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File: 183 KB, 481x740, 1389113049076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7563019 No.7563019[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

my hedi slimane moment as a designer will be selling everyone on the aesthetic of transitional gender identities, so instead of starving themselves to fit into really skinny jeans, fashionable people will take hrt to resemble my models. there will be threads on fashion forums about where to cop hormones and whether or not they should have their scrotum removed or their breasts reduced. instead of giving little tins of anise candy like rick owens, you’ll get a tin of hormone pills.

>> No.7563307

w2c scrotum reduction

>> No.7563328

>my hedi slimane moment as a designer will be selling everyone on the aesthetic of transitional gender identities

stopped reading right there.

I have nothing against alternative gender identities but what you're talking about is nothing new, special, or interesting.

>> No.7563329
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you think you're making a funny joke but in reality:

>> No.7563348

no joke
I want little tight dumplings below my meatstick

>> No.7563371

i swear, the creation of /lgbt/ has made you even more queer

>> No.7563406
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/lgbt/ has nothing to do with it tbh
theyre a pinkwashing nightmare much of the time.

>> No.7563413

whats that

>> No.7563426
File: 80 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mml77auJ1b1ricy61o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lgbt/ in a nutshell:
everyone who is queerer than me is the reason my life is terrible

>> No.7563499

oh that's horrible :(

>> No.7563552

Twerk do you wear thigh highs? Post thigh high fits.
[heavy breathing]

>> No.7563572

But isn't that the truth? IRL gay acquaintances of mine have complained about how obnoxious flamers ruin shit for everyone. They give gays a bad rep by self-appointing themselves as spokespersons for "the gay community" and then proceed to annoy the fuck out of everyone with their hyperbolic prancing about, misrepresenting anyone and everyone who sticks their dick in the same place.

>> No.7563585
File: 496 KB, 495x750, tumblr_mdna8jcsgu1qgjvz2o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flaming queens aren't dragging people behind trucks.

>> No.7563595

imo the only people doing bad things are people telling people not to act a certain way because they are afraid of being associated with it
"omg i dont mind gays but i hate FAGGOTS yes thats right they are different i am so controversial using autism login *pushes glasses up*"

if you dont wanna be a part of something dont be a part of it, be your own person

>> No.7563607

If everyone thought that noneck douchebros were representative of being straight, I'd be mad too.

>> No.7563660

u better call me wen u need models bitch. im a male model rite now, but I dont usually go to california :s

>> No.7563670
File: 270 KB, 493x740, 1389120990679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how nice are your thighs
all models will have exposed thighs

>> No.7563677

flaming gay does not equal queerness in the sense that twerk was using it

>> No.7563689

Don't ever compare yourself to Hedi. Your tumblr ideals wont catch on and your designs suck. You can't even dress yourself you midget.

>> No.7563706

they are soft like your pic related. unshaven right now,though.I guess I could be fairly androg. with makeup, at least one of my stylists said as much.

>> No.7563711
File: 368 KB, 498x740, 1389121531940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao how mad are you that i am me and am doing my thing

ur hired
be ready for my graduate collection ca 2015-16

>> No.7563727

c: emails in field, let me know like a month in advance and i'll discuss it with my agency and see if I cant make it to LA.

>> No.7563773

yo twerk ur even cooler than I thought

>> No.7563781

twerk plz hire me I have a small waist, wide hips and a baby face :^) im 5"9 but plz I can do whatever u want

>> No.7563787

wait no I didn't mean babyface I have a pretty woman face but not babby - tiny chin is what

>> No.7563806
File: 217 KB, 492x740, 1389122694331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as if u need 2 tell me B^)

thats fine short ppl can b my models
ill need some old ppl 2
like really fabulous old queens like quentin crisp but also fierce old grannies and really cute old men like yohji status grandpa types

everyone will wear fierce make up in fungal and metallic shades

>> No.7563822

has anybody ever actually seen something that twerk has designed?

>> No.7563823
File: 331 KB, 493x740, 1389122881743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 twrkshdw 2028 we will build a huge theremin and use it as the catwalk, the models will play it by walking up and down the runway

>> No.7563825

So your goal aesthetic is to look like a 90 lb cosplay weeb?

>> No.7563832
File: 132 KB, 500x750, 1389122944506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't that the end game of all high fashion

>> No.7563850

w2c twerkmainline?
whats the pricepoint
;_; when do u start
I just wanna be accepted as a super-feminine looking man

>> No.7563861

yeah sure ok whatever

>> No.7563881
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pretention oozes from every syllable twerk come on.

>> No.7563891
File: 44 KB, 426x639, Main_Del4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>w2c twerkmainline?

in the future

lol do u even kno what that word means

>> No.7563910

Post some of your designs

>> No.7563925
File: 199 KB, 491x740, 1389123935927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's about to get slashed apart so i can totally rewerq the pattern from the ground up

aside from that im just stealing patterns from my rick stuff and using vintage patterns
real shenanigans begin when i finish pattern drafting later this year
realrealreal shenanigans begin when i finish draping after that B^)

>> No.7564050

how exactly do you plan to get into the fashion industry thing. I've wanted to do that myself but idk how

also pls hire me im 6'2 and pretty skinny and not hideous. Proof: Girls and Gay Friend call me cute

>> No.7564078
File: 374 KB, 740x492, 1389125291256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know that michele has an entourage of cute gay boys?
that's my in.

>> No.7564122

twerk what city you in homie i will b ur model :^)

>> No.7564314

hey twerk w2c super qt sandals like those black ones with the clips
:3 dont think I wanna go for berks but idk

>> No.7564398

wait no I found em dw thx twerk c u in paris

>> No.7566311


>> No.7567077
File: 78 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing is you have not released anything yet and saying you are going to outdo certain established designers is just untrue. still much love twerk.