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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 134 KB, 1500x936, poet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7435333 No.7435333[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7435339

>enjoy bashing my reputation before the newfags figure out what happened

what you're doing now lel

>> No.7435344

9/10 best new kek
-1 for making light of the post that doomed this board to be utter shit forevermore

>> No.7435360
File: 262 KB, 1180x1204, report of the week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was here when he left

>> No.7435374
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>> No.7435384


>> No.7435390
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>> No.7435396


>> No.7435409

>>not drawing him beaming up to be witha 4/10 alien transexual

>> No.7435411

wow u niggas one month later think u phase me.
Unsubscribe already

>> No.7435420

Prove you're the real poet.

>> No.7435452

What, do u want me to take a picture of my dick 7 inches deep in timber with the timestamp on my balls? get out

>> No.7435468

Pfhaha. Good one.

We all know you're a 30 year old virgin wizard, baldie.

>> No.7435476
File: 226 KB, 323x769, an0 great fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool post an0 make another

>> No.7435493

Did poet actually do that? Damn

I thought he had thicker skin than that

>> No.7435500

>>using antiquated swing doors and not star trek swoosh doors.

>> No.7435501


how did you come to the conclusion that this is an0 or whoever that is

>> No.7435504

>implying that's the real poet
it's either rei, pigfucker or most likely, an0n
they can't get over how inferior they are to him, it really eats them up
they wanted to be the cool kids so bad

>> No.7435514

every1 has a breaking point i guess
in other news, we can't have nice things

>> No.7435529

just been around long enough

>> No.7435526

there were literally poet hate threads every day

>> No.7435538


because its not him

>> No.7435542


>> No.7435550

yeah but poet was the favourite trip of like at least 30% of the board

idk why he would get upset over a few losers who samefagged some hate threads

seems like overreacting, to me

>> No.7435546

he gave out his trip friendo that's not him

>> No.7435547


>> No.7435569

it wasn't because people were bagging on him I think they were bagging about his gf or something like that

he just got fed up with all the shiposters and lame threads

>> No.7435563

/pol/ here, you disgusting pigs look funny picking on each other. keep feeding the sionists with your well spent money! im out

>> No.7435573


that is boi from superfuture, he is from london

that an0 guy is american

>> No.7435578


>> No.7435580


literal autism

>> No.7435581

you'd get sick of it too
besides it wasn't the hate threads that made him leave, he got fed up with the hateful culture in general
an0n and pigfuck say it was about timber being flamed but he was just sick of the bullshit in general, who liked or hated him didn't figure into his decision all that much

>> No.7435610


>> No.7435612

I think he must be going through a shitty time in his life. He was becoming a much more hostile poster recently. The poet that I remember from the earlier days wouldn't have resorted to calling people "fucking subhumans", I think.

But then, I don't know what people were doing to piss him off so much. Sounds like he got some of the really nasty obsessive h8ers.

4chan has some real fucking weirdos. There's always a danger that comes with being too well-known on any board.

Anyway, I'd be interested to find out more about what, exactly, happened.

>> No.7435619

poet is such a little bitch. glad he left.

>> No.7435629

it was a combination of that and a mix of depression in other parts of his life

if you really wanted to know I would probably paste his trip into the fuuka /fa/ archive it you probably wouldn't have to go too far back to find his last couple posts

but yeah he would have some crazy stalkers that would repost his skirt fit and that first fit he posted with the white hoodie

>> No.7435630

rei/nfish was the one who came up with the poet timber thing in the first place
fi you go read the original thread nigga was literally writing 3 page essays trying to act like a web detective, and he went around and asked a bunch of old people from er for info, like weird sherlock holmes shit

everyone who was here when he tripped knows reis a full on autist though

pigfuck admitted he was the one posting timbers face everywhere. for some reason he stopped and now he sucks up to her isntead lol

an0 is pfs little crony, thats not him in the pic tho. hes a high schooler from suburban ny who looks like he has downs, hes lucky that they think that guy is him because if they found a real picture of his face itd be 10 milllllllion times worse

all spend all day in /effay, if you go in there even once while theyre in there youll basically get this information its like 70% of what they talkabout (or it was when i still went there)

>> No.7435637

More like this please

>> No.7435633

you stand alone, fuccniqqa

it's that simple, he'd had enough. P's the kindof guy who silently carries a heavy weight until he collapses, because he doesn't want to harsh anyone elses mellow

>> No.7435640

thanks, didn't know any of this

>> No.7435664

poet was a pretty cool trip. he didn't attention whore, and was generally trying to help people.

>> No.7435671
File: 74 KB, 385x358, 1368233392024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>internet bullying
>heavy weight

>> No.7435679

I think the hate culture on 4chan is, in general, obnoxious and useless. But I don't just get up and leave. Poet was actually reasonably successful in convincing a lot of posters not to succumb to that kind of attitude. He ought to have continued doing so, I think.

Maybe I can't blame him for leaving. This place can be a shithole. But I think it would be nice if he could have seen that it was worth putting up with the nastiness to continue spreading good vibes.

Maybe those of us who liked him should have been more vocal about it. I assumed he didn't need to hear it. Maybe he did.

wow, full-on autism huh

>> No.7435691

i just got an email back from him, says he just took a break from the whole internet and moved out of nyc to a small mountain town. so i think its safe to say there were other things going on in his life that contributed, but he also had really dedicated faggots trying to hurt his feelings on here, and as others said he got tired of all the animosity.

his last post was a lot more thought out than that one in the op, that one was like the breaking point where he just got pissed, and then after that you could tell he calmed down but was depressed at the state of /fa/

>> No.7435697
File: 152 KB, 434x558, 1386655643809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i made the thread that made poet leave

>> No.7435700

yeah, i'd say being constantly insulted and attacked on your favorite forum is kind of a heavy thing
spesh if you've spent a few years there, which P had done
spesh if you made it a point to be kind and helpful, which P had done
it's like you go out and put your best foot forward and try to help and be good (remember whn he gave that random anon a quid over paypal to be able to cop AF1's?) and you get shit on over and over. its a real drag, man.
like, wtf is wrong with people?

>> No.7435706
File: 385 KB, 600x450, 1385413355302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking knew it was michael cera behind this whole thing

>> No.7435708


>> No.7435713

>original thread
link? never saw the web detective part of it

>> No.7435714

ur thread didnt make him do shit
you were just a vehicle for the cancer
congrats on that

>> No.7435737
File: 43 KB, 800x1200, 1385682867856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks i cherish the moment

>mfw people give a shit about middle aged men on a fashion forum

>> No.7435730

you're putting too much weight on it man
the way /fa/ was going was just one more negative thing he decided to cut out of his life
he didn't care all that much, /fa/ was just one part of a big purge

>> No.7435733
File: 15 KB, 275x594, Lunarcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a newcomer (lurking /fa/ for just over a year now) I can say the only good thing I saw in here was the poet's lunarcore fit and all the inspo that followed throught. Lunarcore was truly fun and inspiring, but now it's back to shitposting fuccboi and insecure kids crying about haircuts.

>tl;dr: Lunarcore is great

>> No.7435751


>> No.7435764

you're the kind of people he warned us about, you know. Lesser men who will never do anything of consequence and seek attention through negativity.
Your only notable contribution here is making that thread, and even that's not anything noteworthy. Poet gave us so much more than you ever could, because you simply have nothing great inside of you.

You're just average, maybe less than. You know it and it burns you. Cherish that.

>> No.7435769

yea we care a lot about rick owens and raf simons

>> No.7435775
File: 10 KB, 645x773, 1386295860317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i really do not care

this is 4chan i dont give a single fucking shit hahaha

>> No.7435773

lmfao nerd. That looks like shit.

>> No.7435782

>a few years
lol like one...

>> No.7435789
File: 1.10 MB, 1090x2845, nerdsdontgetit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post fit fuccboi, etc etc etc

>> No.7435793

he was here as anon since 2009.

>> No.7435798
File: 219 KB, 464x665, 099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place is so fucking terrible. Its just like /fit/ and /o/ and /g/.

It starts out great, lots of information, some trolls but overall enthusiasm.

Then retards start showing up, pretending they know anything about anything.
>/fa/: everyone here uses fashion as a tool to get girls and friends, not to self express. attacks those who do.
>/fit/: HALF use lifting to get girls and shits up the place with insecurity, manlet threads, etc
>/o/: Some retard finds a gimmick, trips using the gimmick and annoys other users until they leave. Barely any users LIKE cars, they just say they like fast cars and cars girls like.
>/g/: everyone pretends they can code. hardly anyone ever does any ACTUAL programming. not as bad as /fa/ or /fit/ though
and its the same for any of the semi popular boards

The site as a whole has fallen so far. i HATE HATE HATE using this term because its so stupid. but its full of "normals". I don't advocate NEET life. but its full of insecure losers who follow group mentality(Goofninja for example)

fuck stop coming to this website. stop "Pretending" to be retarded.

stop gathering around some "universal" ideals and rejecting anything else and stifling this board. its so pathetic

>> No.7435823
File: 467 KB, 500x334, 1372175001369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you stay on such in such a toxic place? I can't stay here that long because the amount of losers here is awful and makes me feel like shit.

I just come here for some reccs, critique and occasional runway thread

>> No.7435831

I never understood why anyone gave a shit about him and his unreadably long posts.
But hey if you feel you need to quit the internet at age 40 maybe you're just not equipped to deal with people.

>> No.7435840


because they are easily attached sad fucking losers with no life other than 4chan /fa/

if you seriously give a shit about fucking poet leaving you need to evaluate your life

its fucking comical that people seriously even discuss this

>> No.7435841

r u srsly saying what i think ur saying you fucking nerd
u quit the net because you WANT to deal with real people you shut in herb

>> No.7435847

noones discussing you, are they? you insignificant faggot?

>> No.7435853

You realise he moved to a remote mountain town to get abducted by aliens and contemplate crop circles.

>> No.7435854
File: 263 KB, 1858x1858, 1383858283710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its irritating when decent members of a community are driven away by autists.

I like seeing quality posts and new content. not the same regurgitated shit repeated every time i come here

>> No.7435865
File: 9 KB, 608x546, i cannot belve it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that anger

>> No.7435868

lov how 32 becomes 40 here, just like how manlet status is now 6'1

>> No.7435870


>> No.7435869
File: 52 KB, 329x302, 1383398381270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked poet but bowing out like that was kinda pathetic tbh

he used to ramble on about all the tine he'd spent on 4chan, /b/ in particular and how it was such a cutthroat and constructive/ destructive environment

then one day he just monologs and spergs out the door like beam me up squids

come on now big p

>> No.7435895
File: 10 KB, 200x196, chiabubble2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck is that gif

>> No.7435891
File: 7 KB, 300x250, haha cool!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoo hah hah hah

>> No.7435898

>unreadably long
>not even a fucking word

I didn't really like it when he engaged full-on garrulous mode either, but saying stupid shit like that just makes me think that the /fa/ userbase is made up solely of underage 10th graders.

>> No.7435907
File: 13 KB, 276x254, 1385287304156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When did you find out about this website?

>> No.7435911
File: 44 KB, 582x601, BZfgFQwIUAAsfaV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just over a yr haven't seen that one tho

>> No.7435957
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>> No.7435972
File: 78 KB, 1291x711, SUCKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7436013


needs more 'nice n joocy'

>> No.7436017

Why do people always say "it's just the internet?" If you're spending a large portion of every day in a certain environment it stops being "just" that environment. Like if you eating subway for every meal it's not "just a sandwich," it's a food group. Shit that happens on the internet matters, stop acting like it doesnt pussssssy boiiiiii

>> No.7436045

>seems like overreacting, to me

fucking this man. In all my years of being on the internet I've never understood how people could get so upset by words on a fucking screen.

>> No.7436063


While I don't think the lunarcore aesthetic looks good in real life (it's basically costume-wear, even moreso than gothninja) I would cop the fuck out of a NASA bomber

>> No.7436060

>how can people not feel the way i feel?

>> No.7436085

fucking demolished on a psychological level. even though he's anon you know that shit ran deep.

>> No.7436177
File: 456 KB, 480x640, 1377392034173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I finally decided to buy one but it was sold out and no places carry it now

>> No.7436185

lol this picture

i love you big p, wherever you re

>> No.7436195


>> No.7436732

the whole "lol 4chan is shit y shud i care lol xD" is stupid this site has progressed a bit much since the early days of /b/ and /a/ and the boards that were left behind are largely irrelevant,specialist(except media boards) boards aare slowly dying out from this stupidity of /b/ fuck even sci can be really shitty at times,arrgh i cnt type out these thoughts properly rn fuck

>> No.7436739

its like uve never subscribed to a community

>> No.7436760

It is time. Enjoy faggots. I've been here too long

My trip
Historian # fa

>> No.7436771

I find Lunarcore to be more about the concept of "How will we dress in 50 years". I'd never be caught dead in lunarcore (except for that NASA jacket, dope af) but it's cool to think of ideas, almost like 3D versions of concept art.

>> No.7436775

nobody cares about you anymore since you bitched out on a fit battle vs twerk

>> No.7436782

I got banned dipshit. I'll still fit battle him

>> No.7436794

I was thankful for poet not because of his long wise posts or the lunarcore threads but because of the notion behind that, bringing curiosity and creativity to the table to explore and experiment with something, which is more fun and interesting than the vast majority of stuff people post on here.

>> No.7436805


>> No.7436799

noone gives a shit about you
go home

>> No.7436812

>fit battle
smh what a bunch of nerds lmao

>> No.7436837

I miss poet :(

>> No.7436851

the tan jacket fucks the whole deal, seen him better

>> No.7436871
File: 42 KB, 600x600, spacestore_2270_122579789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not looking hard enough

>> No.7436887


>> No.7436899

fuck does anyone know where that nasa bomber came from I lost the link

>> No.7437020

Not the same one
Anon is looking for the LC39 aviator jacket
not the bomber

>> No.7437107


>> No.7437146

>you're the kind of people he warned us about
That made me laugh, thanks

>> No.7437168

fuck, same here. no idea why i pulled off buying it