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/fa/ - Fashion

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7499931 No.7499931[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

That feel when no friends. And I mean NO friends. I don't have anyone to talk to ever. I never get invited to parties. Going to nightclubs is not my scene so I can't pick up friends there. I'm /fa/ in my own mind and everyone around me knows it... yet I don't have friends. I'm not similar to anyone at all. Anyone else got these feels? Anyone want to help me out?

>> No.7499946

it doesnt get better, kill yourself

>> No.7499956

go to shows for bands you love

you're bound to find like-minded people.

>> No.7499959

Go find a hobby, other than being /fa/.
Music, politics, arts, sports, whatever. Best way to connect with new people is to have a common activity which requires regular social interaction.

>> No.7499965

stop being a faggot and talk to people, nerd

>> No.7499966

>I'm not similar to anyone at all

that's not true, you just might not be similar to anyone around you, is all. and yeah, i know that feel. i live on a poor estate and work a pleb job. if you want to talk to anyone about anything other than football or x factor here you'll be burned as a heretic.

so yeah tfw no friends

and help you out? i doubt anyone here can help you, you gotta help yourself.

>> No.7499969

where did it all go wrong for you OP?

>> No.7499970

but everyone on /fa/ is your friend :c

>> No.7499975

You still got us OP

>> No.7499999

blame your autism

>> No.7500000


I play the drums really well, but I'm not in a band because I don't have connections to get into a band because no friends. If I can afford gig tickets, I will probably give that a go! As for everyone here being my friend, thankyou, I appreciate that... but it's not like we can meet up every weekend for some drinks and shopping etc.

As for this... dude or dudette... it would take a while to explain. But it kind of went wrong when I disliked most of the things my "ex friends" did.

>> No.7500005

I can kind of relate, but I'm used to it. You don't need friends to enjoy life.

>> No.7500011

sweet get

>> No.7500020

are you in british columbia?

>> No.7500021


>> No.7500040

>>7500005 I used to have that mindset, but coming up to NY... everyone at parties and stuff and then there's me... at home, in bed, on /fa/.

>>7500011 Holy shit haha, I do good ye?

>>7500020 UK

>> No.7500034

I still feel lonely even though I have a girlfriend, tons of different groups of friends and acquaintances, workmates and get invited to parties a lot. I'll talk to about 7-10 people on FB every day (they always initiate) but still feel lonely. I'll never start the conversation because I feel as though it might be "needy" but people continue to talk to me.

Idk what to do.

>> No.7500051
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i'm in the same boat, op

i keep thinking i'd like to throw a party for my birthday in february, but i'd have nobody to invite

fuck getting a gf, i just want someone to hang out with, drink coffee, go for a walk, dance with at gigs, play nintendo


>> No.7500063

whereabouts in the uk?

>> No.7500078
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>tfw i really want to see walter mitty, her, and wolf on wallstreet but i don't want to go to the movies alone three times
oh shit and new years soon damn

>> No.7500083
File: 27 KB, 893x528, todays_feelcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when introvert, but like going out and partying and getting fucked, but these activities are 99% enjoyed by confident people and extroverts so don't have any like minded friends who are like me, and don't feel comfortable hanging around with loud people

>> No.7500084

going to the movies alone is chill man
just do it :)

>> No.7500090

>>7500051 I get you so much! When I go shopping, I go on my own... but I like it on my own. When I'm at home or doing something else, I'd love just one person to be with. BUT, I'd get to clingy.

>>7500063 Doncaster? Neer Sheffield and York.

>> No.7500087

this is bait.

>> No.7500114

I know your feel OP except I am optimistic about 2014, relationships and social structures will be revamped.

At your point of time, getting a social life to your minds eye is jumping the grand canyon: it makes your mind think its impossible.

Instead, start with small steps. Progress is making the most of the resources you have at the time. Smalltalk with strangers, get comfortable with people, learn how to get things flowing, learn how to initiate hangouts, learn the places to hang out, etc.

As long you have the desire, your quality friendships will exist. You just have to do your part. Good luck.

>> No.7500126

>is sitting all day on 4chan never outside
>probably doesnt even have a proper hobby

>> No.7500123

It's really not. I'm sorry to say. I just feel empty. Even though I have all these people around me I feel as though I'm hollow and nothing matters. I don't know how to explain it to someone who doesn't feel the same way. Might seem like I'm being a twat but I'm empty inside.

>> No.7500132


Thanks a bunch annon, good luck also!

>> No.7500145

I'm very musical.
I play basketball and baseball.
I go window shopping a lot.
I love trying new coffee shops.
I like walking in the woods.
I like sea fishing.

>> No.7500147

What worries me is that I am rubbish at making friendships last and getting close to people. I often feel uncomfortable around certain types of people and personalities and can't say or do stuff that I would in front of people I am relaxed around or be myself. I find making new genuine friends to be a ball ache unless they're a certain type of person which results in not improving my social life and connections

>> No.7500151

>anon pours out his heart
>people talk about his get

never change

>> No.7500205


same. i usually get along with people just fine but i just fuck them off and never call them again, which is pretty dumb considering i have no friends, but at the same time, if i clash with someone on what i see as a fundamental level, i see no reason to persist.

>> No.7500223


>> No.7500226



>> No.7500229

> i usually get along with people just fine but i just fuck them off and never call them again
I do this but only because i have really low self esteem and assume no one would want to here from me again anyway.

>> No.7500236

>Get is a whiny story of an loner...

>> No.7500237


although I have a number of pretty close friends. this is primarily been my experience in college though

>> No.7500241

fuck a thot

>> No.7500243
File: 547 KB, 880x1604, startingsocialskills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


like seriously fuccbois there is a whole board dedicated to feels why not take your bullshit there?

> I'm /fa/ in my own mind and everyone around me knows it..
>yet I don't have friends
lmao that's not how it works broseph. You are lame as fuck and people see right through your fake 4chan-cultivated personality

I am fashionable and a dick to a lot of people they still want to be friends with me. I hardly say shit yet I am considered "the cool guy" in most of my classes.

ps-the reason you guys don't have friends and don't get invited anywhere is because you're boring to talk to and uninteresting.

like if you were as /fa/ as you think you are in your mind this wouldn't be happening dude

>> No.7500261

And how does one break the cycle. I don't have any friends to do stuff with, and doing stuff alone is boring.

>> No.7500263

wats F
wats 3x5
xplen pls

>> No.7500266

Do something that means you will be interacting with people your age and possibly similar interests. THis could be getting a new job or joining a club

>> No.7500269

3 sets of 5
3 sets until failiure

sets x reps
it's from /fit/ (if your dumb ass couldn't tell)

>> No.7500271


this is sort of a problem with a 4chan fashion board

style and being fashionable is sort of an extension of having a very defined, interesting personality. thus you sort of have a bunch of browsers without interesting styles

that's sort of what a fuckboy is to me.

>uniqlo tee
>black uniqlo jeans
>CDG chucks

boring and soulless

>> No.7500276

You sound angry and aggressive - do you have a small penis

>> No.7500277

Then we can simply change our mindset.

I used to have that upsetting belief that "I suck at maintaining friendships". My high school friends drifted away wildly, and it was hurting that I cannot connect with them.

Then I came to a new perspective that the distinction between shallow friends and quality friends becoming clear. The shallow friends you're talking about, as in, that their company was enjoyable "at the time", but obviously there's no future for the friendship. It's just a fling. Let it be a fling. Also, don't beat yourself badly. Instead, let the friendship run its course. Don't waste energy on it. Also, most importantly, its ok to have shallow friendships because they play a vital role for networking: a way to meet other people, mutual friends and shit, and eventually you will meet people who do have your interests.

>> No.7500283

im introverted and u can still party just duck out a few mins o recapture ur energy
tbh ure seeing and making up excuses cuz i thought that too

>> No.7500289

I'm not making excuses, just saying like i really enjoy going out and stuff, i just dont have the social life or personality to satisfy my own interests and desires. kind of sucks.

>> No.7500291

which are?

>> No.7500296
File: 60 KB, 640x478, le setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u can build/add ur personality for that include it in u

i like seeing peoples reactions and observing them and enjoy dancing with people partly(small partly) why i love to dj

>> No.7500299

going out, the music i listen to etc.

>> No.7500303

I actually have a pair of technics as well, don't know if i would have the confidence to dj in front of lots of people though

>> No.7500322

>style and being fashionable is sort of an extension of having a very defined, interesting personality.
I disagree

I think 4chan has the same mindset as /mfa/, "the clothes make the man". Obviously they prefer different clothes, but both groups think that their clothes will magically change them into a new person.

It may do so inadvertendly, but if people on 4chan didn't have this (retarded) notion that once they change their wardrobe their life would change, we wouldn't have these bullshit "why do I still have these feels after I purchase all this Zara and Topman!"

The problem with you fuccbois is you do not want to create [interesting fits], you just want to replicate images you've seen on 4chan thousands of time and adhere to a specific style.

Rather than asking yourself "how can I make this style work for me and my tastes?" you guys ask "w2c [style archetype]-approved [garment] for my fits? I want to become [style archetype]"

6.7inches. Nothing to brag about tbh but it gets the job done

>> No.7500323

what's etc
the purpose is for you to list and know/identify shit u enjoy im not calling u out
r u the same du i was talking to?
start out by playing your records out randomly for an hour or 3,then start creating a certain mood/atmosphere the next time then create a playlis with dopest trax and then invite peeps over to listen to ur curated shit

>> No.7500341


yo man

i really want to get into djing and making beats

i literally have no experience and do not know what to get etc

i just want to make a soundcloud and post some beats ive made, could you give me some pointers?

>> No.7500363


>> No.7500368

I'm serious: do you have at least ONE friend? A cousin maybe? Just 1 person who you know and you could hang out with?

>> No.7500377
File: 75 KB, 1280x850, a day in the office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea but will start learning making beats as of next year and study musical theory later
really like life
trial & error but here homie i got u da basicz!
if its for you practice looping/efx and finger drumming
a theory behind djing is how you dj is nearly how u approach life

>> No.7500393

i personally?

>> No.7500394

>want to buy new clothes already
>know what I want, kinda, but stores never have exactly what I want or anything that interesting, or they have what I want but with shitty colours or designs on them, etc
>realise that maybe I don't know what I want
>don't know where to look for ideas or trends
>want to buy things I like but not sure if I'll regret it later (for example, I think I want to get on the Nike Air trainer trend, but I've always worn classic looking skate shoes and it seems cool but at the same time I'm scared)
>literally never sure whether one size is too big or small and I panic
>been wearing the same 2 jeans for years because I can't find any others that are similar

This whole ordeal is stressing me so much

>> No.7500388

how do you come about being a DJ professionaly?
do u make da big bux?

>> No.7500399

>>7500368 I have someone to like kinda talk to like "hi, you okay, wuu2" but NOBODY to hang out with...

>> No.7500396


>> No.7500416


That's how most designers start out. They can't find things that are perfect... so they design them and make them available. CONGRATZ ANNON, U R FAMOUS DESIGNER

>> No.7500429


what do you suggest i should buy for an absolute beginner?

software to get?

>> No.7500433

>That's how most designers start out.
no it isn't

>> No.7500455

i dont make big bucks yet because i dont think im at a level to deserve that kind of money and i play varied gigs at weird places, tbh im not pushing a career as hard as i had imagined(before) due to a lot of reasons personally.

idg the term but i know why its applied and that will take a lot of time and dedication on your part
a lot of socializing/networking,selling your brand & skillls and prepare to be dissapointed and ready for anything esp at gigs with equipment and environment
oh and prepare to spend a lot of time organizing and practicing

>> No.7500464

This is the face of autism

>> No.7500475

what;s your budget?

ideally id throw you in the deep end with 2x technics sl1200 a vestax 2 channel mixer and lots of records atleast ul have resale valued items if u decide its not 4 u

but i want u to learn so

>> No.7500474
File: 60 KB, 200x200, 243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to make new friends
>afraid of being too clingy
>just end up distancing myself too much and not making any friends

>> No.7500482

First, sorry for bad english but isn't my native language.
I had the same problem, but i had the balls to solve it. Try to find someone to hang out with! Maybe to go to some clubs, where you drink and be more social. Or hang out with her/his group of friends. The first times will probably be awkward and you'll be shy, but don't worry. You'll do experience and learn, and you'll be able to take over you social life and make new friends!
Obv, this imply not being socially retarded. Man up!

>> No.7500493

I am this feel

>trying to make new friends
>dont want them to know I dont have any already
>they can usually see right through you
>cycle continues

>> No.7500495



>> No.7500522

2 x Numark NDX400

1x Ecler NUO 2ch mixer

1x Sennheiser HD 25

>> No.7500531

H-help me, please

>> No.7500541

and speakers

>> No.7500558

Why the fuck does this happen
how to stop

>> No.7500553

ure scare m8
scared of moving forward and think youre leaving urself

>> No.7500555

just did 6 nights in a row on MD. feel like crying now

>> No.7500570

I'm not sure if you're spot on and I need to consider moving on in some sense that I don't fully understand yet, or you're just trying to make matters worse.

>> No.7500584

im spot on
u seem anxious/paranoid of a lot of things dude
relax it's only /fa/ for now

>> No.7500601

im spot on
u seem anxious/paranoid of a lot of things dude
relax it's only /fa/ for now

>> No.7500607

focus on bettering yourself and give yourself chances to meet people

if they want to be around you then you have made a friend

>> No.7500604

tfw you don't really like goth ninja and can't pull it off
tfw you think workwear is boring
tfw all i want to do is cloth myself in CDG, visvim, junya, thommy b but don't have the funds
tfw i'm not ballin

>> No.7500605
File: 8 KB, 234x216, 12094701957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no friends left after distancing myself for 2 years
>tfw I decline every clubbing offer because it isn't my thing
>tfw I am surrounded by nerds who either wear obnoxious GAP hoodies all season and girls who wear like preteen
hang in there bro

>> No.7500625

pls b in london introvert guys
we can like
meet up
and then just act like we dont know each other
and maybe drink some cider

>> No.7500635

>tfw only reason you are social I'd because you live in a "party" student housing complex and have monies for drink on the regular
>tfw graduating next semester and never figured out how to make normal friends

>> No.7500656


dude honestly like £70 haha

i think if i start getting into it i will obviously invest more money into it but i just want absolute basics

someone mentioned a midi keyboard? see i dont know anything about that

>> No.7500702

>tfw not many friends back home
>tfw older brothers who are more outgoing, had lots of friends etc.
>always were going out when they were young
>their friends used to go out loads, all into drugs and dance music etc.
>gone out with them and their friends few times as i got older
>like them more than people i know my age
>like the same music as them
>they're all over 30 now
>just wish i could meet people like them my own age and have a good group of friends like them
>tfw constantly comparing their lives to mine and feel inadequate

>> No.7500719

i don't know what MD is tbh

>> No.7500727

get a korg microkey for a midi keyboard theyre p cheap and basic

>> No.7500740

>be Britfag
>grew up in Barcelona since I was 3 and always lived here due to parents job and their life decisions and such
>never felt Spanish at all, always thought of myself as English, but when I'm around other Brits I feel alien and like I'm not used to the British lifestyle and way of being
>go to England every year for like a week and I always feel intimidated and like I don't know how to behave or the customs here, I don't have any sort of accent, just a really neutral kind of awkward sounding English voice (people can tell I'm from England but never what part)
>everything is a lot more advanced in the UK, people seem similar to me in some ways
>kind of want to leave Spain because it's a shit hole and I'm NEET but I don't know any different
>have the opportunity to come and live in the UK but not sure what to do. Weather is shit and cold too, but girls are more qt

Any Britfags or people who have done anything similar or been in a similar position as me?

Any advice is appreciated.

>> No.7500763

Mountain Dew

>> No.7500774

i'd probably cry too if i were you

>> No.7500803

Enjoy your sleep paralysis

>> No.7500826

6 nights on MD isn't even possible. Fair enough 2 but by the third you won't even have any serotonin left in you. You'll not feel anything and if you attempted to you'd need a fuck ton of MD

>> No.7500833

But that get is sweet.

>> No.7500841

Whats neet?

>> No.7500853

Not in Employment, Education or Training


>> No.7500858

er, yeah. i think i was just doing it for the mild stim effect from the speed at that point

>> No.7500867

Nice set up how much did you snag et technics for?

>> No.7500877

Some guy at work is trying to be my friend. He dropped in the fact that I should give him my number three times in one sentence. I can't just say to the guy 'nigga i don't have a phone and you are too working class and ignorant for me to comfortably associate with you on any more than a shallow level during work breaks'. It's making me want to get a new job. I wish I worked at home.

Wow I'm such a dickhead.

>> No.7500885

he wants the dick

>> No.7500898

i want to live in london. if you live in london let me sleep on your couch and in exchance i will be your friend, both in private and publicly (friends are like bitches, you have one others will notice you more. i will not be clingy or jealous, instead i will actively facilitate you joining new groups).

all i ask is a couch and that you have the basic amenities.

>> No.7500911

>guy trying to get #
>wow I should quit

>> No.7500915

i live in london. what do u do and how old are u?

>> No.7500927


i'm a 25 year old struggling writer

>> No.7500929
File: 110 KB, 680x506, 1381001351397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your friend tells you she has a thing for a guy at her work

why did i bitch out

>> No.7500935

Lol this isn't the same guy. I'm 21 and got kicked out of uni. I really need someone's help

>> No.7500940

why cant i just drop my trip

>> No.7500968

i don't get it

are YOU the guy at work?

if so tell her how you feel right now

like right fucking now

go get psyched up listen to some 3 6 mafia or some mastodon or death grips or whatever drink some red bull and tell her

you only live once

>> No.7501000

I'm not him but I got a dual set of MKII and 100+ 90 hip hop albums for 700 3 years ago

>> No.7500995

op i live in sheffield i'll be ur m8

>> No.7501003

Not him but I'd be interested also.

I'm 20 and English. Don't work right now but I'd probably look for a job some place, I produce electronic music, play in bands, and like to drink and party. Other than that I spend all day procrastinating, or if not playing WoW every now and then, but I think these last 2 would change if I got a job and moved out of my parents' house.

I'm asking out of curiosity because I'll probably look into renting a room or something near London cause I hate my life right now and just want to go far away where I can work a shitty job, party, make music and buy clothes.

>> No.7501014


yep this is my problem as well

>> No.7501011

>work a shitty job, party, make music and buy clothes
what about your future

>> No.7501022

>You are lame as fuck and people see right through your fake 4chan-cultivated personality

Ye basicly this, people who dont really know who they are, are trying to find a personality here. But at the end they will find out they are just a empty shell.

>> No.7501029

The fuck? I don't come here to 'find a personality' just because i'm unhappy with my life atm. I'm just interested in nice looking clothes, tbh I don't like half the shit i see people wear in /fa/

>> No.7501062

this guy plays fucking WoW

and this guy is probably on heroin but not in a good way

if there's any couches going i'm the man for that couch

>> No.7501068
File: 36 KB, 200x200, Rep_Weak_Reviewer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i'm just that old friend, the guy at work is someone else.

>> No.7501111
File: 46 KB, 820x608, 1387851167531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw talking to a girl and she seems interested but she must have other guys after her

Hoe do you come out on top and make her your gf?

>> No.7501108

>became good friends with a girl from my class
>talk to her alot
>she is okay looking
>she has a bf
>often at same parties
>she get flirty with me at parties
>kinda reject her each time
>end up sleeping with her anyway
>haven't had a conversation with her since
>start missing her
only 1½ year of seeing her everyday left

>> No.7501120

ask her out bro, if you can get quads you can get her too

>> No.7501125

just ask her you FUCKING FAGGOT stop making excuses to stop yourself from asking her out

>> No.7501136

Not him but some girls aren't looking for a relationship and just want to sleep around

>> No.7501145

wtf /fa/ I just saw a grill use green text on twitter, is this common place now or do you think she uses 4chan? she kinda qt

>> No.7501154
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>> No.7501161

Sorry probably need to make clear. She is in Brazil right now, she said she would like to go out when she gets back, we talked through a dating site. How do I impress more than others?

>> No.7501166

she uses 4chan

>> No.7501175

ive never used a dating site but just be friendly and dont try too hard to impress her i guess

i am not an expert on this topic so might not work

>> No.7501177

I dunno I think she might have seen me browsing it on my phone before, so she would have called me out if she did

>> No.7501190

4chan users aren't exactly the "OMGGGGGG U BROWSE [website] TOOOOO???? OMG SO COOOOOOL" type, though

>> No.7501199

if i saw a hot grill browsing 4chan i wouldn't exactly say anything. Unless shes one of the snapfam tho

>> No.7501204

I would do that, I've never met anyone who used 4chan before.

I'm not hot though so it's different

>> No.7501236

A lot of hot girls I know IRL go on reddit.

This one girl thought I was ultra lame for going on 4chan but that's b.c when people think 4chan they think le legion XD

>> No.7501255


my first girlfriend and i were both /b/tards

we were 13

i'm cringing remembering it oh god fuck you guys

>> No.7501253


i've met so many people who browse 4chan it's ridic

girls included

>> No.7501259

This so much

>> No.7501270

I didn't expect to discuss this here, but I've always thought that the "true" 4channers are the kind that keep it totally secret.

The kind of people that browse 4chan that post shit on Facebook from here or are clear "board sheeps" (they only like whatever X board recommends and post about it as if they have any real opinion or taste in things), or use common memes, sentences or vocabulary from here or outright don't care that people know.

Sorry for the terrible and slightly exaggerated explanation, but this is how I see it after 6 years of browsing here. For me, this place is everything, this is my home, the only place where I am understood and honestly feel like 50% of my mind is this website. I'll stop it now, this is getting deep.

>> No.7501285

i agree 100% if anyone uses 4chan memes outside of 4chan they should be banned from this website forever

>> No.7501287

there's a line posting shit on facebook is terrible but letting people know that you browse 4chan is ok, as long as those people actually know what it is

>> No.7501291


>le secret club xDDD

>> No.7501315

not so much a secret club thing as a problem i have with the mentality of the people who do it because they're always like

"oh look we are talking about 4chan we are so much cooler than those people on reddit and funnyjunk" even though by using memes outside 4chan they are really no better than those people

also using memes outside 4chan = lowering the amount of time it takes for a meme to become facebook-tier

>> No.7501311

this doesnt belong on /fa/
nonetheless, I am a depressed fag, and if you ever need someone to talk to I am here for you anon, be it on skype or over 4chan (。◕ ∀ ◕。)

>> No.7501331

>meme to become facebook-tier
lmao it's ultra nerds who care about meme-status that i dont want to be around on 4chan lol
everyone else is cool i wish everyone would chill and stop being so angry and edgy

>> No.7501347

>i wish everyone would chill and stop being so angry and edgy
then what would be left of 4chan?, just the porn boards?

>> No.7501357

>girls more qt in england than spain

top kek

>> No.7501991

>tfw browsing through old obscure chavvy and cheesy bassline releases atfrom the mid 2000s at 3.45 and getting feels

>> No.7502493

honestly i think its probably better to look good
dont ever compromise

kind of in the same boat bt a yung thug dressed in rick leather and guidi w/ perf modelboi measurements and bone structure
my whole look is passive aggressive, snobbish and wards ppl off

i have no reason to be seen in public w/ ppl i work or attend uni with even tho there are some rlly great ppl i get along well with
we might as well be from different planets

the problem is i'm now attracting middle aged witches and gross skinbyrd goth bitches that wear all black in the tackiest way possible

where r the qt all black designer garm wearing art majors w/ gr8 bums and topknot buns

>> No.7502503


look good and be alone**

>> No.7502694
File: 12 KB, 200x200, Phat_Beach_OST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey nice quints pal 8)

maybe u can use them to ur advantage to gain friends

>> No.7503133

I'm fucking bored man, I never do shit anymore the most interesting conversation I had recently was when me and my dad talked about home brewing for like 6 hours

I'm just waiting to get my ccw so I can get into bodyguard or security work, I already carry a piece but it'd be nice not to worry about doing 3 years because I got pulled over.

Life is fucking boring holy shit, I live to get money to buy shit to be happy for an hour then be unhappy until I get more money god damn

>> No.7503496

You are me.

>> No.7503553

How to conceal gyno? It shows through shirts ;_; and it's too hot to layer. Losing weight, but the doctor said that probably won't do a lot for it.

>> No.7503558
File: 145 KB, 680x846, bucketfeel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've never had a haircut that I've actually liked

>> No.7503579

my current, self inflicted haircut is the first style i've been happy with
it's something everyone should try

>> No.7503599

>mfw run out of cocaine


>> No.7503603

get a job where people your age work

go to gigs/concerts/events in your interests

>> No.7503606

brought to you by a 15 year old suburban teen living with his parents

you arent cool because you snort narcotics up your nose - everyone does it

>> No.7503617


>> No.7503618
File: 230 KB, 427x361, BSoqnzTCYAAPFhb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be completely numb so I can't feel this biting sadness anymore.

>> No.7503613 [DELETED] 



>> No.7503650


>> No.7503660


>> No.7503859
File: 32 KB, 220x244, 1372243652825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have really close friends at college, only do stuff with them during the day
>don't go out, don't get to know grills
>no friends from school, currently spending christmas break in hometown, will spend nye alone

>tfw it doesn't really bother me at the moment and I spend tons of time learning for exams and other stuff

>> No.7503912
File: 85 KB, 500x351, 1380179075984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this time last week i was passed out drunk after blowing my chances with a qtpie

>> No.7503927

>tfw not one single fashion-conscious friend
>closest one wears dropdead sublimation tees
>bought CPs for $220
>"Why would you spend so much?"
>tfw no girls are nice with me, I become condescending when I'm with trashier girls when i'm just covering up my sadness

>> No.7504005
File: 2.45 MB, 426x240, 1370161331278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

becoz the trip chose u !

>> No.7504029

Told 4 guys i hang with at my school where to get raf adidas for cheap (75% sale). They all bought a pair - not knowing the others did the same.

Now we some raf adidas dance crew. Not cool.

>> No.7504072

yo tell a boy w2c these cheap rafs
i wanna get in on this rafdidas dance crew

>> No.7504076

Was in-store m8


Are pretty cheap too. You can get an additional 10% off by signing up for the newsletter.

>> No.7504077

And just for the same reason we can more easily bear a misfortune which comes to us entirely from without, than one which we have drawn upon ourselves; for fortune may always change, but not character. Therefore, subjective blessings,—a noble nature, a capable head, a joyful temperament, bright spirits, a well-constituted, perfectly sound physique, in a word, mens sana in corpore sano, are the first and most important elements in happiness; so that we should be more intent on promoting and preserving such qualities than on the possession of external wealth and external honor.


Still to ourselves in every place consign'd Our own felicity we make or find.

>> No.7504082

damn shame, but those ones linked look aight, thanks b !

>> No.7504120

Very few people in my life know I visit this site. One of my friends insists I use reddit but i never admit that I use 4chan.

I would never tell a girl I was interested in that I have ever even heard of this site.

>> No.7504284

tfw got a qt girl that i'm in the in-between stage of going with
her grandad died yesterday and idrk what to say aside from sorry for her loss and that i'm here if she ever wants to talk
i was gonna make a move to make it official in the next few days but now it looks like i'm taking advantage of the situation

>> No.7504314


If you are with a girl who will mock you for 4chan, then you are with the wrong person. Me and my bf go on 4chan, it is great fun to giggle all the stupid memes to each other, something you obviously cannot do if your partner doesn't get the joke. I know everyone has a low opinion of 4chan but honestly it's a pretty cool site, people should stand up for it more, it's nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.7504382

/cgl/ pls go

>> No.7504399

do u think if I straight up asked a 17 year old girl if she want to f she'd do it

>> No.7504414

sure if youre more handsome than her

>> No.7504419

True dat, get a good clipper and some mirrors. You'll probably screw up at first but it gets easy thereafter. Plus you'll be saving a fuckload.

>> No.7504437
File: 586 KB, 2000x2000, 1376747261182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ man

what happened to you

>> No.7504442


>> No.7504453
File: 2.80 MB, 1533x2615, 1366448134040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre all washed up

>> No.7504459

thinkin about getting an escort, like one of those, 19 year old "just doing it to make it through university" girls. 30mins for £50, i mean, that's cheaper than alcohol, taxis, drugs and club entry

>> No.7504468
File: 157 KB, 500x375, 1375788473590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for fucks sake you guys

>> No.7504475

Fuck mane

>> No.7504473

I don't just mean random 17 year old girls hoping one will bite
I mean a specific one bruh

>> No.7504487
File: 2.27 MB, 1858x1901, 1366428111043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a specific one
well it depends on her man we cant answer that

>> No.7504496

man I don't fkn know I met her once but apparently she maybe wants it

>> No.7504605
File: 496 KB, 995x752, 09:00:07 detonate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> but apparently maybe
fuck get it together man

youre talking like a crazy person

>> No.7504725
File: 1.51 MB, 500x271, matto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7504741

>tfw too scared to be /fa/ because you have no self esteem

like seriously guys, what do i do? i have an alright collection of clothes, but don't wear it because everytime i do it i get noticed.
why am i scared??

>> No.7504743

that's jw10 from sp

>> No.7504753

do it mane

>> No.7505341

Haven't seen anyone wearing them yet here will be on the lookout :)

also thx for that xavier store got a nice apc tee from it for like 20 eu.

>> No.7505378 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 612x612, Scanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a crush on this half scandanavian black girl that lives in copenhagen,

>had good conversations with her 2bad she doesnt life in NL

w2c Tumblrcore Black gf "Sigh"

>> No.7505399
File: 28 KB, 609x749, 1381150416648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you see an extremely tall and handsome guy wearing chinos 2 sizes too big, a breaking bad tee shirt, and red vans

>> No.7505414

i just dress like a basic bitch and buy increasingly well made clothing. i'm autistic, though, and care more about fabric and construction than creating a coherent outfit

>> No.7505445

>That feel when no friends. And I mean NO friends. I don't have anyone to talk to ever. I never get invited to parties. Going to nightclubs is not my scene so I can't pick up friends there

im with you there
i've been that way since i was about 16

this lead to alot of boredom
so whenever i need something new, i'll sit there in research every possible facet of something possible and get the best of that item

my clothes were starting to get shitty looking oneday 5 years ago so i started with that then i kept jumping through shit as i needed them

i strive to be an expert in shit for no other reason, than boredom

i've literally picked up playing the guitar with youtube videos and a few trips out to fender california becuase i have so much time on my hands, firday sat nights 8 hours a night just playing cords over and over you'd be amazed at how much i've leanred in just a few months

>> No.7505549
File: 1.83 MB, 375x283, 1375550728035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you will never get a dualset of mk2 in this lifetime

fucking europe man weird ass prices everywhere, i can't even snag 1 1200 for a decent price.

>> No.7505607
File: 77 KB, 960x938, 1342397444006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf

>> No.7505674

1 sentence, so minimalistic it doesn't need any explanation.

the biggest of feels there is in the world.

>> No.7505693
File: 54 KB, 289x386, 1377505296021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>south east london feels general
>mfw the barber asks me what football team i support

>> No.7505725
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, approval.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf of over a year who helps me buy good fits

>> No.7505751

>9 months until uni starts
>literally have 1 friend who is somewhat busy with school
>need to get a job but I have no idea where to look from, no connections etc.
>Know I will get a one week thing in april but that's it
>can't afford to move away from home until uni starts

9 months of suffering. Wish I just got a job and could go abroad at spring.

>> No.7505769

>Shitty hair
>shitty style
>anxious to shop in public because I look awful
>All of my online orders are never quite right
>never ending cycle
I wanna be adored

>> No.7505787

>tfw trying to get over yourself

>> No.7505812 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 1024x680, 1379244162161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feeling when pedo
Can't have friends, can't have a girlfriend, can't have a family, everything is just suffering. I can't even be alone and be happy. Everything is misery because nothing includes them, and even the thought of getting what I want makes me feel like it'd end badly.

>> No.7505839

i know your feel mate. i know it too well, its an awful feel. i have 2 best friends who ive been friends with for 8 years, we know each other really well and share very similar interests and i truly feel grateful for having them. im also very well dressed compared to people from my country and im good looking, so ive had 2 gfs in the last 6 months. im not good in relationships so i cant maintain one. but i just feel empty and nothing excites when im on my own. i often catch myself reminiscing over my teenage days when i didnt have a care in the world, and before this feeling just became the biggest thing about me. i feel like a huge void that cant be filled. i dunno what it is, i wouldnt say im depressed, but i dunno anymore. sorry for the awful grammar and everything english isn't my first language and i couldnt be bothered with checking my grammar right now

>> No.7505851


stop following your retarded thoughts. just because something pops into your head doesn't mean it has to define you, only if you follow it will it have any influence over you.

fuck, man, get a grip.

>> No.7505854

Just go to pubs/restaurants and ask if they're hiring, easy as fuck.

Read and workout for 9 months if getting a job fails.

>> No.7505916

>extremely tall
>tfw smelly girl on smelly fashion forum insecures you up for the evening
B^( fq u pls be in GRAVE

>> No.7505923


you really should kill yourself though. one day you're gonna convince yourself to act on those desires

>> No.7505927

>atypical mental issues should be resolved by killing oneself
you know what to do

>> No.7505935


did you just imply that pedophilia is equal to autism

>> No.7505950
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When those are the sexual/romantic feelings I feel, it's already defined, it had influence over me before I did anything related to it, be it consciously jerking, trying to be around them, anything.

It'd be more violent than "those desires" if it came to that. It's not a matter of convincing.

>> No.7506545
File: 177 KB, 700x798, gurdjieff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this thread got pretty dark

>> No.7507096


>> No.7507129

i'm quite a good looking guy but have had 0 experience with girls. i've never approached a girl in my life (this could be part of it) but i'm 21 and i would have expected at least one girl to make a move. a few of my friends girlfriends, and this one gay dude i go to uni with, said that i come across as intimidating. in actual fact i'm just a borderline-autistic, beta retard so i don't say anything and i guess they're mistaking it for that. help me /fa/. i've tried taking mdma to talk to girls at clubs and it gives me the confidence to approach but when i come over, gnashing away they always just seem to run off


>> No.7507318

I'd be your friend m8, I have no problem with pedophilia as long as you dont sexually abuse any children.

>> No.7507344

you weren't born a pedo, you can unlearn this 'fetish' if you try

>> No.7507347

>quite a good looking guy
>0 experience with girls

you're not good looking. in 21 years you would have been approached by a girl

>> No.7507349

>Trying too make new friends
>Become too weird/friendly too fast
>They stop replying to my messages

Do I have to act normal for the first 6 months?

>> No.7509193

I don't got friends either. Not a single one.

>> No.7509240

I would generally say that your relationship is gonna go to shit but I'm trying to be more positive and realize im jealous.

you lucky mane

>> No.7511343


dat botched plastic surgery

>> No.7511623

well all he has to do is make her a fuck buddy
ask her to hang out
have sex
and see if see wants a bf or not
if yes ask her if not ou fucked her

>> No.7513397

what the fuck are you crying about? having no friends is effey.

>> No.7514058
File: 87 KB, 600x454, 1368665451278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 2 months left until your dayton boots get shipped out