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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 19 KB, 220x324, 220px-Marlboro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7578698 No.7578698 [Reply] [Original]

What does /fa/ smoke?

>> No.7578719
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>> No.7578735
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Parliaments and camel blues

>> No.7578764


smoking isn't /fa/ anymore

>> No.7578771


>> No.7578784


>> No.7578780
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>> No.7578842

hey! i remember you from that thread last nite on /b/

I smoke malboros red and pall mall

>> No.7578859
File: 10 KB, 183x276, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought these and I'm about to try them out for the first time. Opinions?

>> No.7578880

good for you?

>> No.7578961
File: 243 KB, 485x750, tumblr_mlo0s4NlKr1soiv6eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey! I remember you from that thread last nite on /b/
Haha, yea. The "hipster" one?

>> No.7578967

*tips fedora*

>> No.7578965

Dunhills or Davidoff you stupid cunt. Throw those Marlboro's in the trash where they belong.

>> No.7578978
File: 164 KB, 393x500, is this faggot serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man, that's cigars or vapes. I'm not entirely sure you understand the whole "fedora" connotation....

>> No.7578981

thats right, damn, i still want a pack of Lucky´s

>> No.7578991
File: 165 KB, 700x733, 1388693950457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoking or doing any drug isn't effay.

true effay is being straight edge, going against the norm and being sober.

>respectable grils don't like guys that do drugs

>> No.7578997
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Lucky Strike, Dunhills, Pall Mall, Spirit Orange, Camel Red - in order of preference..

>> No.7579023
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>true effay is being straight edge

>> No.7579015
File: 43 KB, 526x394, 1380797803031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit isn't funny, and OP never asked "is smoking /fa/?" he just asked what people on /fa/ smoke. Now the reaction of a normal person would be, "Oh I don't smoke, let me go tell all of them that I don't like what they're doing." Grow the fuck up, no one cares if you don't like smoking.

>respectable grills don't like guys that do drugs
Yea, this is just wrong.

>protip: most think it's bretty neat and want to try out at least once so they go see you so that you can smoke with them their first time.

>Lucky Strike
my nigga

>> No.7579025

but youre using a zippo lmao

>> No.7579027

>now the reaction of a normal person *isn't
that typo tho

>> No.7579043
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>> No.7579048
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>thinking a "Zippo" is what constitutes fedora

No man, "fedora" core is like pic related, matches and cigar lighters. Either those or cheap, knockoff Zippo style lighters they got with their family on some shitty vacation to six flags or some shit.

Though I will admit, Zippo is not the most /fa/, I want to get a nimrod lighter.

>> No.7579065

zippos are tryhard

>> No.7579066

A shame your country puts those vile images on the packages.

>> No.7579070

I smoke the most pleb cigarettes ever

but I only smoke like two cigarettes per month, and only for the headrush, so it makes little difference if the cigarette is good or not

>> No.7579079

>zippos are tryhard
I agree, but not "fedora" or whatever that dumbass was saying.

>> No.7579088


>> No.7579096

it's actually so disgusting, it doesn't put me off it's just a hassle really

>> No.7579107


If you're not smoking a pipe, you shouldn't use a nimrod.

>> No.7579115

I smoke Newports..

>> No.7579123

I use my dad's old Zippo he got as a gift shortly after I was born. The date stamped on the bottom says it was made less than a month before my birth, too.

>> No.7579138

smoking is grose dudes

u dont look like a model in a black and white photo from the 70s u just look like trailer trash

>> No.7579153
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well shit

>> No.7579155

zippos are only tryhard if you're trying hard

or if they have logos and shit on them

if you want a /fa/ zippo you gotta snoop around those pawn shops ya dig?

pick up some old stained plain copper grandpa shit from twenty years ago

>> No.7579159

>doing any drug isn't effay.
so, should is top drinking coffee?

>> No.7579165

depends on how you drink coffee

bad coffee isn't /fa/

>> No.7579174

>still /fa/

they are not and never will be again
now they are in the light as what they've always been,
gross cheap sad dirty drugs for white trash
stay pleb

>> No.7579188

well, the best coffee around me is Sbux and i say its shit but its better than instant coffee, but damn i love recently grounded water in boiling hot water with no sugar or cream in the mornings

>> No.7579200

you gotta find that coffee shop that nobody's heard of, or get a french press and a grinder, man

If I ever go out and get coffee though I get an americano with extra shots and no cream/sugar, which is pretty much espresso + hot af water, strong as shit but I dig it

>> No.7579213

>lives in the suburbs

>> No.7579212

all of your opinions are based on an idea of value being binary

either something is great or scum of the earth garbage-tier

on such a basis you can say all smoking is "trailer trash" and justify wearing a Damir Doma diaper (because Damir Doma fits into the 'cool' category)

>> No.7579220

>not having a colada

ty cubans

>> No.7579219

actually, an americano is an espresso and hot water, and yeah, i used to go to a coffe shop that was near my HS but now its to far for me and its rather expensive for me to buy a french press and a grinder and the coffee

>> No.7579229

It's pricy as shit if you want anything good, yeah
I always say I'm going to get a new grinder and then I blow the cash on something else instead

>> No.7579228

Anything except meth, crack and pcp cause no

>> No.7579234

>implying PCP isn't the most /fa/ hard drug besides heroin

>> No.7579242

yeah, its hard but damn, i fyou get to know the barsita in Sbux you can get some decen coffee

>> No.7579240

>not ketamines

>> No.7579250
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Yea, I don't want to come across as a pick like this guy (>>7579213) but there's definitely something to what he's saying. That's literally what I used to think when I was younger, living in the suburbs (white, private school, Catholic, etc. - not even joking). Hell, I used to think that basically no one ever smoked anymore. Now you could just be underaged, but at a certain point you'll realize that this is isn't the case and that a shit ton of people still smoke. It's enjoyable, especially if not all the time, and lot's of other people do it socially. It's a great way to meet people, make friends, etc.

my niggggggaaaaaaa

>but damn i love recently grounded water in boiling hot water
Mmmmmmm, me too! "Recently grounded water" is the best.
Haha, but seriously, french press is the shit. I'd like to get a burr grinder, but I can't really convince myself of spending so much money just to grind beans as a college kid. So I guess it's just a blade grinder for me now.

>> No.7579262

at least you have a grinder, i dont have shit to do coffee, just instant one and i have to do the College Mocha trick to make it taste sort of decent

>i meant to say recently grounded coffee in in boiling hot water

>> No.7579277

Kamel Reds right now. Pall Mall reds when I can't find them.

>> No.7579283
File: 60 KB, 550x829, kamelred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They spell it with a K for their reds.

>> No.7579284

you mean ground*?

Ground is the past participle of Grind,
reduce (something) to small particles or powder by crushing it.

>> No.7579280
File: 45 KB, 360x391, LSMFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>i meant to say recently grounded coffee in in boiling hot water
Yea, lel, I know. But just so you know, when making coffee with a french press, the water shouldn't be boiling. The proper temperature is around 195-205 degrees. It's bad for the coffee and the glassware to have it so hot.

What? "K"amel?

>> No.7579296

oh, thanks yeah, english isnt my native lenguage

the more you know

>> No.7579302

>not knowing the only /fa/ cigs are nat shermans


>> No.7579308

oh, then all is forgiven

I tend to assume everyone on the internet was born in the US

>> No.7579318
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Damn, never even seen those. Are they good? The only thing I've smoked from camel are Wides and Unfiltered (for when I can't find Lucky's).


Poor assumption, everyone on the internet is from South Africa.

>> No.7579328

You some hs senior that likes hiking?

>> No.7579337

They're my absolute favorite cigarette and, at least in my town, they're trying really hard to push them and get them popular with extra cheap prices (they're 4.95 now in my area where they used to be like 7-8 bucks) AND a 30 cent discount on all of them that'll last an indeterminate amount of time.

>> No.7579357


nothing beats the quality and look of a fine nat sherman cigarette

>> No.7579360
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I'll take "what are Lucky Strikes" for 500, Bob.

>> No.7579373
File: 24 KB, 400x300, turkish royal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like camel turkish royals. The way they look and smoke. Just check the print on the filter and that little ring of blue foil

>> No.7579375


>lucky strikes

do you even smoke

>> No.7579383

whats the deal with those american spirits? theyre always sold out everywhere i go. id been thinking about trying them for some time.

>> No.7579386

>lucky strikes
Wait, what are you saying with this? Are you saying I called them trash, or are you calling them trash? I don't follow.

>> No.7579406

they give people the perception that they are healthier because the tobacco is supposedly grown without pesticides or fertilizer, but that doesn't really matter because they still pack them with all kinds of tar and shit one the tobacco gets to the factory. I've had a few different verities and hey don't seem all that different from any other cig I've had, so it's basically just marketing.

>> No.7579425

I don't smoke american spirits but I do know they don't use any flame retardant paper which is basically paper soaked in bleach.

>> No.7579432

i guess i can see the appeal of not wanting that in you.

ill have to keep looking for them.

>> No.7579436

Neither do Lucky's, m8

>> No.7579442

Yeah, I know, but I wasn't talking about lucky's.

>> No.7579455

yeah, I'm sure hey do have less bullshit in them, but at the end of the day your still smoking a ciggarette, regardless of what their advertising says. I know that they do put a disclaimer on their ads saying "no part of this advertisement is meant to portray this product as a safe alternative to cigarettes" or something along those line, but you know thats exactly what they are trying to do. Not trying to say shit about people who smoke spirits or smoke in general (i smoke daily), just stating my thoughts.

>> No.7579506

Yeah, it's a pretty silly advertising gimmick. The only friend I have that smokes spirits will "only smoke cigarettes with an indian on the pack". At first I thought he was jokingly saying he only smokes spirits, but when he was hurting for money he started smoking some weird cvs offbrand with an indian on it and they were fucking gross and fell apart while you smoked them.

>> No.7579519

zippos and that nimrod thing are "fedora" core

>> No.7579534

Bics are the only acceptable lighters.

Maybe a Dupont, if it's a heritage piece, or a Zippo (although that's pretty rare these days).

>> No.7579552
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Lel, no. Sure, certain zippo's maybe with graphics like (flames, skulls, any "classic rock" band, etc) but a simple grey, silver, or matte black one? Nope.png

Well I have a black Bic and a plain Zippo.
Am I /fa/ yet? What is an /fa/ color of lighter?

>> No.7579555

not white

>> No.7579563
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>> No.7579565

Just don't think about the colour. Or your lighter for that matter.

Being /fa/ is clearly not giving a fuck about such trifling things.

>> No.7579566

i like clippers a lot. only $0.99 so they're disposable like a bic, but you can buy replacement fuel and flint if you feel like hanging on to it. Plus the flint comes out and as a piece attached to it that's perfect for tucking little loose bits of weed into the end of a joint.

>> No.7579582
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Nice trips, and oh god, yea I know not white.
>white lighter

I have a friend who buys "redneck/American Flag/Eagle" lighters because he thinks it's funny to be "ironic." Oh god...

Nah dude, I have way to much autism to not think about something I use a lot each day.

>> No.7579581
File: 43 KB, 500x371, clipper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic. notice the 'packing tool'

>> No.7579610

Let me rephrase it then: care about the correct things.

1. Does it work?

And pretty much just that.

>> No.7579617
File: 50 KB, 600x600, Bolt-Action-Rifle-BBQ-Lighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy's logic
Does it work?

(Obviously you shouldn't be opposed to carrying any of these, right?)

>> No.7579619
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Camel anything really.

>> No.7579621

i like to smoke a fat kush blunt :D

>> No.7579624
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Does it work?

>feels good to not care about such trivial things

>> No.7579632
File: 7 KB, 198x225, mFvyyRETIvm73BSCG8CWF0g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it work?

>> No.7579639
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Does it work?

>tfw so /fa/ it hurts

>> No.7579646
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But "does it work?"

>> No.7579647

It's fun while drunk

>> No.7579654
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Does it work, m8?

>> No.7579656
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>> No.7579662
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>not just carrying a grill around with you to light your smokes

[/fa/can'tintospoilers] it works [/fa/can'tinto/spoilers]

>> No.7579668
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10/10, would carry any of these. Function>form

>> No.7579670


>> No.7579671
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, flamethrower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me just light my cigarette

>> No.7579688


>> No.7579714

Funny, but the phrase was obviously restricted to lighters.

>> No.7579727
File: 454 KB, 300x185, 1377362175574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only things on that list that aren't lighters are the flame thrower, grill, and candle thing.

>> No.7579767

Are lucky strikes sold in Canada?

>> No.7579904

I switched around from, reds, 27s, blacks, 72s, and turkish royals for few years. I recently gave it up, its a disgusting habit.

Vaping > Cancer

>> No.7579986

>be so cool to carry a flare to you everytime just to lit your cig

>> No.7580120

yes you faggot

>> No.7580153

>not using a tiny sliding matchbox from your favorite bar


>> No.7581061

It is really is a disgusting habit, and that's coming from an occasional smoker. The smell of cigarettes on your hands, your clothes smelling like cigarettes in general, etc. I don't smoke enough to get stuff like teeth yellowing, but that shit is nasty too.

>> No.7581081
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>$10 Wal-mart zippo

>> No.7581202
File: 1.01 MB, 256x229, idk man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sell Zippo's at walmart? I got mine (I'm the guy you quoted) at a fly shop in the smokies.

>tfw I paid $18
I've been bamboozled.

>> No.7581211

Do they sell these in melbourne aus?

Do they retain that boxart?

>> No.7581248
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 105223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$45 for a carton at the border m8

My uncle who is a chronic gambler and grew up in the ghetto of trinidad used to smoke these occasionally.

Always stuck in my mind

>> No.7581262

altar boys ww@

>tfw you'll never hike your cassock up to crouch on the curb, light up a newport and keep the ash off your surplice

>> No.7581275

Marlboro 27s.

I use a bright matte orange Zippo, and have never had a negative reaction to it. I like the way it makes the cigs taste compared to a Bic, and I spend a lot of time out in the mountains where the wind resistance really does help.

Call me a fedora, but I just bought a vape too. Trying to smoke less of the real ones, especially because I just bought a new car and don't want to fuck it up. I just lost 35lb, most of which I gained when I quit for a few years, and don't want to gain it all back by quitting nicotine entirely either. I'm not really planning on walking around with a lightsaber in my face, this is more for in the car, at my desk, or while traveling.

>> No.7581289

When smoking unfiltered, do you pack the smoking end or the lighting end?

>> No.7581299

you don't normally pack unfiltered cigs, it just get's tobacco every where. However, if you really feel the need too, I'd go with the smoking end.

>> No.7581313

gotcha. Only smoked unfiltered once and got tobacco stuck in my teeth. Figured packing the smoking end might help with that.

>> No.7581331

Dunhill International master race.

>> No.7581381
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I feel like a dick for that pic now, have this one.

But yeah, they're usually with the chap-sticks, candy, jerky, and gift cards between the registers.

You shouldn't feel too bad though, the inserts are exactly the same as the more expensive models, literally all you pay for is the finish and logos on the case, so that zippo should last you just as long as any other (I also have one for collection purposes).

I just wanted to be a dick

>> No.7581390

Good cigarettes for getting into smoking?

>> No.7581699

cock blacks

>> No.7581703


>> No.7581849

Camel Blue

>> No.7581857

Blue Gauloises

>> No.7581884

im gonna throw my cigs away fuck this i dont want to smell like crap anymore

>> No.7581903

I usually smoke turkish royal/gold, but they burn too fast.

NAS perique sometimes but they are too tight.

newport if the store has a bad selection

lucky strikes suck. if they were packaged differently, nobody would like them. if you want filterless opt for NAS or camel.

i only smoke outside and never smell. just blow the smoke away from you and dont let any of it hit your clothes. then mouthwash/wash hands

>> No.7581907

i also thought smoking outside would help but whenever im with friends they notice ive been smoking so yeah

>> No.7581910

>i never smell
yes you do

>> No.7581913

nah, the true /fa/ way is only doing painkillers (and maybe weed) alone at your house and having very good thought out reasons not to drink/smoke at parties
people who pull that idea off just destroy everyone else in the room in /fa/-ness

>> No.7581921

Lol you fucking stink

>> No.7582054
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How often can I smoke without developing any of the harmful effects? I mean that it doesn't become "cumulative" so to speak but my body recovers from anything possibly caused by a cigaratte.

I kind of like smoking, yeah even the taste. But the health effects are too much to ignore so I will never take up regular smoking. Nowadays I smoke about one-two cigarette per week, think there's anything really harmful in that?

>> No.7582128

little nigger dosent look like he's even taking it back

>> No.7582146

unless you smoke like 10-15 fags per day for years you dont increase your chance of cancer by any significant percentage

>> No.7582157

are rollups /fa/? :'(

>> No.7582162

no and they taste like a dirty butthole (not the good kinda either)

>> No.7582166

Brown Philipp Morris (Rich tobacco), my nigga
Also own a zippo with a rainbow on it

>> No.7582170

7 a day smokers aren't considered "smokers" by various tests, it's about the same as living in the city.
so under 5 a day is not okay, but a good habit to keep into.

>> No.7582172

>tfw gonna try to quit because 3 packs a week is pretty fucking bad by my standards,
I'm this dude >>7582166

>> No.7582175

He didn't say cancer.
He said health risks.
You significantly increase your risk of heart disease. Anybody who's ever quit smoking after a couple of years would know that you can feel the extra energy that you've lost once you've quit.
Go with e-cigs. You get the nicotine and you don't breathe smoke. It's superior in every way, and you don't get nearly as many health problems.

>> No.7582177

but they look so cool

>> No.7582185

no shit he said cancer, but I only know accurate facts on cancer so I only wrote a reply on cancer. hurra durra hurra

>> No.7582201

could be worse, i prolly do 2-3 a day then 20 when i go out on the piss so i do around 2 packs a week

>> No.7582238

usually when you ask that in some other forums or like yahoo answers or something, they'll always be a dick about it and say "no you will die"

and i wanna know the real answer. im also worried about the harmful effects. but i dont really smoke everyday. i just smoke with the friends i have who are smokers and i rarely even see them.

7 a day or 7 a week? i probably have like 5-6 cigarettes in a month on average i think

>> No.7582264

lol what
7 fags a day and you aren't considered a smoker ?
what tests are you talking about ?
that's ludicrous

>> No.7582266

maybe he means 7 a week

>> No.7582268

My nigga. Clippers are always the best choice for rolling cigs and weed. Also, a black metal case for a clipper crystal looks classy as hell.

>> No.7582271

well thats not what he wrote.

>> No.7582277

>i can smell people through the internet

>> No.7582301
File: 1.18 MB, 1675x1912, Bali_Shag_Halfzware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good man.

>> No.7582303

>tfw ull never be able to smell things through ur monitor

>> No.7582321

Canada, or at least it's capital where I'm stuck for at least another few months, is a shitty, shitty place to be a smoker. I like viceroy reds, thanks mac

>> No.7582352

> It's superior in every way
except that e-cig smokers look like massive tools

>> No.7582549

can you please just shut the fuck up?

>> No.7582553

>ghetto of trinidad
im not going to lie..thats pretty/fa/ in itself

>> No.7582905

why is it a shitty place to be a smoker tho