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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 66 KB, 480x960, 17-Raf-Simons-FW00-Confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7395090 No.7395090 [Reply] [Original]

>all these new trips acting like they know what they're talking about
Post a fit ITT and prove you're /fa/ or fuck right off. I'm calling out
>young sport

>> No.7395096

agreed, newshits don't seem to know how things work around this place, no fit, no trip

>> No.7395099

i dont' give fashion advice nor do i claim to know what i'm talking about
i'm here for snapchat + chilling with fellow /fa/ggots
pls leave me alone ;_;

>> No.7395106

but /fa/ in general has terrible taste

>> No.7395107


doesn't matter battyboi, no fit, no trip

>> No.7395110
File: 1020 KB, 936x561, asdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you are, this is a few months old, though. When I have the time I'll post a fit with better lighting etc.

>> No.7395113
File: 236 KB, 305x610, donthurtme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f-fine here's a fit

>> No.7395114

/fa/ isn't like other boards when it comes to trips.
Like the other anon said , no fit = no trip.

>> No.7395117

mfw op eiher forgot to list me or likes me

thts not u bb

>> No.7395116

They're all asian manlets thats all you need to know

>> No.7395119

Fine you both have my approval although Quality you need to step up mane. If you're gonna wear all black at least throw some interesting textures/fits/fabrics in there shit.
Now what about the rest of you cunts?

>> No.7395126

I don't think you dress well in the slightest but you do have your own style and don't talk about stuff you don't know about so you're ok for now.
Imo you do dress absolutely atrociously though.

>> No.7395128
File: 363 KB, 1600x1200, ariana_grande3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your own style
ty b i try

> absolutely atrociously though.
to each his own

>> No.7395131

No, I mean no ones opinion here means anything to me because you all have terrible taste. The fits in inspo threads are cringeworthy. You're all a bunch of tryhard snowflakes.

>> No.7395136

ok ok post a fit

>> No.7395137

..So why are you here? Post a fit then if you're better than the rest of us.

>> No.7395150

Didn't think you guys would actually respond to this.

>> No.7395155
File: 440 KB, 482x646, dfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lighting on this picture is really bad, doesn't really show the details on some of the things. Here's another, even older, fit

>> No.7395156

Your turn Jew

>> No.7395158

I just dress in clothes that fit that aren't for snowflakes. Pretty much like a gap manikin. I look like a well adjusted normal person.

>> No.7395162

dang i really like this
the jawns --> boots is sick

>> No.7395165

You look like an edgy version of sulli lol. The colourblocking on that T is awful btw , where's it from? Rest of it other than the glasses is passable though.
You basically dress better than the average person (it's not hard though) but pretty average to most people who are actually interested in fashion.

>> No.7395169
File: 100 KB, 423x637, photo_mid_def_3443624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

troalpost isnt new

>> No.7395170

>not listed
>implying i dress monochrome or anywhere near /fa/ uniform
Lel nah thanks

>> No.7395175

>edgy version of sulli
actually a cool thing imo
i like the glasses i want round eyeglasses bc when i cut my hair my big ones are gonna look even weirder

>> No.7395176

The last fit I posted was from about half a year ago, I'd say that I have improved since then - will post a new fit asap

>> No.7395179

No, that's actually what I think. I dress to be attractive not to be stylish.

>> No.7395190

>to be attractive
so u don't dress for urself
whyd u make this thread then if u just dress for what other people think of u

>> No.7395184

"dressed by the internet" not a fan, the lower half is safe though

>> No.7395210

Don't trip on this board its awful

>> No.7395241

Yet he's never posted a fit. Although he may of posted one with geos before but i'm not sure.
The point being he chats a lot of shit but hasn't backed it up yet the same with all these other retards
>not listed
>implying that means anything
Just means I forgot about you because you don't post fits/information/advice.
And it's not about being monochrome it's about knowing what the fuck you're talking about and being able to back it up.
So post a fit.

>> No.7395247

it's okay
but you'll get harassed by Sieg
it's like in the matrix when the architect tells Neo about the whole calculatiob correction deal

>> No.7395248

You're okay.

Calling out that faggot with the misspelled Genghis Khan trip too.

>> No.7395250

I dress to be better than other people.

>> No.7395251

>post a fit to prove things to me
why though

>> No.7395252

Fun thing is that the picture is from right when I started browsing, and I hadn't had the chance to get much inspiration from here yet...

>> No.7395257

You posted a shit-ton of fits already.

>> No.7395270

It's fine if you don't want to learn anything about fashion and want an observational study of autistic 17 year olds.

>> No.7395275

If you're not brave enough to post a fit then drop your trip.

>> No.7395294
File: 657 KB, 958x542, sexy and i know it p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya but im still sorta new as name/trip

op seems to have gotten rekt by the guys he got called out tho this thread didn't turn out as he planned

>> No.7395295

>is on fashion board
>doesnt want to post fit

fuck you
drop trip
kill yourself

or post a fucking fit

>> No.7395300

You're nice tho, and you have good taste in vidya.

>> No.7395311

Thread is turning out better than I expected actually. I was expecting all these new trips to dress like you do. You know , abysmally. But the couple that have posted their own fits have proved that we do actually have at least 2 regular posters now that are slightly /fa/.

>> No.7395320
File: 388 KB, 480x640, fatfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just because i love u two so deeply

>> No.7395322

Started playing P3 yet?
gonna keep bugging u till u do
>tfw starting my second playthrough of p4g but its not ng+ because my brother saved over my savefile
gonna do max social links then books on my 3rd and eventually platinum it because i have no life

>> No.7395325

you dress like fucking shit tho
you avoid confrontation at all costs

you are a pussy and pussies go into the filter

>> No.7395326 [DELETED] 


>> No.7395329

this is so bad dude

>> No.7395331

ty m8

haha u keep saying i dress abysmally and u haven't posted any fit
some ppl here actually do like my stuff
i guess it's sorta cool if u put it that way
i learned that dave was one of my favourite fit posters and qualitys fits were nice 2

>> No.7395332



>> No.7395340

Is that fabrixsqare

>> No.7395344


>> No.7395346

i get into my fair share of arguments
i just really don't care to argue with most ppl on 4chan

not yet (yawn?) i have the iso and everything ready on my computer tho
right now ive been playing a lot of fifa manager mode
dude now u can't get the "risette lines" trophy thats the only reason i wanna do a NG+
i would be so mad lol

>> No.7395349

Way to confirm my suspicions. No wonder you were so hesitant to post a fit , you've fucked up every single element of a fit that you possible could of.

>> No.7395354

I really hope that's not you lol

>> No.7395358

DYELDAVE is cool pls don h8

>> No.7395371

ok elaborate go for it

>> No.7395388

hey you know the motto fakkuboiu
talk shit post fit

>> No.7395399

>No interesting textures
>Bad use of an asymmetric T (If you don't understand why it doesn't work in this fit then you should find a new hobby)
>Terrible colour palette
>Everything looks cheap
>God awful haircut
>Sleeves rolled up for no reason (In a situation where you get hot forearms yet still decided to layer up? Rolled them up because you think it looks cool further cementing that you don't know how to dress well? Either way you're a retard.)
I can go on but if you honestly think this is a good fit then you should rethink your life.

>> No.7395405

does not being on the list mean I've made it as a trip?

>> No.7395409

ok guess what
everything in that single fit is H&M

who are you?

>> No.7395410

Those were literally the first trips that came to mind when I thought about people that constantly chat shit but never post fits. I don't even know who the fuck you are.

>> No.7395414
File: 47 KB, 575x412, 1386700518227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is your first post with that trip
nice try m8

>> No.7395419

dave is a cool guy.

troalpost has been around for a really long time

am i exempt from this thread

>> No.7395418

What's your point? So not only do you own grotesque clothes , you also style them terribly as evidenced by that shambles of a fit. You should feel ashamed of yourself if you count fashion as an interest of yours (Which I assume it is as you like posting here enough to trip) and don't even understand the basic principles behind dressing yourself.

>> No.7395422

what is a clothe??

>> No.7395430

>using branding to justify an awful fit
pls go.

>> No.7395437

You're just making this embarrassing for yourself now, dude...

>> No.7395446

Doesn't anybody on this board have any reading comprehension? It's more the fact that we have loads of vocal trips who don't ever post fits which makes them all massive cunts. You're a tiny little shit who is nothing special at all but at least you have the balls to post fits often and prove you know the basics if that makes you feel any better.
Also until troalpost posts a fit he's in the same league as the rest of the bullshitters.

>> No.7395458

Wow way to samefag.
DYELDAVE is a 4/10 azn manlet

>> No.7395459

cool mayne
not really fussed about the savefile really
get hype!!
>dat roar
>dat size
>dat destruction

>> No.7395462
File: 58 KB, 579x271, 1386701211945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7395468

>justifying an awful fit
>not composing an awful fit
>not gathering anger for the sake of
>implying op isn't a faggot getting upset at people tripping
>implying "no fit no trip" isn't something made up on this very day

/fa/ spirals down into a monochrome autistic non-community.

>> No.7395466

I swear effay has the most trips out of every board, and to trip without posting a fit (which I think would be the only reason to trip) is retarded, drop your trip and never come back

>> No.7395467

>caring this much
Who gives a damn, just filter them.

Also dyeldave Is dope #snapfam

>> No.7395471

Who the fuck are you why do you think you matter

>> No.7395495

im more excited for this:
if its anything like the original games im gonna <3 it

dyel dave is cool dude

>> No.7395512

>>not composing an awful fit
>>not gathering anger for the sake of
so you were trolling?
why do you own those clothes then
H&M is horrible man
god I must make note to never take anyone on heres advice seriously because they prob all dress like this

>> No.7395514

godzilla is literally the only film i wanna c in the cinema
so glad i dropped my name lol all this drama is ridic
names > trips tho

>> No.7395672


>> No.7395683

posted fit 2wice
yes they were bad

>> No.7395688
File: 576 KB, 599x328, why u gotta do that.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also what's this "chat shit" business of yours

>> No.7395700

>Implying that all new trips are actually new to this board.

I trip from time to time and i've posted like a 1 fit despite being here for like 2,5 years.

Ps: my name isn't in op's list.

>> No.7395709


While I do think it's annoying for people on here to post excessively with a trip without posting a fit, I will use a trip if I am repeatedly posting in the same thread/having an argument

deal with it

>> No.7395705
File: 147 KB, 1080x720, Bilde tatt 10.12.13 kl. 20.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Representin' newfags

>> No.7395729

List doesn't mean anything
Yeah exactly
English phrase.
>Chat shit
Other wise knowing as chatting shit. Self explanatory.

>> No.7395742

fucking hell you're pathetic

>> No.7395743

Gained respect and might listen to what you're going to say.
Gained respect for posting, but not a good fit so not listening to opinions cause they're bad.

>> No.7395751

>implying anyone even likes sieg
>implying the actual sieg even posts here anymore

>> No.7395758
File: 988 KB, 300x230, 1386636786004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7395766

all your fits are that bad though
you own a bright blue v neck, son

>> No.7395779

shit palette
shit proportions
really poorly layered tees
shit haircut
nothing good to say about it

>ok guess what
>everything in that single fit is H&M
I buy cheaper clothes and dress better than you

>> No.7395785

now idk when its u thoguh :(

>> No.7395788

2 l8

>> No.7395806

just look into ur heart
also do u know anything bout cameras cuz i need 1 sooo badly

>> No.7395814
File: 463 KB, 825x429, wall street nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no sry b but demin dan is babbling about cameras all the time lel maybe he could help u

>> No.7395818

Please ignore CVNT posts.
Please report CVNT posts.
Please filter all CVNT posts.
Thank you.

>> No.7395819

gta lib city is on eu psn+ atm , 4got how good it is
also w2c p4g skin for vita?

>> No.7395833
File: 8 KB, 196x200, 1386705900438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is killing me please stop it

>> No.7395846

lol : )

>> No.7395847


>> No.7395858

is that a sneaker sole? so bad

>> No.7395894
File: 178 KB, 1080x720, Bilde tatt 10.12.13 kl. 21.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeap, they're light. I like it.

>> No.7396145

>young sport
What, he posts on /fa/ too?
He's the biggest attention whore ever over at /lgbt/, like the epitome of a tripfag posting nothing but void content for the sole purpose of masturbating his ego.

>> No.7396168

omg ya, we had it for NA ps plus a couple months ago it's awesome
and i got 2, I would send u one but I lost it :(
i got one with my preorder when it came out and the other with the solid gold limited edition :(

>> No.7396175

its the thought that counts
i didnt know u had the solid gold edition
i feel 2 cop it but its like £120 on ebay..
could get a camera with that

>> No.7396178
File: 21 KB, 542x602, 1383671833801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that whole Kevin Finnerty plot

>> No.7396187

that gif is why the sopranos is the best tv show ever made

>> No.7396197

it's even better because he makes all of his clothes

a true /fa/ knight this one is

>> No.7398102


Nice fit, faggot.

>> No.7398110

Ya I preordered both versions cause I'm a boss <3
You actually could lol
Yep love tony s

>> No.7398115

Actually it's second best
the wire is #1

>> No.7398120

>may of

>> No.7398126

Who the fuck is young sport?

>> No.7398139

I like this
saved even

>> No.7398141


A faggot from /lgbt/

>> No.7398148



>> No.7398183

lovely has to be most annoying cunt ever

yea sure he's "nice" (a beta) but learn when to stop replying and babbling on about sadboys and persona you autistic little fuck - nobody gives a shit

>> No.7398217

All I've seen him post is pics of himself half naked which he uses to try to make people realize how gay they are.
Du is full twink mode.

>> No.7398859

Are you 12?

>> No.7400778

Appreciate it m8

>> No.7400804

post a fit
You're a less funny aboriginal thug m8 and he's not funny
The ppl I talk to about tht stuff give a shit

>> No.7400826


i really, reaaally like this.


kind of like.