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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.42 MB, 3612x2408, americans_being_effay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7509594 No.7509594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7509608

I see nothing effay in that picture.

>> No.7509620

It's totally /fa/ related.

Those fucking hideous boots. Every fucking girl wears those stupid things on my campus. Ugly as sin, they don't ride stupid ass horses.

Yes I'm mad..

>> No.7509663

That's funny. In an effort to make girls stop wearing this shit ask them stuff like that. "Do you rise horses?!?". Hopefully they get insulted and self conscious.

>> No.7509668

its funny I had a discussion with my friends about this on FB and like every girl who saw the post said that they refuse and enjoy to wear this stuff.

>> No.7509672

>wears riding boots
>doesn't ride horses

>wears nikes
>doesn't run

>wears vans
>doesn't skate

>wears levis
>isn't a coal miner

go fuck yourself.

>> No.7509674

I think the same picture was posted with Canada instead

>> No.7509671

>every one is chubby or worse

>> No.7509686

shit i better stop wearing my Jodhpurs

>> No.7509687

>wears rick
>isn't a super villain

go fuck yourself.

>> No.7509688

>It's totally /fa/ related.
I didn't say it wasn't /fa/ related. The filename says "americans_being_effay". There is nothing effay in that picture.

>> No.7509692

>wears oxfords
>doesn't go to oxford

>wears penny loafers
>doesn't pay with exact change

>wears chelsea boots
>isn't named chelsea

>wears crocs
>feet aren't reptiles

>wears derbies
>has never seen a horse race

>wears a motorcycle jacket
>isn't a motorcycle

>> No.7509705
File: 24 KB, 256x392, AmericanPsychoBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone read American Psycho and reconsider their whole life?

the movie is cool, but the book is a different level.

and if you've read it, you'd know why this is /fa/ related.

>> No.7509712

It would probably go more like this

>lol nice boots do you ride horses?
>"um, what?"
>y...your boots. They look like riding boots.
>"uh no, like everyone wears these, stupid!"

It's like you expect grills to react as we would to such comments.

>> No.7509714

Nothing wrong with being shallow if you actually enjoy it.

>> No.7509715

What does the book have to offer?

I mean what can reading it make me reconsider? I do wanna read it.

>> No.7509717

>wears boat shoes
>doesn't own a sailboat

>wears cardigans
>isn't a child molester

>wears wayfarers
>isn't Buddy Holly

>> No.7509720

It's the author writing about himself.

>> No.7509721
File: 17 KB, 400x289, 1361497267843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read it because reading expands your horizons, you lazy ignorant fuck

>> No.7509724

>Feed me a stray cat.

>> No.7509728

>watches a cheerio be interviewed on national television

>finds bone in candy bar

>violates a girl with a hairspray bottle

>> No.7509742

I'm reading a couple of books already, and there are already a few on my horizon. but I know you're just saying that for laughs :>

>> No.7509751

Lol, you're a moron.
Very post-modern! This must be brilliant!

>> No.7509763

you should read it though.
if you've seen the movie it'll be a little slow until about page 100.

the movie is great, but so is the book.
it's a rare situation when the movie does certain scenes better than the book (business card scene) but the book tells a story in ways a movie can't.

for one, the psychology of a psychopath and sociopath is expertly portrayed in the book.

i don't like writting reviews for shit because it makes me feel retarded, but it's great.
if you're interested in fahion than you have to read it because Patrick Bateman is obsessed with it, and the author must have spent a shit load of time researching.

>> No.7509766 [DELETED] 

that's why you come off as condescending and not passive aggressive. they get the message then.

>> No.7509778

The reason these girls look so bad is because they're all a little bit on the chubbier side and their jeans and boots are cheap as shit and therefore look like shit

There's nothing wrong with riding boots, they're a fall staple. If instead they paid $300 for their boots and not $110 they wouldn't look as awful.

>> No.7509780

>Very post-modern! This must be brilliant!
I didn't give an opinion on the book, chucklefuck, I just said what it's about.

>> No.7509791

>wears burka
>isnt derka derka muhammad ji-wah allahu-akbar suicide 9/11 plane bomber

>> No.7509836

i probably read about a quarter of the actual book because i skipped all the brand names and detailed clothing descriptions. i don't think you were actually supposed to pay attention to all that shit as much as you just needed to know that Bateman was obsessed with the shit

>> No.7509842

>wears geobaskets
>doesn't own a buttplug

>wears leather jacket
>not smoking Virginia slims

>wears loafers
>not a loaf of bread

>> No.7509851

>wears captoes
>doesnt have circumsized penis

>> No.7509854

>wears watches
>doesn't clean off smegma

>> No.7509857
File: 205 KB, 848x544, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


those shoes aren't $110 man

>> No.7509860

ive got nothing

>> No.7510151

whats a smegma can you post an example

>> No.7510159

Ask dad

>> No.7510165
File: 113 KB, 666x1000, ANP-1000_20778779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your dad doesnt have smegma doe i sucked him last night my nigga

>> No.7510172
File: 25 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7510185

>implying i'm not a motorcycle

>> No.7510203

that picture just makes me think of UW Madison lol.

>> No.7510218


it's like this at very american university man

Forever 21 and its lime green jeans are a plague

>> No.7510250

>lime green jeans
really? glad I haven't seen any of that.

Those boots though jesus I have them.

>> No.7510260

It's sarcasm you goddamn doofus

>> No.7510262


>Dat blackface.

>> No.7510270


first time i toured the university i go to now, the guide was wearing lime green jeans with those riding boots. shit was so bad i almost didn't commit haha

there was also a korean fob on that tour. was wearing faux-wool trousers, fake KVAs, and a yesstyle-tier jacket

>> No.7510281

really lime green? I've seen mint green, but lime hasn't hit my campus yet. It's sad to hear.

>> No.7510283

>lime green jeans

here in canada pleb bitches are on that olive drab m65/black leggings/faux native american moccasin shit

also i would totally fuck that bitch in the middle of the pic with the jew nose and blue otterbox

>> No.7510302

>is every girl that wears those boots a horse rider?

not that hard.

>> No.7510309

how do you know they were fake?

how do you know it was faux wool?

captcha: assumed byuidat

>> No.7510314


they didn't have the legit margom sole, it looked glued and it was hilarious

im just guessing they were a wool-blend since they looked so cheap

>> No.7510344

does that girl in red trousers have 2 heads

>> No.7510346

some day i want to find some /fa/ qt who wears ann d and rick and w/e and make her wear shit like this out with me
i'll be decked out in thom browne etc and she'll be wearing forever 21 and shit feeling embarrassed about how much better i look than her and be begging to go home so she can put something else on
her face would turn all red and it'd be really hot
then we'll fuck in a bathroom and i'll buy her more rick 8)

>> No.7510361


>> No.7510362

so what

>> No.7510367


u showed him

>> No.7510398

I hope all those elehpant legs in skinnies are shopped. I raff ruse to look at this picture again.

>> No.7511184

why do girls take a style and samefag it to death in a month?

>> No.7511196

ironically, all of those boots make that fag on the right look /fa/ as fuck in comparison... and hes wearing a fucking windbreaker...

>> No.7511200

>>wears cardigans
>>isn't a child molester
I hate those pretentious fucks

>> No.7511202

I remember I saw a girl wearing jeans into riding boots in high school like 7 or 8 years ago and I really liked it. Even said that it would catch on.
But that was back when it wasn't the 'in' style.

>> No.7511225

Go to your local university and you'll be surprised.

Here it's either plastic black sneakerboots & middle blue jean & black jacket & unkept hair for the nerds or colored jeans/chinos & random top & Ryan Gosling haircut for the fratboys.

>> No.7511253

I wear tanker boots, but I think I'm good if I listen to Feindflug enough.

>> No.7511319

I fucking hate these stupid sheep. EVERY FUCKING GIRL wears the same shit they all look the same. God damn be different for once, shit.

>> No.7511578

>t minus 2 days til 2014
>wears sneakers
>doesn't sneak

>> No.7511589

>all those shitty plastic boots

>> No.7511604

>he says with his vtb tee, zespys and grey swoosh roshes

>> No.7511617


>> No.7512230

this is the only reason that i lurk /fa/

>> No.7512321

>>>isn't a child molester
>I hate those pretentious fuck

Are you calling Mr. Rogers pretentious? I will Skull fuck you son.

>> No.7512327

I lol'd and then felt bad because I know there's at least one dude on here who dresses like that

>> No.7512573


>stop dressing the way you want to dress!
>if how you want to dress is how other people dress UR DUMB BECAUSE FASHION
>stop fitting in and having a social life
>don't u know how better I am than you
>why else would I be sitting over here in the corner dressed like a goofy ninja
>I suck my cheeks in at you, SHEEP

>> No.7512648

>wears a varsity jacket
>only played on JV

>wears fake dunks
>can only do a lay up

>wears beanie
>not a cancer patient

>> No.7512708
File: 46 KB, 590x572, 1385016040047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512758

>wearing monkstraps
>not living in tibet

>wearing a field jacket
>not being grass

>Wearing comme des garcons
>plus tot comme une fille

>wearing parkas
>not hunting seals and living in an igloo

>> No.7512840

>Wearing basketball shorts
>only good in football

>Wears wife beater
>wife is much more muscular than i

>> No.7512889

I dislike these boots as well. But then again I dislike most women's footwear.

>> No.7512908

>wearing peacoats
>not a vegetable

>wearing sunglasses
>not being the sun

>wearing watches
>not being a Watchman

>wearing chinos
>not being chinese

>> No.7512938

Is the red zipper going up the back supposed to be a trademark of a particular brand?

>> No.7512955

>wearing hoodies
>doesn't live in the hood

>wearing docs
>not a doctor

>wearing desert boots
>isn't a sandnigger

>wearing swim trunks
>isn't an elephant

>getting an HY

>> No.7513102

>wearing a windbreaker
>isn't a fart

>> No.7513111

Why do have the girls in this picture have such a glorious ass?
Where is this magical place that breeds white girls with booty so superfluously? I want to move there.

>> No.7513121


>> No.7513128


oh god so many hulkin fat thighs, utterly disgusting

>> No.7513137

they're fat.

big plump ass =/= fatty's fat ass
large joocy tits =/= fatty's fat tits

>> No.7513138

ew what kind of shithole do u live in to think that anyone in that pic is good looking

flat ass tree trunk thighs everywhere

>> No.7513139

>tanker boots
pls b in london

>> No.7513144

>not being Hitler
rkfaer induces

>> No.7513154

should I read the book first, or watch the film

>> No.7513164

>getting a HY

>> No.7513162
File: 78 KB, 512x378, 1388386107398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7513180

Only in the US of A.
Out here, we prefer bitches with that extra cushion to keep our dicks warm wet and comfy, nam sayin?

>> No.7513182

How is it that in just about every clothing store the womens section is 95% of the entire floorplan and still they somehow find a uniform? There are thousands of possibilities and college girls always seem to be set on one

>> No.7513191


>> No.7513196
File: 3 KB, 125x120, 1372102056884s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7513199



>> No.7513204
File: 65 KB, 589x786, 1385737030773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op you forgot this one!

>> No.7513212
File: 2 KB, 125x104, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7513223


>> No.7513249

probably an iphone panorama and the bitch moved her head

>> No.7513288

I'm pretty sure she's looking slightly to the right, and her hand is running through her hair on the left side. Just a weird angle

>> No.7513363

got some replies

>> No.7513374

I am so fucking mad right now I'm not showing it but i am really mad right now this makes me so angry and mad and oohhh...

I bet they think they are soooo fabulous. the fat bitch with red pants is the worst tho.

>> No.7513775
File: 109 KB, 1280x1024, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe its a Star Wars convention and they're all dressed as Han Solo

>> No.7513797
File: 580 KB, 1024x1544, 1385844421191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else have the special snowflake syndrome where if you're in the vicinity of anyone wearing something similar to you, you feel uncomfortable?

If lordy lordy i was one of these chicks, and I noticed everyone else looked at me, fuck I'd be out of there so fast in humiliation. How do they all stand there together do they even notice...

>> No.7513809

I'm pretty sure it's in Canada

>> No.7513832

>Wears wife beater
>wife is much more muscular than i
top kek

>> No.7513830
File: 70 KB, 960x541, 1383535316910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7513843

w2c shirt?

>> No.7513845 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 800x498, coldasice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagone some /fa/ggot in rick owens lurking around. he'd get the ugliest stares

>> No.7513857

>stuff white people like

>> No.7513858

>says doesn't live in oxford for oxfords
>says isn't named chelsea for chelsea boots
>not knowing chelsea is a place
>being a filthy plebian

>> No.7513864
File: 549 KB, 2560x1440, 1385710614137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine some /fa/ggot in rick owens lurking around or passing through. he'd get the ugliest looks

>> No.7513869

>/fa/ uniform

>> No.7513895

all those girls would be so easy to bone

>> No.7513902

okay, this has to be set up, there is no way that this was coincedence

>> No.7514125


Jesus christ, every fucking girl in that picture have got huge thighs.

>> No.7514138


probably, but frat dudes (especially southern fratboys) usually wear that uniform

>> No.7514159


1/10, would not like to interact with again.

>> No.7514181

such is life in America.

>> No.7514189
File: 132 KB, 500x700, tumblr_mqz7uy6W9E1s3rv8so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god. This is somehow worse.

I can imagine these guys at GAP "yeaaah, if I get a light blue shirt with khakis, I will get SO MUCH pussy! RAD GUYS"

Fucking betas.

>> No.7514193


i'm sure they have a lot of sex, and not because of their clothes

>> No.7514204


B-b-but it can't be like this everywhere in that vast continent?

>> No.7514432

There are plenty of hot grills in America, but its not effay for Americans to express anything more than ironic appreciation for their country.

Fuck all y'all, I've lived in Texas my whole life and there are plenty of 7/10+ qts here. They still dress like total plebs though.

>> No.7515135
File: 145 KB, 644x700, WBBOOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to try pulling off jackboots and breeches
>can't find any good jackboots

Was thinking Wachbattalion but the site that had them disappeared just when I get enough money to cop them.

>> No.7515298

oh i know that feel, there is one guy on youtube who hand makes them and they are perfect. too bad he fell off the face of the planet two years ago.

>> No.7515313

clearly running her hands through her hair

>> No.7515410

>be in frat
>everyone does this
>everyone gets laid