.7626064

street fighter 3 third strike
soundtrack is DOPE

>> No.7626272

havent played many video games in awhile
pretty much GTA 5 was my last, and I used to play a decent amount.
nothing really excites me anymore. I just want Half Life 3. Only video game series that does stoytelling right. Everything else just feels like it relies on cutscenes and text to tell a story.

also i want a manhunt 3

>> No.7626285

>nothing really excites me anymore
video games are lame as fuck
i thought gta v was boring online esp except for the phat booty bitch in all black i made and ganked thirsty ass nerds with

witcher 3 and infamous second son look tight tho

>> No.7626306
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any tumblrcore games

>see attached image

>> No.7626730

i didnt even get that chance to play gta online :(

i really found GTA fun when I was off making my own player driven narratives and stuff. the game world is one of the best i've seen and it's great for forging your own little crime adventures.
I feel the series has finally reached a level where the mechanics allow the player to make cinematic moments better than any scripted event.
before shooutouts felt awkward and car chases weren't that thrilling. but with 5 they've done it really well.
kinda nerded out there but this is a game thread lol
i wish i finished this back in the day because now i cant play it anymore. the streets look too damn empty and gameplay feels horrid.

>> No.7626753

Video games are not /fa/.
Having an IRL poker circle is /fa/ as long as they're not fat dads.

>> No.7626868

I'm done
Persona 4 is extremely well written, it's not a gameplay driven game dude
It's meant to be played for the story and the characters

nah man I loved It
To each his own though

Roller coaster tycoon, nice pick m8
great game

BF4 is great because of the audio, and the atmosphere of the online game

The gameplay is washed up, but there's no game that offers the same online atmosphere if you know what I mean

Story is funny
A friend of mine just completed it, and he like
>the whole time i was playing it I had no clue why I was fighting against anyone or why I had to the missions
Basically the stories of the FPSs like cod and bf aren't thought out which everyone already knows

>> No.7626874

mother 3
shadow of the colossus
kings field
smt nocturne
silent hill 2

probably the most /fa/ games

>> No.7626880

>Persona 4 is extremely well written

>> No.7626882
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bumping with some of the best games ever
Story driven nfs games were the shit

>> No.7626885
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lmao yes, this was my childhood, fuck man
also this

>> No.7626889
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Honestly I don't know why they don't put shitty street racing stories into nfs anymore

Rly hope they rerelease these bc my comp isn't powerful enough to run the hd mods

>> No.7626894
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yeah man mine too
There were 3 games me and the best friend I grew up with played most

nfs underground 2
Nfs most wanted
Tony hawk underground

>> No.7626900
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tony hawk project 8 was the shittt
shame that they cant really compete with ea skate games now

>> No.7626901

damn thug was so dope
could be the best tony hawks game if it werent for the dumb driving missions and it being too easy

thps4 is the goat though

>> No.7626902

bully, call of duty waw, gta4, far cry 2

>> No.7626904

fuck me

Tony Hawk's Underground
Kirby Air Ride
WWE games
Mario Kart Double Dash

>> No.7626915
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>> No.7626916

it's a shame ea has become so careless man
even though they did the same shit back then with reskinning and stuff they put a lot more substance into their games than they do now

The games still have great gameplay but it doesn't feel the same as their games back then

for example the nfs now have excellent graphics, engine etc. but the whole game is just doing random races around a great open world for no reason

Throw in a story about how the lead blacklist racer or whatever killed your sister in a race for money or some stupid shit like that with twists and cutscenes along the way makes the game so much more fun to play and that mic better web you beat the blacklist dude and the credits roll

I've only played te first skate game so I can't say anything about that series

>> No.7626921

yeah man I probably played through that game 15 times since it came out, it's just a blast. I actually love that one mission where you have to skitch the car and jump over the jersey bridge, damn it was fun

>> No.7626931
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san andreas

>> No.7626967

>meant to be played for the story
persona 4's storytelling is so clumsy and inelegant.
it's walls of texts or dialogue. what is it doing storytelling wise that is unque to videogames?
there's such a huge disparity between the story and gameplay. its like ok gaming bit done now read a book/ watch a movie to give you context.

a game like Half Life for example integrates storytelling way better by using the enviroment and your experience in the world.

sorry im waiting for my mpc files to export to computer, so i'm bored as fuck. felt like talking

>> No.7626977
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>> No.7626978

some games do bare text story well like legend of heroes tits

its just persona 3/4 are gash af games lmao
i loved the story of nocturne

>> No.7626991

sure but i feel that games need to rely less on other mediums style of storytelling and try more of their own.
The whole experience of playing Dead Space on a nice HD tv with 5.1 sound is more compelling to me than any Final Fantasy. that game was immersive with the HUD design and the audio design was the best

>> No.7627002

yeah i feel you fam i like both, that's why i thought the story of nocturne was dope cause it was so simple and u didn't need bare text telling you tiny details about loads of shit all the time

i was playing LSD recently and found that p inspiring how it can create tension and mad atmosphere without telling you anything about whats going on i wish there were more games that had that kind of ambiguity but with actual fun gameplay

>> No.7627003

points are no longer valid

>> No.7627007


>> No.7627013

stupid aussie word that implies underage troll
unless ur the same guy who was arguing against me last time and i believe u were uk then ill cut u some slack

btw, anyone played outlast? it's for free on ps plus next month but when im at school i have limited downloads, so im wondering if i should get it
the horror pc game

>> No.7627015

fuck i still need to try that game. is it actually interesting to go through? like i can imagine it being weird as fuck but also at the same time there'd probably be heaps of boring parts to it.
or is it nonstop madness?

random game i really liked when i was small was morrowind. that atmosphere and music has yet to be matched, only game that really gives me those nostalgia feels real hard.

>> No.7627017

uh i dunno if that was me but i am from the uk, australia is my least fave country and ive only ever heard uk people say gash

it's interesting for the first 60 or so days i found, but i did get a bit bored after that. u need to be in the right vibes tho u feel.
yeah morrowind has sick atmosphere but i never finished it, something always distracted me in the mid of a playthru and then i forgot what i was up to lol

>> No.7627018

get penumbra instead. outlast is probs more 'fun' in the moment but i got kinda invested in that game. it wasnt just horror, it was really weird and entertaining

>> No.7627021

ya the only reason id get it is because its free next month on ps4

>> No.7627041

i played the first penumbra and I didn't think much of it, never had the motivation to pick up the second one either

>> No.7627093

haha same i have yet to finish it.
I tried to start again last year but then i got stuck somewhere.
the journal and quests to hard to keep track off
idk i found it so interesting. I just liked the setting and how odd the game was. the character 'Red' was very well written in it

>> No.7627109

yeah I agree, if it wasn't for Red I don't think I would have finished it

the first half an hour or so was great when you didn't know what to expect or what you were trying to stay away from, but when you find out that it's just a bloody dog it ruined the atmosphere for me

>> No.7627127

oh yeah that kinda killedit for me
but i was kinda young when it came out so i played anything.
but ye wtf stupid dog
what made it worse was if you would just stand on a box the dog couldn't get you.
but the intense music still played lol

also have you tried the siren game on ps3? i have it lying around but havent tried it yet

>> No.7627138

>Persona 4 is extremely well written, it's not a gameplay driven game dude
>It's meant to be played for the story and the characters
obviously that's half my point the only value the game has can be found in its gameplay
The game was blunt as fuck, they just kept fucking putting everything right on the line and told you each and every little thing of any importance and god damn those psychological profiling were so incredibly basic and dull to read through
and then all the fucking mechanics behind driving the story only shat on it worse, the fucking repeatedly harassing students to go on dates, the 50-levels of fighting groups of 5 units with a variation of 3 -demons- and the basically random generator that constituted the -combination- system
it was really messy as a game and yet, after putting up all the stupid shit it does, what do you find? A hollow little shell

>> No.7627164

I loved it
You do make good points though, so I assume you know what you're talking about

I loved the battle system and dungeon stuff to when you play on a higher difficult and control your party. It's pretty nice

any suggestions for an rpg or any gr8 games that can be run on a asus t100, looking for somethin to play casually
That's my hardware as of now other than my ps4

>> No.7627229
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this is the nicest looking fps in terms of aesthetics in my opinion

>> No.7627643

FIFA gta and cod

>> No.7627656
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Dear Esther is the most /fa/ game ever made.


>> No.7627672
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>> No.7627694

>not myst

step up nigga

>> No.7627839
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This and 4

>> No.7627845
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R obviously

>> No.7627871

remember angrily flickering your fingers making your character move like a retard jumping and ducking and sprinting and aiming and bouncing and switching weapons and switching weapons and sprinting while switching weapons and jumping and ducking and switching back weapons? those were the times

>> No.7628269

rpgs is an almost entirely garbage genre of gaming and take a terrible toll on almost any game they interact with. The only real option, if you want to stick with the core RPG designs, is to go back to their roots within the medium.
Roguelikes if you want the item interaction and leveling development, primarily in reference to combat
Dungeon crawlers if you want to focus on the exploration mechanics within item interaction

CRPGS are garbage because they don't understand what the hell tabletop rpgs are and the reasons behind the development that they had. They directly extract the ruleset, a ruleset designed around dice, 6 -real- people and a dungeon master, and simply put that on the computer with a hardly adaptable DM, a single player to rule all and the elimination of all the tedium that actual calculation involved (the only real positive aspect of the CRPG). And of course the mighty offender, the absolutely moronic attempt to implement a real time (pause-based) combat system without any substantial changes from the original ruleset, a ruleset devised around the almost complete opposite notion of turn-based combat. CRPGs are incredibly stupidly designed from their beginnings and deserved to die as a genre.
JRPGs are much more intelligent with their beginnings. They came out of wizardry and other dungeon crawlers and primarily focused on adding on to it.

>> No.7628320

They began with the core gameplay, focusing on the exploration of their world, maintained the lack of control, to a certain degree, of character development (and the strategy required to handle such randomization) but made their largest change, putting -story- at the forefront. But of course this genre is garbage as well, because they only rarely manage to find decent writers and, given that this genre is not an english-based on, decent translators and they've remained almost entirely stagnant with their designs for the past two decades. And more often than not, they maintain the same themes and ideas as their predecessors. It's a genre that has barely managed to budge from its conception, and it's hardly one that should find it difficult to find room to improve. What few franchises do negotiate differences lock those changes within the franchises themselves, rarely seen elsewhere and even less more than once.
And then you finally have the hybrid rpgs, primarily in the vein of speeding up the pace. Diablo, TES 3-5, DeS/Das, F3, Dragon's Dogma. But what values these games might have come little from their RPG roots. Diablo and its many, many clones, are a form of tasteless garbage built around the endless repetition of randomly generated loot. A truly disgusting entity but luckily, has had little significant influence outside of its worthless little niche.

>> No.7628417

TES/F3 remained in-house, by the same fucks who brought you the CRPG genre. What they did with these titles amounts to little, bethesda never managed to employ any idea particularly well. However, they did pave the way for the basic gameplay designs of stalker and its ilk. Those games, of course, don't take much stock in RPG roots. Inventory, talking, quests and arbitrary numbers. That's about the extent stalker takes from the genre and even then, it mostly ends up as background noise to the actual game. Dragon's Dogma was an interesting title. It attempted to place the action elements much more prominently than other rpgs. Of course, it failed here, having no real understanding of the kind of stream-like flow found in any decent fast-paced game and never managed to quite put together how heavy items emphasis interacted with the faster mechanics. Or really how any RPG mechanic interacted with the change in structure. No one to copy. And then you have DeS/DaS, quite possibly the only decent game that manages to merge the prominent features of the RPG genre with real time mechanics. They had to abandon certain preconceptions associated with the RPG, like significant NPC/item interaction and world-history. Stripped the leveling mechanics to their barest forms, removed any form of randomization and returned to the initial preset designations and gutted any sort of roleplaying notion. It's an RPG, no doubt, but it's one of the few that grasp the idea that RPGs can change

>> No.7628773
File: 51 KB, 800x400, deus_ex_3_costumes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ as fak

>tfw no cyber renaissance core

>> No.7628777

iktf bruv

>> No.7628782

rainbow six vegas 1

>> No.7628827

far right is fucking great

>> No.7628842


It's a pretty cool take on a doublet, yeah.

>> No.7628844
File: 90 KB, 550x309, Flower-PS4-PS3-PSVita-550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f
>0 results

I am sickened

>> No.7628868

fallout 3

>> No.7628906
File: 117 KB, 1582x1526, 1341946690823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here tried playing Flower while on acid? I feel like it would be amazing.

>> No.7628922

yeah, it's the only male one

although i feel like the tunic on the first one could easily be made to work on a man

the clothing there actually has an interesting theme of technological renaissance going on for it

>> No.7628993

It's not even a game though