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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 965 KB, 498x266, wave_of_feels-18739.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7465100 No.7465100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ feels thread

>emotional sad feels

lets wallow in our sadness

>> No.7465103
File: 617 KB, 800x1184, 40430135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wheres the thread for good feels
i copped some make up yesterday and now my qt levels are too high

>> No.7465107
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>tfw gf

>> No.7465127


twerk it r u boi or grill i never figured that 1 out

>> No.7465130
File: 1.14 MB, 480x270, 1387766037748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I spent so much time browsing uo in starbucks, hoping that some qt would notice and think I'm /fa/shinable, that my Caffè Mocha got cold

>> No.7465132
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, 1387766044522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am twerkgendered (◕‿◕✿)

>> No.7465136

I bet you taste like marshmallow

>> No.7465137

>tfw dark nipples
>tfw can't wear designer tees or any thin fabric without nipples showing through

>> No.7465139

>tfw living in 3rd world country
>can't buy pretty things

>> No.7465146


can u post a pic? i wanna see what u look like

>> No.7465152

>tfw seeing a qt in uggs
>tfw get dirty looks when you paid more than $50 for any item
>tfw friends say they want to dress better and then don't listen to anything you say
>tfw no money in wallet because of new clothes/shoes
>tfw hearing that you always dress nice

>> No.7465155



>> No.7465160

he's a girly manlet with a big head

>> No.7465161

living in a 3rd world country is kinda /fa/ in itself tho

>> No.7465168
File: 1.22 MB, 1800x1580, 40428755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what


>> No.7465163
File: 25 KB, 640x480, serious_cat_is_serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted before but w/e

>Know crush for years
>she kinda has big teeth
>but her nose is perfect
>she has short hair
>she dresses really mediocre
>wears an N7 hoodie all the time
>really good friends with her
>told her i am into her
>OLd abusive bf used her for sex
>He said he only would have anal with her because he didnt want to get her pregnant
>visited her a few times when i go on leave to Portland
>milfag here
>Still really good friends
>slept in same bed and seen her naked a lot
>ass is fat
>told me she just isn't into me like that
>but she is into my inuit friend he
>is going behind his current gfs back and planning on dating her when he gets to portland from Alaska
>says he wants to marry her
>says he wants me to be a groomsman
>i think about her everyday
>i quit talking to her and him
>they think i am depressed
>I am depressed
>i want to get deployed again so i have an excuse to not to talk to them
>and so i can kill more sandniggers
>And maybe die so that she is sad about me dying

sorry i spilled gatorade on my keyboard and the keys kinda stick now

>> No.7465171

>>tfw hearing that you always dress nice
I like that feel

>>tfw friends say they want to dress better
I also like because…
>My friends take my advice and are slowly building fuccboi-tier wardrobes

>> No.7465173

so u r transgirl

>> No.7465176
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>> No.7465178

>tfw makin eyes with some grills out shopping
>catch a few looking me up and down and thing
>sometimes they look at me and immediately look away
>get paranoid as fuck that i look bad for no reason
>paranoia is gay

>be in restaurant getting food
>spot a qt
>spend the evening eye fucking her
>she was looking at me too
>visions of fucking in da bathroom
>knew it wouldn't happen

:( sometimes i get rly self conscious

>> No.7465190

hahaha underage get out

>> No.7465191
File: 72 KB, 470x646, tumblr_mporjcGnLl1rlqzuno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw mixed signals from gorgeous qtpie but never moved past "acquaintance" phase
tfw personal image, all black antifashion sense and cynical narcissistic personality probably drove her away anyway
tfw will never see her again after this week
tfw drowning my feels w/ depressing punkgaze

im in distress

>> No.7465210

what punkgaze u listening to?

>> No.7465216

fuck you, at least I have clothes that loves me

>> No.7465221

Top one, smile and if they smile back it feels good, if they look away quickly just think that they may be shy and they will probably get an eyeful of your ass as you leave.

Never eye fuck a girl in a restaurant, I've been for plenty of meals with girls who've complained about guys on other tables looking at them. I don't see why this shit happens?

>> No.7465217

is that a reflection of rick in your eyes?

>> No.7465219


what pronoun do u like sry no wanna offend

>> No.7465220

You guys need to just stop all this self-deprecation. God damn. Be happy with yourself. Please?

>> No.7465225
File: 270 KB, 878x801, wow so qttttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

singular they thank u bb

>> No.7465236

what the fuck are you doing on 4chan

>> No.7465242

ty for replying anon
i will try smiling at them more
she had a rly cute fringe too
oh well she was probably a pleb

>> No.7465237
File: 83 KB, 543x544, YUNCHRISTMAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're not in sadboyz
>tfw you're not yung lean


>> No.7465248

>cynical narcissistic personality

any advice for this? people still like me but i've become so bitter i can only see it going downhill from here.

>> No.7465267

> tfw you only feel happy when you are wearing nice clothes

>> No.7465277
File: 84 KB, 496x694, tumblr_ln1nk4H4fB1qzrrqmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this atm



idk i have such a venomous personality but it just goes with my whole image i wouldnt really want to change it anyway

i think most girls r grossed out by emaciated skinhead boys w. gr8 cheekbones and dark eyebags that wear all black

i dnt want to dress like a GQ fashion victim just 4 the vag

>> No.7465283

repost because i think this is funny but got slept no

>use y's dustbag as beach bag
>usually pack all friends shit in w/ my own into bag
>talking shit on beach
>friend sees y's logo
>'is that y's for YSL?'
>'no it's yohji yamamoto'
>'whos that?'
>'a weird old japanese designer.'
>continue talking shit about random stuff

>> No.7465281 [DELETED] 

>she had a rly cute fringe
was the restaurant called donatello? if so I was with that girl and she was not happy with you, even asked our friend opposite her is she could move her seat over an inch to block the gaze lel

>> No.7465282

that feel when you want ti be rich but keep buying spensive clothes

>> No.7465285

nah nigga this was some family pub place with my famalam lol, where you at?

>> No.7465287 [DELETED] 

Speaking of a recent experience btw, like a week ago, possibly a Thursday night, otherwise I wouldn't of asked

>> No.7465293

Ah right, nvm

>> No.7465302


>> No.7465314
File: 18 KB, 240x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never roam the streets of Kyoto with your crew all dressed in tech/sport core fits drinking Arizona

>> No.7465321

>not real girl

>> No.7465345

i was in my bed yesterday listening to one of those hypno cum-without-touching-your-dick audio things, and i really got into it
by the end i was really horny and i thought i would be able to cum successfully. i had tried with various other hypnothings before and never could get them to work, so i was determined to make this the first
i was so close
so close, and then suddenly i feel it coming

at first i thought "god damn that's a huge load, it almost feels like a stream--
fuck fuck fuck"

i pissed my bed at 22

never touching those shits again

>> No.7465354

they don't sell arizona in japan

i prefer pocari seat, calpis water or any energy drink offered by dydo vending machines just randomly scattered in all places of japan, even rural back alleys

>nobody steals from them

>> No.7465364
File: 79 KB, 266x200, 1387768681395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7465380

I went to benefit and had them put makeup on me. Not a shit ton as I'm naturally gorgeous but damn if I wasn't sexy after

>> No.7465398

>going to starbucks

now thats sad

>> No.7465402

well she isnt a real girl
shes a disgusting half-man abomination you fucking leftist

>> No.7465408

that was probably a troll post

>> No.7465411

oh lord youre like a pleb version of me

i go into this little cafe in my area and browse ssense and try to impress qt's with my patrician itunes library

>> No.7465416

no actually i think you're a pleb version of yourself

>> No.7465462
File: 193 KB, 665x904, 1386812377877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when parents aren't getting you a louis vuttion duffel bag

>> No.7465471
File: 124 KB, 612x612, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first day in the office
>get weird looks from all womynz
>learn later on that they were all textin
>textin bout how nicely I was dressed
>and how good I smelt
That fucking feel

>> No.7465478

no way this happened

>> No.7465481

LV is so tacky

>> No.7465483

This is the gothninja santa pic of the future

All hail Rick Owens, the messiah

>> No.7465489

I once overheard the women I work with calling me hot etc. but then that one qt said 'really? I don't find him that attractive' ;_;

>> No.7465491

>always thought was weird looking but in a unique way
>other night walk my freezing skinny self into mcdicks drunk and hi in my torn up sweater
>table of girls start yelling about my good looks beckoning me over etc
>waaay too out of it at the time to care or do anything but was nice being reminded of this by friend next day

>> No.7465497
File: 254 KB, 847x871, 1386088883629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have an OKCupid account
>tfw handholdless virgin
>tfw no future prospects

>> No.7465504

now I'm listening to kendric

go out, get drunk, get laid, get confidence

>> No.7465515
File: 102 KB, 800x550, 1387770765524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About three weeks ago I decided to talk to my high school crush, as I'm in college and figured, "well, why not?" At the time I was talking to a girl I hooked up with three years ago, a friend of the crush, I'll call her E, and through her I wound up talking to K (my crush) on facebook. As soon as I started mentioning K, E started becoming malevolent and essentially told me she's a slut now. Whatever. All of what K knows about me comes from two friends of hers, both of whom I've hooked up with in high school (I'm a college freshman now). Funny enough I told both of the girls I hooked up with that I was pretty much in love with K, so I sent K a message out of the blue asking if her friends ever told her I was in love with her. At first she didn't seem receptive but that began to change and soon after we started talking daily... About three weeks later, today, I succeed in getting her to come over, which felt absolutely amazing as she doesn't know me and her friends hate me ie she has to be secretive.

When I saw her I forgot how to act like a human being. I don't know why. She looked a lot better than I imagined, absolutely royal, her eyes are only found in paintings, and I saw how happy I would be kissing her and a part of me decided I didn't want to be that happy or shouldn't be that happy so I tensed up and became sweaty and acted uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. We were "watching" a movie in my room but really we were just talking about each others' lives. She told me she can't be in the room when someone is re-heating cold food, unless it is pizza in which it needs to be put in a frying pan. I mean we made each other laugh and smile but I was so awkward, and after a couple hours I tried to kiss her and it was incredibly forced and uncomfortable. I had to pick up a friend from a train station so we both left shortly after that. She now tells she dislikes me and that we shouldn't talk...

>> No.7465525


i had a horrible dream about trying to kiss my crush and it not being reciprocated

i woke up this morning and felt awful

i think its a sign

>> No.7465536

Lol keep telling yourself that m8

Context being there are only 3 women in our small office

>> No.7465541

>been living with grandmother for a few years due to mother's alcoholism and emotionally abusive father
>mothers situation worsens over the years, try repeatedly to get her help
>all the while father is accumulating immense amounts of debt, no idea as to how (gambling, drug money)
>mother's health deteriorates rapidly this summer, passes in august
>have to finally confront friends whom i had never told anything too as to why/how this all happened, feel extremely upset for having kept it so long to myself
>sister (10) moves in with me and grandmother, am now her primary caretaker (only 23 here, fulltime student, part time employee)
>prior to passing away, asked mother what am i supposed to do once she passes - take care of your sister, your name in will, contact notary, no will in existence
>by law, estate is split 3 ways (no $ in the estate, just cc debt) - father offers no support
>approach several lawyers, all are pretty useless, expensive
>spent several thousand in order to ameliorate situation, only progress is my savings dwindling
>debt increasing because of this
>feel extremely trapped and that my future is extremely limited in terms of opportunities, cannot pursue grad school elsewhere because of having to be close to sister
>enormous amount of stress, despite this do reasonably well this semester (3.7)
>have a panic attack, first ever, hours before one of the finals, have to defer it.
>stress has been accumulating ever since
>working 40+ hours since break from school
>very little social life, feel as though this stress, financial burden taken a toll on my relationship with friends/gf.
>feel as if gf will leave me eventually if this continues, despite her optimism that this is all temporary
>feel as if being proactive isn't helping much
>too broke to see a therapist to talk about all this
>first time i ever tell anyone all of this, gf and friends have no idea about my financial situation either
>/fa/ will you be my therapist?

>> No.7465550

>tfw all the grills at the office ask me what's wrong
>or if i feeling sad about something
>tfw usually happy and content

ahh, the lyfe of a sadboi

>> No.7465555

Shit man. I'm in a similar situation except I haven't fucked up.. yet. I sent a way too long message to my pre-high school crush, literally my first crush, that I always liked her. She didn't reply because basically I asked her not to. That was maybe 2 years after I left high school and 3 years after she did (she was in the year above) a year and half after that ie a few weeks ago, she got on the bus I was in and didn't see me sitting in the back. It took all of my courage to I up and talk to her, but I'm glad I did because we spent the whole evening together that day. And now I'm seeing her again next weekend for my friends birthday party. I can see myself fucking up already.

>> No.7465557

apathy can eat you anon

>> No.7465566

go into the wild is the best option IMO, just leave

>> No.7465574

>tfw qt you follow on ig randomly likes a few of ur old pics one day
>I like back a few of hers
>This cntinues for a while that if I like one of her recently uploaded pics she will normally like one of mine or vice versa
>She will still ocassionally like/fav whatever an old tweet/stat/pic now and then so she has obv been mirin my page

I dunno how to just randomly start talking to her over fb tho, I'm ok face to face doing that but I dunno when I will actually bump into her

>> No.7465580


dude thats fucking wierd its the internet she is not wanting the d because she liked some stupid ass photos lmao

>> No.7465581

fuck man, wish u luck

>> No.7465593

she is creepin old af stats etc.

I didn't say she wants the d lol I wanna strike up some convo nigga see where it goes. She is a basic indie bitch that probs thinks I am cultured cause I listen to more than Arctic Monkeys but i'm still bretty pleb

>> No.7465600

how much pussy do u think lea gets even though he is a chubster?

>> No.7465605

>she likes my pics
>she wants the d

Although tbf some girls do this, it's just dumb af.

>> No.7465614

i'll be very honest, i've considered that option and the only thing really stopping me is my gf. i've wanted to give up and just move out west and try to make do with whatever means and possibilities i could there
thanks anon, means a lot.

>> No.7465616
File: 144 KB, 600x900, 1373950116520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hung out with some babes yesterday or two days ago
>both seemed to like me and think i was interesting
>cant tell if they just like me as friends or sexually
>never been in this situation before
>dont know what to do


>> No.7465618

Sounds like you need a >kickstarter

>> No.7465631

Quads. Well done sir

>> No.7465630

i just wanna start a convo nigga so I can actually suss some shit out,

>> No.7465638


Having grills as friends isn't too bad m8

>> No.7465639

they're in amsterdam

>> No.7465642

care to elaborate? if you're suggesting asking for money, i'm not comfortable with that.

>> No.7465649
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>girl might like me
>i have the chance to get something going
>i will probably fuck this up

how do i do this right?

>> No.7465652

You're a sad, sad human being.

>> No.7465658
File: 89 KB, 600x636, 1349831322759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that i am still a virgin at 20?

also how late was it that my first kiss was at 16?

>> No.7465671

My first kiss was at 17 and I lost my virginity a week later to a different girl. I wouldn't worry about it for another 5 years if I were you, it can happen at anytime.

>> No.7465674

i lost my virginity before you kissed someone,bitchboi

>> No.7465695
File: 308 KB, 390x440, 131621474541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, man, something similar happened to me. I just worked my way out of the shit. I dunno, my gf supported me in every way she could. I dunno how can I help you, but if you wanna talk, I'm here.

>> No.7465712
File: 14 KB, 260x250, 7987132164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most men kiss for the first time between 14 and 16. Most men lose their virginity between 16 and 24 I think. Kissed for the first time when I was 15 and lost my virginity when I was 16

>> No.7465718

that's some crazy shit. where do you live? idk if I can help in any way but I'd like to.

>> No.7465753

Nah brah it's worrisome after 25 i'd say. You can't even drink legally yet(if you're an american). Don't stress about it though. No one really cares.

>> No.7465776 [DELETED] 

kissed when i was 12, lost my virginity when i was 15

>> No.7465823

i'm from montreal!

>> No.7465913

Don't sweat it m8

I had my first kiss at 12 (she was the school whore) and lost my virginity to the same girl when I was 12 and I wish I hadn't. After that I rolled myself into some douche who doesn't care about girls. After that and to this day I never had a genuine feeling for a girl, nor did I get attached to them, I just had sex with them. I'm 20 and don't get me wrong, all the pussy's great, but I haven't met a girl who interests me deeper than sex.

You know that feeling where you're interested in who she is? I don't have that. You know that feeling where you just want to see them and don't care what you do? I don't have that.

There's no long term fulfillment in what I have. Intergender relationships make up none of my fulfillment in life, I scrape up extra to accommodate from other areas of my life.

It ain't so bad, m8

>> No.7465930

Yee then there's the other end of the spectrum where you fall in love with an acquaintance and get overly attached to something you never had (read: 70% of this thread and a great deal of people who go on 4chan)

Both suck but I think you're in a better situation who knows m80 maybe one say it'll change 4 u all

>> No.7465946

>get new girl roommate
> always complains about how she wants to dress better
>show her affordable clothes that look nice
> says she never has money
>tfw she just bought her 20th cat themed iPhone case in the 3 months she's lived here
>cycle begins again next week

What pisses me off is she has so much potential. But then again...

>girl roommate moved here from a really small town
> take her to parties every now and then
>I talk to friends about stupid shit
>girl roommate always tries extra hard to be one of the guys and talks obnoxiously about video games and anime because she's such a "nerd"

I really don't like my new roommate

>> No.7466132


>where you fall in love with an acquaintance and get overly attached to something you never had

this is me right now fuck im literally dying inside

>> No.7466136

>and so i can kill more sandniggers

You deserve the situation you're in

>> No.7466156

>Socially anxious
>Still dress like shit(unbelievably horrible)
>Too insecure to leave home dressed in something that might draw the slightest attention
>tfw when no gf ever
>Drugs don't make me feel better
>No redeeming qualities
>No hobbies
>Practically a non-person
>Haven't made a single friend my 1st semester of college
>I'm the autist people make fun on /fa/
>I browse /fa/ a lot

>> No.7466159

your not fat dude your well fed

>> No.7466162

aw man iktf

>> No.7466174

Nah man, I'm 200lbs at 5 foot 9.

>> No.7466220

lol chode

>> No.7466244

dude start with the couch 2 5k program.

seriously, don't even give a shit about diet or anything, you will see a huge improvement in mood once you start hitting the 10-15 min mark for running.

Then go to /fit/ and stick around /fa/ and once you feel decent enough get the fuck out and never look back.

>> No.7466257


Drugs don't make you feel better? Then you're doing it wrong fool.

Start doing opiates. Shoot up some H or Dilaudid yo. Opiates cure depression, no joke, and will make you more confident.

Why do you think it's called Heroin? (aka heroic because that's how they first described the feeling)

If you can't do that then you're a fucking pussy and should kill yourself.

>> No.7466267

yeah men that's what I'm sayin]

>> No.7466272

I'm bout to dose ~60-70mg of MXE. It has opiate effecsts =/

>> No.7466291

theres this girl i like that might not like me, but i hope she does.

>> No.7466289
File: 10 KB, 300x225, don-draper-disgusted-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have an account
>never send messages first
>always recive messages
>from fat white girls that are mystic and into the occult
>at least they call me handsome

Dont know what I'd do if I found someone I wanted to date

>> No.7466332
File: 91 KB, 450x292, tumblr_maxn7r8NlC1qagwvuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling down
>gay friend says come have a drink
>meet up with old friend and his classmate who is a 9/10 qt
>we start drinking, they love my gay friend
>they want to go dancing
>girl is on to me all night
>go to some gay club
>dont even want to go but try to make the best of it and not be a downer
>they dance she starts making out with him
>gay friend goes home with some guy
>kinda feeling worse
>she tells me gay friend wants me bad
>go back to my straight friends apartment, I was going to sleep there but so was she
>1 room studio, im drunk as fuck at 4 in the morning
>he asks me if I can leave and drive 40 mins back home
>dont want to cockblock so I do it
>she just waves bye, neither gives a shit that im drunk and have no where to go at 4 am
>sleep in my car knowing hes just fucking her brains out
>feel worse than when I got there
>realize that every time I go out everyone hooks up and im always left alone
>realize im just an empty shell

I dont think im going to leave my house or talk to people anymore

>> No.7466474

>Go clubbing
>See mutual qt friend
>We get on pretty good
>Go home
>Decide "im going to inbox her"
>"You looked good tonight :) xx"
>"Er what?"

That was the first time I tried to inbox a girl in two years... It's going to take years to build that confidence back up.

>> No.7466487

clubbing is just not for everyone anon. stop going if its getting you down like that, and just hang out with people at other places.

go see live bands or just go to local quiet bars and shit instead.

>> No.7466490

>tfw girls compliment your fits but your low confidnce pulls you back from hitting on them
>tfw no gf because of low confidence
>tfw you know that you cant have any girl but your low confidence is fucking with you

please kill me, it hurts to live

>> No.7466496

iktf bro, i live in mexico and i´m a middle class man, burberry coats seem so expensive for my budget, $14000 mexican pesos for a motherfucking coat, thats all i earn in a paycheck

>> No.7466509

what? i cant understand

>> No.7466516
File: 178 KB, 691x651, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck everyone man, fun and happiness are overrated, you should be content by feeling hollow and emotionless, not be down about it, and fuck all the feels shit too, don't sit on that line of feeling nothingness and self-pity, cross to one side or the other, get your shit together and be alpha, or don't play other peoples shitty game of life and do what the fuck you want to. it feels pathetic and shitty to half ass your attempts of being a normal person, it'll only get worse if you continue that way.

>> No.7466519

feels like life is slowing down and I will die soon

>> No.7466521

>it feels pathetic and shitty to half ass your attempts of being a normal person


>> No.7466531
File: 34 KB, 499x460, 1375457407228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here, oh god the pressure is just too much, her friends say i have a good chance and that she likes cheesy guys, and damn i can be cheesy as fuck but i´m too scared to be too cheesy with her

>> No.7466537
File: 387 KB, 433x493, 1382316770077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know just every fucking girl wants to go "dancing", im just fucking fed up with all this shit.


My friend was saying how fat and ugly I was during high school but I've turned out really handsome. Plus bad experiences with women really fuck with you. I still feel like that fat ugly kid on the inside

>> No.7466544

>bad experiences with women really fuck with you
thats the only reason i have low confidence, see >>7466531 it explains my actual situation, damn sometimes i wish i never met her

>> No.7466562

This is what I'm starting to realize. That's why I think in going full recluse from now on. The more I talk to normal people the more cynical I become

>> No.7466565

>start getting signals from qt at work after i get fit and /fa/
>don't do anything because i'm beta
>i'm also a supervisor and it would be weird but that's mainly an excuse because i'm beta
>after awhile she starts acting cold toward me, randomly insults me
>find out she got a bf around the time she started being a bitch to me

>> No.7466579
File: 57 KB, 800x600, d6405a26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's an attention whore, evident by the fact that he asks himself these questions.

hello twerk.
i hate the world and everyone in it.

>> No.7466582
File: 508 KB, 657x544, 1379904947193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to the movies with a girl tomorrow
>felt really happy about it at first and was looking forward to a great time
>getting more and more anxious and am starting to want to back out
>texting the girl right now and know I want to do it anyways

Don't really need any advice but dammit I just want to go hide in a dark room by myself.

>> No.7466585

that shit first happened to me when i was in the 9th grade, i didn't understand it then, and i still see grown women do it, such childishness

>> No.7466586


that seems unnecessary imo

find people you can be genuine friends with and spend your time with them instead

>> No.7466594

what movie are you going to watch?

>> No.7466596

fell in love with girl i barely even know

smfh got a niggas feelings all churned up wtf is wrong with me

>> No.7466602

some low budget joke movie that will probably be empty when we're there

>> No.7466605

sounds like a friendzone type of movie


>> No.7466608

why u so mean JUICY J? taking out your bitterness on some poor anons to appease your own feelings of inadequacy?

>> No.7466613

grill here

are..are you trolling? How spineless are you?

There was this tiny (at least 5 inches shorter than me),rat-faced, rail-thin kid at my work who'd flirt w/ me shamelessly, slipped his number in my bag and literally gave no fucks.

If someone like that can be so brazen then wtf's wrong with you?

If your debilitating social anxiety's that bad why don't you do something about it??

does erryone in this thread think they're the modern-day Edgar Allan Poe?

>> No.7466616

you sound like a whore

>> No.7466619


>> No.7466620

>If your debilitating social anxiety's that bad why don't you do something about it??
like what?

clearly you've never had crippling social anxiety and don't know what it's like

>> No.7466621

>tfw talking to girl sitting down
>see panties
>panties are see through
i know ive posted this multiple times but this feel is too good
>tfw girl says im hottest azn shes ever seen irl
>on facebook
>tfw no balls to talk to her

>> No.7466624
File: 23 KB, 393x440, 1374385764277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of hoe shits on shy boys in the internet? tripskank is that you?

>> No.7466626

>gay friend who has tried to hit on me before >inboxes me at like 4 in the morning after i'd gone home from this party
>i think i'm falling drunkenly in love with you
>not sure if serious

i'm worried he might think i'm gay

>> No.7466628

>"Hey sorry bro you're cool and all but I'm straight"

Was that so hard Anon?

>> No.7466629

you probably are gay

>> No.7466636

How much of an influence do good clothes and outfits have on a girl liking you

>> No.7466634

this is what i'm going to do, it's just a weird feel. i imagine a lot of other people on this board would have felt it too
no mate

>> No.7466635

group therapy

"""shy"""" or not, he's still wasting his life away.

>> No.7466638
File: 51 KB, 677x540, 1376476467567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw she just bought her 20th cat themed iPhone case in the 3 months she's lived here
>20th cat themed
pictures of girl

>> No.7466640


>> No.7466641
File: 65 KB, 645x770, 1358331201447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gonna text this banging 36 y.o. if she wants to 'meet up'

w-wish me luck, /fa/.

>> No.7466642

everyone on 4chan is wasting their life away

>> No.7466643


a lot

>> No.7466646

hi im not her, but i had crippling social anxiety for a long time

in order for me to overcome it, i really just had to become a new me. i dropped all of my past friends, the way i dress, and things that kept me hanging on to the social anxiety person inside me.

from there i did what people said to do and acted confident, i did things that i normally wouldn't do and it felt really bad and uncomfortable. eventually it become easy for me to do, and with that i overcame a lot of my social anxiety and life became a lot better

this is all probably bs but it sure helped me, its allowed me to not be limited by anxiety or fear

good luck

>> No.7466649

it's more about how confident you are and that kind of thing but being well dressed on top of an alpha personality can't hurt

>> No.7466650

>i dropped all of my past friends
what a fucking dick

>> No.7466651
File: 80 KB, 500x688, 1366502230854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't find an opi hookup in time for christmas

>> No.7466658

I had it too, and I overcame it by becoming really jaded. I was really self conscious of what everyone thought of me, and so to get over it I just slowly stopped caring what everyone thought. So now I'm still really observant of everyone and guess about that they think, but just don't care whatsoever.

Its really shitty but better off than having a panic attack everytime I go out like before.

>> No.7466661

for sure, but the reason i was social anxious was because of my old friends anyway. they were also socially anxious and didnt want to change at all

>> No.7466662

>tfw no plans for new years eve

>> No.7466663

I have the same problem. He's literally like the only person who gives a shit about me but I think he's in love with me too.

I don't know what to do. He's a really good guy and he knows I'm straight and tries to hook me up with girls but deep down inside know he just is waiting to pounce

>> No.7466665


>> No.7466667

>blaming his friends for his own problems
what a fucking dick

>> No.7466670



i have reinvented myself over the past year

i am an arrogant self absorbed piece of shit that wears wierd designer garms now but thats ok

im still awkward and a little social inept but its masked well

>> No.7466673

>I just slowly stopped caring what everyone thought
this is what i've been doing
it took me many years to realize that my anxiety was because i cared too much about what other people thought of me
i wasn't even aware that i cared about what people thought of me

things are slowly getting better now

>> No.7466677

you can't just suddenly "not" care about what other people think

>> No.7466684

i realized that i had an issue, and to deal with my issue i needed to separate myself from people who did not want to/ could not help me. i should've said "part of the reason", there were a lot of reasons i was socially anxious, but that was one of the causes.

>> No.7466686


the keyword here is -slowly-

>> No.7466700

Ever since I joined uni, my social isolation has gone worst.

>No friends to go to gigs and concerts with
>No friends to spend nightly drinks at a quiet bar with
>No friends to go clubbing with
>No friends to share house parties with
>No friends to chillax and do nothing on the beach or park in the dusk with.

>> No.7466704

and probably you can't ever not care at all
but a lot of people are hypersensitive about it and you can change that.

>> No.7466705

maybe I still do a little, but its so masked and unimportant in my thoughts that I just as well don't

>> No.7466709

i'm the opposite
>start uni in new city
>immediately find likeminded group with similar interests in music and living
>don't have to pretend to like the people i used to hang out with at my hometown anymore
>go out to dinner regularly with friends who are all more effay than average

>> No.7466708

why? did you not make an effort when you first got there?

>> No.7466711

Whats worse is where you start to do these things you idolized in your mind and realize they don't make you happy and that nagging feeling like you don't belong there never really goes away

>> No.7466715


just leave and get a job anon

its what i did

now i got offered a job in the fashion industry that will open so many doors

im a little nervous but this is probably the greatest thing to have ever happened for me

>> No.7466716

which uni?

>> No.7466720

lame question, but what job is that you have and how did you essentially get it

>> No.7466721

University of Auckland

>> No.7466722


You're very lucky

I've had little luck in finding like - minded ppl at my uni. It's only been the first quarter tho, I think that'll change soon

>> No.7466726

i think it was more moving to the city than going to uni to be honest, i met all these people at gigs and then found out a few of them went to the same uni as me after i'd met most of them

good luck man, i'm sure you'll find likeminded people eventually. they gotta be out there somewhere

>> No.7466734


merchandiser/buyer for a small high end boutique

it was just one of those "it's who you know" things

>> No.7466732

>going to gigs and meeting people

there's the difference. your personality was one that makes you likely to meet people in social settings and make friends easily.

the other fellow likely doesn't go out as often, and doesn't meet as many people when he does.

"they gotta be out there somewhere" -- of course. the problem that faces people without friends is not that people aren't out there, it's that they don't go out there to look.

>> No.7466742

Do you have any tips to breaking the ice with strangers or people already in their own groups in these events?

>> No.7466743


The city environment helps immensely

My uni is super isolated and going out is a bitch - I still make due with the shows I can go to though

>> No.7466746
File: 1.26 MB, 190x170, 1384710597442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you used to be full social autist and are now social-able and popular
>tfw seeing both sides

>> No.7466748

tell us your story of your ascension

>> No.7466750

at gigs band shirts are really handy to be able to start conversations. if you see someone wearing a t from a band you like just go up to them casually and say something like;
>hey man, that's an awesome shirt
>are you going to any of the dates on their tour/what did you think of their latest album?
>my name's ____ by the way

just go from there

>> No.7466756

tricky ricky showed me the light

>> No.7466761

>5'6" asian
>girls will never take me seriously and always think I'm cute or adorable


>> No.7466764

>tfw gone out 3-4 times a week at uni in first term
>haven't got laid once
it's partly to do with all the drugs i do, but i came pretty close with this one girl i like but her friends told me to fuck off

>> No.7466765

>white dude who hates white girls
>all have racist parents who disapprove of my lack of melanin


>> No.7466776

i stopped explaining brands or designer tags on my clothes/stuff
its just so awkward man
i dont even know anymore what to say when asked because i know most people dont even care at all

>> No.7466782


Yeah I think the general perception of sex in college is false/exaggerated

It really doesn't happen that often. In my suite of 15, prolly only 5 had sex within the first four months.

Get a fwb if you're thirsting.

>> No.7466787

I shit my pants just thinking about talking to strangers and trying to be casual

I just always imagine them finding out, just with one look at me, that I need them in my life, that I'm talking to them because I'm desperate for friendship

One badly-formulated comment maybe, and suddenly they see how dependent I am on them, how pathetic I am. I can't even picture what happens then. My mind has no image. An abyss. Failure. It's unthinkable. I'd rather stay inside.

I feel like an idiot just saying it. It's obviously unreasonable, obviously neurotic. But social anxiety goes against all reason and forces one to feel like an idiot, over and over. The weirdest thing of all is that I can't trace it to any origin in my life. I remember when I was a young child, at family reunion parties, my mum trying to get me to go say hi to the other kids. I couldn't. I was deathly afraid of talking to them. I've never been any other way.

The worst thing is knowing that my first priority has to be, when getting to know anyone, that they cannot know that I feel this way. The social stigma around this kind of thing is really awful. If you can't talk to people, well, you must be weird, a loser of some variety, probably unstable.

To talk to someone I don't know is to feel, moment to moment, the walls coming down around me. Any pretensions I have tumbling down. I feel as though I am naked in front of an unimpressed audience.

It's ruining my life and I have no idea what to do about it.

>> No.7466798

>Auckland, New Zealand

Nigga there's so much shit to do in that city. You'll only be there for so long.

Just go out and do shit that you like to do. You'll meet people along the way.

>> No.7466802

btw do any of you have any twitters i can follow?

>> No.7466803

its just a little plus
like when she realized she likes you, she notices it
normal people dont really care

>> No.7466805

lol so much this

I dunno. I just did it once, did it twice, did it a hundred times, and realized how fun and easy it was. It felt right. The only reason I was bad in the first place was because of the metalhead/edgy front I was putting up, and being quiet was a part of that. I was being something I wasn't.

>> No.7466825

Go and see if your college has student support services (although I don't know if this is free or even available in the US), and see if they can hook you up.

>> No.7466835

Damn, bru, thats rough, i know that feel. but hey dog, forget about it, it aint the end of the world, just go buy some acne jeans or soemthing and a nice bomber jacket and go smoke some cigarettes in public, thats what i would do

>> No.7466844


Motherfucker do you see this? You replied to >>7466159 and >>7466257
and ignored >>7466244 which would seriously do you the most good. It's like you have no desire to solve the problem.

>> No.7466849

nigga are you me

>> No.7466869

buying new clothes and smoking in public has to be the most traditional /fa/ therapy

I have to think a large number of posters know that exact feel

>> No.7466889

this is what i'm doing today. bored as fuck sitting around so going to walk around town with my new shoes and smoke and eye up some qts whilst looking like a weirdo

>> No.7466905

>tfw terrible acid trip yesterday
>tfw kissed a girl on Saturday night but have no idea where I stand
>tfw have been sort of seeing another girl but she's pretty plain looking and sort of dull
>tfw still feel like a dick

>> No.7466910

holla at ya boy homie i'm in mexico too what state?

>> No.7466914

Any help on why girls change?

I had a girl I somewhat liked, but she loved me like no one else ever did. As time went on I grew attached to her, and I was young, but she kept on insisting that she wanted to marry and have kids with me. We were in China in different places, and she was smart enough to be accepted into U of Chicago and a Harvard program. As it happens, since we lived in different places, we met only maybe 5-6 days per month, so we kept in contact each day through phone and texting, talking into 4-5am every night while I heard her fall asleep into the phone on top of school. I kept the phone connected because I liked hearing her near me. And so we tried copulating and actually having kids, and all of you might decry that as irresponsible and whatnot, but I've always wanted a kid while I was still young so not to have much of an age gap, and I thought we'll figure it out anyways. There's lots of options.

Months went by, she never got pregnant. That didn't matter, I was happy as long as she was with me. But university started, and I went to the west coast to a good private uni while she went to Chicago. And well, she changed. There was so many promises. But she no longer wanted to spend much time with me on the phone, when she was the one that initiated the whole thing, and never wanted to hang up first unless I did. Long texts full of caring and love would go totally unreplied, or just terse responses. Occasionally we would still talk for a few hours at a time, perhaps once every two weeks. But it was clear that she no longer loved me as she did, even though she insists everything was the same. And we got married soon, a few days after new year, since she always wanted to, I wanted to make her happy, and now I was scared of losing her and thought this was a bond to keep us together. Before I was always eh about marriage, for one I thought I was young and should look all around first before settling, as marriage is supposed to be a serious decision.

>> No.7466917

Second, I never believed in marriage. I have always imagined that people could be together and start a family without a marriage, that it was just a silly archaic form of legal contract. But now I was scared, and so we married without a ceremony somewhat happily. In the meantime, when I visited her during winter break and on first night, she told me she wanted to go partying a bit with her friends and come back a little later. She came back drunk, craving for me and loving me, and very horny. We had crazy sex, and at that time for some reason she no longer wanted to have a child, but I asked if it was okay if I came inside, and she said yes. I thought she changed her mind again. Next morning she was resentful, and there you have it, in a few weeks she was pregnant. In the months we tried for a kid, nothing happened. But now that she didn't want one, on the first try, she was pregnant. What were the odds? School started again, and a few weeks into school, she told me she aborted the child. We've always agreed to have an open relationship, but she aborted it by I think taking something, exercising furiously and having sex with someone else in an attempt to have an abortion, all the while not having told me anything. I was not part of the decision. I've always imagined in my head that it would be fine if we had to abort the child, maybe it would be the right thing to do, though it would be tremendously painful for me, but at least we would walk through this together. She never consulted me, though I reminded her several times. I still resent her for this.

>> No.7466922


Ever since college started, she really was a different person. She even went to college for me in the first place because she wanted to be closer to me, rather than America and China. Her parents offered to buy her a house in China and her to get a job. Different personality, different action and words, no longer loving and caring for me like she used to. I, for more than a year, took all of this in, and stayed and strived to be the same person that she fell in love with. I tried everything, little loving mementos of our past, new tricks, doing everything she asks and offering more. But nothing changed her back, and she continued her descent. Now I've taken a leave of absence to live with her, and its been a few months, but things aren't getting better. She focuses on partying, travelling, and other exciting things, whatever to keep herself happy. She even starts relationships with other men for money. I of course am unhappy but I have no power left. She, I feels, no longer cares or loves me. Yet we are still together. We fight sometimes. I miss her. I love the person I used to know. And now, after the biggest fight we've had, she went out for fun, and went upstairs to live in our other rented apartment.

I can't bring myself to leave her, I love her. But I hate the person she is now, and I've tried everything. I've been alone for two days now, I don't know what to do. We have conflicting personalities, tastes, beliefs and all that. But that never mattered when we were in love.

>> No.7466927

>like this girl, whos like my ideal dream girl
>find out she likes me and thought i was too good for her
>we dating now
>really like her, love the way she looks at me when were close
>only together for about 3 weeks and she says shes falling in love with me etc
>i tell her one day i think i love her
>it was completly underwhelming to me when i said it
>really regret it and shouldnt of said it at all

thats about it for feels for me right now, feeling pretty good lately

>> No.7466941

Dude...I really don't think you're 'together' at all. Face it, the relationship has been over for a long time now.
You need support and you're not going to find it in 4chan. Tell her you want a divorce and then call your family/friends to let them know what you're going through.
The sooner you face up to the reality of the situation, the sooner you can move on.

>> No.7466944

>"Other than helping people im going to be an utter cunt"

Thanks Anon

>> No.7466952

Ouch. That's tough, anon.

Honestly, I think you know what you have to do. This can't go on forever.

People change, and it doesn't matter how or why or when, and there's no point in trying to remedy it. You're too much of a certainty for her. You bend over backwards, divide oceans, and move mountains for her. You, by doing all of those things, are saying, broadcasting even, to the entire world that she is the most amazing girl you'll ever meet and that there's no way you'll ever be able to replace her. Is that true? Think about it. Really, really think about. Get away from society for a few days and really, really, really, deeply think about it. Go meet new people. My takeaway from this is that you originally stuck around for what she had to offer, but over time it depreciated, and now you only stick around because she acts as an outlet for which to give/receive love and to invest hope into. I'll let you in on a secret: that person can be anybody. If she isn't an amazing enough person to pick up the slack for everything else, then she isn't really that amazing person who you could never replace. And if she was, then you wouldn't be here in the first place.

You don't want to do it, but you have to. You know it's what you have to do. Be a man.

I believe in you, anon. I know you can do it. End it. The relationship has BEEN over, you only need to wake up and smell the roses before you can get on with your life. The more you put this off, the harder it will be later.

That isn't so bad at all. Look at it this way, you got the girl. Don't have this "I don't know whether I actually love you" talk with her, though. Don't even bring it up. It's better if you don't, trust me.

>> No.7466988

There's just so much thats been promised. So much trust invested. She told me that I was the first person in a relationship she said I love you to, to come inside, to etc. I had lots of friends and good friends, but I never thought anyone could love me like she did.

On top of it all, no one knows about this. No one even knows that I'm in a relationship since I never liked exposure for these type of things. And I don't think I have friends that are experienced enough to give me sound advice for this, as well intentioned as it may be. And I grew up with an oppressive mom, dad past away when I was seven, so I don't have family to rely on either. Guess that was why I binded myself to her after she gave so much to me.

Anon, I know I should.. but then I'd have nothing left in my life. Not even illusions. All I crave for is a happy family, someone that I love and loves me. I don't know what I did wrong. I've always been nice to her and everyone in general. But people that I love all throughout my twenty years in life have always died, changed, or left due to uncontrollable circumstances.

I'm just tired, man. I've tried harder and done more than any of my peers. I shouldn't, but I wish I could just sleep and never wake up again. I'm really tired.

>> No.7467037

>tfw the qt I've had a crush on for a year is actually dropping a bunch of hints that she likes me
>tfw me getting a somewhat effay wardrobe probably helped by making look better and boosting my confidence
>tfw 'tfw no qt3.14 gf' will soon no longer be a feel

Thanks /fa/. You've helped me more in the last 3 months then any other board has in 3 years

>> No.7467045

>tfw I really like this girl
>the fuck is happening to me /fa/, I thought I was aromantic
>tfw I almost bought Doc Martens to try and appeal to her taste

>> No.7467048

ur in love anon

>> No.7467052

fuck off

>> No.7467054

>on antidepressants for some time
>feeling much better
>now realising even clearer than before that my life is utter shit
>tfw feeling better, but still don't know what to do

>> No.7467057

prime time to off yourself while you have the energy

>> No.7467063

Kill yourself

Like if you are going to do it, do it. Don't be such a pussy, be a man of your word.

>> No.7467066

realize that your life is fixable, but it will never be fixed if you don't try. whatever in your life that's currently holding you back, drop it. if you are working in a dead end job that you hate, quit. in a relationship that doesn't mean anything to you anymore? leave it. it'll be very hard at the start, but it's better to live your life a little harder for a bit to get to somewhere higher, than to plateau for the rest of your life.

(dont kill yourself anon)

>> No.7467067


>> No.7467070

Thank you

>> No.7467076

You'll be fine buddy, I'm sure of it..
We can have an identity crisis together
>are doc martens /fa/?

>> No.7467082

only if you're in love

>> No.7467084

God-fucking-damnit, it's a school-girlesque crush at best!

>> No.7467090
File: 322 KB, 545x700, back3pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B^) ahaha

>> No.7467096

bags filled with heroin

>> No.7467103

watch ur fingers man thats a new level of edge

>> No.7467184

>GQ fashion victim

>> No.7467222

>tfw you don't deserve a place in a cute girl's heart

>> No.7467241

>tfw cheap monday sale
>tfw don't have money for clothes till after christmas
>tfw all the good shit will be gone

>> No.7467246

dont worry, theres usually plenty of post-christmas sales on the net

you don't deserve a place in her heart if you don't want to be there. if you do, then no one deserves to be there more

>> No.7467253
File: 60 KB, 612x612, 1387805830477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only fucc boii my country, get weird looks cause I'm all dressed up in Pyrex shorts and A bathing ape
Some pleeb said my Supreme x Northface jacket looks gay, very said, spend over 10k on a outfit and nobody notice!

>> No.7467276

>Supreme x Northface jacket
You have that new fall/winter 2013 one? How does that look gay, such a sick jacket

>> No.7467310

You're a fuccboi because you say it like you're showing off. The truth is nobody cares on how you dress unless you are in a direct conversation with them or in an event.

>> No.7467384

Dude, seriously you need to go see a psych or something about this and talk it over with them.

Seriously, it'll be the best thing you'll do

>> No.7467387

>tfw no qt sister gf to wear dope futuristic fits with

>> No.7467388

>don't pay attention to fashion as I really cant afford it
>compulsively come here anyway
>look at all the things I wont be able to afford till after uni and wont be able to buy

>> No.7467390

I need food and a smoke
but its raining and i cant b bothered 2 cook
i hate my life

>> No.7467452

>go to brothers social club that he owns with family cos haven't seen him in a while
>say hi, then look over at the bar
>some qt girls who work there i haven't seen before are looking over at me and talking and smiling
>catch one looking at me a few times
Might ask for a few shifts over the holidays

>> No.7467575
File: 10 KB, 300x233, feels-good-man-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have gf with big fake boobs
>make 80k sitting on 4chan all day
>live in Miami the only /fa/ city in America

>> No.7467587

>One month went by
>Only had finals in my mind
>Still fucked up two of them
>Am now in a difficult position
>Only went out like 6-7 times
>Nothing striking happened
>My plans for the future are fucked up
>No gf


>> No.7467591

Oh and

>Last time at party
>Two gay there
>They didn't know each other
>One of them think I'm the gay dude

>> No.7467679

can't take nice pics or snaps of anything fun i'm/we're doing
w2c personal photographer

>> No.7467692
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oi u fukin wot deres ony rum 4 1 pair o geos heer m8 ill smash ur fckin hed in

>> No.7467694


>> No.7467701

>tfw always feel third wheel

>> No.7467708
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>tfw a day doesn't go by where you don't wish to die

>> No.7467722
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god damn this thread is cringe worthy
just a bunch of guys crying "why meeeeeeee :''(((" over stuff that happenned because of their own beta behavior. just get your life together for fuck sake

>> No.7467728
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>meet girl in class a few weeks ago
>hang out and talk in class, get along well, likes the same music
>winter break, wont see her until mid January
>added her on facebook
>cant bring up the courage to message her
>convince myself that she probably doesnt care for me anyway
Feels like shit /fa/, fucked up my chance to get to know her before the break too.

>at least I copped some cool Norse and Our Legacy stuff on sale just now

>> No.7467734
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>been working or at school for everyday of december
>don't even have a day off to go get gifts for people
>really don't want to spend my money either
>tfw people already bought gifts for you so you will look like a dick if you don't get them one


>> No.7467742

>urban outfitters

>> No.7467749


>that fedoric feel when all of america is cold and miserable and I am kayaking through tropical mangroves

>> No.7467750
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>she will never be your gf

>> No.7467752

what kind of girl needs to come and attract attention amongst a group of 20 something anime neets by declaring your gender? why am I responding to a 20 something anime loving neet posing as a girl to put someone down and make themselves feel better??

>> No.7467753


>added her on facebook

you blew it

>> No.7467754

the fuck is this bullshit? Can we stop this sensitive feelings and hugging bullshit on /fa/? Can we please talk about some real fucking fashion for once instead of some cock sucker's feelings? Jesus what the fuck man, Mods really need to stop slacking off seriously I see this bullshit on /fa/ every god damn fucking day.
>"waahh!! no girlfriend, no money, my feelings got hurt because I'm autistic and I want to be Alpha but can't because I'm an ugly short faggot with an anti-social behavior disorder *sniff*"
So much pussy on this board it is so fucking sad. Fuck /fa/.

>> No.7467757

why? how?

>> No.7467759

shes not putting him down shes giving him advice

>> No.7467763

>tfw poor as fuck at an ivy league
>poor neet friends all dropped you since they think you don't wanna grow up and blow the tiny bit of money your parents give on driving in circles in the residential areas and dealing ounces and smoking the profit
>i dont
>all ivy friends flying off to bamblezoo to drink champagne in f1 cars
>hopefully my one friend in the same position as me has no plans

oh well, I worked my ass off over the summer and im gonna spend two weeks in london living for free with my gf and her sis
mayb I shouldn't complain

>> No.7467770

I second this. Suicide may seem appaling but you can always fix yourself with some effort, and effort isn't something exclusive to a select few. You can always put more effort into things. I say that not to make yourself feel shittier but to realize there's always hope, as cheesey as that sounds.

>> No.7467792

is /fa/ the only board u visit?

>> No.7467798

once a group you 2 like comes out with a new album ( or if someone has recently ) message her about it to ask for her opinion and spark a conversation.

>> No.7467808

get them a gift u fucking asshole

>> No.7467815

the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7467823

shut the fuck up, pussy bitch, fuckin' replying to me and shit.

>> No.7467825

i'll try and go today

whats a good gift for a gf

>> No.7467832

>tfw get dirty looks when you paid more than $50 for any item
people do that? then again I never discuss the monetary value of my clothes.

>tfw friends say they want to dress better and then don't listen to anything you say
This. I know this. knew. I don't help people with their wardrobe anymore.

>> No.7467851

It seems like you've never dealt with someone struggling with depression.

One of the hallmarks of that disease is a complete lack of hope that the disease will ever be cured. The sad truth that it is hardly ever "cured" and more likely needs to be managed for life doesn't make things any better either.

>> No.7467862

>group therapy
I noticed you recommended group therapy, without explaining just who would pay for those (rather expensive) services.

Kindly eat shit.

>> No.7468020

So. Fucking. Ugly.

>> No.7468110
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this is depressing-est thread ive run into on 4chan.

>> No.7468174

heh heheh heheh.

I didn't know this was a thing. I'm curious to try it, but sounds risky.

>> No.7468209

> tfw spit up with ex over a month and a half ago
> Only had been going out a year but was first gf
> Now pretty much fully over her I think
> Be at party and see her for first time, avoid looking at her at first cause not drunk enough but once I feel less awkward with drink I attempt to be polite and say hi
> She blanks me and avvoids eye contact with me all night
> Kisses some fegget wearing some basic bitch fred perry polo or summat
> I go into this weird mood and start drinking in excess can't remember anything after that apart from being sick at one point

I was more mad than heartbroken but I dunno if that constittes me not being over her or wot

>> No.7468240

whatever you do don't waste your time with jackpot
if you want to explore it, look at this thread (warning: lots of homo stuff)

i was listening to the ellechemy one

now i'm getting some really bad opn - still life vibes and i don't wanna go back down that road so i need to watch myself

>> No.7468245

sometimes seeing/doing/hearing shit that reminds you of stuff you want to get past can bring on the feels like that.

dw anon it will pass with time.

im in a very similar situation, but she was my second gf and she broke up with me. i was heartbroken, but she essentially did to me what i did to my first gf.

i kinda deserve it i guess.

>tfw finally over major existential crisis
>tfw no idea what i want to devote my life to
>tfw need to grow a fucking spine cause everyone around me is walking all over me
>tfw no idea how to do this cause standing up for myself leaves me shaking and stuttering from adrenaline

>> No.7468260

was v. heartbroken at the time she split up with me

I made a fool of myself basically to her and I severely doubt anything will ever happen between us again

I was a dick at times to her in not giving her as much time as I should etc. but she treated me pretty shitty sometimes too and the way she broke up with me was pretty immature and cruel so we're both to blame rlly i suppose

>> No.7468278

it happens m8, theres no point thinking about getting back together or anything like that, tho i know sometimes it seems like it would be the best thing ever.

take it for what it is - a life experience, something to learn from and look back on fondly, the good feels & the bad feels are what make up our lives & memories.

>> No.7468285

>spit up
B^) ew

>> No.7468300
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>copped some shitty H&M basic tees and sweatpants today
>browse /fa/ and casually go to the uniqlo website

I already took my sweatpants' tag off, but should I return my H&M Divided White Tees and cop some from Uniqlo?

>> No.7468324

god, people have no idea how loud that is

>the loud ringing in our ears and isolated sound of an african grey screach

>you get pissed off and go dammit oka okay here is another fucking peanut

>grabs peanut with his foot and throws it across the cage and peck's the cage and growls

>wants to be pet on the beak
slowly rubbing his beak, starting to calm down
>quickly snaps to attempt to bite your finger (they break skin if they catch you out and you keep bleeding for about an hourish)

little shits love em though

>> No.7468364

Fucking kill yourself already

>> No.7468374

you do know birds hate being petted right

>> No.7468370

sometimes I forget that I lost my virginity at 17.

if you're in college and social, it's going to happen at some point. Don't stress about it though.

>> No.7468390

sounds empty ... but at least you probably have more disposable income than someone in a long term committed relationship

>> No.7468394
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greys do not
they ask for it alot

before i set the little guy up with a mate he used to fly onto my shoulder and ask for pets

yes i used to browse /fa/ with a parrot on my shoulder/in my lap/on my desk playing around

and 2 chihuahua's curled up next to each other on my faux fur blanket on the bed

>> No.7468419

anybody else do this or was i weird?

you know how kids go through the freudian stage at 5-7? so for those two years, this neighbor girl who was 9-11 used to make me go into the bushes and have me show her my dick. she would then grab/play with it or slide it into her pussy

then just talk to me with my dick in her and give me a peck or something

i remember we used to do that pretty freq like everytime we played together

i remember getting caught and being yelled at and blamed for it even though it wasn't my fault
it was her idea

then when i moved away after awhile my new friends and i would look at porn on dial up.

the house keeper would just watch us get excited to the porn and flash us but that was about it.

then one of the sisters of my friends started looking at porn with us, and wanted to try sucking dick

eventually she sucked everyone in the neighborhood while they looked at dial up porn

not to completion, just awkward hard and rough sucking that didn't feel too great

>> No.7468424

>work partners had a christmas dinner
>a friend told me today that almost every girl there thinks I'm gay
>i'm not

>> No.7468444

>tfw all i want to do is kill myself
>tfw too pussy
>tfw spent so much money on clothes to die

>> No.7468448

have a similar story
>male friend and I go to female friends apt (I don't really know her met her maybe once before this)
>girl that lives in the same complex joins us
>we all walk down to a bar
>a dude that female friend is seeing shows up
>they leave back to his place (they all live in the same complex)
>think: "I'll go look for the friend I showed up with"
>can't find him
>can't find the neighbor girl
>him and neighbor girl went back to her place to fuck
>no ride home
>no one i know
>continue drinking at bar because I don't want to deal with the reality of the situation
>end up having to sleep at the friends apt

friends can be really shitty sometimes

>> No.7468451

i have a friend who has just released from mental facility and his ex is a friend of mine,she just asked me where he is in life and what'sup should i tell her or leave out of it?
yes she broke his heart and what not but i worry about if she tries contacting him in the state he is in

>> No.7468460

>tfw you know that you cant have any girl but your low confidence is fucking with you
Well, it can't be that low if that's what you think

>> No.7468472
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>realize im just an empty shell

Almost got tears in my eyes. Sometimes I feel the same way, even with a qt3.14gf and decent job.

>> No.7468467

fuck that. dont tell that bitch shit

>> No.7468469

iktf, living in Africa

>> No.7468478

Fuck I feel bad for u dude that sucks lol

>> No.7468490

care to reason on that?
i'm genuinely ambivalent atm and open to sound reasons/advice

>> No.7468492

>hyped to see old friend and get drunk w/ hs buddies at beach bars
>delay until 8pm
>hop on train
>plan to take bus from trainstation to beach bars
>get to bus stop on time
>look at electronic bus schedule, don't see bus coming up
>guy sitting at stop sees im a bit confused (thought i was at wrong bus station)
>'where you going m8'?
>talk and conclude i missed my bus by 3mins
>next bus in 40mins
>cool guy, chatted for a bit but decided it wasn't worth the wait and trained back
>didn't get drunk af w/ old homies
>didn't drunkly crash at friends
>didn't drunkly sway the night away
>went home and flirted w/ twerk

pros: read heaps of my book

>> No.7468502
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damn itkf

>> No.7468512
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you dont know me

>> No.7468524


40 mins aint shit fig

>> No.7468532

>holiday season
>don't really want to be home and deal with my family criticizing my every move
>becoming bored of my friends, all we do is drink in a small room and watch one guy play COD
>literally nothing new, nobody goes outside, they're all just content with wasting time
>want to really just go on my first vacation on my own and meet someone that interest me, or i can actually respect.
>hate that i put people in such an unfair high regard.

Sigh, I don't know why I find "leaving" so difficult, find my friends so bland at this point, and every time I bring it up, I just get eyerolls.

>> No.7468536
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i got there like fuggin 8pm
8pm->40min for bus->arrive 1hour late->everyone but me is drunk af rolling on the floor laughing to inaudible mumbles
>im not drunk enough to cope yet
>30mins of drinking catchup to do AT LEAST
9:30pm to really start feeling the buzz

>the autism is real

>> No.7468542


if u finna crash at their place 9:30 is early af nig

idk we usually start drinkin at 11 or 00 ;0

>> No.7468548


he is making up stories

trips like turnleft, twerk it and sieg live in fantasy worlds, turnleft doesn't fucking go out

>> No.7468546

>>live in Miami the only /fa/ city in America
I've been complaining for years how un/fa/ this place is, how is it effay?

>> No.7468561

shit closes like 1am dude
his place is literally a 1hour bus drive out
2:30 of drunken times doth not a fun drunken night make

>you can even walk outside after 10pm without getting mugged/stabbed in brazil
you cant trick me

>> No.7468580


thats lame as fuckkkkk

shit opens at 3am here and gets good at about 4am (parties and shit, bars close b4 but still)

>you can even walk outside after 10pm without getting mugged/stabbed in brazil

i live downtown and its pretty safe if you know how to move n shit

still been mugged twice in these 2 years ive been living here

>> No.7468594

>4am closing times
sick af

>> No.7468607

this isnt /fa/ at all

>> No.7468682
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Feels, you say? OK then.

>lower 20s
>immigrant without papers
>still manage to have a good job
>still pleb because no papers
>parents are plebs because no papers
>pay for my own school and rent
>live in decent location but shitty apt
>gf is a native but is defeatist as fuck and has shitty job so I end up paying for 95% of everything we do
>applied for papers
>shit is taking a while
>tfw every day is more depressing than the last
>tfw can't stand my job but can't leave it because money
>tfw can't switch careers because no papers
>tfw can't stand my parents because what good is emigrating if you cant live a normal fucking life
>tfw came here as a kid so there's fuckload of family overseas whom I don't know anymore after years of isolation
>tfw parents thirsty as fuck for affection since no other family
>tfw realizing all the negative ways I've been influenced by this ridiculous upbringing
>tfw want to just up and leave and start anew somewhere else.......... but no papers

>> No.7468683

do it do it good luck brudd

>> No.7468693

thats the love talking B)

>> No.7468838

>18 y/o kissless virgin
>asked out by a girl for the first time
>she's way too good for me
>she's my close friend's ex (even though she denies it) and everyone in my circle of friends knows they used to date
>shit would never work

>> No.7468883

I'll pummel you.

>> No.7468900

not her but i my uni offers therapy for free and i'm sure a lot of them do. obv i don't know if you're in uni or not but just a heads up to those who are.

>> No.7469129

Ouch. That's far more to deal with than I (or any of us, for that matter) know about.

You need to see a professional. If I were you, I would divorce her first, and then see the psychologist afterward. Psychologists have a reputation for trying to salvage everything, but in this case I think you need to make a clean break, so that you can pick up the pieces and start over again.

>> No.7469142

>thanks /fa/

Why do you thank us? That was all you, pal.

Have fun! :)

Sorry for lame Englisch

>> No.7469166

lmao miami isn't /fa/ in the least what are you on about m8. It's too hot to wear fucking anything there. Going naked isn't /fa/

Seattle, San Francisco, NYC, etc. are all pretty /fa/

>> No.7469174

>added her on facebook

lmao you don't add them on facebook until long after you two are acquainted you dongle

>> No.7469195

I fucking love you, sieg

>> No.7469330

>tfw cute and social guy
>tfw grills are interested me
>tfw I'm interested in only one or two girls
>tfw don't text her out of the blue because fear of rejection
>tfw because of this I'm seen as unreachable by others
>tfw had a chance to go out with one and regret not taking this opportunity every day

>> No.7469571

dress up in a dope fit and use a helium exit bag

No trauma, no contusions, no cuts, no blood, you'll leave a pretty corpse.

>> No.7469579

Damn iktf

You shoulda waited for the next one and tried to make it, even if a little late.

>> No.7469601

>go to close friend
>"ey I'm gonna hit up ____, your ex, is that cool with you?"
>do it anyway regardless of what he says. You're giving him a warning, not asking him for permission.

Don't be such a bitch. There's no reason to let that stop you if you want her.

>> No.7469812

>being this desperate when there are billions upon billions of other grills in the universe

>> No.7470584

this is sad, but not fa; which makes it all the more uneffay

>> No.7471412

I was referring to their video for "Kyoto"

>> No.7471420

If you're going somewhere to do something just casually invite them over text. That way it doesn't seem like you're trying too hard and if she says yes then there you go.