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/fa/ - Fashion

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7587332 No.7587332[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is being gay /fa/?

>> No.7587333


>> No.7587352


>> No.7587349

i know gay guys who are really effay and cool, but i also know gay guys who are complete fuccbois or just oblivious to fashion in general

it doesn't really mean anything, like gay people have no more potential to be effay than hetero people

>> No.7587354

then why most of designers are homosexuals?

>> No.7587369

Double that. A lot of greatest artists, designers, musicians, writers were gays. So i assume, that homosexuals are intellectual master race and straight people are workers and peasants.

>> No.7587377


>> No.7587370

>some are gay so that must mean most of them are

>> No.7587380

I wonder why that is.

>> No.7587383

>master race
>can't procreate

>> No.7587398

Most designers aren't /fa/ themselves. They spend their lives making OTHER people /fa/.

>> No.7587408

being gay is "edgy" and "provocative", so they are more likely to be popular. That doesn't necessarily mean they are better designers/artists/etc.

>> No.7587404

post a designer that isn't /fa/

>> No.7587406

A lot of greatest artists designers musicians and writers were peasants during their lives because they couldn't make money off their passion and got superfamous after they passed.

>> No.7587412

Kanye West

>> No.7587422

Mcqueen. But honestly if any designer that /fa/ thinks dresses well save for damir or something posted a regular photo here they'd be laughed out, called ugly and or basic.

>> No.7587430

Being poor ≠ being poor inside

>> No.7587455

>Just because I lived like a peasant and a worker doesn't mean I am one!
Is this what you tell yourself, too?

>> No.7587459

>being poor inside

>> No.7588270


dries van noten dresses like a dadcore pleb

>> No.7588500


>> No.7588566

rick consistently wears the worst of his garments

>> No.7588576

Being /fa/ is gay.

>> No.7588615


that palestinian chick is qt as fuck.

>> No.7588622

and yet still looks amazing

>> No.7588638

fucking hop off his dick

this forced Rick meme is getting annoying

>> No.7588646

Not really. If I didn't know he was a famous designer, I would probably call him a fuccboi.

>> No.7588644


>> No.7588654
File: 24 KB, 320x480, 00360f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7588668

That's got to be fake.

>> No.7588677

why ? seriously, have you never seen rick before ?

>> No.7588678

absolutely coming from an heterosexual

>> No.7588683


>/fa/'s god.jpg

Getting fashion advice from a sub-board on an anime imageboard

>> No.7588718

hahahahaha you use THAT of all pictures to prove us wrong?
jesus fuck that is a horrendous fit

>> No.7588723


>> No.7588731

>an heterosexual

>> No.7588737


no degeneracy is never /fa/

>> No.7589730
File: 322 KB, 545x700, gb2 containment board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7590113

I'm gay and have good sense of fashion. I know what looks good and works together without consuling /fa/ at least.

>> No.7590179
File: 2.78 MB, 2000x2158, gaydegeneracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7591076

Considering that most of /fa/ is tumblrfag as fuck as shit,

The politically correct thing for me to say is:

"Yes the LGBT community is completely perfect in all possible ways! There is absolutely no flaws in them! We should bend over and let them fuck us in the ass whenever they feel like it because otherwise we're Republican Homophobes"

Right, guys?

>> No.7591131
File: 2.84 MB, 419x313, stupid goyim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hasn't Lady Gaga taught you goys that being gay is fashionable?

>> No.7593255


>> No.7593294

there's a difference between being gay and cutting your kid's dick off.

>> No.7593310


What flaws are there in the LGBT community.

>> No.7593330

Nope. I'm a freelancer, i have job that i love, money and a lot of free time. But you must repeating that for yourself everyday before getting to work.

>> No.7593356

no. Gays are terrible. Straights are also terrible. You can never be effay while completely disregarding an entire gender.

>> No.7593370

being gay is not /fa/

but from a strictly hygienic and aesthetic value, i'd rather suck a succulent throbbing thick and large cock

than stick my dick or mouth anywhere near some slut's gaping wound that secretes who the fuck knows what, that does a great job of staining your threads

>> No.7593378


"It's political correctness gone mad!"
John, 52, Surrey

>> No.7593381

I think this too but I don't think it has much to do with fashion lol

>> No.7593389

This thread went from actual discussion to >>7589730 s fast

>> No.7593496

Lol theres in israelk flag in the op pic. You had to know /pol/ would show up

And im glad they did!

>> No.7594318

What about being bi? I tend to keep this one a secret (only my boyfriend and a couple of close friends know) since everyone usually assumes you are either:
A) A massive slut
B) Confused

>> No.7594349

u are slut
>wanting to fuck everything that moves
>wanting to get your Best girl friend into threesome

>> No.7595109

It depends on where you live. Where I'm from there are plenty of bi girls and they don't get shit for it.

>> No.7595183

Like it or not, being gay and bi in certain parts of the world is FASHIONABLE right now.
I held shift while typing fashionable because that is the key word. It is trendy, and a nice way to make friends and meet people.

To anyone who may doubt, that's fine. You haven't ever experienced it or thought about it.
To anyone who wants to get mad and say people are born homosexual, that's fine. I don't disagree. People are BORN homosexual AND people can CHOOSE to be homosexual. People's sexual preferences change all the time.

When it comes to being bi sexual, that is the easiest of all because you can "switch" at any given opportunity without having to worry about explanation: "i'm not gay anymore" etc.

Again, this HAPPENS especially in places like LA where homosexuals have a lot of power. I'm not saying that in a negative way, but in a realistic way.

It's hard for me to explain exactly what this "power" comes from, but it obviously stems from the (partially true) belief that gay people are oppressed. Typically during social justice causes the "oppressed" are raised up to unrealistic levels and catered to beyond reason. This is to show "support," save face, and look good to the public, especially the homosexual community.

Someone who is better at explaining this stuff should do a better job.
My point is that in certain places there are many benefits to being gay and bi, especially if you crave attention.

>> No.7595206

Being bi is the best. My ex was bi, and I wish I was too. If only I wasn't repulsed by the male figure.

>> No.7595340


I'm bisexual and i'm still a mostly friendless, virgin.

Tell me what to do please.

>> No.7595351

I didn't say it was the key to unlocking friendships and opportunities, but opportunistic people may see some benefits.

I've seen it happen many, many, times.

>> No.7595382

You are confused.