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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.63 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7622729 No.7622729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happened to poet? Heard there was some drama and he left. Give me the juicy details. Always thought he was a good contributor to the board.

>> No.7622745

something about the girl poet was fucking was being insulted here and he threw a hissy fit and left.

she shat on his dick? I dunno..

>> No.7622767

tired of the board cancer

>> No.7622788

w2c puppies?

>> No.7622796


Their included in the limited edition geobaskets box set sold at RO stores.

>> No.7622807
File: 134 KB, 1500x936, 1387839606182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have the unedited version.
I really hope this son of a bitch is still lurking, somewhere, some time. This shit makes me tear up, how corny it may sound.

RIP poet, you crazy bastard. We'll meet again, one day.

>> No.7622814
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Humane society

>> No.7622817
File: 152 KB, 1556x262, yay poet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his chemo took a turn for the worse...

rip in piece

>> No.7622826

>tfw poet was a huge reason why I stay here

>> No.7622833

Did he say all that? Actually makes me feel sad.

>> No.7622855
File: 675 KB, 1873x2425, Muh_White_Blood_Cell_Count.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i was the major reposter causing him to quit

>> No.7622873


That is not /fa/ - i don't give a fuck wkat anyone on here says - it looks like shit.

>> No.7622886
File: 948 KB, 506x1116, Expeditionary_Pilot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikr? his clothes were all hype items on here, and his "lunarcore" shit was even worse.

>> No.7622890

so kawaii

>> No.7622893

Jesus fucking Christ. How did anyone take him seriously? Everything he posted reeked of pretentiousness.

>> No.7622907
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This post is out of context. He was just experimenting.

Poet is completely right; /fa/ is full of blind nonconstructive hate. I'm not trying to say this place should be a hugbox or anything, but you can all at least admit that most people here have totally shit attitudes and take out there frustrations with their own lives on complete strangers.

And that's not even getting into the "i le troled u xD" chan culture.

>> No.7622918

>samefagging this much

>> No.7622933
File: 294 KB, 500x383, pigeon-man poet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7622949

this made me cry
for real man
i want to kill myself

>> No.7622962

Why don't you lurk more and learn how to check for samefagging before you make accusations? Did you just get here this summer? :^)

>> No.7622970

someone explain this joke
is it because he resembles the pigeon man

>> No.7622993

he used to avatarfag w/ the pidgeon man

>> No.7622996

You must be the kind of person who abuses puppies. Poet was a nice dude.

>> No.7623007
File: 2.43 MB, 1167x2250, taking a jog to chemo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fun part was how often he'd reply saying it never affected him :D

>> No.7623018
File: 60 KB, 716x960, 1389997359678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a butt ugly nigga unlike me. I bet all you niggas are jelly of my prettyboi fits fuckin herbs.

>> No.7623022

He actually admitted it was hurting him, and asked you why you were doing it. He didn't really grasp the while crabs in a bucket mentality.

its a pity, he was just an open, honest caring guy

>> No.7623027

that fit is pretty fukken sik

>> No.7623065

Poet was like an oasis in a desert of shit

>> No.7623077

He left when someone made a comment about timber's face being busted. He went apeshit and posted his trip.

>> No.7623081

who's timber? pic?

>> No.7623088

holy shit that is exactly what it was like

>> No.7623099

she the trip with the melted face. Now all her pics with her face are blurred out. I saw a couple but I never saved them before this happened. She also buzzed her hair off like when brittney spears went insane.

>> No.7623101


>> No.7623127

you like boondocks?

>> No.7623132

To be honest, timber had some QT hair before she chopped it all off.

>> No.7623147

was poet and timber fucking

>> No.7623161


>> No.7623163


>how corny it may sound

That's the problem with this entire fucking website. Everyone is too self-concious. Too afraid to admit to any expression that isn't ironic, sarcastic, or distancing. It's pretty fucking sad.

>> No.7623168

same thing as historian

>> No.7623179

>muh post-modernism

>> No.7623182

so tired of post irony, it needs to end

can't even tell when people are sarcastic or not anymore

>> No.7623202

No one's afraid. He expressed himself like a little bitch sucking poet's dick and he's viewed as a little bitch.

>> No.7623206


Everyone is just too afraid to look dumb/emotional/sincere. Maybe it's because I've already spent my teenage years on 4/7chan and kind of grew out of being an insecure fuck, but I just don't understand how more people here aren't more self-aware.

Poet seemed like a cool guy. Now we have faggots like trunks who people actually like despite his asinine behavoir.

>> No.7623211


>internet tough guy detected

And yet you probably weigh no more than 120 lbs. and dress is "nxtlvl" man skirts.

>> No.7623221

I don't think you understand what an internet tough guy is. :^)

>> No.7623228

tbh he's being less asinine but once he completely clears it I think he will be a better poster

>> No.7623232

post-irony? nigga, we still learning irony here

we're all a bunch of insecure teeangers, most of us competely unaware of the impact our cultural landscape has had on our upbringing, still experimenting with a still rather novel form of communication. irony, sarcasm, and unnecessary stoicism ain't going away so soon

>> No.7623236

Poet and trunks are essentially the same annoying twat, just on different sides of the spectrum.

One writes in an overly verbose manner to give off the air of intelligence. One writes like a 14 year old girl. Both spout bullshit. Both dress like shit.

>> No.7623241

what's the deal with trunks?

>> No.7623244


Post-irony is sincerity, dude. It's the complete opposite of distancing.

>> No.7623254


Dude talks like he's an advocator of eugenics. Shits on people and yet dresses like a cosplayer. Can never argue his point without becoming hostile/sarcastic.

>> No.7623259

wat happened to historian

>> No.7623272

damn. I don't know much about poet as a poster but his fits always seemed pretty cool, even if I didn't like every part.

>> No.7623283
File: 610 KB, 1536x1687, 1387666613296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember poet and i saved all his fits to a special folder. I was new to effay and lurking so i never got to talk to him. I remember lots of people shitting on his fits and mostly on his looks, i guess becuase he wasnt 17 like everyone here and people couldnt comprehend how next lvl he was, he was the one that created lunarcore.
New people here usually just bandwagon on the opinions of a few other lurkers that start to post I think, in an attempt to fit in i guess.

>> No.7623570

Also, what happened to Mango?
Haven't heard of him in a while

>> No.7623590

>Can never argue his point without becoming hostile/sarcastic.
implying you or anyone else on here can do that either

>> No.7623646


i'm new, post poet fits please?

>> No.7624209

I think you're mixing him up with that Lord Digimon guy, who actually was advocating eugenics and talks real purple

Not the first time they been mixed up either.

>> No.7624235

>shitting on his fits and mostly on his looks, i guess becuase he wasnt 17 like everyone here and people couldnt comprehend how next lvl he was
This is idiotic.

>New people here usually just bandwagon on the opinions
The fucking irony

Poet can't coordinate colors for shit. His proportions are solid as is his wardrobe cohesion but in the technical aspects of dressing well he wasn't impressive.

>> No.7624257
File: 30 KB, 500x375, im melting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he fucked this crosseyed bitch and threw a bitchfit when we called her uggs

>> No.7624265

>everyone here and people couldnt comprehend how next lvl he was, he was the one that created lunarcore.
>implying that's anything of value
it was different but it looks like shit. he want to be a sci fi character like all those stupid pictures he would post before he tripped. lunar fits are disgusting.

>> No.7624298
File: 229 KB, 597x1238, 1389208442414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres timber now
shaven ;)

>> No.7624311

>implying you can check for samefag
>calling someone else new while implying that

youre probably le trulling but i cant be sure

>> No.7624310

did they really fuck? She's a columbia undergrad, and poet is in his early thirties at the youngest. That's creepy.

>> No.7624327

tfw i want to buy her geobaskets just to smell them

>> No.7624316
File: 1.56 MB, 400x225, 1385228091346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that fucking file name

>> No.7624333

timbers cute
would be friendzoned by

>> No.7624334

shes actually selling that pair on sufu. forget her username though..

>> No.7624337

the 'ironic face' didn't tip you off?

>> No.7624338

Just because you don't know how to doesn't mean you can't. Stop tripping. Stop posting. Any time.

>> No.7624339

lol found it

>> No.7624340

i know, im saving up money as we speak to buy them

>> No.7624345

make sure you tell her to wear them for at least a week with no socks and youll buy them.

>> No.7624341

You should buy her uggs first.


>> No.7624352

melted? like, actually? what happened?

>> No.7624354

>wear the same size shoes as a girl
new level of beta reached

>> No.7624367

>implying he's buying them to wear them

>> No.7624368

i'm not going to wear them, i'm going to sniff the fuck out of them. 220 more dollars to go!

>> No.7624375

>wear for a week without socks
>pay additional 100 for her to masturbate and squirt into shoes
>buy shoes, sniff
>ejaculate onto shoes
>post on /fa/

>> No.7624374

>he was the one that created lunarcore
im pretty sure that was knoch

>> No.7624384

oh god i buy her a new pair of guidis if she did that

>> No.7624387

im rock hard thinking about doing this

ill outbid you

>> No.7624398

ill literally buy her any piece from ss14 for those sweet puss sneaks

>> No.7624392

anyone have timber's tumblr i wanna read it

>> No.7624393

lmao /fa/ full of thirsty foot fetish weirdos

>> No.7624394

>implying either of these poorbois are gonna buy them

>> No.7624405

sounds like you just need an escort, you can get a pretty one for a lot less

>> No.7624408

its on her sufu page


>> No.7624418


dont make me start posting tags

damir rick and ccp all this nigga know

>> No.7624421

he was chill but these are 2 really shitty fits

>> No.7624442

i dont want an escort, i want them squirt tricky rickys. if your reading this timber, ill buy you any pair of any shoes from any designer for them sweet p juice sneaks

>> No.7624467

ill buy your sweat pants off you for twice your asking price if you go to the gym and do 8 sets of squats, but commando in them.

>> No.7624506

lmfao someone notify her
easy money for her and hilarious for us

>> No.7624510

just hit me up on sufu timber baby, ill negotiate prices

heres my gamertag:


>> No.7624527

all seriousness aside, my name on sufu is lovelyallen and ill be happy to buy any of your tainted articles of designer clothing. You see i have a weird fetish for cutie pies wearing designer clothes for days but not washing it.

>> No.7624523


>> No.7624545

you especially with all the reps your have that i wish i had, gives me a erection harder than golem from pokemon. If you were to let me court you, i would take you to any store that you dream of maxfield, barneys, etc and you and me can try on clothes, but then id buy them after you wore them just so i can sniff the living fuck out of it.

>> No.7624555

cancer thread of the day
and no
this is not in reference to poets lack of hair

>> No.7624561

no, im dead serious, i would literally buy the article she just tried on so i can go home and vacuum them with my nose.

>> No.7624616

Reminds me of the moonrise kingdom star.
>TFW enjoy the films of wes anderson

>> No.7624637

As a dood how to get drapey tops like this???

>> No.7624648

Yeah, do it

>> No.7624675


>> No.7624686

is that really timber with no trip?

>> No.7624687

what size is that rick top?? smalls in rick cling like fuck what do i have to do to get that drape going up to mediums make them look shapeless

>> No.7624877

nope, Poet was the one that started posting weird threads filled with astronaut suits and shit. then he moved from that to the color palettes and general pieces.

Knoch started incorporating it into his fits, then took it and ran with it. I think for basic fits though, Poet does a much better job.

>> No.7625151
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>> No.7625162
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>> No.7625178
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>> No.7625193

how old is he?

>> No.7625187
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>> No.7625196
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>> No.7625201
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31 or 32 I think.

>> No.7625207
File: 2.78 MB, 2448x3264, 1380173117012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7625215


What jacket is this?

>> No.7625226

i think julius

>> No.7625223

w2c pants im in love

>> No.7625254
File: 1.38 MB, 1224x1632, 1381126920221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7625257

does someone have that .rar turnleft made of all his posts?

i'll post knochensack masturbating gif in return

>> No.7625261
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>> No.7625275
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>> No.7625279
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>> No.7625287
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>> No.7625309
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>> No.7625313

nah he's at least 36

>> No.7625316


i love that post

>> No.7625323


>somebody on /fa/ giving advice and not being a dickhead about it.

RIP poet. He made the right choice.

>> No.7625327
File: 127 KB, 1423x741, pyrex explaination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am impressed how he put of with the shit posting here for so long

>> No.7625339


Yeah. I never understood why /fa/ adopted the mentality of "IF WE SHIT ON THEM ENOUGH THEY'LL CHANGE!"

They may change, but they'll become insecure /fa/ggots in the process.

Inb4 gb2 le reddit.

>> No.7625351
File: 341 KB, 739x553, hunchback of NYC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time

>> No.7625356

youre lying unless you can prove me wrong

>> No.7625362
File: 158 KB, 707x1024, 1349736550397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey anon, wanna watch a movie?

>> No.7625376
File: 311 KB, 524x332, 1390023085527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giving a fuck about what people say/think is not effay therefore poet was never effay

>> No.7625385


>euphoria detected

>> No.7625392


>> No.7625402

Being polite on an anonymous board full of teenager and giving out advice is extremely "effay". Do you think Rick got where he is by being a cunt to the people he works with? No, just listen to the way he talks.

Poet put up with a lot of shit and the dude really used his heart when he should of just forgot about this place.

>> No.7625426

what are you talking about, im not talking about giving advice but criticism
if you care so much about what some random people on the internet say about you then you dont belong here

>> No.7625440

what did he care about? everyone cares to some degree.

>> No.7625441

poets trip got cracked BEFORE poet quit, and that was the last straw since he was probably already considering it.

the reason i say that is because the first post which exposed his tripcode was written in a much different way than poet usually typed.

then he posted a pic hours later with his explanation.

and seeing as how easy his tripcode was (all lowecase, less than 10 letters), and how damn near every trip has gotten hacked that makes sense.

i don't think he wanted to leak his trip, but that's just how it happened so he ran with it.

>> No.7625450


...or maybe people on 4chan should just stop being such insecure faggots?

It's that whole "lol itz the internet dude no remorse we do not forgive" mentality that shits up most userbases. Why should online interactions be any different from real world ones?

>> No.7625467

I remember poet getting shit on much. I felt bad because the dude never talked bad to anyone.

That kind of behavior is just toxic for the whole community, not just frustrating for him individually. Believe it or not, there are actually communities online were people somewhat get along.

>> No.7625472

makes sense, still havent seen any screen caps of the whole ordeal

>> No.7625468

lets discuss the trip named timber for a minute guys

>> No.7625473

you dont understand 4chan
being anonymous means you can say whatever you want, its just as if you had a mask on irl and you would be able to say anything without getting beaten up or called a racist etc
if you cant take someone's real opinion then just go away

hurr so many bad words etc im leaving you guys suck boohoo drama mode activated like wtf how old are you

>> No.7625474

cause he was crying when he made that post

>> No.7625508

that was the follow up post after he/someone posted his code.


>> No.7625521


So being anonymous makes it permissible to act like a piece of shit? And it's not like people only ever post their unfiltered opinions. So much of it is directed by sarcasm, irony, anger, herd mentality, etc. The worst part about it is that there's no accountability. The internet is awful for discourse as there's almost nothing to compel you to rethink your position or to argue it in a calm and rational manner.

>> No.7625529


>haha emotions
>2013+1 and still caring
>who is John Galt?
>i am euphoric

>> No.7625553

>meme arrows

sure it does, but it doesnt mean you have to give a single fuck about an opinion of some guy who can be a 300 lbs fatty wearing h&m shit, you have to remember this is 4chan not some fucking elite forum of fashion entrepreneurs
people come here to discuss, sure, but you have to remember that most of them/us are here because we're fucked up in some way

>> No.7625570

>most of them/us are here because we're fucked up in some way
maybe... I mean I do like laughing at people and this place can be hilarious at times.

Other than that I just love the format, easy to respond to people and with images. Plus 4chan has always been a great source of interesting photos and cool discussions.

>> No.7625583

be careful what you pretend to be, because you are what you pretend to be

>> No.7625618


>we're fucked up in some way

So why encourage it? I know people use that defense all the time - that 4chan is for people who are socially inept anyways so why criticize it? It's not like this self-aware ironic detachment is healthy. And whenever anyone tries to actually say something sincere and honest they get shat on. You can't tell faggots on /mu/ not to send rape threats to some musician on Facebook without being bombarded by >check your priviledge >muh feminism memes. It's reductive and only further encourages this solipsitic hole that 4chan autists live in.

>> No.7625640


Or even try and brose /pol/ for more than five minutes. Either the board is one giant ironic joke, or an insipid hivemind that prevents actual discussion or rational argument because there's no reason to have calm, rational discussion.

>> No.7626831

he had a secure trip

>> No.7626835

acting like a cunt makes you an actual cunt
i used to feel like you when i was like 14 and discovered /b/ but then i realised the best way to be is just nice to everyone at all times :)

>> No.7627036

please someone tell me what these are? PLEASE

>> No.7627042

shoes? palladium
i dont recommend them even though i own a pair myself

>> No.7627069

kk. Cheers

Don't suppose you know anything similar to them without that plastic/rubber bit on the front + a bit smaller toeboxes and outsole tread?

>> No.7627086

they're probably the only canvas boot i know of. The rubber toe is necessary bc they're made of canvas otherwise it will look really shitty.
Just get any leather combat boots.

>> No.7627096

yeah, I myself used to be a straight up asshole online.
I've learned now that although its fun to be mean to nobody on the internet (although I still make fun of you idiots) a little criticism and help goes a long way

>> No.7627104

all i see is an asshole using anonymity as an excuse for their shit tier personality

>acting like a cunt makes you an actual cunt

this guy gets it

>> No.7627741

im here m8
Just less and less time to be posting pics

>> No.7629392

>>762the funny part was i thought this was trunks

>> No.7629476

pretty sure this is subtly photoshopped or its from a long time ago

she posted another face picture on her tumblr after she cut her hair off and her eyes didnt look crooked, her face also looked way thinner

maybe she started doing blow or something

>> No.7630474

What do you mean? I thought everyone hated trunks?

>> No.7630514

Jesus shut the fuck up you're embarrassing

>> No.7630555

Where did poet live?
Umerica or england?

>> No.7630565

quoted wrong person

>> No.7631492

works all the same